The Wingham Times, 1895-05-31, Page 3%I. I. T. U. COLUMN.
Q .ti1nITCT:ai 111* 'rl1I WIN(:II I Ul6ANCIE.).
S!«',,l aria nittllFS:•i•,,,,P (flit% .\fLil re Lana"
won rah° the nt«carton, of the uiothers and %store
to the font, th'ct the Woman's Christian Temper.
ance halon meets the third llondav et ery month
at three r; eltn•lr .harp, for one hour, at ,Nrs. UoI n'8
residue e, pat' II1( ett•t BL. All ladles aro made wel.
A. tiro I iitor has kindly t(hon its part 01 hie
space, tor our work. wuusi; !hunts of the cause to
send its ms of inter est nn all moral gnortt000 of thu
day to ant of our members.
Retribution is just, For every
ounce of gold, the saloon -keeper has
a pound of ignominy.
* •r.
A man who drinks whiskey for
any extended period gets to love the
appetite for it better than he loves
those of his own blood.
* * *
We feel it our duty to say distinct-
ly that no agency is so effectually
baffling the efforts to save the young
men of our land from moral and
hysical death as is fashionable
IE WINGJIAM f. `..MES, MAY 4s ., tom.
The. Tariff",Changos. I Fair Warning to th,S Court,
Following are the tariff changes ! The unmarried woman of lancer-
announeed by the Hon, Mr, Foster, tain age was on the witness stand,
the new and the old duty the prosecuting attorney, for
pared:----' some reason, was disposed to nag
Spirits from raw grain --'Old duty, ' laer
$1.50 ; new duty, $1.70. I believe, he said, that you gave
Spirits from. malted barley -'Old i`ve nmaQed?amo as Mary Ilawitl:)rr
duty, $1..1., ; new duty, t;1.72, ! I did, she replied stubbornly.
Spirits freta molasses --Old duty,
$1.53 ; new duty, $1,73.
Alcohol, spirits of wine, gin of all
kinds, ruin, whiskey and all alcoholic
liquors --•-Old duty, 2,t21n newduty, snapped the witness,
And what is your age?
I decline to answer,
But the court wishes to know.
It's none of the court's business,
Elixirs, essences, tinctures, medi-
einos—(Ild duty, $2.12• and 30 per
cent ad valorem ; new duty, $2.25
and 30 per cent ad valorem.
Alcoholic perfumes --Old duty,
$2.14 and 40 per cent ad valorem ;
now duty, $2.25 and 40 per cent all partiality whether I am twenty or
valorem. seventy?
Sweet nitre, aromatic spirits of am The Judge was thinking of a at-
monis—old duty, $2.12Cand 30 per
answer when the prosecutor put
cent ad valorem, new duty, $2,25 in:May it please the court, he said
end 30 er cent ad valorem
The witness will answer the ques-
tion, frowned the judge.
The witness will do nothing of the
kind, replied the lady,
The court insists, said the Judge,
And why? asked the witness.
Will I tell the truth with less hu-
- drinking; assumed to be moderate. p severely, this is contempt, and should
--Boston Traveler.
Vermouth—Old duty, $2.1.2?0 new be punished accordingly.
duty, $2.25. The witness smiled most .exasper-
The rower of Appetite. Milk, condensed -01d duty, 3 atingly.
