HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-06-21, Page 2TUE <i ‘V1IN Cxl1.M1 TIMES JUNE ?1 e, P395.
131.11L",414. �'ti �t�y are not um:outru table, I tate Milrit;tet rater mind is corroborated by the re-' the position they have taken with re. cheapest articles of the same class:
>i LT�Ma�,��ti " t it t !\I Ri• �, ,� � ,.a position TI ,
-. , _ of Railways reid the vontetlon of
INTEIth:3I'1yI:1 iP1:I:t'Il i1Y DR. 31,1.e-
I):.)x:l i,I%
CONTINUED 1:iu01 4181.' 11'1•«I?K.
le„ policy of the Government of Fir
aOrin wet:A uu:tad eaip;itt niter ttetu rt,Vt:Mai;
blit the 11.3i. atutt+8.1.188 unproved of Lite
p01i y. It as 1!'111•, cuntratets were let ''•n
some of tett? «:ulhh, bat the moment the
11Qtt: gentr.tu:tit aim his friends came
power, they eane,.1:ed ektly e ntl tet.
.A.£terwardb they cii,kagtt1 their l:.t ae.Y . a,
are -let toe t ,t t a :n t .f , .autt t v.•(4o.i
to hravu ell t :.• lt:rt of .ebonize; t>> i. }
genttemsn is whist t1l.inn•t t• ,hey t•t4 t them.
Did they let them to the lowest t.: auerir
No; tilt. 1•ielo,a, out teeth' patticnler
i rieede, ill ti to them they aw..t' •t.t 4 .
That is the deliberate statement of
the horn. . inieter uf' llatilway arae
Canal::. tic. is an old member: lie.
was in the liter. e at the tinge. 811(1 he
should have known the filets. The
"lion. : lla:ander Mackenzie did not
give t]w centraa,ts to his Mends,
unlese his Mutat; were the lowest
tendet ere. 11r. Meeker:de slid
change t .v t t)veritalt nt's policy, in
this re,, a l•t, that from the time he
cater •ttr.e. !.,,ever, 811 tenderers haul
to &I•• r•iit with tee Government a
certati:, sunt of nutlet- in proportion
to the at:lte,nnt tet' tach tender. a8tl %f
the c,•t,t:• let was awarded to thele,'
and ti,e•y 1sl`1t Lc) in a poSittoll to
, tit:: fettaited the deposit.
That es—net d,tl ;tot prevail in the;
time el Sir .3olea Macdonald's Gov-
ernment previous us to that of[r.
Iac.kenzat ; and while 1 believe the ;
law mases the Sallie provision to -clay,
It is, vio'.8tt'd evCi'\' 'yew', N'OW, Sir,'
the ht)n, .\hoist,. of hallways ap-
peared with the quartette in the
west, And therefore his statements'
must be taken as offieial in their'
character ; at any rate they were:
taken by his friends to be well!
thought oat and to present the actual
facts of the case. Now, when we
read what he said in the west, it is'
astonishing what "rot" is uttered on
public platforms for the purpose of
lead tea people astray. For fear that
I may misrepresent what the hon.
gentleman said, I will read an ex-!
tract from his speech, in thea aEm-
pire" :
Mr. Laurier has been stating that he will
reduce the expenditure $3,500,000. How
will he do it ?
Then the Minister of Railways went
on to say :
The uncontrollable expenditure of the
Dominion is between .$35,000,000 and.,
Whoever heard. such a statement as;
that from a responsible member of
the Cabinet ? Did he really suppose
that we were all ignorant up there ?
Did he suppose that we did not
know the uncontrollable expenditure
was not equal to that or more than
half of it ? The Finance Minister has
answered all this. He said the other
day that the real controllable ex-
penditure of the Government was
$17,000,000, And yet we had
another responsible member of the!
'Government stating to a public?
audience that the uncontrollable ex -1
penditure was between x;35,000,000'
and $36,000,000. The Finance
Minister said the other night that
there was another item which you
might largely call uncontrollable.'
That was the collection of revenue;
which amounted to :9,500,000. Add
that to the :;17,000,000, and the!
'uncontrollable expenditure was about
$27,000,000. But there are still
$8,000,000 to $10,000,000 discre-
pancy between the two treads of
departments, who are now in such
close consultation opposite, trying,
no doubt, to reconcile their contratclic-
tions. Then the Minister of Railways
went on to give the items of ancon
trollable expenditure, and those who
understand the figures cannot help
laughing when they hear the items
he mentions. Ile fleet mentioned a •
few items that were uncontrollable.
