HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-07-05, Page 44 THE WIN 011AM TIMES, JULY 51 1895. Co of the Oorrie orchestra, made up an Kirkby, seconded by Jas. Bowman, Eu ' a excellent programme d. was =eh 1 .that Thos. Code be instructed to have f apprcciatsd and warmly applauded necessary repairs made on centre s by the audience present. The i sideline, con 7 --Carried. Accounts Autograph ` ( guilt sold after the en- were presented for payment as fol- HEMIST -AN - DRUG GIST. tertainrxnent,brought about $75 to lows ; - Robert Taylor, digging a the funds of the church. It was I diteli, ,,.10 Jas• Scott, do., 57 ; Jnc. purchased by Mr. Robt. Musgrove, White, the and putting in two of Bluevale, for V.—Messrs, R. N. culverts, 50 ; Wm. lltason, repairing 1 d tit 5 7th con line $12,50; Jennings and Thomas ZYater louse, roe a o on �+n of Palmerston, paid W. J. Jennings Jas. Laidlaw culvert on 8th fine,. ACT G H W TELEGRAPH 1 r Last week, prior to their removal : to Lueknow, about thirty members cont of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Waterloo street Methodist church, fi * I •L visit on Mond'tty last* app. Brunswick House. $2,50; Alex. Cloakey, repairing side- line, 510 ; Duff & Stewart, cedar for two culverts and repairing Farrow's bridge, 531 ; Duff & Stewart, repair- ing Rattans bridge, 519 ; Jno, i Stratford,and a few others, assembled Bulger, gravelling on East boundary, i('.t� , at the parsonage and presented their $24 ; Geo. McSpadden, gravelling on l 1)4, ; 1)tiet a m Justi P. pastor with a gold -headed eane, niee- East boundary, 520; Mark Cardiff, ly inscribed, and Mrs. Wallwin with a beautiful onyx table, accompanied i by the following address, which was 'read by Mrs.• D. II.. Farrow, Miss EDITORIAL NOTES. I Varner presenting the cane and Mrs. Tim latest news says that manylMeGuire the table : F1 IDAY JULY 5, 1895. Christians were killed in the Chinese To the Rev. I. B, ' %allwia and riots last mouth. 'u wards ofx',0Q0,- Mrs. Wallwin : Dear and honored 000 worth of property was destroyed • friends,—We, the ladies of your con its -the city of Cheng Tee alone. Igregation, cannot allow you to leave , our city without expressing to you 'i':tE British House of Commons, in some small degree our regret with v.:iich is to face the electors shortly, having to part with you, We have consists .of 271 Conservatives, 268 always found in both of you that Liberals, 72 Anti-Parilellities, 50 loving and wise sympathy which is Liberal -Unionists, and 9 Parnellites. so dear in the human heart .iu times Tim Hon. Geo. E. Foster objects of sorrow and bereavement, and so to the auditor general publishing all much hind and tender counsel at all the details of expenditures by the.times and under all circumstances, government. This is a confession .and we are sure your hard and that some of these expenditures are faithful work for our beloved Church has been owned and blessed of God. We shall always look back with pleaSnre 'tri the tinie you worked among us. We have felt that our Binder Twine Company, of Brant- joys and sorrows were yours, too. ford, deny the statement of Sir 0. H. We hope and trust