HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-07-19, Page 2TUE WING IAM TIMES, JULY 19, i$95.
EXPENDITUR O PARED M the prisons of our country for Inueh
. less a stun, In addttion to that you
8I'L ENDiO1. sPa porn nv Drt, niacllONAl u, I will remember that the various
IN TUB IIOtTSE or comet es, religions communities sent out a
I large proportion of the clothes used
Air, 11Taedonald (Iluron). 1 sup-� by the Indians upon the reserves,
pose that after so long a speech as and• therefore the expenditure of the
'Glint of the hon gentleman those Government in that particular is
NOW, whist we eontend is thin the
who have listened to lrini are tired. reduced very much.
whole is largely beyond wliat it
should be ; and when I tell you that
no less than $106,682 have been paid
I have listened for the last two hours
atnd, ;t half to a speech fully five -
sixths of whieh dict not bear upon
the issue brouglit before the house
by the bon, member for Bothwell
(Mr. Millen The Iron. Minister gave of Manitoba, you will have an idea
us the history of the Indians, altll'stio- of the extravagance in that Damien-
enough to every
us to wrieearth- t lar • and consequently the Indiansdo
graph of every Indian in the forth=
west Territories and British Colum- not receive the assistance which they
bi And I wonder the bon, gentle- would receive under a more eco -
nomical Government,
anon. did not give us the names, I Th° hon, gentleman speaks. as if
suppose he would have done so only the Liberal party wished to keep the
that be could not pronounce them. Indians in ignorance, Now, that is
thought this audience was very not the policy of the Liberal party.
patient. In fact the thought came Iron. gentlemen opposite always try
into Puy mind that if the hon, gentle- to uta olio of their own choosing
man lead been speaking to a Toronto into the mous s of the Liberal party.
thence he would have been f
as salaries to the officials in the
Indian Department for the province
blundering and extravagance in
that department.
Let elle give you the opinion of a I
gentleman wbo was in the militia. Tee
a great number of years, Col. R.
U. Davis. Ile belonged to the 37th
battalion, and in a paper read be-
fore the Military Institute, Toronto,
early in 1895,, he said : •
We llwvo no corps lit to take the field -
That was a sweeping statement from
a military man, a Man who belonged
that t battalion for nearly twenty,
Ito y
three years.
Peniteiitiaxies ..................� h4ii,A011
or an increase of 1Q4 per cont, I reduction of 21 per Gent. In 1878, `81elnig 1ti te'h-''" 4,207,00°
Again, we have been told in this the controllable ea%penditu>'e was Mall subsldxes and subventions51f1,000
House that the Mackenzie Govern- $11,542,000, and i11. 1894, after six (,overiulxent of lv. W 'r. • • , , • 277,000
tt'v rule it Militia , 1,235,000
ulcus increased the superammations teen year of Conservative e ' i T ilitia cs.. , ... • • , . • , • • , ^ 41;7,000
in larger proportion than the present amounted to $17,927,477, of an in- ]'meiosis .a l'a stlpe>.'annuations, . 267,000
Government. It is said that ingures crease for that period of 174 per
will not lie, and they do not lie in cent, Total-- , , < , , . , , . , X7,499,000
Int' hands, for T simply give correct DAM) p UPON" ro:rlra�A,rro;�*. These stuns total k7,409,000, leaving
figures to the House. In 1878 the a balance of 830,080,0011 to be divid-
ex.penditure under this head was Mr. Speaker, let nue tan° another ed amongst :,000,000 population,
i the differ 1 , . overt' man
$100,588; in 1894, it was 8262, Q2,
or an increase of 146 per cent.
Under the bead of immigration
--nor organization for a campaiee, nor and quarantine, I find that in 1878
stores to supply it, The Militia, DepaLt- the 11:iackenzie Government expended,
moat knows nothing about the rural militia, $180,691, as compared with $316,,.
and cares less. 803 last year. I would ask hon.
gentlemen opposite if more people
did not come in from abroad during
the regime of Hon, Alexander Mac-
kenzie than have come into the
A. very serious ehargo against the
Militia Department of the country.
Then he goes on to say ;
There darkness and ignorance, or worse,
have prevailed for many years, The countrysince. Yet only half the
country well knows, and the department
should know, that the militia is not only money was spent under the Reform
disorganized, but demoralized. Administration as compared with the
Now, there is the statement of a man expenditure of the actmistration of
whose testimony cannot be gain -said. 1894.
