HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-06-21, Page 6'l, k i! ‘81 i i !1 l.X Li AM Toms JUNE ,21, t 894. 1 kiee•kerboekerS, and that Kitty hazd delivaite+ one a tion: st ne hada tough , t�k refilled to marry elite abon many times time of it fer to next three weeks. i'BIDAY JL'I'U 21, 1895. Y 1i idITli EkU Who, had the bringin' o' ye up, An' gist', ye hosts, Bite, ail' sup; Aye fauddl•d ykr bee eosin up er Mither ! Wha wrapt ye in her warm hed.claes, .,1.n' tuek'd a' in ver ban's and taiga►;, Qrua,A'd ye to sleep wr Batiks Lanai iiraes? Yer :ltitherl 'Wha made yer first was pair o' breeks, 'net ' a..-ah,lealk"lt, two -three weeks, `.Ellen pnteh'kt them up wi' clouts are steeks? Yer 'Hither ! Wha help'd ye wi' yer A, B, C, Au' count, the clock twat, ane, twa, three, Then "piev,e-an'-sugar" wad ye gig? Yer .W itbert Wha ea'd ye aft her alp wee man, When erratnts noo-aa'-theu ye rau, ,Syne tat ye start the jellie-pan? Yer Mither! NA'ha made ye ready for the sohule, Aa• bade yer ban's an' feet be still, AP'oa'd ye aft "a glaikit Pule"? Yer Neither! Who. sbelpit ye when ye did waug. Than seloth'd ye wi' an sold. Scotch smog, A.0' gied ye breed -an' -cheese a whang? Yer Neither!! Ou Sabbath—wha hid buols an' boa's. An' wash'd yerhakit feet an' claws, Thengart ye learn God's holy laws ? Yer Mither! Wha took ye wi' her t'th' kirk, An' tauld ye no t' sleep or smirk. But "min the text" -"nae needs to shire"? Yer Mither! An' when ye grew to be a man, Wha, lik'd to hear ye lay ,yer plan To learn a trade—dae what ye can?— For Mither An' when her time cam' rooa to dee, Who. bade ye dry yer tearfu' We, 'An' meet her Tout lire's stormy sea? Ter Mither Wha pray'd that you'd be guid an' great, An' no lose grup o' Heaven's estate,— W ha'!1 meet you first at Heaven's gate ? Yer Mither! STEVE'S PROPOSALS. BY AN OLD CONiTRIBUTOR, 'Moppets has got the measles !' 'Oh ! oh ! oh !' hi a chorus of voices, masculine and. feminine all pitched in the key -note of dismay. , 'Of course,' said Mr. Warren, in the tone of the father of the family, et will run. through the nursery. How many are there yet to take it.' Mrs. Warren hesitated, then said 'Five!' 13y which it may be inferred that we, the Warrens aforesaid, are not a small family. In fact, there are thirteen of us, ranging from twenty- four years of age down to Moppets ,just stepping over the boundary line between one year slid two, the pet and darling of the housebold, as much beloved and honored as if babies were a positive novelty, whereas there bas been an 'old baby' and a 'new baby' in constant frequent succesion for twenty-four years, 'Five !' repeats papa. 'Well, Illy dear, I will call for—' Then there is a pause, and the faeee round the breakfast table grow, if possible, more dismayed than ever. 'Here it is !' said mamma, ahnost trying. 'We will have to depend upon Steve.' Now Steve is - Dr. Iliehards, who has been practising medieine in Ap- plegate for five years, and may be, for all we know, the best physician in the world, but to us he is ,just 'Steve' our playfellow and friend since he was in kntekerboekers, and eve cannot divest ourselves of the idea that he is a big boy playing doctor. As long as he was assistant to Dr. Green it did not (natter, but Dr. {Green departed this life about three arionths before Moppets had the neasles and there was no physician in Applegate but Stephen Richards, III. D. etVe might send to New York,' papa suggests, 'but it would really snjule Steve very much if his old fiends showed melt a marked dis- trust, and Green thought him very clever, devoted to his profession, and, sure to get on. Pit send him in.' Then papa, after being smothered fn kisses, wriggled into his overcoat, and departed. 'Steve Richards !' said Kitty, grandly. 