that you will find Tupper that they have entered into many warm and true friends in a combine with the Consumers' your new sphere of labor, ;and that Cordage Company to `keep up the God's special blessing mat,` go with price of twine. you and abide with yourselves, , your 7'a spectacle of the Minister of dear Children, your hectic and your Church: And' if eve may not all Public Works, Mi. Ouimet, defend meet again here on earth, we may ing;wt,'Louis, the contractor,' v'ho .is all, a ransomed, -'joyous; throng, sing being sued. by the Dominion Govern= His praises together who , lrLtlt ire ment for overcharging on contracts, deemed us, and cleansed . us . to'Ilia i:, not very encouraging to the precious blood.:. Please accept from: people of Canada, us, with "every k"uid:,.wisli for your Hoa. G. E. FosTE1, in astatement`"'future happiness; these sinal' tokens such as the government have reason to be ashamed of. THE Directors of the Patrons' in the. House, the other day, 'said that, :unless the session was length- ened by the introduction of legisla- tion dealing with the Manitoba school question, he thought- prorogation might take place next week. . Lorin SALISBURY has completed his Cabinet,. and, 'they have taken their seats, , Parliament will be dissolved on; the' 1,Oth and the elec- tions n ili•be held on the.20th of this' month; -Si Unionists have • 'been taken into the `Cabinet, and it is. predicted: that the nevi,' Government will be sustained 'by a goad ;ii'ajority atthe'polls SEV RAL items in' the- estimates thatare suggestive of jobbery<_ have• lately 'been' passed" in ` the `House of Commons. $39Pytwai,voted,G°o p as rent for a building in St. Lin, Quobec,,._foi ..post . office ,in /the past thee - ttriidiinnghail ai4en $i; ted' for $366 fief-'a'nnui'h. 1. ~it x1.0,000 post office is to be erected in Marysville, York • County, n'B., the cbnstitUeucy; for which the Finance Minister is .a candidate. Marysville iswaxplaccr of less. than 2,000• population1d : It I tis time this squandering` of the people's money was put a`stOp,: o, amu, a -,,„6,,i-' B°E,l 'E A.I.E. 3. , .-will Gardiner and Mr. Ed. Coiiitir, went; . to Berlin:, stn. ,-•their bicycles to spend. Dominion Day.— A large-nuntber...,fr.ant,_:.Bluevalew=at . ten . c .,the: games., at Vroxe• . r Y Fast ,r f 3 t r �i; YT. e" 1 a' , i f>ui zll y; Y 3 ? r has 1fiS offi lY D Of ��tfl}itto � r.�0lit McPhersonts house. — 1l'1s Elizif Messer is visiting 1 ' r siste`I':�1l 'rs. Ir, of .Y siIanti Obeli. ---:1' Barclay, p 1155' Bella Boyce, of Hamiltd4 T' vvisiting 'tI ..ser s.. � • ll'in e c Stili. G, L !C, r 1 .� r n 1 ri �a i {y� s Yr 4 t'' Y 1Ci 0 '� { _ ru ns n Tie u far � se 73I evale Circuit last Sunday to large congre- gations,—The farewell " At Home" held in the „Methodist ehureh, o Friday, JUietfor, t ver 4, largely attended; �ilf "account ofso i t manyother attractions t this=-tf rtie of the yeah, but wns, in.. othgr, re,, building culvert, 512 ; Frank Bell, repairing sideroad, 528 ; Alex Eaket, balance due on sideroad job, 5,10 ; Jas. Cook, repairing culverts, 53 ; Jas. Russell, repairing Armstrong's and Sunshine bridges, 516 ; P, Cantelon, keep