HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-07-05, Page 5t
$15,000 W OF
Owing to our steadily increasing trade, we have for some time been looking for
in the shop recently occupied by Orr & Hiscocks, which we take possession of in S
As we purpose entering the New Premises with a GRAND NEW STOCK FOR
larger and more commodious premises.
FALL, we offer you our Entire Stock of
ND .0E ,
. ccsa CD rT
Do you want a
This we have secured
oar IDR.14.31Z,11E.
Wingham, June 25th, 1895.
The following from the London
Advertiser, in reference to an East
Wawanosh boy, will be .react with
pleasure by his many friends in this
township. Mr. Bone has been at-
tending London on Collegiate
Institute for some time : From the
estate of the late Wm. Robinson
three $50 gold medals were given -
one for the most popular student in
the Collegiate Institute, one for the
most progress made in the year, and
another for the student 'taking the
highest stand in mathematics. The
result of the latter has just been
made known. Two examinations
were held -one set by Mr. Gray and
another by Principal, Merchant.
After the papers had been examined
Mr. J. B. Bone was declared, winner.
He is also a candidate for the
mathematics,and science scholarship
at' the Toronto University, which his
friends feel confident he will win. -
Mr. Jas. Cochrane, of the gravel,
was visiting friends in New Ham-
burg during the week, The hay
crop, he says, is no better there than
here, but spring grain look fully
better, especially- peas. -Mr. Samuel
Burchill and family were visiting
friends in'the vicinity of Hepworth,
during the week. --Mr. John M.
Currie of Toronto, is calling on friends
in and e,round Wingham this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Currie were
visiting friends at Smith's Hill and
' Goderich last week.
The Council met on June 24, pur-
suant to adjournment. Members all
present. ;Minutes of last meeting
read and confirmed. Court of Revi-
sion reopened: Mr. Sutherland re-
ported that sines 'last,meeting he had
inspeettit and l'oolced overilro'.W:1 lot
29, con. 8, and on account of this
farm e1
a being at resent in 9 'vel` •bad''
� p Very
of cultivatiolr recommend -
telt lisle
ssment thisre r be re-
duena. 200: After t ilirip&r #'11g `.. said'
farm W'tb:pthers,in;the same ids Iftrty'�
it was ' filially .1 esbived `that the
assessment: be confirmed. 'i'hd`C itt'
Slf lot 40, con. 14 to be assessed on
resident roll ,to WiLi l�r
atr tlea
AdalixItobGl tSQ n to be
assessed tenant e�lalit of �� S?,• ut}. $4
i. psi, t � ,�,.
con. 9. a .. - • o �'
�� � il�n �! t mixt= �
1v',' N .3J co t .'_�_i�'ia ],;Jbiin
Batc ei, tenaiat_cafs-pt1abR6'ceelr:;
11. Aliea'ibfi wf1S niscfo,before,
Cet, ,.,f j:, ' u
the first sitting of the court of revi-
sion by Wm. Dobie and Sampson
Carter to have certain lots in the
second and third concessions, at pre-
sent assessed as belonging to U. S. S.
Nos. 5 and 6, Hulled, East and West
.Wawanosh; and+
n S. S. No. 10, DasE
Wawanosh, transferred over and
assessed as belonging to the new U.
S. S. No. 16. Ordered, that the re-
quest of Messrs. Dobie and Carter be
complied with,and that the provisions
of the award made in this case in
1894, be carried out in the mean-
time. The following names were
further added to the roll: Fred.
Muteb, lot 28, con. 3, M. F. F. S.;
Albert King, lot 32, con. 1, M. F, F.
S.; Joseph Lawlor, lot 33, con. 1, M.
F. F. S.; Abram: Ketchabaw, lot 42,
con. 9, M. F. Wm. Stackhouse, eon.
5 ; Peter King, con. 10 ; Jas. Perdue,
con. 11; Alex. McDougall, con. 12,
and George Walker; On. 12, each a
dog struck off. Moved by Mr. Scott,
seconded by Mr. Brown, that the
assessment roll as now .revised and
corrected be passed, and the court
closed for the present year -Carried.
