HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-07-05, Page 1VOL. XXIV,---NO<. 1227.
as: -El
Is making wonderful strides. Bust-
• ness is improving every day, and it
is no wonder as the goods 'and prices
:are surprising all who call.
This bein the first season for this
.department, it has far exceeded our
.expectations, and from the way in
which . those who have given us a
trial, express themselves, we expect
letter in the future. But if you will
.only take a look for yourself, it will
.cost you nothing, and will be more
convincing to you than anything we
can say here. We had a thirty
dozen lot , of
Arrive a f'etif-, Vs: ago, and which
Ivo bought at a price that enables us
.to'sell you pretty shapes at from 15c
AO 25c each. We will alto give you
a beautifully trimmed hat for 50c
and from that up. Our stockin this
department must, be cleared out
regardless of price..
=1�7' TI
Department we are prepared to show
you an excellent" range of
and at prices that cannot fail to suit
everybody. y y. .
We still hold the lead in the
. �•,
Ali the latest novelties in
in stock.
Special Iltttentiori is being given to
this department, and now wii 'li 'te
.got ourattelivery wagon running, we
:are in a better position than ever to
look after your interests.
E09�PPH & B04�fS
Always Tile Cheapest,
Ladies at home and children at school, complain
of headache, and have difficulty in seeing the black.
An specialist should. consulted,
a$ it has boon ascertained that over ono -half of the
headaches which are so common in this age are the
direct result ofoye•strain, It is now generally known
that certain so called "Eye Diseases' of years gone
.by are due to abnormal curvatures di the eye ball,
or to an irregularity of the refracting media, The
greater the efforts which are made in the
esti ,l
tion oY those reYrae refracting errors themore evident
becomes how essential it is that they should be
carefully etudien and scientifically treated i,v one
who has made the subject a specialty. It will
oeratinly be of benefit to all those who are suffering
with one or more of the above symptoms to consult
him, and in ease glasses are required, they are
accurately fitted, and supplied at less than. many
charge for inferior goods,
Prof. chamberlain,' Eye Specialist,
Twenty Years' Experience,
til King Street Batt, - Toronto,
Trained Specialist always Present.
Paper on the Eye can be had free.
WHAT You ' are thinking of
ABOUT taking a commercial
THE course. You want to
,ALE become a good book-
keeper or an expert short -
hander. Perhaps you don't want to
be either, but want a good everyday
practical education. You want to be-
gin about September. Let us show
you how we can help you. Write us
for samples of work and catalogue.
P. MoINTOSH, Principal.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PATERSO'N, No ::3, Vic-
toria street,Wingham, Ont. Nowtsnesses
Canada's Greatest Commercial School.
Large facnity; Superior coui:oes; Students assisted
to positions every week. writs for Choc are.
SHA W u ELLIO ' , Principals.
Drink Tetley's 'e: , Kerr & Conery's.
—A number of o 'r exchanges are taking
their holidays this eek.
Head quarters at Smith & Pethick's for
all makes of Binder Twine.
—Mr, G. H. Irvi , the city tailor, is in
New York this wok, getting the latest
points in garment utting, &o.
The latest styles of Ladies' Sailor Hats,
at Miss Wallace's.
-.—The Town Cou eil did not meet on
Monday evening, f r want of a arum.
As we go to press the regula monthly
meeting is being he d.
Pura Manilla bind- t ne (maple leaf,)
Beever and Sisal. est ,value in the
market. 20 tons • et be sold.
JNo. Octan & Co.
—Mayor Brooke hire has a pear tree
which was in full . oom when the frost
came ie a o
i May and a st ryecl the blossoms.
Now it is covered wi;3i blossoms a„aln.
Flowering plants, a large stock just to
hand, consisting of Geraniums, Fuchsias,
&c., at the Star restaurant. Call and see
them. J. McKrrvrn.
