The Wingham Times, 1895-07-12, Page 6TUE W x. G1;AM TINES. JULY 12. t S: Ra!,
^ and 1.r
i A. $ig salt �nterprlsEnterprise.el`ltt3 it quart for the formol t
• A Detroit despatch saws : ,‘, delft to 15 cents for the latter there iS. 110
ihas just been consummated which till even will pay better,
ensueCa. the establishment of the The nlniei a! aSSeaSillel
lt retilrn3
1^'11111 Vt .TL;i,."l: 1l, 1895. largest salt factory in the world on show ren inereese tlon1.1890 to 1891
" the brinks of the Detroit. river, (if 1441.73. iteres of orchard and.
Michigan,. Canadian. and Chicago garden. All things. considered, it
The Connell 1 ll llf, i capitalists have purchased on private May be concluded that the fanners
4 C t wee liter, 1n the :fission terms 30 steres of land below the of Onttlrle are raprdlY ad,tptrng
llrlf.t•1, 1�"c t:ciclit•'i, .luno t:ttn, 18.1,, themselves to the changed condittotl3
lair-tt;alit t�, rt•1'•)t1rl.))nihn"•, NO1111)01'4 ri\ er l ou>,(• tis a site fur such plant. tr .bat b r alio
, . , , , , • ^ . , ' "WOrk on the buildings and patting. OC Agriculture bion,, h t about all 1 (`-'.11 Viet 11meeting
In t•h(. (,hand { will e un cllcapening et product1o11 ttnd 0n-
lllillttt(, u ^ . • g the grounds in shape bebegun d f tutu nil['. t ntrying'
4 1 e ll i
it 1 21 ld •g •
d : e
t 4t
a tr
r, t C 11 ti 11.
it Q e i 1
l ed 4 ,
tr' rr 1 ' 0
tt 11 .� 1?
0.11 t
n nl\ er o e
,• . itt once, tvl (.l p , n
A 't a . , tx
4. 1. . l l I ll� . ) + e t 2 'e
l 11 .lk, 1(dlh (. tl t tr
t 1 1 "\ l;; to
lei' l lines of vo 1.
. ,Y l l . _ ilunclred Bleu, fly ''tall !t isexpecteci tt1 adopt t loco
t3ltl t 0U1t(:1 :lski.l3t that dart' ht tiol whenmost profitable tiud pro)nising and
don( 011 1t hitt on the boundary tae- t4 ha\G the plant in opera 1,
one thousand workmen wilt be need- that tend to improve the fertility and
S 1
S eC11 I u\\ Minto. Moved. e1 anfl 1 0 1+ Qv
l . a int , cd
•l flys
\Y 1 hot lu ,. . .
by 1( aSls, (. t 1jt[rtil and Doig, that ed. i'ha C4lnptbuy i ! 1t f
the. couzlelt, with the exception of every grade and the cttpaeity of the
Mr. Doig, be a coinlnittee to examine plant will be three million barrels
said hill as to ling work required to annually, The process to be employ -
be, (lone thereon---Cal•ried, A cath- ed by this company is known as the
munieaton from Mr, 1 . L. Diek,inson, direct heat v90149111proses. As it is
the same as that used by the Cana-
ail - t village to 1 one • c rt 4d b the ii c
t l � elaimed 1
of Gerrie train the township, was dian. Paola° Company in Windsor,
read the opinion of Me. Dickinson and controlled by that corporation,
,p, it is only fair to presale that the
laying thatCyt}t rte has 114 legal status • i t Pacific, Com any is back
to receive saki money, It was slay- { Canal ap
e4' by Al s•rs Gregg and Doig thiit.of tate movers in this ne%v enterprise,
l le a
the said letter lie filed --Carried.
