HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-06-21, Page 3'1'kT11""r U17G ;'1' S1L+ BA1'?s'1.
e'Oa'1.'ixtram !:•hull: P.sor, 2.
before. But what about the firm— I
ers? .I have been presenting elle
side ot`tihe shield, and I desire noir
to present the side of the funnels,
De the farmers pass resolutions on
the lino of protection ? What is the
meaning of the petitions presented
every day to this House ? What is
the weaning of the petition of the
(arrange organization that is now be-
fore the Blouse? These petitions
ask not that there should be more
proteetion, but that there should be
idss protection, showing clearly that
the farmers aro not convinced that
protection benefits them. I have
promised to give .the farmer's side of
the question, and I will proceed to
discuss it on the same basis as I have•
discussed it from the manufacturer's
standpuint. The farmers' capital is
$801,600,000. That includes their
land, houses and machinery, What
stone :laid in I'egetal to the waste
clapftaI ;
Tu ley Xiew, 111,ay Sat for my conn
of lei to pi011et the. heli that )►eclo this fact, notes It iP that the women' WIN -G11,11 ,�-
ri 1)ot t t1'ri tvl t
that prr>teetion, hut":evc'e dignified by t
source from which it proceeds, is < t en
ally an. invitation to \vivito, 4n'omnl,at
by the autliozity of law.
The National Policy increases th a price
of home made artielos, and thus large
sums are taken front the consumers
and passed into the hands of lnanu-
facttarers and middle mon. 1 will
give the house an illustration. I
will take a few articles, commencing
with cotton, We rnaufaetured last
year cotton to the value of 89,000,000,
as was estimated by hon. gentlemen
opposite, although hon. members on
this side of the House give a some-
what higher estimate. That cotton
is hicrcased in price by reason of the
duty to the extent of say, 25 per
cent, or ;k2, 250,000, which amount
the consumers have to payr on the
home manufactured article by rea-
son of the duty. In 18614, we im-
ported cotton to the value of $4,007,-
000, on which a duty was paid of
1,140,000. Now, we take the profit
f the importer and retailer, say 40
er cent, divided between the two,
amounts to i$440,000. Add
nese together, the increase of price
n the home made article, the duty
aicl on the imports and the whole -
ale and retail profit on the duty
Vit' IN(aI1A `!'�.� �,� , et UIN F4 21:, IzyRl,),
.. --.w-n,,.ja�e<rnvews�*F.w.,R'M:a�ra-aar•.n4+.+.
of noon that the aveisese Klee f)f 1111- 1 greater , I Ai
try f fc .lofj
,e (" ,
u' i. itI ' 1)roteett d `;10 I,1 arc 1(el,t tnhl tit•orr'' ort' • 1,
That; ellen, fu,' past avors,beg leave to say that they '
number of n)Ol1 ikon of *3 a ptil ported pig, iron was „110 and some 'women Stout1iite N+,. • Ubj1 f
ill lift'. .\f) r ,. ,y� BA
Cf'.ntri 1)(!i' t()11, and llt'rt' 1a't'. 11y 111 satisfactory
t' ' ,) a It 46 c.a4+�f j U! 1� � rt i II
1 :� lanait.).+1liscf,rr,( �� �� �13 lit ��+��`
11 .;SFr" � R
t,1 per Mu. i slat 18 over 10() per cont, ,a t'at the {•,
Now, let us take the iron and steel
goods imported into Canada in 1891,
They amounted in value to $8,84.1,.
