HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-06-07, Page 6THE WIN (xHAM TIMES., a UNE 7, tb95e tEttntingt.autiimes FitIDAY JUNE 7, 1895. Montreal Gazette: Mr. McMullen has supplemented Mr. Mulock's bill to 1educe the governor-general's salar y by one to cut the pay of the .i ieutenant-governors. Mr. McMullen thinks. $6,000 is enough for the . . f provincialofE,1 ec and rulers z, tt 1tttl t Ontario and $5,000 for those in other provinces except Prince Edward Island, inhere, as in the territories, lie would attach to the lieutenant - gubernatorial office an annual emolument of only $4,000. At present the lieutenant -governors of Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba receive $14,000 a Year, those of New Bruns- wick, Nova Scotia and British Colum- bia. $9,000, and those of Prince Edward island and the territories $7,0.0). They certainly had liberal ideas of gubernatorial remuneration .at confederation, and a good Ileal was allowed for maintaining^ dignity in the government houses. In Mr. McMul1en's mind the governors .should throw in the dignity with the work. Under the heading "Where's the Economy?" the Winnipeg Free Press says: The speech from the throne declared that the government would exercise the greatest economy. The Budget gives emphasis to the necessity for such exercise. The finance minister's figures for 1893-4 are the results of a policy which can scarcely be defined as economical, when the deficit amounts to $1,210,000. For 1894-5, the preceding deficit was almost quadrupled, reaching $4,500,- 000; and for the year 1895-6, the period of an administration resolved to economize, the deficit under existing revenue is $1,700,000. The government's professions as to economy are not undeserving of the country's approval; but had the resolution taken effect earlier, before the deficits of only three years had grown into a total of more than V7,000,000, Canada's approval could be of a positive nature. Corning after prodigality, the declaration to economize resembles the confession of a penitent forced to reformation. by some dearly bought experience. - The Farmer's Advocate contains a strong protest against the selling of potash in the form of ashes to the farmers and gardeners of the United States In some form or other, either we or our children must re - .store this potash to the soil, and with the rapid development of fruit grow- ing in Ontario and other provinces this becomes all the more imperative. One of the greatest needs of our 'orchards is potash, but still the "ash peddler goes his rounds, trading the housewife a few bars of cheap, yellow soap for bushels and bushels of ashes ---a species of short- sighted barter that has no re- deeming feature. During the year ending June 30, 1894, Canada ex- ported $57,654 worth of the pot and pearl ache*, and $52,110 worth of unleached ashes, or a. total of 8109,- 764, representing a vast quantity in bulk. It is not to be wondered at that our neighbor; the Rural New Yorker, should exclailn :—" Why in the world Canada permits this whole- sale drain is something that baffles the wisest !" Useless and Expensive. Ontario, the best governed of the Provinces, never had a second legisla- tive chamber. Manitoba, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island have abolished the super- fluous branches of their legislatures, and the people of Nova Scotia are only debarred by the stubbornness of the legislative councillors in their Province from following suit. Since the majority of the provinces get along with only one house why should not the Dominion be able to do so -as well ? There is no more reason for the existence of a second chamber at Ottawa than there is at Toronto. This is proved by the history of the Senate, a history which contains no record of public use- fulness. In fact if' the Senate could drop out of existence without an- Yiouncemont ninety-nine people out Of every hundred would not notice the change. A house which is so Utterly useless, which attracts so little of public interest, ought to be abolish- ed. --News. Shiloh's euro, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket Isize contains twenty-five doses, only 2.c. Ohlildren love it. Sold at Chisholm's Owner Drug Store. Corn for Careen Feeding, It is strange how different men •get suet very different results front doing apparently the same thing • while fitting a piece of land for sowing corn for green feeding. A farmer called on ine and, when told what I was going to put on tha r piece of land, said he was surprised to see so many inen put in corn for green feeding. "For," he said, "i knew it is not only good for nothing r• to Fedi-ice milk, but certainly will make,ll.