T. •\'td by Messrs. Graham and:Just what's Needed
Gregg, that t as the county Of Wel- Bxeluinis thousands of people who have
I ,a,,a l e; torten Food's Sarsaparilla at this season
lington has offered $;)0 on the boun-"oC the year. and who have notal aha
dary line that this council will F suocess of aha medicine in Riving tltetu
grant an equal amount to be laid en; relief front that tired feeling, waning
appetite and state of extreme exhawition
productiveness. of their farms,
d k�
Th1 II Ii1
1 aim getting' to hate amiable
people. 1 didn't thing 16 ono of that
t tune,
[ `didn't think' is fa;t, serene, jolty
and smiling. It neve troubles it-
self about atnything; but if your head
arches, and the door is slammed con-
tinuously, be sure that 'I didn't
think' has done it.
If pencils, paper, stamps, pens,
scissors, are miss-
ing ih from your desk,
you can always
find them in "I didn't think's' prem.
tees, If your needles, pins, combs,
gloves, and slippers have absconded
look i
a Of ou
" ' 1 the same place. t
'I didn't think' is always so sorry --
amiable people al\vays are; but
meantime they keep on doing it all
the salve.
A BEVlntl. CANE. MEP ]n] enFltrrOC3 1ni,Uui) , T lids n
1S[7TL'it'a AVM. (MUNI T11EA'CJI1;N9• HAP conveniently poor memory. When
k:1[Li;la,. your hair is standingon end, and
= "nttl[rx--After being treated by cold drags of perspiration ooze from
three electors for 11 r ee a,a I decided to ] your brow, and the precious nloteents
Y1 N
try Burdock Blood Bitters. By the time are flying, it never has seen what
1 bad taken two bottles of B. B.13. I was you are hunting for oh, no ! it never
completely oared and have since been has the least idea or what yon mean.
strong and well. 1'V119t1 I was suffering It handsyou a chair, and begs
from dyspepsia I was so weak and thin I r begs
hardly walk, but I now weigh over you sweetly not to worry, when
160 pounds and feel as well as OVOr I did in you'd just like to smash it over its
my life. NAPOLEON GAI:ANT, amiable head, It softly commences
Merchant, Caplin River, Que.
humming some little namby-pamby
Tal eonnectlon with the County of Summer Work in the Orchard. tune when your soul is wound up to
Wellington where tnost necessaryon actor the close c onhnement or 13 lone screaming pitch, and you feel as if
winter season,. the busy time attendant
said road — Carried. Accounts upon a large and pressing business day- EGLIS F. AUGUSTINE IN FA/a/Hil'S, little ants were creeping from under
passed : Alex. Edgar, $8, culvert' ing the spring months and with vacation I ADVOCATE. your finger nails, and as if somebody
washout, lots 10 and 11, can, 3; R. time yet sone weeks distant, It is :heti ! - ; were boiling a tea -kettle on the top
Barris, X8.50, for culvert tot 10, con. that the bulld,u,r•up powers of Hood's The fru11-grower will iTid but of early ileal,
rI Sarsaparilla are fully appreciated. ,It ' .
