The Wingham Times, 1895-06-28, Page 11 WING VOL.. XXIV.---NO. 1227, AM WINGHA VI, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE ill' Alio, The Is making wonderful strides. Busi- ness is improving every day, and >.t Is no wonder as the goods and prices are surprising all who call.. MILLIN ERY. This being the first season for this department, it has far exceeded cur expectations, and from the way in which those. 'who have given us a trial, express themselves, we expect „potter in the future. But if you will my take a look for yourself, it will cost you nothing, and will be more convincing to you than anything ' e •can say here. We had a thirty dozen lot of ALL THIS SEASON'S HATS Arrive a few days ago, and which we botight at a price that enables us to sell you pretty shapes• at from 15e to 25e each., also give you a beautifully ..trimmed hat for,./50e ,lad from that up. Our stock in this department must be cleared out regardless of price. DRESS GOODS Department we are prepared to show you an excellent range of -: PRINTS, MUSLINS, • p CH�111ITil�A S, Z]±,YP1tERS, WOOL OHALLIES, cCC., And at prices' that cannot fail to suit everybody. We' still hold the lead in the GENTS' FURNISHING —AND— 'IA.ILORING LINES. All the latest novelties in 'TIES, SHIRTS, COLLARS, &c:, in stock. t. GRQOERIES. Special attention is being given to this department, and stow We have ;got our delivery *wagon limning, we re i11 a better position than ever •to took after your interests. 1M?H & HMS, .Alway''e'he Cheapest. Ladios at hntne and children et school, complain of headache, anti have difficulty in seeing the black- board as it as work.en scertainedtthiat should on -halconsulted, of the headaches which are so common in this,ago are tho direct result of eyestrain. Itis now generally known that certain so called "Eye Diseases' of years gone by are duo to abnormal curvatures of the nye hall, or to an lrreemlarity of the refracting media. The greater the effortswhich are made in the investigti tient el those refracting errors the more evident it becomes how essential it is that they shunld be oarefully studies and scientifically treated by ono who has made the subject a specialty. It will csratinly be of benefit to all those who are suffering with one or more of the above symptoms to consult him. and In case glasses are required. they are accurately fitted, and supplied at less than many charge for inferior goods, Prof, chamberlain, Eyo Specialist, Twenty Years' Experience. 1,7 I{Mg Street Past, - Toronto. • Trained Specialist always Present. Paper on the Eye can be had free. AL ESTATE ACENC Town d Farm Property sold • com- mission, to the best advanta- . 'of both buyer and -•filer. No sale, no charge. Rents collecte. nd ,No ookecl after. EIRE I ANOE. These desiring in ' nee should select one of the followin ; old _1d reliable English stock companies• Sun Fire I -prance (, mpany, (estab- lished 1710. Norwicl Union Insuran•• Company, (estabii ed 1707.) All' nee Fire Assurance Co any, (es - tab • bed 1824.) ancashire Fire Insurance •mpany, stablished 1852.) S. YOI TILL, Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agent, Kent Block, Wingham. WHAT You are thinking of ABOUT taking a commercial THEcourse. You want to become ' a good book- FALLkeeper or an expert short - hander. Perhaps you don't want to be either, but want a good every day practical education. You want to be- gin about September. Let us show you how we can help you. Write us far samples of work and catalogue. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATI''ORD, ONT. P. MoINTQSH, Principal. Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. Canada's Greatest Commercial School. Larae faculty; Superior courses; Students assisted to positions every 'week. Write for circulars. SHAW er ELLIOTT, Principals. LOCAL EWS. eV makes of Bind Twine. ,'-'Great bargains in 'ettininaer millinery, at Miss Wallace's. —This section visited with a de- lightful shower of r in on Monday morn- ing, which will do a great deal of gobd. will preach in the 3 ethodist ohuroh next Sabbath, tnornin and evening. The pastor of the ohm will preach anniyere sary sermons at Bethel church, 'Wawanosh. Fresh arrivale of Biscuits, Canned Goods, Valencia Raisins,' also a nobby line of neckties, collars, ehirts and beauties in —The County Or Hurdn met hi the 0 *on Friday afterno fair attendance, an ef a private nature decided to eeleb Boyne " this year nge Lodge of North kW, ere was e trarbfab ' It was te the " Battle of the G. H. Irvin, the tailor, has put In an extensive stook of . tweeds, worsteds, etc. Call and see them. Gooa seek good work, geed fit guaranteed. Opposite Bank af Hamilton, —Ur. F. G. Spar g, on Monday after. I noon, caught four b antifut black bass, One I of them tipping t e scale* at 8 lbs. and 2 time and the oth weighing from it lbs 1 to 24 mo. They ere caught in the Mait-,, land. west of tow Mr, Sperling has the I honor Of the best ;itch of the lumen. Who , will teat ? The latest styles of Ladies' Sailor Hate, at Miss Wallece's, —Port Elgin wilt hold a grand celebra- tion on Dominion ay. The programme will oonsist o£ tug o war, lacrosse matches, sailing on the lake, o. Screen Doors an •endows very low. Smith & Pethick. —Mr. A. J. Irwin nd his bride returned. on Monday evening They will reside in the brink cottage on John street •east, lately occupied by . rs. W. H. McDonald. —Private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf JOHN NLI:LANM3. —On Sunday, Ju 7th, the members of the Canadian Order' f Foresters of town will attend divine a rvioe in the Methodist church, at 3.1 a. m., when the pastor, Rey. Dr. Gifford, will pr ach to them. —watches, clocks and jewelry promptly repaired and fully warranted by HALsEY Peng, opo. Macdonald Block, Wingham. V -Messrs. Wm. Legg and A. H. Mus- grove attended tfuneral of the late David Weir, o£ Ho ick, on Sunday last. The deceased was ne of the oldest and most highly, resp cted residents of that tow nship.• For a short time, Miss McPherson is making great reductions in the prices of millinery. Call and inspect the stock and get prices. Mrs. Herdsman's oicl stand. —To -day is clue g day .in the public schools, and the va tion will not end until August 27th. Thi, week the examinations for promotion are . It will be at least two weeks before t e results are known, as the papers must g to the Department of Education in Toro to to be examined. The X X X intend to have a Bargain Counter each week, the next bargain day will be.aturday, June 28th. Mr. John Ne ands, of town, at the roosting of the Hig 1 Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters, held in Hamilton, last week, was elected reasurer of that boay for the twelfth tim by acclamation. This is a record to be rood of, and•shows the esteemin w Mich he s held by his brethren —For first-olas tailoring and cheep gents' furnishings, try Webster & Jo.. Remember the place, one door sou! Ix of R. A. Graham's grocery store. —We, the unde gned merchants, here- by agree to close o r respective phi, es of business on Monde, , July 1st, 189:. and remain closed until the following mot eing : Gordon, John Gelb aith, John Hanna, G. Griffin, G. McInty , Geo. B. Green, Geo Good, Thos. Stiles, T. H. Roberts, X X X C°Dmi:In'Yse•=areetete—I wish to inform the ladies of Winglutrn that I am prepared to do first- class work at my home, or to sew by the dity. I guarantee satisfaction in all work intrusted to me. Fnexess GRAY, Minter St., Wingham. —On Tuesday M01: ing, No. 8 Company (Teeswater) of the 3 na Bruce battalion, left here for camp at ondon. They were joined here by Kin° rdine and Luoknow companies, and wen to London via Lis- towel excl. Stratford. The Teeswater boys were augmented by about a dozen from town, and when tb left here the com- pany was about 40 dine and Lucknow complete, having Huron battalion d this year. Boors AND Suons.