(. ., cows fall off iii their yield, and I have the figure* to show that I alis right." He said that last fall, while carry- ing his milk to the factory where it was weighed every day, his cows did actually give less milk after he began feeding sowed corn. And he was right; they did give less milk and, without the figures to show, his word is good for the statement. Here are two very cointnon mistakes that this gentleman made which caused such a surprising result: First, he sowed three bushels of corn to the acre on land that was ' heavily manured, and his corn was tall, slender and thick, and was of little or no value except for the water it contained. Second, he fed this corn in the pasture in the morning in such quantity that the cows tilled their stomachs full of this worthless stuff and then spent nearly if not quite, two-thirds of the day in chewing it over in a cud, and con- sequently did not feed the pasture to amount to anything, and of course could not be expected to produce much milk. Now if this farmer was the only one that makes these mis- takes it would not pay to discuss the matter. But he is only one of hundreds who do the sante thing year after year. Last fall, in driving through the country, I was surprised to find so many men doing just exactly what this one did, and I ani quite sure I shall see the sante thing again; this fall. If men will insist on believing that, if one stalk of corn is of any value for food, ten grown on the salve space of ground are worth ten times as much, it is uphill work to make them believe that there is any value in any corn fed green. Now I am just as positive that my cows give more milk, and it makes more butter after I get them nicely on. to a sowed corn ration, and -I have the figures to show that I am right. But I plant my corn a drill, and put in from eight to ten quarts per acre in rows a trifle over .three feet apart, and it is always (as is everything I feed) fed in the mangers; and when feeding but once each day, it is fed at night—and just the slight difference in my ways and those of the gentleman produces exactly the reverse in results. Wp both tell the truth and back it up with figures, and yet the experience of each of us proves the other's statement false. It is in this, as in so many other things in farm work, a little difference makes a great change in results.—Ii. S. Matters= in Country Gentleman. THREE NOTED EPISCOPALIANS WHO HAVE USED. DR. AGNEw'S CA- TARRHAL POWDERS, AND IN THE INTERESTS OF SUFFERING HUMAN- ITY SAY HOW MUCH IT HAS DONE FOR THEM. In the ecclesiastical history of Canada the names of the Right Rev. A. Sweat - man, D. D., D. C. L., Lord Bishop of Toronto, and Rev. John Langtry, M, A., D. C. L., stand out prominent, and within his own parish may be added to these the name of the Rev, W. R. Wil- liams, Dr. Langtry's popular curate. These gentlemen believe in acting out the axiom of the Good Book, that hav- ing learned of that which has been a source of benefit to themselves, it is their duty to tell the good news to others. These three clergymen of the Episcopal rhurch have each used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder and found than for cold in the head and catarrhal troubles it is a great helper, and over their own signature they have said to the pubiie that these things are so, that others may be likewise benefited and helped. One short puff of the breath through the blower, supplibd with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. diffuses this powder over the surface of the nasal passages, Painless and delightful to use it relieves in 10 minutes, and per- manently cures catarrh, bay fever, colds, headache, sore throat, tonsilitis and deafness. 60 cents. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. The lnan, clergyman or layman, that drawls "fanatic" at the aggres- sive total abstinence advocate can always be relied upon as either in- terested in devouring whiskey or selling it. The Best Lemonade, "I learned a new thing," said ,a woman recently,. while visiting an English t'riend.who is living in the country. My • hostess served the most delicious lemonade I ever drank, I spoke of it nrxtday, and she told me it was made with freshly boiled water ---the seereet, she said of thoroughly good lemonade. "I have a regular rule," she further informed me, "which insures success. if I ani making a quarto• a .1 Fori mal. n Ilion, l 1 „o-, quart I take the juice of three lesions, using the rind of