The Wingham Times, 1895-06-14, Page 8-7,77919131r. ' 8 his etter.„ 1,4 4 To keep cool. Our Special Pelmet, repairing pump, 50 vents I J. B. I Ferguson, brooms, .7t;eeJas. Fieuty, printing, ki.1.73; Smith 6; Patrick. supplietra 2 87. Moved, by Thee. Abrebarn„ iseentid. ed by J. H. Hiscooks, thet the report of the Committee bo received and the era omits paid—Carried. Wm. Isbister hey- ing returned the cheque given by the Board for wood delivered at the school, it e wits moved by 3, 11. 'Rooks, seconded by °irering' A. Galbraith, that no action be taken by the Board in the dispute between the thiS month are exceptional in elsarae- ! ISIsnagernent Committee and Mr. Isbister , —Carried. Moved by J. H. Iliscooks, ter of goods shown and low prices seconded by 0. N. Griffin, that the obeli,: raaalsecretary be instructed to issue qUot,ed. RemeMber we show all the orderr for the Wolters' and officers' salaries for the month of May, and that as newest go' ls in the latest styles and ; boon as the principal shall certify that the teachers have completed their, Work for the ,tolorings. is our combination of . half-year, that orders bo ieseed for their salary for the month of June-• Carried. The Board then adjourned. eta le and price that always wins. Very special this week in Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, Laces and Embroideries. We want you to see our Men's and Boys' Clothing. t s We give you selection from the most . extensive stock, and you will get the value and quality right, at t'. N. WIGINDOO,S•, Al NAL LOCALS. —They nave discovered a new fako swindle over in Yankeedom, which, no doubt, in du. (tourer) will find operators on this side of ,the line, We give particulars o that our readers May be prepared for the fakirs. As the story goes, the plan is something like this "A man comes along with e $10 bill and gets it changed at a business house. A few hours later two men call and ask if he had seen a certain man, giving the description, and the mer- chant replies- that he changed a $10 bill for a man answering that description a few hours before. The merchant is then in- I formed that the fellow is wanted for push. ing the queer. The two strangers claim to be detectives and ask to see the bill. They pronounce it counterfeit and worthless. The merchant kindly lets them take it to serve as evidence against the swindler *hen he is captured and receives a receipt for it. The bill is good and the two men go on pursuing the first villain." —The following from the annual report Of the Auditor -General will give an idea of the volume of business transacted in the principal post offices in Huron County: Poet Gross Salaries & Offices. Receipts. Allowances Auburn.. .... $ 475 95 0 195 20 Be.yfield.... .. 671 49 335 41 Bluevale.. .... 484 25 177 97 Blyth.. .... 1521 (30 645 27 Brussels... . . , 2531 87 1079 31 Clinton 4534 18 1743 88 Dungannon .. 593 20 22:1.40 Exeter... — 2185 43 974 08 Fordwich 778 71 314 80 Goderich, ... 6201 79 1973 79 Gerrie. ... 1071 82 408 11 Moan.. .. 1097 18 471 28 Seaforth.... 5153 91 1872 43 Varna. ... . „ .. 380 33 155 08 Wingham.. .. 4438 77 1514 21 Wroxeter.. .. 1001 98 455 93 Zurich ...... 850 57 335 64 No reports aro given from Craubroolc, Ethel, Jametown, Belgra,ve, Constance, Harlook, Leadbury, Londesboroi,Marnoch, Sunshine, Walton or Westfield, and they have been classed among the non -account. ing post offices. .. Ordination. At a special meeting of the Presbytery of Maitland, in Knox church, Belgrave, on Tnesdey last,,Mr. W. T. Hall, a gradu- ate of Knox Colleggioronto, having passed a satisfactory eettliiination, was ordained to the Ministry of the Gospel and inducted into the pastoral charge of the united con- gregations of Knox Church, Belgrave, and Calvin Church, East Wawanosh, The Rev. Jas. Malcolm, presided, Rev. R. S. G. Anderson preached a suitable sermon, Rev. A,. Y. Hartley delivered the charge