HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-06-14, Page 5THE WINGITAM TIMES, JUNE 14, 1895, HURON GOUTY GOMM end Either were appointed scruti- recommend that no action be taken ---- '" neers, and on the tenth ballot Mr. in the matter, nonsos a's THE JUNE r-lEsSION. D. French and wife having received In reference to - the motion of it majority of all the votes were de- Messrs. Cools and Graham, we re- -- clued elected. Tummy, Juno 4, conunend that a by-law be passed The County Council of *Huron met Couneil then adjourned until 8 erecting the village of (ionic into a at 3 p. na to -day, Wm, McPherson, o"clock, and on resuming they spent police village, and that the first elec. reeve of Turuberry, the warden, pre_ the evening discussing the rules and tion for trustees be held in the town 'siding, regulations for the government of the hall, and that Wm. Irwin be return- Preseut—Reeve IL Garvin, deputies Ilouso of -Rene. ing officer. W. Kickley and J. N. McKenzie, of Primo DS—THURSDAY. The motion in reference to the . . Ashtield ; reeve John Burns, Bayfield; Council resumed at 9 o'cioelt, all death of the late Judgo Toms, we reeve N. H. Young, Myth ; reeve W. the members present, recommend that the following letter a Kerr, Brussels ; reeve D. B. Ken- The Council accepted the resigna- be sent his widow ; nedy, deputy 1), Cantelon, Clinton ; tion as auditor of Wtn. Coats, and COUNCIL CHAMBERS, GODERICH, reeve A. Young, deputy A, A. then went into committee of the June 6th, 1895. Young, Colborne; reeve T. H. Me- whole again on the rules and regu- 111ADAM,—The county council of Callum, deputy T. 13. Carling, lation$ of the home. the County of Huron, at this its first Exeter ; reeve J. Cox, deputy Tilos, Churchill, Goderieh Tp ; reeve R. McLean, deputy P. Holt, Goderich; reeve Thos. Strachan, deputies A. Hyslop, T. Turnbull, Grey; reeve Geo. MeEwan, deputies R. Turnbull, 111. Geiger, Hay ; reeve B. S. Cook, deputies A. C. Sotheran, A:Graham, the list of county bridges were sent The county couneil feels that the Howiek ; reeve A. T. McDonald, to Road and Bridge committee: Ban- county has in his death lost the ser - deputy J. Brigham, Hallett ; reeve J. nockburn bridge in the township of vices of an able, courteous, honest Bennewies, deputy J. Evans, me_ Stanley, Hayrock bridge and a and upright judge, and that this Killop ; reeve IL Mooney, deputy Jbridge opposite Pollock's farm, both eouncil has lost one who at all times Kirkby, Morris; reeve 13. 13, Gunn, on Sauble line in Hay. township. 'took a lively interest in -its proceed - deputy J. Watson, Seaforth ; reeve Messrs. Carling and Cantelon Jugs, and who was always willing to R. Menveen, deputy J., Erratt, moved that all supplies for the House assist and counsel its members by his Stanley ; reeve V. Ratz, deputies H. of Refuge be bought by tender. Re- advice when the same did not con- ' Either, J. Sherritt, Stephen; reeve ferred to committee. filet with his judicial duties. .1. Shepherd, deputy P. McKay, The coundd then balloted on the Rest assured, madam, that his Tuckersmith ; deputy reeve W. following applicants for the position memory will long live amongst the Cruickshank, Turnberry ; reeve T. of inspector of the House of Refuge: members of this council, and again ' M. Kay, deputy W. Keddy, Usborne; Messrs. Morrison, Coats, Prouty, Col- , expressing its sincere regret and reeve D. Patterson, deputy T. Brown, well, Taylor and McKay. On the ' extending to you and your daughter East Wawanosh ; reeve A. Stuart, secon,d: ballot Mr. Coats was elected. ;its respectful sympathy, remains deputy Jas. Gibson, West Wawa- Drs. ohaw, Campbell and Turnbull yours, nosh ; reeve R. C. Sparling, deputy applied for the position of physician,PHILXP IroLT, Chair man. W. Holmes, Wingham ; reeve T. B. and on the first ballot Dr. Campbell I An amendment by W. II. Kerr, Saunders, Wroxeter. was elected. seconded by D. 13. Kennedy, that the The warden then addressed the The council then adjourned until report be amended by asking that meeting feelingly on the deaths of 4 o'clock. 