The Wingham Times, 1895-05-31, Page 6A. Trying lament. i Lieutenant -Governor Iitllst keep a nu. Shows and atAf,iiotti- 'f Ity a ,. i111ri hires. girl Any intentions to "batch' 1.}'C' �� � ��� � J ��� �' should be strongly diseoul aged. The by I it { Ho—At last eve :we alone, ;l,ld 1 „ u 13)11 passed the Ontario been an opportunity to spe;tlee,, have , Tl • is 1 of the people on this Legislature, at last session, celnsolidat- bccn seeking this S moment 1)i` (:tt'+ I o• a amellllin the old 1 'P1C11 ttlre and days, for I havo something t0 , ' ` I sound.. Give our Itfelltcrlalit-t;rover- 1 and Arts :lssaciation ret, will be say, • .. • , . if • . • 'o a is , in pamphlet form, for 1' ROX.ETI'y1' 1 1Ie•--•-I will, idles I3:olleful, you increased to „ll0,_o.1.,,U say L and, Iby Wroxeter - Council ei evening perhaps )lave not noticed that 1(t think the people of Manitoba are I long, for the benefit of those interest - of G( met on ping ,' I have been constrained, un-. with me. If for no other reason = ed. tlf the 31st of May. 'Members pre_ tltncs „ - i than to obliternte any exalted ideas The old Act prohibited horse-raeing 1 allay, even awkward' in your Ilzus , ,'t c l inthis world,(at district and township shows, scurf, Messrs. T. B.et Sanders, .i, A. as to his ilipt l cul e „ 10:;. rfo Wm. Wilson epee--•-thllt I have had something on give flim an ordinary, everyday hurt under a penalty of a fine not 'Barnard, Thos. my uliud that I must say to you? find W. r.h Rutherford. llfconti of of hired girl. She wilt obliterate exceeding S50, or imprisonment in She (softly )-•-Y e'd' awk- :1.4 ti,l' the "I,atehill;;," its 11110 county jail for a period not ed. meeting Mowing read and confirm- lie ---That constraint, that awl.- , elnt. ;Pie 1 the thirtyal days. This was tt ed. The f,lb.entur acordeie were w,i•tlness Miss Hopeful, was du to inadvisability Is ,tl p,tl i c cr horse racing, with its the'paesol and (lubcutuu es ordered for 1 • house of Assembly clay hetet to be dead l horse-racing, drawing `"'Site to 'e opened or a message in answer to a better accompaniments, being the mime viz: Jae. , She—Go on Mr. Harkins. p n and gravel, >13, \l . C. Mont- gamed) l order signed, and the systematically winked all over the stone I Ile --W as due to the fact that I gomery,work an sidewalk ;;'Phos, whole affairs of the .Province would Province, and the effect, we are n. r ,. feared you were not aware that I e disarranged because the Lieuten- bound to say, was demoralizing upon Brown, drawing gravel stria ; J.b r, mu engaged to your sister. Paulin, levelling street, planting �' bt Governol wasn't through washing t "`i k\ W 1 Muir, work on side 1e voice l i f L 1 question should give no uncertain • in,, and. g 1 \g 1 I! )III)A1': MAY 31, 1F3dJrz• �Sile--Go o11 Harkins. t nor a hired girl even his znc to , printed Mr,distribution the Government, ere mthese exhibitions. an or hadn't "rid. u ." 'Phe The term "agricultural," as appli- rees, � n .. , Rheumatism Gored in a day.—South his dishesp walks, 1891, $1.25; Leonard Brown, American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism insistence of the hired girl naturally ed to some of our exhibitions, is shovelling gravel $3e; Samuel Willis, luta Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. brings up the important question, corning to be very largely a • >? weeks beard to Geo Smith, S.i).75, its action on the system is remarkable and who is to get up when the thermom- misnomer, but if we have been read F , , Inystertous. It removes at once the cause ,A -petition from J. B. Vogt, and 3,1 of the ttisea,so tmeediatoly disappears. The eter is forty degrees below zero and ing the signs of the times aright, others, was laid on the table in re- first close greatly benefits. 