HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-07-05, Page 6Ettaliingam JettIDAY JULY 5. 1$95. EDITORIAL NOTES, Woman ICAs scoped :another vic- tory, Last week the Methodist. Church in Colorado voted to admit her asa lay member of theg eneral eellference in future. The ballot on thea ., question stead sift for hone l b , against, and fifteen alefrainers from voting, Tim supreme court of Illinois bas just dealt a Crushing blow to com- bines, trusts and rings, and so far at least as that state is,coneerned struck the death knell of the system. In brief the court has decided in rela- tion to a whiskey 'trust," that all powers granted by incorporate char- ters are to be construed strictly; what is not clearly given is by im- plication denied. The corporation in question is authorized to own such property as is necessary for carrying on its distillery business and no more. Its powers to acquire and hold pro- perty is llmiteu to that purpose and it has no power by its charter to enter upon a scheme of getting into its hands and under its control all, or substantially all the distilling plants and distillery business of the country for the purpose of controlling produc- tion or prices or crushing out com- petition and establishing virtual mon- opoly iu that business. This decision, of course, will not be confined in its effects to the whiskey trust nor in its applicasion exclusively to the state of Illinois. It is a general principle of law which has been laid down, and the decision is worthy of considera- tion hi Canada. Who will lead in an attaek on. our rings and combines ? DOES ITS WORK IN SI .HOURS. A InEDICINE THAT WILL RELIEVE DISTRESSING KIDNEY` AND BLADDER DISEASE IN SIX HOURS DESERVES YOUR ATTENTION. Those who suffer from kidney trouble suffer acutely. Where some kinds of sickness can be borne with fortitude, it is no easy matter to exercise this virtue when one is a sufferer from kidney trouble. Hope may sustain a person when a medi- cine is being used that doctors 'say will eventually effect a cure. But -Tile wants to continue an agonizing eourse of treatment when a medicine like South American Kidney Cure is within the reach of everyone and that is so speedy as well as certain in its effects? This new remedy has been thoroughly tested by learned physicians, and stands to -day ahead of any medicine used for this pur- pose. It does not pretend to cure anything else, butit does cure kidney disease. For sale at Chisholm's drug store. TURNBERRY. Following is the report of School Section No. 6, for the half-year end- ing June 30. The numbers repre- sent per cent.:—Fourth class. --Mary Cowden 71,. Aggie Cowden 64, Andy Mitchell 57, Winnie Porter 57, Lizzie Bryce 43, Matthew Fergu- son 29. Third. class --Clara. Eliot 75, Frank Elliot 50, Fred Elliot 40. Sen. second Blass—Jas. Kelly 65. Jun. second class --Harry Goy 85, Nettie Bryce 83, . Alice Little 80, Lucy McKague 72, Mary McKinnon 58, Willie Kelly 55, Sarah Crowe 52, Geo. Little 52, Johnnie Mitchell 86, Frankie Johnston 83, Teddie Elliot 821, Willie Linklater 711, Joe Cowden 68, Bertie Me1ague 59i, Pearl Stapleton a9. Sen. Part ist---Herbie Elliot 91, Tomtny Kelly 90, 'Pommy Goy 79. Jun. Part st Mlle Stapleton, Margaret McKinnon, Mary Crowe, Leslie Bryce, Percy Stapleton, Sarah Foxton, EIIa Wade, Rossi° King, Russel McKinney, Stella Miller, Kitty McKinnon,. Minnie Linllater n l�'rt'aln the, axe, ea ( nada Valuers' laSenator*. n, It 1.11ust b a delightful thing to be a Seaaator of Canada! How comforting it must be to dream. away one's declining years in eleganee and repose and have the country foot the bill. What a standing rebuke the existence of the Senate is to those counties that refuse to construct poor hotases in which to care for the ,deserving poor. I ere in luxury and ease our aged and decrepit politicians may while away their precious time play- ing at law -making and trying divorce cases for aiaa mo:tien:t. Our parent Government has shown an example to the counties which ought to snake them blush with shame. The lame, the halt, the deaf and the blind are handsomely provided for at the capital with a salary of $1,,000 a year and railroad passes and all other items are thrown in. If the Government would pay the Senators 1,000 each as a sort of political' pension upon condition that they stay home and do nothing, it would not be quite so bad ; but the old gentlemen would not be satisfied if they were not permitted to go through the form ofdoing something, and their going throagb a mere form costs the eountry a niee little figure. In 1894 the amount wa s x.57,094'.20 see Publie Accounts, page .1.