The latest Candi te. for public favor
is the Harriston R- iew, which has been
issued in that town y Mr. E. H. Dewar,
formerly of the Arth ' Enterprise. It is a
bright and newsy sh pt, and will no doubt
fill a. long felt want ii the cohmunity.'y
Dni;ssirexnee—I wi h to inform the ladies
of Wingham that I a • prepared to do first-
class work at my he, 0, or to sew by the
day. I guarantee se. isfaction in all work
intrusted to me. EANONs Glue,
'huter St., Wingham.
•--The Guelph erald celebrates its
tenth anniversary u der its present pro-
prietorship by appe ring in a complete
new dress,and it look splendid. The Rogers'
Typograph is now u ed altogether in the
setting of the 1 -we type ee the
paper. The He • Id has made great
advancement =del. the present manage-
ment and is now in he van of journalism
ht the small cities o the province. The
Tneee wishes the p esent energetic pub-
lisher,112r, H. Gu • iter, continned pros.
Patents M Have l
A President of one of our Colleges says :
"We spent many sleepless nights in con-
sequence of our children suffering from
colds, but this never ours now; We use
Scott's Emulsion and it quickly relieves
pulmonary troubles." •
XXX is going out i" oats ata • price,
--Guelph's gree ithio si• - valks cost
only twelve cents p aqua : foot, ,
Drink Tetley's Te err & Conery's,
—The sides of In
town are pretty w
and weeds, Now i
before e re the seeds ri
Screen Doors and Windows very low,
Smith & Pothick.
—Clara Ford, f Toronto, who was
advertised to lectu a in Walkerton, on the
1st but whose eng gement was <• nestled,.
"held forth" to th people of ' iarten on
that day.
Cherries, Currant , : ooseberries, &e., in
abundance, at Ker . Conery's.
I—Mr. Win. Cleg was at Montreal last
week, on business. a reports the business
outlook good. The hay and other Drops
east of Toronto ar splendid, and there is
no fear of a hay famine.\r
Great bargains in summer millinery, at
Miss Wallace's.
—Dominion Day my 1st—was observ-
ed as a holiday in to n, all places of busi-
ness being closed. arge numbers of our
townspeople went bo different points where
celebrations were Bing held, Wroxeter
coming in for the larger number.
—Private moneys to loan on mortgages
at re•sUonable rate of interest. Apply to
4—.A. memorial w ndow has been fey_ I.
in St. Paul's Church, Wingham, tolls e
memory of the late Rev. Wm. Davis,ly
labored in this pareeh for several y .
The window was pl teed there by the•ea t
of the deceased ole6yman, one of whg' 'is
Mr. H. Davis, of th s town. . eel(
Good rooms to rent .:,+tear
the Public School. &,xiply
to Hrs. A. W. W:.aljter.
—Rev. J P. R' a ;,2 St. Thomas,
pres, e, : ably in the Wingham
Methodist church, on Sunday last, both
morning and event g. Mr. Rice is en-
deavoring to raise f ds to place Alma
College, St. Thomas, in a better financial
position, and is solic ing subscriptions to
that end.
For a short time, Miss McPherson is
making great reductions in the prices of
millinery. Call and inspect the stock and
get prices. Mrs. Herdsman's old stand.
ly of the streets of the
1 covered with thistles
tbe time to cut them,
et -The Wingham
well attended, sed it
horses will be here; 1
in the Dominion. '
good, and fast time'
The track is one
Ontario, and all th
nus of trying it. \'`
aces promise to bo
e expeetetf that 100
mongt s them the best
he purses offered are
gill, no doubt, be made.
rf the best in Western
turfman will be desir-
Mrs, Leslie has reettuned to town and is
prepared to do Dress and Mantle Cutting
and Fitting, in the latest styles. Hats and
Bonnets remodelled and trimmed. Pat -
tarns of all kinds cut in the latest styles
and on short notice Residence—Over W.
T.,Yates' grocery, Wingham.
