The Wingham Times, 1895-05-31, Page 5THE WINGHAM MAY SI. 189.5,
The litelpttl Council of the
Township 2arnbcrry met in Mc-
Donald's Hall, Bluevale, on Monday,
May 27th, 1805. Members of Coun-
cil all present. The minutes of last
Meeting were read, approved and
signed. Moved by Mr. Gemmill,
seconded by Mr. Musgrove, that Mr.
Diluent let a ,job of gravelling cross-
way on 13 Line, opposite Lots 20 and
si 21 ---Carried. Moved by Mr, Mus-
grove, seconded by Mr, Gemmill,
that the Clerk be instructed to notify
by letter Mr. John Nichol to open
sideline between lots 30 and 31, con.
11 -Carried. Moved by Mr, Cruick-
shank, seconded by Mr, Diment,
that 2000 feet of hemlock lumber bo
granted to repair sidewalks in Lower
Wingham--Carried. Moved by Mr.
Musgrove, seconded by Mr, Diment,
that Robt. Black be appointed path -
master in place of Samuel (flack, re-
signed -Carried. Moved by Mr.
Cruickshank, seconded by Mr, Gem -
mill, that the Clerk be instructed to
• write to Township Engineer for his
report on Powell's drain; also report
on McKinnon drain -Carried. Moved
by Mr. Diment, seconded by. Mr.
Cruickshank, that Frank Carruthers
be paid $3 for clearing 8th conces-
sion line, opposite lots 18 -Carried.
Moved by Mr. Musgrove, seconded
by Mr. Cruickshank that Peter
Hastings be paid $3 for cutting
flood wood from Jobb's bridge -
Carried. Moved by Mr. Gemmill,
seconded by Mr. Musgrove, that John
Gemmill be paid $1 for removing
Rood wood from Gemmill's bridge -
Carried. Moved by Mr. Diluent,
seconded by Mr. Musgrove, that the
request of Peter Deans, pathmaster,
be granted -Carried. Moved by
Mr. Diment, seconded by Mr. Gem -
mill, that John S. McTavish be paid
$10 for equalizing four school
sections -Carried. The following Dr. Iii shy, was an exceedingly in -
accounts were passed and cheques is g
sued : Thos. James, $4, for repairing
culvert; Robt. Hogg, $2.50, remov-
ing flood wood from B. Line bridge;
Alex McDonald, $1, drawing lumber;
Robt. Lowry, $4, charity; John El-
ford, $2charity Wm. Eagleson, $3
131&EVAI E.
Mr. Wm. Yea, sr., of Turnberry,.
has bought the fifty acre farts that
was occupied by the late Wm. Blan-
chard and owned by Mr, W.
Jermyn, The price paid was $1,800.
-Mr, C. W. Andrews, lumber in-
spector for Mr. Rumball, of London,
was in the village Tuesday morning.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Elliott and Miss
Annie, of Clifford, paid a visit to Mr,
R. N , Duff' -Mr. Coekley, of Morris,
has moved to the village, into the
liouse lately occupied by Mr. Patrick
Munn, who gloved on to a farm in
Turnborry,-Mrs. Smale, Mrs. Mc-
Rae and Harry McRae, of Brussels,
spent Sunday with Miss Wynne. ---
Mr, and Mrs, John McIntosh, of
Molesworth; have moved into one of
Mr. Wm. Ross' houses. --Mr. Wm.
Lithgow has moved across the road
into the house vacated by Mr. John
Patterson. --Mrs.. Jennings and little
son, of Palmerston, spent the Queen's
birthday visiting her sisters, Mrs.
(Rev.) J. W. Pring and Mrs. Jen- sparing no efforts to make it a sue- The Insurance Company has paid
nings, of Bluevale.-Mr. John Pat- cess. -The members of Lodge Lon- over the amount of the policy on the
torshad an auction sale of his desbot'o, No. 143, Sons of England, school house, amounting to$1.600.-
1600 -
household goods last Saturday. Mr. were pleased to have Mr. Bond Court PrinceEs Alexandra, C. 0. 1?.,
John Farrow was auctioneer. Good Laurason with them again, and call- Brussels, will be represented at the
prices were procured. Mr. Patter- ,e.d a special meeting on Friday even- High Court, which meets in Hamil-
son has given up house -keeping and ing last and presented him with a ton next month, by A. Reid and A.