'Poor little Moppets !' Then Kitty swept out of the rooni.1 ! Xt wee no secret in the "Worrell: family that Steve had adored, Kitty i time the days of the aforementioned its elle had fingers and toes. and it Win; al very tata:ad6w of hes But of hate Steve hard made hems- :;alley self that D. lliehard'd at last self uncial:M Only scares', Beel Prououneed 'vet oftinneeter.' thought Kitty had given hent aa un- she reeerel'c'c.t sere slu5vl •, hilt usually severe. snubbing, and rather Steve was, the in+i,t attentive, et doe- ' repelltecl her t,'•ruelty. Bell is our tee, Moet.:) fly ant (..Ila lee. rot getting eldest ; mamma's right hand I the the wild 11l 1 ee'eselellitl attendance,. 'lit•te mother' of all the rest. Tall, We were: all piteklut up for as i)lallele, handsome and capable.luorith at the steal side, wile+u Steve We are all healthy,good-tempered, total pill:)a that he arias thinking of and take life as et huge joke, except- leaving ellfilkag.lta,• ing Kitty. Poor Kitty, 1)r. (green 'Itis a hard struggle bare,' be said was a little bundleof raw nerves snicl;. for T was. at ::crape ;raCe ore bey - sensitive, quivering nerves. :all my life here uutit I went to col - Moppets was fatted to he feverish lee e. and cross,: with red eyes, sure throat,' halt Yen are net dependent upon anti aln inh arattve will said will year profesion, sauce papa. deahldin , ]lay's constant attention. No; I have a sufltcient income, es na And when Steve, with his most pro- far as that goes; but I love my Work, fessional air, drove upto the door, endI went to teal up a larger Pm - and Kitty would lve retreatedtiea). Besides, t have other reasons. Moppets citing to her with a hoarse Bell toed Kitty the substance of all shriek. ,Kitty was very stately, and this when she tout up the dinner= Steve wasatreetly peofoseetee, giving tray;: for bitty had not yet left her Illinute directions to momma, and route. ,Inst as Bell conclnkleel there acknowledging Kitty's presence only -Ives a rap un the door, and in walk - by a cool Good -morning. ed Steve, The 'flue' did their duty faithfully Oh, Steve t Kitty cried, atm are in the way of 'measles,' and Steve not really going away ! Who will won laurels 0f commendation. 'fromtake care of lily al'nl? mamma and Betty, our old nurse, And then Kitty suddenly realized who said he 'knew what he was her impulsivene4s, and flushed all about' --strong praise from Betty. over her little pale fates. Bell valn- One day there was a grand clear- ished for 'solve More salt' and I in„; up. The nursery was aired, the whisked into the next room, but not small invalids scattered all over the before I heard: house, more or less cross, and Kitty, Kitty, will you let fine stay and. who had been at Moppet's beck and take sore of you all my life? call night and day, was helping Bell I did get out of ear -shot then, and carry bottles and bowels downstairs, skirmished down stairs to tell Bell, when, with a crash,. she fell, waiter in strict confidence, that: and all, at the foot of the longest Steve was proposing again, and I staircase. verily believe that Kitty will say .A rash of Warrens, great and Yes. small, to the scene of disaster, found. Which belief proved prophetie, poor little Kitty, white as a ghost, and the Warrens now number four - totally insensible, and evidently teen, if you count our brother-in-law, badly •hurt. I do hot know exactly Dr. Iliehards• how many of as ran to Steve's office; Short Journeys on a Long Road but it was a sufficient force to Is the characteristic title of profusely capture him, and lead him triumph- illustrated book contaainin;; over one antly borne. Kitty had been picked hundred pages of charmingly written up and was lying on the lounge, descriptions of sumnher reeorts' in the white, still, ]alit plucky. country north and wept of Chicago. The reading matter is new, the illustrations 'I've broken by arm,' She said, are new, and the information- therein abruptly. 