---13. It is rare sport for the game old fellows to try the divorce cases and jabber away to the messenger boys and empty benches about the im- portance of the Senate. Did they ever reflect that $57,000 is a large sum of money to throw away in sport. The profits on the farming enter- prise of a whole concession in some of our best townships would not ex- ceed that sum. How the Senators do love to be waited upon! It makes'theln think that they are actually doing some- thing. They must have a elerk here, a messenger there, and a page yonder. Common people do not see the necessity of all these servants, yet Senators have 49 in all, and some of them are paid as high as $3,400 a year. Two old women and a hired man could bring in the foot - warmers and wait on the whole crowd of them, if they must be waited on. But that would not do, for they must put on as much style as the members of the House of Commons. These 49 servants cost us $31,452.50 last year—see page 1. —12 --and that is not aII, for in addition to this host of servants we fled that the Senators have five per- manent charwomen and nine session- al ones. Just what these women in cases of emergency—if, for invited as 'company for the old teen, is a riddle to everybody. It might be a prudent thing to have a staff of nurses on hand to care for the honor- able gentlemen in case elf emergency —if, for instance one of the Senators should attempt to do anything and got overheated. Still the Govern- ment has with its usual forsight pro- vided against this in two ways, first, by taking particular care that the Senators really never do anything, and second, by purchasing 49 tons offce for their especial use. A NATIONAL FLAG. A correspondent to the Montreal Star says :—" The discussion now going on respecting a, national flag for Canada shows that there is at last springing up in this country something like a national spirt. Surely the time. has come when we shall not only cease to be ashamed of being Canadians, but shall assert our right to be recognized as such, But I have rarely met any one who, when outside our boundaries, boldly avowed himself to be a Canadian, do not, however, wish to forget t we are part and parcel of Great taro, and though the day will me when we assert our indepen- ce, still we shalt, I trust, always and the Old Country with the o feelings that children regard r parents. 'Various suggestions been made as to what the flag ld be; bat these suggestions are often practically merely a n'kodi- tion of the present unintelligible glomeration of heraldic deviees. at is required is something 52, Willie Nekton 46. Part 2nd.'— We Maggie Iolmes 92, Francis Foxton the Bra Co den reg som tiles have show too flea conW A.. E. Tlnoaisoi, Teacher, l h Iit Ybtir .MIAs:[ la the canes of that tired, languid feel'. ing which ailanto you at this :season. 1e Wood klod la . impure ile a ild lies t�eeoine Vain and d r . r' pea That is why yeti have no strength, no appetite, tsann 1t :*lap. Purify your blood � with Hs oda Sanaa rilla, which will give you an appetite, vivo your otos aefi, and invigorate your; Irdarvgs. TILE WO GUAM .A TIMES, JULY l 1895. DAIRYINIXINT'S Sa 1i, 2 QC t,0 I.f#. N 04' Vii' ONTARIO- A. N'I\ RIO. NOTES sill 'T1I141 SECRE7'ARM Instructor Millar completed on June 13t4. the special course of in- struction to e+heese-ulatkers in mar - dance` with the programme issued at the beginning of the season. He be- gan this special work on April 9th and visited 27 cheese factories so situated as to reach the chief dairy centres of Western Ontario and M' spendmn„ a couple of days at each factory,. Instruction in the best methods of making fine Cheddar cheese and in operating the Babcock Milk Tester WAS given to 194 cheese -makers, who gathered at the various centres to meet l.Lr. Militia% Besides these, a large number of patrons and farmers took advantage of lir.. Alillar's visit to their factory and were present to learn something about the business of cheese -making. In connection with his regular work as Instructor and Inspector The Butt r u o Trade, Prof. Robertson, the Dairy 0 missionor, has in preparation a cul fir whieli will shortly be issue the dairy trade setting forth the rangements that have been ni for the cold storage of fresh m creamery butter in transit and -warehouse, as. follows: --.