1two valuators be appointed for the reeves 11.1alurchie and Malloy. The THIRD DAY--AVTERNOON SESSION, , equalization of the county of Huron, usual formality as to the first clay's The council met in special session I was lost. The report was then at 3 p. in., the. warden presiding. adopted. minutes being adopted, the clerk read „, a number of accounts and several stembers all present, except reeve of REPORT OR EIMICATIoN CoMmITTE,E. communications. , Ashfield. The meeting was called i After reading petitions of James On motion of Saunders and McKay to pass a by-law to raise$19,000 to . Bonthron and others, and examining . a vote of condolence was passed on pay for the industrial farm and the . maps of the several school sections the death:of the late reeve McMurchie buildings to be erected thereon. The as they are, and as the petitioners and on motion of Kerr and A. by-iaw having been read a third ; wish to have them, and hearing evi- Youne, a like resolution on thedeath time and passed, the council then ad- 'donee, we recommend that they re- ef the''late reeve Malloy. -, journed. . ; main as they are for the present. Copies of the resolutions passed The council resumed at 4 p.m., thei 2. We have . examined detailed • were directed to bo sent to the warden in the ehair. A petitionswaa statements of Inspectors Robb and families of the deceased reeves. read from the residents of Gorrie, 1 Tom, of revenue received by them A resolution of Eilber and Ratz, asking that the village be appointed in connection with their °thee of in - that the special committee be request- a police village. specter, in compliance with motion ed to draft a letter of condolence to Moved by Cook, seconded by Gra- • of council, and recommend that they the widow of His Honer Isaac F. ham, that this council pass a by-law i be received and printed in the Toms, deceased, and after reporting .erecting the village of Gorrie into a ; minutes. T. M. KAY, Chairman. the same to this cetincil, the clerk police village, • taking within its I The report was adopted. have it engrosseVand presented to limits lots number 5 and 6 in the 8th REPORT op COUNTy PROPERTY COM- . concession of the township of Howl& her, was duly eaeried. 11ITTEE. .A. Young, peeve of Colborne, was containing! ttlesie hendred acres, and j Your committee beg leave to report . placed on the - committees of which that the first eleeffon:of trustees be that they have examined the jail and the late A. Malloy was a member, held in the town hall in the said vil- I found everything clean and in good and D. Cantelon on those on which lage, and that William Irwin, of that 1 order, and the number of prisoners the late reeve McMurchie had been. village, be the returning officer there- ; to agree with the jailer's report. The list of applicants for the posi _ for. Both petition and motion were 2. The contraet for the water tions of keeper and matron of the referred to the special committee. ' closets has been let, and the work House of Industry was ordered to be printed and distributed amongst the members of Council. A motion for the usual grant of $25 to the three Farmers' Institutes was sent to the Executive committee. A large number of accounts, corn- . munieations and motions were re- ferred to committes to report on, and the council, on motion of McKay and Saunders adjourned. SECOND DAY—WED:s.TESDAY. A request from the East Huron Teachers' Association for the usual grant was sent to Executive Commit- tee, and a circular from the Good Roads Association to the Road and Bridge committee, The following reports were re- , ferred to the committees named: Sehool inspectors,. re salaries, Edueation committee; treasurer and county auditors, Finanee; jailor, County Property ; county eommis- sioner, Road and Bridge. D. 13. Kennedy* was placed on the House of Refuge committee, vice late A. MoMurchie. 