HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-07-19, Page 71 .l, Rg%ani i s 'CRUSHED iIDAY MORNING AT JOSEPHINE STREET' aM, ONTARIO. o, $1 per year, in ttdvaute TISINC Rai1ES: 1 u me, — s mo, 11 mow. Da 4140 00 1020 00 0 00 in) 24 00 1 12 00 4 00- )0 )0 12 00 7 002 2 00 )0 3 00 2 00 100, ual advertisements, Bo. per line i SO, per Brie fo each subsequent: ie. line for first insertion, endo ibaequent insertion, No mesa*' les, than 200.. est, Found, Strayed, Situattone, 1 Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nth for Sale, not exceeding 8 line*. 0. per subsequent month t atrictly adhered to local advertisements, or fo d local notices without epeoitio ortod till forbid and obar ee tory advertisements must be - act advortheenent, most be in. allay noon, in order to arras R. ELLIOTT PROrnu rOa AND PuemslIHR,. B E STREET„ ONTARIO... 1'8101E1S and Surgeons, Ontario for County of Huron— t to Mr Morton's office, Wing - to 12 a. tn., 1 to 5 ing..to12a.tn.,1to5 p. m., or at (Street. M. D., M. C. P.S. 0. n. to Dr. 3..4. Meldrum.) %tor'n University: Late House leuerii Hospital. Rpuctal atten• i of women andchildren. occupied by Dr. Lioldrum,Col'ner I streets. ONT ember College Physicians abO !goons, Ontario. ONTARIO , SOLICITOR, Etc., iy funds to loan at lowest rate estop charged. nlortgagee,tow •opert> bought sed sold • ock A. MORTON, \RR111TEI1, &o., 1111, Ont. )lr r Iillste ktc. !TIf OF IiA1[ILTON.- MONEY 20 LOSN. wk, Wingham. . S. J EitOME, L. D. S., WIth/IIAM. nanufacturin first-class seta of th as cheap as they can be made :he Dominion. Teeth extracted olutely without pain, by his new 1 perfectly vafe. = Beaver Block, opposite the WIN, D. D. a., L. D. S., Surgery of the Penny9vanie CDONALD'S BLOCK, INSURANCE AGENT ONTAeto ;w[ttaaxx, ION DER FOR TIIE COUNTY OF HURON. n any part of the Co. ()bargee .r- rE, WINOEALf, ONT., N Ella Fon TIIE COUNT' ca or: AND iIBUCE. the Tame office promptly attend mabie. ;Soil, N KR ton COVNTIRs HURON All' I to promptly and on the Sbottelb band Sitistaetion Ouniantoed. ,angemente can bo made M ibe One Loan on • Notes, Discounted 013TA] LE RATIOS on Mortgages at Si pot cantwtba at the end of any year. Note :Led. MoINDOO. rias, Ont. W. C. T. U. COLUMN, (00NDUCTk'D In TIM WIN071ASi nsAN000.) !For God and Home and Native Lance." Well call the attention, of the mothers and slaters to the fact, that the Woman's Christian Temper. once Union meets the third Monday every month at three o'clool: sharp, for one hour, at Mrs. Hohlt'e residence, Patrick street, All ladies aro made wel. .00mu, As the Editor has kindly given us part of his space, for our work, we ask friends of the cause to send items. of interest on all moral questions of the • day to env of our members. WHY I AM A PROHIBITIONIST W. SWARLS, D. 1)., E\-CIIAPLAIN AUBURN PRISON. Editor of The Templar : Dear Sir : While I was in your beautiful eityyou called to see me, at Mr. Martin's, and desired a few words from me on the subject of A Girl's Own Brotnrr, Blit he's my own brother, Is that any reason why you should take his courtesies for granted, and never say thank Yell? Is that any reason why you should, not try and make an evening at home pleasant. for him, instead, of forcing hila by your selfishness to seek his happiness somewhere else ? Is that any reason why you should not think his opinion of your frocks, your bonnets or your looks, worth consideration ? Is that any reason why, when you have a man visitor, he should be made to feel that you endured your brother when there was nobody' else but that when he is there—well then it was different ? Is that any reason why you should not listen to his word of advice about other girls or their brothers? temperance ; so I promised to send Is that any reason why you should you a note, giving, in a few words, not be glad of a walk ora game with hila as your partner? Is that any reason why you should not be interested in his story of the