HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-07-12, Page 8s
owners will also be required to pay 10 na?!tN.
Dente to the Clark as aregistratlon fee and SULLIVAN—In Wingham, on the 9th
inst., the w i of Mr. John Sullivan ; a
also, 5 centa fora• tag ti, be attached to a (laughter. v
0®� � � ( collar to be worn by the dog. Bylaw No, Towr--Tn Wiaelaatn,. on the Oth, last,,
dd�� �a rxi
C>ttreful�� :eons p ariscni of goods and i expenses athe town, was read three times
prices is -what we want. ' and passed. loved by W. Holmes,
tDRESt GOODS I seconded by John Neelands, that the
% ' , Property Committee be instructed to have
the weigh scales. and yard for holding stook
UR 2i2, to borrow cneyto meet the current the wife of Mr. (3-ao. Town ; a daughter.
wjEtr,,1oxr--la Wingham, un the 9th
inst., the wife or Mr. Thos, Elliott ; a
daughter,' '
NExxERr1EI,D- In Wingham, on the
lOtb inst., the wife of .r. Jas. Netter -
field, jr.; a daughter.
FAL:EIMER In Cuirass y on the 10th
I This is one or the many lines we
*el'. clearing Ott. This week you
get the pick.. Many lines in Dress
iCixoc lsi`_ d Silks, y oft get at cost, and
un` ed�apaywell to buy 3 •o. �.
just when we say. The policy of
this store is not to Garry over any
goods from one season to another,
and that makes no ental of bargains
in all departments.
Our Immense Assortment,
Our Trustworthy Quality,
Oar 'Extremely Low Prices,
Our Beautiful Styles,
Our Easy Terms,
' Our 10 per cent~ off for Cash,
11Ta e;,..us Headquarters in Wingham
foxy:,, •,
See our Goods and get our Prices
for July -;s Bargain Month, at
repaired—Carried. Mr. W. Robertson
Addressed the Connell as to planing a four
feet plank sidewalk on Patrick street, from
Centre to Frances street, and said the
residents en the street would lay the walk
and furnish the nails, if the Council would.
supply the lumber and cedar sleepers. Ml
Robt. I-Jaandoo also addressed the Connell
on the subject, urging the Council to accede
to the request of Mr. Robertson. Moved
by W. Holmes, seconded by W. Dore, that
the Council grant the request of Messrs.
Robertson and A oIndoo, and furnish the
lumber and cedar. Mr. D. Mel inlay,
Chairman of the Street Committee, said a
deputation had waited on him, asking for
a tanbark sidewalk on Charles street.
Town. council.
The regular =bang of the Town Conn-
, ell was held on Thursday evening. Pre-
sent—Mayor Brockenshire, Deputy -Reeve
Holmes and Councillors MoKinlay, Read-
ing„ Dore, Wilson,;i4r, °Lean, Herdsman,
a,ndNeelands;. The �fiinutes of the last
regular and special m ngs were read and
adopted: A communion, ion was read from
the County Clerk, ipti•mating that the
County rate due from t4n;ham for 1895
is 4620.72. A commuiiit't, btion was read
from Mr. Geo. McKenzie;: offering to ex-
iehange,nine acres of land for the present
town para., and agreeing to put the value
ofhe park into the 'anion Furniture Com -
pay.. Moved by JoltvlNeelands, seconded
byVm. Dore, that 'ale commur'acation
from Mr. McKenzie re the park be filed.
MrlMcKenzie addressed the Council at
•son @;length, saying tha4he wished to see
• the Union furniture Company, which we
sveil 'abou.t to aid, started on a good solid
basis. Ide would like to see • the factory
established on the park, where it would
have good railway facilities, and not put
on the site proposed. Moved by W.
Holmes, ixY amendment, seconded by D.
Moginlay, the' the communication from
Mr. Geo. McKenzie Iie over until the next
regular meeting of Couneil, for considers -
ration. The amendment, on a vote being
taken, was declared carried. A. communi-
cation was read from Messrs. John Elder,
W. W. Inglis, Edward Murray, ,Joseph
Coad,. John Pelton and Thomas Holmes,
protesting against giving a loan of $8,000
to the Union Furniture Company, as pro-
posed in by-law to be voted upon by the
qualified electors on the 22nd of '3{t�ly.
