HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-06-07, Page 8IT AY
you to know that this :spring has
been oar most successful Dress
Goods season. The Department is
fq ahead hi amount sold and
nensely ahead in the volume of
goods sold. This record is remark-
able in a year of sueb business. .ole-
pression. These causes combine to
bring about this happy result:
The prompt boldness with whieh
we have caught on to opportunities
for gathering great lots of new and
sdasonabk ±clods.
Your quick and liberal response to
ourspecaaal offerings, for which we
-thank you heartily.
4, The fine quality, large assortment
ofup-to-date, good value, have never
been equalled here in all our pre-
bnMness experience.
that we only sell Dress Goods. Wei
are in the Shoe Business, Ordered
Clothing, Ready Made Clothing,
Gents' Furnishings and Groceries, i
which we are well assorted, with
tew fresh goods at special good
• value and 10 per cent off' for�pcash, at
bS'6s... N. McINDOO'S■
Lines composed by Miss E. Lennox,
Tarnberry, as a tribute of respect to the
memory of Miss Maggie Gallaher, who
died May 22nd, 1895.
Maggie has gone. removed by death,
We'll see her here no more;
She haas withdrawn, with rapid High
From this deceitful shore.
Yes, she has gone, the fact we know,
And left her friends behind,
Removed to brighter worlds above
Where saints in glory shine.
Silent that tongue and pale that face,
• �i'hi�zh. Fo kiodit was before
Now dim those eyes and cold those hands,
Her pulse it beats no more.
Consigned to the silent grave, i a
. To creeping worms a prey ; C
Now the dear form of Maggie is laid, t
To moulder in the clay.
But mother, friends, do not repine
Her very sudden doom;
From earthly cares, to heavenly joys,
Your God has called her home.
Oh, mourn not that your darling child, a
Has sorely reached the shore, ; t
Where sickness, pain, and toil and death, f
Disturb her rest no more.
Though now in grief you now resign e
Her body to the dust,
Immortal it shall yet arise,
With all the sleeping jest.
While you are toiling here below,
And sin oft proves a load;
Her soul, to full perfection raised,
Is present with the Lord.
`Then meekly kiss the chastening rod,
With calm submission bow;
'Tia sent you now for mutual good,
Though heavy be the blow.
The Lord gave and He took away,
Then blessed be His name ;
Till life shall fail we'll sing His praise,
And glory in the same.
Mr. W. R. Humphreys, of Newry,
was in town on Monday last, ----The
Council pare making some anuch-
needecl improvements in the side-
walks. We hope that while the wave
of generosity is on thein, that they
dial! not cease until anew sidewalk
is laid between I3ristow's store and
the "Tribune" office. This part is
in a shameful condition. --Mr, • Sell
sold five biey eles'this week. There
must be now about twenty bicycles
in town.—A number of boys are in
the habit of going out and boarding
the G. T. R, trains when stopping
for the crossing, The watelrman le
warned . them, but of no avail. Sees
we understand that a detective makes
an occasional visit there. Take
warning, boys.—Mr. E. H. Dewar,
late of Arthur and formerly foreman.
of the "Tribune" mire, has opened
out a printing office in Stewart's
block, The paper will be in the
Conservative interest.—Mr, James
Alexander, of Detroit, was Home for
a few days. i [r. Alexander worked
in IIarriston t welve or fifteen years
ago. He is doing well in the "City
of the Straits."—Some of the L 0.
G. T. are, we fear, falling from
grace, while others who joined in
the winter are a credit to themselves
and their parents, by the manly way i
they have resisted all temptations.
We are sorry to say that liquor is i
sold by the glass in places other than
the hotels.—While assisting at a barn
raising, last Thursday,, I+'inlay Mc-
Leod, one of Minto's stalwart youth's
received injuries (caused by the s
breaking of one of the plates and s
falling, striking the unfortunate man
knocking him off the girt to the
ground,) from which he died. pn 4
Friday morning. His remains were
carried to their last resting place on
Sabbath, when they were followed
by the largest precession ever seen P
in the county. Over two Hundred
rigs, besides large numbers on foot.
Mr. McLeod was one of Mintq's 'o4•e
ost young men and at a raisin�h
11'IM,111A 'r! TIMES JUNE 7t 18 95.
