HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-07-26, Page 1ING11
VOL. X.XIV.---NO.. 1230.
The Old. Stand lately occupied by
a ' J. T. Homuth & Son is in course of
being greatly enlarged, and when
completed will be the 441‘t --and
most comneodious store' west of
Toronto and will be fitted ' up in the
very r. latest , city style _with all the
most , modern 'improvements. 'We
expect to
from its present quarters rd..
by FRANK PATERSON. No 23, Vic-
toria streot,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
MIDSUMMER X X Kis going out of boots at any price,.
CLEARING SAL a nearly' everryrp ght far
some nights it has be
On Saturday night
ing to Mr, John Camer
ham, was killed near 1
the C, P. R. train. It
„ithad strayed on the t
`t7y—Mr. endersc
Henderson, of the Blue
misfortune to fall off a
in from the pasture fiel
last week, and break hi
pieces, e
Men's Shoes. Children's sneer
In fact all kinds of Shoes in plaok or Colored.
RUon't fail to sou the prices in our windows next
For, olid Reliable Shoes 2 doors north of Post
Oar fall term commences then and
we expect a grand class of young
men and women. Bow would yob.
like to join us? Can you think of ,A,
better way to spend three or four
months? Send in your name and let
us tell you what we are prepared. to
do for you.
' P. MoIN'COS11, Prjneipal;
Marriage Licenses
and during that time we shall offer
goods in every department at prices
that will astonish the closest buyers.
Profit and loss is not the question
with us. Our stock is large, varied,
and well bought and at prices that
make' our– competitors wonder, but
it must be reduced in'a hurry, .and
tl 14Irife has been applied to the al-
rea*4low priees. People who have
paid``attention . to our advertising
have saved money, and all join in
saying that we adhere strictly to our
Is the terms. Cash is the great
motive power in otir `--business and
the next two weeks will long be re-
membered as, the
FOR. 1995.
t Every department is complete, and
bargains will always bubble to the
surface and be secured by shrewd
and careful -;buyers.
In order to satisfy yourselves that
*e are:doing what we say, pay the
BEAR a friendly visit before mov-
ing in and judge for yourselves. Every-
thing must go at
C,EIV R, q
Canada's Realest Commercial School.
to positions every week.. write for eirrulars.
' SHAW ,' ELLIOTT,. Principals.
for the lle:ct two weeks.
Watch the BEAR and Follow on,
N 3
A1$ nifit Moot*. +.
-.–The Revised
1895 leave been pec,
—Next week,
Tures office will to
and no paper will 1
1,1r. J. A. Kin
Statutes of Ontario for
the employees in the
;e their usual holiday,
e issued. .
has sold his baking
hos. Auld, of Lower
taken possession.
Smith & Pethiek.'s for
Il' wine.
business to Mr.
Winghem, who ha
Head quarters at
all makes of Binder
—The' Town Con oil have had the yard
at the weigh scales enced and fixed up, for
the benefit of Shipp rs who may wish to
use it.
—The Canadian 'rand, Encampment of.
Indeiiendent Oddfe lows met in Piston Ibis
week, when over 1 delegates were present'
Minerva Encamp sent, of this town, is
represented by Mr. T. 11. Manuel.
--Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly
repaired aid fully warranted by Helms
Pane, opp. Macdonald Block, Wingham
d has been running
the past week, but
but poorly patron.
est, a cow belong-
, of Lower Wing.
o iron bridge by
as a line animal ;
ek. Itse
, son of Mr. Thos,
ale road, bad the
corse he was riding
, on Thursday of
collar bone in two
Great bargains in summer millinery, at
Miss Wallace's.
--The Brussels Post
mile post, and with ag
Post is a splendid re
town in. which it is p
that Bro. Kerr and
as passed. its 22nd
it improves. The
resentative of the
fished, and we trust
at will continue to
—Last Saturday's (Globe gave a large
number. of cuts of tt Goderich business
houses, private resid ices, and beautiful
scones in the town pd vicinity. The
write -tip was well don I and no doubt the
town will benefit large , froi. it.