Sri—Mr. Thos. Bell
addition to his facto
be 25x90 feet, and v
kiln and workshop
in the. ma
grade of sideboards,
and will add consid
hands employed.
is erecting a brink
This addition will
ill be used as a dry
Mr. Bell intends en-
ufaoturea f h
0 o caper
extension tables, &c.,
rbly to the number of
BOOTS AND .S'Hors.—New stock just open-
ed out. All the latest novelties in fine
foot wear. Men's strong working Boots
and Shoos; Children's .School Boots, &c.
Prides right. The balance of the Good
Bros'. stock at very low prices.
Gro. Goon,
The Shoe Store, Wingham.
V—Mr. Jos. Saint bnan experience with
a bicycle, on Saturcla afternoon, that he
will not forget for : • me time. He was
riding a wheel along osephiue street, and
when nearly in fro t of Mr. T. A. Mills'
store, the wheel been e unmanageable and
landed him at the h• •Is of a team of horses
that was standing o the side of the street.
The horses took fr ght and started down
the street at a livel pace. Mr. Saint saw;
the danger he was i
he was able to get
wheels, except his 1
pretty badly bruised
over it. Joe says he
Satinets and o
T. C. Graham, of t
house, has taken the
Block, next the Maod
and all other kinds o
tainod there. C 1 -
matoes. This spin •
following “East t spri
plants from you, whi
fter I put them ou
others (not from you)
freezing, the tomato-
Grabant produced th
and by a great effort
•tear of the wagon
t arm, which was
here the wheel went
done with bicycles\
era, &ttettiont
e Iron Bridge Green•
tore in the Queen's
Bald Block. Tomato
tants may be et-
a examine the '1'o-
customer said the
g pI urohased tomato
t were bads f oxen
I then'purchased
purchased of T. C.
first ripe tomatoes,"
Drink Tetley';i" Herr & Conery's,
V—Mr. Jas. WI son s put in a windmill
for power to run the achiney in his sash
and door factory:
—"Wanda', MGs re. Beattie • Bros,
trotting snare took th money in the 2,23
class at Hamilton ra s, on the let inst.
Bed Cap, Blue Ribbon and Standard
Binder Twine at Smith et Pethick's,
—Messrs. McTavish & Co., of the Stan-
dard furniture factor , are working over
time, in an endeavor o keep up with their
qIf —Mr. Geo. Hiiglie returned from Eng -
anti ou Thursday of rnoon last, whither
he had been with a c r load of horses. He
left again on Sat rday forenoon with
another car loa4 for Ir. H, Day, for the
same market. ki
—Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly
repaired and fully warranted by Hersey
Pelee, opp. Macdonald Block, Wingham.
— On Dominion
Lady Garfield took
for all classa t Mt.
2nd in the 2,30 eta
owned by Mr. J. E.
the free for all class,
Day, Mr. G. B. Roe's
rst money in the free
orest, and Belle Roe
s. Lord Tennyson,
Swarts, took 2nd in
— The annual met of the Canadian
Wheelsmen's Assoc tion at Waterloo, on
the lst of July, was n unqualified success
in every way. Sar a wheelsreen carried
off most of the hone s. The $1000 horse
given by Mr. J. : Seagram went to
Celebrated Church s Bug Finish kills
every time. Another large shipment.
Smith & Pethiek.
—The Queen's Ave ue Methodist church
difficulty in Londo has been amicably
settled, the congre tion gaining their
point. The Rev. i r. Cunningham has
been stationed in he eastern end of
London, at the Ha ilton Road appoint-
—Tbe members of ourt Maitland, C. 0.
F., and visiting br thren, will attend
divine service in th Wingham Methodist
church, on Sunday ext, at 11 a. m. itev.
Dr. Gifford will prea h on the occasion.
Visiting brethren and the members of the
Court will meet at th Court room at 10.30
a. in. sharp.
—G. T.11. trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham ,at 6.25 a. m. and 11.20 a.
m. via W. G. & B.