to the Minister and Rev. John Ross addressed the congregation, Public Scheer Board. The regular meeting of the School Board was held on Tuesday evening. Present— Messrs. Bell, Button, Griffin, Hisceeks, Galbraith and Abraham. Minutes of lad Meeting read and adopted. The Principal preeented his report of attendance for the Mende of May, which was as follows i Imre. nom mere lOTAL. AVG. 1 18 24 42 38 2 80 24 54 e0 .3 23 35 58 52 4 80 20 50 46 '5 20 36 34 04 0 36 28 63 58 1 ' 36 38 78 64 8 S,1 48 10:3 81 255 252 507 452 Olt motion, the report was received. s The Vinsasee Committee recommended the lAyment,ofibollowing it accounts: john Town Council. The Committee appointed at last meet- ing a the Couneil to consider the ques- tion of granting assistance to the Union Furniture Company, met on Friday evening last, and discussed a number of schemes, but no definite action was tbken. On Mouday evening, the Com- mittee met again, before tho Council meeting, when resolutions were passed an. submitted to the Council, as follows: (1) That a, byelaw le submitted to the freeholders of the town, granting to the Union Furniture Company an extension, as follows, viz., that the loan of $8,000 be made for five years, without interest, and the whole loan be paid Lack in AN e yearly paythents, the last payment of such loan to be*.‘made and completed within ten years.\ (2) That this Council sulmit a by-law for a loan of $8,000 to the Uniou Furniture Company for fifteen years, whiled' inter. erst ; after ten years the Company to com- mence repayiug the loam, erel it be fully paid up at the end of fifteen years. The Company to give. the Council a first Mort- gage on tbe property. The Council met at 8.30 o'clock Monday evening, when there were present the Mayor, Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and Coun- eillors, McKinley, Reading, Wilson, Mc- Lean, Golley, Dore, Dawson, Neelands, Gordon and Herdsman. Both the above reports were placed before the Ceuneil, and short speeches were made in favor of them by Messrs. D. M. Gordon. and John Neelands, respectively, when the vote was taken on the second proposition, and it was declared lost, four voting for and five against. The first proposition was then voted upon and carried, eightvoting for and one against. A by-law, No. 249, to amend by-law No. 248, passed at a prevents a:meting, was read three times and passed. Moved by D. M. Gordon, seconded by ft. Herdsmae, that the Clerk is hereby asked to submit a copy of the report adopted at this meeting re the pro- posed loan to the Union Furniture Factory Co. at its meeting to morrove—Carried, Mr. Neelands said that Mr. Jas. Cochrane, patIonaster, of Bast Wawanosh, had asked if the Township would be permitted to take gravel from the town gravel pit. Moved by R. 0. Sperling, sonde(' by R. Herdsman, that Mr. Cochrane be allowed to take gravel out of the town gray& pit, for the township of East Wawanosh, at 10 cents per load --Carried. The Council thee adjourned. BLUEVALE, Rev. A. Y. Hartley is attending the Assembly at London.—Miss Louise Hartley is visiting her sister, Miss Maggie, teacher, near Varna,— Mrs. Alex. MeNevin was visiting relatives in the village last week.— Miss Sarah Robb, of Morris, is lying very ill at the house of Mr. Wm. Gray.—We are sorry to hear that Mr. Jennings, of the Post Office store, is very ill.—Mr. Will Scott, teacher near Marnoeh, spent Sunday at the house of his uncle, Mr. T. 13. Scott.—A Salvation Army meeting was held in the Methodist church, on Tuesday evening.—Miss Marjorie Abraham is visiting Mrs. MeDonald, of the Royal hotel.—Messrs. George MeDonald and Robert King spent Sunday in Molesworths—A garden party in aid of the Methodist ehureh will be given.at the beautiful country place of Mr. Edward Bosman, of Morris, next Tuesday evening.. Those who go will be sure of a good time.