Sir, let me say that I am in favor of II,,TOREASE IN EXPENDITURE,
u a ht to bis seat long ago ; but 1ti'1hy, Sir, we have men o superior an efficient militia, I am in favor of Let me wake another eompareson.
bre g capacity in the Liberal party, men expending a reasonable sum in order ,rhe total controllable expenditure in
fortunately for him he was speaking p Y
to an audience more patient than the of superior judgment, as is admitted to keep it efficient, and I am not here 1878 was $0,542,510, as compared
people of the west. by the entire country, and we can to -night for the purpose of throwing with the present expenditure of $17, -
Now the bon. gentleman sought to formulate our own policy and put a cold water upon the militia 'of this 927,477, or an increase of 174 per
put into our mouths as Liberals a proper construction upon it, without country. T know that it is chiefly cent, under the present Government,
certain policy and to impress upon asking hon. gentlemen opposite to do Composed of young men who would Tarte, again, a comparison of the
the people of the Northwest the idea it for us. Oar policy is to do all we come to the rescue of their country cost of collecting revenue. In 1878
that we were opposed to a liberal can for the Indians, and to be as I if necessity arose. I am here to the cost of the Liberal Government
expenditure of money upon the economical as possible in the dfstribu- condemn the extravagant expends was $5,201,124, as compared with
Indians of Manitoba, the Northwest tion of the money. We take our j ture of large sums of money, without 89,132,610 in 1894, or 72 per cent
Territories and British Columbia. stand upon that policy, and let it I promoting the efficiency which we increase. Take the total expendi-
We would act as liberally in regard not be unknown to those 'who spoke desire to have in our militia. ture in the two periods. In 1878
Y 8 upon the other side. ` Next let me give you the opinion the total expenditure was$23,503,-
23 503 -
to the Indians as it was possible for pL, the 1 gentleman gave ! of the "Military Gazette," in its p '
.this country to do. We take as g g y 159,d last t was $37,585,7
eonrparisQn to snow you 'which maces ai• ,
once between the expenditures of the woman and child in the country for
two ilolitieal parties when in power: our ordinary expenditure, I3ut, Sir,
This time I will base the comparison if we strike these items out of our
upon the population., In 1808 we calculation, we are justified in strik-
hail a population of 3,375,000, and inn out of the expenditure of the
ane $4 per
expenditure of $13,4$0,000, or ; United States payments made by
about $4 capita, In 1874 when them far whieh we hate nothing to
the Conservative ,party went 3,880,-
000 out. 8 0 f correspond in Canada. What are
power we had a population of , :, they ? They aro the following ;
000 with an expenditure of $28,316,-
• army pensions . , pensions.. - - , . ''''''' , • - 't159,300,000
000, or in round cumbers G per dost of navy. ... . . . .. . . . . 30,1130,000
capita, an increase during the Con- ' Cost of military, , , , . , , . , . • , 49.042,000
servative regime of 50 per cent on Sugar bounties 1,375,000
the controllable expenditure. In 1 Foretgil diplomacy . 1,90,000
1878 when the Liberal party went . Total $3,50,2G3,Oo0
out of power, we had a population of This sum roust be struck out of their
4,124,000, an expenditure of $23,' account. Now, compare the balance
503,000, or $5.70 per capita, a de- of these items, 4,111 the general ex
crease of 5 per cent under the Lib-
eralthe administration. The entire ex -l CONCLUDED ON PAGE 3.
penditure during these sixteen years
of Conservative rule, with a popula- - -
tion of 5,000,000 rose to 7-52 per BA
capita or an increase of 32 per cent.
' - much interest in the welfare of the
Indians and would be as ready to do
anything to promote their interest as
the Liberal -Conservative Govern-
We are in favor of the red man
having eyerythhng, for we know that
MK of
Here are several comparisons made i
upon different bases for the purpose VST I N G H A M .
of showing that the administration Capital, 01,250,000, hest, ffti50,000-
of public affairs by the Conservatives
has always been more extravagant President -ions Stumm,
than the administration under the I Vice•Prceident-A. U. RAMSAY.