A communication was read from Town'
Tredsurer Dickson, stating that the
Manager of the Union Furniture Company
had paid him $6,525 upon the mortgage
for 38,000 held by the town on the Com-
pany's property. The money received has
been placed to the credit of the sinking
land. Two statements were read from W.
J. Paisley, License Inspector for West
,Huron giving the amount of refund due
the town from the license fund for 1894-5
and 1895-6, as $586.47. Communications
were read from Wm. Holmes, County
Treasurer, enclosing cheques for iownline
rant, 883.05 and for County Wards,
$31.25. .A. communication was read from
B. Harcourt, Provincial Treasurer, en-
closing $275, in payment of the public
sehoot grant. The Finance Committee
recommended the payment of the following
accounts: A. Boss, stationery, $3.20 ; Wm.
Bend, care of Mrs. Walby, $82 ; A. Bris-
beis, streets, 50 cents; John Murray,
waterworks, $64.65 ; J. B. Ferguson, salary;
liostege, &c., $80.50; John Dickson, salary,
625; Jos. Coad, salary, 615; Jos. Bullard,
salary, $35.41; ,Jos. Bullard, brooms, $1.15;
Thos. Irwin, salary, $10; Wingham
Electric Light Co,•lights for June, $30.00;
3'ohit Forster, repairs at waterworks,
6108.59; L. McLean, lumber, cedar blocks,
Alm., $91.27; W. Patterson, teaming, $2.15 ;
john 1aiunwork on streets, 620.08; 5, quality and styles, therefore goods
Mitchell, do., $27.50; Jas. Fleuty, printing, a At Cost " here means genuine
$13; It. Pesten, work on streets, 50 dente;
'sPatterson, rent for old Mr. Williams,
$8. On ,notion, the report was adopted
Marl the accounts ordered to be paid. By.
UM No. "251, for the taxation and the
regulating of the keeping of dogs in the
*own of Wingham, was read, three times
and wood, The by-law likes the fees at
$2 for dogs and $3 for bitches, each, and
the tax is payable on the t f September,
d tit
inst,, the wife of Mr. Geo, Faulkner; a
IAODOVAX,D—In Zetlancl, on the 8th
inst., Nellie, daughter of David A. Mao-
donald," aged 27 years, 4 months. and 27
days. ki;
/,JoH5sxoN,—In Turuberry, on the 7th
inst., Catherine Johnston, relict of the
late John Johnston, aged 89 years and
15 days@
atiou of the Town of Wingham to the 1
extent of $8000. Such debentures shall
be sealed with the seal of the said Cor-
poration of the Town of Wingham and
shall be signed by the said Mayor and
reasurer, and shall not be less than one dollars ars each, I
3, That the debentures shall bear date
on the 3lst day of December, 1898 and rite results are Infinitely room satisfactory,
shall be made payable in seven years ryn
from the date thereof at the office of the TAP t►Al xn RT1QnTl Ci t ni i.1 f:P
of 'a h m
Treasurer of the Town Wi 1;; a . ,
shall have attgohed to them coupons for
the payment of interest.
4. That, the said debentures shall bear
interest at the rate of five per centum
per annurn from the date of the said de-
bentures and said interest shall be pay-
able annually on the 31st day of Decem-
ber in each year at the place where the
said debentures are male payable,.
5. That during the currency of the
said debentures the suin of four hundred
dollars shall be raised annually for the
pay's -tont of the interest on the said de-
bentu •ea to be. issued hereunder and the
sum of nine hundred and eight -four
BY-LVYN0 250, ���,pall l rs bhallye raised annually for the
pay lent Dill b debt d be securest by the
isaid -,eautnres last mentioned making
— Tn . o „ thirteen hundred and
ei .