—A union pienle of the Presbss- terian and 'Methodist Sabbath Schools will take place a week from Satur- day. The young people efEbeneter and Johnston's ehurehes are cordially invited to take part in it also. The place for holding the picnic has not yet been chosen.—Mrs. Samuel Scott, of Manchester, is visiting at Mr. Robert McPherson's. The annual fall show of Tneker. mith branch agricultural society will be held in Seaforth on Tintrgd nd Friday, Sept 2G and 27. MORRIS. WROXETER. North Perth Patrons have arrang-1 ESTRAY PIG. striqed ou to the premises or t41?> undersigned', on or about May 1 .Lik Mal black and white pig, about 4 i gthe old. The owner is requested to prove. property, pay expenses and take it away. AA" TWitirjrgrieG liRoad. • Mr. T Q pyre, (q• the lostlin& has Wrexeter will have a grand day ed for *rites at Milverton during parelmeed a thoroughbred Durham (4 sports on Jelly 1st, The ewe the day of June 25, and at Attwood bull (Duke of Victoria) from Mr. John attraction will he the baseball in the evening. Leader Hayeoek Barbour, of Ft. Helens. 110 Wats matches between the "Unions" and will address eaeh gathering'. bred by Messrs E. Series (t. Sons, of tbe London team. Arrangements; Roekwood, Ont., near Guelph. lie. aro also being 1)r, Hugh M. ("doper, of New 1n8(1° for katbnn Westminster, British Columbia, a is a, fine animal and is Mere to take• , 7 I e s es— • • well known physieian, was found well 111 this vicinity. Belden has decided to close his dead inIti6 'Iaed, on the morning of TURNBERRY. photograph gallery here on aeconnt may /5. Deceased wits 08 years of of the increase of work in the Wing- ! age. stud Ords. survived his wife sixMr. Mr. Walter Hawke, who has been luau gallery„—gy. W. corm of 1 .,„„7„.k.s. ue .'was a former incumbent away since'last fall, Iva' renewing' I Elma, was in town for a few days ! " UV' of St. John's church, Brussels, the acquaintances in this neighborhood ; s hur last week. --Mr. A. Gibson left on i Rev. Hugh AL Cooper, and was during the week. Ho habeen T sday of last week for Detroit.—; residing in Waterloo and Wellington minister there for several years, counties, and looks well. 1 Thos. Rae and A. Goebel attended leaving there about eighteen years — Mr- the races in 'Hamburg last week,— age, Francis Birney, an old resident township, died at the residence of' of Mrs. Jas, Forsythe, of Toronto, le the to Some wago w eeks e announced his son-in-law, Mr, Thos. Ferguson, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . w_ _rub= for. John Sanderson here.—Miss Bessie the deatof Wallacent.i. of the 10th concession, on Tuesday last, in the 77th year of his age. The Interment took place in the Whigham cemetery, on Wednesday. WEST WAWANOSII. Mrs, Robert Sturdy, of the Oth Mitchell, who has been • living with her uncle, Mr. Wm. Wilson, for sev- eral years, will leave on Thursday for Seotland on a visit to her parents. —Our football team went to Grorrie last Monday evening, but awing to some con. and sister of Mr. John Kerni- misunderstanding in the zir- ghan, of Colborne, died very suddenly rangements, no match was played.— - on Monday morning, May 20th, at her residence. Althongh in poor health, her death was not at all ex- pected., and her sudden decease was a great shock to ;her husband and family, of whom there are five, three sons and two daughters, all of whom James Neilson, Principal of the Public School, has resigned his posi- tion here, He intends renewing his stu.dies.