The Wingham Times, 1895-05-31, Page 7Marriage in Ontario.
A11 the gay old boys are not dead
yet, or aver() not two years ago at all
'events. This is proved by the fact
that no less than six of Ontario's
'sons who had reached or passed the
four score mark led blushing brides
to the altar in 1893.
York furnished two of these, aged
81 and 82 respeetively; Wentworth
supplied one at the even 80; Peel
put in her candidate at 85; Carleton
furnished one who aeknowleciged 8s,
summers, and Brant treaded the list
with a frisky, old gentleman of 88
who by the way captured a bride of
23. One of the Wentworth octagon-
•ariens was just a trifle slower by se -
oaring a partner of 25, while the
others in the list above given wore
-satisfied with wives ranging all the
way from 55 to 70.
There were 42.894 births in On-
tario in 1893. and of these 22,128
were males. however it may be in
the present, the girls of the next gen-
eration, at all events, will find no
lack of mates awaiting them unless
the half of the boys be drowned or
killed by accident, as is unfortunately
-too often the ease,.
Of the births in the Province in
1893 only one in 74 was illegiti-
Leeds and Grenville recorded the
lowest percentage of births among
the various counties in the Province
in 1993-11.8 per 1,000. Haliburton
was at the end of the list in mar-
riages with 4,0 per 1,000.
Lennox and Addington had the
lowest death rate in 1893 of all the
Ontario eouutiesseseven per 1,000,
York stood at the head of the list
with 111.1 and Carleton next to the
top, with 15.15.
Essex had more marriages and
births according to population, than
.any other county in the province in
1893. There were 11.2 per 1,000
of the former and 27.7 of the latter.
Renfrew and Algoma, however, gave
the French decent county a e10=e
shave in the matter b
matter of i rths, ^ the
first having 20.9 per 1,000 and the
:second 23.4.
These statistics are obtained ' from
the report relating to the registration
of births, marriages and deaths in
the Province of Ontario for the year
ending 31st December, 1893, just
You've No Edea
How nicely Hoop's ,Sarsaparilla bite the
needs of the people who reel all tired out
or rundown from any cause. It seems
to oil up the whole mechanism of the
body so that all moves smoothly and
work becomes delight. If you are weak,
tired and nervous, Hood's Sarsaparilla is
,just what you need. Try it.
Hoon'e Pills cure liver ills, constipa-
tiou, biliousness, jaundice,sick headache,
Influence of Marriage.
Habit and long life together are
more necessary to happiness, and
,even to love than is generally
imagined. No one is happy with the
object of his attachment, until he
has passed days, and above all, many
Mays of misfortune with . her. The
married pair must know each other
from. the centre of their souls—the
mysterious wail which covered the
two spouses in the primitive church,
must be raised in its inmost folds,
how closely soever it may be kept
'drawn to the rest of the world.
What ! on account of a fit of caprice,
•or burst of passion, am I to be ex-
posed to the fears of losing my wife
.and my children, and to renounce
the hope of passing lay declining
days without them ? Let no one
imagine that fear will make 'me be-
come a better husband. No; we do
not attach ourselves to a possession
which we are in danger of losing—
the soul of a man as well as his
body, is incomplete without his wife;
Ire has strength, she has beauty; he
combats the enemy and labors in the
field, but she understands domestic
life; his companion is waiting to pre-
pare his repast and sweeten his exis-
tence, Without woman, man would
be rude, gross, coarse, solitary.
Woman spreads around him the
flowers of existence. Finally, the
Christian pair live and die united; in I
the dust they lie side by side; and
they are united beyond the tomb.
Purifies, renovates and regulates the I
B. 71. B.
entire system, thus oaring Dyspepsia;
Constipation, Sir'ir llefdaohe, Bilious -
node, Rheumatism, Dropsy antiall
diseases of the af»*Inao1i, liver, kidneys
rtfsd bowels, rt clan removes all impuri-
tie% from the ey stens from a common
piinplo to the worst scrofulous sore.
• rui i t Iyl M- ILA .4 RFiNLES, MAY 1131 .,, A 895.
• Don'ts for Bicyclists, The Work Cure.
Don't take everybody's advice as In that moment when, as to most
to the very beat country roads. at sometime or other, a kind of
Don't enter a village with the air despairing feeling comes to you --
of one about to confer a great favor.
Don't loan your whell, even to
your unole. It has the disappearing
trick. of the umbrella.