-Private moneys . oan on mortgages
Atreasonable rate of i erest. Apply to
tf .. one NEELANDS,
--Tho TI.ucS is in
prize list of the co
ritorial Exhibition,
Regina on July 2911
pamphlet contains
tire Northwest, and
the list of prizes a 1.
able information eo
which have blosso
the Groat Lone Lae
—At the meeting
Grand Lodge, held
the report of the c
brothers inado the
ence to the late J
misses the
Bro. Judge Toots,
epOnsible position
years. tie t1iCd' len
known throtighout-
1}onorable dealing b
At judge he waste
fairness , his plea
Masons we are ber
receipt of a handsome
ing Northwest Ter-
whioh will be held at 2a
to August 7th. The 1 —Six membere of the
fine map of the en•
ives in addition to
•go amount of vain -
corning the territories
ed of late years £rout
—A free lecture ou F
in the province of Que
Rev. E. Bosworth, Se
onoh evangelization
eo, will he given by
rotary of Grande
Ligne Mission, in t1 e Baptist church,
Wingbam, on Tuesday evening, 30th inst.,
at 8 o'clock. A cordi 1 invitation is ex-
tended to all who love he cause of freedom
and rejoice in the over brow of priestcraft,
Josuitiem and Martel ry.
'-At theregular • oeting of Minerva
Encampment, No. 47 L 0. 0. F., Beldon
Moetlay, evening deet, t , e following • offices
.Were installed into the respective ofeeere
for the current term : l ohn A. Korea, C.
P. ; R. J. Mallath,-H. '.; Jas. Co_ hrane,
S. NV.; . John F. Grove., S. ; W. F. Brook-
enshire, T. ; N. E. Ma regor, J. W.; Robb
J. McMath, P. C.. P.; '. J. Elliott, 0. S. ;
R. Elliggltt, G.; T. H. 1, noel, 1st W. l#'
..Fojl'owing our usua custom of taking
a holiday during the su rimer season, the
Timm, will not bo issuenext week. Tho
hard worked printers n ed a holiday as
well as others, and we a e sure our numer-
ous readers will not beg udge them their
week's rest.' The office .vill be open during
holiday week for job ork, receiving sub-
scriptions and the Iran action of general
business. Next issue of the Timms will be
on August 9th.‘
G. H. Irvin, the tailor, has put in an
extensive stock of tweeds, worsteds, etc.
Call and see them. Good goods, good
work, good fit guaranteed. Opposite Bank
of Hamilton.
Screen Doors d
Smith & Pethiol-
V—A new sidewalk
the west side of Jos
Star restaurant to
store. t was. badly
—Mr. Thos, A. Bi
Western Fair, sen
accurate map of 't
map shows that all x
from Sept. 120 to -
grrFat Western Fair,
Windows very low.
as been laid down on
phine stroet, from the
arc's flour and feed
were, Secretary of the
us a very pretty and
tern Ontario. The
ads lead to London
st, the dates of the
—Old Mrs, Wadby
broken some time ago
notwithstanding her
will be a couple of in
other. The old lady
crutdhes, with some
Good gowns to rent nein
the Public School. Apply
to . Mfrs.. A. W. Webster.
—The boiler and ngino for Messrs.
John Carr & Sons' fio
Tuesday. The boile
and the engine 651sor
field, of Woodstock, i
intend the putting the
--Service in the Con
on. Sabbath next,. 28t11
hours, 11 a. in. and 7
the Rev. Henry W. Mo
taking for his morning
a failure?" and for hi
"Saul the Son of Kish.'
—The By-law to grti
Furniture Co., to assis
their factory lately,de
carried on Mon da ib y
being 20 more than tw
fled voters on the asse
The supporters of the
active in their ende
voters, aud:almost eve
polled. As will be see
was Practically no Opp
sage of the Icy -law. Z
vote by wards :
Ward 1
Ward 3
Ward 4.....,....,. 1
who htid her leg
is recovering nicely,
age, The broken leg
hes shorter than the
can get along on
t aid to the 'lJnion
them in rebuilding
troyed by fire, was
vote of 292 to 15,
-thirds of the quali-
nient roll of 1895.
By-law were very
vers to get out the.
y available vote was
by the vote, there
sition to the pas-
to following is the
Ii Y•L:t 't'.
f the Oiptario Masonic
in Toronto last Week
not ing on ea§ tae 't procuring of a book n4 ladder truck and
i ..:, and Smith, twin- 'p'
'lowing kindly le#ar •' .
Tennis ekib drove over t
day last, and played a m'
number of members ers of
The' game was a splen
tennis playing, and rest
Wittgbaui club, which i
our• pleyere, as Blyth
faipions of
fs the se
The balance of our stook of millinery
goods at oast and under, at Miss Wallace's.
---Mrs. Alex. Forie has been seriously
ill during the past f3w days. }
—The firemen
Thursday, to take
races in that town
--Next , week, t c employees in the
Tome office will tale their usual holiday,
endues paper will issued.