---The Y. P. S. C. E., of the Presbyterian elairch, held an " At Home " in the basement on Tuesday evening. A large number of young people, were present and a very have the heartfelt sympathy et the community in their sad bereave - !pleasant sociable evening wits spent. ment. EAST WAWANOSH. Messrs. Jas. and Matt. Elliott, of the 12th Concession, Sundayed at Clinton. —Mr. Thos. Hemphill got in taro new Uptodate bicycles on Saturday last. There aro now about 15 wheels in town. ----- Row to lave in Hot Weather. merly of the Parkhill Gazette. He had lately lived at Norfolk, Virginia, and was conducting a newspaper there, In the paper published by him appeared the o wing week after his death:—"This paper was not publshed last week on account of the death of the proprietor and editor. He simply wishes to say that he bad grown tired of life, and he hopes the public to whom he owes nothing will be charitable in the criticism of itis action. God gave him life. He did not ask him to do that. Ile finds lWe unenjoyable through faults of his own and he feels he has no responsi. bility beyond himself. There is,no one dependent on him. He bas right to relieve himself of the gift!:of life which was forced upon 1 Bunn --Mr. Thomas Lind, who had his ". • • ., .., • Cir—In Winghrup, an 'June 8th, the I - Now York San, wife of Mr. A. II. Carle it son. house burned during the past winter ,;•:-,Susiz.—in Bast Wrawanosh, on June , More than any other ells- the has let the contract for a new one to 6tb, the wile of Mr. jell raShoiI; a daugb- . i physicians have seen the effects of ter. saP Mr. Watson, of Belgrave.—Miss . the weather ; not in heat prostra- Donsoll—In Teeswater, on May 24th, Mason, of the 12th concession, ls ltions alone, but in the general . te.n, the wife of Mr. John Dobson ; a claugh- visiting friends in Clinton. --- A ; cleney to sickness. ter. grand picnic will be held in I "I have been simply worn out for Lowey—In Brussels. on June 5th, the wife of Mr. Alf. J. Lowry, of twins; Bennett's grove, .2-,! miles west of the past throe days," said a well- s ti end daughter. Belgrave, an Friday, the 21st in, known physician yesterday, "attend- Bebieru--Iii Bost Wawanosh, on May stant. At 12 o'clock - noon, a base gins-6to people who don't know how to 3,1th,itne wife ot 16 r. Thos. Bland; a endure the heat. In such weathei‘ as aagelatelEr'R In ,West Wawanesh, on May ball match will be played between i two local teams. Swings and other 1 we have been having the greatest 24tb, the wife of 51r. J. Farrier; a amusementswill be provided. A 1 temperance is needful. I don't daughter. short musical programme will be given, and a first-class string band will be in attendance. A platform svill be erected and those desiring t may engage- hi the inazy dance- very • hot weather. A man starts Tucker, or Winghane, an Win. Taylor. Programmes will be provided. Alt down town and drinks a claret punch of Morris, to Miss Barbara Tucker, nf. are invited, that and a good time may be or some concoction cools him for Wingh-al , . - . , , • expected. ss7 MoButesee—Jossassreses-,Wthe resi, about three minutes and leaves him donee of the bride's ph:eats.: . on • June GODERICH. hotter and thirstier than before. He 5th, by. .Rei: r..i;0....W6od, Sem eel Me - add drink to drink, and when he gets Burney, of. East Watranoth. to Annie Johnston, daughter of Wni. Johnston, of home to bed he . perspires all his Turnberry. strength and nerve away while _4, . rams . asleep. Presently he goes all to Z4lBseNsw_isi elemel,)bei;y, au the 11th .••. — . pieces and 1 have a patient. inst., Francis Birneye'irgedn. years./ "Ot' take the case of a woman UPLTIWIS —At the -..,re'Sidenes of her brother, in East WaiVribeSheeri juneeeth whom I attended yesterday. • She Christina Purvis, aged30,ears, V. ..'