of Fisher, 510; Geo. Taylor, gravel and ditch, 510.10 ; Misses Exford, charity, $8 ; match resulted in favor of the Unions Adam Scott culvert, 53 ; John by a score of 23 to 19. The Brussels Bays, keep of County= Ward, brass band enlivened the proceedings $13,50 ; Duff & Stewart, build- at intervals during . the day. The day was a delightful one, and every- thing passed off nicely. Mr. a, S. Jerome, Dentist, Wing - ham, says: "Williams' Little. Dandelion Pilin are the best in the market" r. Geo. Crtticltsnank, Turnbt rry, says" "'There is no Pill equal to Williagas' Little Dandelion .fills," Mr, Finlay Anderson, Ex-Deputy- Reove of East Wawanosl), says: "They are the most satisfactory Pill 1 have ever treed,,, Thomas Taylor, Warden for the County of Huron,, says: " l: would not use any other Pill." Chas. Proctor, 4th line of Morris, says: "I would not be without Williams' Little Dandelion Pills." Jas. Gaunt, Ex -Warden for County of Bruce, says: "I have found them in- deed a wonderful Pill." Hundreds of like Testimonials furnish- ed on application. Brouns and the ° 2nd nine of the Unions, resulted in favor of the Browns, the game being called at the end of the 4th innings, to enable the Pastimes, of London, and the Unions, to play. The game between the latter clubs was a fairly good game of ball, though there wore some loose playing at times. The ing Forbes's bridge, 5674. For gravel—Robert Emmerson, 53.15 ; Chas. Campbell, 54.55; Wm. Martin, 53 ; R. W. Skelton, 53.20 ; Jas. Evans, 51.45; D. Sommerville, 54.45; Jas. Thuell, 56.30 ; Jas. Martin, 54,06; E. Laundy, 51.50; John Wightman, 55 ; E. Littlefair, 54.90; Mrs. Proctor, 56.40; Alex. Cloakey, 53,15 ; Robert Sterling, 59.15 ; Wm. A. Ashton, 57 ; Geo. Kirkby, 51.25 Thos. Russell, 56.05. Moved by Jas. Bowman, seconded by Thos. Code, that the foregoing. accounts be paid—Carried. On. motion of Wm. Isbister, seconded by Geo. Kirkby, the Council then adjourned to meet again on the 29th day of July next, at ten o'clock a. in. W. CLARE, Clerk. LONDESBORO. Mr. D. Fell and wife, of Auburn, spent the first in the village.—Mr. J. H: Stevens, of Belgrave, Sundayed here.—Miss B. Youngblutt, of Au- burn, was the guest of Miss Nettie Webb, last week.—Mrs. G. Newton of our love' and esteem the onyx and family, of Wingham, spent the table for dear Mrs.Wallwin, the cane lst here.—Mr. and Mrs. Paul, of for our beloved pastor, Rev. I. B. Brussels,` were visiting, friends in this Wallwin... Stratford,, June 24; 1895. vicinity last week. ---Miss Susie The recipients of. these beautiful Luxton, of London, is home here on tokens of love and esteew.weretaken a visit Miss .'Cunningham, of Clin- `by surprise; " an'd, seine mom.nts ton; was'the guest": Of Miss Sadie elapsed before Mr..Wallwiti could Hill, on. °:the :'1st. -4 -The Methodist find' words in which, to thank..the Sunday school held their, ,annual donors kixidl'y appreciation picnic on, the, lst, , in , Mr. Brigham's of liis•.;labori'` in Stratford., Mrs. glove. All went off well. There Wailwin also r'eplied`in feeling tams, after :ivhidh "`a, pleasant lour 'Tawas spent.7in secial;'intercoursee, dulling which ,ice •eream and refreshr cnts were -served.. .