HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-07-12, Page 1ING
VOL. XXIV.---NO. 1228. /
' Don't trifle with this precious gift by not heeding
the.dictates of nature. There is such a thing as
wearing Spectacles when you [shouldn't and. not
weari!ig. them when you should. When you first
notice your eyes felling, or it seems a strain on them
to read or do near work, consult an eye specialist.:„
ono that is permanently located and snakes w
specialty of the eye. This way you will haw oom.
fort, and save what money can't buy.
The Old Stanc1 lately occupied by
3. J. Horauth & Son is in course of
being greatly enlarged, and when
ompleted will be the largest and
rink commodious store west of
Toronto and will be fitted up in the
Very latest city style with all the
Most modern improvements. We
expect to
81 King St. East, Toronto, Ont.
Will be at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham, Ont.
soon. Watch for date.
Will be at Allen St Wilson's drug store. Clinton,
Ont., on Wednesday, .August 14th, only. '
from its° present quarters
And during that time we shall offer
gobds in every department at prices
° that will astonish the closest buyers.
Prbflt and. loss is 4ot the question,
with us. Our stock is large, varied,
gilCl well bought and. at prices that
rake our competitors wonder, but
itteust be reduced in a hurry, and
the knife has been applied to the al-
ready low prices.. PeOple who have
paid attention to, , otir advertising
have saved MoUeii Mid all join. in
6aying that we adhere strictly to our
is the terms..Cash is the great
Motive power in •our business and
the next two weeks will long be re-
iaembered as the
FOR 1895.
Every department is complete, and
barg,fains will always bubble to the
.sUrface and be secured by shrewd
.and careful buyers.
In order to satisfy yourselves that
•We are doing what we say, pay the
BEAR a friendly visit before mov-
ing and. judge for yourselVes. Every-
thing must go at
for the next two weeks.
Wald the BEAR and Follow on.
X X X is going out of boots at any price,
—The farmers ar1
busy haying. It is
not more than a thin of a crop.
Drink Tetley's Tea. Kerr et, Conery's..
—The thistles and weeds: on the sides of
the streets in town are being out this
—The Baptist S bbeth School picnic
will be held in Mr. o. Wada'a bush, on
Thursday afternoon, 25th instant,
Screen Doors and Windows very low.
Smith ce. Pethick.
—Some of those w 0 strongly opposed
the by-law to aid he Union Filename
Company are now it strongest supporters.
- —The weather w a very warm a few
days during the week but on Tuesday the
temperature dropped and it has been quite
Great bargains in summer millinery, at
Miss Wallace's.
• —Court Wingha , I. O. F., intend
holding their anima excursion to Sarnia
and .Detroit, on Bat rday, August 8rd.
Further particulars in.iuture issues.
Cherries, Currants, Gooseberries, '&0., in
abundance, at Kerr & Conery's.
—Rev. D. and Mr
New York this week
reach Wingham on
Perrie's health has
by his trip.
—Private moneys to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
. Drink Tetley's Tea. Kerr & Conery's.
For want of a huoriiim there was no
meeting of the P lithe Scheel Board, on
Tuesday evening 1
—Our firemen in
hose reel competiti
25th inst., and are thetising for it.
The latest styles of Ladies' Sailor Hats,
at Miss Wallaee's.
—Mr. David itol
Ripley, formerly of
has fallen heir to a
money by the death
. Perrie arrived at
and are expected to
Monday next. Mr.
en greatly improved
'1-1.1.r. and Mrs. Go
home from their wed
\ ekveeenpiitg
itig liaest. theirTh keett
\ m
A. Cline. %/
Iles Shoe Children's Shoes
In fact all k Shoes in Black or ColOreA.
PDon't o sbo tho prin.:sin our windows nogt
Po olid 'Reliable Shoes t doors north of Post
WHAT You are thinking of
ABOUT t8king' conuracial
course. You 'ant to
•"' become- a goi.d book -
FALL keeper or an expert short -
hander. Perhaps you, don't want to
be either, but want a good. every day
practical education.. You want to be-
gin about 'September. Lt us show
you how we can help you. Write us
:fors NEele.NDS.
. M. Duffield arrived
ing trip on -Saturday
ve taken up house.
