HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-07-05, Page 8MD TQ HAVE YOUR OPINION comparison of goods and prices is what Wve want, DRESS GOODS This is one of the many lines we are clearing out. This week you get the pick. Many lines in Dress Goods and Silks, you get at cost, and under. We pay you well to buy just when we say. The policy of this store is not to carry over any goods from one season to another, ai d that makes no end of bargains 1 departments. • Our Immense ,Assortment, Our Trustworthy Quality, Our Extremely Low Prices, Air Beautiful Styles, Our Easy Tetras, Our 10 per cent. off for Cash, Make us Headkuuarters in Wingham for DRY GOODS, G uO0ERIES, BOOTS and SHOES. See our Goods and get our Prices for July's Bargain Month, at M. H. MeiHDOO'S. Willie Baby, Ada King, John Kenuedy, John Lamont, Allis Sutherland, May Robertson, 11Tat Pearen, Tena Young, Annie Bond, Addie MoBrida, Lizzie Little, Edna Page, Mabel Walah,l3ert Ilenmbly, Laura llomath, Chester Davis, nog SECOND TO TIMM MASS RAMS 288. Minnie Baker 528, Percy Sperling 483, Ada Leinster 480, Harry Manuel 459, Etta Currie 408, Harry Stiles 421, Leo Kerr 420, Bert Patterson 418, Willie Ferguson 416, lackwell 411., Mabel. Gillespie 395,. Promotion Examinations. The results of the annual promotion ex- aminations in the Public School is herewith submitted for publication. All the exam- inatiops were conducted in writing on papers prepared bly the principal. The answers to the questions were read and valued by the different members of the staff, by whom, also, the several lists were prepared. The work of most of the pupils was very good, the answers showing much care and thoughtfulness, and from the results it is evident that the teachers have been faithfully and earnestly discharging their duties. Whilst a large number has passed,.some may not be satisfied with the standing obtained; yet, irregular attend: ance, neglect of home lessons, and general indifference to any kind of schoolwork, are the chief factors in producing failures. It is earnestly requested that, at the opening of school, all pupils be in attendance, as a few weeks' absence at the beginning of the term means up hill work, and hence dis- couragement during the remainder of the tern. The promotion from room II to poem I is the Entrance Examination, the retults of which will not be known until the latter part of July: F$OSI ROOST III TO ROOM II. .Third Senior to Fourth Junior. The fret eleven on this list were promoted to the fourth class last Christmas, but re- mained in room III. These, with as many of the others as there is room for, will be placed in room II. For the remainder a close in fourth junior will be formed in room III : R Gordon, 111 Forbes, E. Kerr, 117 Smith, B Leinster, J Diamond, C Ste- phenson, Z Wade, R Moore,N Blackwell,H N, Carr, E Mosgrove 051, N Murray 620, J :: Gannett 602, A Park 588, A. Angus 584, S 'Green 572, V Hiscocks, 560, J Young 563, E Whyte 561, T Gregory 556, T Robertson 549,. Ed Hembly 548, J Murray 547,. L Bisbee 537, M -Smith 536, .M McGillivray 534, F Sills 521, G Ireland 520, F Beemer 519, D Oldfield 518, .A. Roderus 517, G 'Young 517, 0 Jenkins 514, R Wilson 514, A Gregory 512, M Hodgins 505, E Button 504, E Elliott 499, 0 Moore 492, H Allan 478, W Fields 475, H Shaw 474, M Pattison 470, C Burkholder 466, G Wade 450, D Draw 452, W Aikens 452, E Pattison 447, Coad 447, W Hodgins 433, B Casemore 422, G Nash 414, S Waite 413, J Davidson 390, S Pelton 394. ,T Y'Itor muoR 'rnnU, To SENIOR -RSI oOIv To LOOM III. TO PASS 350. IN ROOM V. TO THE WIN GRAM TIMES, JULY ,x,1895 B LGRA V D. The Orangemen of this place will attend divine service in the English church, on Sunday next, 'at 2.30 P. in., when the Rev, Mr. Higley will preach to them. --- Trinity church Sabbath Sebool picnicked in Scan.- drett's grove this (Thursday) after- noon. -The May and up till 14th of June eheese has been sold, the price being 7 15.16 cents per pound. Charlie B John Jerome 395, James McGillivray 891, Id John Donbledee 384, Maud Naughton 300, Fred Coad 358, Gordon Griffin 348, Rob. Elliott 346, James Montgomery 341, Frank Mitchell 338, Kate McGregor 316, Fanny Mortimer 313, Rob Morden 008, Newman Wellwood, 300, Albert Walker 280. 