'I am very sorry to will be new to almost everyone. trouble you, but will you please set A copy of "Short Journeys on a Long it?' Road will be sent free to anyone who will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to Steve bent over the little figure GEo FL HcAsroxn, General Passenger with a face all tenderness. •Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St, P#aul `Oh, I've filled out the program of Railway, Chicago, - fainting and hysterics,' said Kitty, brusquely, 'so you can proceed to Peter. business.' Peter lived on the prairie. When Then Steve's face took its hardest he was three years old the first professional gravity, and he took off railway train came through. Uncle mamma's bandage from Kitty's left Peter carried the small boy to see it. arm. She never flinebed, but her A train boy threw a peach to lips were firmly - compressed, and I Peter. He ate it, and laughed and could see her right hand clenched in squealed with delight, her dress. Bell was the doctor's "Don't throw away the stone," assistant in setting the arm. said Uncle, Peter. "We'll plant it." The next day, when Steve called, Peter's chubby, brown little hands Kitty was in the big arm chair, patted the soft earth over it. That haying walked the floor most of the first Season be watehed the green night, in agonies of pain. Her shoot break through and send out a cheeks were scarlet, her eves blare few leaves. The next season it was ing, but she resolutely sat still, tall enough for Peter to jump over it. though her whole little figure was The next it was so tall he could not. quivering with feverish torture. When Peter was eight years old 'This will never do,' said Steve there were seven peaches on his tree. in a vexed tone. 'Did you take the One for each of the family, and not drops?' one of them tasted anything sa rood Yes. before, He planted all the stones. And had no cease frons the pain ? To -day Peter is a big boy. He No. I've got neuralgia in it, 1 has eight well grown peach -trees, which carry health and delight to all the neighborhood. And he has a young orchard coining on which will some day bring more looney than all his father's crops.—Youth's Com- panion. guess, said Kitty. I always have neuralgia on the very smallest pro- vocation. You must lie down and try to rest. But the pain is worse lying down said Kitty, pitifully, her lips quiver- ing. I will try to put your arm in an easy position, And then, in a tnas- terful way that amazed us all, he took Kitty into his own strong arms and earned her to the bed. There, he said, arranging pillows deftly, and putting; the arm in a position to suit him, is that better? Yes, said Kitty, chute subdued. Now, Mrs, Warren, if you will see that her clothing is loose, I will write a prescription. Five minutes later he was again touching the arm, Kitty's curly bead on the pillow, and saying : Now you must lie still, The "Good Spirits." The words have different mean- ings to a spiritualist, a Kentuckian, and a average man, For the aver- age man good spirits depend on good digestion. How to insure good digestion? A Ripans Tabule after each .meal, that's a11. Coot night, Mrs. Prown. I haf to sank you for de most bleasant den- ing 1 haf offer schbent in my life ! Oh, don't say that. herr Schmidt! Ace ! bot I do say dat ! I always say dat !--Punch. Earl's Clover Root Will purify your opiate cannot act if you are march= blood, clear your complexion, re mate ingupand down. Don'tget upUn- yourbell. s and snake your, head clear as a bell. .25c, u0e., land eL. Sold at til I see you. Chishclm's Corner Drug Store, Even Bell opened her eyes a little 'I understand I-Ieddick has in- wider for Steve had been Kitty's Wave for years. It was almost write eat to hear'him, but Kitty's saueiness flashed u. p soincia' Is it asbad as tbat?' th 'Insomnia nothing; All he needs is sleeete - Ex. Yes, your Highness, site said, to Rheumatism Cured in a deny.... Sontli hear is to obey! American Rheumatic Cureof Rheumatism y andl4•euraigia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Steve would not senile. Its action on the systemis remarkable and 'See that .vote Clo 1 he said, grimly. mysterious. It removes at once the cause In site of his Gere he cott[cl not 'of alga disease ,macre l ats!y disapponrs. 