Liberal Government front 1874 to , nuteo'ro>its
,oar women. Gee. Recon, wx anlsfN, iii P,A. T
NOW, a ion. i , an as year i ,
many figures in regard to the posi-1 issue of January, 1895: U. 5 or 60 per cent. increase. Talce I will give another comparison and woov, a. B. Lits (Toronto).
tion occupied by the Indians to -day I The militia has never been in a worse 25,the rdemption c the debt. In
I think it is a fair ono. Our circum- oasillor-J. Ttlitt;Eus,s,.
in the different provinces, and the ,condition than it is to -day. Ignorance, in- againstances as regards the payments of y
capacity and systematic neglect are the 1878 there was 81,738,745 paid on, havingg Bank -Hours. and
re eivedSaturdays,inter
various improvements made amongst �' our accounts are nearly Similar to . 1. Deposits of Si nna upwards received and inter°,
prominent characteristics of the present redemption of debt, and $0,400,997 of the United states. In
1820 allowed.
them. I think that does not bear `militia system. for savings haul: redemption,
main- thosespni 1peposits also received at Durrant
upon the question at alt, beforeOnr charge Is that all the testimony I can bring ing a total of $8,139,742, as coin -
population of the United States j ratDeg arspro rentrirttnin and the united states
under the • resolution the , ryas 9,.100,000, and the expenditure bought and nota
House is that the Government has ; to bear as regards the disorganize pared with a redemption of debt last $18,285,000, or about $2 per capita.
we have taken everything from him, tion of the militia force? Major year of 81,574,628. Those increases In 1830 the population of the
B. WILLSON, �1cFssx
and he is entitled to a liberal coin- been spending too much money, not i General Herbert, in his annual re -varying from upwards from 13 to
only in the Indian Department, but i port of 1891, says : 100er cent., have been made by United States was 12,886,000, D. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
m be the ppolicy our hands. That would every the present Government, while our• and the expenditure, $15; 1
be the of the Liberal Govern- in other department, which I
went. will be able to show before I take( The rural corps are very deficient in in 8 oC1 140,000, or $1.25 per capita. In
I understood the hon. member for
Bothwell to talk in that strain, He
is still population has only increased 1
my seat. In fact, they have admit- struction, but their organlaatton
mor: defective. Money is spent for in -
ted as much , themselves. We have struction by officers incapable of impart -
is question upfor many' ingit.
Last yearpressedupon n whose an s isap-
Minister of the Interior the charge pointing those officials w o in -
n -
that'there was an extravagant ex Capable of imparting instruction, and
of moneyin this to whom has ,nonebeen given
ment, and he stated last year, as -he imparting what was supposed to
to -night, tat not one o ar be instruction money
could be saved, that they are just as only been, a loss to the militia force,
s possible. But what because it was expecteda e
did the Minister of Finance say in force would receive instruction, u
his Budget speech this year? He it also represents a loss to the
hadbeen more money country. ere ore condemn
spent in, the past than was necessary, extravagance shown in the militia
oso to cut offfrom the expenditure,eeaus
Indian vote, $85,000. We had bas received no adequate return for
pointed out that the expenditure was
too much that theefficiency ofe
department might be kept up by a
lesser sum, and the .Minister of
Finance admitted it this year by
cutting down the vote $85,000.
cent during the last fifteen years. Is
is not apparent that gross extrava-
anco has prevailed against which
the Liberal party has raised itsvoice
from one end of the country to the
other? But let me institute another
In 186 the rst year under con-
federation, the expenditure under
consolidated fund was ' ' , ;
1873 six ears afterwards, under
a Conservative Government, the
amount bad risen to ;23,316,000, or
an increase during the six years of
$9,830,000, en average increase or
each year of $1,038,000. Take the
expenditure under the Iteformparty.
The Mackenzie Government . carne
intopower with an expenditure of
$23,316,000; they went out of power
with the expenditure at $23,593,000,
or an increase during five years of
$187,000, or an average of , ,
yearly, as compared with an aver-
age increase -wider the Conservative
Government of$1,638,000.rue
now take expenditure under a Con-
servative Government. t came in-
to power in 1878, withtbe expendi-
ture at $23,503,000, an atthe end
of 1894 the expenditure hadin-
creased to $37,585,000, or an increase
of$14,082,000. I am giving the
Government advantage Of the slap-
plementary estimates. g i 900 000 000 of their debt and
of sixteen years is $880,125, as com-
pared, inti did not hamper their prosperity
with an increase during the in the least. They eoiistruetecl. rail -
Liberal administration of, 837,400, ways and built canals and re}erected
In the first period. under Censer- the cities that were destroyed by the
vative rule, the expenditure in- armies of the south and cif the north
creased 73 per cent: In the second and yet they r'edueed degree after
period of five years under the Liber.never that enormous debt, Canada,
administration it increased less had any war of any f'•tilhf i'r
than 1 per cent.,and in the third quence'except the little teinabblethat
ern osixteen eears under Con- took :place in tin ortll•wcr;t ten
p y veais ago and we have heard More
servative administration, it inereas-' Justify rink enormous
ed 60 per cent. The population un-; about that to unlit.'
