HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-07-19, Page 1:11
VOL. XXIV.---NO, 1229,
;ORE •
'The Oki Stand lately occupied by
J. J. Homuth (Sr, Son is in course of
being greatly enlarged, and when
completed will be the largest and
most commodious store west of
Toronto and will be fitted up in the.
very latest city style with all the
most modern improvements. We•
,oxpect to ,
from •its 'present quarters
and during that time w shall offer
goods th every department at prices
that will astonish the elthest buyers.
Profit and Toss is nt the question
with us. Our stock is large, yaried,
.and well bought and at prices that,
'make our competitors wonder, but
It must be reduced in a hurry, and
the knife has been applied. to the al-
-ready low prices. People who have
paid attention to our advertising
have saved money, and all join in
.saying that we adhere strictly to our
Don't trifle with this precious gift by not hreding
the dictates of nature. There is such a thing as
wearing Spectacles when you shouldn't and not
wearing them when you should. When you first
notice your eyes failing, or it seems a strain on them
to read or (10 near work, consult an eye specialist—
one that is permanently located end makes a
specialtyof the oyo. This way you Will have core -
fort, and save what money can't buy,
81 King St. East, Toronto, Ont.
Will be at Williams' Drug Store, WInghara, Ont.
tioon. Watch for data.
Will be at Anon St Wilson's drug store. Clinton,
Ont., GE Wednesday, August 14th, only.
is tbe terms. Cash is the great
-motive power. in our business and
the next two weeks will long be re-
-membered as the
FOR 1895.
A -.Every department is complete, and
'tbargains Will always bubble to the
surface and be secured by shrewd
tand careful buyers.
In order to satisfy yourselves that
'we are doing what we say, pay the
TEAR a friendly visit before Mov-
ing and judge for yourselves. Every-
thing Must go at
1 X X X is going out of hoots at any price.
'ij—Mr, Simon Mit ell lies been on the
sick list for a week r more. ait
—A. large "merry go -round has arrived
in town and is locate on the market equare,
in the roar of the to a hall.
—The Pan-Aineri oef Congress of Reli-
gion and Education i in session in Toronto
and the meetings w I close on tho 25th
—Mr. Cameron, of nox College, Toron-
to, who has so ably fi led the pnlpit in Mr.
Perrie's absence, goes o Brussels to re-
lieve Rev, Mr, Ross.
Currants, Goose rries, &c., in
abundanc at Kerr & Coner s.
—Cards have been received by those
writing at the resetEntrance examina-
tions here, inorrnin'4 them of their stand-
ing. Most of the toe 1 pupils have passed.
—Read the new adv rtisoments of Messrs.
D. M. Gordon, M. H. Mcindoo, Robt.
Mo.inprize, D. l‘for., hlan, Jae. Slemin,
Geo. Shaw and P. McIntosh, in other
—Horses for the r oes to be held on
Thursday and Pride, next have commenced
to arrive. It is expe ted that there will be
a large number of h es here froth outside
—Private moneys to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
tf Juni Netreuees.
—The G. T. R. is o
mente to slimmer tou
taking a trip tothe
the White Mountain
1 specialpictres folders o
res ar ctEii
'Men's Shoes. Ohiltiterfs Shoes
In fact all !rinds of Shoes in Black or Colorci.
.rirDon't fail to dad the prices in our windows next
For Solid Reliable Shoes 2 doors north? of Post
fall terra commences then and
we•expect a grand class of young
men and women. How would you
like to join us? Can you think of a
better way to spend three or four
,tuanths? Send in your name and let
usIell you what we are prepares „ to
do for- you.
P. MoINTOSH, Principal
for the next two weeks.
'Watch the BEAR and Follow on.
Always I'M Cheapest.
Marriage Licenses
Issiied by FRANS: PATLItS011. No 23, Vie
toria street,Winghatn, Ont. No witnesses
Canada's Greatest Commercial School.
—Rev. Henry W.
installed minister,
gregational church,
a. m. and 7 p. in„ o
subjects will be :
plaeee,"' Evening.
phen." All are web°
—Watt:hog, clocks
repaired and fully arrantea by HaLsit:2
PATtIC, opp. Macdonald Block, Wingham. Order of Foresters
ligieMessrs. John Oa11 & Sons are putting Officers, for the p'
in an engine and boi
mill, For some ye
water to run the mill
in fact, some times
sufficient to run it.
have steam power wli
rune shortV
For a short time, lies McPherson is
making great redactions in the prices of
millinery. Call and inspect the stock and
get prices. Mrs. Herdsman's old stand.