one of them, I am careful to peel the rind very thin, getting just the yellow outside ; this I cut into pieces ancl put with the juice and powdered sugar, of which I use two ounces to the quart, in a ,jug or ,jar with a cover. '\Wien the water is just at tea point, I pour it over the lemon and sugar, cover at once and let it get cold." The Ex -Mayor o.f ' Listowel has Dlsearclvd all Others. He says: "I have fol years been a suf- ferer from very severe bilious and neu- ralgic headaches, and 1 have tried many kinds of medicine —Some with very fair results. But about a year ago used Stark's Powders, and have since then disuarded all other remedies. as I found the gave immediate and perfect relief." --S. Bricker, hardware merchant, ex - mayor. Listowel, Stark's Powders for donstfveness, Sick and Nervous Headache, Liilioueness, Neuralgia, the Stomach and Liver. Two preparations to each box. Nice to take, immediate and permanent. Sold by all druggists -25c a box, 5 boxes 61, The Polish for Tan Shoes. Now that tan colored shoes are so much worn a hint as to how they may be preserved indefinitely may not be amiss, writes Frances A. FIoadley in the .Tune Ladies' home Journal. A clever lit1e woman of my acquaintance had a handsome pair of very light yellow low button- ed shoes that were ruined as far as appearances went. Her husband was to bring her some dressing, but he would not return until night and she wanted to wear them after lunch. She put her wits to work: wet a soft muslin rag with water into which a few drops of household ammonia had been poured, rubbed it with a little Castile soap, and ap- plied it first to the back of the shoe. It worked admirably. The entire shoe was thoroughly cleaned in five minutes. She kept one hand inside the shoe to hold it in shape, and was careful not to wet the rag so much as to soak through the leather to the lining, and also to rinse off well b :fore drying. While damp she smoothed them into fine form then stood them away for half an hour to dry. To Make Pure Blood Tbere'is no medicine before the people equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the standard spring medicine and blood purifier and it possesses peculiar merit which others try in vain to re'ieh. It really makes the weak strong. Do not neglect to purify your blood this spring. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now. HOOD'S PILLS become the favorite cathartic with every one who tries them. 25c, per box. Wellington Was Cheered. While Wellington was still a marquis he went to Paris from Tou- louse, where he had fought and won the last bottle of the Peninsular war. He went to the opera the same evening and though he wore plain clothes and sat in the back of the box, he was almost immediately re- cognized by some one in the pit, who cried out, 'Wellington!' The name was taken up by others, and at last the entire pit rose, turned to the box and called: 'Vive Veiling- ton !' Nor would the people be satisfied until he had stood up and bowed to them, when he was cheered . and applauded again, says Frank Harri- son's Family Magazine. At the end of the performance the passage from the box was found to be crowded with people. The ladies of the party drew back nervously, but the duke said r 'Come along!' in his brusque way, and conducted them on. While they were still in the corridor a man in the crowd was heard to say to his companions 'But why are you applauding so much ? He has always beaten us!' This was very true, and the ques- tion seemed a. natural one, but the answer was charming : 'Yes, but he has always beaten tis like a gentleman.• , Karl's Glover Root will purify your blood, clear your completion, regulate your Bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25c,, 50c., and $1. Sold at. Chisholm's 'Corner Drug Store. Keeps You Poor.. Indigestion keeps men poor. It muddles the clearest brain. You think it is something else, but ---nine times in ten --the trouble is in the digestiye tract. One liipans Tabule gives relief, and their occasional use keeps you right. Ask your druggist for them. Tice Art of Breathing. It is perhaps one of the signs of the times,tothose alert for indica- tions, that tho art of breathing has become more and more a subject of attention, Oculists as well as physiol- ogists go deeply into its study in a way hardly to be touched upon here. Physicians have cured aggravated eases of insomnia by long -drawn regular breaths, fever -stricken patients have been quieted, stubborn forms of indigestion made to disap- pear. A tendeney to consumption may be overcome, as some