.•-on Minnie street, in
y °coupled by Mr. J.
t. '
end to take part in the
ze in Bt. Mays, on the
‘-`The opposition to
Union Furniture Co
all withdrawn, and t
by.law will be, cart
majority, .91,0
erts, blacksmith, of
.his town, it is said,
snug little stun of
a relative.
le by-law to aid the
parry has been about
prospect is that the
d by a very large
—'A dog by.law was
ing of the Town 0
of e2 for dogs and
making it necessary
registered and wear a t
Red Cap, Blue Ribbon and Standard
Binder Twine at Smith & Pethick's.
• Good rooms to rent near
the Public School. A./oplly
to IVirs. A. W. Webster.
—A new plank sid walk has been laid.
on the north gide of jPatriek street, irom
pare to Prances sti eteetwo blocksVIt is
a great improvement J or the old gravel
Walk, and the resiclehbs of that section of
go Manitoba,. where he s
the town are happy, hough they had to
eith a sister, Mrs. D.
down into their pockets to get it built.
spent Wednesday in t
For a short thee, Miss Maheprrsioones oisf with h ." d
le many Leon s
making greaOreductions in the
passed at lea meet -
moil. levying a tax
for leaches, and
that all dogs be
—Read the nowi
Messrs. Homuth & B
McIntyre, J. G. Field,
H. Ross, Mr. Leslie
lain, in other columns
—The Orangemen
Luoknow to -day to t
bration of the "Battle
is expected that there
demonstratiou. Haul
advertisernenta of
wles, Geo. Good, G.
M. jessop & Co., T.
tad Prof. Chamber..
1 this district go to
ke part in the cote -
of the Boyne." It
will be a monster.
ton and Seaforth
are also holding celebrations.
Celebrated Church's Bug Finish kills
every time. Another large shipment,
Smith & Pethink,
—The Rev, Henry
accepted the unanimo
by the Congregationa,
town to become their
installed into the peat
gational church, on the 16th inst.
—Mr. Wm. Lithgo , a former well-
known resident of the t wn, but who has
been reeidingln .13luev le .for some 'time,
left on ThUriclay • morn ng for Shoal Lek%
ill raid° in futerae
fair. lirt''Lithgoti•
wn shaking hands
end bidding them
D, Stewer
very fine• hogs to 11
on Thursday, per
—In compliance
petition, the Mayo.
shipp• ed. a car load of
e Collingwood Meat Co..
. T. R.
with a largely signed
has proclaimed Friday,
—A couple of co mantel travellers front
Toronto were in to a on Wednesday even.
ing on a tandem bi •yole. After calling on
their customers he e and having their tea,
they mounted ti • "silent eteed," and
July 20th, a public holiday for the town. rted for Rlyth.
The balance of our stock of millinery —All Arrange=
goods at cost and under, at Miss Wallace's. plated for the rem
neer, of Blyth, and
le, hed. charge et' the
ving exeminatioue in
ke. The examinations
—Messrs, P101
Cameron, of Brass
Entrance and Le
the public school hi
were concluded on 1 roaday afternoon.
—St. Mary's Jou rel: Hespeler, Guelph,
Ingersoll, Ailsa Cr g, Kincardine, Wing-
. Mote, D. D., has
s call tendered him
congregation of the
3astor, and will be
rate of the Congee-
ts are pretty well corn -
to be held on the 2.3th
and 20th instants. The purses are large
and the best horses in tile country are On-
peoted. The sewn clay, the 20tb, will bo
the town's civic ho day. ta#
--The exteemel dry weather has hien.
very bad for the •ees, and it is thought
that the simply o honey will be very
limited this year. Boma beekeepers 'say
hem,. Woodstocek a id Galt have already
their bees will not make eneugh honey to
excepted invite -tie e to be competitors in
the Firemen and B nd contest here on the keep themselves ov r winter, and will have
to be fed.
2:0—tyheiars old has a 1 itle sister who weighs preach Iere is an into eating problem.: A boy —The Rev. He ry W. Mote, D, will
reach in the Con regational chnroh, on
10 pounds, and he eta tired of holding SwrInktdealeere,Teltittlee,e ot lima.,I,orniiiinvgeeinengbjeeuebte,
her in five minute. When he is twice as
old, how long will i take him to get tired feet
a.:1:11T" h esFpreieerl Itrzoen osf lialtajoi
of holding some o o else's sister who
a an and 7 p. 1 are welcome.
weighs 125 pounds'.