000,` and the duty paid was 8;1,457,-
000, The importers' and retailers'
Profits, at say, 40 per cent,amounted
to $982,800, so that the total on im-
ports of these articles was ti 3,439,800,
I can safely.say, lir. Speaker, that
we pay at least two and a half
Million dollars of increased price on
Canadian manufactures of iron and
steel at the lowest calculation, which
when put with the other sum makes
a grand total of :5,939,800 that
comes out of the pockets of the con -
sinners of protected iron and steel
goods in Canada, or in round num-
bers, $0,000,000 a year, which in ten
years would amount to 860.000,000,
a sum which would build the Cana-
dian Pacific Railway. It would
is their income, what is the value of
their output, their crops of every de- o
seription ? In 1892 it was 1110,- p
000,000, The total value of live
stock disposed of, sold or used at tl
home was 832,500,000. The value o
of live stock in 1892 over the value p
of 1891, the increase during the s
Tear, was 88,718,000; of cheese, but-
ter; eggs, wool and fruits of all
kinds, $30,000,000, ..snaking a total
of $181,443,000 as the total income
of the farmers during that year.
What was the cost of production?,
The cost of allseeds was 812,000,000 to
feed for stock, 816,000,000; wages i1
at $253 per year for 486,000 farm.- v
ers and laborers employed in agri- $4
eulture, 8123,000,000; and • now in- 20
stead of allowing 10 per cent. on
capital, as I click for nzantifacturers, 1
will only allow 5 per cent., giving
8.3,000,000, making a total of $194,- $1
000,000 as the cost of production. pr
r { Allowing current. prices and $7
+1' wages, the year resulted in a loss to is
the fariners of 812,157,000, Instead
of having 25 per cent. net gain, as
the manufacturers hacl, the farmers
bad a Ioss—that is, taking the same
wages as are paid to laboring men --
of no less than $12,157,000 on the
transactions of that year. I chal-
lenge any hon. gentleman opposite
to deny these' figures. They are
taken from the official documents.
And these men who have lost over
812,000,000 on the year's trans-
actions are asked to contribute in
the form of duties to pay the menu -
and the result will be 83,88(,,000, of
which only 81,1.40,000 goes into the
revenue of tbe country. rflt0 balance
of 82,696,000 comes out of the con-
sumers and goes into the pockets of
the middle -men and the manufac-
rers. Take coal oil. There were
in 1894, 6,540,000 gallons
aloe(' at 8420,575, duty paid,
66,164, importers profits, at say,
per cent, 893,233, retailers profits
at say, 30 per cent—and I ale patting
these percentages smaller than the
persons dealing on coal oil make ---
67,819, making a total of duty and
dots paid by the consumer of
27,21(; and of that only 8460,164
revenue and goes into the treasury
of the country. Now, let us take
the horse nlanl,ifactured 0oal.nil.,�r In
1'894 it amounted to 11,000,0.00
gallons. The increase of price by
reason of the duty was say, 4 cents a
gallon. You see -I have come down
2 cents below the actual duty, for it
is admitted by . the producers that
they use 4 cents of the duty as pro-
tection to the Canadian manufactured
article The 4
facturers who have received 25 pe
cent. on their capital. Is that' no
actual robbery, is that not takin
money front one class and giving i
.til another, and in this way is not th
National Policy obey a fraud dfscrimin
ting against one class and in favo
c. of another class of the people of thi
country ? I will bring anothe
charge against the National Policy
It wastes capital that might be in
vested in various industries whlc
might give employment to a large
number of people. Let zoo illustrate
Supposing a capitalist was suftieientl
rich to distribute all the imported
steel and • iron manufactures
ported, a certain alnoant of capital
• would be required for the purpose
•a The iron and steel manufactures
- imported amounted to about 810,-
000,000. If there Ovals no duty on
it, the entire product would be pur-
chased for 810,000,000, and its dis-
tribution through the different sec-
. tions of the country would require
about .'? 0 <>9
°� ,00,000 working capital, or
a total of $1`2,000,000 would accom-
plish the distribution of all the iron
and steel manufactures required in
the country. How is it now? I
takes 810,000,000 to purchase the
goods in the first place, $3,000,000
Sire required to pay the duty, and
42,000,000 working capital as be-
fore, for distribution, or 815,000,000
to accomplish the same result. The
distt`ibution of- the article is the
same, the number of hands etnploy-
ed is exactly the sante, the number
of stores required is the saute under'
the one system as under the other.