75 cents. light the kitchen tire, and who is to there is a growing sentiment of f so flood, \y which on arranteed at Chishom'sdrue store. e epee t .n sprin a split the landline* wood.. But Mr. unction was laid over for further The New uv'nor. Patterson should do sorneth1LL. fol• et,,tsideralion. On mutton the $10,000 a year. Council adjourned to meet on the `]harles Lewis glum in " Winnipeg Sattu day Night.' And it is rumored that Mr. J. C. Shiloh's Cure is sold on aguarantee. evening; of Monday, the 27th May.It cures Inuipirnt Cuasuuipeiuu. It is J. Cower, Clerk. Patterson, our prospective Lieut- enant -Governor, Only has announced his dose 25cts, 5tluts., and L. SO d at Ohis- HU\VICE, intention of leaving his family in the holm's Corner Drug Store. The IIowiel: Council islet 011 Wtxl_ East on the grounds of economy and Crops for Summer Feeding. nesday, May 15th, in the Tuwnship not living in Government House en, in many parts of Hall, Gerrie, pursuant to adjourn_ during his incumbency. Well, well,' eoD irym havehad sufficientex elri- is n1rnt. Members all present. The if he will not, there is no act ofRt eve in tile chair. Minutes of last ' p D that can colilpel him, once to teach them that pasture i; agents say Government alone is a poor and unreliable prop disapproval, among our foremost agriculturists, of the side-show and i ZETLAND SAW MILL racing element. As the Provincial Minister of.Agriculture introduced his ne'v Bill, it contained the old GEORGE FHOMSON Proprietor. AGENTS WAN ED Whn desire w,,,�,„� to earn it•nnl tali) to e.45 weekly. t Cap ' e (Ione selling our hardy. guaranteed, (aivadint ;frown Nursery Stock. Salary or coIzlm.ssion paid weekly. I+axclusive territory. Hand- some outfit free. Write ua tit once for terms. la. 0. (1 i1;IAel, Nersele•men, Torouto, Ont. WOOD'B p IosI*I1QDIrv" . The Great English Remedy. Eke rackagcs Guaranteed to promptly, and permanontiy cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, E,nlssfons,Sporm• atorrhea, Impotency and all effects of Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry, excessive tree • Be fore and After. of Tobacco, Optumar StPmu- J tants, touch soon lead to In. ,firmity, ,Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of cases; is the onip Ifelfable and honest Medicine known. Asicdrugglstfor Wood's Phosphodlna; It t1xnban -•1S I'UIILISUED T31fl 1ZY 1'RIDAY MORNING ---AT VIE,— TIMES 011 ^ TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET W'ING1IAM, O13T'AIt10. Subsoriptionprioo; $1 per year, in,, advance ADVERTISING RATES: " Space 1 1 Yr. 1 t, mo, - 5 uiq T1 I fuer ono Column k00 00 halt " 40 00 Quarter " 20 00 Line Inch 5 00 8 00 2 00 1 1 00• 540 Ot! 1 52_0 00 I 0 00' 1ru 40 700 200 00 Legal and other aasunl advertisements, l o. per line for dent insertion, and so. per lino to each subsequent hie,rtlon. Loots notices 10c. po, line for first insertion, and 50. per line for each subsequent insertion. No local nntteo will be charged less than 25o. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances \Vented, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, 81 per month Houses aud Narnlsect or Salo, not exceeding 8 linos hRofferssoma worthless medicine is place of th1s, ! $1 for first month, 50• par subsunuaut month rhoea tams will bstrictly adhered to Incioso priee, to letter, and wo wtli send by return I Specie] rates for local advertisements, or fo marl. Price, ono package, S7;V six, S5, Ono mitt longer periods. please, BPx tutR.ouro Pnmphleta free toanyaddress. Advertisements and local notices without apooifio The �Voo,1 Cornhany, 1 directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged SPlndsor,Ont,Canada• . accordingly. Tratwttory advertisements must bp• 1— R. ELLIOTT .paid iu advance Sold ht 1Yingham by C. E, Williams. Druggist. )OhChanges Rtfice aby W Wed°oanesday poan,Cin order tos uppers I that weak provision, and hopes were entertain- ed that a proper public sentiment would yet be awakened upon the Lumber of all kinds, subject. however a decided and successful onset was made upon the Bill in the Legislature, and the old and cedar Posts. prohibitory clause against horse -rac- ing was amended by the insertion of Car Load Orders a Specialty. First-class Shingles, the following. clause (with the old " `; r9OI) delivered to any ;art of Wing - ham. g:+ orders hp wail promptly attend 01:'IIiGE TI10\IS.N, Ilox 120. \Vhrsham. Ont meeting read and appruved. Moved gas 1110 11ut17 , i,\ Mr. (rre;rr, s uuded by Mr. 1 -House is "a