°: �.l ...The;;Court of R.evfsio•tl niet' nt :the Taw,.n Hall1 Morris,=June-.9•th, .t895, Contest, held in,,, the R, i iperance" according to ad_' our ,n en>. Members Hall, nett 'Tuesday<evemng. There 4all>.lpresent.3d t-" alc'olm Lamont was Wili�;.r.ba a•:: ,good ,programme, besidei entered as owner of S. pt 1 and 2, those- tat ng• w,p4rt•" vin,.; ,the •egntest. con. 1: "1 '�Jno:^`� D `i 1' tall, fire ,edl n.ie 4vi11 .be a, sihher,;,eol.leetion• ate 1,;' e r' !x ,,•:cf! i� ,l 1. a th. ev. Ar r. t alai to ,. , he;door. �11Zr. xclston,, ,e;,R <, r:; Miller entered as tenant of N. s 24, Faii<,',s nets, ,assistant,, preached; his eon 6. As there were io,f.ni:ther,ap, firs,; sermon, i an,,the Londcsboro peals;: it was moved. by W. Isbister, ,se�con4led bv,tiJat:.Bowman, that the 30 C� 4e, the latter` for eholee, and MARKET Ii�1',POi2TS. only one extra fancy choice load sold WINO lax. at 54.20 per cwt. Stockers and Wingham, July 4, 1805, Corrected by 1'. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 2 40 to 2 66 Fall Wheat feeders were quiet. A few stockers sold at 21e @: 3e per lb. Hoge were firmer on light offerings and good demand.. Best bacon hogs sold at an advance of 10e, per cwt., bringing 085 to 086 Spring. Wheat 0 85 to 0 86 Oats,;.............,......., 0 32 to 0 $4 ,0.40to040 $4,40 C x4,45 per cwt. Fat frogs Pease .... ,. .... , , , , 0 58 to 060 were also a little firmer, Rough Butter, rollspen , . • • 0 11 too ala. bogs are a drug, and are wanted wood per cord.... , .. , , . , , l 26 to l 54 only for breeding purposes. Sheep Hay per tan, .. , , , , , , ,, , , , l8 00 tol4 00 and lambs were slow. Best export Potatoes, per bushel..,0 30 to 0 35 sheep sold at 3e per lb, for bucks Tallow, per lb 0 05 to 0 05 Dried Apples, per lb . 0 4,� to 0 05 020 to 023• and 3;lie for ewes. Butchers' sheep were slow, at 52 C- x3 each: Spring lambs quiet, at 52 « 53 each. Calves I were steady , with sales at 54 <i 55 Fall Wheat each for best. Milch cows and Barley Wheat springers were nominal at 525 �a 538 oats each. Wool ..... ........• CLINTON, 085to085 0 85 to 0 85- 045to050 0$2to036 Peas 0 55 to 0 56 Potatoes, per bushel0 25 to 0 53. Butter 0 10 to 0 11 Eggs, per dozen Hay. 0 00 toll 00• Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00� Wool... ,... 0 18 to 0 PATRON'S DEMONSTRATION. Seaforth, Ont., June 29.—The Patrons of Industry* held a grand. gathering yesterday in Landes - borough's grove, at Tucker's 31i11, about threemiles from Seaforth. The gathering was a most successful one, the day was delightful, and there was over 1000 people present, the largest halfof wlio m were ladies. Addresses were delivered by Messrs. J. L. Hay- cock, Patron leader; ' T. 0. Currie, Grand Vice -President; Joseph Strat- ford, President of the Farmers' Binder Twine Co.; Mr. R. Common, the Patron candidate for South Huron at the Dominion elections, and Mr. McLean, M. P. P. South Huron. LOWER WINGHAM. The Report of S. S. No. 11, Turn - berry, for the months of June, is as follows :—The total number of names entered on roll for. the month was 62, and the average attendance male a