6.35 a. m. and
p, m,, via Clinton and Guelph. Good con-
nootions by all trains,
— Brussels Post : A number of years
ago, while proprietor of he Queen's Hotel,
Brussels, Mr. Alfred i oe befriended a
man named Van Allen, who was on the
rooks. Van Allen boars ed with hint for a
time and handed him • er an interest in
an insurance policy, n which Mr. Roe
drew $3,000 a short ti a ago at Buffalo. '
It evidently pays to d • . kind deeds.
—At the meeting o Court Maitland, No.
25, Canadian Order o Foresters, held on
Friday evening last the following officers
were elected for the a suing term: H, B.
Elliott, C. R. ; Wm Gray, V. C. R.; J.
Neelands, Chap ; J s. Risdon, R. S. ; D.
n F. .. Grace R.
M. Gordon, S ; y> Treas.;
Kittson, S. W. ; J . Elliott, J. W. ; J. J.
Kerr, S. B. ; 'F. H Roderus, J. B. ; D.
Small, P. C. R.
}VIII:. J. A. Clin received a letter from
the Clerk of the to n of Stratiiroy, this
week, asking if he would consider a pro-
position from that town to erect a furniture
factory there. T1 at town hag $20,000 to
give in aid of ma • &eat -lees. The letter
was written at th request of the Mayor of
that town, who h d became aware that Mr.
Cline was interes ed in the Union Furni-
ture Company, b seeing it in the Times.
Another temptin . offer was also received
by Mr. Cline, during the week. eeee
G. H. Irvin, the tailor, has put in an
extensive stock of tweeds, worsteds, eta.
Ca11 and sea them. Good goods, good
work, good fit guaranteed. Opposite Bank
of Hamilton.
—A quiet weddig took place at the
bride's parents, W:
when Mr. Spurgeon
iAnnie ltoelln, were
holy . wedlock by .t .is Rev„1Vr. Arendt, the
Lutheran miniater'. 'R` that place. Only,
the near relatives of he bride and groom
were present. The ride was assisted by'
Miss A. M. Shep rd and Miss rthttilda
Roellh, sisters of tl groom and bride re-
spectively,, while IV Karry Dress ably sup.
ported tbe groom
m us a'
were numerous
high esteem in
g t m
Spurgeon's ma
wish him long
terloe, on the 19th ult.,
Sheppard and Miss
united tri the bonds of
"Saranac,” Messr . J, H. & W. F. Dui-
lnage's trotting stalli n, took second money
in the 2.23 class at 'Worth, on the 2nd
Tile balance of our stook of millinery
goods at Dost and under, at Mies Wallace's.
---The -Entrance
i s r
t nu are being held
mor, of Blyth, ha
atninatious, and bei
11. Musgrove and
There are 32 writin
at the Entrance.
d Leaving Examine -
this week, Mr. Plum -
chargee -
tg assisted by Mr, A.
Miss B. H. Reynolds.
at the Leaving and 48
—The. indicatio a are that the by-law to
extend the loan of $8,000 to the Union
Furniture Comps, y will be carried•by a
good majority. W tit will be commenced
on the new build nee as soon as the by-
law is carried, and they will be rushed
along as rapidly as ossible.
—.Dr. G. L. Mo
missionary to Forr
his family and 01'
through Wingham
the guests of Mr.
The Dr. intends in
again to that far d
ay, the distinguished
osa, accompanied by
inase student, passed
•n Monday and were
ul Mrs. Alex. Inglis.
few months to return
tent land.
—For first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Go.
Remember the place, one door south of
R. A. Graham's grocery store.
—The Rev. Hent• W. Mote, D. D., will
preach in the Cent gational .church on
Sunday, July 7th.. Morning subject
"Moses in the Cleft o the Rock," Evening
subject : "A Knock a the Door" Service
at the usual hours 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.
All are welcome.
—The by-law tie'
of Wingham to aid
Company should r
port of all who wis
ahead. The bene
rebuilding of the f
the cost but triflin
before the ratepayers
he Union Furniture
eive the hearty slip -
to see the town go
is derivable from the
tory will be many and
to each taxpayer.