Don't think every girl sitting on
the piazza has never before seen a
man on a wheel,.
when energy lags, and the heart,
bitten by the chill of some disappoint -
Ment, sinks far below the zero point
then the safety for you, and the sure
path into more genial spiritual
weather is the duty next you. Ito
that anyway. Even with failing
feclil,g and nerveless ]lands, compel
Don't ride to church Oil the wheel, yourself to do it. Do not put it oto'.
unless in need o.'the prayers of the 1)o not allow yourself bewailili< ly t+
congregation. wait for better mood. I)o the duty
'Don't dhq arag : makers. of all next you, or anyway try at it. At
least a fine sense of ,teeonlplishinettt
shall conte in, a very real couseious•
nese, of personal heroi.un. It is
wonderful what strength the duty
wheels except your own. There is
good, in Israel.
Don't ride at night without a lan-
tern, unless you have an acei(lent
Don't imbibe on the
journey. There is no
for whiskey on bicycles,
Don't exhaust yourself trying to
ride up hill. A. little walking is a
relief to the legs.
Don't ride in a crowded thorough-
fare iutless you are fully competent
to do so.
Don't ride over railway crossings.
It is easier and safer to walk.
Don't ilna•ine it. adds to your ap-
peasauce to be smoking a pipe while
Don't stoop too much. It is an
affliction to be called a " regular
Don't tell fairy stories about your
runs. Remember George Washing-
.Don't go too far from home with-
out money or facilities for seeming
Don't ridicule those who are try-
ing to learn. Had you immunity
front falls?
Don't take general advice as to the
care of your wheel. If you do it
will be ruined.
Don't be prejudiced against a man
who . has a more expensive wheel
than yours.
Don't undertake to doff , your cap
to a girl unless you can coo it with-
out frilling off.
Don't be dissatisfied with your
wheel every time yea hear about a
new ono.
Don't leave any but good impres-
sions behind . you when you depart
from a town.
Rave a Great I :sp tttarlon Here.
J. B. Taylor, Esq.. merchant. Welland+
says: "Stark's Pt.nlurs haN a great re-
putation about here as au immediate, as
well as a permanent cure for Headache,
Biliousness, Neuralgia,• Liver and Stom-
ach Complaints, (`.ostiveness. I know of
people who have been long and great
sufferers, who have tried almost every-
thing', and have been cured by them.
We have used them in our own family
with remarkable success." Two pre-
pi.rations in each box. Sold by all
medicine dealers at 25c a box, 5 boxes $1.
Nice to take.
eve of a
The $55 Beeairle $1,000. '
Woodstock Sentinel -Review: About
20 years since the late Mrs. Anna
Munroe was a resident of Toronto.
During the year she lived there, by
careful living she amassed. a small
competence, a portion of which was
deposited in the Merchants' Bank of
that city. •Tale amount deposited
was $55 and a receipted bank book
was given by the cashier.
Some years age Mrs. Munroe re-
moved with her fatnily to Oxford
county and settled in West Zorra.
A few years after removing to her
new home Mrs. Munroe died, having
made no mention of the bank de-
posit in her will. Tier relatives: had
not been made aware of the money
being in the bank and it evidently
had been forgotten by bars. Munroe.
Looking over some old papers re-
cently members of the household dis-
covered the bank book and they im-
mediately placed themselves in com
munication with. the bank authori-
ties. What was their surprise to
find that the amount standing to
Mrs. Munroe's eredit instead of
being $55 was no less than $998.64,
accumulated interest having increas-
ed the principal to that amount.
next one braseiy done, or any way 1
bravely attempted, breeds in one. ---
Wayland Hoyt, D. D.
Don't Tobacco spit or snacIce Your Li.e
14 the truthful. sl online title of a boli alma No T,.•
sac, the harmless, guaranteed lobace° habit Imre
that brace. tip niendoised nerves, eliminates the
nicotine poison, Ii) ilia 4 wink Marr ••aim strem:rim,
vigor and manhood, You run no ptiy.lenl or 11•"tn-
etal risk, as No To.lia a is sold owl ar h•nhu•Itntoe w,
endo or money refunded, Bonk fr••o. Ad. dterlin
Itemedy co., 374 s1. Vaal $t., 5fontneal.
A Father' Subrertue.
Pa, asked Johnnie Wilkins, what
is a pathologist ?
IIe's a inan who lays out paths in
parks and elsewhere, my boy. Now
don't bother papa any more. Lie's
Well, I only want to know one
more thing, papa, said Johnnie.
Well, what is it.
What is the maneipated woman ?
VVhy don't you reason it out fi)r
yourself? asked the father. What
does M -A -N spell?
Tian, said Johnnie.
Well, then, a mancipated woman
is a woman that thinks she's a man.
Now run away.—Harper's Bazar.
yalnati� t e nae and Lottla oY medteine sent k'roo to +n
sultnrer. (` *c
C Tspu .r u, .t 1•wt Ohre addre,,. a, G
QUUT, ei i 11'•., A 1 In le F'rr t. Toronto. eat,
tr fs ^,r s=par yr2a...
Cra i.a Mies Or.