After routine, it was . moved. by
Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr.
Brown, that Rich. 'Leishman, lot 32,
con. 9, be appointed inspector of new
bridge on river, eons. 8 and 9, now
being built by John' Forster., of
Wingham-Carried. The treasurer
reported cash on hand at last meet-
ing, $103.42. Receipts since that
time, $554.2 ; paid out $201.88,
leaving a balance On' hand at date of
$445.78. Several ratepayers were
present urging their claims in their
different localities for assistance in
repairin and gravelling reads,,etc.,
but. of 'icccon.nt of the extra expendi-
tare required this season for rebuild-
ing bridge on river at Marnoch,,the
ci deem t
,the 'rat
�rest ofttlie.si:,
ass in.pti In out
for thatexcept tll
s purpose, c
p p
°ofise of repairs requedfor culverts,
€ rad li.;'.i i fid s `thi'ouglt ttt
7i S in„loner 1 int
towt�sl lis, tllci•o� reLi � . �,�
�r t`
111 f.lr CO11Clit16pi�1
}fin et c
_ t � A all. C. - •w
folloti e %
orde `ed tc 1l p 'id fi n"i� Dobio, ,coir;
i 5 ± + v�
1 e 1.
.. 9 fee � c1 1 c
) � r
Rob . Jo�il r1, i5C1-.1 trd§ : 1114
fele lot do :ilil '3 e ..
Il �3' e
1 i ,
i7 n�. +
K V "
lone lot ' 1 � cl J1
oli d >rn c 11.'
4 •t
`• a _.1.-
... VP,:, i. )a rt •'fi pK4 n70: :,0 .r
Respectfully yours,
R. efir
, $ . ; m. 1cLal ty, 45 rods
wire fence, lot 28, con. 4, $4.50; Jas.
Purvis, 58 rods wire fence, lot 32,
con. 8, $5.80; John H. Hoover, 63
rods wire fence, lot 31, sideline 30
and 31, eon. 5, $5.30; Walter Scott,
36 rods wire fence, lot 36, sideline 36
and 37, con. 7, $3.60; Wm. Rath; jr.,
for taking tree off road allowance,
con. 5, $1 ; Wm. Currie, 78 rods wire
fence, lot 37, con. 13, $7.80,; Tums
Office, Wingham, 550 assessment
schedules, $3 ; David Taylor ,refund
of statute labor, 1894, $1 ; James
McGowan, per R. G. McGowan, path -
master, 35 yards gravel and day of
man shovelling gravel, $2.75;
Jonathan Bentley, 53 yards gravel,
per Wm. King, pathmaster, $2.65
John Redmond, 35 yards gravel, per
John H. McClinton, pathmaster,
$1.75; Alex. Nixon, 77 rods wire
fence, , lot 42, con. 5,• $7.70. The
council then adjourned.to meet again
at the call of the reeve':
The Culross council met at the
twenty-five dollars and a cheque be
issued for that amount, in favor of F.
X. Messner -Carried. J. Welwood
Ried-That as Ohristena
McDougald is in need of charity,
that the sum of ten dollars be given
for her'aid, under the supervision of
Alex. McKenzie -Carried. J. John-
ston -P. Kuntz -That a grant of
ten dollars be made to improve the
fifth sidetoad, con. 8, to be e. pended
1 by H. Mclay, by public competi-
tion-Ca'rriell.. J. Johnston - H.
McKay -Thai f grant of five dol-
lars be made to lYrlplln Becking, to
deepen a culvert oii`‘,.25th sideroad,
lots 25 and 26, coal,lnll, so that
Decking- will have an outlhti, for his
drain; the said amount to be paid on
certificate of Joseph Johnstotlithat
the work is done -Carried. H. Me-
Kay -Wm. Reid -That the Clerk
having been instructed to aseertaitk
the cost of sewer pipes, with freight
to Teeswater, that he now give a
written statement of the cost, so as
to draw a comparison between the
cost of the pipe and the cedar cul-
vert -Carried.