Willim Etuslie, Township 'i'reaaem
er of Minto, was in town un Frida
last, and while driving elong in fron
of Mr. 1'oy d's residence, his hors
suddenly bolted, throwing him 00
breaking his leg. between the kne
and hip.. Ile was carried into »1Ir
Boyd's and under medical atttendane
is doing as well as can be expected
--The students of the differen
departments of our high school ar
hard at work preparing for thegrea
ordeal that begins on the 2nd of next
month. No doubt Ilaarriston I,lr�ig
School will be this year, as in c -ear
past, at the head of the list. --Th
R. T. of T. of Ilarriston pupae
ng a picnic on the 20th of till
month, in Jobe Johnston's hush, o
the lith Con. of Howick.—If ou
town keeps on increasing in popular
tion as at present. we will soon hav
100 aixlitional inhabitants, eve
though they are small,
Wm. Isbister„ seeended by Geo.
y E Kirkby, the Council then adjourned
t ; to meet again after Court of Revision,
e, on the 29th Juno next,
W. CLARK, Clerk..
01 The Woollen Mill, under the
I management of Messrs,,. Forsythe &
t ' AfeKelvie, is doing a large trade,
o Alex Smith had the misfortune of
t dislocating his arm, a few days ago,
by a fall from a wagon: —Miss W,
h Munro and Mr, A, Davidson, of
$ lvlornington, have been visiting at A..
O Munro's: --Mrs. La -idiom, of Detroit,
O is visiting relatives here at present.
$ —The old frame building,. the
n Glasgow Warehouse, whieh formerly
✓ stood at the corner of Queen and
On Tuesdayeight last, lfa'. Jac
Proctor, one of the best known and
most highly esteemed resident, o
the township, passed away after anur
illness of less than a week's dation.
For some time he bad not been well,
but of late he had greatly improved
n health, and the Thursday before
his death he was planting corn, and
t is supposed that he overheated
himself. He was taken seriously
ill that night, and though everything
that medical skill and careful nurs-
ng could do was done, he died as
tated, The deceased was the'elclest
on of Mr. Chas. Proctor, and held a
position in the Morris Council for a
number of years. He was in his
3rd year, and leaves a wife and
family, as well as his aged father
nd mother and several brothers, to
mourn their loss. The funeral took
lace on Thursday to the Brandon
cemetery, and was largely attended.
The Court of Revision of the Town -
of Morris met at the Town Hall,
lorris, on May 27, according to
advertisement. Members all present
and subscribed to the oath required
- by statute. Appeals • were disposed
of as follows : John Parrot complain-
ed of being too high assessed—dis-
missed; James Parish, entered as
owner of S. W. Lot 12,.. Con. 13 ;
Robert Mitchell entered as tenant N.
W. Lot 29, Con. 4; -Robert A.,
Johnston entered as owner Si 25,
Con. 2 ; E. Burford, entered as ten-
ant in place of Jas. Hunt; Thos,
Bilby, entered as tenant N:, 15, Con.
7 ; Chas. Ritchie, entered as owner
N. pt Si 30, Con. 8 ; D. Sommerville,
H. Johnston, A. Carter, 'Jas. Watson
and Wm, Michie bad each one dog
struck off. The Court of Revision
then adjourned to greet again on the
29th Jane, at ten o'clock a. m.
Council business was then taken
up. Messrs. Bryans and Jas. Duncan
complained of the state of road on
sideline bepween Lots 25 and 26,
Con. 4, -leading •tea school house in
ec. 6. Moved by Wm: Isbister,
onded by Geo, Kirkby, that Jas.
owman be instructed to examine
id road and have the salve put in a
proper state of repair—Carried.
Moved by Jas. Bowman, seconded by •
Wm. Isbister, that - Thos. Code be
instructed -to have sideline between
had few equals and no supericirs
This is the fourth terrible fatality in
few weeks. It will be remember
d that some time ago we chronicled
he death of Mr. Shannon, caused by
beim; caught in a windmill, J, B rr
killed by a falling tree, J. McMdrratin
killed by a bull, and the one just
mentioned. The above was the third
ceident at raisings last week, but
his was the only one .that proved
atal. The other three young men
re doing as well as could be expeet-
d.—MIr. Mills, late science master
of oar high school, is' in town at
present. He has returned from the
University, where he has finished his
course and will in a few days be
able to write B. A. after his name.