shooting or of the hunting when you the family and social circle, and do of the same tales from other spreads woe and sorrow all around,' people 2 It ,cuts -down youth in tell its vigor, Is that any reason why you should manhood in its strength, and age in push him to the wall except when its weakness ; it breaks the father's heart, it bereaves the doting mother, it extinguishes natural affections, erases conjugal love, blights parental ;lopes, and brings clown their heads in sorrow to the grave. It produces my reason for being an advocate of the doctrine of Prohibition. Intemperance destroys not only the health, but inflicts ruin upon the innocent and helpless ; for it invades you need him, and then claim his attention as your right ? • Because he is your very own brother you ought to be tenfold more considerate of him than the brothers of other girls. Because he weakness, not strength ; sickness, is your very own brother you ought not health ; death, not life. It makes to study .his tastes and cater to them; wives widows, children orphans and read the books that he likes and beggars all, It covers the land with suggest others to him ; study" the idleness and poverty, disease and songs ho- franeies and bo glad to crime. It fills oui• jails, supplies our° snake new ones known to him. In alms -houses and furnishes subjects this way you will make your brother for our asylums. It engenders con- your very own, and to him. sister will troversies, fosters quarrels, stimu- be the most delightful among girls. lates'riots, condemns law, and spurns Are you your own brother's keeper-? 'order.. It crowds the penitentiaries, Yes, in a way ; but you do not keep and furnishes three-fourths of the him by fetters formed of ill -temper, -victims for the scaffold. It is the untidyness and lack of courtesy, but life -blood of the gambler, the food ; by one made of every feminine grace • of tho counterfeiter, the prop of the' and brightened by sisterly love. • highwayman, the main support of !That is the keeper that will give you 'the midnight assassin, and friend I your brother's. love, and make yon and companion of the brothel. It worthy the heart of some other girl's countenances the liar, respects the brother too.—Ladies' Home Journal. thief, and esteems the blasphemer. I J atcs love, scorns ,virtue, slanders innoeenee and reverences fraud. It incites the father to slay innocent children, it helps the. ]husband to kill his 'wife, it curses God and despises heaven. It brings shame, not , honor ; terror, ' not safety ; de- i • h'L i- • miser no < s air not llo e -misery, / Spair, p 1 ., pp ness, and then tlt`ns andiooks calmly • on the frightful desolations it hath made'. For these and many other . reasons, I insist there should no more of this work be done, under forms' of law. Some time ago I wrote a parody on the "Old Sexton," which I send you, with which to end the note: ' Parody on the Old Sexton. Nigh to a bar that was long since made, Stood a Land -Lord, old in his deathdeal- Ing trade, Ane day was done and ho paused to wait The thirsty train through his open gate. A relic of bygone days was he And his lucks were white as the foaming ' sea And these words came from his lips so thin, I gather them in, I gather them in! Gather, gather, I gather them in! 1 gather them in, for man and boy, I fill to the brim, with grief—not joy, And I curse every borne, within this town, And till up with dead the burial ground, Mother and daughter, father and son, I bring down, in Borrow one by one, But come they stranger or come they kin I gather them in, 1 gather them in! Gather, gather, 1 gather them in! Many are with lne, I am not alone, In this death -dealing trade, and I snake my throne, A On the teal' -stained altars, and hearth- stones cold, And my scepter of rule, is the license I hold, Come they from cottage, or come they from hall, Mankind are my subjects all! fill!! all!!! They may loiter iii pleasure, or