Town hall, Teeswater, June 26th, as Report of Clerk re sewer pipes.
per motion of adjournment. Mem- -As requested by motion, I here-
bers all present. J. Welwood,' with submit a statement of the prob-
Reeve, in the chair. ' Minutes of last, able cost of sewer pipe: '18 feet
meeting were read. J. Johnston-) of 12 inch pipe would cost $9 with -
.P. Kuntz --That the Minutes of last out freight; for 15 inch pipe, $11.25;
meeting as now read be adopted,; for 18 inch pipe, $18. A car load
For notion -J. Johnston, Win. Reid,' of 12 inch pipe per foot is 43 lbs., a
car holding 550 feet; 15 inch pipe
weighs 58 lbs: per foot, a car hold-
ing 375 feet; 18 inch pipe weighs
80 lbs. per foot, a ear holding 280
feet. I have not the freight on the
car here, but will give it at next sit-
ting and I believe there is a discount
on a car load.
CHAS. Bu'rm'ox; 'Clerk:
J Johnston -Pere • Lintz -That'
as t • e rli
h vel it
a o lte 10 10con
g p pP
s t.
1211as„ become", dan et.oiis to rho
P. Kuntz, J. Welwood. Against
motion --H. McKay--•-Oarried. Wm.
Reid ---J. Johnston -That • as appli-
cation has been made to this council
for a ditch on theboundary between
Culross and Turnberry, that in the
event of a notice of meeting being
given, that the Reeve and. II. Mc-
Kay represent •this council at said
meeting -F.• -Car' ied,'~ I' "`7°'itxh.tx2-; .
lood T .
1raft � s' nit r� '
essnei ani•
.'ick .,
plied* di t 1
C cl=., fol
a r
ant or a
ram,:to drya• Bole' :thatbb d stag -1 tray '
F,,, g ISttliiid, that the :path-.
nant:wittertkind cOnSidel`ed, that the master be instructed to close it up
B, d:=of Health; coir .q .o
,. ,p r 1 lei b0'°d%h ed to, tiud o :a , lew��tync' t�Oli�Yn f1lStari e to
f`' 'i ,..
'Cjldaln 1t €I5 lt`•' i . •
was, n urn usto�reaTttr ; .-,�
, J Q Elie` Irorl;h . o iosite' '9;lie ,
h, , F �, . . .,, her , pl safe lot,
-and t e •oaitlet lbeing aThng .the botnt- whcn:doing:-statiitte 10.1:61 -Carried.
clary. Bary itxltl Oxrriek, Cbtlsidering that J."".Johnston P, i tfiitri hint a=
i W$S iilloit e''' grant '
li 1 niicl'13ratter t'o' rna'fte''h, ri£.fiftcen dollars -be Unfit to
41! ntrth
e ebS
e ov
er o
ir the bill opp
ositG leC
u�1 tod dollars cleyMta1tCltni! t .�n.Il ;c ,let the
twenty-five delfals,"braeoftditfonth t lsano
ey 1)31.1 .l4 eotn'petit n-Ci1'-
O h pss,
g-1,vc equiv
be it fried.
: '
Jos e
therefore' regdlC+etthat g1ult be' �hat te haairce af.C n� t„ £arida,
made to P. X. Afessixer of the suit; of' moving Ant at ()range bridges
amounting to fifteen dollars, be noI
paid, as the contract is now corn
pleted, Messrs. Thacker & Steele
having an agreement as to the dis-
posal of that part of timber now on
south part of lot 26, con. 10, certi-
fied - Carried. }L McKay - P.
Kuntz-Tl,;at as the culvert on
boundary Culross and Kinloss, be-
tween con. 6 and 8, Culross, requires
repair, that J. Welwood have the
same done ---Carried. J. Welwood-
P. Kuntz -That a cheque be issued
for the sum of five dollars and fifty
cents, to be paid John Brown, con.
15, said money to be paid J. John-
ston to give to him when he inspects
the culvert, the said amount Nein;
for timber for the culvert -Carried.