c iiia. -„,t
s to be raised annually
A By -Law to extend the time as o 3Aid,
for the repayment of the un-
that the said annual sumo@ thirteen
Moved by John Neelands, seconded by J. paid portion of the loan made h red and eighty-four dollars shall be
McLean, that a tanbark sidewalk be laid tOMeSsieurs Gilchrist Green tai" ed and levied in each year during the
on —
Charles street Carried The Council C b vita Of bonus
!said term of seven years by a special rateTown of Wingham.7. That the purchaser of any of thesaid debentures shall not be required tosee to the application of the purchasemoney thereef, or that the conditions inany agreement made or to be madebetween the Corporation of the Town etWingham and the said The Union Fur-
niture Company of Wingham, Linaited,have been eomplied with, observed orperformed, but such debentures andeoupons shall be unimpeachable on anysnels grounds in the hands of 10ay par -chaser for value.8. The foregoing sections of this by-lawshall take effect on and aftek:the fifthday of August, one thousand'Aught hun-
drsd and ninety-five and the subsemientsections shall take effect immediately,9. And it is further enacted by theCouncil of the Corporation of the Townof Wingham, that the votes of the elec-tors of the said muMcipality shall betaken onMonday, the 22nd day of July,one thousand eight hundred and ninty-
five, commencing at the hour of nineo'clock iu the forenoon and closing at thehour of five o'clock in the afternoon atthe places and by the deputy returningofficers hereunder specified:In ward number one at Joseph Golley'soffice, Victoria street, by James Plenty,deputy returning officer.in ward number two at Thotnas HRoss' inaplernent warehouse, josephinestreet by George Pay ne,deputy returningIn ward number three at the TownHall, by Johnston B. Ferguson, deputyreturning officer.In ward number four at the ParkHouse, Josephine street, by Wm. Robert-
son, deputy returning officer.10. That on the twentieth. day of JulyA. D., 1895, at half past ten o'clock inthe forenoon, at the Council Chamber inthe Town Hall, the Mayor shall appointin writibg, signed by himself. two personsto attend at the final summing up of thevotes by the Clerk of the said Town andone person 'to attend each polling placeon behalf of the persons interested inand desiroue of promoting the passing ofthis by-law and 'a like number on behalfof the persons interested in opposing this11. That on Wednesday, the twenty-
fourth day of July, one thousand eighthundred and ninety-fivesit twelve o'blocknoon, at the Clerk's office in the TownHall, the Clerk of the said Council shallproceed to sure up the number of votesgiven for and against this by-law.
$r ompany, y y sufficient therefor on all the rateable
then adjourned. under y ,
A Young Man Dies in a Dentist's
Chair in Woodstock.
William Barnes, a baker employed
by J. McCormick, confectioner, ex-
pired on Monday afternoon in Dr.
A. M. Clark's dentist parlors while
having some• teeth extracted, and
while under the influence of. chloro-
form. Dr. I1ieLurg was called in to
administer the drug. Four Beeth
had been successfully removed,, and
during the. „extraction of the fifth
Barnes suddenly grasped, and is sup-
posed to have almost immediately
expired. Doctors were called to as-
sist in reviving him, but after an
hour and. s half their efforts were
unsuccessful; and they were forced
to proinout e hien dead. The unfor-
tunate man; was -.about 30 ydttrs of
age, and leaves a wife and 2-yegriold
ehild. He• °has resided here o sly
about two months, and lived form
ly in Stratford. He was . a memli:
of the Knights of the Maecabeea and
A. 0. F. An inquest wilt be held,
His Honor the Lieutenant -Govern-
or -in -Council has, by- Order -in -Coun-
cil, dated the 29th June, 1895, been
pleased to direct that the corporate
name of the Sons of England Bene-
volent Society be changed to the Sons
of England Benefit Society.
The county of Bruce is now en-
tirely out of debt. The last checks
for the discharge of the county's in-
debtedness were signed by Warde
McIntosh last week.
Notice is hereby riven that
pursuant to the Assessm
Judge of the County C
at the Council Chamhe
on the 25th day of Jul,
to hear and determin
Court will be held
t. by His Honor the
f the County of Huron.
the Town of Wingham,
i stant, at 11 o'clock, a. in.,
ppeals from tho Court of
Revision of the Asses • lent Roll of said Town.