sen rs inerease of
price by reason of duty on the 11,-
000,000 gallons would amount to
8440,000; and the retailers' profits—
✓ the importer is not in it this tilde --
t would amount to 8132,000, so that
g the grand total of extra costs by
t reason of the duty amounts to 81,-
e 290,216, or in round numbers
- 81,300,000 per annum. Let us take
✓ the industry of boots and shoes.
s There were imported in 1894, ? 247,-
✓ 500 worth, on which a duty was paid
of 861,876, and the retailers and int -
porters profits say, 35 per cent,
h amounted to $21,(157, leaving a total
on imports caused by duty of i83,-
533. TI e boots and shoes mann-,
y facturecl in Canada in 189-1 amount
in round numbers to 818,000,000.
- The increase of price by reason of
the duty was say, 20 per cent,
• amounting to $8,000,000. 'The
duty on boots and shoes is 25 per
cent, but I only put 20 -per cent as
the inereased price on these articles
manufactured at home,and that would
amount to 3,600,000. The retailers
profits was say, 25 per cent. which
would be on boots and shoes 8900,000,
or a grand total on boots and shoes
of $4,583,5313, or in ten years, 845,-
800,000, which is taken out of the
consumers of boots and shoes in this
It country in order to sustain the pro-
tective policy of the Government.I
That would pay the entire cost of
Government for one year and leave D
a surplus of nearly $10,000,000.
Take pie' iron. There was imported s
of pig iron in 1894, 46,106 tons, and
the duty paid on that was s 179,000.
The importers' and retailers' profits'
at 40 per cent amounted to 871,600,
The cost of imported pig iron was s
811.54 a ton. There was mannfae-
.lie 11.,1' Traipsed 1n ret,:1.iu,,4 thanks, t•' S7)ital, ;'1,:!.JJl,tll)() $050,000
f • 1 lr <'9t, ,
have a ve • 1
4 Boon unci ft Blessing. urge stock of
A. boon and a blessing to mankind is LUMBER SHINGLES LATH
Ilan yard's Yellow Oil, the great pain 1 r 1
destroyer and healing remedy for exter
nal and internal use. Yellow Oil cures EyiDii i'.i o , WOOD, c,,
all iv. hes and pains, rheumatism, lame
back, sore throat, croup, deafness, nn hand, wfaich will be Bald at very clone
cramps, contracted cords and lameness. prices to meet the requ.renaents of 'the
Race horses would grow to be too
fat to run if they ate all the tivilci
Philadelphia Record. Square,
Lawyers are men who work with wood mos. per tk,u,l fndii)nrc,rl
will. Doctors often put them in £ • <' • / tJe vL!,
hard tithes.
oats that are sowed at the tracks. First Class Shingles, $1,1; per
the way of it. --Texas Siftings.
President—Joie 8rir a -r
Viob-ri-esid lEt -A, 0. Raw.
I roux Pt4CCroR. oa,. rt•»CII ;s',I (.U1,oN, 31 P, A. T
I Woon, .i1,. 11. Li.t: (Terri/it),
Cashier --a. TUItNLULL.
savings Bank --lour)+, rt. to :1; matirdays,10
' 1. Deposita or t1i and upwards Mt ell ed .,nd interea
Speoial ZIeposite also r+ rid red at current
rates of It .rant.
Drafts on „rearI,;stain and thu t.'rxited States
1 bought and sold
Everything also of/will:. ;v.;. C„me and
Vousumption was ?eared. see us hrfure buying, as we twill not be
DEAR Silts, --Over three years alio 1 undersold.
Wits troubled with a nasty cough and
really thought 1 would go into eunsutnp- McLE,I\ ,& SOX,
Si. rr, DI(:l(INSO:�.:•,uii, it ,'.
ZLTLAND ails'..,,:_ MILL
tion. A friend advised me to try Hag- Winchani, June 7th, :89,'3. •
yard's t 1 l s Pectoral Balsam, and one bottle -
Rve the great. _..—,
build our canal system, and would bottles 1 an truthfully say 1 iiaveneer
leave 820,000,000 to spare. It hod a cough since.
would pay the interest on our public' MARY SHINGLES, Wallaceburg, Ont,
debt for over six years. Let me suni
up and give you the amount on those
few articles taken from the people of
Canada in ten years by reason of
"I understand,” said the jolly fat
man, "that Rockefeller is trying to
scrape together 1x500,000,000."