toilfutly spin, r gather them in,I gather them inl Gather, gather, I gather them in! 3 gather theta in, and their final rest, 18 there, out there, in the earth's dark breast, And the old roan ceased, as the thirsty `I►[ train f Came to bis bar to drink again! Then I apake out loud, in words quite bold, A. Mightier one than theLand•Lord old Will dash to the earth this fearful sin And into perdition will gather them in! Gather, gather, I gather them in! Wont: and Nervous ' Describes 1.ho condition of thousands of people at this season. They have no appe- tite, cannot sleep, and complain of the prostrating effect of warmer weather. This condition may be remedied by •Hood's• Sarsaparilla, which creates an n.ppetite and tones up all the organs. It gives good health by making the blood pure. Rood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, assist digestion, cure headache. There should be as little merit in loving a woman for her beauty as a man for his prosperity, both being equally subject to change.—Pope. There never' did, and never will, exist anything permanently noble and excellent in the character which is a stranger to the exercise of reso- lute self -denial. --Walter Scott. A High Valuation. "If there was only one bottle of Hag - yard's Yellow Oil in Manitoba I would give one hundred dollars for it," writes, Philip R. Brant, of Menteith, Manitoba, after paving used it for a severe wound and for frozen fingers, with, as he says, "astonish- ing good results." THE W IN GUAM TIM,ESq JULY 19, 1895.. Ram Proverbs. Unusual clearness in the atmos- phere, objects being seen very' dis• tinetly,, indicates ram. livening grey and morning red, Put on your hat or you, will wet your head. A pieee of kelp or seaweed hung up will become damp previous to rain, When rain comes from the west it will not continue long. Rain from. the south prevents the dronth, But rain from the west is always best, When the walls are more than . usually damp rain may be expected, I Doors and windows are hard to. shut in damp weather. Laughter is clay, and sobriety is night ; a smile is the twilight that hovers gently between both, more bewitching than either.—H. W. Beecher.. Mrs. •Keyboard --"Why do you always sit at elle hotel piano?" led can't play a 'note." Old Stokes— "Neither can anyone else while I am here." You Don't Have to Swear Off If corns; wounds and sores itch or ache more than usual, rain is to fall shortly. A coming • storm your shooting corns presage, And. ehes-will throb your hollow Tooth with. rage. Tulips and dandelions close up before rain. Bain long foretold, long will last; Short notice, soon past. If it rains when the sun shines it will rain the next day. • Tr` grow dark before a storm, When the leaves of trees curl, with the wind from the south, it indicates rain. If it rains before sunrise expect, a fair afternoon. If it rains before 7. It will cease before 11. If rain ceases before 12 at noon, it will be clear next day. If rain ceases after 12 at noon it will rain next day. If rain begins at early 'morning light, It will end ere day at noon is bright. When the sun appears of a light pale color, or goes down in zL bank of clouds, it indicates the approach of continuance of bad weather. If the sun goes pale to bed, It will rain to -morrow, it is said. says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture in an editorial about No•To-Sac the famous tobacco habit cure. " We know of many eases cured by No'To• Ziac, one, a prominent, St. Louis architect, an'ioked and chewed for twchty year's; two Ilexes cured hint so that even the enroll or tobacco makes hint sick,' No•To•dtle sold and guaranteed no cure no pay. Book free. Sterling Itetnedy Co., 374 St, Paul St., Montreal. Iiari'e Clornr T+,ult will purify your blood, clear y".1- •• 11110tefibn, regulate, s 0112 BOtreis ,t�ledoSihostg a bell. 25c.,,an.Sd e Chisholm's Corner ;Drug store. I love the coming woman; 1 love her pretty ways, With music and with 'sweetness She fits my fleeting days. 1 kiss her laughing dimples, And stroke her hair' of gold, 'or my dainty coining woman Is only fotir years•old. At the Office BEST FOR VAS 1 EST 51. EYERYDAY. Mrs, Callahan---�"I want to get a pair of shoes for the little boy," Shopman—"l"i'ench Kid?" Mrs. Callahan (indignantly)—"Indacle, not! Re's my own Eon—barn an' bred near Tammany Ball." Heart Disease ttollevecl in 30 Minutes.