Large facriltY; Snootier courses; Students assisted
to positions every week. WritELLIOTT,cirars.
SIIAW f ELIT, Principals.
ering great induce -
lats. If you intend
aritime Provinces,
Muskoka, &a., get
ising the cool and
these places from G.
fete, D. D., the newly
ill preach in the Gen-
et the usual hours, 11
Sunday next. The
rning—"Quiet resting
The death of. -Ste-
•DrinkIttley's Ten. Ket &'Couery's.
—The t wn ben was on on Wednesday
evening, and play cl a number of choice
selections of music
1—Mr. Milton S.
has purchased t
Jas. Shemin, and
—The "Qteete"
I drab paint, w
pearance consiaera
—Ti e section
downur poof rain
which will do a gre
The latest styles
at Miss Wallaccee.
,Drink Teti s Tea. Ke & Conery's. Drink Tet y's Tea. liari
& ()Query's.
'otel it: receiving a coat
li will improve its ap.
as visited by a good
Monday' afternoon,
deal of good.
f Ladies' •Sailor Effete,
IalsoyE4 has o ened a, jewelry
iti Ripley. He will
e business as usual.V
church, on Sabbath
v. Dr. Gifford, the
is subject : "Wasted
Moro and repair sho
continue his Wingh
—In the Methodi
evening next, the
pastor, will take for
nd jewelry promptly
--Paper tires are' oon to be manufac-
tured for eyeles. T iey are supposed to —The picnic in onnection with the
last longer than rub er and pnncture less Baptish church will be held on Thursday,
easily. 25th instant, in Ur. Geo. Wade's bush,
Screen Doors and' Windows very low. near the cen'eterY'
Smith & Pethick. Red Cap, Blue Ribbon and Standard
—A union picnic will be held on Tam- Binder Twine at Smith az Pethieles,
lyn's prairie, on Ijriday afternoon next,
July Nth—civic ho 'day. Ample prepare -
Hone will be made Iror the comfort and
enjoyment of all w attend, Swings, &c.,
will be provided.
—All tagless dogs
in Brantford are ta
cell and there dispo
been tested and foul
factorily. The ani
instant, apparently
found running at large
en to the electrocution
v 11.1.rs. John Sall
d of. The system has
I seriously ill for the
1 to work very sots -
I Monaay her life
al is disposed of in an
i since she has rallies
vithout any pain.
I looked for.. A lo
--The ladies of S
garden party at t
evening last. Thor
and an enjoyable ti
Paul's Church gave a
e Reotory, on Tuesday
was &good attendance
te was spent.
Celebrated Chin h's Bug Finish kills
every time. Another large shipment.
Smith & Pethick.
an, of town, has been
mit week or so. On
as dime:marl of, but
,and her recovery is,
of blood on the brain.
The balance of our stock of millinery Ibee ailment.
goods at cost and under, at Miss Wallace's.
—For first -els tailoring and cheap
—Confirmation rvices were held in St. j gourd furniehings, try Webster & Co.
Paul's church, on l onday evening, Bishop; Remember the,place, one door south of
Baldwin, of Londoi , officiating, when up- '11'4' Grasnaln s grocery store.
wards offorty sang stance from Winghaan
selves. Tho Dish
address prior to tl
greatly enjoyed b
—On Sunday ev
sermon of the 1
daughter of Mr. D
laud, was preaohe
church, by the Ree
There was a' larg
service was an ap
Great bargains in summer millinery, at notice rat the, end o
Miss Wallo,co's.
dates presented them ---,To cover the d
p gave an interesting to Wroxeter in 45' Y
o service, which was has to travel pretty
the large ceugregation. dope by Mr. John
ning last, the funeraloulee of time
•I; 'altogether
te Nellie McDonald, ,
time, If be wishei e 1.:".• ...
S. McDonald, of Zet-
in the Congregational • .
—G. T, R. trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingbaue at 6.25 a. en. and 11.20 a.
