HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-07-19, Page 6TUE W.A NGH A- .1. TIMES, JULY la,. 1S95 huiyani �,AR �4, •gipp('► G�nls ti+. TFi.QtI. + t'r... t. e + , tiltl.s��Jl 1 t nut: vanllot poaSesa anything On is bettor than a #,.clod, woman,. ,b`.iID li JUL,Y 19, 1895. I llor anything that is worse than a .�. ; bad one., 'W ONMIsT v: r INFI,UENCF. 1 We are exact in counting the tribulations which atllict us; and are siaalr of THE WASII1'';GTON SOCIETY ; equally so in counting the ales which LEADIR:I 1vIIO AIU :TOTED k`QIi, drew them upon us? 1s,a,r.iexrY. They whobclieve in virtue because During the hot weather season it is a elan has never been found' perfect, en ail Deed that the social might as reasonably denythe sun g supposed el 13 eonteral shift from the large cities to the various resorts on the seaside and in the Inountrlins where the dream ; you were born to act.. wealthy and fashionable congregate. Every man corning into the world is It is true that socia funetions, eape- .furnished with a commission of dally i:I their more elaborate forms, service, eeahse to be a fi:.atare of life iu the if thou canst not obtain a kindness cities during the summer season. It which thou desirest, put a good face is also true that many of the persons on it, show no discontent nor siul- Leaveeat in society at this time ness ; an hour may came when thy leavetheir city homes and seek request may be granted. places where the temperature is notqq cite so high as it is in the large Physical exercise and intellectual citiea. Washington is no exception occupations contribute to give variety to this rule. to life and promote longevity ; At the same time it is a mistake to though ono should be careful not to suppose that all the women who are indulge in excesses in either. ehiuiug lights in society during the A comet draws more attention , winter season leave their homes here than the steady star, bat it is better and go to the fashionable resorts. to be the star than the comet, follow - This, no doubt, is the idea of those ing out the sphere and orbit of quiet who herald the coming of the now woman, aucl look upon the sex es-• pecially from the standpoint of the lack of political equality as mere butterflies of fashion, whose only function is to look pretty and be gracious on social occasions. Bat this is merely a superficial view. Time le,lciera of society, especially those in this city, have something more to do than to be ornamental. They are all that, but in addition they are women of affairs. They keep posted on events of current in- terest, especially those in the political because it is not always noon - You are not here to vegetate or to usefuluess in which God places us. Many a true heart that would have come back, like the dove to the ark, after its first trangression, has been frightened beyond recall by the i savage charity of an nnforgiv ng spirit. ' 1 Every daty, even the least duty, • involves the whole principle of obedi- ence. The commonest life may be , For flower bowls, of vases with full of perfection. The duties of' home are a discipline of the minis large mouth, a device of coarse wire `netting, or of slender druggist's cord. tries of heaven. i tied across and across; or even a Though we seemed grieved at the piece of perforated pasteboard, especi- world. in litany cases they are shortness of life in general, we are ; ally if it can be sunk a little • way influential forces—the power behind wishing every period of it at an end; down the mouth of the vase, is often the throne. While they do not the minor longs to be of age ; then useful to support flowers. actually make the moves on the to be a man of business ; then to ; political checker board, yet it is make up an estate ; then to arrive I''ew people know how to cook largely on their advice that the at en to refile water Put a'cod fresh •water into• moves aro made. The influence of the female sex at; the headquarters of the Army acid Rotisenel.d li3'alllts, Poached eggs served with a cream sauce are a novelty. Soaking the lampwicks in vinegar greatly° improves the light, When ironing stand on a thick mat (doubled if need be) it rests the feet greatly, Iluelsaback towels are best for the bath, but the face towel should be soft and fine, The Portugese say that no plan can be a good husband who does not eat a good breakfast. A spoonful of vinegar put in the water in which meat or fowls are boiled, helps to make them tender. 