The Wingham Times, 1895-06-07, Page 74. eBATEEIE PAYS THE PENALTY. TLiI+3 :1z,,YI:R OF JESSII ICEI;l.`II I1ANGED, WI.N G LA M `!'Ia1! Fad, JUNE 7 1i495 Ezznouraginig Autl.Toxzne Statisttes, The value of the anti-toxine treat- ment for diphtheria continues to be demonstrated by statistics. Some late fie•ure$ front two German cities STitA'PFoRD, Ont., May 31.-`I'lle hanging of Amedee Chatelle, of St, aro given by the New York Times. F IIu Valle, 114 eases were subjected to serum treattnell.t between Novena. ber 11, 181)4, and Janizary 15 of this year, and only 11 or less than 8 per cent, died. Nor were malty of them hospital patients, F,ighty-nine cases were treated in private houses, and six of these had a fatal termination, and there were three deaths oat of the "remaining• twenty live cases, which were treated in ltospittls- In a hospital at Altura antf•toxit1e was used let (iii cases between September 1. 1894, and :lurch 1, 1895, and eight of the patients died, so that the mortality was 12.69 per cent. In 31 of these (13 cases, tracheotoluy was required, and only three of these ex- treme eases wero lost. The annual mortality frum diphtheria in this hospital during the preceding seven rears heel ranged from 20.23 to Hyacinthe, glue., the lnarclercr o .Jessie Keith, near Listowel, hast au- tunm, took place today at 8,03 in the west goal yard, in the presence of -about forty spectators, At seven o'clock Father Downey, C1tatelle's spiritual adviser, drove to the goal and engaged in prayer with the condemned than for nearly three - •quarters of an hour, after which the necessary preptaratigns were made for his execution. The prisoner's arms were pinioned in the cell, and, headed by Sheriff Hossie, the proces- sion of gaol officials marched to the •scaffold. Chatelle and Father Downey followed the goal surgeon, Dr. Dunsnlore, and Gaoler Nichol, the priest reading the Litany for soal ,departure. Chatelle went to his doom with a firm and elastic'step; never once diel the least sign of i,7. 7 per cent. Statistics of this he falter nor show -nervousness. His face, however, kind are full of encouragement for exhibited an ashen paleness, that those who hope that science has wasifreallysucceeded in reclueing the ter - was, anything,rendered more tors if this disease, which easily death -like by leis jest black beard of l finks t' this r the most dreadful. two months' growth. His counten-b -- -mice also exhibited traces of the The Roof Saved Rim, worry and mental anguish that he The Irishman who went up in a tried to much to conceal. hotel lift without knowing what it Arriving at the scaffold, Iitied fe, was diel not easily get over his sur - who was the executioner, tied his 1 Short Journeys on a bong Read i Is the characteristic title of a profusely i illustrated book containing over one hundred pages of charmingly written descriptions of summer resorts in the! country north and west of Chicago. The reading clatter is new, the illustrations are new, and the information therein , will be new to almost everyone. A copy of "Short Junrneys on a Vons' Road" will be sent free to anyone will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) t.+ GEO 1I,.lii:ni 'osn. General Piissenaer; Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, Chicago, Ill, legis. At seven fifty-five Chatelle partook -of the Sacrament ; at eight the black cap was adjusted. Ile was not asked, as is enstomary at executions, if he hacl anything to say. Every- thing being in readiness, Father Downey cotnmenceci repeating the Lord's Prayer, and when he had reached that part, ll be .done," at a signal from the sheriff, the drop fell at 8.03 and Chatelle was laundhecl into eternity. Says he : Eleven minutes afterwards the aisy, ser ; they'll be all right body was cut down and life was `c "Be"B come down."ley pronounced extinct by the gaol "Collie clown, it is, says I and it's 'surgeon. The customary inquest no office, but a haytllenish balloon was held. that yex got me in." Chatelle committed one