All persons having business at the Court am re-
quired to attend at the said time and place.
Wingham, July 11th, 1895. Clerk.
By -Law No. x47,x888
and to issue debentures' to
meett payment of certain de-
bentures issued under said
by-law when the Same shall
fall due and to authorizing
the levying of a special rate
for the payment of the first
mentioned debentures and the
annual interest thereon.
in the said municipality of the
Still continues the dnod work of placing itestudents
in choice positions. Two Stenographers placed last
week, Two other applications M to supply teachers
for other Business Colleges • one to teach Bookkeep•
ing, Penmanship and Arithmetic; the other Pen-
,uanehipp, Shorthand and Correspondence. None of
these places are worth less than 550.00 per month
to start.
Active, energetic young men and women will find
a course is Shorthand and Bookkeeping one of the
best avenues to a Successful life.
For catalo;ue address,
WHEREAs,on tbe 31st day December
A. D., 1888, the Corporatiorrlf the Town
of Wingham, under By-lav,No. 147,1888,
passed under the autborit ''bf the Muni-
cipal Ant, and with prop@ a of deben-
tures issued and sold under said by-law,
did loan by way of bonus to Messieurs
Gilchrist, Green and Company, the then
proprietors of a furniture manufacturing
establishment in the said `Town of Wing -
ham, known as "The Union Factory',
the sum of 810,000 for a term of ten
years without interest, to be repaid to
the said Corporation of the Town of
Wingham as follows: The sum of 8500
annually during the said ten years and
the balance at the expiry thereof;
AND WHEREAS, The Union Furniture
Company of Wingham, Limited, is the
assignee and successor in business of the
said firm of Gilchrist, Green & Company,
and bas assumed the repayment of the
balance due of said loan;
AND WHEREAS there is now remaining
unpaid upon the said loan the sum of
88,000 ;,
AND WHEREAS on the 22nd day of May
A. D„ 1895, the buildings, plant and
machinery of the Union Furniture Com-
pany of Wingbam,Limitod, were destroy-
ed by tire, whereby the • Town of. Wing -
ham in the loss of one of its largest and
most important industries has suffered
severe loss, and many workmen have been
in consequence thrown out of employ-
AND WHEREAS The Union Furniture
Company of Winghafrr, Limited, have
proposed to the Council of the Corpora-
tion of the Town of Wingham, that- if
the period of time for tbe repayment of
the 88000 balance due upon the said loan
be extended for a term of ten years with-
out interest, computed from the date of
the final passing thereof, the said The
Union Furniture Company of Wingham,
Limited, will at once rebuild and erect
suitable buildings and place therein
machinery* requisite and proper for the
employment of at least fifty workmen,
and will employ at least fifty workmen in
its business of furniture manufacture in
the Town of Wingham for at least ten
months during each of the last mention-
ed ten years, the said loan so extended to
be secured by first mortgage, as hereto-
fore, upon the real estate, buildings and
machinery of The Union Furniture Com-
pany of Wingham, Limited, and further be finally passed by the Council of the
secured by insurance policies on the said
Corporation of the Town of Wingham,
In order to reduce our immense
stock of Dry Goods, Ready -Made
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, and our
High Grade Imported Teas, three or
four thousand dollars before Stock-
taking, we will, DURING THE NEXT
have no old trash to clear out - all
fresh, new goods, seleeted with the
greatest eare, both With `regard to
Chatham, Ont.
A first-class machine or shape • iiand,
or one capable of taking charge qt
machine floor at out off saw. To a. man
with brains and ability, a permanent job
is assured..
Tan Gopinuoit OrtuaN Co.,
(loderioh, Ont.
'WANTED.—Several faithful gentle.-
entle.men and ladies to travel for established
Position permanent if suited; also in-
crease, State reference and eulose self-
addressed stamped. envelope.
316-317-818 Omaha 131dg., CI:IIQAGO.
Havthg" bought the Furniture and
Undertakingbusiness of John Cornyn,
I have put in afull line of
consisting of
��,: CHAIRS, &c.,
An of which: vi' li.�be sold at right prices
for �',It.'®rill' �� �t.