authority within the last few years clearly de- monstrated, by exercises in breath- ing, Seasickness, too, may be sur- mounted and the victim of hypnotic influence taught to withstand the force of ,any energy directed against him. There is a famous physician of Munich, who has written an exten- sive work upon the subject of breath- ing, He has, besides, formulated a system by which asthmatic patients are made to walk without losing i breath ; while sufferers from weak- ness of the heart are cured. At Meran, in the Austrian' Tyrol, his patients (almost every royal house of Europe is represented) are put through a certain system of breath- ing and walking. The mountain paths are all marked off with stakes of different colors, each indicating the number of minutes in which a patient must walk thegiven distance, the breathing and walking being in time together. As the cure pro- gresses the ascents are made steeper and steeper.-=-Harper's •Bazar. "THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION is ' going to pot, sir! and that's a fact." "Dear me! Do you really think so?" "Do L think so? Don't I know so? Why, sir, in another ten years there will be nothing left of it." "Well, sir," said the other, when he could get a word in, "I am very sorry to hear what you say about the British Constitution, but to be quite frank with you, I am most concerned just now with my own constitution. I seem to be going all to pieces; what do you advise?" "My dear sir, why didn't you say so before? Hollo- way's Pills, to be sure; they will keep your system in good order, and enable you to discuss with vigour the questions of the day. I am never without them." By the Wayside. Love never loses by being tested. The Christian has too much busi- ness on hand when he becomes tco busy to pray. .Jesus never tried to make a disciple by argument. It is not enough to look upon Christ as he walks. We must walk with him. The right kind of religion never has to go away from home to find something to do. If we would be more careful where we step, those who fellow us would not stumble so much. We can make any kind of hard work easy by doing it for God. When. Christ enters the heart, it must be by the front door. The man who gets rich at the expense of his conscience, pays too much for his money. Our hardest battles are those we fight with ourselves. There aro men who repeat the Lord's prayer almost daily, who never think it worth while to raise a hand against the whiskey business. To close the heart against a brother is to shut the door against God. If we have a heart to give, God will give us the ability to do it. A Caution: A Warning! It, on blowing the nose in the morning, lumps and flakes are discharged colored with blood, especially on one side, lose no time in Applying a remedy, Catarrh of the very worst kind has become seat- ed, the walls are sore and full of email ulcers, and if not soon cured will be hard to cure find eradicate. "A stitch in time saves nine, Use Chase's Catarrh Cure. AGENTS WANTED-. who desire •.�,. to earn from $15 to t3'25 weekly, It Clio be done selling our hardy, guarauteed, Onundiat grown Nursery Stock, Salary or eomm.ssion paid weekly. Exolusive territory, Hand- some outfit free. Write us at once for terms. E. O.,GRAUANI, N ursel'ynlnn, Toronto, Ont, ook'sCottonRoot COMPOUND. Arecent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dis. covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in plane of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. take ,to substi- tute, or Inclose $1 and 0 Dents in postage in letter and we w111send, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed particulars in plain envelop; to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor. Ont.. Canada. Sold in 1Vfn,ham by C. S. Williams, urulrglst. ZETLAND SAW MILL nil 1)0 J V —Is PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING —AT TIME --- TIMES OFFICE, JQSEPHINE STREET WINGI'IAM ONTARIO. Subeoriptionprioe,$i per year, in advano4! ADVERTISING RATES: e U mo Spt,o � 1 � •r. I J mo. o. l 1 mot Ola Oolunu, 400 00 540 50 l s;:0 00 6 00 Half " 40 00 20.00 12 00 4 00 Quarter " 20 00 12 00 I 7 00 2 00• One inch 0 00 3 000 2 0 100 Legal and other oasue advertisements, 80. per line for first insertion, and Se. per line to each subeequont insertion, Looal notices 10c. pe. line for first Insertion, and, 5o, per line for each Subsequent 'manlier.. No local notice will be charged less than 25o. Advertisements otLost, Found, Strayed, SItuations, and Business Chances wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, 31 per