HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-06-21, Page 8TIIE WIN GRA1N TIMES, JUNE 21, l895.
present. .r', communication stns rend by
DWalker from Dr. 1 oBitehtvn [n reg��rti'
to •elear out any aetsunlulation of odd
lets of pada or articles in Qtw estab-
iisltnrent, The finding of many
such is inevitable in a stook of such
m:.agnitude eta our stock and we al-
-Ways take tie rueaus to dispose Of
them quit4:ly (marking them At
prices reg t. W less of cost) to the end
that taxauillent Inay 1t4Z1'e that
fullness, :•Int freshness that have
proved so :•vttisf;etory to oui' patrons.
This sl•t ei:tl sole should prove very
aurae. t• at. rare bargains are to Ile
found in t: very department..
Boys- snit to Clear lines:
.3.75 suit for '''. 7 5,
LW suit for x,3.00..
.5 .40 suit for X3,50.
Very special in Gloves, Iloisery, 1
Parltsok, Laces and large stock to
pick fr+nn at
to utilisation tviGh McGill T,:iiivertiity. It
was ordered to be roceivt•wt omit filed, A
pairs by Dr. McMaster °It tudereolosis
bit ntwtd'. relating to the nature, modes of
inF„t•tion and treatment of the disease. A
l.:t.gthy disc.,asiau ensued. Annthor paper
by Dr. Cihb on 1'aturient Apoplexy also
elicited n free and £tilt discussion. Tbo
next meeting will be field at Guelph dining
the holding of the Fat Stools Show in tlmt
A Day at lifaoardln9,.
.Elaborate are the preparations' being
made by the town of Kincardine. for the
Scottish DetLtonstrati0n on the' `,:lith of
3nue. The prize list has been made large
enough to attract the leading athletes of
Ctt,neda awl the United States, And a day
of rite enjoy meut is assured any of oar
readers who tray visit that pretty lakeside
town. One of the Windsor•Soo Dixie of
stc:arners trill terry excursionists from
Sautluamptou and Port • Elgin to I incer•
dine, while the other will rnu from Goder-
iolr to Iiiec.trdiue. 1•,xcursious will be
given on the lake during the afternoon,
Tee paseonge a trill change steamers for
the return trip. Round trip ,$1.Q0.' k'ar-
tienlerly cheap rates have been secured tar
those wlio wieh to go by rail, and the
Palmerston train will be held until after
the concert at night.
A Jane Wedding.
One of the prettiest weddings of this
i • l
John's Church, in the town of Cayugas,
!lest Wednesday, when Miss Bate Cotter,
eeeond claugltter of Mr. 0, S. Cotter,
Daputy Pegisterar, was married to Mr. E.
R. Nible•tt, manager of the P,anleof Hamil-
ton in Mount Forest, The ceremony ;was
performed by 'the rector, Ilev, `"�alehtt
Francis, assisted by Rev, E. A' Irving,
rector of Dundas. It was distinctively a
"Marguerite wedding,” for the decorations
in the church and in the house were
1 marguerites, with growing ferns andplants.
The bride, who was the perfection of
dainty sweetness, was dressed in the
traditional white silk gown,veil and
orange blossoms and carried e. bouquet of
bridal roses. Her "maid of honor" was
her sister, Miss 'May Cotter, who was
gowned in white crepe, trimmed with
yellow crepe de ehene and a picture net of
white chiffon. The four bridesmaids, who
were Miss McDonald, of Dunnville, Miss
Nib]ett, Miss Allis Williams, of Hamilton
and Miss Dee, of Buffalo, were preceeded
up the aisle of the church and through the
gates made of marguerites by 'little Miss
Ethel Wharton, a wee said of four sum-
mers and cousin of the bride. The brides.
amides were dressed in white organdy
muslin, over yellow silk, with picture huts
to match, They carried bouquets of
marguerites and wore' silver marguerite
brooches, the gift of the groom. The
groomsman was Mr. J. II. Stuart, manager
of the 13ank of Hamilton at Listowel, and
Mr. J. L. Cotter, Mr. J. F, McDonald, Mr,
Forbes Geddes, and Mr. Benjamin Racy
acted as ushers. After the ceremony a
reception was held at "Sunnyside," the
residence of the bride's parents, which was
'also tastefully decorated for the occasion.