desirable site and fitted to lean upon for summer feeding. penalty* attached) :—"Other than ftp with every modern inlptovement,,, Phis is especially true in connection trials of speed, under the control and theapul, that till 111(10 it approve Li ' t't hut if Mr. Patterson thinks it too with the fact that the falling off of regulations of the officers of the the township made by .11rs. Lizzie much of a good thingto run en ten milk is not the only drawback to tt Society," which, is -strikes us, is ea Dane, township cluck in apl>uintin,' g shortagein iced. \\1t11 many torus W. A. Irwin to attend to the outside thousand dollars a year we a cannotrather elastic phrase, that in practice work pertaining to the 011100 1)f' the 11011) it. We appreciate leis motives. the tendency to milk production is so r a,y mean almost anything in the \1't' were 01 ee poor eureel-, '4 great that they will draw ou the shape of horseracing, from the • Clerk of this luuuicil.telit} --Carricd' But still ,1 free hence and no taxes substance of their own bodies to innocent -looking ='farmers' trot" ' 4 1 h tl'•t t' 1$y -lacy o. rear t s: Inc clue. should In all inducement, even if Moved by .\t r. Doi;, seconded by the ntlluw:u!ce has (fern cat off. lie Mr. Graham, that the saute be passed —Carried. Twu eun,municatitals enultl live. in the bl+, e ut(nt. He from Il.. Mashie un, Superin•endelit of c'>nic1 fly the filtg just the wane then, anti the loyal hearts of tie: citizens Believi),lu Deal and Dumb Institute, read, requesting. railway fare and could he gladdened by knowing that clothing' fur I;irtch buy. Moved l,V the repreeelltative of Her mostMr. Doig, seconded by Mr. Setherau, Gracious Majesty was at huiue In the that the treasurer remit Mr. Mathie- chambers between the coal cellar son $7, railway )'are. frons Belleville incl the rOOnl v'hrre he keeps his t1)• Uorrie acid that the treasurer pur— chase a suit of clothes and two pair uta•d a ea"'tliker.(.iuvernur I aw- of stockings for le etch boy—Carried. fur might eceuuullodrrt( hint in the Moved by Mr. t)uig, seconded l.e• Neal, bat that night ee slightly I11r, So,tlteran, tl!et Ju•. John 11.oet• , tllt. wuI•,r 0,133,"n, the worst and 111.%be patlllnaotCr fol' Lakeh t tl!�7�lult 1'`lttel•SO11 Ina:-tt•fl ell living 011 some instead of \l r. Jamey Iienlaltuu— government prof arty, and is not Carried. gloved by lir. FJI,t?Ieratl, particular, lie might 111111k in with s' clouded by M.•. Doig, that rite reeve the Premier in the Iklildings. lint :It;d treasurer make at•1•angcuten(2 to it is whl�l eyed tit I.11•t'1',ll circles loan the sinking )loud 1110110 3 to uhf: that Mr. (*reel' way insists on sleep- loan Si advantage possible --tarried, in,' 811)ne. It it plain that ell., Air. R. '1'1)ulig handed in a statementPattel': on l'l'00 •nlrre the genius of showing edl loonies received and paid tee West. We ni'o hard up 813(1 he out _by 111111 ;Id patlulta,ter of 1,11 of i' nut. going to take n„ fuel had by the dfvisiuus ill boccie—Moved byputting un tiny 1i-illn. There is 34fte Urailltln, seconded by mi. guitlg to he no I use and feathers ab1)rit hip!. He is Ruing to be one of Scutt Bran, that the wooed accept ourselves. He will listen to .the Mr. '1 oung's (pathulaster) report and that all patbnloeters in villages are blandishments of the house agent, requestul to deliver ti) 1110 council. rent a modest cottage un a retired sttitententa--L'Ir; rie(i. Moved street and have differences with his b.' 1I'.';:161101'ate Seconded. by \l r. landlord every 11101/111 just like any Grvhal, refundedll to 311..Julm Knoxnux fold the that tlt • caul ut' •'3 10 1,e ordinary citizen. And what a lesson produce milk, unless the food is en+ple to moot all the demands of the animal. 