. Henry W. Mote, D. D. nt , via W. G. & B ; 0.85 a. m. and 8.25
congregation, and the p. nt., via °Hilton and Guelph. Good eon-
g:priate and. impressive i nectichvaoli
—We direct
tnli)elselal attention. to 1135
notes on a bioycle, one
fast. That has been
merit, of Wroxeter, a
g the past month, and
y he tem do it in less
,o t...1.0 extending o
—Mr. T. 1' zsimous, of Oliuton, the in' Ica FL*
throngh the 0lirLon New Era, returns c°1111ruh It will
thanks to the embers of the Canadian that the C,onepaae
and the High Court pay the money b
ompt payment of silencing the sixtl
ifs of her late 11111° amount yearly, at
and funeral benefits. i ineuts at the end
s a slaughter of Mr. John was the offer of th
of this town and resided : stance, actl w° ar
er at their flouring
'shack the supply of
has been very short,
they have not had
n future they will
n the water supply
r Suther Gila eist, of town, while
working a shaper in the organ factory at
Goderich, on Tuesd: t of last week, had
the misfortune to hay . his right hand come
in contact with tl knives, and it was
pretty badly injured, nd the little finger
so badly that it we- necessary to have it
amputated. Mr. Gi cbvist speaks in the
highest terms of the treatment received at
the hands of Mr. Alex. Saunders, the
manager, and the et ployees of the factory.
Re will not be able to work for a week or
80 yet,%e'
--A pleasant meet
basement of the Pr
Tuesday evening o
large number of the s
of the congregation
to weleome Mr. and
return from the •Old
Perrio has been recta
the past two or th
address of welcome b
(iameron), the progrt
violin solos, by Misses
insurance on the
and also fur sic
Mrs. Fitzsimons
Foster, fcrmerl
here for some y
thy of her MED
her sore bereav
am. She has the sympo,- pany have seen th
• friends in Wingham itt
ment. Miss Brown, of
Good. rooms to rent near
the School. Appl
to Mrs. A. W. Webster.
Miss Lerma Hill,
ing of last week; Mr.
e narrowly escaped
re. That evening
✓ called to got an oil
utherland went into
job. Ho went to
he soldering iron,
he fire came in eon -
line, which is used
1' to heat the irons
blaze was running
o the ceiling. Mr.
can, which con -
gasoline, and
the back door.
r, be found it
d to the can and
w the can oat in
gasoline burned
•ci damage. Mr
cl arm were badly
ne time befor
gion of friends
Miss Coventry,
a visit.
the By-law in reference
the time of the loan to
liture Oo., in another
o 'seen by a perusal of it
is willing to • agree to
ck to the town, corn -
year, paying an equal
d completing the pay -
1 the tenth year. This
town, in the Paste in -
pleased that the Com-
e. way clear to accept it.
=Mon, is visiting in
—On Thursday ev
D. Sutherland's at
being destroyed by
about drislt, a custom
can soldered and Mr.
the back shop to do
start the fire to heat
and by some means
tact With a can of gas
as fuel in the fire p
with. In a moment th
up the side of the room
Sutherland grabbed the
lig was held in the tabled nearly a gallon
byterian church, on started to throw it out
this week, when ahen he got to the d
embers ttud adherents
and others, gathered
Mrs. Perrio on their
Country, where Me, out without doing any' m
Sutherland's right hand al
crating his health Der
eo months. After an burned, and it will be so
the chairman (Mr; he will he able to use his
mete, cm -misting of . —Dr Macdonald's
Sperling and Mc- throtighoat the town, an
iiss CarrieTisher; pleased to read the fo
ill ; solo, by Mise take from Monday's G
by Mr. S. Gracey, of their Ottawa newts
eshments served. ber for East Huron, 1
, touched lightly the misfortune to lose
in his ttavels, his fellow -Liberals
Med to see the he should not suffe
woieome Mee. weathete so they p
EOM umbrella, veitl
engraved upon it, at
The incident shows
larity with his fr'
dotibtless.he is jus
constitnents, ana d
bolted, but he pluckily he
unbolted the door and tin
the bock yard, where the
lackwellave understand, Kenzie; piano solo, by
e baking business of Mr. recitation, by Miss Car
ill take possession next Ada Cline, and reading,
Was rendered, and re
Read quarters .e Palliates for Mr. Petrie, in a few wor
all makes of Binder Twine. on a few points of interes
and said was much pl
—Tho C. P. R. ha
Containing seasona
reach some of the
COMO& and t110 t
starting on your o
the nearest (1 'P
0 issuedetteleat folder
large number present t
le, hints on how
Patio and himself after tl eir trip, and also
el - holiday resorts in
pleased to be able to infor them that he
nited States. Before i
,e, eee„re, oee tom felt greatly benefited by i and in it =eh
""%8 '''" ' better condition te perform his duties as
smut. i aster Mr. Perot purp ses giving three
p .