A few years ago a noted wild cents per pound ; new duty, 8i cents May it please the court, she said in
beast trainer gave a performance per pound. close imitation of the prosecutor, you
with his pets in one of the leading Coffee and milk food condensed— may fine me for contempt if you
London theatres. He took his lions, Old duty, 30 per cent ad valorem; wish, but it will not make me
tigers, leopards and hyenas through new duty 35 per cent ad valorem, answer. Your Honor and the geu-
their part of the entertainment, aw- Biscuits, sweetened --=Old duty, 25 tlelnan who asks me the question are
ing the audience by his wonderful per cent ad valorem ; now duty, 211. elected to the offices you fill by the
nerve and his control over it. As a per cent ad valorem. people, and you are both willing to
closing act to the performance, he Fruits, in cans—Old duty, 2 cents
was to introduce and enormous boa per pound; new duty, 21 cents per
constrictor, thirty-five feet long. He
had bought it when it was only two
or three days old, and for twenty five
years he had handled it daily, so
that it was considered perfectly
harmless and completely under his
control. He had seen it grow from
a tiny reptile, which he hacl often
carried in his bosom, into, a fearful
The curtain rises on an Indian
woodland scene. The wierd strains
of an oriental band steal through
the trees, A rustling noise is heard,
and a huge serpent is seen winding
its way through the undergrowth. It
stops. Its head is erect. Its bright
eyes sparkle. Its whole body seems
animated. A man emerges from
the heavy foliage, and their- eyes
meet. The serpent quailasbefore the
man—man is *tor. The serpent is
uncer,control= of a master. Cinder
his guidance and direction it per-
forms a series of frightful feats. At
a signal from the man it slowly ap-
proaches him and begins to coil its
heavy folds around hire. Higher
and higher do they rise, until plan
and serpent seem blended into one.
Its hideous lead is roarer aloft above
the mass. The pian gives a little
scream, aucl the audience united in a
thunderous burst of applause, but it
freezes upon their lips. The trainers
scream was a wail of death agony.
Those cold, slimy folds had embraced
him for the last time. They had
crushed the Iif'e out of him, and the
horror-stricken audience heard bone
after bone crack, as those powerful
folds tightened upon hila.. Man's
plaything had become his master.
His slave for twenty-five years had
enslaved him.
In this horrible incident is por-
trayed the whole story of intemper-
ance. The man who has taken the
first glass of intoxicating liquor has
the boa of intemperance in his bosons.
It' he throttles the monster now, it is
easily done. But if he permits it to
live, feeds and nourishes it, he may
control if for even twenty five years;
but it is continually growing, and
-some day its soul-destroying folds
will encircle .his soul and bear it to
those regions of woe " where the
worm dieth not and the fire is not
quenched." The unchangeable de-
cree of Almighty God is : " No
drunkard shall enter the kingdom of
-,.God."--Bible Teacher.
An exchange says: E. 0, Flanders,
"who has lived near Croukston, Minn.,
for several years; openly shakes the
assertion that he married .Mils Belle
Campbell in .H:tdson, Wis , on Jan.
4, 1883. Since then he has made
the startling dis overy that she is
the legal wife of Wiliiam Lyons,
who resides in O nano. Mr..Plan-
ders was town clerk of the town of
Crookston for many years, and
resigned that position when he left.
Mus. Flanders departed in the spring
a year ago for Seaforth, Ont., where
She still resides. Mr. Flanders re.
mined in Ciao:cston for some time,
and finaly ti ale a trip to Canada,
returning later and preceding to St
Paul, where he is now.
be elected again, Imprison nze, if
you wish, I shall not answer; , but 1
pound. ! will say to both of you, now, that
Fruits, in brandy—Old duty, $1.90 , when the people know you have
per imperial gallon ; new duty, $2 punished a woman for refusing to
per imperial gallon. ; tell her age, you will never be elect -
Jams, ,jellies and preserves—Old ed to office again in a thousand
duty, 3 cents per pound ; new duty, ! gears. Women have 'some rights
8?;- cents per pound. f that are bound to be respected, and
Paints in spirits and varnishes— public sentiment has accorded u3
Old duty, .51 per gallon ; new duty ' this one. So there.
$$1.14 per gallon. I The Judge looked down at the
Sugar above 16 Dutch—Old duty,' prosecutor and the prosecutor looked
64-100 cents per pound ; new duty, up at the Judge, and the question
114-100 cents per pound. ; was passed,
Sugar under 16 Dutch—Old days ------
free ; new duty,- cent per pound. Society as It is.