Here, the bride and bridegroom, standing.
under a wedding bell composed of yellow
roses and smilax, received the congratula-
tions of their many friends, who had
assembled from all points of the compass
to assist in the function. The numerous
tasteful gifts, which were to be seen in the
reception room, gave evidence of the
hearty esteem in which the charming
bride and her popular husband are held.
The happy couple left ou the evening train
for the east, amid showers of rice and good
'wishes. M. Niblett had charge of the
Bank of
Hamilton here, for
a tithe me Inst
year, and made many friends, who wish
him and his bride long life and happiness.]
While operating well -boring
machinery in Parkhill, the other
day, Thos. Piewes had one of his
thumbs taken off by being caught
in the machinery.
Gladstone said recently to an in-
terviewer that he was too old a nian
to have an opinion of any kind on
the "new woman," and that "his
ideal woman had not altered in, the
past three score years and ten."
Chauncey M, Depew gives the
following receipt for happiness: Kelp
in touch with • the young, Join in
their games, be a partner in the(
dance, romp the fastest and turn'
the quickest in the Virginia reel in
the country dance, go np in the
1 old college and sit down and light
your pipe and sing college songs,
take the children to the theatre and
howl with thein at the roaring farce
and laugh With them at the com.
medy and Cry with them at the
tragedy, be their confidant in their
Jove v aflFairs
and i he
f t are not
equal to it,Write t
qtee herr love letters,
and never stop'writing ,ogle' for
�,�i�pp,, true y month of June •took place in St.
\ �6$s ► it
—Messrs, Copp Bros., of IIamilton, have
this year placed on the market a road
grading and making tnacltine of a very
superior make. It has been tested in a
number of places and gives splendid
satisfaction. It is claimed that with four
horses, two drivers v and an operator the
work of 100 men can be done. The cost of
the ntaehiite is $235.
The Delineator for July contains: The
etiquette of visiting, training -school ex•
periences, profitable poultry keeping,
kindergarten papers, burnt work, an article
on Aima. College, St: Thomas, Ontario,
the college settlement of New York, voice
culture, relations of mistress and servant
choosing a boy's career, cookery, stains
and their solvents, a santlower tea, amuse-
ments for summer evenings, stitches end
embroderies, knitting, netting, tatting,
lace -making, ,kke. Ths Delineator is pub.
lished by the Delineator Publishing Com-
pany, Torouto, Ont., at 81 per annum.
--A new book on Canada, by Dr. Bond -
not, will shortly be issued. It is entitled
"How Canada is Governed," and gives in
plain, simple Janguage a short account of
the Executive, Legislative, Judicial and
Municipal Institutions of the Countrey,
together with a sketch of their origin and
development. The book will be illustrated
with numerous engravings and autographs,
and being the work of so eminent an
authority as Dr. Bourinot, will be indis-
pensable to those who wish to be well in-
formed about the affairs of the Dominion.
The Copp, Clark Company, (Limited),
Toronto, are the publishers.
Rev. H. T. Crossley, the well-known
evangelist has issued a handsomely -bound
souvenir volume of 390 pages, which will
3oubtlessly be welcomed by many thous.
ands of his friends throughout Canada.
T is entitled "Practical Talks on Import-
ant Themes," no fewer than 31 topics
being dealt with, among others "The
Parlor Dance," "The Theater," "Tod
Cards," "Is Life Worth Living?" "The
Unpardonable Sin." Mr. Crossley is
blain spoken,oken, in these writings, ga+ as
he is on
the platform, and he fittingly illustrates
his subject. The frontispiece is a full-page
likeness of Mr. Crossley, and there is an
excellent picture of Mr. Crossley's co-
laborer, Rev. Mr. Hunter, his wife and
family. The book is published by Wm.
Briggs, Toronto.
Meeting of Veterinary Surgeons.
The veterinary surgeons of Weattrn On-
tario held a convention in Stratford, on
Tuesddy'and Wednesday last week. Dr.
Berger, of Listowel, the retiring president,
occupied the chair at the opening of the
session. After disposing of the usual pre-
liminaties, the election of officers for the
waning term was taken up, resulting as
followix: President, Dr. Gibb, St, Marys;
viae, Dr. ivaalker, Ziondesboro; secretary,
Dr. McMaster, Stratford; treasurer, Dr.