011 motion of Messrs. Strachan and Kay, a resolution in memory of the late Walter Oliver, formerly reeve of Grey, was passed. Messrs. Cook and Sherritt moved that the keeper and matron of the House of Refuge be allowed to hoard and lodge tieo children up to the Age of 16, if they have them, any others to be paid for at a rate not exceed- ing the cost of each inmate. Counell then adjourned until 2 o'clock, and resuming then proceed- ed to elect a caretaker and matron for the lIoase of Refuge. It was deelded that each conticilior vote for five candidates until the nninber be • plate $4,00 to $5.00 per square ; east 1—$84.14 for '9, and $145.62 for '93, THE AUDITORS' REPORT On motion of Messrs, Sparling and meeting since the death of your much Patterson, the Commissioner was in- lamented husband, desires to express strutted to examine and pat in re- its very deep regret at the death of pair the guards along the embank- Ms Honor Isaac Francis Torre who mot on the gravel road south of for so many years in his capacity as Wingham through the prairie. Judge of this county, won the esteem Motions to put the following on of all with whom ho was associated. HOUSE OF REFUGE CoMMITTER.'s RE- PORT,. You emillnittee Deg to sninnit, report of the business transaered b y bbt.nt tutee last eutAlle11 Inevtilig; Your committee advertised for tenders for the erection of a barn, as per your instructions, and received in all 12 tenders, the lowest being Alexander Mel3eath, of Stanley, for 8821, who was awarded the eentract. Before Mel3eath, signed the contraet, he stated that he had made an error in copying his estimated, cost of the same to the amount of 880, and after matters were explained the committee think that if the council consider it advisable, we would recommend the amount be paid (if the contract is otherwise satisfaetory) when the contract is completed. Your committee let the contract for the windmill to Goold, Shipley & Muir Co., for the sum of $95, and pump to Jacob Miller for $20, and a Parker eylinder for 88. The mill and pump have been erected, and your committee are informed that they are giving good satisfaction and would recommend the payment of said contracts. The architects, Fowler a Fowler, on Mareh 29, gave an estimate to the contractor of the 1101130 of Refuge for the sum of 81,800, being the per outage that he was entitled to under the contract, the estimate was signed by the chairman of this committee and paid on the order of the warden. Your committee revised the rules and regulations and proposed by- laws submitted to them last January and referred then: to Dr: Chamber- lain, Inspector of Houses of Refuge who, we are pleased, approved of them (save the clause referring to children, which was struck out, as the Legislature has passed an act during the last session, forbidding the keeping of children in such places.) Yoar committee had the rules and regulations revised and ap- proved of in ample time, that they should have been in the hands of every member of this council by lst of May last. and are very sorry the printer delayed the matter so long. • Your committee wrote to all similar institation, and find that all the expenses of maintenance ot in- mates are Nome by the county. In view of the fact that the House of Refuge will be completed before another session of this council, and that the same will have to be fur- nished, your committee would ask this council to grant them: That a tablet lie placed in the hall- way of the hone, and the eorri- dere of the house doors be placed so as to effectually separate the sexes. The goal inspector having demand- ed that bath rooms and closets be placed on each fiat of the •building, your committee have directed the Moved by W. II. Kerr, seuunded -will be proceeded with at ouce. Cost architects to have a consultation by V. Ratz, that a December session of same to be about $250. With him and try to manage that of the Huron County Council be con- :, 8. Your committee would also re- the bathroom on the first fiat should be mcved to the upper story. We klie 'informed that he additional would cost about 8280. Your committee have asked the architects to oversee the building of the barn. We recommend that they attend to the matter and be paid $12 for the same. At a meeting in Clinton we agreed with the contractor of the barn to put the foundation deeper and agreed to pay him $15 for said work. county commissioner and the reeves Moved by reeve Eilber, seconded.. $We would further recommend of by reeve Sheritt, that theGoderieh treasurer' that the clerk consult a number of and solicitor take such action as to I O. That a small stairway be erect- book binders, or present contractors them may seem advisable to have the ed in the south wing leading to the for stationery, AS to the cost of books debenture debt of this .county con- garret. Also that a window be and registers requiredfor