't TO Room V. ---FROM JUNIOR TO $ItO�,t ROO t SENIOR SECOND. Edith Beemer, Ruby Burkholder, Charlie Bell, Stewart Button, Bert Holmes, Anna Gray, Mabel Ross, Lily Sherk, Bella Taylor, Willie Roderus, Sarah Saint, Peter Deans, Maud Hanna,- Roy Inglis, George Elliott, Olive Mainprize, Gertie Wellwood, Edgar Henderson, Lora Flanagan, Willie Coutts, David Davidson, Willie Lediet, Birdie Morden, Frank Belden, George Hutchin- son. PART II 10 SECOND BOON.-F1tOM ROOM VIII To Room vI. E Smale, B Carruth, B McNaughton, 1't Mcllw ain, K Sutt.orland,E Pearen, GKing, D Jobb. JLNI01i PART II TO SENIOR PART IL -ROOM VII 10 ROOM VI. A. Gilchrist, J Murray, 13 Griffin, T Stiles, M Sherk, A Park, W Jobb. FROM ROOM VIII TO VII. --PART 1. TO PART II. E Henderson, R Casemore, 81 Barber, ,7 Little, A Brown, J'Forgason, A Chapman G Carson, B Gorden, -W Wood, E McIntyre,;, M Davidson, M Sutherland, B Montgomery, B Murchison, L Snell, R Aitcheson, L Marlow, E Dodds, J Bryden, N Haines, P Lamont, N Hessian, B King, M Irelaudy-e,. iQicholl, J Welsh, D Sheridan. - Rev. 0. 0, S. Wallace, pastor of Walmer Road Baptist Church, has reconsidered iris refusal of the chancellorship of McMaster Univer- sity, and has decided to accept the position made vacant by the resigns - tion of Chancellor Rand. EOIU' . HENRY -In Kinloss, on June 28th, the' wife of Mr. Frank Henry; a son. BY -LAN No. X50, 1895, ation of the Town at Wingham to the extent of $8000. Such debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the said Cor- poration of the Town of Wingham and shall be signed by the said Mayor and Treasurer, and shall not be less than one hundred dollars each. 3. Thatthe.debentures shall bear date au the 31st day of December, 1898 and shalle 1 ll b made payable in seven years A By -Law to extend the time for the repayment of the un- paid portion of the loan made to Messieurs Gilchrist, Green & Company, by way of bonus under By -Law No. Al, 1888, and to issue debentures to meet payment of certain de- bentures issued under said by-law when the same shall fall due and to authorizing the levying of a special rate for the payment of the first mentioned debentures and the ,'annual interest thereon. WHEREAs,on_the 31st day of December A.. D,, 1888, the Corporation of the Town of Wingham, under By-law No. 147,1888, passed under the authority of the Muni- cipal Act, and with proceeds of deben- tures issued and sold under said by-law, did loan by way of bonus to Messieurs Gilchrist, Green and Company, the then proprietors of a furniture manufacturing establishment in the said Town of Wing - ham, known as "The Union Factory", the sum of 810,000 for a term of ten years without interest, to be repaid to the said Corporation of the Town of Wingham as follows: The sum of $500 Tho results are infinitely more satisfactory, from the date thereof at the corse of the 'AD BusikESS COLLEGE 'Treasurer of the Town of Wingham,and , THE GAN shall have attached to them coupons for the payment of interest. 4. That tbe said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five per centum per annum from the date of the said de- bentures and said interest shall be pay- able annually on the 31St day of Decem- ber in each year at the place where the said debentures are male payable, 5. That during the currency of the said debentures the suns of four hundred dollars shall be raised annually for the payment of the interest on the said de- bentures to be issued hereunder and the sum of nine hundred and eight -four dollars Shall be raised annually for the payment of the debt to be secured by the said debentures last mentioned making in all the sum of thirteen hundred and eighty-four dollars to be raised annually as aforesaid. \4CARRUTr1-In Wingham, on June 29th,.annually during the said ten dears and the balance at the expiry theroof AND WHEREAS The U on Furniture the wife of Mr. Jos. Carruth; a daughter. ' SHAev-In Belgrave, on July 1st, the wife of Rev. E. Shaw; a daughter. MARRIND. SHEPPARD-KOEI.LN-In Waterloo, os the ,19th of June, by the Rev. M. Arendt, Mr. Spurgeon Sheppard, formerly oe Wingham, to Miss Annie Koelln, all of Waterloo. YUULL-BARR-In Morris, on June" 26th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Samuel Jones, Brussels,' Mr. Walter Yuiil to Miss Euphemia, daughter of Mr. Samuel Barr, both of Morris township.] IRELAND-RICHARDSON-At the resi- dence of the bride's father, Brussels, on June 26th, by Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., Mr. James Ireland, of Grey township, to Miss Jeanet, daughter of