Stratford. tf d. Dr. Gibb then took the
chair and made a brief inaugural speech,
after which some discussion ensued on
subjects of no special interest. A corn.
rittee> +tag appointed to draft a bode of
seines and regulations for the guidance of
the association, The session Closed with
*tae reading and discussion of ttvaluable
"Colic a
rDr.1`,7i1"8011, e by37 . r x son Winglutin, %�, g ort, on i.oltw;
in horned." At 8.80 a. m. 'Wednesday, the
Ind` of the association
tltlluc trig Mien Was
held, with Prseideut 'Gibb in the ehair,.
sad a large number of reprewtentatives
14(1EVA I.E. R don and the Unions, this wall be 2a
Farmers l.:weursion to (lneloh!gond exhibition of Baseball and
Model Farm, '1'uet•dny, June 2;.55x„ lou erg of thei g/ilxto should not is:til to States ciuring the last car, <Lnd
; 'Tickets goad for two days, I� sire $1.1 witness it. l hese should all be' goocl 23,422 were injured, as. compare.
-•.-isinki :lenyt,f t g<inw nt K.itle,tt•dincw, i gaiting as tite clubs are evenly mateh= tt'ith ?,7271cilled and 13172.1 thieved
: 1 "etJnu:clay. June :'Gth, l+'tel c+ .l('ets, eel, The service of the l3rttsscis l3tt)td in X8913,.
—Dominion Day exettrsiatt t taturn 11:ts lleeli sCettl d f+xr tha d:ty, A
:tickets will bo sold between all gond time as expected as the Commit, Edward Farr, r, charged with at-
. stations in Canadn 011 .f tine '211th or .'tee etre sparing no expense to make, tempting to barn his wife and chil-
1 Jttly 1st at single first class flu e, l it one of the best days ever held in dren in Winnipeg on the night of
1 Ml tickets good to realm, leaving';1'irloteter.. So we would advise April 13 last, and who escaped from
destination not latter than Tuesday l every one Wanting 10 spend a
plea jail, has been arrested en route to
1 July 2nd, --The Inion picnic «will! sant day to conte to Wroxeter QII 1St silo Sandwich Islands.
I be heti on ;Irl'. Andrew Gray's firsts I.Iuly. The Walkerton. Telescope says
i that a Kinloss farther named Con=
1 on the river, next Saturday (to- --`*
1 morrow), People will please bring i1 O t Monday, cl 1' grain, the other day ploughed up a
1 thole' baskets not later than *veil a c n ay , Rev . T. E, Higley pocket laneok containing ono thousand
o'clock, so that they may have dinner 1 left here to attend the I)ioles° of dollars bills, It had been uncles
, at noose and lett ie the afternoon for ;Huron Synod meeting, winch is being the ground so long, that the bills
sports.—Miss Annie Litwklatcr, of; held in London this week. --Miss would not stand handling, How the
Windham, is spending• a. week with, Annie Hamilton, school teacher, of phoney got there is a mystery.
i hiss Susie Collie.—Daft' & Stewart l Brimfield visited her parents in.
't are builethig Forbes' bridge in Morri::1 town this week. --Mr, J. S, McKinnon
Thomas Gray and Ibis wife Lessfe
!this week.—About half a dozen { is attending the meeting of the. High
Gray worn arrested late oil Friday
{ gipsoys were 111 the village last'; Oont't of the Camden Order of night on, al frarrn in Marion county,
week.--•Bnrtch's shoo- visited our •1�oresters at Hamilton this week.--
eek.— Plorlda, cltargecl with rho murder of
villa re hast Thursday. The Circus ! Mt'. Thos. Poulton, of Cleveland, David Scenic, of Otonabee, ear
€Y Ohin, is spending a few da Y with. Peterborough, on February2'a
comprises anent 130 men and 3 s x�ith g �^ cl
women, The tumblers, aerc'ba.ts and itis parents in town. --Mr. Chas. 1894, The arrest was made on a
wire -rope walkers were excellent and; Floody has beautified his residence despatch sent by the Attorney -Gene
the band was perhaps the most enjoy-; by Applying a new coat Of paint ral's department.
able or all. They started a prones -1 On Friday afternoon an interesting The Mitchell Advocate says :—
sion about 1 o clock and proceeded , (-Tame of foot ball was witnessed by irwhat is there in riding a bieyele to
through the principal streets and' a large crowd in the park grounds church on Sunday which should be
back again to the show ground, 1 between Blyth and Clinton foot ball condemned by the Methodist con -
There were two tents large one and ' teams, the farmer being ot1 the ference ?s• The bicycle rider doesn't
a small one. A performance was winning Side:—T+aliLtt Solvers, eldest work any man or beast. He works
given in the afternoon and, one in the i slaughter of Mr. Richard Somers, 01 his own legs, just as he does in walk
evening. Some very clever per, this to« n, tyke bad been seriously iny, and works thein less in the same
forming dogs were in the show. The I ill for sometime past, passed away to distance,"
Returns show that 1,823 railway ESTRAY
employees were killed in the United
Strayed on to the premises of th.e
cl undersigned, on or about May 18th, tG
etnall [dark and white pig`, about R4 mouths
d old, The owner is requested to prove
property. pay expenses and take it away.