market. Clipped sheep, 52 the names appear in order of export ewes and wethers 53.25 «' merit : Sr. IV—Nellie Beckett, 53.75 ; good to prime handy weth- Jennie Dey..fr. IV --George Ansley, ers, 53.50 C 53.75 ; fair to good George Johnston, Rosia Johnston. mixed sheep, 52.50 @' 53.10; common Sr. III—Lizzie Potter, Verona Phip- to fair, 52 <i $2.50 ; culls, 51 C% $2 ; pen, Rhoda Elford. Jr. III—John clipped yearlings good to ch. doe, 54 Lockeridge, May Ransom, Spence "; A 4.25 ; fair to good yearlings, Currie. II—Wesley Ansley, Robert 52.25 l% 53.50 ; cull and common Deyell, Mamie Mainprize. II pt.— lots, 52 @ 53 ; spring laiiibs, common Ernest Simmons, Eva Simmons, to choice, 53.50 G 55.75. was a lar a crown and all seemedto Maggie Poole. 1 pt. Sr.—Almeda--"'--- g f Ansley, Harold Poole, Ellenor • Dairy Markets -Juin 1. enjoy themselves: Presbyterian,[sarryMitchell. I t. Jr Pearle Locke- Utica, N. Y.,—Cheese sales : 120 festich i}eld theiri;eannual ;strawberry ' .id .e Ivy Mainprize, Ada Poole. boxes at 7��c, 5,030 at 77so , 2,590 at festival .on , the evening of the first., ^ , g r.' J W. HOG•ARTH, Teacher- 8c. 1,430 at 80, 1,100 on commis - There was a large crowd, the elitirch : , Report of 8. S. No. 11, Turnberiy, son. being ,packed;. ',Clic, ,,i pkocwas for the-moiith�of.May is as follows: Butter—Sales : 30' packages of antolxnted to between 560 and 570,:::;.,he total number of names on roll -creamery butter at 18•c, 120 on —There will:be a Deraorest' .Medal ; for,month Was :f6, and the average commission. attendariee.v54;.- •The'i'ianies appear Little Falls.—To day 2,034 boxes .in order 'of merit :f Si IV -Nellie cheese sold at 71c, 5,975 at 8e, 180 Beckett, .3ennit Dey`, Mabel Halstead. boxes of dairy at 7c to 8e. Jr.:' 7IVB-George Ans'1ey, `Y Ileliton Butter—Sales : 34 packages of 'Cruibkshank;•'Geo:' Jo11nstdn? II1 creamery at 16c to 17e. Lizzie Iibtter, rt iVeroii t '' Ph ppett, '.C'rebrge• .Campbell i:S'i ' IILJohti Lockeridge,-1-May','I' anate, :• "Jame Montreal, Que., July 2,—At the live stock market, at the eastern abbatoir; about 550. head of cattle, 150 lambs and 350 calves were of, fered. The market was fairly active all round, both cattle and small meats being in good demand, Quite a number of sheep were taken over for export, at 3to per lb., live weight. Following is the general range of quotations: — Cattle — Butchers' choice, per lb., 3;-c, live weight ; choice mediums to fair, 8c «` 3c, live weight ; choice cuts to fair, 210 @ 2 -ac. Sheep—Common to" good, 53 @ 57 ; lambs 52 G $4. Calves --Good to choice, 57 C�' 811 ; common to fair $2 «' 56 ; lean hogs, each, 52 G 58 ; young pigs, 51 to $3. East Buffalo, July 2.—Cattle— The receipts were light, and only two loads of arrivals were for this market, the balance being consigned through, and but few odd lots or small bunches were left over. The market was fairly active. Hogs— Receipts only four loads. Market strong and higher, owing to the limited number on sale. Yorkers, rough, $4.70 �t' 55 ; pigs, -55.15 r�' 55.30; stags, 53.25. .; 54. Sheep and lambs—Receipts light, only two loads of fresh, and but two loads as held over from yesterday's trade. 