—New stock just open- ed ottt. All the latest novelties in fine foot wear- Men's strong working Boote and Shoes; Children's Sohool Boots, tto. Prices right. The balance of the Good Bros'. stook at very low prices. Geo. Goole, The Shoe Store, Wingham. —On Sunday inor *ng last the members of L. 0. L. 794 were oined by members of the order from Ltick ow, Belgrave, Bine- vale and other point and all marched in proession tO the AT hodist church, where they lietened to an (Alba sermon by Dr. Gifford, After the ervice, the procession was re-formed and the brethren returned to the beage room, y Way of 'Victoria and joilephine streets The fife and drum band headed the emession and played a nutither of approp bete tunes, The mem- bers of Porn Lod , Lady True Blues, took seats in the chur in front of the Orange - strong. The Kincat, companies were both 42 men each. The es not go out to camp 'Experience has Proved It. A triump iii medicine was attairied when experienee proved that Scott's tinulsion veould not only stop the progress of Pul- monary Comiumption, hut by its continued nee, health ata vigor could. be fully re - 8q 1896. Celebrated Chu 's Bug Finish kills every time. A •cher large sPipment.. Smith & .Fethiok. -•-The excursion t the Model Farm, on Tuesday, was large] patronized, many of our townspeople b ing amongst those leaving the 1Vingha station. —As will be seen column, Winglinen having its Mayor office in the gift of t Independent Order y reference to another has been honored by looted to the higheet e Grand Lodge of the Good rooms to rent near the Public School. Apply --Messrs. Beattie "Wanda," took 2 5th, in the 2.24 olass on Wednesday last. ele —A football match town park, on Saturd tween the Luoknow au After a keen contest, t favor of the Wingham goals to 0. ros. trotting mare, and "Saranac," Dulmage's trotter, t St. Thomas races, was played on the evening last, be- e match resulted in oys by a score of 3 --The Rev. Henry . Mote, D. D., will preach in the Congreg tional church, on Sunday, June 30th, tl e usual hours -11 The "Anointing of Chri ." Evening—"A. free Gospel." AU are lcome. The Lassies' Brass and of the Salva- tion Army visited Win lam on Monday night last. They played number of tunes on the corner of John and Josephine streets, and the music w greatly appre- ciated by the la,rge num r who gathered to hear them. They aft rwards played in the Barraoks. —There was a fairly ood attendance in the Presbyterian ohuro , on Tuesday even- ing to hear the lecture on "Life in India and the Canadian Pee buterian Missions," by the Reiv. lie S. G. A ersoe. Wroxeter, was oneeeeeci by Rev. r.. eamero: and „Vett choir sang several s 'actions. dation will hold their fi et meeting on that new tritok on the 25th and 26th of July, when purses to the am unt of 61800 will be given.. The races w 11 consist of 2.40 trot. Besides, $50 eel I be given to the i horse winning the fast st heat in 2.17 or Mrs, Leslie has returned to town and is prepared to do Dress and Mantle Cutting ,„ and Fitting, in the latest styles. Hats ar ilennets remodelled and trimmed. Te.t- t,...•:s of all kinds cut in the latest ,tyles and ehort notice. Residence- ,ever W. i T. Yates gr —Sorne time ago r. Justice Falcon - bridge decided thatAl . O'Meara, of Lon- don, was entitled to r ain his seat against the contention that h as one of the alder- men of that city in 1 4 had not provided a sinking fund. No Chancellor Boyd has disqualified the Rote of Artlair for the , very same reetcon. udges as well Lie, dOCI to e seem to differ. $] A YEAR IN ADVANCE AN mom OW0' DAY. Wednesday last w to the Oddfellows or ea they were to he he the Grand Master o and for other reae One of great interest ored by a Visit from e Order in Ontario, ns. Grand 31aster B., and was met at th tion committee consist' enshire and Messrs. J. Robertson, S. Grainy, . Gilohrist and R. Elli minutes spent in intro Master to the members station, he was taken around the town, before I At 1 p. m. the District in the Oddiellows' hall, , that all the lodges in th , ham, Brussels, Teeswatel Gorrie—were fully repro of speoial importance to Gerrie lodge were dealt w the satisfeotion of all meeting adjourned at 3 3 IThe Decoration Ceram the Oddfellows' hall at 3 of a large number of the not being able to be pres account of coming by tr did not leave the hall u a very imposing affair, Fife and Drum Band, by the members of the carriages, the Grand A 'foot. Arrived at the 'fel Decoration Cerem gone through with, ( filling the position of poeition of Grand CI of all the deceased in i were decorated by t I land Lodge, a Pas citing a verse. Th bekah Degree deco ; eciceased wives of embers in like manner. 