• On Calaadiau Paeilic Railway, a ear leave Windsor, Ont., once awe pieking up lots of fresh made ere cry butter at intermediate stati between e.i 11'inclsol• and Aiontreal. car will leave Teeswater, one week and another will leave O Sound once a week, picking up b ter at stations between these poi and Toronto, where the shipme will. be consolidated into the throuear from Windsor to Montreal. the Grand Trunk Railway a refr .ear will. leave Wiarton Monday afternoon, picking up b ter from there to Palmerston. It w leave Stratford an Tuesday morni picking up butter at points betwe there and Toronto. It will lea Air. Millar visited the Nilestown, pToronto on Wednesday morni Burnside and Muirkirk factories last thereeing up rockvbutter le points will lea week.. Mr, John K. Knapp, and Brockville. It lea of Ox- Brockville on Thursday mornin ford township, and a patron of the picking up butter at points betwe Muirkirk factory, admitted the there and Montreal, where it will a charge of diluting milk sent to the rive Thursday evening. Ar•rang factory with water, before Squire ments have been made for the sto Beattie, of Highgate, and was fined age at Montreal of the butter so shi J', ped until it can be placed on tl Factorymen desiring the services steamers. The butter must be co of the Inspector can secure thein by signed directly by the shipper, ow applying to the Secretary of the As- er, or agenti=to some person or firm i sociation, London. The charges are Great Britain, or sold to some me $7.50 for the first visit to any fac-' chant in Canada, or sold to som tory and 65 for each additional visit I merchant in Great Britain, or co during the season. These amounts signed through some merchant o to cover all neeessary travelling ex- merchants in Canada to some perso penses as well as the regular charge or firm in Great Britain. In othe for the visit. I words, the Government is providin The Executive Committee of the; the transportation conveniences; an Association have decided to make a t while the Dairy Commissioner ha grant of $50 towards prizes to. be giv been instructed to give as much help en in connection with the Provincial ful information as he can, he has no Fat Stock Show at Guelph. It is not been authorized to receive any ship definitely decided yet whether the .ments, or to take any responsibility money will be given for dairy pro- ducts or for the best dairy cows. them. There is some difficulty at present in securing sufficient accommodation in connection with the show for a suitable exhibit of dairy cattle. Ef- forts are however being made by those interested to secure the accom- modation necessary and if successful the prizes will probably be given for dairy cattle only. The Agricultural and Arts Association have supple- mented the amount by a similar grant, making a total of 6100, This Salm• will likely be augmented by grants from some of the Dairy Cattle Breeders Associations of the Pro- vince. Prices for cheese took a strong up- ward turn last week. Several Lots of first hitt of June make were sold at 81, while 8 5-16 was offered for others. The shrinkage in the make owing to the continued dry weather may have had something to do with this strong upward tendency. How- ever, the good keeping quality of this year's Junes and the keener de- mand for nice goods in England, had a stimulating effect on the market as well. ear, d to all'• ado ade the avill elc,. 