NOLUDtNG Books, Pamphlets. Po+r.•rs, Bn
Heads, Circulars, te,e., lie, ae.-utod l• . the bestt. r1r ,, € t
style of the art, at moderate ►+race++, al. , on short tr++ t# 1'01 r -. s11±�t�iyy
notice. Apply or address
Tt)1k„ u.11, ,, wing nim
�+ 4,1 (h��' + ra
iliirN � li�.;�t, 1"ic�pri(aitor.
Lumber ()i ,� . ?�:i�ids,
bounties, duties, and profits on duties Sho said the man with four eyes, R®O��I'w1►
" ,, d sic
•r/ „ •
by importers incl retailers to protect thats nothing. Just wait until I
tv'care pleased to ,Irnnun,•+, that on Rooks or
the following. ' get my inventions r for ml n„ will have our
11 show Rockefeller ! I'm gestin up will 'be givept uloiu,appticuti,1 0l th• e T,,g 111 (Alice.
, lr fur+1 r..
a patent automatic drink mixer to a >y tall p ll . I1 . I 11 .
save barkeeps' wages. By the way,
Harry, can you chalk this up on me
Just for to any ?"
industries:— .— 1 ns completed • and Megltrhres left with u e it' 1
1. Cotton 1138,300,000
2. Pig iron 5,851 000
8. Manf. iron and steel..,59,398,000
4. Boots and shoes.... ,45,800,000
5. Coal oil 12,902,000
Grand total........ 0102,401,()00
Mr. Speaker, how much of that im-
mense sum of $102,401,000 goes into
the revenue ? Just $43,000,000, and
the other $119,407,000 comes out of
the pockets of the Canadian people
without adding one single dollar to
the revenue, but goes into the pockets
of manufacturers, middle -men, im-
porters and retailers in the form of
refits incl incl
p eased prices. This
enormous suis is taken under the
plea. of protection. I tell hon. gentle-
men opposite that ads fa the i'ceul.t of
protection and by whatever percent=
age we can reduce it, it will by so
much lessen the burdens of the
people, burdens under which•they-
have suffered for fifteen years of this
iniquitous policy, inaugurated con -
tinned and proposed to be continued
and Cs„, ..<a Posts.
gar lead Crt i' r Srccialty.
WOOD deliv,rrtd .0 Itt ' Art of Wing -
Mothers Shoud Bead
Valuable treatise and tag bottles or medicine sunt Y'reo to
any Sufferer, dive Express and Post ONee address. T. A.
SLOCUM CHEMICAL CO . Ltd,. Toronto. int.
Dr. Low's Worm Sprue aures worths of I
all kinds in children or adults. No
cathartic is required as it both destroys i ssr p
and expels the worms. , ,r--
�A hundred years ago people war -i
I led about the same things that are 1
distressing you, and they are dead
now, and their worry did no good. --
Atchison (;lobe.
'And I only married to reform i
you!' 'Yessh, but of coursh a man
drinks more if he marries such a
'Tao' as that.'—Life.
Catarrh reilaved in 10 to 60 minutes.—
One short puff or. the breath through
the Blower, supplied `iw=`la, each bottle of
Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powdsr, diffuses
this Powder over the surface of tlie.nnsa'
passages. Pain:essand deli;htful to us
it relieves instantly, and permanentli I
by the Government now in power. aures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Head=
I have a few other things to say, but' ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deaf
I will now draw my remarks to a ness. 00 cents. At Chisholu,'s Drug
close, I think, Mr, Speaker, I have Store.