—Ail cases of argaoils or, ay m- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 ' minutes and quickly cared. by Dr, Ag- ! now's Cure. Sold at Chisholm'' Drug store, Wingbaln. Lady—"Is alas. Blinks at home?" ' Servant—"No'm." Lady -- "Can I you tell mite when she will be at, , home?" Sel'vant--"AR soon as shf, gets the parlor dusted; ilium ; an' she's almost finished now." lj y rummy If you want your 8P ie:. AK) SUMMER aq -IT '�. ZI made in the ll:ta st style, go to He I VI , Shilob's euro, tho great Couch and opposite Dank o! Hamilton, Croup Cure, is in «rent demand. Pocket size contains twenty -fives dns00, Only 25c. Children love it. Sold at Chisholw'n WINGIHA.11 ybu AHr Go To SLEEP (CHURCH IP YOU'VE GOT A BAD COUGH, .A flli i crc Pf e am Ao .M Cum's for Al? (ough,Cold I �` Piob?;11 nab oArmeness OnCJit"1`5 Corner Drug Store. A brilliant 'conversationalist was told by a lady, "Sir, there is really no end to your wit." "heaven forbid," replied time humorist, "that I should be at my wit's end!" ALL �OTHEIIS WHO HAVE USED pALMO TAR SOAP KNOW THAT IT 13 THE nal 251 �orS !Filo' BABY'S SOAP Deliar°01'isoreg. now was troubled with sores on headand legs. 1 cried "Talmo -Tar Soap." Al a very short time the sores rli.appeared, skin became smooth ane white, anti the child got perfectly well. Mits. iforamtAN, Crediton Only 25e. Big Cake. .2 Neglects and tho Result. r. F, , •+n 'fire Neglect cold in the head and you. will 1 t' n.1 Ctl l Ed surely lave catarrh. Neglect nasal catarrh Valuable treatise and bottle of medioino sent Free W any and you will as surelyinduce pulmonary !utterer. mei 1•:xpraav and Post Mee address. H. G. ;' l I? y ROp'f, ILC„ ]fie n'sst A,lAaide Sfrrsi, Torantn, t)nt. diseases or catarrh of the stomaori with its ^''^*I^� t—' disgusting attendants, foul breath, hoovit-s ing, spitting, blowing, eke. Stop it all by 1 using Dr. Chase's Cnttarrh Cure, 35 cents a bog cures. • I �AL'Y'S BURNING 1`•iING KIN - Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and to be loved' is the greatest happiness of existence. —• Sydney Smith. i The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that I would perfect,..his work must first sharpen his tdkols.—Confucius. you may have a sudden bilin is attack sir headache whoa it 10 imp• - siblo for yott to leave your work. "f you have a box of Ripens Tabul in your desk a tabule taken at til first synaptol. Will relieve you. For Worms of all Kinds, Silts,--rI have used Dr. Low's Worm Syrup for worms with excellent results. I can recommend it to all others who are troubled with worms. • EMIttA HIXON, Glen Oak. What a vast deal of time and ease that man gains who is not troubled with the spirit of impertinent curios- ity about others.—Anon. A little mind is hurried by twenty things at once; but a Ivan of sense does but one thing at a time, and re- solves to excel in it.—Chesterfield. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam cures Coughs, Colds, ,Asthma, Bronchitis, Tight- ness of the Chest, and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Summer coughs are more dangerous than winter coughs. • One watch set right will do to set many by; otie that goes wrong inay be the means of misleading a whole neighborhood; and the same may be said of example:—Dilwin. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A„ San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy )e the first medioine 1 have evor found that would do me any good." Price Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. Ills soul revolted.