of the most "And wid that the walls stood heinous crimes ever recorded ill stock. still, and he opened the door, and there I was with the roof just Confide when he murdered Jessie head, and, be •orr'a that's A man niay know what he wants at present, but he does not know what he is going to want after he gets it. A young man complaing to a lady I of cold hands, she replied that the mittens various girls had given hint. ought to keep theta warts. prise. He tells the story in this way :- "I went to the Hotel, an' says I, is Mr. Smith in ?" "Says the man with the sojer cap : Will you step in ?" "So I steps into the office, and all of a sucldint he pulp the rope, and the walls of the builclin' began runn- in' down to the cellar." "Ocll, inhrther," says I, "what'll become of Bridget and the ehilder which was eft below there?" Captain Sweeney,U. S. A„ San Diego,1 Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the tirst medicine 1 have ever found that would do me any good." Prieto i Oc. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. Neither the intellectual nor the I moral character of any person stands stock still; a man improves or lie de- I3. J. Lisle, representing GanongBroa.,St. Ste - dines. Oleo, N.B. says: "Chase's Ointment cured moot a very stubborn ease of JtvllingEeeemtt. Tried everything advertised, Several physicians' pre - It is a fair -handsel noble adjust- seri tonssos toItching permanent t relleis e .cKilo* of ment of things that, while there is' infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good hutnor.. esselessessismeisessiseensmanteserstrennmeesicssee I : FITS Valuable treatiao and bottle of ,nodlrino sent Froa to any Sufferer. Into ,apress and Poet Wilco address. N. U. Inn M C.. halurams.Vm Adrlaite fitmet, Toronto, lent. r= C(JRES ITCHING P1LEa, ECZEMA, ,,. SALT RHEUM _.•w,,; You 12on t ktave to Swear Off says the St. Louis Journal of Agrieulture in an B ADFO n JULY 4 1b64. -I c n iderDr. Outsell R R J x o s • habit ler) , fatuous tobacco a n its • ac the t ni ro R nlaa,,o editgii about ointment t;od•sen<i to anyone care- "Ifo know of many cases anred by firn'tm y 0 sutTering from Rae, one, a prominent St. Louis architect, smoked piles, itching serotum or any itehingskin disease. and <•hewed for twenty years; two [loxes cured him tssooth ng streets are felt from the first appli- so that even the smell of tobacco ue%kvs him sick " t100.-JNo. EEO GAN. No•'Co-sac sold and i;aarwtteed no cure no ply. 1 Rook free. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. reel ::t., I Mo,,trcat. In proportion to the depth and comprenensiyeness of knowledge that a person possesses on any subject, will be the modesty with which he expresses direst opinions in regard to it. I suffered with piles for yyears Chase's Ointment compiereiy •-- cured me, Mrs. Jn0. Gerrie. lergns. "It is very disagreeable to have no + dinner," a said appetite for one's pampered old gentleman. "Yes," responded a poor relative, who had called on the rich old man fur help ; "but it is still more disagreeable to have no dinner for one's appetite." ALMOST CRAZY Keith, on October 19 last. The over my lea , a n I Suffering from 0l1Stlp 'l!0l , ' what saved me from goin up to the .girl, who was only fourteen years ,hiving estuirely." .of age, had been to Listowel, and I I EXPECTED TO BE IN TETE =ISiLU\C- was returning to her hotne elile she1 'e Careful About Life Insurance. AFTER ALL OTHER REMEDIES PAIL- ' and a half from the town, when was met on the im, Way , ydIIian ou, Bates & Co.' PC10E 60c. 4 1'ombard St„ Toronto •1 track by That persons cannot be too care- ED B. B. B. MADE A PERFECT CURE, Chatelle, who outraged and murdered fill in having everything done her and carried the body to a neigh- correctly in connection with hheelir 'boring wood, where he buried it life.insuranc policies, is e :under moss and rotten wood. When more and more 1 p tent. A cas 1 the body was discovered, detectives • in point will come up at the Strat- were at once set on tate case