Mr. Walter Richardson. SPOONER-MARTIN-At the residence of the bride's father, Teeswater, June 26th, by Rev. Jas. Malcolm, Chas. N. Spooner,°of Kingston, to Loise, second daughter of Mr. Chris. Martin. McBAIN-WiLsoec-At the residence of the bride's mother, on the 19th June, by Rev. John Ross, B. A„ Mr. John, Me - Bain to Mies Lizzie H., third daughter of the late W. R. Wilson, all of Brussels. Company of Wingham, Limited, is the assignee and successor in business of the said firm of Gilchrist, Green & Compauy, and has assumed the repayment of the balance due of said loan; AND WHEREAS there is now remaining unpaid upon the said loan the sum of 88,000 ; AND WHEREAS on the 22nd day of May A. D., 1895, the buildings, plant and machinery of the Union Furniture Com- pany of Wingbam,Limited, were destroy- ed by tire, whereby the Town of Wing - ham in the loss of one of its largest and most important industries has suffered isevere loss, and many workmen have been in consequence thrown out cf employ- • ment �. AND WHEREAS The Union Furniture Company of Wingham, Limited, have • proposed to the Council of the Corpora- ' don orpora'tion of the Town of Wingham, thatif the period of time tor the repayment of the 88000 balance due upon the said loan be extended for a term of ten years with- out'interest, computed from the date of the final passing thereof, the said The Union Furniture Company of Wingham, Limited, will at once rebuild and erect suitable buildings and place 'therein machinery requisite and proper for the A typewriting machine factoryis employment .of at least fifty workmen, Yp g and will employ at least fifty workmen in I tallied of in Brantford. its business of furniture manufacture in the Town of Wingham for at leapt .ten months during each of the last mention- ed ten years, the said loan so extended to be secured by first mortgage, as hereto- fore, upon the real estate, buildings and machinery of Tho UnionFurniture Com- pany of Wingham, Limited, and further secured by insurance policies on the said buildings and machinery; AND WHEREAS the said Council deem it in the interest of the Town of Wingham that the said The Union Fur- niture Company of Wingham, Limited, should be granted the extension of time asked upon the conditions proposed; AND WHEREAS the debentures- issued under said by-law No. 147, 1888, will fall due on the 31st day of December A. D., 1898, and it will be necessary to issue de- bentures to the amount of $8000 to meet the same,bearing-interest at five per cent, per annum; AND WHEREAS the whole rateable pro- perty of the saki municipality according to the last revised assessment roll being for the year 1894 is 8535,763; AND WHEREAS the amount of the exist- ing debenture debt ofthe said muncipal- ity is 364,500 and there is nothing either of principal or interest in arrears; Arum WHEREAS for the payment of the debentures to be'issued hereunder and interest thereon it will require the sum of 31884 to be raised annually by special rate en the whole rateable property of the said Town of Wingham; Tnease ue the Council of the Corpor- ation of the Town of Wingham enacts: 1. That upon the final passing of this bylaw it shall be lawful for the said Council to anter into au agreement with the said The Union Furniture Compauy of Wingham, Limited, for the extension of 'the balance ($8000) of the loan origi- nally made to Gilchrist, Green & Com- pany for the timla and upon the terms hereinbefore mentioned. 2. That for the pur se of meeting the payment of the $10,i debentures fall. 6. That the said annual sum of thirteen hundred and eighty-four dollars shall be raised and levied in each year during the said terns of seven years by a, special rate sufficient therefor on all the rateable property in the said municipality of the Town of Wingham, 7. That the purchaser of any of the said debentures shall not be required to see to the application of the purchase money thereof, or that the conditions in any agreement made or to he made between the Corporation of the Town of Wingham and the said The Union Fur- niture Company of Wingham, Limited, have been complied with, observed or performed, but such debentures and coupons shall be unimpeachable on any aneh grounds in the hands of any pur- chaser for value. 8. The foregoing sections of this by-law shall take effect on and after the fifth day of August, one thousand eight hun- dred and ninety-five and the subsequent sections shall take effect immediately. 