Glucose, sugar or syrup—Old duty, Speaking of the rush and bustle of
1 cent per pound ; new duty, 13 New York society, Mrs. Burton Har -
Cents per pound" risen writes:
Sugar candy, etc.—Old duty, 35 Naturally, interest languishes, ons:
per cent ad valorem ; new duty, ceases to keep account of acquain-
cent per pound and 35 per cent act tancc between the time of such.
valorem. I meetings. A woman I knew, meet -
Syrup and molasses, n. o. p.---010;; ing another, said :
duty, -? cent per pound; new duty, I I feel quite affronted. that you
cent per pound. have not been to see me since my
Molasses, polariscope test 40- return to town.
degrees—Old duty, '1-4. cents per ! What ! Have been away?
gallon ; new duty, 1 • cents per •. Yes; for two years, in Europe.
gallon. I Well, I myself have just come
Each degree less—Old duty, 1 • back after four years abroad.
cent per gallon ; new duty, 1 cent ; I had no idea of it. But come and
per gallon.see me; do,
I I will, with pleasure; but if you
Why Her Husband Never Forgot. have a card with you let me have it
Two married ladies were talking I have actually forgotten your name
about their respective and respected since you were married the other
lords, day.
"Does year husband forget things?" It was my sister Jane who was
asked one. married last Jane, said the interio-
"Never " said the other. cuter, rather red in the face.
"Well mine does. I think there Oh, of course; but I thought I saw
is hardly a day when he comes home something about you in the news -
from his office that ho doesn't begin papers, pray remember me to that
to apologize for his forgetfulness. charming husband of yours, who
Of course, I have to accept the was always such a favorite of mina.
apology on his promise to do better, ' And you will give my kindest re -
and the next day the very same gards to the dear doetgr, won't you?
thing occurs." said the sister of Jane, who could
"That must be extremely annoy- not then see her ,opportunity to ad-
s, mit she had recently got a divorce,
ing tr �It is. Sometirnes I get so vexed • while the doctor's wife felt equally
with him that I really have to scold 111 Kepared to announee that her
him." spouse had been dead four years.
"And that never is pleasant."
"I should say not. I'm sure I'ci Iof An order -in -Council has been pass-
rattier be anything else than a scold, , ed re special interestlseseasonto fishermen.
but some husbands actually drive At present the close in Ontario
their wives to it. I've been married and Quebec for bass ends on the
ten years, and sometimes I almost th of Jane. It has been determin-
fear if he doesn't improve he will : ed that hereafter the close season
have my temper utterly spoiled." i shall terminate on July 15th, This
"I've been married at dozen years 1 will give the fi3hThe r fifteen
and I never have any such trouble." , days more fishing. The reason for
"Maybe your husband is an ex- the change is that the department
ception?" I bas satisfied itself that the spawning
"No: he's only average as married s of' the fish is earlier in the year than
men go." y b it was considered to be when the
"Wasn't he ever forgetful ?" ;first named date was fixed.
•'I"Ie was at first, but I eared him i Boot and shoe dealers are very
of it." mueh interested in the recent ad-
"Graoious ! I think mine is incur. *trance in the price of hides, whish
able." has already caused a material ad
"01y, no. You can cure hien easily* vatico in all leather goods, and the
if you will use my remedy," firm holding a heavy stock of bolts
•'I'ni sure I'll only be too glad to. may consider themselves very fur-
What is it?" tunate indeed. Irides have already
"Never ask him to got anything advanced to three tines the price of
for .you. Get it yourself. He has three months' ago ; sole leather h 1.6
enough to think about without being advanced 50 per cent., and all oth.:,•
errand boy." leathers from 25 to 35 per Ceat
"Oh!" exclaimed the first woman, Consumers will recognize this fate
and remained silent for as much as when making theirnext purchase of
two minutes, boots and shoes.