I had rather see cloven -foot shim-
B ; Geo. Rut*, "1, for repairing saems perfectly adapted to overcome little bine for work in the ',Orchard
Culvert, lot 1i, con. 13 ; Win. Rush, that prostration caused by change of during these busy days, yet ;there is • self --horns, hoof and tail—than your
$1,.50, for repairing culvert side line season, climate or life, and while it tones much that may be done, Which, if 1 amiable person. I should feel a cer-
r and sustains the s;'stein, it purifies and g tam respect for him. He'd probably
40 .ries 11 • Jas. Perkins, .:10.80, ' vit`tImes the blood ne„ Ieeted, will necessitate a large I p p y
for clothes for I. Butch, indigent • I _- --_._ ' amount of extra future wort;', and , say:
S. Walden, $6 for keepof J. Sauna' ,.., result in a severe set -back to the i Fanny, I did take your pen, or
Ao, l store iii the Province. , , your paper, and misplace it; I don't
tiers; charity, up to Jule 1st ; J.1 � trees. New suckers which start 3 P' p r P i
Patterson,. $1,50 for repairing cul- T\s0 things arc most noticeable In. very freely after spring pruning, , know what the dickens I did with
vert• lot 28, con.�2 ; S. Bladen, $? 50 f examining the returns made by the may now be quickly rubbed off befit, and I don't care, you make the
for repairing culvert, lot 28, con. 2 ; farmers of Ontario for the past few band ; while it Left till fad or the 'most of it. t
S, t laden, „2.50, for repairing cut- lgliculture, rs to the Ontario
efptt tali ntof
the tinieiing and laborgo remove it will require
hem with !fight ng; ow lone could )�atchd be an 'n hay w arth
vert lot 25, con, 6.; Wm. Hayden, steady increase year b r year in the
$2,, for repairing eulvert Hawick and y y - a knife or saw; and, if now attended claw with him; but your amiable
Wallace ; Mrs, Donaghy., „.g-3.30,for i vahle of farm improvements and to, there will be much less liability ; smirk, who sneaks out of a dilemma
" ravel • C. Rogers, $4.50, for glad- equipment. The second is the of others starting out the next; with a Chesterfieldian smile and a
12n ,lot 25, eo, G ; `'fie tiles lieDer- at the same change
ome fromas taken the production spring. !specimens Lucifer may have h av e in at pice
mitt $1, for repairing Fordwich 1 p There is no better time for fedi-,
bridge. Moved by Messrs. Graham ; of grain for sale to the production of ing young a letree heads into de- keeping, but 1 query if, in cool dia-
and Do'g that the council d now ; meat, eggs. fruit, butter and cheese. sfrabie shape than during th i bolism he can rival the amiable 'I
1 tt ns sho\v that throughout
e sum -
New shoots which are didn't thins:.' --Fanny Fern.
Dole., a c o n rl,
1C Te it
adjourn to meet in the township hall, the Province a.s a whole there has mer months
Gorrie, on the third Wednesday in .been t mai iulprovenient in the growing in a wrong direction should l
July -Carried
dwellings, barns, and various build- at once be cut out, and also any {
A Caution! A Warning!
L. Da`E, Tp. Ciera:. ib \vhtch intersects or may In
If, on blotving the nose in the morning,
Ings on the farms; that a very large future crowd another; taking care to 11W1 h blood flakes are discharged colored
A THEATRE O ' I+TRE.—This hap- increase has beenmadein the amount always keep the centre of the tree ' no time in applyingla ramy on edy.$)ratar h
pied recently, and a panic was of under dram �ge; that unproved
well open. This walk may now all lot the very worst kind has become seat -
only: averted by the presence of fences are rapidly replacing the old be done with a pocket-knife or Small ed, the walls are sore and full of small
blind of one of the actors. Ile was style rail and stump fences, and that pruning clippers. In fact, no other] ulcers," and if not soon oared will be
taking the part of a comic sailor.' all kinds of'machinery are being ex instruments for pruning need be used l ihu r time cure
d lime. raTcat _._ Chase s
When the fire broke out, and the , teusively used as far as possible in ,
upon a young tree for many years,! Catarrh Cure.
people were rising from their seats I place of manual labor. The change if the work is always attended to
in'terror, he leaped into the centre of; in the products of the farm, may be when first needed. The Fear of Thunder and"
tha.stage and commenced the sailors' t readily seen from the following ing Gleaning.
hornpipe. The panic was averted, `table, which gives the ' acreage of All black knots should be cut out
the . fire wasof under, and the seven crops for 1884, 1889, and and burned when first discovered, as . Girls who are terrified by thunder
g , 1894 , it is very easy to keep an orchard and lightning lose a great deal of en -
of cheers. All that is required ata Acres. Ames. Aeras.