Chase's Ointment - for Itchy
• Saying, it Wi11 Not Cure or
25 Cents vs, Kidney 1'r mblo
For 2 years I was dosed, trilled, n
plastered for weak -hank, scalding uriue
and constipation, without ltl t
t benefat One
box of Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills reliev-
ed, 3 boxes eared. R J. Smith, Toronto.
Lord Wolseley says : " There are If you want your
ltr•hing tiles is an exceedingly painful
and avec) tug rdlliutlou, feu oil oldie f:,
the riQh ttnd lunar, (tale aur'1 ketosis..
'Cho principal symptoms or.. •t eeve.e
itching. v, hiuh is worse at night wtle:.
the suti rer ut•t'.nute4 v,-stral in bed, lin
terrible 1,1 the 110111ng float il•cquenliy it
is impirdti1)1a to slew;,. Often the suffer-
er uttcotiseiouely sinrtng sleep scratches
th o parts until they are sore, ulcers ami
tumors form. excessive moisture is ex•
eluded. Felonies nett peculiarly offeett‘1
from this disease, causing 01,bearal'1,
irritation and trouble. These and every
•Ither sy tentotn of Itching Piled or irrita-
tion in any hart of the bode are ilu'
mediately allayed and quickly curets by
Chase's Ointment. It will instantly
stop itching, heal the sores and ulcers.
lry up the moisture,
Price, 60 cents, of dealers; or by mai'
by addressing,
Ei»rANSON, BA•rF:.v S Co.,
45 Lombard St.. Torouto.
�Gi1Yl�..�5 H
yet some great battles to be fought,
some great enemies to he encounter-
ed by the United Kingdom; but the GNING AHD SUMMER'
more pressing enemy is drink. It
kills more than all our newest
weapons of warfare, and not only de- se w:
stroys the body but the mind and ,
soul also. I am glad, however, to
say we have now but little drunken -Marie in the latest style, go to
ness in the array; less, indeed, of it
in our ranks than in any other class-
of her Majesty's subjects. To this ( ' i°
fact I consider we owe much of the
improvement in every respect that i
has been steadily going on among as
for the past twenty years."
'Itinst Offer.,
If you have OAT Ani;W, and desire to be cured
without rl.:k cf losing your money, we will send
a C ::M1 l?S iPi::ALER and medicine for that
i' se without askinz a cent of pay Ir advance.
After a fair trial at your own h •me, and you find
it a; enuine remody, you can send us E3 to pay for
sane. If not satisfactory in every way you can
return the Inhaler at our expense, and need not
pay one cent. Could anything be more fair?
You have everythinz to gain and nothing to lose.
If the remedy Is not all we claim, we are the
losers, not you. Just think of being cured for $3.
Rev. J, E. MAvs'rv, Methodist Minister, Ot-
tawa, Ont., writes: "Your Germicide Inhaler
in two months radically cured my daughter of
chro,,ic catarrh."
Rev. J. S. Nonxts, late Bond St, Church, To-
ronto, Ont. : 'Your Inhaler and Medicine has
proven genuine in every respect."
Ma. J. A. MCNAm, Schaw, Ont., writes :—"The
Inhaler vnu sent has rrelirreiy cured me of cat-
arrh. If is worth many times your charge."
no. CAH.
on trial
In advance.
Mr. Dermas. Conductor, II Ontario St..
Toronto; --"tour treatment in a tare weeks
cured me of catarrh of long standing "
DTI. ri. Mims, 29 Christopher St., To-
ronto:—••Your Inhaler and 'edicine rarest
me of a case of catarrh of to • years' stand,
This is a Golden opportunity. ORDER TO -DAY. You run no risk. You con test it to
your satisfaction "without money and without price." You only pay for
the good you get. For remedy on above liberal terms, address
,g47%.10. V 'IA
,: i!`�'kt. "�•'^',,�P"ifi: q9
AREE ¥OU? Nrrvoua and despondent; weak or debili d• tired mornings; no am-
rj G ikon—lifeless• memor oor: asil • fati x i i -
b yp e y ed, a eatable and rriiab o.
eyes Banken, red and blurred; pimples on fees; dreams and night
losses; restless; hng,;ard looking; weak back; hone pains; hair loose; ulcers; sore area;
varicocele- deposit to Drina and drains at stool; distrustful* want of confidence; lack of
energ9 end strength — W t CAA! C(IR,E YOU 1
Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes.— 1
One short puff of the breath thrnugh
the Blower, supplied w4th each bottle or
')r. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses
this Powder over the surface of the nasal i
passages. Painless and delightful to use,
it relieves instantly, and permanently
cures Catarrh, Flay Fever, Colds, Head-
ache, Sore Throat, `l'onsilitis and Deaf i
ness. (]0 cents. At Chisholm's .Drug
New Zealand has invented a.
unique method for the prevention of,
intemperance. It proposes to pass a
law to the effect that any person eon- '
vieted of being an habitual drunkard
shall be photographed at his own ex-
pense and a Copy be supplied to
every saloon keeper in the district.