will live with his son Walter. -The Past President's jewel and the fol- Koenig.
do of the late Wm Blanchard lowing address:
Mr, Geo. Newton, of W'inghaln, Mr. Jas. McAlpine has put in a
was in the village on Sunday last.---- I fine soda water fountain in his
Mr. Sellery ail Mr. Morrison were restaurant. This enterprise on lir.
guests at Mr. Webbs' from the 24th McAlpine's part will be appreciated
until Hondas'. -Miss Clara Lawslcy by our townspeople. --A gun elub
and Maud Murdoch, of Manchester, has been organized in town with the
spent tho 21tt in the village visiting following. officers: President,Side
,1 M.
otcl acquaintances. The Epworth !sinews; Vice -President, Jas. Jones;
League will meet on Sunday everting Secretary - Treasurer, Jas, Irwin;
next, after the evening service, ow- managing Committee, J. T. Ross,
ing to the garden party at Mr.
McVittie's being on Monday night. --
The ltev. Jas. Ferguson, of South-
ampton, preaehed an excellent ser-
mon to the Sous of England, on San -
day afternoon last. There was
quite a number from Goderich,
Wingham and other places here.--
ere: -
Mr. B. Laurason returned to his
home in Adelaide, on Monday last,
after spending a week among friends
here. ---There will be a garden party
at the home of Mr. Elisha McVittie's,
on June 3rd. Don't miss the treat
of'tho season. for the committee is
.Jos. Ballantyne, and D. C. Ross. -
'Phos, Kelly of Turnbe4ry street has
a curiosity in the shape of a gun,
which. was made in 1815, in the
reign of George III, and is marked
with the letters G. R. (King (George).
The word Tower is printed on it,
which goes to show that it was made
in the Tower of London, where there
is a department for the manufacture
of arms. It is 4 feet 6 inches in
length, and has an oak stock with
brass finishings. It is said to have
been used in the battle of Lundy's
Lane. It snakes a good shot yet.--
Rev. I)r. Hay, of Toronto, con-
ducted services in the Presbyterian
church last Sunday, in the absence
of Rev. Mr. Anderson. -It is the in-
tention of our bicyclists to organize
a club in town. -Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
Gowan,Mrs. R.
( � Brussels,
it 0
�o` , t f
Munro, of Port Elgin, were visiting
at A. Munro's, this week.• ---lir. Jas..
held a sale of her farm implements,, Londesboro, May 24th, 1895. GLENFARROW.
cattle and horses, •on Tuesday of this Mn. B. LAURASoN, Miss Mitchell left this week to
week. -- We are glad to hear DEAR BROTHER, -The time has visit friends at Buffalo. Mary is a
of the improvement of Mr. Arthur come that we. have to bid you faro- very estimable young lady, she will
Murphy, of the Bluevale road, who well, and it is with deep regret that be greatly missed by her many
has been dangerously ill. --Mr. John we have to part with such a kind
Foster, of Wingham, has the Blue- and loving brother, as you have al -
vale bridge nearly ready for traffic. ways been ready to do that which
-sir. Joseph McPherson left fer has been most profitable to the lodge.
Toronto, on Wednesday, after a As Secretary, you have been a use -
week's visit to his honk. fol and efficient member, and we re-
gret the circumstances which have
GODEIt.ICII. arisen necessitating your . removal
Tho lecture given in the Collegiate, from our midst and that hereafter
last Friday evening, on Words, by we shall have very little of your
company and assistance in the wort:
of our beloved order. We trust
that which is our loss is your gain
and that you may be long spared to
work in other fields. In your new
home, we •hope you will be happy
and prosperous and that you will al-
ways entertain kindly feelings to-
wards this lodge, which you have
been so instrumental in building up.
And now as you are about to leave
us, we, the officers and members of
Lodge Londesboro, No. 143, Sons of
England-Benev.lent Society, desire
to present you with this Past Presi-
dent's jewel as a token of the esteem
in which you are held in the lodge.