'They didn't think we'd do it, but
we olid,
Any person intending buying
ture.of any kind and paying cash, will
do well to call and see my stock and get
prices before buying elsewhere.
Picture Framing and ]i5epairint� prop-
erly attended to.
A complete stock of .
kept on hand.
Remember the place—Opposite Mac-
donald Block.
Residence—Opposite Foundry,
have in stook car Kingsiion.
BEST value in the market SEE lSJ
before purchasing front pedlars,
Land Plaster,
Galvanized. and
Annealed Pence Wire,
Barbless, 3 Plait Wire,
Wire and Cut Nails;
Builders' Hardware,
Window Shades,
Pure Paris Green,
Bug Finisher,
Peerless Machine Oil,
Parker's Spray Pumps,
Rubber Paint,
Stone Block, Wingham,
in many cases
in a great many cases7ir
c �L
the present purchasing
Take notice that the above is a true
copy of proposed by-law, which has been
taken into consideration and which will
buildings and machinery;
AND WHEREAS the said Council deem
it in the interest of the Touton of
Wingham that the said The Union Fur-
niture Company of Wingham, Limited,
should be granted the extension of .time
asked upon the conditions proposed;
AND WHEREAS the debentifres issued
under said by-law No. 147, 1888, will fall
due on the 31st day of December A. D.,
1898, and it will be necessary to issue de-
bentures to the amount of 88000 to meet
the same,bearing interest at five per cent.
per annum;; •
ANI) WHEREAS the whole rateable pro-
perty of the said municipality according
to the last revised assessment roll being
for the year 1894 is 8535,763;
AND wHfanAs the amount of the exist-
ing debenture debt ofthe, said muncipal- "
ity is $64,500 and there is nothing either � SMOKERS
of principal or interest in arrears; M 1,
Arlo wHERRAS for the':payment of the
debentures to be issued heretinder and. To meet the wishes of their customers
interest thereon it will require the sum. The"Geo, E. 'Puckett & Son Co., Ltd.,
of $1384 toll() raised annually by apeoiai Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the
rate on the whole rateable property of Market
the said Town of Wingham;
"Amu :vow; the Council of the Corpor-
ation of"the '`.i'own,oEWinghamenacts:
1. That upon the final passing of this
by-law it shall be lawful for the said
Council to enter into an agreement with
the said The Vision I+''urniture Company
of Wingham, Limited",. Por the extension.
of the • balance (($8000) isf the loan origi-
nally made to- Gilchrist, Green t Coln-
any for the time and upon the terms
hereinbefore mentioned.
2 Tbat for the purpose of meeting the
yment of the $10,000 debentures fell-
ing due on the 31st day of December A,
D..1898 as aforesaid the then Mayor and
inti pot, ttt1- on a ear. be Author Ilot�s . he issue debentures of the riaid Corpor niece.
oth t3 CION sttooemuset t 3' g
sacrifice bargains. • Come and see
our Stock and hear our prices, then
if you need goods you will be sure°
to buy. Cash and Butter and Eggs
during sale,
in the event of the assent of the electors
being obtained thereto, after one month
from the first publication thereof in the
Wingham Mats newspaper, the date of
which first publication was 28thJune,1895
and that the votes of the electors of said
municipality will be taken thereon on
Monday, the 22nd day of July, A. D.
1895, commencing at the hour of nine
o'clock in the forenoon and closing at five
o'clock in the afternoon of the same day;
and that at the hour, day and places
therein fixed for taking the votes of the
electors, the polls will be held.
Town Clerk's Office, June 25th, 1895.
Town Clerk.
e is o D M+ CORDON Treasurer of the said Town as soon as
tat, of January is r r ► f1 , the occasion eliall require shall taus to
A Combiva ion Plug of
This supplies a long felt want, giving
the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10
Tient piece or 5 eent piece of the famous
"'1' die B" brand of pure Virginia
Tobacco. rt
The tin tag T & Byr is on every
From 41cts. per yard up.
A Oboice Stock of Men's and Boys'
Direct Importation.
A JOB . LOT AT 2 5 Cts. EACH.
A Call Solicited.
IN'Gl AL '