11.eep a pair of scissors on a nail in the kitchen, and clo not allow them to be taken to any other part of the. house, if you have totie them there. Ta make left -over oatmeal into griddle cakes.—To three tablespoons of boiled oatmeal use a beaten egg, a cup of sour cream, a scant teaspoon of soda, wheat flour to make a batter. A new fashion is to make linen covers for the five o'clock tea table with a valance. The part that covers the table is cut square to fit it and the valance, gathered moder- ately full, is about twelve inches deep.. It is not good economy to cook the same thing day after day. Study up new dishes and servo them dain- tily ; use up all left -overs ; put bits potatoes, boiled into occasional see how it will of bread, mashed hominy or rice griddle cakes, and improve them. honors ; ths, clean kettle and set it to boil quickly, The soul always impresses itself then lift it at once and use—for tea, upon the body in which it lives. It Coffee or to drink itself. If water is Navy is well known.. To an extent lis the Light which shines through the allowed to steam, and simmer, and that is only appreciated by those whoeye in love or hate, in dream or evaporate, till all its good is in. the I are in a position to know, it is a purpose. The thought we think and air, and the lime, and iron, and dregs Woman's brain that (Heaths the i the feeling which fills our hearts are left in the kettle, it will taste flat orders controlling the' command of i become as a part of the blood that and heavy. . our war ships, and the detail of courses in our veins. officers at the various Army posts. "Put yourself in his place," which A CAREFUL STUDENT OF SOCIAL Some of oar public men find in their is simply the golden rule in another wives astute advisers, and in many form, is an excellent precept and cases they never undertake any- thing without first consulting with tneir domestic partners. It is a notable fact that the wife of the Secretary of the Treasury, who is so prominent in society life at the Nation's Capital, spends the greater part of the summer in the city. The official duties of her hus- band, detain him here, and Mrs. Carlisle keeps him company. To her, perhaps, more than to any other influence, is due the Secretary's success in life. She is, so to speak, his balance wheel, and it is probable that he would have long ago retired to private life if he had been deprived. of the helpful presence of his wife. Another woman who is a helpmeet in the full sense of that term, is the wite of William C. Morrison, the sturdy Democrat from Illinois, who is now a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Mr. Morri- son has frequently been mentioned as a Candidate for the presidency. and he is still among the possibilities. Mrs. Morrison has as keen an ap- preeiation of the political situation as her husband, and she often acts for him in his absence and attends to his correspondence, especially that which is of a political character. A. woman of fine executive abilty, Mrs. Brice, the wife of the millionaire Rheumatic Cure by Mr. W. F. C. Senator from Ohio,assnmes her share Bethel, of the Dickson Drug Company. of the burden which devolves upon The first dose gave instant relief, a man who occupies the position and half a bottle cured." As a cure for rheumatism this remedy is certainly peerless. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. The Dominion and Provincial motto but it needs more imagination and power of self abnegation than fall to the Iot of most men and') titrn,nan• and,consequently, thea limitations of sympathy are very ! real, and are constantly exhibited in rather diverse forms. The mixture of one error with much truth adulterates the whole— j as the glass of pure liquid is render- I ed dangerous by the infusion of a drop of poison. We should therefore` beware of all error, however slight • and inconsiderable it may appear. ! One error may soon lead to a hundred—ay, to a thousand. DOCTORS AND FLY BLISTERS FAIL. REFORM. REV. W. GALI3RAITI•I, L. L. B., PASTOR OF ELM ' STREET METHODIST CHURCH, TORONTO, HAS A GOOD WORD. TO SAY Ob' DR. AGNE1. S CATARRHAL POWDER. I]UT ONE DOSE OF SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE RELIEVES, AND HALF A BOTTLE CURES. Robert E. Gibson, Pembroke's well known merchant t "1 contracted rheumatism in very severe form in' 1888, and have suffered untold misery each spring since. I have repeatedly applied fly plasters with but little success. Doctors whom I consulted likewise failed to relieve. I was induced to try South American Senator Brice lee does in clicP olftical anal financial world. airs. Brice 'takes entire charge of the extensive establishnieut which is maintained by the Senator in this city. She has arbitration board for the adjustment her own private secretary, anddiust maintains a supervision over all the of the unsettled accounts arising details of an elaborate mode of life from confederation was in session a which involves the employment of few days in Toronto last week. The an army of servants and the exerdise boards next meeting will take place of au almost prodigal hospitality. at Montreal on Sept. h. The Ilse of warner c n of this character, Catarrh relieved in 70 to 60 minutes:— One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. A Agnew's Catarrhal Powder' diff rasa !Y , I this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it reliev eq v instant 1 andpermanently cures Catarrh, ITay Dever, olds, liea 1141 cannot be well unless your blood is ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deaf. pure. Theref•ire purify your blood with nese. 00 cents. At Chisholm's Drug the best blood purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla. Store. is a very large one, and anyone who is at all familiar with Washington life careadily le c,t 1 Instances a aces of the potent inflttenee of women in the . on f Varied affairs at the lV` ea atl scapital. $1!3 Petvv'est Spot. Chicago Tribunes A stranger who was walking through Jackson Park the other day, and noting the ehanges that time and the South Park Commissioners are gradually making in that historic locality, was observed to stop under one of the big trees, glance at the Wooded Island, squint at the Statue of the Republic in .the distance and carefully examine the tree itself. Than he slowly nodded his head several times, , emitted a Sigh and softly said to a bystander I shall always look upon this spot where I am standing now as the dearest spot on earth. It was here, perhaps, ventured the other, thatyou met the young lady to whom—to whom you were after- ward—er It was here, said the stranger, dreamily, that I paid $4,75 for a bowl of cold soup, It piece of asbestos beefsteak, a slab of baker's bread and four swallows of coffee. The Rev. Wm. Galbraith, L. L. B., is one of the thoughtful preachers of the day. The active interest he has taken in questions of social re- form has given hint wide influence outside of his own church, where his influence is undisputed. His mind is of the kind that thinks out a problem, and then he is able to speak with force and intelligence. He is to be credited with examining into the merits of Dr. Agnew's Catar- rhal Powder, with the same bent of mind. And what did he say? That 1 in this medieine he has found remedy that gives quick relief for cold in the head, which is so uncom- fortable to everybody, and giving relief there it helps perhaps more than any other remedy to stave off the ill effects that come from catar- rhal trouble. • One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Pain- less and delightful to use, it relieves in ten minutes, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and. Deafness. 60 cents. Sample bottle Blower sent free on receipt of two 8 cent stamps, S. G. Detchon, 41 Church street, Toronto, Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. • TRiED, TESTED AND TRUE. THOUSANDS KNOW OF THE QUICK AND CERTAIN RELIEF THAT COMES FROM sown AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE. This medicine will not cure all the ills that flesh is heir too, but it will cure kidney trouble of whatever kind —no case too aggravated. It will cure speedily—sure relief in six hours. It is rieh in healing powers, and whilst it quickly gives ease, where pain existed before, it also gives strength to the weak and deranged organs, snaking the cure complete and lasting. Thousands who know what South American Kidney Cure has done for them will tell you so. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. Itheurnatasni Cured in a slay. ---South American Magmatic Cure of Itll.earnatiarn audNeuralgla radically aures in 1 to ;3 days. Its action on the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at onoo the cause of the diseaseinnnediatoly disappears. The first aosa greatly benefits. 75 cents,. lvarrsnteecl at Chichom'sdrug store.. AGENTS yoi AGENTS WANTED—Whto o desire m $10 to $'25 weekly. t eau be doue sellieg our hardy, guaranteed, Cauadiaf grown Nursery Stook. Salary or counm,ssiou paidwe1lt.Dsol e'iterritory, oroFa d- sme outfifree, Write us at boe for 'terms. +I' , O. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Toronto, Ont. Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODER t'1 t; sus. My office the Immedivte vicinity h t cin' of t the PatentQf$ce CY h a myfacilities cuitiesforsecur'n + pa ns R F unsurpassed urpassecl Send modal, slcetch or photograph of invention with description and statement as to advantages claimed. •40)'-Xo oh rno in anode for cup opinion as to patentability, and my foe for prosecuting the application will itoa be Cniier( for until ilio proem*-ix.:rlUOrned. "lay s"rt a. Owns," con. Raining full information sent free. All Cotanmun1. cations CousIde?o t:o :finial, Genlldontlai. FRANKLIN H. HOUGH oars re t$2re;,Z, fl'iflSIn;r.da'i'1'On. 1Th.ist. A Toronto dispatch of the 8th inst. says:: Alarming reports of severity of the drought and the loss occasion- ed are coming therebyin from all � over Ontario. Matters are very serious indeed around Chesley. Han- over and Durham. Meeks. wells and holes have dried uhaiicl in many cases farmers have to ,s•o miles for water. The loss to stock is very severe indeed. There is no feed for then, and in many places farmers 1 are cutting down trees for their beasts' to browse upon. Near Dur- ham one farmer had nothing to give:i. his beasts. So he chased them off:: the farm to shift for themselves. At Chesley a fanner has gone insane, his mind being completely unlilnkchi� by his complete loss. The count• all through these sections is burnt .lip and dry, and ruin stares thousands in the face. The merchants in the various places are so discouraged by the outlook that they refuse to buy goods from the commercial travellers until rain has fallen. More than this, grasshoppers have made their appearance and threaten the remains of those crops spared. REDUCED TO A SHADOW. The Minister of Justice has order- ed rdered the release from Kingston Peni- tentiary of Daniel Whale, who was convicted of wife Murder at Mitchell about four years ago. It appears that at the time Of Mrs. Whale's death Whale bad been drinking, and, although theheevidence showed that he struck her, there are grave doubts for believing that the blow wasthe cause of death, �. n, 11Crs. Whale fie was subject to heart disease, and this, it is claimed, was the principal cause of lier demise. SAVED BY STRAWBERRY EXTRACT. --- GENTLEMEN,—Feeling it my duty to give you an unsolicited testimoni,r;for the direct benefit I have received in my family from the use of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild (Strawberry, let me say that while we re- sided at Fenwi3k, Ont., my little daughter had an srttach of Dysentery or Bloody Flux, by which she was reduced to a mere shadow and became quite helpless. For- tunately my family'physician advised the use of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry, as he neither had nor knew of any- thing better for this dreadful disease, and therefore we gave it an unpartial trial. I am happy to say that Jess than quarter of a bottle caused the flow of blood and clots to cease, and the child promptly re- covered. We always have had Extract of Strawberry in the house since to be ready for emergencies common to children in summer from the effects of fruits, etc. I would jast ,ts soon think of losing my right eye as being deprived of Dr. Fowler's Elt- tract of Wild Strawberry. This is a testi- mony of thanks for the untold benefit my- self and family have received from this great remedy. MRS. W. H. GAltROLD, St. David's,Ont ,formerly of Hamilton,Ont. Sir, Charles Rivets Wilson, the new President of the Grand Trunk, and Mr. Barker, together with nearly all the member's of the Board of Directors,, are expected to visit Wes- tern Ontario during the week. iioliet in six, hours.