Nernaa—Nottvit tanding the feat that Refreehatene • oths the Yt0,00E.
certain parties area iving quotations for
I have se fir t -e exclusive refreehment
Lehigh Valley Dial we are m ie position to
booth priv e on the Driving Park on the
prove that we are ti e only parties in town
clays of rite s—July 2,5tle end 20th,
selling and have fo sale the celebrated
Parties siring be privilege of ereeting
Lehigh Valley Coal ompany's coal.
keeping boo he thereon will please
,Tho. 0%1ton & Co.
or before the ifith instant.
—A couple of the Jes. Melfamv.re.
berry Agricultural
apply for Herne of
—To any Deed
Directors of the TOM,
ociety were canvasiog
every one who has a par-
tite town for neerul ere and special prizes,
Bele of pride in t lair town, wile likes ;Le
this week. They ere quite successful.
and it. is expected
be ont shortly, givi
prizes donated. '
held in Wingharn
nesclay, Septenehei
• —On Sunday m
of the Canadian
Gifford preached a
attended the Mall
There wee large ttendence of Foresters,
and the discours was a very appropriate be
one. On the roto el the Foresters to ,
News -Record oftle and other puttee
town who had sone knowledge of the
printed. Wit nasistance from the
. their Cleat pea, a vote .of thanks was'
Peeservetive," that VMS aocionvelie•Irid, 414
d to the rev. gentlenian
and appropriate dis- 1 P P
• —Every lino in
something. If it b
eter Rijnhat, of New -
individual it shoe
safely et Kumbum,
wor.t grocer was asked to
n the missionary
n etig ra tad
bravely abLinclantly able to
rt spoke a,t several Ztn",:itei; ayl'pneproprr
, lest winter, when
beeeficiary does ilot
behalf of the mission -
het the prize liet will 11001: n01
like to see her
glethieeicitiseploleswitioNnvicilt tteo
matter for sore
our streets end
oti4Ttl:aensdria2Y5tlatn. d 'Wed' ',there. Deush, in
rdor of Foresters, who accident the first
I are not uncommo
fling' last, the Rev. Dr. ;
suntan to the members „ —When going
°dist chorale in a body. . Ere' Wa5 "Plea" 01
sounded and who would
progress, it must be e,
v to walk around some 0;t
ee the rubbish tee t
ether, and old vehicles
press, last week, by eyfatt,
tee of the Ciiuton Nes a):
a the whole, page In14-;
afore the pacer could?", ;
unanimously pass
Inc his excellent
—Mr. and Mrs.
good-bye. ' bury, have arrived
—Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly .
Thihet, to engage
repaired and fully warranted by Hersey which Mr. Rijnhar
Penn, opp. Macdonald BlockitWingharn. there. • Me. ,Rijn
—Luditeelw Sentinel • Mr. j,ohn Nichol,
here soliciting aid i
inectingsin \yin&
Who for two years.has een m4utger of the
Lucknow oranch of th Bank of Hamilton,
left on Tuesday las Inc Chesley. Mr.
Nichol is going to act as relieving agent
for •i,ho different br
daring the summer
millinery. Call and inspect the stock and
get rices. Mrs. Herdsman's old stand.
Mr. J. H. Steph noon—finished moving
the skating rink Friday last. The
building was a foot so too long for the
lot, and a piece ha to be out off one
section. The buil ing will be put in
thorough repair, and the lovers of faulting
will have a splendi place in which to
enjoy themselves their hes th-giving
for samples of work and et.talogue. exercise, when wmt
brose, of Wingheen, i
For first-class tailoring and cheep 1 pima° in hucknow.
gents' furnishings, try Webster .t• Co.
Ren.renber the place, one door eouth the regular
1 R G . • • Lodge, No. 119, T.
P. MoINTOSH, Principel. R. ranaen .
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRAM( PeTZasoet. No 23,
toria street,Wingham, Ont. No witne
Mfl 11,
AIWayb „t Cheapest.
Canada's Greatest Commercial School.
Large faculty; Superior courses ; Students assisted
to positions every week. Write for circulars. •
SHAW 4* ELLIOTT, Principals.
Drink Tetley's Tea. Kerr & Conery's.
—Mr, A. H. Mus •ove was et Clinton
for a fesv days as ex minerof the Entrance
and Leaving classes there.
Head quarters at Smith & Pethicles for
all makes of Binder Twine.