Try, My Boy, Try.
A gentleman travelling. in the
northern part of Ireland, heard the
voices of children, and stopped to
Finding the sound came from a
shall building used as a school
house; 11e drew neai, as tite door was
open, lie went in, and listened to the
words the goys were spelling,
One little fellow stood apart, look-
ing very sad.
Why does that boy stand there?
asked the gentlernan.
Oh, he is good for malting! replied
the teacher. There is nothing in
him, I can make nothing of him. Ile
is the most stupid boy in the school.
The gentlenuni was surprised at
this answer. Ile Saw that the teacher
was so stern and rough that the
younger and more timid were nearly
crushed. After a few words to
them, placing his hand on the noble
brow of the little fellow who stood
apart, he said :
One of these days you may be a
fine scholar; don't give up; try, my
boy, try.
in returning thanks
rut' 1.1,•1 C.'"+t'ii 1.+awe to say that they
#tnyt+ se , r• lnrti (+ htOdi tri
iiia t.:;,1a' tGl�t,.��,�rS, y�LATH,
ti'.>lI'.:.1 `ELS, WOO, &C.,
on hand, which will be sold at very close
prices to meat the requ!rentents of the
hard tidies.
First Class Shingles, $1.10 per
, t[i,re.
Wood Mets.. per Coat, delivered.
'Everything else equally low, Conte and
see us before buying, as we will not bo.
1fcLI:AN ctr SON.
Wingbam, June 7th, 19118.
e a A DIT[ I
The buy's soul was aroused. TILS TNOLr'n1Y . !looks, t,vephl•r,. i�uamv, pit
sleeping grind awoke. A new per- Jl ur .,t. ,yrr111 r.. .v •. vt•., , wrn:o,1 In fitn heat
style of ,:,. l r tot • .,•, t. ,. i.v . •{ ,..t yhest
pose was found. From that hour he tt,tr•.•. 1• ni i l l
Ii til,•.h.,•
became anxious to excel. And he .,„b „ ,t pa,,,
did become a fine scholar and the
autlior of a well known commentary �`�'�c'°
on the Bible; a great and good man, 4%f ere {a +t.ed ,n .. ,.,; ''s. r
beloved and honored. It was Dr. 31ug`.',i,t.•. lrrr 9,ult „..", . ,�i, .• „'01113,7,1`,",,',": t
Adam Clarke.
prompt ut'et,tlOI, P. e, . t•.r P1 . I . •u,} +ty 1e
min he 0„+n ort a,•IdE•ru; • ... -h 'rut 4,- Oiliee,
The.secret of his success is worth
knowing. Don't give it up, but try,
my boy.
In order to reduce his wt:igut
He purchased him a wheel ;
Before he'd ridden it a tteek
He fell off a good dral.
The Sir John Macdonald memorial
will be unveiled in Montreal on June
6, the anniversary of the old cliief-
tain's• cleath.
The cost of' the Colonial Con-
ference at Ottawa, last summer is
shown by the Auditor-Uener'al's re-
port to have been $8,435.
Blobbs—"Do you think the average
man is as stupid before he marries as
he is aftewards?" Oynieus--
"Certainly, or he wouldn't get mar-
It is not always the Florida hotel
with a romantic or poetical name
that is the most gratifying and
magnetic. Northern visitors on i
pleasure bent cannot live by name 4
1 1,2I 0,0u0. I.e ;t, 0050;0011
Pres:dent—JM ftwAsr. •
Vrce•Pre•a•.Ient—A. t(. 1iAxoAx,
,duty ka0com 0i:9, it sei,, w'rl (Awn's, AI P, A. r
tYoon, A, 11, (Toronto).
Cashier- -J. Tt'R rit'LI..