'fits p ilrst dose r'eatl` benefits. 7n tent. drive off the fever. Kitty, the only Watrantoecl at CiiisrierAdrnft stare. CANNOT EASILY FOOL in The latest antllropuingicltil statistics MU. W. ti. SIIITif,, UVrroIu Or Trig TORONTO EVIININCI atI WS, IMRtr W'1f4T- IIIc WAS. W1tITTl'G \1'.Iax }IR 1oEN'iEI) A 0001) WOUP 101t DR. AerNI:IV',�I '0414.1ftltIL i, AFAIBID.Y. Professional mon have been strong in their recommendation of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder , as a remedy for cold it the Bead and caterrllal troubles, We have al- ready published in these columns waren words of endorsement Froin leading cloe'gyineu and professors in the educational institutions of the country. One thing be sure of, that it is not an easy matter to fool the newspaper man. Ile sees a good deal of the inside of life, This feet gives value to the words of endorse- talent of Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder recently penned by Mr. W. S, Smith, the well-kuown editor of The Evening News. Sotd at Chish- olnl's Corner Drug Store, `You are so enterprising,' said the mirror to the old maid ; 'always looking out for new wrinkles.' ---Ex. Barber --his oil will make your hair come out. Cautious Man— Whieh wale?—Syracuse Post. Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry cures Diarnccoa, • Dyspentery, Cramps, Colic, Cholera Marbue, Cholera Infantum, and all looseness of the bowels. Never travel without it, Price 35 cents. Bighead—How would you rather die, on land or on water?' Col, Kaintuck.—Wal,- sale, I never tried land, but I know I'd die mighty quick on watch, soh. -Truth. A deacon will pass around the plate and get more buttons than dimes, but a highwayman can hold out a gun and collect everything a man bas got, which goes to show that a lean will. give more to save his life then to save his soul --Peck's Sun. - Great Editor—And diel you write this essay all by yourself? Literary Aspirant—Yes; it is all my own work. Great Editor Well, then, Charles Lamb, I • alt very much AGENTS t�iT�i--y`rho desire -- pleased to meet you. Syracuse to earn from Post. Drove that en.leen ric.-21 teles daily, nnonthly and yearly number of. births exceeds the heaths in the ratio, . of three to one, The Japanese religion demands that a nnain must worship on the soil every day. Princes awl rich men evade this by sprinkling a little dirt in one corner of the room, sou a square of cement ivaile for the Neves°. sly clear, the weather is tat at for • you to attend the cheap sale• to -clay, I must positively- forbid ecu to go out. You couldn't preveut nee going if you were the Czar of all the Missies. Thanks, awfully. To be the czar of one rusher is enough for ole. --Detroit Free Press. If it were not so childish and out-' of -date I could take a real good cry, said the woman with the Ettore hair. What is the matter, dear? I wore'. my husband's vest down town shop- ping yesterday by mistake, and there- were three big cigars socking out • of the top pocket. I uever noticed it till I got honkie. --Indiana- polis Journal. , Orange Short Cake.—Peel two large oranges, slice and remove seeds. Add one eup of sugar and mash slightly to start the juice. Make the cake as follows :. Two cups of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking 'powder, one heaping spoonful unlimited short- ening; salt if butter is not used. halt all well through the flour and add • milk to make it barely hard enough to roll. The oven should be just right to bake it in twenty minutes. Split open, spread with butter, with oranges between the layers and on top. There should be enough orange juice co that it will need eo other sauce, but if you like, cover the top layer of orange with whipped creaalu. —G. T.11. LL,uuss Cor Turuuto and east leave Wingham at O. a. m. and 11.20 a. n1 , viaW. G. ik B ; 0.35 a. in. and 3.25 p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- nections by all trains, vaeru,.