. ,.:.' went shopping in the morning and Peivezai—In Culrose, en June .2aide got thoroughly heated. At luneheOu I George. Pringle, agect 70 years. . ,..,•:, she ate ice cream, having previously I MoLetbinAll—Ill Culross, en Mav 30tlil, William McLachlan, aged 23 years, drank some soda water. All the i mouths and 18 days. - • ., afternoon she drank ice water I De/moat—In Teeswater, on th 4th freely and in the evening she was, insteMargaret Hutchison, beloved wire mean temperance in the blue ribbon ,t1 MARX:1E33, sense of the words- but in its real "" Rows:sort, 2.1eox me --TAveorsTuerrea— At the manse'Whitechur' eh by Rev. meaning, although I think that Mr. McNabb, on tbe 3rd inst , Wm, nearlyall people drink too much in Robinson, of Turn berry. to Miss. Mina 1 — Por sale, two Brood Sows, one with. 1 Pigs, six weeks old, and tbe other with 9: pigs six weeks old. All from Registered stuck. .A.lso, 5 Registered Pigs, 4 Roars and one Sow. Per prices and partieulars, apply to MARK -HODGSON, ' Lot 38, con, 33, East Wawanosh, East Wawauosb, May 29th, 1895, PIGS FOR SALE, • The base ball game played on Saturday evening, between the Sig- nal office and the Big Mill, resulted by 28 to 21. in favor of the pricters. —Rev. Messrs. Edge and Irvin have been attending the London 'confer- ence during the week.—Mr. and - Mrs. Armstrong. whose store was burned in April, have left town and gone to New Brunswick, to -mgage in business there.—The much warm weather has raised the temperature of the lake so much that.bathing, has MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Mortgage at low rates of ire- terest on terms et live yeurs or over, Principal payable at mail or term or annually, if desired. JOHN BURGESS,,. 131uoyale 0„.013tr Agent, for Huron and Erie Loan, and Savings (Io., London, Ont. ' • Pantord Look at Thiz. ELLIOTT BROS., of the Winghain Briokyard, have lots or BRICE. and DRAIN TILE on band. It is said that other parties are selling at redUCed prices, but we cannot be uedersolde and our briolt and tile are as good as any made in the province. We call sell by the car load or 10,000 or 12,000 tile fully as low as can be pur- chased anywbere. We baveerilso a great quantity of all kinds of lumber for,salee. 3. & E. ELLIOTT: Wingbam, May 10, 1895. THE CANADA BUSIRESS COLLEGE, CHATHAM, ONT., Recently placed Martin Old, a gradt e. as Rook. keeper with 'Fische Bros., Box Man Acturers. Crawl ltapids, Mich ',loom Mom ago hi later, a ..horthand graduate, was placed as ten _replier with the Cab gary Herald, Alberta. 't r pia, another brother and graduate, has beer ith tho Great hornier)) Railroad Aceointtine• pt. at St. Paul for nearly two 1 glIn7.$Ziree fiamtligr ?e,ert,de les ,tryarclea.rtititinwit ofboar,ag , Unite. than by 4;ivi mr them a reuse in the Calladt; I Business College, °anthem. eiis expedenee justifies ; the opitnon, 10Aeryeinentber tbe family, so far, ' is now earaiK.afgOefd jiYiug! ,ET PAY'S* TUE BEST • Good board' rit ObaRitUn'enlY 52..30 per week for goractran tk,u( k,`2 Vet): eatelegue address, D. MoLACIIIIAN, Chatitate, Ont. 811 OKFtS WAILINIMIStmit.....11:11.1111:r911.10311.2X2510:74.1 To meet the wishes of their onstoniers ;• • The Goo. E. Tuckett & Son co.,, Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market • . Combination. Plug of corAsecyrbiroatssnacwanoirstmeeraamarcesocsicerar....,-zreas doubled up with about as violent a 1 ot Mr. John Dobson, aged 31 years and G begun on the beach .—The University 9 uiontbs. stomach acne as anything short of 1 students are home for vacation and iv-rei In e, on May 30th, cholera can bring. She was s — John Inglis, aged... ears and 2 months.' .;e the results of the examinationshow that some of them have been saccess- frightened to death and inclined to i angry when I told. her that she ful and others failed. --The Collegiate Institute is sending up 100 candi- had been simply overloading her SeX,firg stomach with liquids. In this weather dates to the July examination.