—The followin, figures are from the
annual report of t e Inspector of. Division '
Courts. The num er of suits entered in
the 32 courts in H rou in 1804, was 1,286,
the htrgest number in any one court being,
157 in Seaforth. l he amount of claims :
entered was $42,02 . Amount of suitors' ,
money paid into co •t was $15,022. No. of
judgment summon:=s issued, 71. Jude.
ment debtors order 1 to be corn itted, 23.
NOTICE.—Notwithstandin the fact that
certain parties are ivit quotations for
Lehigh Valley Co , are in a position to
prove that we aro a only parties in town
selling and have for sale the . celebrated
Lehigh Valley Coal Company's coal.
JNo. Cinnoe & Co.
-The " L3atile. of ie Boyne" will bo;
celebrated in Lueltnos on Friday next, by
the Orangemen of this, istrict. Excursion
trains will run as folio s : On L., H. & B.
—Loudesboro, 7 a. m Blyth 7.30, Bel-
grave 7.50, Wingham notion 8.05, Wing -
ham 8.15, Whitechur. 8.30, arriving at
Lucknow a1i ;8.50. s n. W., G. & 13.—
Ethel 9
3.—Ethel9 a. , russet- 9.25. BIuevale 31.45,
Wingham 1t hitecl rch 10.16, arriving
at Lucknow at 10.., Returning, will
leave Lucknow for •ndesboro and inter-
mediate stations at .30 m. for
inedt t
p., Ethel,
etc , at 6 p. m. Sin le fares on all lines,
—An exchange + sks : Why is it that
men are so ready to elievs, even when they
know mighty well hey don't believe it;
that women kiss at •arting and meeting,
though they don't w nt to, and they know
perfectly well that it's •a nuisance all
round; that a wife i11 profess her utter
contempt for her usbanct's jncigment,
while knowing ail th while that his good I
judgment was displa' d in his choice of a
'There is a time to laugh," says the
wise inan, and in th' "Diary of the Rev. •
Solomon Spittle" ' i No. 13 of H. L.
Hastings' Anti-Tob eco Crusader, which
has just come to o table, we recognize
and Heartily wele. lie a new departure in
dealing with th : tobacco problem. We
have lead the 1 avy•artillery, Call out
now the resery force—the light infantry
--Tiro forester.' demonstration at
\Vallcerton, err Mo day last, was a moan
successful affair, There was a very large
attendance frorn th courts in the northern
part of thedistrict, nd theprocession wast
a magnificent one. After the procession,
addresses on Fore try were delivered by
Messrs. H. D. Hen erson, High, Vice Chief
Ranger, of Whi eolenreh, R. Dowling,
member of the Executive Committee,
Harriston, John N elands, RigixTroaaurer,
Wingham, and H. McBj,wing, D. », la, C.
IS., Palmerston. tale addresses;w'ei,t�e bdtie,
interesting and ti struotive, abet^ were
listened .to with ph :sure by the assembled
Foresters and othe 4 The visitors speak
in the highest ters of,the manner .its
which the Foreete . of alkerton carried'
out the arrangemer is of tbe celebration,
and the treatmenteceived at their bands.
As contemplated, t e District was rflvided,
at the annual me: ting held dung the
afternoon, and in ture District No, 1 will
consist of the Cou is located in the follow-
ing places ; Seaf rth, Clinton,. Bru'lsels,.
Winnghain, Listov el, Londesboro, Goderieh,
Auburn, Belgray., Luoknow, Ripley, Tees.
water, Railcard re,' Dungannon, Blyth,
Atwood, Wallace, Cranbrook, Whitechurch,
Holyrood, Cart age, Walton, Bervio,
Kinloss, Trowbr dge, Ethel, Varna, St.