'Phis, however, can only last for a ::hurt tinge withoutt 111(410 ('r less- diminution in the milk rind injury to the animal. If cows ere mice allowed to fall off in their prtduct, it is almost impossibleible to bi ing them back to their former capacity, even though the feed may Lt giearly ineieased. Among the first and best soiling crops of the ..eaault aro the diffelertt eluV0r3, After these will come 04412, 1 et $. end tares, which will have I,(vu 1nOwlt 1,t•1ure 11113 Lina'. Next iinord(=leeer Clee 001.11, w'licll it is now in order to plplant. Hungarian grass .11111 millet, too, conte in witl! guud utfeet t,, feed earl' in August, if susownthe tll'st week in June. These can be heel at a time when most other green feeds are not available. Most of our successful dairymen are g; findinout that cern is the best green fudt.ler fur b., to summer acid early fall feeaing. It is well not to writhecr ufine tle op to one variety, HOP e twe to one time of sowing. nn to .eeure a sui:cession of fairly well 1ma-tared.ma-tared.exult- fol' feeding, because, t.It+ug1) hal ky and heavy, the green, watery, immature stalks di, nut con- tain- tain the feeding value necessary to lit will le to him in the exerereise of rtake milk, or maintain the cow in Sulu of ;?.8d l,u also refunded to power when he is interviewed by the good condition. If nnn'e rudder is Rubt. leai•1 1•eiug the au►ottet; over- tax collector, the gas neap and the i, 1,ruhue d then can 1)0 consumed clfargell on l(,ahl—t_arrit:tl. Moved vassal of by:the omnipotent Water t,y the (1)35 or other stuck (because :lir. Sutheran, seconded by Ah.. \Vurks Company. He will, then >,'ling 1)11trle frequently require O,'ahanl that the l curt ut' 'Revision recognize the brotherhood of num extra feeding in the fall, if they are fog the 'Powiesltip of liowiek be held and that we are all equal in the eye to :,'•o into winter quarters in proper on Tuesday,the 23tIi clay of May, at of the law. The royal personages of condition) it can he preserved in the ttiveia'cloekitttouafcernuun—Carried. Europe, reties of an effete mediaeva- 3110, Or ay (h;v t'udder. Before next Moved by Mr. Sutbl ran, Seconded by lista, fiery )fold their courts surround- spring it will be Most acceptable, ]lir. Dteg, that te. Brown be paid $10 ed by powdered lackeys and liveried taking the place of hay that tuay be ou Knox drain and that an order he vassals in spacious hails and sutnptu _-__ V drawn on,the `Treasurer for the ous chambers, but our Lieutenant- f1) i nril'v, vealfze anti enrich the Same—Carried. Accuunts passed : Governor, the keystone of our mood, and five nerve, bodily mill (11ges- John Seeders, :.•ll, charity up to first constitution, the head of a proud but 1lte :;Ireli. lit, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. of June; Granger, ;312, for poor people, will hold his audiences ----• -- culvert, lot 2t.) end :?1, cell. 0; R. with the ambassadors of ether I He Knew His Business. "You . I " ,tl c, the, man!" he said as ll • principalities•I ull(.1 cvith e -•. r , ud s simple, Ross, .;,r.,.oU, fur :;clary as collector P rates for the weitern divisors for 1894; uuoatentatiuu3 dignity in the back leaned forward in the street car and R. Toung, $1, fur refund of statute parlor in the intervals between plow- pointed his finger to the complacent labor paid in 18.11. :Moved by Mr, ing' the lawn and endeavoring to and self-satisfied looking passenger liuig, seeonded by lir. Gregg, that curb the devastation of the iudustri- opposite• --"you are the man who the conned do now adjourn to meet ons grass -hopper in the back garden. predicted last October that we would at the Albion hotel, 1?ot'dwich, on Then will our tame go forth into ihave a mild winter!" the third Wednesday in June. other lands and the down -trodden 1 "Yes, 1 did," replied the man. Carried.. millions of a cruel despotism will l "But we had a terrible winter'in- Mit:s. L. D.txr., Tp. Clerk. know that their is a, land towards stead !" the setting. sun, where even the "Yes." Dyspepsia trappings of tyt'awly are discarded "And you are no prophet." and every potentate kills his own "No." prepares the way for worse lits to p pato bugs, and they will marvel. "Then why, sir—why Aid you 7•, '•i 1 , ?" teorttc. tut ens 't x telt.:-t annihilate 13th we shall welcome 11r. Patterson, make such a prediction +dyt pepsia. One gives relief. fur it will be an edifying if not "As a matter of business. I am --lu.trUetive sight, to see the represcn• lin the coal trade, and it was my The Havana