He said(
The uneontrc,Ilable e'xper;diture of the ,
Dorintnri i9 btttwr..tt ",..3.000,000 and $30,-
000,00.) Now, tulle tt is that trade nit of ?
Vint of all, there is th. interest on public'
debt, nearly 511,000,0ot). That no Govern-
tient can decrease. Next, there is a'sink-
ing fund of Se,000,0oO, which is not
really an expenditure, but money sot aside
for the redemption of Dominion secnrities
whenever thoy become doe. Next, there is
the subsidies for the provinces, amounting
to $$4,000,000. the,) hon, gentleman
reduce this?
And then he goes on to say what I
have already referred to with refer-
ence to Mr. Laurier. Ile then passes
'to consider Borne other articles,
Atli ete these, he mentioned the
penitentiaries, Indians, and nearly
all the expenditure in the Public
Accounte., and then he concludes by
ta11ing thein: all uncontrollable.
Now, the nuance Minister says they
port in a newspaper friendly to the I gttrct to the o) penditul e of so large a
revenue is uncontrollable, blit, the hon. gentleman. If 1 were to accept; sum? Was the $270,000 wasted on
Mance Minister replies : You are his denial, tla'n I would be refecting I the Sheilt's Island dant uncontrol-
wrung. furl •aur going to euntrol upon my .own veracity. Therefore 1!lable? If the (Government had look -
them to the extent of a50;t'00. The cannot withdraw my statenhent, l (1(t to these !natters they might have
Minister of Thnlwaays eat s that eta:Now, elle hull, Minister of i" illanee l controlled this expenditure. Was
government is uncontrollable, but eonttmds that he Balli reduce the tltl. the i','(il),UU1) spent on tlhe Royal G1om-
the :Meister (,f Finance ler.; t' ri: euutrctllatl,le e;ipeuditure mentionedMission an the Liquor Trailie une011-
Ntt, you !;nosy nothing, ai:ont it, for by his colleague, to the extent oftroliablc' ? No higher object was
I ane g' ing to control it to the extent d ),8 ; 7 ,t;.la? I wonder if the hon, aimed at in that, I venture to say,
ot'::t(i.t:i•Ih. Then the Minister of itillis:el• thought that the following than for that of shirking as direct
11aiiwavr` art it Canale saws the ex- expeeditnrea were unt'ontrollal?le 'vote upon the prineiple of imohibi-
1t in s t'f intliane are nueohiixoltable, Dal he think for a moment that the 1 tion. Sixty -!line thousand doile s of
hilt the Finance 111inister corrects experxlitu.re of s'230,O0() squandered the good money of till* country was This discrimination is caused by
:liar,, for he says I am going to con- on the Mo1ItI•eal bridges was uneon- spent to obtain the evidence of omen the pernicious system of specific
tel it to the extent of i;85,')Oa). The trollablc ? . Diol be suppose
n p pose for a I WhO knoly 110 more about the (Ines- duties. Now. , we heard it 1? e(.
ll I ) Sir, al attain'
t.i:eiete•r e'f Railways, Linde the item moment that the $476,000 ;;pent ult'tion than do seven -eighths of the the other day that if a 25 per cent
(!f 1 ellitentiah'ICS Uncontrollable, but . the Tay eaual was uncontrollable ? I people here. We have presented to protective duty was robbery, 15 per
the Minister of Finance is gs)b g to The excuse that he gave for the ns five or sit volumes that no person' cent of incidental !protection 'was also
robbery. But that does not follow.
llet'e is the distillation given by one
of the ablest statesmen of the clay:
Dearest, Cheapest.
Collars.. , .. , .. 48 plat, fit; p.o.
Cliffs...... " 75 e'
Blankets ,., 83 If
{L'wet ds . .. .. 80
()vercotttiugs .... 27
Books... , 3.
Ready - made
clothing tri
Souks and stock -
'jugs 30 a.
Cat pets
12.1. „
i~ ,.