• This summer here e somewhat
remarkable) piegue ' moths, In most
households it will ha
numerous the pesti
very warm nights.
not in it with the o
rivals for human
change ' says: Sev
know are developin
as a result of their
the rooms of the ,u
have heard of as
being killed in a
G. H. Irvin, the tailor, has put in an
extensive stock of tweeds, worstd, etc.
• Call and seri them. Good goods, good
work, good fit• guaranteed. Opposite Bank
of Hemilton.
o been noticed how
erous insects become
Mosquito raids are
slaughts of their new
alediotion. An ex.
al young ladies we
into eepert acrobats
Tightly efforts to clear
pleasant 'loiters. We
may as • seventy-five
ngle evening in one
yti'e pectirie, on Tuesday I
of the Methedist thumb, which \vat greatly
er the auspices of the liquors, but also
ing, under the auspice
was held in the t
The chair was oceupie
Sunday evening last.
very large attondan
warm night, no doub
W. Mote, D. D., who,
explained where ho
Temperance *novena
long abetainer, not on
Bemilton gave an ad
—The regular Gestic
e was a fair attendance, . present.
was rather cool. The l• Parente Meet Rave Rest.
•yea thetteelvesVitli games A President of one of our Colleges says
8, swinging, am" and to. "We spent many slap o nights in enti-
tle well.fillea baskets were , sequence of our ohil
—A resignation
was read at the
Thursday evenirig
did not contain M
action was taken
Piro b'
Beever and Sia
market. 20 tons
—A plonk, n
Epworth teagu
was held in Ta
afternoon. he
although the d
young people en*
of different kin
Wards evening,
brought forth,
to enjoy them
it was time
om Councillor Hanna
seting of that body,
of last week, but as it
Banna's signature, no
regard to it.
der twine (maple teat)
1. Best value in the
must be sold.
Temperance meet.
of the W. C. T. TJ.,
perance Hell, on
There was not a
e, the excessively
being the cause
by the Rev. Henry
in a sheet aadress,
00a in this great
t. was a life.
y from intoxicating
be.cco, Day. Jas,
ass on Prohibition,
appreciated by all
Thursday evening,
officers were butane
by Wrn. Robertson,
Mowat, N. G.; J. •
Groves, R. S.; T.
Brockenshire, T. ;
Tipling, 0. ; J. W.
D. Campbell, L. 5.
the • • ed y a, few hours late:
al.,- tkrOTIt be nos beel engaged in in Thibet,
' tetaaineewsepeper h
and his many Prion s here will be pleased that
to leare that he and, Mrs. Rijnbart have to rentand must re
away or retie it for it
far off land. •
ing rates Woule be ce
ter Cooper sad. of a
landlord to Lo
t-nisitowns where a news -
Saginaw Journal.
every man should ,
ling more than his 1 7 r
e and the basiness.4,' Mr. Chas. Smith,
does not only pay ' home on his holiday
the advertiser, but.' "s people et a distance ,
, Mrs. L. Hanson visiting he: sieter,
know that the town la which you reside is
Mrs. D. MeCormick, Goclerich. .
a prosperous coinm nity of business men. 1
Mr. J. E. Davis, o Goderich, is epeedlog
As the seed is sown s: the seeclrecompenses.1
a few clays under the aerentel roof.
Never pull clown y r sign while you ex-
pect to do business." ' 1 Ripley Express : A.yiiuGtg,eitIeciDi o:liTelidici, a.ovg:t,
the newspaper cost
for the benefit of an
d. be paid Inc. If ei
onate groceries to Om*
by foi: them he woeld.
for ol a newspaper
ee advertising if thee
and yet it is one of
be learned by teeny!:
space in its coltunne,
t to live. To give' •
ythieg less than livate
tainly fataletts for
houses. rent 'free.-
of Owen S..oundr is
arrived safely th
nehes of the bank
onths. • "Mr. Am. —Herais what
taking Mr. Nichol's newspaper : "Irt a
paper is published
advertise in it, if no
card, stating his na
he is engaged in. T.
eeting of 'Maitland
0. 0. F., heldi on
inst., the following
for the present term,
D. D. G. 111.: JA.
eldei, V. G. ; J. F.
• Elliott,'P . S. ; F,
t. .1. Ross, WI ; A.