—"One of these days,"said the Anarchist, "we'll see this whole country in flames." "Don't say that," replied his com- panion, with a shiver. "Wily !'lot?" "Beeltuse if that happens they'll call out all the Piro departments, and people will be soaked premiscttotlsly. It 'ud be worse than a bath." Parents Moot Have Reit.A President of one of our Colleges says "We spent many sleepless nights in con• sequence of our children suffering from colds, but this never occurs now : We ase ' Scott's Ptnulsion ttnd it quirltly relieves pulmonary troubles." *kin Peeling Off, Skin Litori;lly Mira, Cooled and Soothed- by Chase's. The great feature of' Chase's Ointment—Ai- Roost instantly 10 touches itching, burn- ing. eezcnlntin shin. relic vfu„ the pain— , 1s n boon to mothers vv uosc children aro antrere,'s -- There i; nothing uncertain about it or tits way o: spetticing about I1ti "My- six: yen r -old daughter. Bella. was lcted oth co2 :nut tor ,nu;l.I011 leis 21 10101114 theleem inci- patoatf s. 1 tried almost. twiny remedy I saw advertised, boaghttookihn chiltil to, ,,odicallee liiiies ohalb t linnkin dis- eases, si iy eases, but without result. O'n,cill5'. u. 11 eek ago, I purohltrrd a bnx or 1)r. (limo'. Ointment, and the first mold icalir'u showud 1he cut at i v e eines of the remedy. "We hs ve used only one-sixth of the box, but mho change is vary .nuked, rho eruption lam all tit 8p1eured and 1 can confi- dently say toy chill is cured (Signed: 1IASWELL JOIh`STON, 112 Ann Street, L'orttti". A nice that was a scab front forehead 80 chin cured In i0 days. On behalf of the Fred Victor Mission Bible Class I wish to empres•+ our grist itauto to you for the, box of ('hn-ds ointment Which you sup- plied in yid of nee Mewl; elle wort. to the infant child of Mrs. Brownell!, 10' Weer street. Ten days ago the Philo Wits a,rrfnlly afflicted. with scald head. the taro being lit erelly one scab from forehenct 10 Ohie,, 1•11d 10 that brie( tim0 a cornllleto nitro has h, en ,til,.* led. Surely ,our gift was worth more than its weight in Poli. El)1LL:ND YIIIGII, 203 Sherbom•no street.,'l'ornuto. d CTO RAL 81g Bot'ile 254 ue] 'rl!a1 �� � 1��y,h.'y'N'+it.r ,aw s •y. w.r t.� :�� z"e, S;Pl+u«�.,z,i.S: ;t1,^ti'�%"r?Ca?;, �"� ,�•3A'•;. 1[k r7i /ye 7if�+r An honest Offer. ?Fid ti If you have CATARRH, and desire to be cured without risk of losing your money, we will send a GERMICIDE INHALER and medicine for that disease without asking a cent of pay le advance. After a falr trial at your own h -'me, and you find It a genuine remedy, you can send us $3 to pay for same. If not satisfactory in every way you can return the Inhaler at our expense, and need not pay one cent. Oould anything be more fair? You haveeverythingto gain and nothing to lose. If the remedy is not all we claim, we are the losers, not you. Just think of being cured for $3. TESTIMONIALS REV. J. E. MAVE•rv, Methodist Minister, Ot- tawa, Ont., writes:—"Your Germicide Inhaler in two months radically cured my daughter of chronic catarrh." REV. J. S. NORRIS, late Bond St. Church, To- ronto, Ont. :—"Your Inhaler and Medicine has proven genuine in every respect. Mn.J.A MCNAnr,Schaw,Ont.,writes :—"The Inhaler you sent has radically cured me of cat- arrh. It is worth many times your charge." tit GERMICIDE INHALER fCiIIHECURE ACUTEANY CHRONIC CATAI1RI'i 000ICALINWI010N Tonna) cro Thls Inhaler and Medicine sent on trial without PaY in advance. Ole. DOUGLAS, Conductor, It Ontario St, Toronto: "Your treatment in a few weeks cured me of catarrh of long standing." ,MR. T. MILES, a Christopher St., To- ronto :—"Your o- ronto:—"Your Inhaler and Medicine cured 2110 of a case of catarrh of tee years' stand- ing. This is a golden opportunity. ORDER TO -DAY, You run no risk. You can test it to your satisfaction "without money and without price." You only pay for the good you get. For remedy on above liberal terms, address R -,e a MEDICAL INHALATION CO., 450 YONGE ST., TORONTO, ONT. S • yit rx'iVIti" .l'ti'!;,.,�a.i: �4, t�•,t..r_k .u7iik. s .. k K",gprX �,m. v,c,^r:—.sad +r.