and ford lAssie fall. ll.Last summer they were not long in running Cha- Michael McCormick, tele down. Ile was captured at i drover, of Milbank, insured his life Erin, where he was seen passing te; Ern82,000 ,00Lifne the Asslllan Temperance eran e Company. d station going tbwards Cataract. was taken to Stratford and safely,' The premium was to be to the Jcoper i tiVhen arrested he had p 1os- lodged in the gaol there. annum, or, „ n his lion of the poliuld be paid in policy., cor }session clothing stolen from a woman;semi-annual installments Tile at Ailsa Craig,and the valise in which assured chose the e atter local n, and absent on the clothing was taken, was found 11th of JJune g near the dead girl. This was one note at three monthsfur the niG amount, 'of the strong clues against Chatelle. I T he note was not paidmaturity, He confessed to the killing at the;but it is Waled he was given a, inquest and preliminary trial, and cloned the ace. Before, s paid,tis timee when tried at Stratford last March to i agent delayed remitting it to the he made no defence, declining i plead insanity on advicefif Mr. East, companntl ntexpiration his counsel. Chatelle belonged to St. [thethirty is,which e sNov. to Hyaeinthe and was about IlO years of I That day, Mr. McCormick died, age, and had led a roving life from" although it is said the agent was not his youth up. His counsel made aware of the oecurrence when he strenuous effort to have the sentence' a made re to the mitt. pThovehe r to pa y •commuted to imprisonment for life,[has ae yes not' widow the amount of the insurance, RESTORING ROBUST HEALTH. GFINTLltMEN,-To say all I ought to in favor of B. B. B. would be impossible. It has been a great health restorer to ate and I do swear by it. I am a different man now to what I was ten years ago when it was expected t would be in the asylum, but now I tial in perfect robust health and it was the B. 13. 1a that did it. 1 suffered for tide or six years from constipation, sometimes so severely that. I went out of my mind. I tried various doctors, both in the country and in the city, and tools medicines too numerous to name, but everything failed to have the desired effect, When I used Bur- dock Blood Bitters, however, it succeed ed beyond all expectations, requiring only two bottles to cure me. To make it stili more certaiu that 13. B. 13. is the real cure for Constipation, I may say that some two years afterward I felt the synlptomsreturning and tools one bottle more, and from that time to this present day (over eight years) I have never had any return of the disease, I never knew any medicine to work so well. It does not seem to be a mere reliever but a stare and certain euro, as Ipan certify to. fur hundreds cif dollars' worth of medicine and advice failed to do me any good, but three dollars' worth of 13. 13. B. made s pertnanect cure that has given the years of health and comfort. Yours truly, Toronto. C. L. Emmen. • on the ground that Chatelle morally responsible for the deed, l'Che defendants allege thea ;out had • .owing to mental disability, but the no authority to receive the note, and Collingwood taxes circuses F,;230. .l0. Minister of Justice declined to in -I in any case the failure to pay at The fort Elgin brush factory is to niatul ity nailer tiie conditions of the be sold. terfere._ policy rendered it void. They. also A VETERAN IM TPE LATE WAR claim that if the note was, on its -The Foreign Missions Committee WAR " . maturity,paid t(, the agent of the: of the Presbyterian church has ;Lp- 'I'IiI: a knowledge of the assured or his A. Mitchell, 13. A,, of Elora, and James 1[ellries, M. I1., both of whom Wive been attending Knox College. Toronto, will be ordained and sent to Henan, and Miss Dow, M. 1)., of TI-If)-JS11 M (ie LIVES. ed they claim, clues not make the. Fergus, will be sent to the ~:Liar it H. II, 11 ussellua a member of the G. •A,1,., tVeicseort, Pa. writes: `;S: have potttvl(1 icy lel0? ltisideath a t the time. ton, will be sent t lit ent l India, if rtLse 1 two bottles of f)r. tlt,uew s G knc to he tart pass the medical examination. --'+Here's a little 'scheme for you." said a merchant of London, "1 sweep my floor without raising a bit of dust. '1 he mann/- aro ll'1t1,1F aro dipped in coal oil before sweeping The odor is unpleasant at first, but a few minutes' airing serves to remedy that Evil. The oil takes up every particle of dust and leaves the floor ea clean as when first laid. GEhIT6 P1E@,- =- +CURED OF FLl;TTERING OF companit was su paid with the pointed three new ittisslonarie`+. 