8.111 - ons • A. one a Oa ut- nts nts. oli On rig. on at- ilt ng en ve ng en ve gi elk r- e• r- p - ie n- n• n r- e r n g s t A NEW HAMBURG CITIZEN. RELEASED FROM FOUR MONTHS' IAf- }'RISONMENT, Mr. John Koch, hotel keeper, New Hamburg, Ont: "I have been a great sufferer from rheumatism. The last attack commenced last Oc- tober, and kept me in the house for four months, when two 'bottles of South American Rheumatic Cure completely cured me. Had I se- cured the remedy when I first con- trasted rheumatism it would have saved me months of pain and suffer - big." you suffer from m rheumatism.or neuralgia do not delay, but try South American Rheumatic Cure now. It •Who had used his compounds. will relieve in a few hours and cure In closing the interview,. Mr. Mil- radically hi a few days, For sate at bairn, the head of the Sym, said Chisholm's drug store. "We have no such agent, nor do we sell our medicine through peddlers or Mr. E. 11. Fysh,of Exeter, has a agents ether .than druggists and fine pair of driving elk. They are general n181.64nts, and ole. this account we are desirous that farmers and others buying our remedies should understand that any persons peddling from house to house cannot represent us. They should, there- fore be their on heir a useragainst st bo viceRguardus ev,: Dir. �jg bogus 4 cooper, t'r whoty. medicines being foisted on them for yes to Kirkton, in Perth county. 'he provincial r' those of our manufacture. I may u lra t t p Stock ksh show a t saythat we are illi to Iph will be held on Dec. 10 and anexpenses incident to the de ee The 'Western Dairymen's tion and convictions of this man or Y. Great Faith In It, DEAR SIRs,—I have used Dr. Fowler' Extract of Wild Strawberry for nine year when required. and think it is the bee remedy to he bad for all kinds of Sumine Complaints. It has neyer failed in ou family to sure any Sunanior Complaint so we have great faith in it. Mits. Fr.ANE. STEZHENS, Chatham, Ont s CHOLERA NORMS, CHOLERA IHFAHTUM and all Summer Complaints and Fluxes of the Bowels. It is safe and reliable for Children or Adults. No one Is useless in this world who lightens. the burden of it for another. We attraet hearts by the qualities we display ; we retain thele by the qualities we possess. CrShiloh'aeeuure, the great Cough and p Gine ,1 in great demand. rocket sizecontains twenty-five Closes, only 25o. Children love it. Solei at Cbisholin's Corner Drug Store,. Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us to find it not. Deride not any man's deformities, but bless God they are not yours, Men shall answer at God's bar for their vicious habits, but not for their natural imperfoetions, , iiheuniatism Cured in a day. --South American. Rheumatic Cure of Rhenmatisin and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action on the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause of the disease immediately disappears. The first nose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranteed at Chislior'sdrug store. AGENTS WANTED--�-wila desire .,. o earn from $15 to S weekly, t can be done selling our hardy, guaranteed, Canadiar grown Nursery Stock. Salary or cornin.ssiou paid weekly. Esolesive territory. Hand- some outfit free. Write us at once far terms, E. 0, GRAHAM, Nurseryman. Toronto, Ont. CURES COLIC, CRAP/MPS, YaS, eliOLEffik 1t,tlARRNOEf1y DYSENTERY,, A DOGUS AGENT. A ,IMA.N WHO }IAS FALSELY REPRE- SENTED HIMSELF AS AGENT FOR MESSRS. T. 11ILBURN 8.- CO., op THIS CITY. The firm of T. Milburn & Co., manufacturers of proprietary medi- cines, have for some time past been in receipt of letters from. correspond - eats in and about Orangeville and Meadowvale, stating that a man has been operating in those districts, re- presenting himself as their agent, and has been peddling medicines from house to house offering them as the inedieines--Burdock Blood Bitters, etc. ---put up by this well known and reliable firm. A Globe reporter, having been placed in possession of these state- ments, called at the office of Messrs. T. Milburn & Co., on Colborne street, and was shown a number of communications • from merchants in the localities indicated, all of which confirmed the information at first received and as given above,. Not only had his firm been, in re- ceipt of communications, Mr. Milburn said, but some of his customers from Peel County had called at the Mike hi Toronto and had informed him that this bogus agent had sold stuff at several house which had necessitat- ed .the calling in of the doctor . to treat the members of the; families hI special, .simple, of ective. The Union fie Jack in the corner with a single, richly tinted maple leafin the Centre, ed would, I think meet the require. ton Menlo, We zooid then have a flag R r reminding its Constantly'of our remo British descent -:.a flag unlike any other—a, fl cosi ... 