!Mr. Mills is one of the right kind of
men. He believes in progress and
in the maxim, "there is room at the
top."—We also notice Mr. S. Me -
1 Cready, who has been at the Univer-
sity and Misses Clapp and Michie,
Personals, t pu l•
who have been attending the school S
' of pedagogy in Toronto. Thcv are sec
both Harriston's fair sex and no B
doubt wl en the i esult is known we sa
will see then among the - successful
candidates.—Messrs. Kaiser & Fulton
' are this week busily employed erect-
ing a windmill at their warerooms,
fot h
Dr. Kinsman, of Sarnia, spent Sunday
in town, the guest of his uncle, Mr. R,
Postmaster Farrow, of Brussels, was in
town on Tuesday.
Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy is visiting friends in
Miss Nellie Bell is visiting friends and
relations in Mitchell.
Mrs. Ellis, who has been visiting at Mrs.
J. V'anstone's, has returned to her home in
Dr. J. Lamont, of Ripley, was visiting
relations in town this week,
Mr. F. McDonald, of Ripley, was visiting
at Mr. 3. Munshaw's, this week.
Dr. 3. G. Lamont, of Ripley, spent a few
days calling on friends in Wingham.
Mr.•Alex. Davison, of Buckram, was in
town on Thursday, on business,
Mr, D. D. Yule, Principal of Mallow
public school, was in town on Saturday
eveniag last.
Mr, 3. C. Dallas, of Buffalo, is home on
a visit to his parents.
Mr. Scott, formerly salesman at. Mr. T.
A. Mills', is upending a few days in town
'visiting friends.
Ms. meter Deans is at Goderich this
week, on business.
Mr. John Neelaads is in Brantford this
T I TRII B i'",It lt"fi''.
Mr. Charles stunt, of the junetion,
been on .the .sick list this week.
`. Geo, Moffat is building a large
straws '.tr l. -"1[:•. I)gncan Anderson
is enlarging his barn,.—Mr. George
Rebins(in, of the Binevale Road, is
fixing up bis place that he has just!
taken posessil n of. At present be is'
Wilding a web wire fence.
Centre Sts, is being moved down to
a new location opposite Rutherford
& Munro's. The owner, Mr. Thos,
Hemphill, intends having it fitted up
for a store. --Mfrs. Borden, of Wing -
ham, has been visiting her mother,
Mrs. Orr.—Mr. Wm. Rutherford, Sr.,
has been very ill during the past
week.—The election of officers in
Forest Lodge, No. 162, A. F. & A. M.,
took place on Monday- evening, the
3rd inst. The reenit was as follows:
W. M., T. F. Miller; S. W., Thos,
Brown; J. W. Jno. Green; Chap. A.
Gray; Treas. Jno. Knutson; Sec, J.
A. Barnard; Tyler, Jno Rutherford.
SonY---1n Turnberry, on June 3rd, the
wife of :ver. Wm. Soby; a son.
HoLMEs—In Clinton, on the 4th inst.,
the wife of Robert Holmes, Mayor of
Clinton; a son.
DON STEDT—SPRUL —At the residence
of lir. Youngblut, Auburn, on the 22nd
ult., by Rev. Mr. Becker, Mr. , Fred
Denstedt, of Blyth, to Miss Lizzie
SMinrin—LixrLm—At the residence of
the bride's mother, Mrs. Daum -lore, 60
Wellington Plate, Toronto, on the 27th
ult., by Dr. Morrison, Chicago, (late of
Australia) Mr. James Smillie of Brussels
to Mrs. Eva 81. Little of Toronto,
PaooToit—Ia Morris, on the 4th inst..
James Proctor, aged 42 years, 9 months
and 13 days.;,
ULUETr—In Blyth, on May 22n
Mary Cluett, aged 82 years,
TurxEn—In Culross, on
Jas.Turner, aged 76 years an
Strayed on to 'boj preniises of the
undersigned, on .'.out May 180, a
small black and ', pig, about 4 months
old. The owne �-f requested to prove
property, pay e eases and take it away.
Blue Vale Road.
For sale, two Brood Sows, one with 12
Pigs, six weeks old, and the other with 9
'pias six weeks old. All from Registered
stuck. Also, 5 Registered Pigs, 4 Boars
and one Sow. For prices and particulars,
apply to MARX HODGSON,
Lot 38, con. 13, East Wawanosh.
East Wawanosb, May 29th, 1895.
On Farm Mortgage at low rates of in-
terest on terms of five years or over.
Principal payable at end of term or
annually, if desired.