Savings $a*Ik- hours. into :i: Saturdays, le
1. Deposits of et and upward,. reech cd Had Were,
Special Ijeposite f3s0 receive at current
rates of 11,4rost,
Drafts oft +creat Britain and tho United States
bought and,old
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
and other meats in low proportion,
also on hand.
I cul prepared to pay the highest pride
for all kinds of fowl. T1tty must be drawn
pts ;1111 .ens well dressed.
valuable treatise and two bottles of medicine sent Freo to
any Sufferer. 0bro T
Express and Post Oelco address. T. A.
SLOCUM CHEMICAL LO Ltd., Toronto. Ont. Winghaan, Oct. 10th, 18'113.
Mrs. Porterfield, of Elma, Perth
oounty, ran into the Kincardine ex-
press the other' day while driving
near Listowel. The horse was killed
and the buggy ,wrecked. Mrs.
Porterfield and child' were unhurt,
but Miss Cullen, of Listowel, who
was in the rig, had an arra broken.
An electric line is now running
between Berlin and Waterloo. It
will not be long before many other
towns will be connected in the same
waw. The success of the Galt -
Preston line, opened last year, will
give a boons. to rural electric rail-
Early Saturday morning Police-
man Shouldiee discovered John
Spencer, a blacksmith, in the act of
setting fire to the rear of A. J.
Creighton's furniture store, Owen
Sound, and after a desperate struggle
arrested him. The building being a
frame one, the fire gained consider-
able headway and spread to the
adjoining premises. Tne losses are
A. kind-hearted confectioner
offered a free treat of a package of
candy to every child who would call
at his store at a given hour on a
certain day. In anticipation of the
rush he prepared 500 'packages, but
the school census returns proved
deceptive, as no less than 1300
children, professing to be 10 years of
age or under, turned up and claimed
a package.
The Rev. A. P. Tully, pastor of
Knox church, Mitchell, for the past
fourteen years, tendered his resigna-
tion of that charge to the Presbytery
meeting Tuesday of last week,
which was accepted. The Rev. M.
L. Leitch, of Stratford, was appoint-
ed moderator of session during the
vacaney and was asked to declare
the pulpit vacant on the first Sabbath
of Juno. Rev. Mr. Tully will
preach Ms farewell sermon on the
last Sunday in day. The Rev. A.
F. Tally also tendered his resigna-
tion of the clerkship of the Presby-
tery and his commissionership to the
General Assembly.
Cuts, 5cratcIvs,
��� r� A V.
et A' ro« •it\
or internal, are instant -
ve..• 1,, 44 4.1.rtirr.,
Pain. Killer.
This old remedy is known, used
and sold eVerywLe_0. Cc( it and
keep it by you.
« ... ' titSONE
+ TN�Q>]t- Giving
from A light,. pliable, elastic bone made
chills. It is soft and yielding,
' S Ir- 4 confirming readily to folds, yet giving
h' t . �', I AP.E proper shape to Skirt or Dress.
f .The only Skirt Bone that maybe
ltd wet without injury.
The Celebrated PEATHEB BONE
Ladies Dresses CORSETS aro corded, with this
-2 t (✓ material.
b'or,alo by leading Dry Goods Dealers.
U i..
A Blessing to Every Household.
;,LIS A D O; T +y ENT
These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best Medicines for.
Family nee.
(TI - 1113
Purity rho blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STO3IACH, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS and
invaluable in nll conlulaints incidental to females of all ages.
'T113 0.11\`I'TTVl -i' TT
Is the only reliablo remedy for bad egs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR BRONCHITIS, SORE
DISEASES IT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 633, Oxford Street, London,
and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world.
1.: Pur,hasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
will continue to reduce the price for
If yon have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar on
the making of each suit, and get a good fit. First-class Trimmings inrmings supplied
at wholesale prices for spot cash only.
if you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you call save from $3.00
$10.00 on each, by purchasing from us.
WEBSTER &r 00.,
Opp(osit° the new Maedonald Block, Wingharn,
Merchant Tailors