.neat .... ......... 1,680,x8, 1,2L0,,L5 10o0,(ia>8 time; while if allowed to gain a foot-
erisis is presence of mind. When i ilhi tv...... .. ...... too, 2 s76,UQa 480,801. hold they are very difficult, and
-we are suddenly taken ill and know i P�Ay.... • • • • • ; , .. ..111.1X 1'rob;a -'3x`1;w1i� sometimes impossible to effectually
htwhich wag to turn, if we only ZooGs(ma3are)....•••-•' 133:525 i s' i{ isu'6 s eradicate. If found upon the body
hive the presence of mind to think Hay ................ 2,1oS 300 2.9R0,2?3 2,6iti,'1,43 or main branches of a young tree,
or Holloway's Pills and Ointment alit Wheat and barley have been an efficient remedy 'is to carefully
will be well and danger need not be grown for sale off the farm, whereas cut off the diseased wood and apply
feared. 'oats peas roots and hay have been
came down amidst a storm ; 1834.. 1889. 1804. ! free from these if attended to in joyment during the summer, when
we have storms as well as sunshine..
It may not be quite possible for every
one to help being afraid when the
sky is black with clouds and the
lightning's flash, but it is within the
power of most people to control the
expression of fright. Once or twice
having resolutely refrained from
Showing your terror, you will be sur-
prised and pleased to find the terror
itself lessening.
1 know persons who go through
Life in a sort of bondage to fear of
various kinds. They tremble and
turn pale or grow hysterical and
ery, when the dark clouds gather
and the thunders roll. There is a
pretty German hymn which begins:
TRE TOWNSHIP ROADS, the farm. In five ears the area of
According to a table published in • y none of the liquid comes in contact
l the two crops has dropped by G00,- : with the healthy parts, or the tree
t11:;_ annual report of the Ontario 1742 acres, and the area of the other will be destroyed as well as the
Gooci Roads Association, the several 1 five crops has increased by 906,51°2' disease.
township municipalities in this coon- acres. The increase in the number
ty spent in statute labor and cash , I Be on the watch constantly for the
of Cheese factories and in the number i first signs of the tent -caterpillar,
the 'following amounts on their roads,, of swine all point in one direction. { which i easily destroyed in its first
wr.. presumand. e this thiss in he a fair year 893. and average;
Thome three are inseparably con- stages, when it is clustered in the
yew': Ashfield had 3,400 da s of • fleeted with profitable dairymen in web from which it derives its name;
1 ' y Ontario. The increase in the num-
a little kerosene to the wound. Great
igrown mainly for consumption upon care, however, should be taken that
statif l2 labor, and spent $4,037 on
roads and bridges; Colborne had
2,012 days, and spent $1,495; Goder-
i('!t township spent $3,131; Grey had
8,200 days, and spent $3,152; Hay
l L day,—South
1 i t Cured 3 iia " It t
Dm4t411t�t0r 1 r.
Rau y
American 1Z11eun1141i0 C0reef 1lhonntatisln
and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1: to 11 days.
Its action on tiro system is remarknbie and
mysterious, It removed at once the cause
of the disease immediately disappears, TIM
first nose greatly bouefite, 711 cents.
%Vnrranteed at Cltislaoan'silrus; store.
AGENTS WANTED- `"Who desire
� .,a��r.,.,.,,.,,to ear.
818 to $M5 t •ekly. 1t can be do sell log
our" hardy, g• nrenteed, Oita itt grown
Nursery Stou . 5nit,r • • contm.ssion
Exult weekly.. u." a territory. hand-
somei L. el t ttor d
,tder >:I
some outfit fre:. Vrit e for
E, ". filZAlfA -t, Nu'seryn,uu;
Toronto, Ont
but if allowed to spread over the It thunders, but I tremble not,
ber of sheep since 1892 is 165,000,1branches muds time will be required itiIy trust if lint God,
in the number of'swine 150,000, and , His arm of strength I've ever sought
in poultry over 500,000.• for its extermination. And when a Through all the way I've trod.