9. And it is further enacted by tbe Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham, that the votes of the elec- tors of the said municipality shall be taken on CHATHAM, ONT,, Still continues the good work of placing its students In choice positions, Two Stenographers placed last week, Two other applications 10 to supply teachers for other Business Colleges ; one to teach Bookkeep- ing, Penmanship and Arithmetic; the other Pen. manship, Shorthand and Correspondence. None Of these places are worth less than 550.00 per month to start. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE FEST Active, energetic young mon and women will tInd n course in Shorthand and Bookkeeping one of the best avenues to a successful life. For catalogue address, George Gray 049, Eva Gracey 010, Frena Fralick 578, Bobt Aikens 578, Oliver - Watson 570, Clifton Gifford 540, Luella Elliott 548, Winifred Gillespie 544, Cliff Eirk 539, Tom King 537, Charlie McManus $35, Lottie Elliott 531, Roy Forster 527, Herbert Walsh 525, Jessie Gray 524, Mary Begley 517, Gracie Newton 507, Morris Boss 408, Jessie Hamilton 491, Lizzie Barber 490, Wm Dawson 490, Win Holmes 48a, Pearl Snell 478, Margery 17urnion 475, 8ingsley Wade 472, Donald Stewart 460, gohn "Dulcnion 464, Jennie 14feT ialey "458, Fred Saint 458, Vercy Snell 455; ,Abbie., mirth 453, Eteleine Rustled 436, Maher ireaver 427, Mary Little 370; Albert Ifoubledee 364, Earnest Button 350. The following 'Were promoted to third' c1ass at Easter, when their marks were re- , poz'ted. They will now pass from room V tto mein XV: Delia Graeey, Lsxie Dawson, Volt, :sewn, :rn11n Pe tercou, Emily Gre- •, Maggie i\7eDo.sogh, Annie latnilton,. ritld, 'Willie Small, Willie Kling, /brink Lee, Mary Marlowe, I'lorenoe Park,. .;,hire Patterson, Maud Robertson, Lizzie Ogebrist, Jennie Monk, Denis Dryden, ANNUAL STOCK- TAKING SALE. In order to reduce our stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots a High Grade Imo four thousand S 1 ense cry -Made s, and our d Teas, three or ollars before Stock- taking, we will, DUEING THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS GIVE THE41L1IGGEST VALUES IN ABOVE LINES EVER OFFER- ED IN THE TOWN OF WINGHAM. We have no old trash to clear out -all fresh, new, goods, selected with the greatest s .'both With regard to quality' air . ',tyles, therle goods 'a At Cost y' here xntxan>3< genuine sacrifice -bargains. Come and ' see ices, t our Stock and bear our pr hen if you need goods you will be sure to buy. Cash and flutter and Eggs • Monday, the 22nd day of July, one thousand eight hundred and flinty - five, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock iu the forenoon and closing at the hour of five o'clock in the afternoon at the places and by the deputy returning officers hereunder specified: In ward number one at Joseph Golley's office, Victoria street, by James Fleuty, deputy returning officer. In .ward number two at Thomas H. Ross' implement warehouse, Josephine street by George Payne,deputy returning officer.: In ward number three at the Town Hall, by Johnston B. Ferguson, deputy returning officer. °'1n ward number four at the Park House, Josephine street, by Wm. Robert- son, deputy returning officer. 10. That on the twentieth day of July A. D., 1895, at halt past ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Council Chamber in the Town Hall, the Mayor shall appoint in writing, signed by himself, two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk of the said Town and one person to attend each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting the passing of this by-law and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in opposing this by-law. ' • 11, That on Wednesday, the twenty- fourth day of, July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five,at twelve o'clock noon, at the' ":Llerk'soffice in the Town Hall, the Ciler ,ytttb said Council shall D. MOLACRLAN, Chatham, Ort' TO THE PUBLIC. WANTED. A .first-class machine or shaper hand, or one capable of taking charge of machine floor at out off saw. To a man. with bruins and ability, a permanent job is assured. TIIE Gourniore ORoAN Co., (4oderich, Out. .__ ._. ----•- ill Having bought the Furniture and Undertaking business of John Cornyn, I have put in a full line of FURNITURE MN TO ?LVLI .WANT) ID.