-r++:+es�naa.wv� $15 to 825 weekly. it can'bo done seliiug our hardy, guaranteed, Canadine grown Taking the world over, there is an Nursery Stock. Salary or eneim.ssion average done death and 11 births per second. Only one-half of all who are born into the woild live to the age of seventeen years. `Do you think that an artist puts his own feelings into his work?' asked the young woman. 'To be sure,' was the reply. 'I suppose,' she went on, thought- fully, 'that's why some of the poor hungry fellows make their skies look like scrambled eggs.' The jury of the corner's inquest at •Guelph called to enquire into the death of J. le Jewell, the Toronto traveller who died suddenly in the hospital in that city, returned this verdict : "That deeeased came to his death through the excessive use of liquor for a lengthened period induc- ing disease of certain internal organs. namely, the brain, heart, stomach and liver, and through excessive vomiting and exertion in the day of his deeease, caused collapse and heart failure." From the report of the Postmaster General some information is gleaned concerning an interesting branch of' the public service—the dead letter office. Altogether 1,036,853 com- munications came under this head. By far the greater portion of these were restored to life, or to their owners, which, in official language,. amounts to the sane thing. The dead letters containing articles of value numbered 19,383, and of these 18,522 were delivered eventually to the owners. There were 8,545 dead letters containing money, amounting to $16,180, Among the contents of other dead letters were 556 checks,. 239 drafts, 861 mons orders, 800 protnissoey- notes, 4!) deeds,12 baptis- mal certificates, i) death certificates, 2 certifieates of Methodist ordination, 2 certificates of the P. P. A., 15 baby dresses, 10 ea] es, 1 ebaliee, 2 pieces of ehewing gum, 1 -church garment, 7 dollars, 1 22 false teeth, gl'ass eyes, 223 insurance policies, 2 hotel licenses, 28 mortgages, 8 pawn 1 rattle- snaketickets, 9 pills, , 1 plaster, 1 ale snake rattle,1 box of corn salve, and 1 eofdtr plate. Sovora Diarrhoeia Corea. three SIIts,-'1 was in a very lone . eon- dilotwith lle r rh0en w h en Dr. 1 owl r ,s Retract of Wild Strawberry was given me. One bottle cured me, and 1-catenot praise it tco highly. ISAAC TAsrr. u, Rothsay, 'Ont paid weekly. Exclusive territory. Hand- some outfit free. Write us at once for terms. E. 0. GRAHAM, i• a seryuian, Toronto, Ont. ook'sCottoIllioot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an ofd physician. Sucoesaj'ufiy used monthly by thousands of .Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dis- covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Boot Compound, take no substt- tute, or inclose 51 and 0 cents in postage in letter azd we wilisend, sealed, by return mail. Fulisealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 'h stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor, Ort., Canada, Sohl in Wingham by 0. E. triliiamt, urunrist. Ask your Druggist .for Murray .9 .ant an s FLORIDA WATER A nAINT'ir F'LORAI., FrXTr3ACT Por Handkerchief, Toilet acid Bath. ror Twenty-five Years DUNN' BAKINC POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LArtGGESt SKII.I la CANADA. 