month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 linea 01 for that month, 60e. per subsequent month These arms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for local advertisements, or fo longer periods, Advertisements and local notices without epeotfl4 directions, will he !needed till forbid and charged accordingly. Trai.'d ory advertisements mutt bo paid In advance Changes for contract advertic :ments must be In, the, ottice by Wednesday noon, se order to appeae that week R. ELLIOTT PeorRIRToa AND PUBLISHER. GEORGE rIOMSON, Proprietor. DR. MACDONALD, Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part of Wing - ham. afi•Ordure by mail promptly attend 0501105 THOMSON, Box 126, Wingham. Ont An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 25e., 50o., and $1.00 per package. Samples free. xo �Q The Favorite TenTH POWDER for the Teeth anti Breath. 26o. bold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Stole. B`RISTOrdS Sarsaparilla Cures Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Scrofula, Sores, and all Eruptions. BRISTOL'S Sarsaparilla Cures Liver, Stomach and Kidney Troubles, and Cleanses the Blood of all Impurities. BRISTOL'S al sarsapapiii Cures Old Chronic Cases where all other remedies fail. Be sure and ask your Druggist for BRISTOL'S Sarsaparilla For Twenty-five Years DUNN'S BAKING OW D E R THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. POWDERS Cure SICK hllEAISAC11E and Nenralgla In 00 MINUTEL alio Coated Tongue Mei*ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation Torpid Liver Bad Breath. TO May cured and regulate the Liver, VYitr N/Oe to TARN. PRr06 2fs O>tNts Ar bread eremite. CENTRE STREET, WINeIAM, ONTARIO,. W. B. TOILER, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron — Office Upstairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. hang, Out. Orrice Houlta.-0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. T P. KENNEDY, M. D., M. C. P.S. 0. (Successor to Dr, J..4. Meldrum.) Gold Medalist of Western University: Late House Surgeon, in London General Hospital. Spacial atten• tion paid to diseases of women and children. Oftice—Formerly occupied by Dr. Meldrum,Cornelr of Centre and Patric) streets. W lx5l(AR - 0117 Bit J MCASII, M. 13. Toronto, Member Collage Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. • BELGRAVA �j• VANSTONE, ONTARIO BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commisaton charged. Mortgagee town and farm property bourht and sold ' OFFICE—Beaver Block WINOUAM J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c.; Wfngham, Ont. E. L. DICE INSON, Barrister Etc. SOLICITOR TO DANIt OE HASIILTON. SOONET 10 LOAN. Otfice-3loyer Block,, Wingham. DENTISTR].-J. S. JEItOME, L. D. S.,1Vuteuelr. L;.�- 1s manufacturingfirat•class sets of =; teeth as cheap as they can be made 1+M in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perfe, tly aafc. OFFICE : In the' Beaver Block, opposite Brunswick House. ARTHLR J. IRWIN, D. D. 3., L. D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College. OFFICE, MACDONALD'S BLOCK. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT tVrNeHADt, °STARR) _Es. DEANS, Ja., WnNOIiAD1, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COVNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges Moderato. JOHN CURRIE, Wiaoacf, Cam., LICENSED-AUCTIONaEn TOE TETE CpnNTIKS IitlltoN AND BZWCE. All orders left at the Toms office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. 'AMES HENDERSON, LICENSED AUOTIONRKR DOR COUNTIAs :dunes AND N All ales attended to profnptly and on the Mertes. All necesearye arra eSatisfaction o tt can be made amt tit Totes' Cfilee WINDHAM ONT Money to Loan on NbteS. Notes Discounted . AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 51 per centtw!t , prlvile*t of paying at the end of any yeat. Nati and aeenunte collected. ROBT. lifoINDOO. Beaver mock Wlnahanl, Ont. { Jam` CAT STR hangii Ilyne l ,Jessie tumu, west about .�.t . Chore. the g the co 'quart( noes for hit .arms heade sion 0 •scaffol Down Dr, D the pr dopar Gin firm a he fal nerve exbib'. was, death two n .once worr} tried Ari who 'legs. At .of the :cap asked if he thing Down Lord' reach drone,' the d] was 1. Ele body prone surge was 1: Ohl Keine Cana* Keith girl, • .of ag was 1 .and f was 1 Chat( her a "borin -made the b were they telle Erin, static was 1odg( W 'SeSsi( .at Ai the c near ,of tl He c aqua whet he Ir plea( his c Hyal :age, his strer coml .on ti mon ,Owin Mini terff AV curt: I3' H: T1 T1 '1f 1 Viso for t cure hear bott 4Iny the esti.r that new cru, O mat the