The latest styles of Ladies' Sailor Hats,.
at Mise Wallace's.
i-11fr. W. H. 13mi h, builder and con-
trader, of Wawanos has Left for Morden,
Manitoba,. where he ill remain for a few
months. ,He goes to ook after the affairs
of hie brother, who ed there a short time
ago. V
ant to St. Marys, on
rt in the hose reel
--Ifueltraow Sent
Lawrence and Cr,
home at Lucknow 1
weeks' wheeling trip
ng mill arrived on Falls, Buffalo, N. Y
is 75 horsepower land, Ohio;4nd De
home byway of Lo
power. Mc. Soho -
here and will super -
in position.
Red Cap,, Blue
negational Church, , Binder T i" ine at Su
istant, at the usual —.Tho junior,9otb
m. The pastor, Blyth, otit Saturday
D. D. will reaoh juniors of that place
object : "Is prayer i tested. game, the Bly
evening subject: i the victors by two go
All era tvolcome. turn match, itis exp
—G. T. R. trains for oronto and east • shortly, when our bd, s expect to turn the
leave Wiugharn at 6,25 a, m. and 1120 a. tables on their oppon nts.
m„ via W. G. & B ; 6.85 a. ne. anti 3.2ri i —For seine time ok, Mr. D. Rush has
p. m., via Clinton end Guelph. Good con-
nections by all trains. } been missing ice cies from his freezer,
tel Messrs. George
e11 Willson arrived
t week from a two
to Waterloo, Niagara
Brie, Penn.; Cleve.
oit, Mich., returning
don, Clinton and God -
bbon and Standard
th & Pethick's.
ill team went over to
est and played the
p Y
After a keenly con-
y boys were declared
Is to one. The ra-
ted, will be played
' Mr, Jas. Fleut has disposed of the : which is 'kept iu the ear of his shop, and
Wingham Advanc after directing its last week the party c parties took about
course for nearly t nty-two,„..,aria"'_ hall a freezer of crea and left the freezer
. where the cream wou d get warm. Mr.
isvi,:,lignorable, n r,,gltteinL a man, •
k t for one
and we.a oily o.1ifna elingnis 'tlie Rush intends to make warm any
x who meddles with his reezer in the future.
helm, 1I ..1-,,1. o x,ic' ills x estimable
f;i, rayst'e`l1.con,tneue •ersidentswr L l8tti5Wee: D.ftwa °e heye w. •.
i'dr. John Cornyn, I For a short time, hiss McPherson is
possession this week l ,k:.ig greet reductions in the prices o£
i11iuery. Call enol inspect the stock and played a number o
R ' i*+• + : a lr. get prices. 'Mrs. Herdsman's old stand,
music, and refreshm
---Mr. Thos. Nee nds, of Wallacet .rg,
brother of Mr. Jolt Neelands, of hie
town, has purchased lie 8ensall Obser e^,
and taken possession Mr- Neelands has •
bad considerable ex rtence, end we hope
he will find his rentu e a profitable one.
--'To-day (Friday)
holiday, and it is cep
nese places will be de
held on Tamlyn's gro
under the auspices of
bath School, and no d,
large attendance Th•
being held, will attra
sight -seers, it is antics
is Winghatn's c
cted that the b.
ed, A pionio will be
, in the efternooi:,
be Methodist Sab-
ubt there will be a
races, which are also
t a large crowd of
Celebrated Church' Bug Finish kills
every time. Anoth large shipment.
Smith &Pet''
i h Pethick.
—An Ice Cream 3 offal and Entertain-
ment will be given i. the Temperance Hans
On Tuesday evening ext, under tbe aus-
pices of Anchor of H pe Lodge, I. 0. G. T.
A good programme o i readings, recitations,
solos, quartette, and nstrumental music,
will be rendered. dmission 10 cents,
which entitles the pe .on to ane dish of ice
cream and, cake, as w= 1 as to the entertain-
mens. All are corctia ly invited,
—The Methodist S, bbath School pio-nit
will be held in Dr. i amlyn's Grove, this
(Friday) afternoon, a 1.30 o'clock. Fait
arrangements have ben made to provide
ample amusements f r everybody—swings,
base -ball, lacrosse, f.. t- ball, croquet, lawn
tennis, etc., etc. A apital time is in More
for those present. :. skate are to be • left
with a committee of adies, who will take
charge of them at the building on the
—The garden pa.
grounds of 13. Willeo
evening of last week,
the Band, was not as
should have been.
night of the "merr
detest that had a goon
small attendance.
enjoyed themselves s
The new proprietor,
late of Chicago, took',
–Tf F: `.vur? {", i),
Thos. Bell's factory i
The bricklayers aro
storey and will be til
a week:Mr. Bell wi
of the bcilding as a d
make a first -plass one
in a new "Boston B
seventy -inch fan, and
well as exhaust sten
Ile will also fit up th
be heated from the d
The upper storey
work shop.