1 as and any r madebric; n dthea province. good Quite a number of Iambs .were, can sell by the car load or 10,000 or shipped out in first hands yesterday, 12,000 tile fully as low as can be pur- chased anywhere. We have also a great quantity of all kinds of lumber for sale. J. & E. ELLIOTT. Wingham, May 16,1895. ..,.008to009 MONEY FO Found in East Wa Concession, on or ab a sum of money. same by describing it. B. H. TAYLOR, 3larnooh P. 0. D. a..sh, on the 6tl3, hel5th of June,. e loser can have MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Mortgage at low rates of in- terest on terms of five years or over.' Principal payable at end of term or - annually, if desired. JOHN BURGESS, Bluevale P. 0., Ont. Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and Savings Co., London, Ont, Farmers! Lk at This. ELLIOTT BROS.. of the Wingham Brickyard, have lots of BRICK and DRAIN TILE on hand. It is said that other parties are selling at reduced prices, but we cannot be undersold,, Court `ofc'Rt'tsiol'i lie now ci,osed,• a,na. < that thi.;4. s ,na.nt .'l'ioll` as now i ovised ai d cpprected.ben the Assess - i ent-Roll1fortthe- o unship of Morris fon they ear 1p,5 -.=,Oft rieilu, r �E' ` �, 1,"{tl .a(Y.1. ed .d1., n'�•:. A4 x1.5 o`44_(tnf et business 4.an thei'isa troc'ee d. - Os :9tf 'e �f�i � dt'vY>'� " Y�e�iS�uiion 14 efl •tPitti. T'iiL Ifi gr o nendelencedwas Aatried tfmaninionslyq It,.wwae �rtro�'e bYl' °Geii':'"�1t1rkl y, .seconded. =W I-sbister,thtut-.x her . this o no&L, ha .'.g'; •p P-, a be e ' e r P to �ames I ioeto dein e �i tie la t 'ivh` ` a fe ifl'ai •ay.( eYui: er v. t re neT o, f i Co t� Jo �Y.� i. take rhino ortullty of tendering to tlihotei'eapeitififidSi `gird family our hea>tl'ti, im-..,hyint A'n t of i ,�r the ' IC etrcuit in the Eetl odist ci iic% AeL'ef ; lurd,,,.i ' '1Jri axiom -Wesley AiYSIet*; ''`�°! onsum tion1 ha o, last`Bunday morning, .when;}lesgave g dmietMainprize Harold' ' C�ilmori�: '' ' The incessant wasting of a con LAND FOR SALE. For sale, about 600 acres of land; 200• of it nearly all in pasture; with first-class• buildings; large part of it underdrained, the balance, about 400 acres, mostly new land, with a large quantity of timber still on it. About 150 acres cleared and seeded for pasture. Land will make a. first-class pasture. Farm situated two miles from Wingham. On the promises is a good saw mill in running order. All will be sold on reasonable terms. Por particulars, apply to Post Office Box 125, Wingham, Ont. ERB WE too AAIU with snap shot bargains to suit the times. WATO H ES s Elgin, Waltham, Rockford, Columbus, warranted for _ four years, 'rand iscouiseJ-Mr . .0 Br, en: ` t.—Eva Siniiiidns Ernest Sitainons : ° S tive- an 1 be overcome b -' moved last. ` eel.,�in e the{housp 1tatelu, iVlaggie Poole. -I - pt. Sr.—Almeda a Powe Tug.. conce>.tta;ated nourish- : occupied Ti c „INN. •,ilkcn•...