given facts to the Conservative party - ('Why, Helen; what made you ask
to think over for a while. I think II Mr. Sappy to tie up that package for
have convinced them, at least in you Tan can do it a great deal
their hearts, that the policy they are better." "1 know I eau, but I don't
wi •hl int
wishing. to impose upon the coulary, end to let him know it. If he I
for another five years should be ,thought there was anything be didn't I
abandoned. I am of the opinion as understand better than I, I'd lose I
regards the National Policy that a him, sure." 1
socialist in Russia was with regard I You Don't Havplto Swear Off
to the late Czar. An interviewer' 1 an.vs the • At. Louis .tnnl'n'tl 2rf •gricnitnrn in an
calleel Upon one of the leading I ;editorial about No•To-sac thdtfamons tobonco habit
1 care, " we know of want' casos,,;•tu•ed by No -To•
socialists in Russia. shortly- after the tine, one, a prominent 31. Lo,ie p'chitect, smoked
late Czar was sterid ; and the inter- and showed fm tn;euty y ears; two boxes oared l,im
I sn that even the smell o£ tohaccn nlakts '111W.ed
viewer said to the socialist : 111 ,*ell, 1 HRonk f e,,0 Sterling a,g Neutra iced no
ellre'aul SE
the late Emperor has done many -12 tre(rLSt,
good things foe file country?" '°Yes,"
'celled the socialist ; "I think he
has done some good , things for the
country, and some bad things for the
country, but the best thing the late
Czar ever did for this Empire was
when he died,'' So it is with the
National Policy. The best thing the
National Policy could ever do for
this country is to clie, and let me tell
hon, gentlemen on the other side :
and although we cannot arrive at
free trade, the proportion of duties
vve knock off will give us that pro-
portion of free capital to invest in
other industries. There could be
hundreds and thousands of lien eon-
ployed profitably in other industries.
Hon. members may multiply that
single instance by every department
What a woman, really wants is to
have about a dozen men half crazy
about her, and then to complain
(about 'em as "such a nuisance."
For Over Piny Years
AN BOLO AN» WELL -TRIED R10111iY.—airs. Will
slow' S'.othinr Syrup has been used for Over Rfty
years by millions of mothers for their oltilurenwhile
eeethine, with perfectsuocess. It soothes the child
sotfens the gums, allays ail pain, cures wind colic,
and is thnbest remedy for Dlarrhisa. Is pleasant to
the taste. Sold by Druggists in el. ery part of the
11'or iu, xlvent . emits a cattle its .1, aloe is
it is now in a moribund condition, it I bags$ 1;b1e, 3sili
to eidno ti,1,7 ,'s, 44inslnw8
is in the Iast stages and throes of
death, and if you had only went to the It is said that 70'000 employes are
country a few months ago the to be found in the sweat shops of
National Policy would be dead now. New York City.
AND EG"1`rCTIVEI,F. G rrrri.t IEN,-••-1 have used Dr, Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry and tind it
The death of the Dowager -Duchess
of Roxburgh is the loss to the (,ween
of a greatly valued personal friend.
Worth its Weight in Gold.
a certain cure for all Summer Com -
It is remarkable that those who plaints. It is worth its weight in gold.
tiller from kidney disease grow MARTHA GRANT, Ottawa, Ont,
mpatient of those medicines that are
tared pig iron in Canada in 1894 to s
the extent of 50,000 tons, and the p
bounty paid on it amounted to e
8112,000. The increase of cost of t
the home manufactured pig iron b
low in their cure. Who enjoys The Wrong Name.
ain ? The beauty of South Anteri_ Kathleen had been put out to
an Kidney Cure is that it relives service, and Mrs, Borry liked the
he sufferer almost instantaneously. rosy face of the young Irish girl.