—A people should drink very sparingly number of men are employed gath- and slowly, and in their going about ering saw logs off the beach, from they should move easily and tem - rafts which have been broken up on the lake. House of Refuge. ed considerable prosTess to be ma,de nervous perspiration. Simply bbe- ods cause a, man escapes sunstroke is no glrBrinr'oat, proof that the heat hasn't harmed onchitis, him. There are other evil results to Weak Lungs, be guarded against." Consueription, Loss of Flesh, . Emaciation, The Oxford County Council has Weak gable% eeti"-ebeir.:FeNee, rietee'er: E ulsionriv ,reeerata-tee se, s, 1 9/. SMOKING TOBACCO. This supplieta long felt want, giving the consumer One 20 cent plug, or a 10 tit piece or a 5 coot piece of thafamous B" brand sr, ` Virginia perately. A good way to begin a eaus teseesani tirst-elass break -down is to start out 1 the cream of Cod-liver 011, with f with the thermometer at 95 degrees or Hypophosphites, is , The favorable weather has allow- and work yourself into a sonkin,s, Coughs on the County House of Refuge, and the site presents a busy scene. The masonry of the basement walls and, the foundation of the large chimney is built and sills and windows set, T. Walker completed this work. in a satisfactory manner last week. The bricklayers, 'Messrs. Heywood. and Prior, made a good. start at the brick walls in the e,ellar, of which there are about 600 running feet all built. Window and door &attics, joisting, etc., are all on the ground and Contractor S. S. Cooper and staff are on the run to keep up with other trades. The daily average ot men employed on the works has been p we've., and will increase a8 different [trades are commenced. Mr, 1.tas ereeted the windmill, which is 'doing good work, and the well holds out remarkably well. Contractor NicBeth has drawn some of the barn timbers and has made the excavation of the basement. Arehitect Jos. A. Fowler has so far bad. eharge of the works, 'but expects Henry A. Fowler, now on his way from Manehester, Iowa, U. 'S., in Clinton very shortly. The grocery final of Charlesworth l3rownlee, of Seaforth, has been .ftiolved, Mr. Brownlee retiring. decided to take a plebiscite as to the abolition of the statute labor System. Louis Harris, a high sehool pupil at Mitchell, was drowned while bath- in fact, for all conditions cark ing in a pond, on Tuesday. ing for a quick and effective - A sensation was caused in Blyth voter/um:ea. Sendfor Pam/Ales% .PR.E.S• the other morning when it was Scott& Bowne. Belleville. Alf Druggists. Soc. &$Ii learned that during the 'night some tinie an infant, apparently about six weeks old, had been, deserted and left at the door of W. Montgomery. gray j The lit& stranger was taken in and eared for, but the little one died _ three days after. No tidings of the $50 owidn,",,v, , ., oohs o'milk 1 o3.nots ahr, re bre( ()toy heifer, 10 heartless deserters as yet. 1 ald 1. a`ltilia' 1,200 ot', 511, u •oth ee Cale - Int, Wilt keep LB ealf tor $tif ma.% i Will bey a eristere jer. y cow, two Arrangements are about completed MU I rears old tt flt oalv la • Anglist, due for holding the fourth annual convert. tft,gg ":',c,t,' betore nest coniber. oil p titflittnt)trieseatflosr, tion of the Huron county Christian fedora - Growing Children, Poor Mothers' Milk, Scrofula, Anaemia; 'took f ale WI toy a floe aerttey calf (cad be register. Endeavor lTriion, in. Blyth, on $33 „ D„,n to „tug to he tested ; grand September 3ra and 4th. An effort ; /it= t' In 0.t 7474.eelit. butter (at; average 14 RA will be tnade to have Mr. R. X. i el Will buy e line Jersey bull (tali (can he ilurris, of 'Toronto 'address the eon. i Ir ri ',r7illisiZel)sfyt:ZStriiirAtrItj i quiet', vention. A. list of'practical subjeets al iiii u vorTaiiiitit herneSs' has no Milts, bid I need has been prepared, and a, most . """' orw gi" ena."IeliekonAx, enjoyable time, is expeeted. Druggist, Pe • Drnsteld, Ont. ;cpeo. ilia tag T on every FARMERS They didn't think we'd do it, but wedid. J. CLEGG & CO., have in stock car Kingston BINDER T INE. BEST value in the market. BEE us before purchasing from pedlars. Land Plaster, Galvanized and Annealed Fence Wire, Barbless, 3 Plait Wire, Wire and Cut Nails, Builders' hardware, HARV1$T TOOLS, Window Shades, Ikire Paris Green, Bug Finisher, Peerless 'Machine Oil, Parker's Spray Pumps, Rubber Paint. J. CLEGG & CO„ Stone Block, WinghaM.