Bithevitie Road.
For sale, two Brood Sows, ere with 12
Pigs, six weeks old, and the other with 9
Inge six weeks old. All from Registered
stuck, Also, 5 Registered Pigs, 4 Boars
and ono Saw. For prices and particulars,
apply to MAsIl I1Ionosoz,
Lot 38, eon. 13, East Wawanosh,
Fast \'Wawanosh, May 29th, 1805,
On Parol Mortgage at - low rates of in-
terest on terms of five years or over,, -
Principal payable at end of term or
annually, if desired.
I3luevale 1'. O„ Out.
Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and
Savings Co„ London. Ont..
snake thornier was very Cross while I the great beyond on Monday setter
in Bluavale and she Will bo remem= i noon. The bereaved ones have the Karl's Clover Root, the great Blond
bored for a long time by the small st mpathy of the, whole community.. purifier gives freshness and clearness to
Tile I ,11 j the Complexion and cures Constipation,
boys. ]?he show was good of its —Ori onday evening a public 25 Cts.. 50 ore., Si. Sold at Chisholm's
kind. Everybody who saw it en,j,,�•-1 sheeting of the ratepayers was held Corner Drug Store. ti
ed it, and it deserved more patronage, in Industry hall for the purpose of
thhn it received.—Aliss McPherson, 1 talking over the advisablity of build The Ontario Department of Agri -
of Detroit is visiting• her brother ting a new school in a more central mature has just issued the second
Mr. Robert McPherson. --Rev. A. Y. !position of the town, or making all annual . report of the Good Roads
Hartley, exchanged pulpits with addition to the old one. After several .Association, of which Mr. Andrew
Rev. Mr. McKay, ofLucknow last had spoke on the subject, a vote was Pattullo, Woodstock, is President,
Sabbath.—Miss`i'.Itoicl, of Wingham, { taken which was in favor of having and Mr. K. W. McKay of St. Thomas
spent Sanday with Mrs. Bruce.—Mr. ? newschool. is Secretary. The report fills 94
and Hiss. Aferritton, of Kincardine -- ---- pages, and contains valuable papers
DTINGAN\TON. and addresses by many of the best
spent a few.days with Mr. and Mrs.
of Morris.—Mr. James ! Division court will be held here road experts in Ontario. The long -
Robertson has purchased an organ. in the usual place on Friday the est paper is by Mr. A. W. Campbell,
--Road work is being done now.— 21st.—Master Elwin Pentland, of . C. E., of St. Thomas, and it contains
Drxxnibo,and formerly of Dungannon, a great fund of practical information
is visiting relatives here.—Benjamin
an regard to road making. There is
Airs. George Ball, of Toronto, and
Miss M. II. 13a11, of Brussels, were
visiting here on Tuesday. --Mr. J. Augustine and wife, who Have been an intelestln� table, though incotn-
13e1i, of Winghant had a refreshment visiting relatives a.t Ingi?rso11, re plete, on the subject of township dis-
tent in the village circus day. turned home last Friday, after stay-: liursements on roads and bridges.
•inn a ,pleasant trip.-=Jiobt. Leel:hart ` 'Pohl 1t• we roughly estimate that
of Sault Ste Marie, Mich., the townships control over 50,000
1'1'RO<YETER, i•' an miles of roads in Ontario.