the House solidated at the next session of the ; placed in each of the four gables,and of Refuge, and in conjunction with Legislature of this province—Carried. that all necessary repairs be made the Inspector order the same for corn - On motion of Malwan and Kerr, to the windows. ; pietion in time for the opening of the the Council adjourned to Meet again 7. We have examined the special building. • at 3 p. itt. to -morrow. FOURTH DAY—AFTERNOON SESSIoN. Council met at 3.20 p.m., the war- den in the chair. The roll call showed all the memberspresent, replaced by new ones, and that the !mid further make arrangements for when the minutes of previous meeting cornice and eavetroughs be efficient- telephone connection with the build- vened in Clinton on the first Thum- commend that the door and gate men - day of December next at 10 o'elock. tioned in the jailer's report be re - Moved. in amendment by reeve; paired, and that a lawn mower be McKay, seconded by reeve Saunders, ' purchased for the jail forthwith. that the December meeting be held' 4. We visited the registry office at Goderich on the first Wednesday ; and found that the necessary aecom- in December, instead of Clinton. ' modation for books had been pro - Mo riMataineu, t hymen d- aided ment, by reeve Watgiin, gconded:1)37 5. We recommend that the follow - reeve Yalu,. Colborne, that no De- ing improvements in the court house cember session be held this year. be made under the supervision of the The rootion careed committee's report, and would re -1 Youi' committee would request commend that a slate roof be put on power to make arrangements with with two plys of felt underneath„ithe town of Clinton, for lighting the and that any slates unfit for use be I Home of Industry with electricity, he were read and signed. Tequalls ly repaired. . i ing. 'TL Emma Chairman. zation committee presented their re- Geo, ICinxina Chairman, I The report was adopted. • port for 1895, whieh was finally nermer of EXECATTIVZ COMMITTEE.THE TREASUntles STATEMENT adopted on the basis of that of 1894, 1. We recommend that J. C. Me -'showed an estimated expenditure of REPORT of SPECIAL COMMITTEE. Donald, of \Vest Wawanosh, he ap- $58,389.45 for 1895 and receipts Your committee have made fti- pointed student to Guelph College, ; $2,060, leaving $56,329.45 to be quiries as, to the cost of' material for he being applicant at the January raised by taxation. Also, that in - roofing the Court House, and submit, sittings of council. ; vestments had been made on sinking the following: Lead from $18 to $201 2. We recommend that the grant fund account to the amount of $12, - per square ; scale front. $7 to $8 per ;be made to Farmers' Institutes. *650; that non-resident taxes to the square; galvanized iron and locks1 3. That no action bo taken on the amount of $217.68had been colleeted, joint from $7 to $7,50 per squareI!application of the East Huron Teach- ' and that the cash balance available galvanized iron and crumped joint, t ers' Association. Regarding demand on current year's account was $5,- $6.00 per square; galvanized turned 'of Seaforth C. I. for balance of grant860.92. reduced to 10, and the ballot then to be for a single candidate until one. shall receive a Majority of all votes. east. The eleek and Messrs. Kerr ik shingles 87.50. The number of, we recommend that no action be showed that the treasurer's books AqtiarOs is estimated at about sixty. taken. were correct, that the cash i :dance In reference to the question of ap- Tnos, 13. SAUNDERS, Chaim:ma 011 31,r, rh'r»11''' W:1.1 l'•*133 1t 7, all pointing county Valuators, we would The report was adopted. in :lank ucet.,11t the treasurer's abstract of receipts and expenditarea, statement of ledger bal:Ltleeg, statement of nee.teakteet eolleetioes. statement la investment of sinking funds, and btiltenieUt of debenture liability of the county had all been verified by them; that the cash balance in. hands •of tresaurer on county account on the 21st Feb„ 1895, was $15,800.37; that the treasurer's securities were the same as in 1893; that the school accounts were correct; that copies of reports had been sent to Bureau of Indus- tries' andthattreasurer's books are keptin a neat and satisfactory man- ner, • The Finance report, recommend- ing