p -ravages It is a great drain upon' its
The host important feature in the + tree has been defoliated by its I advise all of you. who need the
vigor, and check to its growth, to be advice to remember that God rules
compelled to in the heavens and His hand sends renew its•foliage so late
in the season, when
there is a ca Crty
the storms. Trust in God when you
are afraid—really trust and you will
sap in the hotly of the tree. How grow carr and happy. Another
IittIe attention • is given to the de- grain of Comfort natty be found in
struetion of this pest by the general the fact that when' you see the bright
farmer is evinced by the defoliated zigzagging' flash and hear the rumb-
ling thunder, the danger, for you. is
over. You will never see or hear
the electric current whish hurts or
kills. It is far too swift to wait and
warn you in that way,—•I3av'per's.
change of our agricultural industries
spent $9,343; Lowick had 4,244 days is the 'development of the cheese
and spent $1,112; Hulett had 3,011 factory system. In 1883 there was
days and; spent $3,035; McKillop had in Ontario 635 factories with a pro -
3,f.,51 and spent $2,774; Morris duct of 100,000 pounds. The im-
bed 3,189` days, and spent $3,355; portanee of cheese -making may be
Stanley had 1,725 days, and spent emphasized by giving the returns of
$1,905; Stephen had 5,000 days, and three or four counties for the year
spent $3,507; Tuekersmith had
2,857 days, and spent $2,166; Turn-
henry had 2,298 days, and spout
$717; tsborne had 2,450 days, and
spent $2,507; East Wawanosh had
1,777 days, and spent $1,515: West
Wawanosh spent $1,675. The road
mileage of the several . townships is
as follows: Ashfield 250, Grey 140,
7 'ay. i 2r, Howlett 176, Hullett 140,
McKillop 120, Morris 145, Tucker-
awlt'h,167, Turnberry 90, tsborne
swan sh 100. The it -
15 East o tin e
tgc'dor the other townships is not of fruits targe and small is being in- wi en reouirreed, aStrawberry
i i ink yitfisntheybest
gtv(�7ii, . creased. At the present price of remedy required,
had for all kinds of Summer
' tor71 Dint . I a
s then a failed t never i; [ ed in out
s raw es u
Berri and r p
cries it is atttlF t t r
1892, which will be about the same er
cent, rameof all applep trat ees during t twenty the
as in 1894. In the counties of Leeds, g
Grenville, Oxford, Dundas, and
Hastings there are 260 factories, and
the value of the cheese made was
$3,207,166, or about $30 per head of
the rural population of these counties.
The number of Creameries issteattily
inereasing, having doubled in the
lastthe years, three ve rs The
of ours Province to fruit growing is
becoming more and more widely
known, and year by year the acreage
months of August and September,
Now,let every reader of the Advocate
decide that during this season his
orchard shall have every care and op-
portunity for its fullest development,
and not present the neglected and
unsightly* appearance which so many
orchards do.
Great hash an It.
Dna II1s -• have ,
M 1 usied r Pewter's
D . ow er s
that stood a ,. alrsa
et you know ri ar
# on e 4t
ly a Summer tar I
t�ln 11Y
y a a t
lima will *ernoate th4tt tired !feting arta. tstra'agea. lancet a+irErag+s )s 1'et ptaxi- ,� � slave���qreat faith in it. p '
� rowed �'t� �lttlllty? fr<3ci tt th�;lt district, for tat 9 and 110 Mu. sling Box >r Ifst.
ilklist i •t's, Chatham, Ont.
a •c•tts and Tad •3 a k'l obtained. Cv, n r c xr o ,mel^n all 1 patent
business conducted for MUDM:i'i't. b•i'IiiM. My
office is in the immedi , to vicinity of the PatentOffice
and my facilities f or securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, with
description andstatetnentas toittivantnge, claimed.