11.. IIVART AND sItOITIEVEs G 51'I i T,S . IiY DTL =LGNI)LV'S num Fon THE representative; that the agent lead no TIEAIt 1' -- IT ALWAYS RELIEVES IN power to receive such paymCnt. THIRTY 'MINUTES AND P110S SAVES. 'Their having received payment for the note afrer the death of the assut•- If you want your SPRING A'N SUMMER J.E PTI made in the latest style, go to H. IIS 3L I N, opposite Bank of Hamilton, Pin Honest Offer. If you have CATARRH, and desire to be cured without risk of ,osingyour money, we wilt send, a GCRMICIDE INHALER and medicine for that disease without asking a cent of pay Ir advance After a fair trial at your own h••me, and you find It a Genuine remedy, you can send us $3 to pay for same. If not satisfactory in every way you can return the inhaler at our expense, and need not pay one cent. Could anything be more fair? You have everything to gain and nothing to lose, If the remedy is not all we claim, we are the losers, not you, dust think of bet ng cured for $3, TESrIJVJONJALS REV. J. E. MAVETv, Methodist Minister, Ot- tawa, Ont., writes: -"Your Germicide Inhaler in two months radically cured my daughter of chronic catarrh." Rev. J. S. Nouns, late Bond St. Church, To- ronto, Ont. :-"Your Inhaler and Medicine has proven genuine in every respect." Ma. j. A. McNA,n, Schaw, Ont., writes ;-"The Inhaler you sent has radically cured me of cat- arrh. It is worth many times your charge." 1 THECEITIMOE INiIAMES. FOAMS USE ACi1TEANo CHRONIC OATAltalt M@DIOACCCINNAtAiIIN TOa0t77 CAN' This Inhaler and Medicine sent an trial without pay In advance, 11fa, DOUGLAS. Conductor, xs Ontario St., Toronto; -"Four treatment in a tew weeks cured me of catarrh of long standing." ilial. ii. Mites, se Christopher St., To. ronto :-"Your Inhaler and Medicine cured me of a case of catarrh of tee years' stand. ing. is a golden opportunity. ORDER TODAY, You run no risk. You can test It to your satisfaction "without money and without price." You only pay for the good you get, For remedy on above liberal terms, address MEDICAL INHALATION CO., 450 YONGE ST., TORONTO, ONT. W =N G11A M for trite heart an.l have been entirely they received the money, cured of palpitation or fluttering of the heart and smothering spells. I tools ten bottles of sarsaparilla but it hailed in Ignoring the fact that many tittles any tray to relieve me. I do not think a restful nap is better than an after - the value of the. Heart Cure can be, estimated. It has wrought such a I no o constle1arle lnple. eiocn anal in de - estimated. in my condition that I feel like a s 3 b 5 itewr loan, Sold at Chisholtrl's Corner!Came seated chair bottoms that Drug- StorO, i have sagged may be trade as tight Orange rinds. saved and dried, as ever by washing them with hot I have been using oil in this way for sib i ake the best tit' kindling, owing to soap suds and leaving them to dry tuoitths, unci ant satisfied that the scliun:e the volatile oil contained in the skin, in the open air. is gaol" You CANT Gare SLEEP IN CHURCH IF YOUVE GOT A BAD COUGH. A quick Pieasanf Cure for Art obsiinas'e ` (ough,Cold `s<Ho orseness Bronclli1'is ECTORM 611 Bottle 25i • RSIN s L bITS 1N Y$1a LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD Kn. MAKE NERVOUS, DlsaAJ i3 MEQ tj Kz.THE E R ES p 1 T ofe ignorance and folly in youth, overexertiot of mind and body rulnc- f 1 t tl ll L eel by lest and exposure are constantly wrecking the lives and future• ®haloses of thousand of promising young men. Some fade an d 'wither r at an ear . 