On Saturday last a football matchformerly of. West Wawanosh, is
visiting relatives here.
was played here between the Public He reports'
doing well in that part of our bordernu=tty•
Sebooi teams, of Wroxeter andlaud.-17e, along with the numerous
Gerrie, on the 13th inst.,
Brussels. Our boys proved too friends of sibs. B, J. Crawford, regret ; VEGLlorofr 1 In East" Wawanosh. nosh. at June
strong for their opponents. .winning to state that she is somewhat ill from: 15th, the wife of Mr. John Elliott ; a
the match by a score of 3 to O.—At the effects of having; contracted cold, daughters
the last meeting of the R. T. of T. We hope she will have a speedy re- MARRIED.
cover .—El, reeve of Ash- i IRWIN—WATSON—At the residence of
yGirvin, t the bride's mot or, on the 18th inst., by
field, returned home from Ottawa on Rev, H. Henderson, Arthur J. Irwin, of
Friday last, and reports having haci : 4Vinghain, to Miss anion A. Watson, of
a good time, also a good promise' West Wawanosh. t
from the Government of pecuniary!NhnL1 Tr—Co•Irl,u—On 1Vednesday,
!Juue Intb, at St, John`s Church,Cayuga,
assistance towards further ifnprove by the Ttev. J. Fran°is rector rtssisted
the following officers were elected
for the coming term : S. C., Wm.
Sanders; V. C., Jane Smith; Chap-
lain, llobt. Black ; R. S., Wm. Aie-
Leod F S., T F. Miller ; Treas,
Nellie Smith ; Guard, Ino Bray •
Sentinel, T. Wallace. --The Advocate niettts on Port Albert harbor.—Airs. by Rev. A. E. Irving, rentor o'f Dundas,
has moved into new quarters in Mr. McIntyre, of Detroit, who bad been Edward Rand N:blett, Esq., of the Bank
T. Hemphill's building 011 Main on a visit to relatives here and at- 'of 13atnilton, to Kate Alfredo, second
Street. --The Y. P. S. C. C., of the tending the funeral of the late Janies daughter of ' Geolge S. Cotter, Esq,,
Presbyterian Church are holding a Trimble,a brother-in-law, left o ' DPor a Registrar, Cayuga,
series of prayer -meetings throughout l l f the p°rr�h, byftivrtz--In Brussels, on
Aionday for: home. We wish June 12th, by Rev, A. K. Griffin, Mr.
the congregation. The meeting this venerable ladya safe return to her' Wesley Pollard, of Granton, to Miss
week was at Mr. Tovell t,, in Turn family and friends.-0win to the . Lottie, daughter of Mr. 13, Driver, of
show being previously arranged Brussels,
begins on Thursday, the 27th ; Mr. nl�u
Wm. Wafters, of I+'ordwich, •
will to be held at Blyth on the 8th.and RoAirn—fn Culross, on tete 11th Inst,
preside in Wroxeter.- oChis week it 9512 of October, the directors of. Ash- Richard Roane, aged 64 years, 5 months,
field and Wawanosh Agricultural.
7 days.
The undersignec c - s for sale a pure,
bred Collie Pup, ed from imported
stock. For t s and particulars.
apply to
Lot 8. Con. 2 Morris.'
A tirst-class mac
or one capable
machine floor at
with brains and
is asaured,
Tau Gon axois Otioot Co.,
Goderich, Ont.
or shaper baud,
airing charge cif
off saw. To a man
pity, a permanent jots.,
! xiecently pincoci nfrrtln cid, a graduate, ns Book-
lteeportrltltTInehe Bros„ ilex ttanyfuetarers, Grund
Rapids. Lich somatin:eaaohissister,a5horthand
graduate, was planed as Siletie a her with the Oal-
•ar • H •td dp,
' nuclt, rndunte, basw boort 'with the Great
Railroad Accounting. Dept, at St. Yawl for nearlytwa
yours. The father resides ntCnrberry, Atanitoba,nnd
thinks there, is no bettor tray of providing for his
family than ny giving them a course li the Canaria
DUsincss College, Chathmn, tris experience fostifies
the opinion. 19vcry member of the faintly, so far,
is now earning a good riving.
Good hoard at Chatham only 35.50 per week for
genlemen and 2 for ladies. For catalogue address,
D. ntcr.cutaN,
Chatham, Ont.
To meet the wishes of their customers
The Geo. E. Tuokett & Son Co., Ltd„
Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the
Market •
A Combination Plug of
This supplies! `ai ]Qng':felt .-want, giving
the consume_ one 20 cent, plug, or a 10
cent piece or a 5 centlilece of the famous
$' t lg brand of pure Virginia
aeeo, ,
The tin tag T & 8" is mi every
is our duty to chronicle .the death- of
INoiis-ln O
nrriok, on
he 10th
, having decided upon the .Grace Isabella, third daughternf Thos.0ne of our aged residents, Wmsante date, have changed the date and Helen Inglis, aged 16 years,;, 7
Rutherford, who died on Sunday the from the 8th and Oth to the 10th and months and 4 days. ERS
:>:1 d
1Gtn inst. Deceased was a native of y
lith October.