1 tenders food Y_ � �' a flag which would be syXnbotical of Gue our country and a flag which would IL It together in a buggy, and are et -tooted. The Bishop of Huron has appoint - Rev. S. F. Robinson, of Walker. , Rural Dean of the county of e�telte in alit those feelings of love and e without whlelt .no country can: r become truly great. e ll c 'aa sod l?1lI re sae to take, a � et~ lit rid eaten and Ismer n- Y p d elttell' offset. mac. eve Association ti Lim - $50, oe o have ave glycal a grant of of anyone l`alsoly representing hinx• *50,. which will probably be award-' self as our agent "—Toronto Globe; I n prizes for dairy cows. - Thursday, dune 27. For Salo by all Dealers. ook'sCottonRaot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of _adies. Is the only perfectly safe and relfablemedlcino dis- covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Moot Compound. take nosubsti- tute, or inclose 31 and 6 cents in postage in letter and wewillsond, sealed, by return mail. Fuliseated particulars In plain envelope, to ladles only, 2 stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor, Ont.. Canada. Sold in Wingham by O. M. A'illtame, Druggist. BRISTOL'S PILLS Cure Biliousness, Sick Head-. ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Troubles. ERISTOL'S PILLS Are Purely Vegetable, elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do not: gripe or sicken. sBRIST s rILLS Act gently but' Promptly 'woo. thoroughly. "The safest family mediiilhc." Alt Druggists keep Bzusprozoi PILLS ror Twenty-five Years DUNN'$ KINO DE THECOOK tSBEsT 'RIEND LMIoi(t$'r *AMC tN' CA$ltlilt. 1)c xx�ta� --15 PUIIIAIDIEU RWE1iY- lt'RTDAY MORNING" —AT wan— TIM• ES OFFICE, JQSEPHINE STREET WINGRAM, ONTARIO, Subscription 1prioo,S1porpoar.10advaa94. ' ADVERTISING RATES: Space 1 1 yr. 1 u nit.:.: 3 ono.1 2 moi. lieu �glu�un 800 00 ' '4o o0 (p2O se - p pry Halt 4„ 40 00 20 00 12 00 4 Oft Quarter 20 00 12 00 . 7 00 2 00. le ( (Me ne h 00 ( ll 00 ( 2 00 OS Legal and other casual advprtiseu»ebts, 80p;li e. for first insertion, and lie. perlinato pack subsequenj, insertion. Local notices 10o. pe, Bae for first insertion, and 50. politic for euoh subsequent anserticx. No lo$al notice will be charged less than 250. Advertise:nonte of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations. and liusinass.Ohannes Wanted, not exceeding 8 lino nonpareil, 01 per month Houses and }'arms for Salo, not exceeding 81ists ti for fiist month, 50e. per subsequent month Theo terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates 10r local advertisements, or fa longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without spoil/0 directions t no inserted rle urtod till .j wiT,arwl* forbid and mustq be aocordin— b 3 cry advertisements must be paid igevorasfcontract adverticsutents must be In that wankthby Wednesday noon, in order to appose IL ELLIOTT PBOrRtNTOR AND PUBIANDDR DR MACDONALD, LJi CENTRE STREET, Wait est, ONTAR101 w. $. TOWLER, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, (Marie —Coroner for County of Huron— ham, i7p.etairs; next to Mr Morton's oilico, Wing. ham, Ont. Orme House. -0 to 12 a. m,, 1 to 5 p, m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. T P KENNEDY, to Dr. J . P.S.(Successoroldrun,,) Odd Medalist of Western University: Late House Surgeon General atten- tionpaid to diseases of women ndchfln. Office—Formerly occupied by Dr. Merdrtim,Cornes of Centre and Patrick streets. iV INGHAM • ONT DR. J. McASl•I, M. B. Toronto, lllentber College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. BELO0AVE • ONTARIO, R. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc„ Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate - interest, No commission charged. Mortgages, tour and farm property bought and sold OFFICE--BeaverBlook WixonAll JA. MORTON, BARRISTER, 8rc„ Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, Barlrister Etc. SOLICITOR TO BANN OF HAMILTON. MtONET TO. LOAN. Office—Mover Block, Wingham, DENTISTRY. --J. S. JEROME, L. D, S.,wisages. ` t Ie manufacturing Rot -oleo sets oh teeth as cheap as they can be aesde •faars�• in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by hie now prOFFICocess, nraIn tthe eed BeaverBlock, opposite Brunswick House. the - OFFICE. ARTHL$i J. IRWIN, i;. D. S., L. D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania. Dental College. MACDONALD'S BLOCK. JOHN RITCHIE, _� El GENERAL JNSi/RANCE AGENT