135 "
urs '
100 "
,1 •"
2,1 "
30 "' 40 "•
Window shades., ale " t,0
llnkiltt.; powder.. 10 •"
mil "
cent it to the extent of )'30,000, expenditure on the : Tay canal was i Ill this world—or in the world to•
;(gain, the Minister of Railways finds that the Liberal members did 1 come --will ever read. That evi-
iegislatiutt uncontrollable, but the not oppose it. So bon. gentlemen ldevee might have been in the heads
Minister of Finance retorts : No, I will see that if they do not � of those who gave it and it would
will et,ntrul it to the extent Of <21,- oppose these extravagances, they 1 have been as accessible as it is now
(ia)U. ate held accountable,notwithstanding :in these five or six blue -books that
Mr. Haggett. aI e:ever said any -F that they are on this side of the are handed totes. Now, Sir, I have
thing of the kind.' : House. Did the hon, gentleman i dealt at some length with the finale.
Mr. Maettuuald. I heard yen say; really suppose that the amount, ; opal condition of the country, and I
it, and it appears that the reporter something less than a million dollars, i want to say a little about the Nation.
yea hail travelling with you at all' spent in the '.picot volley canal is! al Policy, In my opinion it has been
your meetings heard it. uncontrollable? That is a work as failure, it has been a fraiud axed an
Mr. Ilan,";;•art. I thought it was a which is not fairly to be called a iniquity porpetratecl.upon the people
l'c 811pene an extra, price upon one elaas
for the benefit of another class, without
' compensation, is robbery, and robbery not
rendered more respectable because the
state is the culprit.
Who is the author of that statement?
The lion, Mr, Gladstone, the ablest
Statesman now living, And it is in
that lint that we say protection is
robbery, because it takes . from one
leech i tr the House you were re- work in the interests of the Dominion, of this country --that is upon a' nor class more than it can return, and,
ferri;ag to, plot I never said it either but is wholly and entirely a local tain class of the people, upon nine-' therefore, it is robbery to the extent
in the country or the House. , work and as such should have been . tenths of them. The National Policy
Mr. Macdonald (I?iiron). That is relegated to the province or to the i was inaugurated for a purpose. -The
a salons reelection •• upon the ''Ela municipalities. It W8$ to have been' late Sir Jolni Macdonald, speaking
Dire" and its reporter, anti upon my- relegated to the prOviUCe s0111e years' in 1878 in the amphitheatre, on
self, because I was there and heard ago. But Ivhen lair John Macdonald James Street, Toronto, made use of
von. came in after the defeat of the Mac -1 these words :
Mr. I1aggart. The hon. gentle. kenzie Government, he agreed to e Ir you desire this country to prosper; if
maul Has repeated that before. Per. make it a )u ional work and to
haps this 11111e I may make a cor1'ec- spend national money npOn it. And
by elle aria manufacturers of elle province
tine. ' Ile alleges that I stated that from that time over 1;800,000 hais of Orio -always Iarovidin. The
I had asked the leader of the Op- been spent on this local work ; and, the census 0811 be relied upon. 1110
position with reference to the inter- Mr. Speaker, there is not an hon.
capital tsi17invested by manufacturers in
provincial resolutiolis and that I had member dere to -day who will say the
Ontario is $176,604,000; the value of
received an answer from hila. On that it 0811 ever become a truly is $240,100,000; wages
the contrary, I said•that I never did. national work. There' can only botic!, 49,008,000; raw material used
What I said in the country was this, six feet of water in the canal, so that »1-S,�UI, cent. for Now,eawe will put on
that I had heard the question put ill if it were sought to be used by ships 10 per wear and tear, $17, -
the House and had heard the leader coming down from the northern 001). D duct .this
a total of „e1'l5,013,-
of the Opposition make the statement lakes they would have to unload and (tie I)educt.this front the value cof
that he was in favor of the interpro- reload. Mr. Shanty, one of the most
the products, and we have a balance
vincial resolutions. -It amounts to eminent engineers in Canada stated in favor of the I11a11ufacttlrer5 of
the same thing, but I never salcl that in his place on the floor of this House 1„45 t, or $0, or to per cent of net
it was I who asked the question, and that this could never , be anything profit, or'�?72.3U to the eel. actur-
I have heard the fact. stated in his but a local work. Under these •Bir- er on every hand employed. Is not
presence. cumstances I think that each large that a large 1pro•IiG'? Now, let 110
Mr. Macdonald (Huron), When a amounts of money ought not to be tell you that the manufacturers of
criminal i3 on trial, tell the uspieious spent in order to curry flavor wall
this country arevery thankful for
Circumstances tell against him. I the con;.tituencies lying along the elle 3,rutits they Sue. getting. Let me
reed a few extracts from a report of
cannot , understand how an lion. route of this canal,. Does the bon. the secretary of Manufacturers' s' As -
gentleman will go td the country and Minister of Railways .and Canals sociation, made a few months aro. I
speak in the presence ea -people .who think that the thre el;uarters of a from 1881 to 1801, and brought into
can hear every word he -says and 1111111019, of dollars that Larkin,, assoc to read to you of thopinion this
this'country S8(3 OUO people who ex- 'National.