Arepaate i, tnbiiity {And sive fee or prosecuting the
application fait/ not Go canett r1u 'wait the
Pritent 4a allowed. "INV8.Teas' QUIDS," con-
taining full information sent free. Ari` Confinunt.
cations Considered as Strictly Confidential.
925 P street. WASIXIN(TON, ill. di.
and all Summer Complaints and Fluxes of the
. Bowels. It is safe and reliable for
Children or Adults.
For Sale by all Boaters.
Short Journeys en a Long Road
Is the ehtiractoristie title of a profusely
illustrated book containiing ove. r one e
hundred pages of Charmingly written
descriptions of summer reeo:rts in the
country berth and west of Chicago. The
reacting matter is new, the, illustrations
are new, -and the informationtherein
will bew to almost everyone, -
A copy of "Short ',fourneye on a Long
IZoad will be sent free to anyone who
will enclose ten tentsto pay postage), to!darts. R.11.eavrottn Oeueral Passenger
Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul
Railway, Chicago" Ill.
WOOZPS rxospixon L! ' i.
The.Great English Remedy.
Sic:Packages Guaranteed to
promptly, and permanently
cure an forms of Nervous
Weakness, Emiaafons,Sperm-
atorrhea, Impotency and alt
effects of Abuse or Excesses,
Mental Worry, excessive 1880
Before and .Af ter. of Tobacco, OP tumor SNmu•
tants, which soon lead to In.
,frn3fty, Insanity, Consumption and art early grave.
Bas been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of
cases; is the only fietiable and Honest Medicine
known. Askdrugg[stfor Weed's Phosphodlne; if
he.offers some worthless medicine in place of this,
inclose price in iotter, and wo will send by return
mail. Price, one paekage, $1; six, $ir. One wilt
please, edo wilt cure. Pamphlets frde to any address.
The Wood Company,
'Windsor. Ont.. Cariadm •
Sold in Wincham by 0. E..W1l1iams. Druggist.
Ask your Druggist for
For Handkerchief, Toilet and Bator.
ror Tweet yfive ''ears
—IS P1ik3L1SHee
1 ItE-�-
11Ikf S OFF1Cr;a JOSE PHiNE ^,,igl u
Snbseripttonprtoo, $1 per year, In a$vattow
tipavu 1 1 yr. I lino. -- 8 mo. 1 1 snot.
one Cotuunt 8110 00 840 00 1 020 00 0 00•
teat '^ 40 00 20 00 12 Q0 4 ea,
Quarter r
to L
n 000 2
i 0 00
Qt o
tine Inch a3 �_
6 0 8.
f[ J
00 1
Legal and other cumin eadvertieenlanta,Re. peer line
for lint ila401 tiou, and 3t.. per lino to each subsequent
Lcgwl notices 10e.
eoirtoro'clo. peeling for each subsequent nseicr insertion,
notice will be charged less than 26e.
Advertisements otLost, Found, Strayed, Situations■
and Burliness Ohanres Wanted, not exceeding 8 linea
nonpareil, $1 per month
Housesand Ferme for Salo, not execeding 8 linea
$1 for !last month, 60e. per subsequent month
These terms will
strictly mthered
toSpec al rotas for
ton-•er p riode ad ortisenrente, or i0
Aiivertisetneets and local notices without speckle
directions, will De. inserted
l forbidd a
erraccordin •, Tr u.r fY advertisementsm at be -
paid in
Changes for contraotladvertic,munts must be lib
the office by Wednesday noon, In order to appear
that week
PROPRiriroje ANI1 PUBLI,riss
Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
-.Coroner for County of Huron—
Office Upstairs, next to Sar 34orton's office, Wing.'
ham, Ont.
OPPxoa Houns.—o t0 12 a. m., I to 6 p. m., or at
Residence, Diagonal Street.
J P. KENNEDY, M. D. 37. C. P.S. 0.