1 time= m ®at ora of manhood, whileothersforced drag outaweary, melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony hat find. no solace or comE.trt there.=u'•r', victims are found in all stations of life: -The farm, the office, the workshop, the pttllisit,tei' the trades and the professions. RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. G% '.,_ rjt)' e wn, A. WALKER. Win. A. WALIIElt. NIRS. CHAS. FCB,' e.:, Come :27, . 4.4 rasi aa at 4 Divorced but tin ;,et- ^.,;:.».: r NO N,',;.ES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WiTHOUT WRITTEN etmaw.. -,:.). Win. A. Walker of 16th Street sa-,st-"I iters :""seed when untold agonies for my "gay life." I was inatscreet , Young and ignorant. As "Ons of the gore" f ••., ut roe d t a „ Syphilis and other Private diseases. Ihed allele is tiie't month and throat, bone pains, hair loose, pimeaes on face, finger nails came off, emissions, became thin neves despondent. Seven doctors treated me wail •-;:ene7, MCURED Potn-h, etc. They helped me but rould not cure sin. frti v✓ Finail afriendinducedmetotry 3irs.lionneuy JLKergen. ;. RTh, it J' ew Method Treatment cured the in a few weeks. Their treatmet t; Con feel yourselt gaining every day. 1 have never heard of thew initinw t , ours ..•i ac + ngiP"'' .Cast:." Cu CUKLa GUARANTEED OR KONt✓V llLl il.a,,-.D ('apt. ('hos. Furry rays; -"I owe my life to 1 re. K. & K. r 't i ` ,9 fy@, 1 Kt At 1 t 1le,.rued a ben habit. At 21 1 lied all the symptoms! 11lki P(a ,1:F• • f 13enti:,ul 11ea ser,.- and Sipermntor hcen, Emissions 3L7 SliCi' q ny ph wrrt. ,irain n and wealtening my vitality. 1 married ata tlC 'f Ci' t • g r • g t Ypen under advice of ht family doctor, but was t IGl,p llu 8l4,yr1r! sad expert nee In eightee,t months w.+ were divorced. I Mt hen consulted Drs. 1:. & 1.., who restored me to manhood! RED "°bytheirN..tu hfethod7'rratvneat. Ifeltenewlifethrillthrougii ''tj i i Ditty nerves. We were united again and are happy. This was six years ago. Drs. K. & K, are scientific specialists and 1 heartily recommenu t toI ,, "We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous _Debility, t -r stlat 1 '1711ffrakness, 61 et, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, .Sell 1'°,rcr A* Kidney and b'ladder Diseases. y^ K o CURED. NO RISK 4'' DETROIT, 200, 00 C t 17 YEARS IN , 6 lire Sou aviethn? Has eyonlost amps? A'n.+`n renter- ?. . is •,,'-•`'''`7 i EAI?I R . nage? Has your Blood been diseased? have you nny rw ai i , 11 mire New Method Trontmentwill e't'ou. What it has done for oti, •s ' i ,•ii =CONSULTATION FREE. 1\o matter who has treated you write for as lions i ori . , t.Ma" "ref Charge. Charges reasonable. 01(5 FREE-"The REE- d he Goidcn L collo ' ti`1 is i « , Diseases of Iden. inclose postage, , iiaf°NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRiTTEN COINr. Esti , fi .. ruin, .c pes " gNji Eything contldentlal. D 4uestion 1 st a d cost c z''erF.L-(i`,n ca t,ment, FRE KENNEDY • LIDRSI& KEfGANgN® a , ,:c-72.- as - 5•PrlitPC= DRS •fl ay % J.2,1 5BEFonsn TREMIli ENT AF'En Ttii.AT==BENT a SYPHOUS EMISSIONS STRICTURE THE SECRET Of the marvelous success of Burdock Blood Bitters lies in its specific curative power over every organ of the body. The Liver, the Blood, the Bowels, the Stomach, the Kidneys, the Skin, the Bladder, in fact, all parts of the hutnalt: system are regulated, purifiedy lanai restored to perfect natural aatiolt 1 y this medicine, Thus it CURES all diseases affecting these or other parts of the system, Dyspepsia, Constipa tion, Bad Blood, Biliousness,: Head- ache, Kidney and Liver Complaint, Obstinate Humors, Old Sores, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Nervous or' General Debility, ,and all irreulat•ities of the system, caused by i3ad Blood or disw ordered action of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver or Kidneys. Thousands of testi.' menials warrant the assertion that B.B.B. is the BEST SPRI-NG MVlEDIGINE FOR YOUNG, OR, OLD.