then go back on his own utterances. Connoilly and Company wereper-y p p 1 o association an entertains the d woral
At Wintrhaln he trade the statement pressed their intention of, remaining ,policy, and what fTaTe•,Ilo�noyec[ words
t,milted to steal out of, the treasury of in Canada. 3lt' you take the natural teles, aptly to it:
which I have given, ' and which I this country was part of the !!neon- j increase in the population of this
Nation -
heard him snake and which appear- Under the benign auspices. turhe n) pp trollable expenditure, Of'"t.h•iS• country, i country as beilpg• the same as in the ; all>otiey rho entire manufacturing inclos-
ed in the "Empire" the following consideri'meg,that it wee shown on , United States during the last decadetries of Canada had virtually become
day. At Wiartone the evening be- sworn evidence that there meet have —and that was not very high, e1111•y j possessed of rho ho)•ne market, apd requir-
for ;, some forty or sixty Innes been an. arrangement `between these 141per cent—you will finds. that there ed outlets into other tnasltets tar their 9ur-
distant, he made the statement, and rascals onaside and—I will not 5a y ' ut..
as an increase in that 1vay of tif),r !And
1�,- • Ancl havo diol they U?eome possessed
it was so reported. It is too, ,nmol) rascals --en the inside.?' It is eyfelt'11t' 000. Take the natnral increase .and of the Qenadia.xi markt:?barring
for the hon. gentleman, after having that there was incapae fy and want ; the im tioaetion together and we
c Bythreat-
repeated this statement publicly, and of that supervision over the. public I have a. total of;' 1,41)1,000,• who should ' cut the mcompetition sdte, was dotin
after I had heard him make the; departments that was necessary in leave been in the country at. tate end td ek' the outside, and puttingn
statement on the public platfen-ti,. to, the interest of the country. Dad tale I of the decade. But otiily 504,000 of up , luhn prices, reducing their fan
come to this House, where lie ]mows 11on. gentleman for one moment "be -1 an increase emis found, so, that you mnGrt thus controlling the Canadian
We can 38991 him, and isle Los to' lieve that the $350,000' spent(. in the 1 have t)&1e 000 who have not been an- L 1110 asreod you a little
accept his denial. 1. cannot aeeept. Langevin block over• and above the counted for:. The census takers further their reasons for grad
at his bands. • r original eontract was. an• is onstflall- 'went upend down thin eoun,try, and ruder.
Some hod. rnemabers. Ordelr:•;able expenditure ? I in many casein no doubt, saw two It is gratifying to know that under the
Mr. Macdonald (Huron), of the; Mr. Lintel. And Dot settled yet. l faces where i;l)eie was only one. Put 1ewey: organized Government the interests
reporter of the "Empire" had nal Mr, Maetlonald (Duron).. And not II+ all these together and me. 1istve only the best coisiderat oncturer9 will receive
also heard this statement and pub -;settled vet, as my hon., friend re -1504,000„ o1:- over 100,000 less than The best consideration." Other
ti the natural ineiease during the ten interests are to receive a secondary
years,. withoutt taakin • into- eonsider- coneideration. The best consider-
ation, the. ,1.000 brought in by the Mime is to be given to the manufaac-
expendi•tttre of three• millions of. turels of Canada, and whatever con -
money. Is that a satisfaetox'y condi- sideration is left is to be given to the
tion: in •l and to pop•ulaation? Sir . farmers and the other industriutl
John As, Macdonald, and lnany others .eiasscs. They have reason to feel
stated on public platforms that the gratified. Let lee read. a little Special Attention Given
National Policy would. secure a large more
increase of population. NOW, we iti• It has always been the policy of the
creased (1,38,0oo from 1471 to 1881, Conservative government to encourage the
or; in other wor(lse we gaave employ. 1ilannfatcture of iron in Canada, and in Went in this country to 638 000 more: ' dkion to ttie inducements offered in• ] revi.
r ous legislation, the nely tariff makes eon -
than we were employing in 1881.. siderable,anct important extensions of sueli
Front 1881 to 1891 we gave employ- encouragement.
nuent to 504,000, that is, the 'labour. I notice that was not always the
policy of the Conservative party, be -
yon desire this t.uuntry to rise out of tete:
slough of deepuud into which it lois souk:
if you desire to (tee nnauufaotnres rise; if
you desire to see labor employed; if you de-
sire to see the emigration of your young
men stopped; if you desire to bring those
who have emigrated back to this country;
if you desire to see the value of land rise-.