4 1 ) w Ails et tti 1 •--1s PC1iLiSn11'1D BYBIIY FEI1)AY MORNING ---Ar TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STRFF'tT" WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Sub soriptioni I2viaa,1la leer Yeaa•, la aidvninga� AIDVEItPISiN0 RATES: 41,ura 1)1' 1 1„ at . Oi,u Coliuuss 600 99 690 00 1 $$"20 00 0 00- lnalr " 40 001 20 00 19 00 4 00 (-tarter " ::U 00 11 00 7 90 2 04 2ne Inch } GJ9 ;40 1 (3 � 2 0 { 0 1 011 Legal and other casual advertisements, ata.per line for first insertion, and Se. per line fo eachsubpequenl insertion, Local notices 10e. pea line for first insertion, and 50. per line for oath s ibseyaent insorticr,. Ito lona; notice -will be charged less than 25c, Advertisements ofLost, l'onnd,Strayod, Situations,. and Business Chances U'Anted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, 81 per month Houses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 11906 of for filet month 60e. par subsequent month Those terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for local advertisements, or 20 conger periods. Advertisements iIrelocal 1aforbidenrditio,a, wlle inserted till andcbagelt raoeordii gly, Tran•lfory advertisements Irrupt bepaid in Allman Chances for contractadvertiG;ments must be in the rules by 'weduesday noon, in order to appeau that week R. ELLIOTT Paorais.'roR AND PUBLIBIIBA OLACLOIr*ALD, CENTRE STREET, wmanan, •ONTARiei ' B. T0WLER, 01,D,0,M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario --Coroner for County of Huron— Otfice ttp•stairs, next to Mr Morton's odice, Wing - ham, Ont.' Orrlea If peas• --0 to 12 a, m„ 1 to 6 p. m. or at Residence, Diagonal Street. T r. RE1l((iYkty. M. D. M. C P.S. 0. Grid Medalist of Successor „D(tiversi Meldrum.) Rouse Surgeon in London General hospital, Plumb./ atten tion paid to diseases of women and ohildren, Otiicc—iforworly occupied byDr. ,tleldrum,Corney of Centre and Paurk, streets. 11' monist - ONT DR, J. McASII, al. B. Toronto, ldember College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Ba6oRA N ONTAa1O. R VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company, funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, tow and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block WoronAnr d. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, cite., Winghan+, Out. E • L. DICf1INS011, Barrister 'Etc. SOLICITOR TO BAN$ OP ILIJIILTON. mo8a7 TO LOAN;. Office—Meyer Bieck, Wingham. `�E'�TIST1tY.-- J. S. JEieu3 ' iL, I,. D. S.,tv1N4BAa, 147.."2.1,N is ruarersturang llrst•ciasa sets of teeth as oheap as they can be enai3o. iu the Dominion, Tenth extracted absolutely witnont pain, by ha not' process, OP.PICguaranteed Ihe NS av ray Block o f Brunswick house, 1 posits ARTHUR J.IRWIN, D. D. J,, L. D. S,, Boater of Dental Surgery of the 'Pennsylvania Dental College. OFFICE, MACDONALD'S is LOCK. T'clIN RITCHIE, !1 GENERAL fNStIitANCE AGENT tt'1N4nAH, ONTARIO wig oir tm, LIOENSBD - AUCTIONSSIt FOR TETE COtIN',rr, OP HURON, Sales Attended an any part of the Co, Charge* Moderato. JOHN CURrttH, Wreensis, ONT., T./CUSSED AU01IONEER L•Olt lino 00t1Nri811 HURON AND I3RUOE. All orders left at the TSARS office promptly attend ed to, Terms reasonable, 1aMUS tEhi�E1escN, eLiiatcsaa- Au0Tronira Pon CoONTtan Humus Ai) BRuos, Alt sales attended to promptly and on the Steotlests Notice. Allanecessaryorato and arrangements actin canG be made at nth Toms' office windltala beer Money to Loan on totes, , Notes Discounted, AT R 1vA SC1 t1`A �L E 1rt A._ .0., advanoed otl latot'tg+iitos at $ir per aentNlt privllece et paying at the and of any yoar. Not° and aecounts eoiteeted. iaoor; iKomd°. ]waver Block wireahati, Ont. c , to Ll ane° at th resld 01014 Ae spool send day 1 J be c +an and was tier On. itw you ing, also are shin will .cert not dru love .eat sary mak .viii resell not trifle 211.0St beri .alrea smolt' Th shut thing Even 'doors keeps alnat and liquor to the Ende Civic of a •'obsert your of the suppo men the sa of the .conic the lig once `course the s young .elosed, season Contin notabl done 1 and n This i that c TIDIN MR. T. RIME RIIEt Batt QUE PAIL Mr. • Iospita long ti bad rbc came sc misery. Cure at giving bottle f St, Th half tilt relief, e .all four) ty to g altheug pain of 1 car relned3 statism for the) At 9his Saye ye loll -Says Is Yes, a w urrk, �notigl tightt wilt t the va Near this see 'One try