orange crop is esti- tative ut' the Queen of the greatest duty to keep ie.. Tie h oto running off Mated at 20,000 barrels. empire un earth frugally doing his to Monde to escape It hard winter. walkabout with your own own marketing., ohjectf.ng to eggs at, "I3nt. sir but - _-_-" 1)t' n >r. l l your arm. twelve cents a dozen, buying lois -Olt I,we shell hr.ve a lot g, hot reCOId to do y utubael 0 by the plug, and taking his slimmer, rind ;f item (t ant fll• ;cieons A man Ce 1 I'Ot a ways +•t Ulla a 1) is :et home in the street ear. But plea -t• call around ! I'm ging into sena 'Irship, even after he hats laid there es one thin, that the people of that line for the oeason."•---Detroit for it. Manitoba should insist up.)n. „Our Free Press. down to the m ost fully -Hedged event of the modern turf, as heretofore. We must commend the Lcgislatnre on .tightening up the regulations re- garding side-shows, acrobatic per- formances, etc., and gambling. The former may be entirely prevented, but gambling is now absolutely pro- hibited by the following clause:— "The lause:"The officers of any such associa- tion or society shall prevent all kinds of gambling and all games of chance at the place of holding the exhibition or fair, or within three hundred yards thereof; and any association or society permitting the same shall forfeit all claim to any Legislative grant during the year next ensuing." We commend this clause to the attention of our readers, and trust it will be strictly enforced during the coining show season.—Farmer's Ad vocate. --- _ What Papa, Said. • Trembling with excitement, Luise stood. in the parlor and waited for her lover. • It seemed an age since he had gone to see her father in his office. The young man was so impulsive, so easily betrayed into a hasty action, and papa was so grave and stern. At length the door open= ed and Luise's sweetheart stood before her. He was unharmed, his cheeks glowed, a strange expression gleaned in his eyes.. "Have you spoken to papa?" she asked in quivering tones. "Yes, my dearest." "And what did he say, Hans? Quick; tell me what he said. IIe said 'No' to thee. 011 I see it written in thine eyes. But I will be thine—I ani thine! His cruel liarsh- nes5 has no terror for me. I—I will Hy with thee!" IIe gazed clown at her face in a dreamy sort of way. "Now speak, do!" she impaticnty exelailned. "I brook no delay. Was his manner repellent, insulting towards you? Whitt did lie do? What did he say?" Hans Milliner took a deep breath and then softly replied: ''IIe only said: "Thank goodness!" and went on with his writing," Ttvo cousins named Warnock were arrested at Tilbury Saturday night and locked up for disorderly conduct. They set the bedding on fire, and there was so much smoke that they escaped in the exeitem.ent of , the crowd. One of them was captured. He is a ton of John War- nock, who was connected with the unfortunate Rattler murder a few years ago. Jt., joyful spirit and a cheerful countenatice shed happiness all around; .while sa•iness and gloom create a dismal melancholy wherever they are. 20 ete., 50 ars. and 51.00 Bottle. Ono cent a doso. It 1s sold on a guarantee by all druggists. It cures Incipient Consumption and is the best Cough and Croup Cure. Sold at Chi:hnlu,'s Corns. Drug Store. Ask your Druagist for PRorgIETOR AND Pusa,suss UR MACDONALD, CENTRE STREET, WINOIIAM, • ONTAmo, W. B. TOWLER, 61,D.C.M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario -Coroner for County of Huron - Office Up•stairs,next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. ham, Ont. Orme Houas.-0 to 12 a, m., 1 to 6 p. m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. P. KENNEDY, 341. D., M. 0. P.S 0. -or toG' Id Medalist ofeWesternr Uiverst y ldrum Late House Surgeon in London General Hospital. Spacial atten• tion paid to diseases of women and children. Office -Formerly occupied by Dr. PJoidrum,Corner of Centre and Patric{ streets. i5 IxanAal UNT DR J McASH, 51. B. Toronto, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. UlaoaAVa ONTARIO Ti VAN STONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private t.nd Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block WINOnAM J. A. MORTON, PARRISTI:R, &c,, Winghan', Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, $Sarristelr Etc. soLIerroR TO BANK OE HA1,IILTQN. MONET TO LOAN. Office -Meyer Block, Winghanl. pENTISTRT.