---N.oto that gentlemen:
—if you desire prosperity—you will support
the National-Polioy�, and say we most have
Canada for the Canadians.
The first object was to increase the
immigration. It was started by the
Conservatives on public platforms
from eof' t to1
I I11 an endo this country the
other that if we had the National
Polley large industries would be es-
tablished which wotild give employ-
ment to hundreds and thousands of
men aancl that 'people in foreign
countries would come and settle
amongst us and add to the prosperity
of the. eountry. Has this been the
effect ?' We expended $3•,000,000
of the difference. Bat, Sir', the
National Policy does more than that,
it enables the manufacturer to make
too loudh wealth -4f the census re•
port is to be taken as true --at the
expense of other classes, especially of
the farmers. Now, I want to show
you the extraordinary profits made
lished it, I would be willing to, aecept; marks. yet,
not the hon. minister
the hon. gentleman's deniale but !know that there was extravagance
when the "Empire" published what fn,conneetion with, that building that
I know the hon. gentleman said, 1r' cannot be atoned: for?' Docs he not
cannot withdraw my statement I know tfiat the agree.elnents entered in -
without casting a reflection. upon . to by Clinrlebois was of a nature diff
myself. 1 ferent from any other ever male by
Mr. Foster. I call the hon. gentle- the department le Does he not know
man t0 order. He has attributed a' that there was, a claim enabling
certain statement to my hon.. friend Charl'bois as the contractor to
the Minister of Railways. My hon.. charge 25 percent to every sub -con -
colleague has denied, in his place, ; tractor before allowing hint to go on
that he ever made such a statement, the work in order to earry on1,t his
and the hon, gentleman refuses to contract; that they refilset3 to patsy;
take his denial. 'that. they were sent back to remodel
Mr. Speaker. That question was their tenders .ami ,11101 they simply
raised last year, and my ruling open ' added 25 per cent to, every sub -eon- llaat'ket had 501,000 more population
was that I was not 'called upon to • tract, which looney went into the ,in Canada who were working among
require a member,. to withdraw a pockets of C'harlob.(►is at the expense. ! us than we had in 1881. It is evi-
statelllent he may lhave made respeet- of the people of this country? . Do( dent that. udder the regime of a
ing something which occurred, out the hon, gentleman believe that the revenue tariff our population in-
side the House. I presume that the :w1,200,000 spent under the Fran- creased to a greater extent than un -
hon. Minister of Railways" knows chise Act in revising the voters' lists
what he said upon the occasion re- • was uncontrollable? For seventeen
ferreci to, and I think, as I stated long years we had the local lists and
upon the former occasion, that be not a single fault was found with the
tilust know better than the iron. system. But in order to burden the
member docs, and it would be well people of the country end the canal -
for the bon. gentleman to accept his dates in the various counties with
etatelnent, But I .cannot require the necessity of spending large sums
11i11h to withdraw the allegation he in the preparation of the voters' lists,
made. they brought in this law which has
Mr. Macdonald .(Huron). Mr. caused an expenditure of $1,200;000
Sir, they have esereised their iihfiLl-
erlec 11) such an extent that they
formed as brief for 1110 Minister of
Finance, and he followed it out, not
only in selecting the :)rticles upon
which t0 pat a duty, and from which.
to take off a duty, but he adopted the
exact words proposed by t11aa asso-
01a111Un to the Government of this
country, showing what an influence
they have. Now, what do they eau
for ?:
• (Tuit.i1 anti haranouiou8 as they have al-
ways hew, It is,of the utmost t)ttp')rtt"nee
that a" members of this Assvoiation our
manufacturers Should continue together
and work together for the perpetuation of
the great clops) they have is view, that of
i protection.