Bluevate P. O., Ont.
Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and
e purpose of supplying water Lots 5 and t; Con. G Savings Co., London, Ont.
> ,put in a proper
for the streets, the merchants and state of repall'-- ' C 1 ri ecl, Moved hy
'business mon of the town bearing the
expense by paying so much weekly
'for two years, between the first of
May and October. ---The sports held
here on the 21th were well patroniz-
ed and were enjoyed by all. The
base ball thatch in the forenoon,
between Palmerston Aberdeens and
Harriston Browns, ' was won by
IIarriston. Score, 21 to 10. The
junior lacrosse, between Durham and
Mt. Forest, was won by Mt. Forest.
The senior laerosse, between Mt,
Forest and Harriston, was won by
Mt, Forest. The foot ball match,
between Mt. Forest and Harriston
High School, was won by Mt. Forest.
The horse races were interesting and
were keenly eontested.---Mr. Jas.
Wilson, of our high school was exiled
home to Listowel on Friday last, on
account of the death of his father.W-.-
Last Sabbath being c01111/1m11011c01111/1m11011c01111/1m11011c01111/1m11011in
Knox church, Rev. Mr. Ross, of
Churchill, offieiated, No less than
forty-one united with the eongrega-
tion by certificate and profession of
faith. Prout the preparations being
made for holding the 12th of July,
we .are safe In saying everything
indicates one of the largest gather-
ings in town. ----Mr. Weiland, whose:
hotel and stables were burned four • ago, is bard at work rebuild-
ing and expects to have it nearly
finished by the 12th of Sul y. -.-•Mir.
Geo. Kirkby, seconded by Thos.
Code, that Wm. Isbister be instruct-
ed to have culvert on 4th line, be-
tween Bclgrave village and station,
put in a proper state of repair—
Carried. Moved by Tiles,, Code,
seconded by Wrn. Isbister, that the
Reeve be instructed to have sideline
between Lots 25 and 26, Con. 5, put
in proper state of repair—Carried.
Moved by Geo. Iirkby, seconded by
Jas. Bowman, that Win. Isbister be
instructed to close Forbes's bridge, it
being unsafe for public travel—.
Carried. Moved by Thos. Code,
seconded by Jas. Bowman, that the
Reeve and Mr. Isbister be instructed
to examine lear'►'ow's bridge and
have the same pat in aproper state
of repair ---Carried. Moved by Win.
Isbister, seconded by Geo. Kirby,
that Thos. Code be instructed to have
the road at Lot 5, on 7th Con. line,
put in a proper state of repair --
Carried. Accounts were ordered to
be paid, as follows, vitt Brussels
Herald, on printing account, $5;
John (farness, putting props under
Forbes's bridge, $8; R. Bewley,
repairing culverts, $2 ; P. Cancolon,
keep of Fisher, $18; P. Cantelon,
clothing for Fisher, $4.16 ; Misses
:Exford, charity, $10; M. Carded', '
repairing culvert, $2 ; W. Clark,
part salary, $10 ; John `Stetson,
Assessor's salary, $80. On motion of
ra! Lock at This,
ELLIOTT BROS., of the Wingham
Brickyard, have lots of BRICK and
DRAIN TILE on hand. It is said that
other parties are selling at reduced
prices, bat we cannot be undersold,
and our brick and tile are as good
as any made in the province. We
can sell by the car load or 10,000 or
12,000 tile fully as low as can be pur-
ohased anywhere. We have also a great
quantity of all kinds of lumber for sale.
Wiagmam, May 16, 1895.
To meet the wishes of their customers
The Geo. E. Tuekett & Son Co., Ltd.,
Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the
A Combination Plug of
"T & B"
This.supplies a long felt want, giving
the consumer one 20 Dent plug, or a 10
cent pie00 or a 5 centl,eece.of the fanlone
.lit 13" brand of pure Virginia
The tin tag "T & C" is an every
We are offering unequaled bargains
for the Cash Buyer in all lines of
Our stock includes every variety
and every price and the careful buyer'
will do well to call on us before going
Is our motto and we are certain that
to see our goods and prices is to pur-
chase from us.
Our Stock of�
23 L
Is very complete, and we are offering
some:great bargains in the same.
All goods delivered any distance free
of charge.
If you are in need of
or anything in our line,
. ]L414 1 I
Attended on shortest notice and no
ext - ,4 arge for long distances.