Helens, Glenann+ n, Millbank, Amberley,
Kippen, Benmil er, Hensel', Constance,
Holmesville, Ba field, Wroxeter, Exeter,
.Milverton, Stria .rd, Mitchell, Molesworth
and Langside. t was decided that the
next demonstrati n in District No. 1 be
held in Seaforth i 1806, the date to be
fixed by the office a of the district. The.
officers elected ar: as follows : H. Robb,
Chairman, Seafo th ; Wm. Blashill, Vice
Chairman, Brus Is; H. P. Chapman,
Secretary-Treasu •r, Ripley; H. Willough-
by, Chaplain, Li towel. Mr, John Nee -
lands, High Trea. nrer, represented Courb.
Maitland, No. r5, : t the District meeting.,.
No. 3 District will ..Id their demonstration
next year in Port lgin, on the 1st of
' Perso als.
Mr. R. J. Galbraith spent the 1st in To-
ronto. @u
Mr. Wes. Snell, of L. Eiden, is home on a
Mr. F. Dawson, of T ronto, is home on
a visit.
Mr. Halsey Park was. Ripley, on busi-
ness, on Saturday"last.;
Mrs. Jas. Fox, of • •.riss ls, was visiting
friends in town this `week
Mr. John McLeod and-"'ife, of Toronto,
are visiting friends in tow
Miss Cora Moody, of .Lucknow, was
visiting friends in town tl is week.
Mr. H. E. Snell, of G
in on Wingham friends,
Messrs. G. McIntyre
were visiting friends in
lst. lee
area. and Mrs. J, J. Ho
friends in Galt a few
Miss Aunie McDouga
visiting her friend, Ni
Misses Aggie and
Lucknow, were visit ng friends in town
this week.
Miss Emma Woo cock bas returned
from an extended via to frierds in Henri' -
Mrs. (Dr,)..Gifford, of
spending a few days
nd family, of Auburn
. Mcliinlay, of town,
o week.
Ferguson, Winghatn's.
town' Monday and
a salt.
Stoddard aild child.
guests of I%Ir. and
ig the week.
of'Chit:ago, who has
time in Galt and
siting friends.
. 1y. G. Wilson is
V inghatn . , :Mfrs. IL
Vingbant this week,
r. and INtre. (Thie-
ve over to Paisley
cousin, Mr, 1. IVic.
of fun and ridi
tilt facts are 1 useful in their way,—nay,
indispensable, •ut after' a good Taugh does.
more to shake he foundations of an evil
custom ora vi. cue habit. Every tobacco -
using pastor sh, old be presented with a
copy of this lit • e book, that bo may sea
his own portrait and the tobacco -using
deaeon or Sunda school superintendent
should not be forg tten, Send ten cents to
o t o n 'iMT'as
ornllill B s o s
a tin s X47 C ,1
.�. � Irl �
itjust the thing
11 find s h
for a eo You1
to eiroulat5. On q entities, special terms
will be given to tra: distributors,churohes,
temperance and ref • rm clubs, and Sunday
rile. Statistics and sciett-
. gp p
he Wedding rese 'ts
T w d
valuable,showing ho ing the
which the bride is held,
friends in Wingham will
ife and happiness.
derich, was call -
on Tuesday last.
d A. E. Smith
t. Forest on the.
inth were visiting
days during the
, of Tiverton, was
M. Inglis, during
Lizzie Hornell, of
ton and Dundas.
Acton Free Press •
Wingaam, has been
with friends in tow
Dr. McLaughlin
were guests of Mr.
a few days during t
Atwood Bee: J. B
Town Clerk, was i
favored The Bee wit
Mr. aul Mrs. Davi
of Goderieh, were th
Mrs. Alex. Inglis dire
Mr. Thos. Cornyu;
been spending a short
Hamilton, is in town
Brussels, Post : INIr
visiting relatives in
Gerry was visiting at
Paisley Advooate:
holm, of'Vingltaln, dr
last week to visit his
Miss Susie _ Hamlet
visiting friends hi E
for a few weeks past,
qon l.ionday.w
Blyth :Standard.t
McLaren, sLaren, of 'W
Campbell, of Toren
donee of Mr. James
1, who has been
vitt and Wiegliatil,
tithed to her home
iso Campbell tried •
ham, and Mr. Tohn
visited at the rrsi-
entley on liairday..