• I was almost going to read at the
tend of this sent( nee, " tete great
:camel they. had 1n view, the general
interests of the country." That is •
i not what they said, it was the iutel ..,
est of protection. This afternoons,
we heard an hon. gentleman "state.
that proteetion reduced the price of
' articles made in this country, but'
these niannf'acturers, meeting to-
gether anted preparing a brief for the
Minister of Finance, do so, not for
. the purpose of rcducing'the price oi~ 1
articles !manufactured in this country,
glut to inercatse the price. N'ow, 1
desire holi. gentlemen opposite ro
[i -ten to the conditions of their sup- ,.
port, for it is all important matter. '
Here are the conditions on which the :
mauufaeturers will support the Gov-
ermnent. They said: '
Iu Sir Mckenzie Rowell we havo a mail
at the head of our national affairs wtlo is a ,
steady and devoted adherent to our existing:
systetn, anct wbo, having rho oourege of„
1119 cenvititloal9, will hold his way steadily
in the course ho long sines helped to lriar8
out, and as an association, and as individ-
uals, no doubt your best and most earnest
support will be given to the Governmcut as
long as the Government adhere to the
principle of tariff protection to Canadian
rnsuutacturing industries.
And no longer. 'ftiat is all the as-
seciatioll thinks of the Government;
they will give the Government sup-
port so long as they will give thenx
protection and no longer; so long as
the Government are putting money
in their pockets and will protect
them in their investments, they will
continue to support the Government
and give them contributions o11 the
eve of elections, as they have done
v jet lite R!ieut !u 'ie,t1
art(' illu,cular £ g
Py .
�M �'a1in5 a�ai1 e111,� �1,
)Menthol Plaster.\;: aur
mwi?egos nae
one, il'eured
like make .c
n• t ions; time 1 sa9eted with Itttettn•atisrn rc
lcnik so set•erely that 1 conk( 1)01 even sig
IS; wile advised a 1). 3: L. Menthol
Pi. r tried 11 alar was soon (mint; lama all
t5 0. Uraaxsa, Sweet's Corners.
' Y "•m• 'l.Ge-
l�,'+wi� WED D
Josephine Street - Wal'>g11ain, Ont.
J A. I1eu4'r111). J. W. Scor;
MUM, forest. T.stewe
Deposits Received and Interest
'1V1on.ey Advanced to Farmers Bake
Businless Men, ,
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation. Money remitted. to all
parts of Canada et reasonable charges.
to Col-
leetng €S.ceounts and 'Notes.
cause I have understood from one of
those foremost among their ranks a
few years ago, that they were just
about to take up free trade when the
thought struck Sir John A. Macclon-
der the " benign influence," las the aid that probably a pep etive policy
manufectutters call it, of the National would carry then! ti "e (Aver faster
Polley, Ilut, Mr. Speaker, the than a !roe trade ery. So it has not
National Policy discriminates against always been their policy, but it is to -
the poor than in favor of the rich day. Now, look again at the in -
man, a bad principle. Let us show f fence the association wields:
you in what respects. As I said, the The Association has just reason for con•
present tariff diserhninates against gratuleting itself upon the iufuenee it
the poor lean, takes from one Blass possesses
I suppose tills means Iced Parlor hi'
about by this iniquitous system of Mimeo.
and gives to another. That conies
f"l.)eaker, how is it possible for me to and only two elections held under( it speeifie taxee, a S%Stell* alae cannot -..i11 assisting to 1nould public ()pillion in
nee I;t eter 30 1'se, eel (110apest.
+tali a} u l ;(tales ur 8111 by/Lag.
06, li,'0. tt)emateeneal u, T'a,
accept the denial ii of a statement !thus far. Is that uncoutrollablc ex- bo justified under all circumstances. the matter of affording tat iff protection to
which I heard deliberately made, >; pcllditure :' Call a single hon. mem- Now,Hero are a few exalri examples show•; °8r iho laws
industries, tied in shap•
p tine, the bates of rho <,ountry an conformity
espeeiatlly' when than impression upon l ber on the treasury benches justify l ing te tariff upon the dearest incl 1 thereto.
agents in Canada -..'(''lie Merchants' 0ttnk
01 Canada
Uftiee Iieurs-1•'rom 9 5. 10, to p, m.
A. E. sltaiTII,
for Itealio the e t,l!�or
De Sores.
tlabv was troubled with sores on head and lege
I tried •'redino•Tar soap." In at very short Lunt 'a
the sures di.,appeared, skin heeamo moth, luta
millie, and the chill not perfectly wear.
anly 2,e. nig Cake.
Miasma, Crediton
Geo V•"
0isn's Itt:Inedy fm• catarrh is Lite
ors? I
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The cost
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And these
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Hon. in
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saving of
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