Haines, R. S. N. G. ;
N. G.; N. McGregor,
L 0.
—G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.25 a. ITi. and 11.20 a.
ne., vie. W. Ge & B. 6.85 a. re. and 3.25.
p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good cone
nections by all trains.
Congregational Ch. ch, Wingham.
An Installation Stir ioe will be hold in
the above church, on • Tuesday evening,
July 10th, at 8 &plots' • Several leading
Congregational miniet s will be present,
along with the tartlet s of thatown, to
take part. Members of theedifferent
chanties are invited be ,prkent, in
order to give a hearty lconue10 the new
minister, the Ilev. Hen \V. Mote, D. D.
WU. B.OBEUTSOX, Ch Seorotttcy.
Tho Eight to Use OSteards.
At Montreal recently , -idge Champagne
rendered an interesting v rdiet, in the ease
cf ()tartlet vs. Robitionx The plaintiff
claimed IOU damages Inca se the defendant
wrote, him a posteard asl ng the payment
of an iteeount with three of 'regal peo•
wettings it it were not pa ' The defense
was that a postcard We, means of cem-
rounioation authorised b se, and that no
malice was intended. conit maintain -
ea this plea and dis seed the action
suffering from holdingmereover, that o damage what.
new : We use ever was shown to have beets suffered by
judgment was
Wingham, was in th
Canada's Favorite ).? ir—Tho Oldeat in the
Drani ion, . I Miss Lizzie Isar
We are in receipt o . the Western Fair visiting her sister, M
Prize List, remindin us of the chttest•V Miss Lillie Bach
and showing the ! Q xtended visit to fri
September 12 to 21st; '
country's interests. orne people have ay..
Mrs. n. Kinsman
London management re still alive to the
very wrong conception .1 Fairs and their , Michigauto visit
objects, thinking the the Directors of 1 itaisananse
thee associations run Ahem for personal I
and Mrs
gaiathis is not the 1 1, however. Pairs I Bev. Jas.
spending a few
belong to the people, a d whgood atever
'Albany N. Y.
; are
there ie in them or accr les from them is fort '
the benefit of the cone unity as a whole. C_Iinton ...News -Rees
The Western Fair has marched steadily of Ivingnam, was he
forward s•ince its fficept on in 181,8 until ances last Wednesda
nd all partook. All seated colds, but this never o
elves ana were sorry Vbeli Seettie Emulsion and it tidekly relieves plaintiff. A. Twevzotte
return to their bonus. . pulmonary troubles." . rendered in the sante se
the presents and bears the stomp of in.
telligence, industry, itt ntion, Wealth and
fashion, and largely in, icates the financial
prospeeibereif the ?rev nee. It has pre•
grossed and.will Still tecotne more and
more pottier (as it je- ly merite) so long
its the Directors •contiri a to make it a live,
progressive Exhibition. Every one shoalcl
aid i11 some way, either y being an eelii•
biter ot es a vitittne fo tho greater the
success of the Fair the oretttet the benefit
to the people. We ate ly advise helping
it along. Many iinpotnt changes hevre
been Made in the Prize
its 'usefulness, need
the 'exhibitor., Dy
COlay will be sett a0it
ing Mr. Thomas A, Dm
loe some time age London.
, of Kincardine, is ,
s. Nash, John street.
en has gene on art.
dee eCtintou and'
as gone to Lansing;
her son, Mr. W.
Manatee and feenly,
o s with feitindeho
rd: lir. Arthur itriox.,
e renewing ile,-;uttiatl,,
Mrs. Alex. Ross a Mabil- are •
at the residence of tev. H. hicQuarrip;it
Queen Hill, North are.
Mr. John Dallas, rho has been visiting.
his parents in tow for the *.st niont1s
returned to I3uffalo, ns week.
Ooderich Signal: r. It. McLeod, of
Winghain, wheeled i to Goderich riatur13
amy, on a visit to D. eCortniell. • .
WM. Johnston, o Zondon; a forme::
resident of Wingba, , was in town° nal •
Monday, 1 -lo was ttenaing hie mother's ,
ist, which adds 101 inner01
bt!wiersTyiliti6hda'bttYz , lire7tvlereMatrtnisi;
no, the seeretery, Bruasele, erid were
aicant'by adaress. Pthreidiraybileashey
‘.1oittir8 in town
re on their •on,y ta
theyjouroey ack