WisesAM, oasast0• D DEANS, Ja., WINDHAM, LICENSED AiUCTIONEER FOR THE Cot. OF HURON.NTlt Sales attended In W17 Part of ike C. Obatre1. Meditate. JOHN CURRIJM, WViztariAtr, Ox1r,, r,IQaxatD At7C 1Q$ Csk 170E T.gs COiyN'irtR noses IND Bantus. A11 orders left et MI6 tam *ince prcMptiy attetti. •d to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, Lmitrpai Attorto*1dit sox Corartsr itviion ;1iel' Bs nsit. All idles attended to promptly sod as Dieftkerlatli Notice, Chargee Moderate and Batf,Motlon Cluarattth,d. A11 necessary arrangements cis be made kr that, 'Tinto' office WOU,Nklt site Money to Loma on Notes • Notes �s Di sbounaed REASON/ BLr1Q`' RATIOS Mons adv Y Aboe an iib rt I:MC•4m 61 paying a1 the nd of*fury . 1�1 aniiaeoounte colteb4ea, Oruroblock Mocha, Ost, I at1l1DOQ. t' flow one Boy was Kept on Very often we see in tin articles on 'flow to keep th fanners on the farm,an times they aro written by t have no sons, and often by t are quite unacquainted wi requirements, I should lilt you how one New England induced to become intereste( life that perhaps other far see possibilities for their mutual benefit. ' In 1874 ley boy was birth $10 for his name, put at 6 per Gout. interest f When he was eight years liked to help me care for th and one black steer lie ha quite a fancy for. As I at t was in need of a few dollar Untended to raise by sell ,calf, and except for that pceep it as well as not, I pre ., him he buy my calf and on: neighbor's that would mate so Have some stock of his proposition quickly accept from' that time with owners a quickened interest in all of the farm, but partieularl fort of the animals in wind increase productiveness of t in summer that he could ll cient to feed them as he like the winter. .As they grew up, he brol to drive, and from tho ti were four till now they or 1 presentatives (purchased by of their sale) have made tl part of the working tean farm, so that what was give a privilege brought profit 1 as well. As they became mere they were his to sell when and the money obtained his invest again or put in ban saw fit—generally kept in "reattle as most profitable. twice I have lent him mon: a partielarly promising pa he thought his others ii fitted for the market, and trading he has acquired th judging 'points' in . cattle t men many years his senior glad to possess. As he gre told hies ho might have th winters of his minority to he would help me summers As a result, I have ha team nearly all the time si use; it and roy other neat been mors carefnliy, tended at his majority he has sal bank for savings, $500—$ 1 his steers and trades, $200 two winters' work—not a surely, but along with it a 1 of stock, how to feed and to have it thrive ; habits o lion of methods of raisin best advantage; self -relic times of changing (sellin ing) that otherwise might h some years after his in acquire. For; unfortun much paternalism. in p:'i national affairs does not eo independence but depend 'citizens to his and the nat Coming years will not more thorough enjoyment than was often his at end work with his first, pair 'would say, 'Old Nig, you know ; but you must carr) :and when we get there I good cure of you.' Suitin the word, and mounted of he would ride to the bai instead of neglect and a .as is often the case with eai ful grooming and a nice b waited for them= -•thrift tl N. E. W., in Country Gen • Trott »bn't Have to Sw s%e the St, 1,ott1s Journal of Ai. editorial about N0 -To -Bao the famot. Weirn know muni cure, 0 of a e, y case rt Bac, ono, a prominent St. Louie fir+ and chewed for twenty years; two 0 �1 i1so that even the Salton of tobacco in ✓"iN'o•To•Oao abid and guaranteeri. n Book free, Sterling Remedy Co., 57 ;Montreal. • The man who is close is often liberal with advi What makes you thil for you? Why, mamma flim for more titan an ho ing, and lie really seemec it. For over >t'itttt 're AN earl AND Wlltt,-Totts ttsm tiew' Scothlnir Syrup has boon frac 41, Y n ears h tiliions of motherb s for th thethhlu, with erneCtsu Ce s, It eotfune the slums, Allays hit pato, e and le thebest remedy Pk pplarrhoi Cho taste. Sold by Druggists in e w ntyYfve Cunta a 5011 Y d. T O Ii World. Bo euro And inkier Soothing Syrup, atil,take no other sill t1r•rft' h No, Milt the N' , , q f • of an ex enisit 11 stean tailed, bccatist' n can it for twenty -ii'. e cents..