(Successor to Dr. J. A. Meldrum,)
GaldMedalist of Western University! Late House.
Surgeon in London General Hospital. Special anon•
tion paid to diseases of woolen and children.
O131ce—Formerly occupied by Dr, bieldrum,COraer
of Centre and Patric} streets.
IVirmi[A3t - ONT
DR. J. iicASII,
M. B. Toronto, Member College Physician, and,
Surgeons, Ontario.
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate.
interest. No eommisston charged. Mortgagee, tow -
and tam property bought and sold
OFFICE—Beaver Block WINOEAa,
Winghani, Ont.
Barrister I1te.
Office—Meyer Block, wingham.
i-lE'4TISTCRY.—J. B.38110ME, L. D. S•,tY[Nanats.
l J is n'anutacturing first-class Beta Of
teeth es cheap as they can be made
.ewa• in the Dominion, Teeth extraoted
absolutely without pair, by hie new
process, guaranteed perfectly sate.
OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the
Brunswick House,
ARTHUR J. iRWIN, D. D. B., L. 11. S.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College,
IYINanAI/, • ONstaitt0
pDEANS. Jit., lVsNOn.u,, -
Sales attended In any part of the do. Charges
JOAN 0111123E, NiYlxonAal, Uxx
• 5U1(O8 AND 11EDDE.
All orders left at the Data office promptly attend
ed to. Terms reasonable,
L10t84, D Anetan 0041 POR COUNTIES
All Sales attended to promptly and on the Shortt9
Charges Modetate and Satistaetlon Guaranteed.
A11 Itecessary arrangements can be made at 1fib
Tome' office
lt[tltott 153
Money" to Loan on Notes,
Notes Discounted
li,EAScS' 1 ABLE ttAtzt 3
mono),advanotd on Mortgage* dS tat 6 nr oen
' prlvlleac ( muting atthe end Of a
ny year. Noir
andacoounte coheetzp*T. en03OO.H{COO/LBr TFRIEND
LARGEST SALE Irl CANADA. heaver Block Win¢batil, Ont.
ISoll>t1;,rti' xious: Weedfl, and How
to Oombat Them.
wards g,
the surf
One has not far to travel at this ts
time of the year to be forcibly 1111- and o
pressed with the enenuous waste of - shouphldobat
fertility and interruption to the turist -°Jgrowing of grain cy crops that simply a tans In
few of the most pernicious weeds r;1 readily ci
#het upon many farms. Perhaps the We:lint
Dost noticeable at this season are 1801ne in.
Wild mustard and ox•eye dais method o:
while a short time from now will to dao s.
reveal the brightyellow I p l
g loads of the .:rotation, a
:sow thistle. Canada thistles are the infest(
ays '
Il uS
d ar
i - e more tint- ell to a c11
forme spread, over the county t ere s. 1. t
Any of the abbeys, usa t tl
N Die a
Until within the lastespeeall
s fewy
years a tt
the C
nabest d thistleI1
t he
w meal
�a looked 1.
u o
P n but;
'one of the very worst of weeds, but
since more eareful study has been 'foregoing,
.given its mode of growth and means writ er be br1
f eradication, it is becoming less surface e t
and less dreaded. At this season surface en
do ]
aw •
at ,
• ing thistles in permanent pastures. green crop
They should be mown season, sue
or mower with a scythe wheat vi
justbefore they reach the under t
blossoming stage. It is important late.