7ter this, the m inhere formed in a circle ad ed•by the Grand Master few very a p= .ceedings we :ever by Rev. formed an he IGED3bers being precede station by a ramp - g of Mayor Brok- A. Morton, Win. ohn Elder, Oliver tt. After a few lacing the Grand the Order at the for a short drive luncheon at the eeting was held en it was found Wroxeter and Teeswater and th and settled to present, and the ny was to take °cession to leave 0, but on account influence vastly in exc s of its numerica1 strength in the coune Is of the supremo Court of the order—th Sovereign Growl " Lodge—is indeed AU onor to be coveted and one of which any ne need justly, bo proud, and we sinaerel oongratuleteyoq on, • baying attained that oud position. Te. those of up who hay watched with re jealoas eve your ad iinistration of thet affairs of the order wit in the jurisdietiort over which you presi e, it is intensely gratifying to know tb among the noble, het of members who h ve worthily filled the Grand Master's o r in Ontarie and, of whOrO one has alree y filled with dis- tinction the highest o ice in the world in the gift of the order—th t of Grand Sire -- you, the present incum ent, have proved. yourself the worthy tubectehrocosoefoElylonue; trious predecessors. year of arduous dutie now rapidly ap- proa,ching, you find you self encircled with a halo of good -will rom the tens of thousands of your br thren whom you. have so faithfully serve , and whether as. one of those who must necessity rule or n the more retiring be , no less honorabla position of a private m inkier. may i've long enjoy your counsel a d active assistance - May yonr star ever esnlendent with tha ustre of kindly acts nd faithful service shine in memory's rmarnent with in- creasing splendor, anc sweet recollectimee gentle winds waft in frothing and stimu- lating effect to genera ions of members yet of a life spent in the eet interests of Eal order devoted to th relief of distress and the alleviation of su ring. To live in tbe hear Bruseels brethren Is not to die. tnt at that time on The Grand Mas in, the procession teems, thanking tb til 4 pan. It was reception given hi nd consisted of the kind things of the ho were follewed ebekah Degree in ester and others in 100 Oddfellows en Degree, which progress this year tion. This year, the Order make than it has for m a we leeve behind er replied in suitable, • oddfollows for the, , and saying many 'embers of the Rebekah making phenomenal " he predicted, woula see ore progress in Ontario. nv of the Order was lodges will be org ized or resuseitated anc1 rancl Master HeYie at the end of the ear fully 22,000 men in. Grand Master and Ontario will be 'lolled as Odclfellows. tcknow, taking the He assured the h ethren that though this ecollections of it and the , Oddfellows within its plain. The graves mbers of tbe Order members of Malt. Grand_ in each case n the gravel and re- merabers of the Re- ated the graves of the Band. When was asked to gentleman e minutes' addr ropria,te words, and the brought to a close with Mr. Myles. The procession the Order oa foot leading, by the Fife and Drum all were comfortably seated owe' hall, Rev. Mr. Myles address them. The rev. mplied, and in a fifteen s pointed out the beauties of Ocidfellowel *p and the responsibilities of Oddfellows. The address was well re- ceived and Mr Myles heartily applauded at its olose. he visiting brethren, of re a goodly number from ater, Wroxeter, Gerrie an.a ntertained by the members Degree at Mr. John Elder's, and Master. a garden party was given ul lawn of Mr. ;John Elder. od attendance, and the Fife d enlivened the proceedings of selections of niu-sic. Ice and a pleasant evening was net before closing, the fol- , in behalf of the Oddfellows whom there w Brussels, Tee Clinton were —The Union Fu iture Company haee of the Rebeka direoeed of betwee 66,000 and $7,000 or as well as the new stock in their mpany, and it is like- In the even of 68,000 of new stock on •the beaut fore the work is com- , There was a g factory. The buildiugs end Drum Ba, d will be of brick, and with a numbe d site. After looking cream, banan was concluded that