—y )istrossmg ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid. nay Cure." This great remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on ac- count of its exceedingworn tness in tie, ing pain in the bladdr, re kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male and female. It relive retentionof water r s and /mitt in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief aril otiro this is your remeay, Sold at Chishclin's drug store. 02E9 tia+�3.1>i3, c �i°Sal:,tn�aSq CHOLERA SIBOREO5p CHOLER:CHOLER:A F.t ;RT° .9 it and all Summer Complaints and Flares of the Bowels. It is safe and reliable for Children or Adults. For Salle by ail Dealers. tt blxiiglJama, litts l�0.0 111I 61 .–IS PUBLISHED EVERY I!'ItIDAY MORNING --AT 0lI'R-- TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET" WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Subsoriptionprioe, $1 per yetir., in advance ADV'EIITISING PATES: '-Spaott i 1 yr, 1 0 uta, 0 ,un. 1.n uG. One Oo lube " 300 06$40 00 1 020 Ot tf o0 Half " 40 00 20 00 12 00 4 00. 5 00 Quarter "! One Inch 20 00 12 00 7 00 500 3 OQ A 00 CO' ' Legal and of for ensue advertisetnonts, So. per line for first Insertion, and se, per lino to each subsequent. Insertion. Local notices 10e. pe. Zine for first insertion, asst, 50, por line for each subsequent lueerticn. No rola{' uot,eo will be charged less than 200, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Sttuatlony and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 ansa nonpareil, 31 per mohtlt Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 line*. 51 tor (list month, SQe, par subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for local advertisements, or 10 longer periods. ' Advertisements loon!, . and ra otiose withoutspeQiAo directions will be inserted tilt forbid and oharged , accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be - I laid it advance �1 l , t nae ;� Changes for contract advortie's,nents must be in, the office by Wednesday noon, In order to a pent that week R. ELLIOTT ' PaOriturfoa AND PusLlsunR W. CM T. U. COL (C010000TED ay IIIA wlaaltaai *For God and Home and Na Well call the attention, of the lead to the fact, that the Woman's Chri encs Union meets the third Monday at three o'clock sharp, for one hour, residence, Patrick street. Ail ladies conte, As the Editor has kindly given ui space, tor our work, we ask friends send items of Interest on all moral qt day tQ any et our memberb.. WHY' AM A PROIIIBI W. SEARLS, D, D., E1 AUnUItN PRISON, Editor of The Templar : Dear Sir: While I wa y, beautiful eity, you called at Mr. Martin's, and desii words from me on the aneI temperance ,so i romis p e you a note, giving, in a fl my reason for being an ai the doctrine of Prohibition Intemperance destroys the health, but inflicts ruin innocent and helpless ; for the family and social c spreads woe and sorrow al It cuts -down youth in all Manhood in its strength, a its weakness ; it breaks tl heart, it bereaves the doth it extinguishes natural erases conjugal love, bligh hopes, and brings down tl in sorrow to the grave. J weakness, not strength ; not health ; death, not life. wives widows, children on beggars all. It covers the idleness and poverty, d! crime. It fills oui' jails, s1 alms -houses and furnish for our asylums. It engei troversies, fosters guar's latesriots, condemns law, 1 'order.. It crowds the pen and furnishes three-four* -victims for the scaffold. life -blood of the gambler, of the counterfeiter, the pr highwayman, the main 1 the midnight assassin, a and companion of the bi countenances the liar, re thief, and esteems the b xt't hates love, scorns ,vit'tec innocence and reverences incites the father to slai children, it helps tile• b kill his 'wife, it curses despises heaven. It brit fr J,k not , honor ; terror, ' not 5: spair, not hope ; -misery, ness, and then turns andlc oft the frightf .l desolatim made. For these and lel reasons, I insist there shoo of this work be done, uI of law. Some time ago parody on the "Old Sextf 1 send you, with which t note: ook'sCottoIlRoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dis- covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no substi- tute, or inclose 31 and 6 