Zolm ,19e I, Gr. T. It. station lectures in the near futur , dealing with
agent, left • on nesday for a souffle of hie late travels through cotlanc1, which
weeks' hohdako, e will be aoeompanied • we anticipate will be Well vorth hearing.
by Mrs. Nip " a family. They will i
spend Boat* Port Blgin, under the A Puny arid Bretful Baby.
parental r', Nicoll, and in Toron- I Thio is now quite Unimeessary! Like
to, Hamilton. other eastern points. many others, yon may have your baby
Mr. Thos. Bags, , of Xincaraine, Relieving fat, laughing and happy, R you give it
Agent, will be n charge at the Cr. T. It. Seott,s Emulsion. Babies take it like
station during r. absenee.
ing in town.
• Miss Isla Pelton
Brussels and. Atwoo
Mrs. Geo. Ritchie
visiting friends in to
Miss Alice Johns •
! for a f eve weeks boll
J Miss Luella Elliot
Miss Arlie Hill, in
Miss Louise Mc
the guest of Miss E
Thos. J. MoL
nesday from a trip t
j and Mrs. J.
' are visiting relatives
1 Mrs. Wm. Dane,
on Winglia,ne friends
Mr. Richard Coad,
ing on Wiliglutai Met
Mrs. Walter Toad()
visiting friends in Ble
0 Mr. R. J. Swan is i
side of his mother, w
Misses Mary an
country will be , Hamilton, are visit].
oobtov,inutaet:Itihicelitetavael, GeMo.r Geo,rayoTfermviltid;ttof
The worthy mem- Mrs. A. S. Murray
r, Meexlmiald, had Whitechurch on S.
his umbrella, and I Clinton New Era
/sTo. 0 resolved that i went, this week, to vis t friends in Wing -
f • 's Wet hem
Toronto, is home on
1 'Walkerton, is visit -
Winnipeg his tat
the Pacific Coast.
Mr. and Mrs. W ter Gruen were visiting
relatives in tire township a couple of
days during the we k.
Mr. and Mrs. Ge.. Good were at Brussels
on Wednesday atte ding the funeral of s.
brother of Mr. Goo '$.
Mies Jennie El er is home from Chat-,
ham Business Coll e, where she has been
taking a course of udy,
Mr. Adams, of ti Post Office Savings
Bank Department, Ottawa, is visiting Mr,
and Mrs. John Sul 'van.
Seaforth Sun: 'es Patterson, of Wing -
ham, haie been vis ting her sister„Mrs.
Cavan, the past sev .ral days.
Miss Nellie Pa in, formerly of Wing -
ham,. but now of ey City, Michigan, is
visiting at Mr. B. Ierdsman's.
Brussels Herald Miss Ida Zilliax is
holidaying in Wingham.. I. C. Richards
went to Wingham n Tuesday.
Paisley Advocate: Miss Fisher, of
Wingham, and Miss Sinclair,. of Ridge -
town, are visiting t Mr. .A. Fisher's.
Mr. and Mrs. . A, Johns and Mr. and
Mrs. John Galbaith spent Sunday and
Monday at the la e at Kincardine.
Mr. G. Y. Dona dson of Scott'S Baking
House, Listowel and Mrs. Donaldson, '
are visiting Men s in East Wawanosh.
Mr. and Mrs. . C. Bell returned from
Seaforth on Sat raw, where they bad
spent a couple of eeks visi Wig fileuas.
Conductor We msley. of the London,.
Huron and Brue is taking his holidays,
and-Conde:dor h.AnIiff is filling his place.
Kincardine Re orter : Mr. Blake Elliott,
of the Wingham zees, Sundayed in town.
—Miss M..A.meei of Wingham, was the
guest of Miss Mc mu, Durham street.
V Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chapman left on
Wednesday xnori ng for Baltimore, Mary-
land, to attend the convention of the
Baptist Young P opWs Union ofAmerica.