it those desiring interests of the cone- spent by all. he old site.V lowing addres for Toronto and • ..a,st of town, was 1 p. in., via Clinton and GuelPh. Good con- of the notions by all trains. fellows y t :at upwards will be subscribed menced on the new proposed to be erec would be in the be pany to rebuild on —The Canadian demonstration at next, July 1st, prom eess. A good list of prepared, and a Court °filters addressee, In this said that the 'wog Ford tte an attract and that that tiers ana will not be pr /1 Wednesday la In Wingharn, it vs couples of town jo that day ,g for bet partleulartrenifi column. The n rest of our towns nese and Peosp The offioer Order of Foresters' Lodge, No. 11 alkerton, on Monday press their ap sea to be a grand sue- t; ittilievniisiatninagthe attractions has been Our of the Ontari umber of the High In your rep present and deliver ohief officer connection, it may be I ours, the dut' me issued with Clara neeleeitY during your n was unauthorized, official tare 1 has not been engaged coinpanionsh ent. away with y your first o ght seem. Three young i after clue ed theit fortunes _oil Which 11 are givbn in another ' Grand ma rity in their , journey I yon in the account of the extra , of 21,000 b Matter, we are ot able to give extended Master of • faster of the Grand Lodge ndependent Order of Odd - f Ontario:— and members of Maitland reeiation of the honor done courtesy displayed by you town as the executive head branch of Oddfellowship. sentative capacity as tba s pertaining thereto must of evens, bet we trust that ay amongst us the tedium of s been relieved by agreeable p and that you will bear iel visit to us, It mud be a nee satiefection to you that °Wien in subordinate offices mple opportunity was afforded h of the representatives of the tri this Province have placed f egg& you now hold, the ruler p thren and more women than a g Solomon. To be Grand o he jurisdiction of Ontario, a , 1 that hes slways wielded an 121. was his first visit cherish pleitsant hospitality of. t The balance of our stock of millinery goods at cost and under, at Miss Wallace's. —Rev. Dr. McKay the noted Pormose. Red Cap, Blue ib and Standard. Binder Twine at Smi Pethick's. —Mr. Alex. MoGre or, of Culross, ed a oar Ioad of hor es to London (Eng- -Messrs. Wm. semore and Andrevcr McKague shipped t ee car loads of cattle, on Tuesday, for the entreat market, per Flowering pla,nts, large stock just to hand, consisting of Gereniums, Fuchsias, &a., at the Stet restattraut. Call and see them. J. 31oKenvie. —The dry weathei and the probability of a short crop has s t the price of hey up with a jump, and no v 615 per ton is the regular price. brother of Mr. J. II ulmage, of this town, disease last week. he trouble first mani- fested itself in July est year, and begin- ning in December M Dulmage was laid up kir four months He recovered suffi- ciently to resume his titles, but bad never been really strong si ce. The 'Bee Mr, oldest condnotor Dulma,ge was the tin on the Grand Trunk I ilway system. He was a conductor on th Great Western in 1850. His birthplace as Brocksille, and he was born nearly CO years ago. He leaves a widow ana ne son, Sidney D. Dulmage, of Assist it Superintendent Tiffin's staff at Loudo His brothers are .1. II., proprietor of th Brunswiek Hotel, Wingliarn; Jacob, of lleville, and James, of Burville, Mich, H woe a member of the Order el Railway Confine:tore, of the G. T. R. Insurance Provilent Society and the A. 0. tl. W. With the travelling esteem, as a courtoon. and efficieht officer, The deceased was on be tendon. Huron. aria Bruce run for a f w weeks title spring, and made many hien s here. Ur. J. 31, Dulniage attended th funeral at tension on Satorday last, whi was very largelY• attended and was co acted by the A. O. Pintaers and others, Attentiont T. Graham, of the Iron Bridge Greeh. oase, has taken the store in the Queeree look, next the Macdonald Mods. Tomato, nd all other kin& of plants may be ob. ained there. Call and exemitie the To. lents from you, whieli were badly fretett there (not from you), notwithstanding thes reezing, the tomatoes pun:based of T. reliant produced the test ripe tomatotie,"