-J. S. J EROME, L. D. S., WV INGIAn. 0.r�L?•�ii,t1 ,..:r• Is manufacturing first-class sots of v'SjzC.,, teeth as cheats as they can be trade in the Dominion. Tenth extracted absolutely without pair, by his new process, guaranteed perfe, tly sato. Ok'FlCE: In the Cleaver Block, opposite Brunswick house. Murray Lan an9s FLORIDA WATER A DAINTY FLORAL EXTRACT For Handkerchief, Toilet and Bath.. For Twentyifive Years DUNN'S BAKING THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. POWDERS Cure 8I0K HEADACHE and Neuralgia in ire minurtat also Coated Tongue! Died. ness, Biliousness, PMO in the Sada, Constipation Torpid Liver Bad Breath. To stay cured anri regulate the bowels. VA'7sV''NtOef tO 'YAK*. £Pfeft t 2e* ()Vita PT )Mauer STQ►etrSI rx ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. J,, L. D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College. OFFICE, MACDONALD'S BLOCK. J'CHN RITCInE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WINOnAM. • ONTARIO LIENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co, Ohargeti Moderato. DEANS, Jn., WINOIIAM, 1 OHN CTJRTtIL, \\IIN(i8Ant, UNT., LICENSED AL•CTIONlunt Fon TES COUNTIES IIDRON AND RECCE. All orders left at the T1Mas office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. J AMI:S HENDERSON, Inman AVOTIOeNBR 1108 CCRNTIns- duoION AND Bates, Alt sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest Notice. Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed, A11 necessary arrangements can be made at th Toms' Oleo WISOIIAM ant• Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 5} pet oentwtk• privilege of paying st the end of any year, Note and nocorrnta eollectad�.00T. '*oANDO*. Beaver Buick 'Winebam, Ont. f Marriage 1i All the gay old 1 yet, or were not tw =events. This is pre that no less than .sons who had rcaeb four score nark 1ec1 to the altar in 189 York furnished t 81 and 82 respeeti .supplied one at put in her candidal furnished one who summers, and Brae with a frisky, old who by the way ea 23. One of the Wt urians was just a ti curing a partner •others in the list a -satisfied with wivet way from 55 to 70, There were 42.8 tario in 1893, an were males. Ilowl the present, the gig •eration, at all eve lack of mates awal the half of the boy killed by accident, I too often the ease,. Of the births in 1893 only one in mate. Leeds and Grew lowest percentage the various countie in 1993-11.8 per was at the enol Tiages with 4.9 psi • Lennox and Al . lowest death rate i Ontario counties-, York stood at tl with 16.1 itnd Carl top, with 15.15. Essex had mo births according tc .any other county i 1893. There wet' of the former and Renfrew and Algo the French descen ,S1lave in the 117at, first having 26.9 p second 23.4. These statistics the report relating of births, marriage the Province of' O1 ending 31st Dee issued. You'vo How nicely flood'); needs of the people ,or run down from 1 to oil up the who body so that all work becomes cleltg tired anti nervous, 1 ,just what you need HOOD'S Pills cur 'tion, biliousness, jai indigestion. Influence Habit and long more necessary even to love I imagined. No on •object of his at has passed days, days of lnisfortun )parried pair mus • from the centre i mysterious vail two spouses in the must be raised how closely soeve drawn to the What ! on aceoui or burst of passio posed to the fettle. .and my children the hope of pas. clays without t imagine that fear ,come a better he not attach nurse. which we are in the soul of a , body, is incompb he has strength, combats the even )fold, but she ut life; his companic pare his repast a tepee. Without be rade, gross Woman spread: flowers of exist Christian pair Ih the dust they lie they are united 1 73. Purifies, renovatt 'entire system, til Constipation, ,t•",0' glee, Mei] ten fis diseases of the pig and bowels. It ill ties, from tl.e et pimple to the wog