Dr. A. F. MeE: nzie, of Mitchell, spent
aaay or two into n during the week, the
guest dills fathe The Dr. looks well,
and sews his p ospeets are good in Mit-
Mr. Albeat E. Wallace, of Petal°, a,
recent gradnato o the Canada Business
College, Chatham has accepted the posi-
tion of ledger-ke per with the Kern Organ
Co., of Woodsto
Saaforth Expos tor: Rev. Mr. Perrie
and Mrs. Perrie, 1 Wingham, are in town
this week, the g ests of Mrs. Perrie's
mother, Mrs. J. 1.,Knechtel. Mr. and
Mrs. Perrie have..en in the old country
and called here ei their way home to
dad lecturing tour to
visiting friends in
of New York state, is
home from Toronto
is visiting her friend,
ibbon, of Toronto, is
ma Ross.
returned on Wed -
. Morton and Morton
n Branepton.
Gorrie, was calling
n Monday.
f Hensall, was call-
s onMonday.
G. H. Irvin, the tailor, has put in an
extensive stock of tweeds worsteds, ete.
Call and see them. Good' goods, good
work, good fit guaranteed. Opposite Bank
of Hamilton.
—A meeting of the nron Medical As-
sociation was held in Seaforth Town hall
on July 9th, when the following members
were present : Drs. S ith, Mitchell.; Gra,-
heatt,'Brusseis ; Mach dle, Dublinf
Exeter ; MeTevith, iruccifield:e"Stanlettrif
and Shepherd, Bayfie d ; McMerre,y, Mc-
Kay and Bethune, S oforth ; and Gunn,
Clinton. The I'resi nt, Dr. Smith, oc-
cupied the chair. Dr. laths read a paper
entitled "Old remedi s," which was well-
received and elicits a lively dismission.
Several interesting m t es were presented
and. discussed, among them one being -of
spinal otrvature, and mother of spastic
rd affection. Dr,
nt of the doings of
last sitting, and
e various questions
tally approved of,
e maintained with,
'imitation standard
meetixig Will bo
and dapghter are paraplegia or spinal
heine toWnship, -
Hoivick at the he,c1-
7, Graham gave an ace
o is Ileridusly ill.:, the Medical Council at
at Mrs. 41tohie's. the stana he took on t
discussed was one ge
'Janet Watson, of
alkeslon, and Mr. especially the position
Sandayed in town. regard to a higher ma,
as visiting relalives in medicine. The ne
Miss Ida Everett beta in Clinton.
turday and Sunday.
rchased a very hand. Miss Annie Moffat,
the doctor's initials Business College, is
cl presented it to him. 1 town.
r. Macclonald's popn. Mrs. L. Kettlewell,
nds at Ottawa, and spent a day in town,
as popular with his friena0,
servealy so, because no Mr. and Mrs. W.
man in Parliament has labored more con- ever() Calling on frien
scientiottaly to disc
arid he has on many
bear upon questions
that ability' and itau
ize all his work i
presentation was ace
during. which the w
under the many kin
arta his public duties, day lasb.
occasions brought to Mrs. (1)r-) ltobinee
f trade and finance the guest of Mrs,
try which character. , cousin,
Parliament. The 'Mre. John Clegg, .,
utpanied by speeches, 1 Jennie tell are hol
rthy doctor blushed I aim, at Bayfield.
Ilii aid of him 1 Conductor Snider
teacher in Chatham
visiting friends in
of Aurora, Illinois,
this week, visiting
Strong, of Gorrie,
itl town on Bator.
13raropton, is
Int Neelands, her
T. Boll rind Mist
ying at the lake
has just closed at
A Good
The teachers and cffi
Presbyterian Sabbath
full force at the reside
tendent, Mr. D. M. Go
evening, July 11th.
principal attraction t
shades of evening Will
"indoor" amusements
vonient and. appropri
innocent games were
all present with such z
in age seemed to b
"mind touched mind'
congenial •conversatim
very enjoyable time
Company pattea, with t
ton that wit is gooa' 1
together in unity."
ere of the Witmhatu
ehool assembled in
et of the Superin-
don, on Thursday
WO tennis was the
•til the gathering
bt suggested that
ould be more con.
c. Animated and
en entered upon by
at that all disparity
forgotten, while
it pleasant and
. After spending
ogether, the happy
e universal &clam,
brethren 0 meek