What sick one does not know the One day Kathleen was sent on an
elight that comes when pain is errand, and Mrs. Berry stood on the
elieved ? Kidney cure, as a plain porch as she came through the field.
matter of fact, relieves the most Kathleen was happy, and Mrs. Berry
'stressing kidney and bladder observed :
roubles in six hours. It is hard to Why, Kathleen, what a rosy,
ay anything more for it. Who happy face today. You look as if
watits more said for it? Sold at the dew had kissed you. 1{
hisholln's Corner Drug Store. ; Kathleen dropped her eyes and l
i lilttl'nitlred
Some 1)10n are, like Strasburg gees(`1 lnil)lt1(r 111!1111, 11Jtt tlt'11 11'.'1-•9't his
—_high livers. na,,tl•,
cttson of the duty was at least $3 a
on, and it therefore amounted to
178,000. The. retailers' profit on
lis increase was say 25 per cent
net amounted to 814,500. So the
otal increase to the consumers by
uty, bounty and profit, amounted
o $5811,100, and for every ton of pig
on produced it cost the consumer
10.41- protection. It was stated by
to Controller of Customs this after -
of trade, and they will find that the a
saving of capital would be enormous, t
suf(leicnt to give employnzont to tens d
of thousands of men and not muni• t
unizc or in the least interfere in the it
distribution of these articles or hands 8
entployeel. Here is What lir. Mad- tl
.N0•r CURl^s.
An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC,
Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 2<3e„
and $1.00 per package. Samples free.
HO NO 'rhe Favorite TCRTH POWDER
for i0o'1•eoth auct Breath, Qac,
So.d at Chisholm s 'orae 0 ,,, ,•n, e
{::: 111:1 ••:'S')\,
•'_IL1Jll• Ont
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
MUNN B: Cll., who have bad nearly fifty years'
experience in the patent business. Communion.
tions strictly confidential. AIll andboolt:ofIn-
formation concerning 1'a tents and bow to ob-
tain them sent free. Also a catal=•gue of mechan-
ical and scientific book sent free.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special noticeinthe tcientific A>:nericnn, and
thus are brought widely+ before the public with.
out cost to the inventor. This splendid ypn per,
Iarggeesstwcirculation off anppy enicpnitiSc work in the
Wed, Edition monthly, 92.50 a, year = Single
tiful p aL cents,
cols=an number
photographs OP new
houses. with plans, enabling builders to show the
latest,DAddress & 0 NN secure
361 mWSI•
Had to "Orin and Bear It" when he
had a pain. You can grin and ban-
ish it at once by using PEER,/ DAV,s'
,11.1p •t
Sold and used everywhere. A whole medicine Chest yr
by itself. Kills every form of external or interna. pain.
DosE—A teaspoonful in half glass of water or milk (warm f convenient).
A Blessing to Every Houle'..=.oiC.
These remedies have stood the test of fifty yearn experience, and are pronoun.,, ,.. 1 , •, i . dicines fo*.•.,
?wilily Ilse.
'.rI4!.1 'ILZtli
Purify: the blood, correct ill disorders of the LIVER, sTn31ACIi, ItiPI: t •
invahlablc in all ro,nplalnts incidental to females of all age".
TIT 14, <<,'
tt'FIS and
Is the only reliable remedy for had ego, sores, ulcers, and old unur,dv, i'i.i. 1 L• , ti11.1S, SORE
THROATS, 0000118, r'.t)LDS, hneT, RFSUM ATISM, OLADCLAIt SWELLI\(:' • -• 1• ALL SKIN •
DISEASES IT HAS No 1iQr:AL, .)'in a:loured only at 78, New Oxford. Late SNN, 'is•, . +rivet, London,;
and sold by all Medicine vendors throughout the world,
-}-'Purstla,ers should look to tile Label on the Boxes and Pots. 11 tl :... Mess is not'
533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurions. ,
will continue to reduce the price for
$4.00 SPOT G t4a
9 �.a '
If you have any Tweeds at 1101110, now i:i the timet() : u % 1 : iiollar on
the making of each snit, and get a good fit, First-class class r1'1 in i, .E , supplied
at wholesale prices file -pot cash only,
If you want to boy a. Suit or Overcoat you can saw i'. t.n1 88.00
$10.00 on each, by purchasing from us.
• M1�
y,, )M k, g Y tv
s k..,
w. w , a.
Opposite the ,o'' • ,IA,1t•r;.;11•I . , etc. 1Vfnr;ll:,lr.
• ' ' , ', 11 t Tailors