James H. Ellis,.
oil Checks and Ra
Wingham on and a
inst. Ho is also p
axles to take tip en
gum saws, or shar
hollow ground ; E
—Mr. Robb.
Canadian Fire U
was in town on
Wednesday foren
works and fire a
afternoon, the fire
the firemen were of
hose hitched on to
factory and near tit
were throwing wate
branch of hose wa
hydrant at the corne
streets and streams
three hydrants t t
en accident abundance. We Uo
fished in the course of that might have be= t more serious, betel Hive another before 1
Mr. and Mrs. John
use the lower flub
y kiln, acct it will ; to Teeswater and
Alr. Bell will put school house, Mr. 1'
wer," which has a the horses with the. s
and got one of its leg
will utilize live as the wagon. The hors
in heating the kiln. and in somo way they
upper story so it can than became detache
illkiln bus y hot as 1 a which suddenly stopp
eels 4 d
elton. While driving
when' near Holmes'
'ton touched one of
hip, when it kicked
oyer the tongue of
s then started to rue
got off the road and
from the wagon,
8, and Mrs. and Mr.
ver the dashboard
w Pelton were pitched.
' rs. Pelton threw out
fi/' of lie
mps, will be in arms at the wrist, and
esday, July 30th
p d to out back light ; lured, but it. is tbough
play and reducd wear, Peltonwas cut about
en light cutlery. Razors but his injuries are ea
lis on the wagon. + a horse and buggy Iron
ben S.
en -
Or : ent o
. T. Inc oat a acrid
we , horn. th
o p w
derwriters' Assooiation, 1 Mrs. Pelton home, wh
uesclay afternoon and ; procured, and she is n
n, inspecting our water- j well as can be oxpente
fiances. On Tu y but a short distanc was sounded and i against a tree, where
t promptly and had the I them, not much the w
e hydrants at Bell's l —A public mectie
Dinsley' House and Town Hall, on Friday
in a short time. A i to discuss the propbse
also attached to the i loan to tics Union
of John and Josephine l The Mayor occupied
ere thrown from all was only a fair atte
ran s it 0 co, The teat showed explained the object 0
a pressure of 00 pan, ds when two Hydrants called upon Mr. Wm
were open and 75 wh n the three hydrants
views upon the mat
open. w117a t t 1, ne eC OL' cunei er
'wereel p 1 1 2 p. t d ed into the eubject, disc
– amply sufficient. M '. Howe tested all the
1 . phases, and showed
le Hydrants and iospe ted the hose tower, best interests of the
Wingbatn Lawn , wheolhouse and all `the appliances, and the loan to the Co
Blyth, on Satur- i•eetned to be well s tidied. The Council Cline explained th
toh with an equal
sell receive n report rein the Secretary of the Company and
the Myth club. the Underwriters' A 'sedation, in. a short
id exhibition. of tirie, and it would •1 surprise us if the
tea in favor of the At sedation insist: upon a nutnbor
n0 small honor to of improvements in .ur fire preteotion aer-
as been recognized . tae. Among the • xpeeted recommenda-
-s tk. •r .': Western Ontario. tions will, no doubt, e the ektension of the
d it d 'i a , ` re • lire limits and the n , terworks mains, the
fine fin I i3radwin, a 04t4P 04 allgoc c . iQrtit a e g ,
tcLeod:sati ',,Griffin, that at least three fi men sleep in the fire
lass 0.
, edin o
The town is
w r t
neantt-'iC3atir141;Blytb, hall. 'i'1 a
ineon rind'1ir,•Verge, .:by the Underwriter' Association, which
erica .;ttrfcl
Ming is not enjeve by many towns in
tarso. May orf ro. cenobite, Wm.ilolmes,
in barn Ilea airman of the b"i . and 'Nater Com -
s' g ' ullard gave the In-
mation desired and:
the fire liallr
wheel -
every way possible
sed Nee will miss hi
training at our ann
id a Torus: "Hardt
11,. W.
he occupied the tdK
f D. D. G. M. for Iwo
ing behind a name'
the•conntry for the
ween titan and ratan. ;
petted for his palpable
be hard to fill. As
t of his wise eonnsets,
judicial learning and
1 oommunieetions,"
Bain; b: t C iedbo
Blyth, 7--5, 0-2 ;
Wingham, beat Dr. kti
3-6,1-5, 0-1; ate
son,131yth, beat B.