der the five years of Liberal admin- .expenditaP.rc than wa.s ever heard In
the Senate or "ems •cif Re preeenta-
tives in regard to the expenditure t o
their war,
1840, the population of the United O
States was 170,,000,000, and the ex- ® Q ■
1 d t penditure, $24,000,000, or about i Valuable treatise and two bottles or medicine mint Free Us
did not find fault with the schools brought this i g p g any Sniferor. Cive Ezp71,1 and ,at efflcc vldress, 'S• A.
established in Manitoba or with the Years. L p the I i hands the power of ap a1.50 per capita. In 1850, the peon- ; a mi CHT:Mi ai Ca.. l.td., Inven°, Ont.
training given the Indians in agi hn h are n Kation of the United states was 23,- j
191,000; and the expenditure, $41,- `
culture; but be did find fault with h• depart- h y e for compail n 000,000., or an expenditure, $1.80 I
the manner in which the money was pendrture per Capita. In 1860, the population
expended, because it was extrava-o That e has not 8, I first d ° of the United States was 31,500,000,,
gently expended, and because the states h dollar t' el d and the expenditure, $63,190,000, or f
money appropriated for the Indians h that th 813 480 000 about 82 per capita. Now, Sir, we
was filtered through the hands of so eeonomieal a b t rn d come to the year 1860, and a change •
will b found in the expenditure ' of
thatonlya small rr i e p
moiety of it ever reached the Indians. said thele I therefore cl inn the the United States. We all know
It is well known that out of every f that shortly after that year there
dollar appropriated for their benefit and he prop d beeause the that
befel that country one of the- most
the Indians received only 48 cents, sanguinary wars tbat ever cursed
end that the balance of 52 cents any nation in the world, Poi three
such expenditure. The Major
General goes on to say :
The arms and equipments are, for the
most part, obsolete.
This is the character given to the
militia by those qualified to speak
with authority. Needion. gentle-
men wonder that in the face of such
testimony,given by high authorities,
independent authorities, whohave no
optical axes togrind,tothe effect
that the militiahas been governed
in an ignorant manner, I denounce
it.We are called uponto .
one million and a quarter dollars
every year to hnaintain the force, and
went to the official who handled the h h th or four years one half that country
money and managed affairs. ' was in deadly conflict with the other
Now, during the time of the 1 g p 1 v half. Property* was destroyed by
Liberal Government from 1874 to the millions, railways torn up, tele -
1878, the average amount spent for $. 7 400 graph lines rendered useless, and
the Indians in British Columbia was y 1 tl 1 nearly 2;000,000 of the population
$25,000. Every cent of that went Y y died on the battlefield and in the
into the hands of the Indians, with d h C t hospitals. In 1864 when the melte
the exception of $6,000, or a little 1 g Let of battle passed away, they found
less than 25 per cent, instead of 52 p , p p ff t p themselves indebted d to an enormous
per cent which goes into the hands d p L b 1 I extent for the extraordinary expen-
of the officials under thepresent 8 h d ditnres of that war.. There was no
Administration. 11 d p expend 3,,03,000 d th d less a debt than $2,750,000,000 lying
Now, the hon, gentleman compared C on the shoulders of the people in
the condition of the Indians ten years h x.805, but -what did they accomplish?
agar with their condition now and yet when we critic s s p To -day they have only a debt of
said that they were better edueated. h' h I 1 sure we are accused g G The averse 8888,000;000 They have paid. off
That was well known to everybody.
Be said they were better trained in
the art of agriculture, that they were
better prepared in many ways to
earn their own living.
Now, how much money has been
expended by the Government upon
the Indians for the last sixteen years
in order to bring them up to the
state of efficiency in whieh they
are said to be at the present time ?
No less a sum than $12,000,000.
You would reasonably expect that
with $12,000,000 spent on the edu• spent under that head, Now, that
cation and instruction of the Indians
during sixteen. years, they would be
in a better position than they were
eixtecn years ago.