^i ne ��a„�.y £a, �'. m f m• 'l+� t 'r u..-- L & a - e . 5':d C �i+• reo ;;����,,gg H"�f •�t,''�"�.a,� '+ .irr-+- •J to oa. r ml k3fea I.". �t$1 •s• iis� 1y'l4 c:xda O H v rt "✓?. >� 1+ � J lira tt MEMlr'f a ' 1 LATEE EXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN @o ii�q Tg of i;;nnrnlico and icily in yontlt, ovuresortion of mind a ile ,dry inette; .5' T t� L. 111.151.111. 1 cit ha lust and exposnro aro cSome tiv w kv'ther at an earlyatui(1ei?4 r.+happinoes of thousand, nrp rornisiII young men. tomo fade and" at. t tie blossom cf numltoor.'t, While others thio ores d lo oddr(ai solace oc nm o tTtho^^r t a d nu tivictim are existence, others rand* mitt y V1000Th are found l in all stations Of life:—The Rani, the oliie.', the workshop, the pulpit, 6 the trades and the professions. RESTORED TO' NIA IV HOOD BY DRS. K. as IC, 'y' e Wxt. A. \ALIiER. \v:s. A. WALx1;R. 31112. GRAS. VERILY, CHAS ' as lY. e `• T, ',.`,_a -e,,••, fill, t3! s.- i i sznr. ;THEA '4 ET A7'rzn TRELT:SENT f:y f40 NAMES OPf TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN ccNSENT.`c1.3 Wm A. Walker of lath Street Rays: --"I have rruf Bred untold a,'.Ilwe for my "gay life." I was indiscreet when young find ignorant, An "One of the Bova" i contracted Syphilis and ether Private diseases I had ttigers in the mouth and throat, bong pains, hair lco'O, pimples on. face, finuor nails carne oft, emissions, became thin and, despondent. Seven doctors treated me with, :.I,'rcnry,t� Pota.•li, ate. 'They helped me bat could not cure me. ''1, I inall� afriendindaecdinetotry llrs.Iienntdy &Korgfanl: A ice' T t,L1� �r� Divorced but united again SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED il You feellpt urb le gaining every clay. Ili have no few hot r l of their falling to euro ih asinglet " ISIcase.' ' �1 O F," 'CUI'L4 GUARANTEED OR MONEY RErUN1D D 0 ('.opt. ('ha'. retry thy':.—"I MG :ay lite to Drs. X. w K. � y At I t 1 learned n bum hnbit. At 21 .m had all the symptoms IMPOTENCY I . , f Seminal '..e3 .peas rand fipernl,torrhoen, Emissions AP P ° t1 rgwere drain: ng red weakening,niy vitality. 1 married ni VARICtl„at',v,h..LE 1; 24 under ,,ctvlc0 of my family doctor, but it wan' i. sad experit•nct1. n eightet n months We were divorced. 1 EMISSIONS ',v: . then consulted Drs. X. 5 h.., who restored me to manhood CURED MT "'bytheir Nuts Mfethod 7'retan.rl.f. :Ifeltanew 1ife thrill through Dag nerves. Wo were united again and tiro haRI•. This tris -. d them." six years ago. Drs. It. b K. aro scientific specialists and I heartily recommend IGvC.elr , LYa treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous ,Debility, Seminal tet 1i'eakncss, Gl et, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Silt Abuses. • Aidneyand Bladder Diseases, 17 YEARS iN DETROIT. 200.000 CURED. NO RISK tt lC Aro yon n victim±. have yon lost hops? Aro you eonteinoieting mar �i t ®a:.18 • ridge.± IIas.your 1ilood hrc'p licensed? Have yott tiny �:retikneas? One ' 11y',,New Method 'i'rentmentwill caro von. What it hnadone for c.thrre it will do for vou.1e7 +uCONSULTAT1ON FREE. No matter who h,ta treated you, Write for an honest opinion i!reea i ''ofChar e. Charges renewable, DO005( FREE-" ho Golden Monitor" Yiliuetrated), onD Diseases of Men. inclose postage. Zcents. mst,10 NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. pnf-ti oneo. N5 y hih 1 COn41dia C.O. Quest on list and n debt orrTreat mr'ent, FREE. gkERGAio ni®Noti48SHEL V' S ".�'D DETROf VUCH. 6� , KENNEDY '> a lli4 hti1P 1'S °61 1 k R CURES DYSPEPSIAs, spin BLOOD, KIDNEY TROUBLES, BILIOUSNESS. ESS. B.19.O. betook:I all the secretions and removes ail impurities from the syateln from a common ph5ple to the worst scrofulous sore. iI U Ii D O'0 X P I Ti L ` flet gently :yet thothughly eu the Stomach, Liver rad Sowell.