cents in postage in letter and we willsond, sealed, by return mail. Fullsealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada Sold in Wiugham by 0. E. Williams, Druggist. B ,ISTOL S Sarsaparilla Cures Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Scrofula, Sores, arid all Eruptions. BRISTOL' Sarsaparilla agaraWai Cures Liver, Stomach and Kidney Troubles, and Cleanses the Blood of all Impurities. Sarsaparilla' Ill p r Cures Old Chronic Cases where all other remedies fail. Be. sure and ask our Druggist for BRISTOL'S sarsa .pfir. ilia For Twenty'five Years DUNN'S KiN. �j �R MACDONALD, IJ CENTRE STREET, WINONAM, . ONTARIO.. w. 13. TOILER, M,D.C,M., • Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Office Up -stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing.. ham, Ont. 01,910S Ilouus.-0 to 12 a.. m., 1 to 5 p. m., or at • Residence, Diagonal Street. 4 J.P. KENNEDY, M. D., M. C. P.S. 0. Grid Medalist1ofuWeet rton U/ iv r. r�sittcldrunt.) se Surgeon ill London General Hospital. Special R cialattate on tion paid to diseases of women and children, Office—Formerly occupied by Dr. M0ldrum,Cotner of Centre and Patriot streets.• 14 nNati4tt 051 Dlt. J. SIoASIi, Y M. B. Toronto, Member College Pliyeieiane ands Surgeons, Ontario. e BhLORAPa ONTARIO R 1'ANSTONE, . • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private :.nd Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, tow and fares propert3 bought and sold . OFFICE—BeaverBlock Wisonasi • J. A. MORTON, n 4 BARRISTER,' ate., Wiugham; Ont.• "t 'a t e E. L. DIC1iiNSON, ' Barr '11E . SOLICITOR TO BANN OF I?A5ITLTC--. nonnT nonTO Office—Meyer Block, Wiugham. E?tTISTRY _ i S . .,..,.... ED. _ L. I r.,Witionett. -it Is mauufactur,n..• first-class sate of • teeth as cheap as they can be Prada in the Dominions. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perte,tly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. ARTHUR .1. IRWIN, D. D. il., L, D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College. OFFICE, MACDONALD's BLOCK. 1; 'T•CHDJ RITCHIE, d *GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Wiseman. • ONTARIO p. DEANS, Jk;, Wiseman, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TIIE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. chargee.''" • Moderate. I JOHN CURRTE, WINGNAM, ONT., T5105585» AtlCTIONN5R FOR THE COUNITM irnRON AND 11ItilCE. All orders left athe t Tlifas office 0 t1n tl p attend od to. Terms reasonable. promptly JAMES HENDERSON, L108i,,`CRD AuCT]OSRaR Fon Comm MYRON AIM Babe*, A',3 Wee attended to promptly and On the shortest Notice. , Chari:era;ifmix cate And Si.tlataotion Guaranteed, A11neeeSbarl nrrahgements can be Made at Mo Timm' office NI MOHAN Otit money to Loan on • Notts, Notes Discounted RST /LSON`AilLE ItATEf# t •ed on Tlort a ea t l pot e• t `4 Rte advanced a nbt►tta .Io V g t� Trp paying at the end o f ah e e 'e o[o fir. a civil tr riot PCNDER YY P r and aocaunts callceted. THECOOKSBEST FRIEND ' Z,oB'T. MoitirooO. LARGE sT SALE iN CANADA. BeIVtr BlockWinKbatr, Ont. Parody on the Old f Nigh to a bar that was long Stood a Land -Lord, old in hi ing trade, 'The day was done and ho pa The thirsty train through hi 11. relic of bygone days was 1 And his lucks were white as ' sea And these words came from thin, I gather them in, I gather tt Gather, gather, I gather t gather them in, for man ar I fill to the brim, with grief - And I curse every home, town, And fill up with dead the bu Mother and daughter, father I bring down, in sorrow one But come they stranger o] kin I gather them in, I gather t1 Gather, gather, I gather t Many are with me, I am not In this death -dealing trade, my throne, it Oh the tear -stained altars, stones cold, And my scepter of rule, is t hold, .Jame they from cottage, o from hall, ' Mankind are my subjects al They may loiter in pleasure spin, I gather them in,I gather 1 Gather, gather, I gather t I gather thein in, and their IS there, out there, in tho breast, And the old nnau ceased, as train „el Came to his bar to drink tip Then I spaka out loud, in bold, A mightier one than the L Will dash to the earth th And into perdition, will gal Gather, gather, I gather Karl's Closet heat Vti1 "blood, clear yew. •' mrplex lour Bowels ani; :. 'ko yc oe a bell. ,O,IJo., .)'find j, Chisholm's Corner :drug S