-.A g, 9"c2' e1lnale •`'1'1l.iz iiy' r 11Li1 do"eh; -.: G'ertie. ` fent' like"� cogt s ` E x ulsion.. If bel n i to 3kssrs, Cil Said .asltarri:, , 5; g i } WALNUT CLOCKS A, F'r;��c �ruicikshanl�, •,IZ ;:pt.'1Jr: �7Pearl this wasti'rn is checked � and the �' • '' oc erci. e !Sas turned est aturday; •a morning, : F i � L 'd fT Ivya i4lainprize,'Sytll}an 'Oysterri ir�su�ipliedrit''i It s rc"'s"g'tl� to From $2.50 up. '31°•1.4•hal£p t,,,four.. ,Mr..,,R.'Bell g,s i A 4,.,, i '" , •1 i B r i ;rt"' windiehuiat•; ogntbltt $lYe YlisehsL� tl9erc s hop cl flag ke0 •i ltvin 37nk<it isiIite,=;:.fast , ? • J r}iY^ ioo•AflztTlc,.'Teacbdi ::'a. f recoviity. > •tin:' . g ,si:" c7, b a �5'= We have the largest and most complete stock of SZLVERwARE fitiiitalsle --for wedding and r Abirthdaji presents, in the cou041i • twi t rr Ir .13e11 was4'not.at.::herae <'r yi p Y •°=cs:: ! r : ' `L'ivo Stock „Lair'ie�ta -1 ' 1 tIi t lit o#��GthePri e Mrs .iT3eli,anci rI, ,.a fit.:. . r •i� ' �,. 1, t, ', 4'a c•.,l ,,; 1 tun Tc5i'oir to Ortt. "Jtz1y 2 -da .S th . � •eri e.,�. .°. !'4i 'iaa f T• .,r oattlgidilii •lept'.; ltovb if Vei fin•`r4 e- . ntQz} tit qi a alone '�n� the lioLtsg stir }} � � t ti ori j p t'r uh �T f � e Wa'>�'ia t 0 1 !< #` •ul'�4iro . lr.K. .€u!•, O.y 1 b..fls' t. ,,! �. .,}, ; 'sESIG't'f.''+,+'�.1'.l+..r�''1L.�i+a,, i; 11 'fit the ••P1 ..3 ...t ; : a •�XE�Lfi•`;.:� ,, t•c;a; , maii'�' eat$1€, `r"ve e lei�ein s ,� •flts r.-oi;d `�Ii•` �.. �.. !i/b,„ gi Cod-liver 1' Oil with II t i3 lose rk e s�4vetrd fly ears clY p , , :, 9 d, . > cel ti of s n e s e, a ri a e xx �. ,b• r,.., ..,i. �,, ;}t 1r4 ..i?ri ..4 .i .. it "J v 1 � d I tii'e PAP a aria- w: s 8'}vent; ., fine 1 er. ie , a„.., ri;gfa1' fii e is; unl�Iftwii for l(t ..4.. chi' 1148 lots'' 1 e' eat}y, c' blcs•Wei4 de 'Cts• ins "'and.�,h q ,F 1 i'� C r ...4 col�8,�® ,v"0 C dY "$c r, .4 l 6 :• sl r grafi-rroe<ss:�,}n e'Yery: 'ayon,4 ,the w 0.°11 .'d, . l to v t ne'a;geti�,,ico�t},p t qt �, i..ad., h#; e.; ec1r t r n t na d. b •a:+ a a e d e.. �e ria ..fi�•i i �� ,n g iorl.;•itl ilperfeeitioni, aiTl?P .shoetingr W. ♦ Y, P r r' V r i c• B o -i a a l ors. las „` rid. , , o IloJ' k � ,• Q ., . 1 , an .: , k, s ,, „ i• `i;<iti a"doe eiti.ored r 'cG'd'c•i�;M=" et•e r M1 r paare. a•„s.Ow 113 w,,: .1 � ���"' lee �>liid la,nbs �0 htl�'S.. p eg, . , :�•. :� ,. ing f ;; P , •e,.al ro , :. , , , °z •::• tatds, l act'fii' l'y' aiifitAed a d 7c3°yea'li?ess.c.i;J ' i'ui'ha t1I �* el' .�silinptibnxathan tttt3Filiitli itiaktiti 1r1 . lyi.,H(b „ ,,, ,,, 1�; ,.i f -P re' ed op�ail••Atff t ."% 1m s oo 1ii358' # '� �b� y. y1: G. �° "and . 5 .� i, I� L`J '�lrn s d i y �':�• ill o A d , l ' 7 L s ou s c� ra and w C Co l30 s �l'roata n b 1 yvG` 4 dao 0 of instr"tlet�j �o f'orwai copy g'*Se"" cont t •.tiv rke nl te11,•rand sal;d a rfewr kiii s S soon*.iitowner woo Alai& Altai lingo . sbd• SOIL fi tion to the bereaved family es e Y 1teS t t s} t'""• "' ' iih:ai N,:,, ,,,, , IOC ,ir . .. .. „ ,T1+ '+�g r 14j ..drill a 1 -r:, e.. :r ,,.� 7 Isbister, seconded b the° L ;,vet r thy. tivel'1{'„uzvidede` ltiMl ULche� dt 1 0 e t.r x . :. r ., c, . a F: �. . E,{i , ,p s : L .n ,.�...a Moved by 1 Is , Y �i . et/i ,,r li 31: istua.,.. "., .off a�+9''' ' a', ' '2-,5 � s ° ._� a , r t r, �' that‘g o .m be s, •.keisa �; p4.fiB s F°erl?Un: Y., ,... � 7.:°14;1'r:9” . ,,... ... =. n EY S i , ., w ra •,, i ..i ,lis. a � -{ 1. $: v"`' (� e A. �:�- 1 Watt; "g;' -< }� n t e i at �, �' �d(';Sti 'Y9t�• �a . A e a w �, Jbb c. • • � - r f . r ri , 1 [ ry 4 t"� c o catt114b eli �e1`'fiafitds" ,, � '6161!