the payment of a long list of accounts, was presented, read and adopted. The Jailer's report referred to the number of inmates (8), 7 male, 1 female, the latter aged 81 and com- mitted as a vagrant; of the ma les, one was awaitivg trial,one a vagrant, 2 for larceny, one for indecent as- sault and two insane. Also to the necessity of repairs to certain of the goal doors, and to sanitary arrange- ments in progress. • County Commissioner reported that bridges at Bluevale and on the 9th of Howick had, been built, that those at Blyth and Holensville were buildine, and that new ones should replaee''those between Kinloss and West Wawanosh, between MeKillop and Hallett and in Lower Wingbano, That there will he repairs needed to several small bridges, and that he had issued some 20 orders amounting to $1,621, The Road and Bridge Committee reported that they had examined Commissioner's report, that the bridge between Kinloss and Wawa - nosh he rebuilt, that Bannock bridge remain under County control, that no action be taken on the Creed Road Communication, that the county council examine the guards of the embankment jest south of lAringham, that the Hycock and Pollock's bridge be added to County fist, and that a cedar bridge be built as soon as. possible to replace Black's Bridge, between Hallett and McKillop. 13ELi;RAVa.:. The garden party which wos lied on the Presbyterian :',Iause grounds here on Tuesday evenires ;eat was well attended, and it was a grand success. Tea was served from 5.30 to 7.30, after whieh a programme was given, consisting of selections by the _choir, solos, readings, reeitations and speeches, all of ;.whiell was, greatly appreciated by those present, • That Tired Fee! ing Means danger. It is a serious condition and will lead to disas- trous results if it is not over-, come at once. It is a sure sign that the blood is impoverished and impure. Thebrwt remedy is HOODgess Sarsaparilla Which makes rich, red blood, and thus gives strength and elas. ticity to the muscles, vigor to the brain and health and vitality to every part of the body. t Hood's Sarsaparilla positively Makes the Weak Strong. I have used slx bottles of good's Sar- saparilla as a general tonic and have enjoyed the best of health. Although I had a strain of Work I have had no sick spells for many months and no lost time, BO / am dou bly repaid." TECOXAs S. BILL, 251B2-usge11s Bt., Sr. John, New Brunswick, Hod's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In the public eye. , ;..z Hood's Pins euro coustipa. • tion. kriue:—C. or boz. —AND THE- 4.a.-410.Plis. ir--1 fe.3'17-.11r1" JETVIE..... Have come to stay, and with them low prices in all departments of our large and well assorted stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, and all other lines kept in a well. AK E ' E 031 no difference what the credit arranged establishment, and it ;,. 0). practice may say. to the trade; in every case, the honest man pays for the dishonest, he also pays more for his own goods. Ready Cash is bound to rule the commercial world, and we are ready to show pli AR matter to convince a man when, nil you how it is done. It is not a it touches his pocket, put us in possession, and we will give you a pointer how to save from 25 to 30 per cent. all round on goods bought from us. We buy and sell for Cash, and give you the benefit every time.have been somewhat depressed You all know that Towiro liviLo during the last year. Yet, our business has been steadily increasing beyond our most sanguine ex- pectations, and the secret of it allis this : Square Dealing, Holiest Goods, arid Better Values than you can get elsewhere. Give us a call. No trouble to show goods. Yon know it is not an EASY matter to enumerate the cheap list. There are so many bargains we can show you, that space will not permit. All we want is personal inspection. Prices will do the rest. We are here to please. DRESS MAKING ON THE .PREMISES. EFCUTTING AND FITTING A SPECIALTY. G. McINTYRE, MACDONALD BLOCK. 'emodoolomo. -armalagIewoomemmommo••••••••••••••••••••1114 1,000 PIECES OF CHOICE PINTS PROM 5cts. PER YARD UP. FL NNELETS Prom 44cis. per yard up. A Choice Stock of Men's and Boys' HARD AND $OFT HATS Direct Importation. A JOB LOT AP 5Cts. EACH. A Call Solicited, T; A. MILLS, WinITAIL