Rorronrnry -[n Blyth, on June fitly, •
Ireland and settled. first in the
vineity of Millbank, afterwards mov-
ing to the township of Howick. He
retired from the farm some years ago
and has since been living in Wrox-
eter.—He had been ill for several
months before death, The funeral
took place on Tuesday afternoon
and the remains were interred in e
Cemetery here.—Mr. 3. A. Barnard
wheeled to Hamilton on Monday last
to attend the 0. 0. P. High Court.
He was accompanied by Thos. William Fawcett of Brampton
Hemphill. blew his brains oat with a shotgun
The First of July is to be celebrat- an Tuesday last.
ed in Wroxeter in right royal style, The villriee of Tottenham Was
cornmenceing at 10 a, 10, with a
Shooting Contest at Blue hock birds, swept by fire on Tuesday lawn.
Dhcht' a
10 each, with a .1st prize X4,00, 2nd � � building's were burned and
prize $113,00, 3rd prize $2 land 4th the losses estimated at $125,000,
prize $1.00. Members of Brussels, It is ezpeetcd that the corner stone
NS/Ingham, Gerrie, Wroxeter ' and of the New Methodist church at
other clubs arc expected to compete. Exeter will be laid on a date be=
Football, Turnberry vs. Clttf(rd at tween the ist and 12th of .Ttily.
too. At 11,80 there will be
13iey'cle rimei. At 1, o'clock Base- Mr. 1. W. Tattersall of Frederic-
ball arrist(n vs. Wroxeter.
I t-
(o ton, 'New Brunswt 1€
rVas as t
foul d dead
ball Brussels vs. Wroxeter at 2,30. on the 0. P. R. track near Orange -
At 4 p.. in. the event of the day will' ville (Al Tuesday morning. I i
take prate in a grand Bas'yTian supposed he bad been run over by the
ntateh between the Pststffnes often- train.
William Baxter, son of John. B..1lnd` They didn t think we d. do it but
Alice M. Runciman, aged ono year 611a 1 :
A Seaforth merchant has an orange fire Months. we, did.
tree with three .full grown oranges STItwAuT---In Brussels. on Ione 10th,
On it.. rmeline,'beloved wife of Mr. Daniel J. CLEGG &
Stow • ,art , aged 49'y ears. CO.,
Mrs. William Dernera fell into the have in stockcar Kingston
river at I3racebridge on Tuesday,
and was drowned. For + 20 Years
Mr. Greorge McNabb, barrister, of the formula for making Scott's
London, was thrown from' his horse Emulsion has been endorsed by
and killed, on Tuesday last. physicians of the whole world. No
secret about it. This is one of its
strongest endorsements. But the
strongest endorsement possible is
in the zitrxl strewn /!c it gives.
Etnuisio 3,
nourishes. It does more for v'e'al;
Babies and Growing Children than
ally other kind of tiottrishment, It
strengthens Weak Mothers and re-
stores health to all suffering from
Emaciation and General Debility.
For Coughs, Colds Sore Throat,
Chltle Weak Lunge, Consumption, Blood
Diseases and Loss of Flesh.
holt & benne, fletterll)s. Aft Drossists. See. ii $1.
I3fsT value in the market. SEE us
before purchasing from pedlars.
Land Plaster,
Galvanized and.:
Annealed ene(4 Wire,.
Barbless, ,zplai t1Wires
'Wire�,y�, y�•� y���y •�
V�f�irea�id''O tdYWi1JSy.
Builders Eardwa,'re,
'Window Shades '
Pure Paris (Frees,
Bug Pinisb.er,
Peerless 1Via.chi rte Oil,
Parker's Spray Punpa
Rubber .
r Paint.
Stone i)loek, Winghaltr,
_ t
VOL, .XIV.,.- i
Is making wonderful strid.
ness is improving every da,
is no wonder as the goods a
\acre surprising all who call,
.MILLI ,• 1 E
This being the first seasol
department, it has far exce
•expectations, and from the
'which those 'who have gi'
trial, express themselves, i
` �etter in the future. But if
nly take a look for3' ourse
cost you nothing, and will
;convincing to you than any
tan say hero. We bad
dozen lot of
Arrive a few days ago, an
we bought at a price that e
to sell you pretty shapes at
to 25c each., WQ,will also
it beautifully .trimmed hat
d from that up. Our stoc
epartment . must be clea
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