Now, Is the Government deserving
of that credit ? Not at all. Then he
went on to show that these schools of this country they were better con.
were eondueted as economically as ducted than they aro to -day, and he
possible. But it is known to every- administered that department with
$618,000, whereas last year the ex-
penditure upon ltfilitia was no less
than $1,285,000, or an increase
during that time of 170 per cent.
New, I ant not personally compe-
tent to speak upon the efiicieney of
the administration of our militia
affairs, but I will give you the
Now,hon. gentlemen opposite have
been veryanxious this year in their
speeches, to draw comparisons be-
tween expenditures under the Lib-
eral administration and the corres-
ponding expenditures under the
Liberal -Conservative administration,
and perhaps you will permit me
tonight to give a few comparisons criticise this ex ends-
on this point, which. hope hon.of dein so
heart. oppositeawill take ' simply for the purpose of saving the
heart. We will take comparisons eo e's raone ,and ifpossible re-
in controllable expenditures under veop e s .money,
t being placed the hands
the two regimes. I have no doubt of inefficient gffilacs an zha to
that any head f in departmentwo might give instruction to the militia force.
get up here and, in a two and a half Let me pass to the expenditure of
hours, speech, explain their extrava• twoeriods, 1878 and 1894, under
game away, and sit down with the the head of legislation. Iri 1874 the
belief that he bad justified such Mackenzie Government expended
extravagance, as the hon. Minister of
the Interior has done to -night. On $618,035 under this head, and the
civil Government, in 1878, there was present so-called economical Govern -
spent by the Hon. Alex. Mackenzie, . nicht expended in 1894, $608,000, or
$822,000; in 1894, $1,402,000 were an increase of 13 per cent.
The expenditure for the Mounted istration, increased nearly 9 per
Police was necessarily more required cent, while the population for the
in 1873 than it is as the present time
for there was greater danger to the
people, yet the Mackenzie Govern-
ment expended on that service $834,-
748, as compared with an expendi-
ture by the present Government last
year of $611,264, or an increase of
82 per cent. I hold that to be
another extravagant expenditure
that should be largely eut down.
On public works, lion. Alexander Let me give yeti another 'form. of
Mackenzie spent, in 1878, $998,000, eoniparfson, Mr. Speaker, The On.
and certainly it cannot be said that trollable e;tpendituro in 1868 was
lie allowed the Public Works De- $3,630,000. In 187.4, when the Con-
dlartment to be eondueted in an servative party went out of power it
eMeient manner. The present Gov- was $8,824,000, or an increase of
'but $185 for every pupil enrolled, %testimony ofa gentleman who under- eminent, however, for the purpose of 123 per tent. The Liberal party
when we ran nnaintain grown up ; stands them thoroughly, and if his putting money in the pockets of eon- carne into power with that control]
reel, well fed. and well el o led, int testimony is eorreet, there has beeni tractors, spent, in 1.834, $2,034,000, able expenditure of $6,542,000 or a
is a controllable expenditure which
they have increased during that
time, 70 per cent. Then again, take
the Department of Militia and De-
fence. When the Hon. Alex. Mac*
kenzie conducted. the Militia affairs
one who has looked through the
;I,ecounts of the Indians affairs, as the
hon. member for Wellington (Mr.
McMullen) and I did this year, that
there are some extraordinary ex-
penditures, An expenditure of 9185
on the average for naclt pupil of
those schools, is utterly extravagant,
not $185 for the average attendance,
sixteen years under . Conservative
party, and under the benign influ-
ence of the National Polley, as the
manufacturers say, it only increased
18 per cent. These are faets which
cannot be controverted and whieh
go to show the extraordinary extra-
vagance of the present Government
as compared with the eeenonnie Gov-
ernment of Alexander Mackenzie,
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' Notwithstanding all that, the popu-
lation of the United States in 1894
Leas 08I)00,0`:D, rind .they expended
in 1892, *34.,0)00,000 or about K5
per capita as compared with our per
capita expenditure in Canada of
$7,50, l know what the Mance
Minister said before in answer to
this, and I know what he will say
now, Ile asked, us, -do you not
know that there are 'many payments
made in Canada, for which there are
no corresponding payments in the
United States, Yes, Mr, Speaker, 1
know that. Isere are some of the
c,tpendituros in Canada that the rect.
oral Government of the dlnited States t
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