The dealer supplying liquor to such
persons is to be fined.
Belief in six hours.-"'Jistresstng Kid-
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American I(id
ney Cure." This great remedy is a great
surprise and delight to physicians on
count of of its exceeding promptness: in reliev-
ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, bock anti
every part of the urinary passages in male
and female. It relieves retention of water
• and pain in passing it alumst unniediately,
If you want quiek relict ctrl euro this is
your remedy. Sold nt Chisholm's drug
1! .Years of Itching,
Wm. Goklins, commercial traveller,
130 Esther st.,. Toronto, aays: For 15
years I suffered untold misery from
Itching Piles, sometimes called pin
worms. Ninny and many weeks have I
had to lay off the toad from this trouble.
I tried eight other pile ointments and so
called remedies with no permanent re-
lief to the Intense itching and stinging.
which irritated by scratching would
bleed and ulcerate. One halt a box of
Chase's Ointment cured me completely.
A maiden lady in Mildmay keeps
a parrot which swears and a monkey
which chews tobacco. She says be-
tween the two she doesn't miss at
husband very lunch.
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga,
Tenn, says, t'Sbiloh's Vitalizer 'saved my
life.' 1 consider it the best remedy for a
debilitated system I even used." Ii'or
Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 cts, Sold at Chisbo!m's
Corner Drug Store.
Seafor th Sun: George Henry
Schne g,leiltzenphonghphcretle, of
Detroit, Mich., registered at the
Queen's on Tuesday.
Heart Disease Relieved nn 30
11 inutrts.—All oases of organic or sym-
pathetic heart disease reit:
ire 80
inintites and quickly cured, by L r. Ag
ncsv's Cure. Sold nt Ohisholin's Drug
Store, Winghatn.
opposite Bank or Hamilton,
With a cough, cold or
sore throat. Use r
remedy that relieves
from the start, soothes
1100 and heals the inflamed
tissues of 10" Irryttx or
bronchial tubes.
is a certain remedy based on a clear know-
ledge of Ylle diseases it was created to
BEFORE •rnaATI ENT. AktLat.i�,ng 1niT. DxFUtta tetii1Asr,a,NT. Ashic,c :suasam....'a'.
John A. Marlin says:—"I was one of the countiees vic-
tims of early ignorance commenced at 15 years of age. I
tried seven medical firms and spent SOW without avail.
'gave up in despair. The drains on my cyst: m were
weakening my intellect as well as my sexual sad physical
Iife. My brother advised me as a last resort to consult
Drs. Kennedy .Korgan. 1 commenced their New Method
Treatment and in a few weeks was a new man, cath new
life and ambition. This was four years ago, and now 1
am married and happy. 1 recommend these reliable
specialists to all my afflicted fellowmen."
"The vices of early boyhood laid the foundation of my
rain. Later on a "gay life" and exposure to blond di-
seases completed the wreck. I had all the symptoms of
Nervous Debility—sunken eyes,emissions, drain in urine,
nervousness, weak back, etc. yphilis caused my hair to
fall out, bone, pains, ulcers in mouth and on tongue,
blotches on body, etc, I thank God 1 tried Drs. Kennedy
& Korean. They restored me to health, vigor and happiness." CHAS. POWERS.
Syphilis, Emission
Varicocele, Cared.
�" We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal
Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse,
Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
READER Aro yonavictim? flare yonlpsthoppe? Areyonerntempplatingmar-
riage7 Tisa your Blood bs•en dteeased? Have yon any waalrne, s. (stir
New Method Treatment will cure you. what it has done for others it wi11 do for *nu.
CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has tr•eat+cl yon, write for an honest opinion ries
of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE—"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on
Diseases of Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed,
VATE. No mo•dielne s nt C. O. U. No names on boxes or envel-
opes. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Treat-
ment, FREE,
L' Ake.,:; ' 44.41'A Ott l 7.
Of the marvelous success of Burdock
.Blood Slitters lies in its specific curative
power over every organ of the body.
The Liver, the Blood, the Bowels, the
Stomach, the Kidneys, the Skin, the
Bladder, in fact, all parts of the human
system are regulated, purified, and
restored to perfect natural action by
this medicine. Thus it CURES all
diseases affecting these or other parts
of the system, Dyspepsia, Constipae
tion, Bad Blood, Biliousness, Head-
ache, Kidney and Liver Complaint,
Obstinate Humors, Old Sores, Scrofula,
Rheumatism, Nervous or General
Debility, and all irregularities of the
system, caused by Bad Blood or disc
ordered action of the &I:emach, Bowals,
Liver or Kidneys. Thousands of testi.,
monials warrant the assertion that