Wingham, '6--4, 6-2:
Singles. -.--H. 130&1
Chadbourne, Blyth,
beat 1 to is
`t in
Mo1linnon, Myth, be
beat 11.13owles, Win
—1, 0 -4 ; iirihtti, _puttee and Chief
, ).3lyth, 6---8, 6-4; t't btor: all the id
t Morden, "4Vitrgam, :arxilmpanied him t
Petgusott, Blyth, 110110I Mete.* 4ila
stn, 6--2, 0.1,assisted lulu in his i
not be so many con
townspeople, if the
assist in supportin-
easienway than in p
ty on the beautiful
Esq., on Thursday
nder the auspices of
ell patroni`lted as it
t was tbe opening
•-go-round," and no
deal to do with the '
'hose who attended
lendidly. The band
choice selections of
nts were provided in
o the band boys will
ng, when there will
ter attractions. The
wish a band, must
it, and there is no
tronizing their enter -
being pushed along. is r
ow on the second iv_
CU Thursday .renoon, enter -
---For first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
1;emetnber the place, one door south of '
R. A. Graham's grace y store.
ser hands_ to 6wet
^•UPoke•ett5 ii her
was otherwise in -
not seriously. Mr,
he head and face,
t, and he secured
a gentleman near
urred and brought
n medical aid was
w getting along as
The horses ran
when they ran
Mr. Pelton caught,
rse for their run.'1
was held in the
vening of last week,
extension of the
urniture Company.
he chair, and there
dance. The Mayor
stile meeting, and
Clegg to give his
et. He went fully
icing it in all its
at it would be in the
ratepayers to grant
spany. Mr. Jas. A,
financial position of
the size of buildings
they proposed to er'et. Dr. P. Macdonald
also spoke at some
there would be no
Local Legislature t
that body had Ore
lawe for other to
ditions. He also
vote for the by -la
be to their best
invitation was e.
desired t0 speak i
law, but no one re
ing was brought t0
ngth, explaining that
iffreulty in getting the
legalize the by-law, as
y legalized similar by-
ns, under similar con-
ked. . the ratepayers to
, ns he believed it would
interests to do se. An
tended to anyone who
tothe by
vended, and the nmeet-
A, Pnny sad Fretful Baby.
This IS now quite uuneeeesaryi Like
many ethers, yon may have your baby
fat, laughing and happy, i
f you t
e' it
Scott's Emulsion. Babies take it like
—As we go to press
he Wingham races a
the town is full of sp
are a very large num
all stile classes, and th
a decided success. T
lows: First day—In
$250, there aro 18; in
in 2.20 class, , puis
—In the 2.30 class,
ing horses are enter
Jennie Mitchell, Fr
Beethoven, Minnie
Alicia C., Valray, 4' krtie and Stanton :,
Maid -12 ; in 2.2' .. 441srls, purse '6'
Saranac, Duke, horntonianee C1tlpp, , e.
Wanda and Fre. 0.-6;.,iu„0-0 o110e,
purse $350—Capt in kInnter, lemeriefizi
Lad, Bud Doble, "R k, Belmont Chief„
Gertie B., Robert usselland Ifolce-8.
ndustrial Fair
ecord of successes in the . }
ssible guarantee that the
al Exhibition of 1895,
a 2nd of September, will
urivalled attractiveness.
its in the buildings and
een made to further tho
xhibitors and tho public,
rn of an era of prosperity
f the management will
warded by a thorough ap-
he inducements offered,
xhibits this season will be
diversified than ever before,
motions of a brilliant and
er will be presented, in -
1 military epectaele "The
w," with gorgeous Orien-
nd pyrotechnic 'effects on
ur and variety hitherto -
e system of cheap railway
excureions from far aha
to visit the fair M tri cin({
one should take advartbsge
ity, an it embodies all Haat
eeeing said. knowing ha
rasa an s
if a tarn.
ti d C10it
lath of
a Close .on this
Thursday afternoon)
e in full swing and
rting men. There
r of entries-59—in
races promise to be
e entties are as fol.
e 2.40 class, purse
.26 class, purse 900,
$300, 7. Second day
rse :250, the follow-
: Leslie Wilkes, Mat,
B., Domestic, Jr.,
Meth, Maple Leaf,
An unbroken
past is the best p
Toronto Indust
which opens on
be a display of
Many improve
grounds have
convenienee of
and with the re
the enterprise
doubtless be
preoiation' of
The volume of
larger and mor
and special at
exciting chars'
eluding the no
Relief of Luc
tal ac
a scale of gran
unequalled, '1`
faresiand Sped
near enables al
cost and eve
of the.opportu
is best worth
tion.panica1 • All mitt