-Sevoral faithful gentle- men and ladies to travel for established house. SALARY $780,00 and EXPENSES. Position permanent if suited; also in- crease. State reference and enlose self- addressed stamped envelope, THE NATIONAL,. 310-317-318 Omaha Drag., CHICAGO. consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, CURTAIN POLES, WINDOW BLINDS, CHAIRS, &c., All of which will be sold at right prices for SPOT CASI)t;.'. Any person intending buying Furni- ture of any kind and paying cash, will do well to call and see my stock and get prices before buying elsewhere. Picture Framing and Repairing prop- erly attended to. • Ii during sale. iinng due on the 31std off December A. D. M CORDON Treasurer of the said Town as soon as .,1898 as aforeaai the t en Ayer an ' y the Occasion shall require shall cause to Attehor house, be issued debentures of the said Corpor. proceed to eu:. given for .an he number of votes is by-law. Take notice above is a true copy of proposed bi'-raw, which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Connell of the Corporatictu of the Town of Wingham, in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, after one month from the first publication thereof in the Wingham TIMES newspaper, the date of which first publication was 28thjune,1895 and that the votes of the electors of said municipality will he taken thereon on Monday, the 22nd day of July, A. D. 1895, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in•theforenoon and closing at five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day; and that at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the electors, the polls will be held. Town Clerk's Office, June 25th, 1895. J. B. FERGUSON', Town Clerk. TO SMOKERS A complete stock of UNDERTAKI NG kept on hand. Remember the place -Opposite Mac- donald Block. Residence -Opposite Foundry. GEO. IRELAND, Wingham. To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo, E Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Oht., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of B GG FARMERS They didn't think we'd do it, but we did. J. CLEGG & CO., have in stock car Kingston l BINDER TWINE. BEST value in the market. SEE Es before purchasing from pedlars. Land Plaster, Galvanized. . and Annealed Pence Wire, Barbless, 3 Plait Wire, Wire and; Cut Nails, Builders' Hardware, HARVEST TOOLS, Window Shades, Pure Paris Green, Bug Finisher, Peerless Machine Oil," Parker's Spray Pumps, Rubber Paint. J. CLEGG & CO., Stone Block, Wingham. McI NTYRE -AND THE- Have come to stay, and with them low prices in all dapartments of our > large and well assorted stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, and all other lines kept in a well no difference what the credit arranged establishment, and it FAKES practice may say to the trade; in every case, the.honest man pays for the dishonest, he also pays more for his own goods. ;Read.y..Caslf is bound. to rule the commercial world, and we are ready to showmatter to convince a man when you how it is done. It is not a- AR® it.o toue3le li s pocket, put us in possession, and we will give you. , pointer how satyd, 25 to 30 per cent. all round on goods bought :from us.: Nre Sty fors. Cash, and give you the benefit every time. You all know that have beth w+ . what depressed TIRES during the -., est eaii'. Yet, has been steadilyincreasing beyond our most s ;gums ex- • our business b pectations, and the secret of it all is this : Square Dealing; est. Goods, and Better Values than you can get elsewhere. Give us a call. !Non trouble to show goods. You know it is not an EASY (tm matter to enerate the cli,` ap list. There are so many bargains we can show you, that space will not permit. All we want is personal inspection. Prices will do the rest. We are here to please. DRESS MAKING ON THE PREMISES. CfTTING AND FITTING A SPECIALTY,, • G. McINTYRE, MACDOT>tALi' BLOCK. WINGHAM, SMOKING TOBACCO. This supplies a long felt want, giving the Conalinier one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 centpiece of the famous rcT &, B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin fag "T & B'r is on 'very piece. 00 PIECES OF OICE PRINTS �. FROM 5cts. PER YARD UP. FLANNELETS From 4-1cts. per yard up. A Choice Stock of Men's and Boys' ....-HARD . AND SOFT HATS. Direct Importation. .^ A JOB LOT AT 25 Cts. EACH. A Call Solicited. T. A. ° MILLS, WINGHAM.