We trust that as often as you - tnay
glance upon it, memory will carry
you back to the many pleasant even-
ings which you have spent with us in
our lodge room. Wishing you many
prosperous and happy days in the
future, we are, in behalf of the
lodge, Yours fraternally,
Mn. Lan rason thanked the brethren
for their kindness, and assured them
that he would always have a waren
spot in his breast for the people of
Mr.John Anderson returned the
other day from a visit to friends in
Oxford county. --Mr. Henry Hodg-
son, of the 18th concession, left on
had a narrow e-eslpr., the other Wednesday last for England. He
vale; Geo. Green, assessed owner lot . night. A colt which lit: was driving will not return for a month or s ,
228, W. T. plot; John Stapleton, as- I and will visit friends in London awl
sensed as owner lot 31$2, W. T. plot; S. I because unman,, ;i I l.,le, running other points. -The severe frosts dar-
away and throwilig. Kenny out, ing thismonth have done some good,
teresting one and was well attended.
At the close of the lecture, a vote of
thanks to the speaker was moved by
Rev. Mr. Turnbull and seconded by
Mr. S. P. Halls. -Last Wednesday
and Thursday several of the public
removing flood wood; John S. Me- school teachers • attended the
Tavish, b$55, assessor's salary and Teachers' Convention in Clinton and
$2.50, postage and extras; John Mc- the Collegiate was represented by
Donald, $5, rent of room. Messrs. Strang and Cameron. --The
.The Court of Revision was opened twenty-fourth was quietly but loyally
at 1 o'clock, p. m., Wm. McPherson, spent in Goderich. Many of our
chairman. The following appeals , citizens went to other places for the
were heard and judgment given : 1 day. Oar base -ball team played .in
John W. Walker overcharge in as -1 Clinton and won, but our foot ball
sessment, assessor sustained; Wing_ 1 teat ost in Du
an on. Those
ham Athletic Company, overcbat„e' who remained at selves in walking o driving or them -
in assessment, assessor sustained; 1V.
Jermyn, overcharge in assessment, the lake, which was in a state of
• assessor sustained; Thos, Anderson t beauty on that day. -The Knox
overcharge in' assessment, assessor i church Endeavorers, on Tuesday
sustained; -Walter Green, overcharge , evening, presented their pastor, Rev.
Anderson, with an address and
in assessment, assessor sustained; I • 7 • A.
Thos. Higgins, do., reduced $150; j a boquet of flowers, on the occasion
Hugh Ross, wrong lots assessed, 1 of his seventh anniversary The
struck off; Geo. McDonald, assessed !Ball family jubilee singers were in
as owner lots 88, 89, 90, 91, D. S., , town yesterday evening, under the
Bluevale; John Marshall, assessed for auspices of the North St. Methodist
• • N . lot 6, eon. 10, 50 acres at $300; Church League.
Wm. Yeo, assessed for Si of NI,- lots KIN'1'AIL.
44, . 45, con. 1; Wnt. Blanchard, Mr. D. Rose, who has been work
struck oft; Robt. Dickson,
of lot St• 1, con. 10, ing in London for some time past,
struck off;Ed. Jenkins,-
assessed for has returned home. -On Sunday,
May , Bishop Sy 21. con. 10, at „1,800; Wm. D. I May 19th, His Lordship the,
of London, visited hilt tsbridge and
administered confirmation to about
fifty candidates. -K. McLean, jr.,
Gray, assessed for lot 9, C. S. Blue -
vale; John (lesser, assessed as owner
Lots 75 76, 77, 92, 93, D. S., Blue -
The Listowel •Cheeses Board has or-
ganized for the season. Mr. George
Struthers, of Moncton, was elected
president, and Mr. SVni. Climie was
re-elected secretary.
At the annual meeting of the Lis-
towel cheese board, a resolution was
unanimously adopted that, in the
opinion of the board, the question of
Foy:, of Brussels, spent Sunday with branding cheese should be deferred
his parents here. -Those who at- for a year for further discussion and
tended the Queen's birthday eelebra-'investigation.
Oen in Mildmay report themselves
well pleased with the day's sport.
The "Unions" played two games of
baseball against the Galt team, The
first game resulted in favor of the
"Unions" by 7 runs, but in the
second they were defeated by 2 runs.
----Mr. W. M, Robinson attended the
Episcopalian Sabbath School Con-
vention in Seaforth this week.
Lady Aberdeen, as President of
the National Council of Women for
Canada, on Monday night held an
"at home" at the Parliament Build-
ings, Toronto. The reception was
held in. the Legislative Chambers,
and was attended by over two
thousand guests..