H. McKay -Peter Kuntz -That a
cheque be issued for the sum of
eighteen dollars and fifty. cents, to be
paid Herman Wise when his contract
of building culvert and making
Meta is inspected and that the money
be laid to H. McKay to give him on
compl@tion and inspection of job•-
Carl:; ,,t., J. Johnston -P. Kuntz -
That r as.. the road opposite lots 22
and 23,.,cpn. 12, is in need of repair
that a •-ggant of fifteen. dollars be
made to bei•e,s.pended under the in-
spection of ,Mr, McKay -Carried.
H. McKay ---J. ,Johnston -That the
Treasurer send for a copy of the
Provincial Statute for 1892 for his
use -Carried.
r con. 10, ;100:.Tatra; Lockhart, 768
- feet (whir N7.68; Geo, Fal
cotter, work a nil ma Trial for culvert,
$5; Oro. McKay, prig, ,payment of
contract, tuts 10 and 11, con. 7, $50;
(leo. 1?rin;•le and others, breaking'
•gravel road hi February, $1.75;;
John Brow,,, timber for culvert,
$5.50; F. X. Messner, draining in
Formosa, $25.
J. Johnsti=n-J. Wel wood -That
the finance report as now read, be
adopted -Carried. J. Welwood-P.
Kuntz-Thrt this council do now ad-
journ to meet again on Monday,
August 5th, 1895, in the town hall,
Teeswater at 9 o'clock, a. in.-Car-
iied- CHAS. BUTTON, Clerk.
Finance Report--Lauchlan lIc-
Kay, fixing washout, lot 25, eon. 4
and 5, $1.25; Thos. Ross, 65 yds.
gravel, $4.55; Thos. Ross, 26 yards
gravel, $1.82; I legman Wise, culvert
and ditch, lot 2, con: 5, $18.50;`
Wm.' Boston, 44 yds. gravel, $3.08;,
John Thacker, balance of contract
on Orange bridge, $15' Aligns MC-',
Quaig„ .Culross share tOntiact rifi
boundary ndarY CulLosa and
pOsite coin, 9, Culross, .,,1':; Chas.
Sproa.ls,. 195! yards,:gravel, 'V18.6;'
Chas. Sproals 2' days road wr]ik, C.
I'. Il., $2; Hamilton 13a11ttgh, 1. reale-
it g gravelroad in Winter, j2• Thos.
ThompsOn,,repairing. .culvert and 3
days road Vvork, re Cargill, -$8; Rdbt.
Campbell, C. I"'.: R. Toad vvotk, °$1;
r '.
x ,lt
Alex. clLenzle relief For ,erste' a
Clt 11
'McDougal, t10; John Bro1vii, 1Y6ad
work,r e Cargi9l;' $4.50; Ilolit: Smith",
payment of contract ract
bf bridge,
lot 11, con. 10, x$100; D. I/WM ick;
part payment of Contract, lot 11,
ti\' Ai.
Mr. Jacob Wilcox of St. Thol)10,
Ontario, is ono of the best known.m in
in that vicinity. He is now, he
an old man, but Hood's Sarsaparilla
has made him feel young again.
"About a year ago I had a very severe
attack of the grip, which resulted in in3
not baying a well day for several months
afterwards. ' 1 wait completely rim d0' 11
and to gyste)ii was In a'
Terrible Condition.
I lost' flesh and beoame depressed
in spirits'. Finally a friend who lied been
benefited by Htiod's Sarsaparilla advised.
nti ' ed talc*,
it andIdidso. I o zl to
soc u
m t
it until 1 used twelve bottles s and
today 1 can honestly say Hood's sarsa-
"' Barilla has restored me to my former
.•he nth." JACOB witcta; Jt. ';i'homas,
Hoa asa-
�SSi � it •.
Itt C)-103
''rue food
• 1'ronlinently In the publie eye today- It
Dorsa hen all other re arationd t
w ail
io6d'SPIils the atta>ndi14,ea'
lira .
Imlay aathl,rtio.