'that fence corners, road sides, bush supply ht
plots, and all out -of -the -Way places Allow wit
be given the needed attention to able, or s°
hinder the thistles going to seed. seeded to 0
' W1ion a faun has become infested, the er 11
the crops in which thistles have op- for prat
Iportunity{(ri ripen their seeds should the roust 1
be dropped out of the rotation until selves. I
infested fields have been dealt with. for this the;
As soon as the harvest is off, the land clay; or o
should be ploughed shallowly. This plough do
fore the t
soot -stalks. The field should then
cuts off the plants above the creeping Its seeds,
be cultivated with a sharp cultivator Tt is a s
at each appearance of the plants over all
above ground. If this is done faith -weed had-tthat
fully, a well -worked hoed crop the t
following season will leave a
pI e- done by. ev
•V1ously very thistly field in tolerably see the goat
clean condition. On the summer- or sots this
fallow, ploughing down carefully a,t beds of ox
the blossoming stage, with subsequent {intersperse(
Cultivation, has been found very other coat`
effective. In corn and roots use the has been t
cultivator and hoe faithfully, The last
The sow thistle is a muck .harder ( couch g• m
plant to exterminate than the fore- I dreaded nt
going, and also much more injurious nnows ago•
to grain crops in which it exists, In aof obasic
.a, very few years after it first a.p- thfaveed t
pears in a field it so completely takes ow weed b
possession of the ground—particular- low, If th
ly in patches—that everything to draw
ds crowded, out. There are several roots, to th(
varieties of this weed, but theyare moving eve
generals divided into twthe the harrors
' y nothing tb 1
.annual and perennial, the latter of eradication, possi
which is most dreaded. The methods ever, to yak
•of destroying this weed plants
those for eadicating Canada thistlesresemble, the season.
except that two hoed crops should method is
follow in succession ; or a sutntner- ''deal of la
tallow and then a hoed crop.
The ox -eye daisy, although much _ all Hoist ich is me
admired in cities and towns, for its with buck
beauty, is a pernicious and much -to- way towar
be -dreaded weed. It resembles the Some pref
.foregoing inasmuch as it is of peren- wheat dowi
nial duration, but differs from them have found
in being propagated only by seeds, ing the- b
'which are very .numerous in every harvest it.
head. The methods of_ destroying a hoed °rot)
^0x -eye daisy are as follows ; As it.
infests meadow;, they, as well as
permanent pastures, should be
dropped out of the rotation, as far as Catarrh re
1s f One short p
fields havebeenntil dealtLle with.fested An Dr Blower,
infested pasture, or meadow, should alis Powder
be ploughed before the flowers go to i passages• 1?
seed. The field should be then sown
to rape, or corn, sown in drills, and
kept thoroughly cultivated,. Then
followed with hoed crop the next
season. An infested grain field
should be ploughed lightly after
haf'vest; then harrow several times
'during the atttumn, and plough
'deeply before winter. Follow with
one or two hoed crops—well cared
:for, --or the first season might be
given to summer -fallow, either bare
-or in conjunction with. green manure;
such as bttekwheat, which would Denver bite
have a smothering tendency. In shave at th
sections or fields
where hr
this br,
t .
e rl
is just beginning teno' ` , who,
. "ta. show itself, no � craftsman, s
pains should be spared to hinder the mistake of
• maturing of the seed. The flowers: Conversatio
case of a m
o __•-r...wvarvty i
for nhurder
'easy task, ryhen not too numerous. i visitors to t
After the seeds have Fallon, the aim theological
;should be to induce their germintttion t State when
.as soon as possible, and then destroy I ser of a spa
the plants by cultivation. , totally diffe
sation there
ject of chat
41 t0
tist it Is of annual duration. Itis one on the steal
,of the most difficult plants to eradi• •Yes, it's say
,date where it erten gains a foothold. change thei
This is due t,, the extraordinaryI out west.
Vitality* of the -•t ed -1, which -are of,
as ysaehanbiIy m7' It. that willMister 11(
Ile fifty years In the soil and after- ply`^ -'--Marla
it relieves i
cures Ctttarrl
ache, Sore TI
gess. GO ce
A neat e.
monitive S
young Coh
whom we \
pally bccau
his name.
Wild mustard has beoo- great
gl cat
4'eyesore in many districts, It
^differs from the foregoing inasmuch