About 100 delegates, representing
21 grand councils, attended the
eighteenth annual session of the
Supreme Council of the Royal Ar-
canum, at St. Louis last week. The
report of C. W. Hazzard, Supreme
Regent, showed that during 1894 the
Royal Arcanum paid to widows and
orphans death benefits amounting
to $3,929,599, leaving a balance on
hand of $473,478. On December 31,
1894, the order had a membership
of 159,507, a net increase for the
year of 11,083. During 1894, 16,-
509 new members were initiated,
and 1,344 deaths recorded. •
Arrangements are being complet-
ed for holding the fourth annual
convention of' the Huron County
Christian Endeavor Union in Blyth,
on Sept. Brd and 4th. An effort
will be made to have R. N. Burns, of
Toronto, address the Convention. A
list of practical subjects has been
prepared and a most enjoyable time
is expected.
friends, who all wish her a pleasant .
trip. -Rev. Mr. Mason has been en-
gaged for the summer as pastor in
the Congregational church here. -
Mr. and Miss Lennox visited at Dr.
Armstrong's, Walton, last week. -
The weekly prayer meeting will be
held in the Congregational church
on Wednesday evening, The Rev.
Mr. Mason will take charge of the
meeting. --Miss J. Palmer ably con-
ducted the Christian Endeavor meet-
ing last Sunday evening. Topic,
"All Eternity." -The members of
the Methodist church intend making ,
some repairs in their church, which
will greatly improve its appearance.
Mr. Andrew Gemmill's horse
and J. Loeheridge, struck off assess ; I
ment roll for lots 228 and 332, W. shaking him up pretty severely,
while destroying the fruit and some
T. plot; Wm. Netterfielcl, assessed as but fortunately not .ortously in- of the grain. The myriads of grass -
tenant of lots 153, 154, 191, 102, W.jut'ing him.-11e6ars, ,f. and D. Rose hoppers that were just appearing
T. plot; James 1`Tettetfield, struck off I and J. Matheson leave this week for
were completely destroyed.
Thessalott, and Mr. A. McRae, jt.,' TRA;vlcs--To the Prost -
Alex.John McEwen, c, dog strucl. off; I and. Miss Nina Carrick, for SaultSte. dent or
Alex. do.; Robt. J. Mc- and Secretary and Treasurer
Kague, do. The chairman declared I Marie. Our cheese factory coin -
and Board of Directors the Mutual
the Court of Revision now closed and' menced operations this week. The Fire insurance Companyoft of West
that the assessment roll as new re- directors, have secured the services eWawanosh: insurance
"Gentlemen: I wish to
vised and corrected be the roll for of Mr. M. O'Connor, who comes thank you kindly for the prompt
18135 ! highly recommended as a Cheese and honorable settlement of my
maker. -Our football club is pro- claim for loss by fire on 26th ([arch,
.and especially to the local agent, F.
Anderson. Taos. LIND,
East Wawanosh.
"Walter 0," carried off 1st prize,
($20,) at the farmers' trotting race,
at Brussels, on 24th.
Mrs. (Rev.) Parke, of Clinton, was
in town the latter part of last week
seeing old friends. -A. Hazlewood, 1
of Georgetown, formerly of the;
Bank of. Hamilton here, was the
guest of Mrs. 13arthe on the 24th. -
Hay & Coghill have bought the
stock of Ballard & Coghill, gents'
furnishers and tailors, at 57c on the
dollar. -Very few people left town
on the 24th, the calithumpian pro-
cession in the morning, bicycle and
horse races in the afternoon and the
minstrel show and the fireworks in
the evening, proving sufficient to
keep the townspeople at 'home and
draw a large crowd from the coun-
Council resumed regular business.
Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, second -
cd. by Mr. Diment, that this meeting
do now adjourn to meet at t.hc house
of Thos. Goy, lot 26, con, 12, on.
Monday, Jane 17th next, at 1
o'clock, p. m.
JnFty 13t1nGess, Clerk.
The brickwork on the new church
will be commenced itt a few days.
At a meeting (if the Building Com-
mittee, held on Wednesday, it was
decided to use pressed brick for the
outside walls, and the brick will
arrive from I3eamsville in afew
days. This will give the cltureh a
splendid appearance, as well as the
brick Mein; much more durable.
greasing favorably, anti swab a
medical student in the north end of
the village and a full fledged M. D.
in the south, the boys do not fear the
consequences of an accident.