- , 1 �;�h�tis�tind'�VIi'�'istiH�r•�,s`p�lri,�reL� < °'' a1 ' t"'llc't ,.4, 'C' .c?1` . •, � t,r sx, ,AO�'tiojtiiY t D D t •i ,1. e a �_ a st v.r a_. • , bio r atv �.> ��iav��t a Iiiusse •d.. .hp �cicli� ,.,,.. lot'17, On nth con. hue an h ISs ,�, . Y�.eZ C� r, 1 , . 'tit .9 , ;:r { ilea sai�itr•• •t=m=a,tiroperstatc, of repair traete�,s�'•M�o9 �P� 41f,� 131113 rJ��., Q� �s`•pt tl:�•, a:�++r�!, .� � ,,,.r � 1 O•� ' >zia ,v b:, n , as,� . yrs �al>!3-ell r,, ,et -1, 3'. f #� 1 spa Cts-' 1iig1il� sncce§sful 11le;•; ties taeee4ded ,bkyi 4leor .Hlrk ys'$ diet.; this. providealby"tlie`ladies was all that couneitagiy . grant,;,gfb' 2( towa,rls could be desired and was appreciated the erection.. of a sidwalk opposite Y : Y_I , 'YC Y dry those who partook. The singing; DoE 2, on nth cod.. line„n��,� =�e1�� eg Ir sttdtibfa bilta�stz i. n0 RZY 1• t. It ehbrr bf the � 'inch radio p .� bre � � � f . , ' .i y •• e iJ Moved W, by Messrs. Crracey, of Wingham, and her'ea:tter�--•G�itriec�. y ^r eo. Kirkby, e3 b G b' i of eve re .t t' >s � •Y r•Y Denman B a J. J11� � � J l�� u a to to . • John 1�.c �i �l' �q 't be instructed Il * 14It . 1t . � � ���` r �q� �r fry Mis:y 11t1iggiecSteivar 'and. J• "J. � attend odor sideline, con. 5, and Dentiritr l''1Sc :;.t^sadit 'last, but not have the same' put in n. proper state least', the instrumental music by part of 'o :ir--•Carried: ° ov'e& 'by 'Geo. i4i. ii tl • Ther ` o e>s t f.. vvp • 1 i, ,,. f. s,gv; < ic'3t $;6 b t. X c r: 'WITH °E1ii,7l1LO .1;A1"j 1'l[i'� el Ai o gar •',Y „• t ����yy p „�::_1 .%5„ y 1".11 �'j�li�,•, 25 p oLr'e 'it 1 t,,.'�'Y•'...a•�" As51� "6„, 9 •-t•J- ,r° •'r.4• �P K"! •J..� S�'b �l'r .T1'il�.�. :"a'N, :.,, ,c q•r ` h ivo° ° „^ ii"g�ie�t"plood" rifler Tdnic and !enoral Health Restorer eves ofi`erecl t nd.. tlWa�e not.�ie�,r• s ;pnd, rT iflGaX r�tee ad�nlii3ft.t 4i.�:ei � ,�� !,• �. i ef' a as ipso o:lna -t til• foot•ba11 ” • ' �•.. .,, : J g r d �•, � � resulted ave (tint' vbgle dozon,�ef,,v ,lather, Compouhd . ori the marlfetca It,tontai'n n0•Ln`uriotts dru s a, > herr and Clifford revolted in•favor thein out af.,���� tt+�,11s btt�clil. c , irrt...:yl. e,� liti SCE 1111 in%t. 0 . COI't. .d" •r ft,! oil• will t , n., i o�v.Op. truth. 0 in EkoLLAR r1-6. of Ttrnber.r� by 't'o�d sgiracls tis .. b (Ity: �. ,�jr e� , ..t �r1 ,'','-',.,7, .s�` 1 �' > . ,::. �: ,i�•a ,� e'er .�•l't � . n a ' ' BOTTI,I; � �1• r a > r wo a Tuintreixy. Q,ys a,tso n a g" t1Ji6 .: �, f th Wi oxeter� boys The base a STORE.' 1 � ^ _ ,•s d t G S 1 ORE, WINGHAM „JON 1 ARIOr x:11 ". , ...r” ` Q . 'l.g I ,k ,.:_o•e` �ekiui4e •matient,benefit ontr_of'i0�1E 130'1.11% E of '. iii: •,, entilesg tjte filet„,goin�',�,xtr<',�t;:.Jowo 1#O,uisbn' . �Cbn. ��i �Q1rr t m i. ,g, 1 ,1?,e1i ” .... .. „`,F`A'tr78B$ "tiSkic::� ht. tt,'t�jp, !17611 1: �. Is.. ,. • Barri a. casy5 :vii?lletii, ' t MA�.V'Ir � s�' >� � after$ h ire nY$ hifl,:es a �, : , y„�r, r a r. cn, l„ .,Stir E !`x i, �i4S' y • 1.0 h71 CI �- rr rim' s.#FW ro c w” . �n ri,stol'1 r �� 'iitifl match between. the IIa.>� AT 'YY Lr