A very enjoyable garden party
was held on the grounds of Mr. II
Isaiah Stewart, concession 10, on the
30th inst. Tea was served. from 6
to 8 p. nt., after which a splendid
programme of vocal and instrumen-
tal muste, readings, recitations and
addresses, was given. -A bank barn
50 by 70 feet, was raised on the
Grant farm, concession 10, on Wed-
nesday of last week, Mr, D. Paisley
WAS injured by being struck with a
falling brace.
in the Mead
Is a dangerous disease because it is
liable to result in loss of hearing os
smell, or develop into consumption,
Mead the following:
"sty wife has been a sufferer from
catarrh for the past four years and the
disease had gone so far that her eyesight
was .affected so that for nearly a yeas
she was unable to read for more than five
minutes at a time. She suffered severe
pains in the head and at times was almost
distracted. About Christmas, she com-
menced taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and
since that time has steadily improved.
She has taken six bottles of Hood's Sar-
saparilla and is on the road to a complete
cure. I cannot speak too highly of Hood's
Sarsaparilla, and I cheerfully recommend
it." W. H. Flamm; Newmarket, Ontario.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
As the Only
True W loon Purifier.
Prominently in the public eye today.
Hood's nom, ours habitual constipa-
t1on, ,i?riaa 260. Der box.,
Another Demorest medal contest
will be held in the village on the 6th
June. -A number of fine residences
are being erected in the village this
season. -A bicycle; club has been
organized in the village, with the
following officers: Pres., R. N. Thur -
tell; Vice Pres., Chas. McHardy;
Seey.-Treas., J. Farquharson; Capt.
Wm. Gardiner; Lieutenant, A. G.
Stewart. -Cattle arc allowed to run
at large in the village, to the great
annoyance of the residents.• -No.
company of the Bruce Battalion, of
this village, will go into camp at
London on the 180 of June.
`lir. R. Leishman raised his barn
last week, and it is to be hoped that
he will have better success with this
one than he had with the last. Sides
were chosen by P. W. Scott and
Chas. Campbell and everything went
along nicely. There was a photo-
grapher there taking pictures as the
work progressed, and the picture
that will be of most interest to the
south side boys will be the one that
he took when P. W. and a few of his
stalwarts were finishing theirside
and the other lads enjoying their
well-earned smoke watching them.
For all the ailments of Throat
and Lungs there is no cure so
quick and permanent as Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil. It is
palatable, easy on the most deli-
cate stomach and' effective
Have come to stay, and with them low prices in all dapartments of our
large and well assorted stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, and
all other lines kept in a well no difference what the credit
arranged establishment, and it gilY�,,go practice may say to the
trade; in every case, the honest man pays for the dishonest, he also pays
more for his own goods. Ready Cash is bound to rule the commercial
world, and we are ready to showmatter to convince amen when
you how it is done. It is not a. inu'ARD it touches his pocket, put us in
possession, and we will give you a pointer how to save from 25 to 30 per
cent. all round on goods bought from us. We buy and sell for. Cash, and
give you the benefit every time.have been somewhat depressed.
You all know that Ti �0 during the last year. Yet,
our business has been steadily increasing beyond our most sanguine ex-
pectations, and the secret of it all is this : Square Dealing, Ilonest Goods,
and Better Values than you can get elsewhere. Give us a call. No trouble
to show goon.
You know it is not an matter to enumerate the cheap
list. There are so many bargains we can show you, that space will not
permit. All we want is personal inspection. Prices will do the rest. We
are here to please.
stimulates the appetite, -aids the
digestion of other foods, cures
Coughs and Colds, Sore Throat,
Bronchitis, and gives vital strength
besides. It has no equal as none- I �y
ishment for Babies and Children e A Cal], Solicited.
who do not thrive, and overcomes Tr A. MILLS
From 4zcts. per yard up.
A Choice Stock of Men's and Boys'
Direct Importation.
A JOB LOT AT 2 5 0ts; EACH.
Any Condition of Wasting.
Sud far Oaa:j i'! l on SeoU'r I,n! :;' ee, f
t•.cu:i & slow a, ce115Wi;1!. All Drou:L t$. ZOO. & St.