HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-05-24, Page 8SNAP.
A. elretunstaneeout of whieh money
ean be made.
This month we are busy clearing
up the stock, which brings to light
things we would rather not have,
not that th" is anything wrong
with them, but there's too many of 1
Some things and remnants or broken
lines of other These we want to
clear out, aid for this reason you'll
find all over the store in all depart-
Ments during this month
that if taken advantage of mean a
saving of money to you. We're both
gainers by this clearing out of sur-
plus stock. Yoa get a chance to
supply your wants at prices much
le,ss than, ordinary. We get our
stock clean and ready for new fresh
goods when they come, at
Dr. Macclonaldarrived home from Ottawa
on Thursday. He will remain until Mon-
Mr, Al. Bainton and Miss Bainton, of
Blyth, were calling on Wingham friends
on 'Monday,
Lucknow Sentinel : Mr., Mrs. and Miss
Netterfield, of Wingham, spent Sunday at
the residenceof Mr. J. McAuley.
Brussels Post : Miss Sperling, of Winp-
ham, was visitiqg in Brussels during the
past week.
Mr. A. G. Stewart, of the Teeswater
News, rode over to Wingham =his bicycle,
o uesday evening, to view the ruins of
nion Furniture factory.
Teeswater News : Mr. .A McKenzie,
blacksmith, walked to Winghem and back
on Tuesday. Not many men of Mr. Mc-
Kenzie's age will attempt a twenty -mile
walk, Good Scotch blood tells.
Clinton News Record : Mrs. Biter and
children are the guests of Miss Cornyn at
1. 0. tl.T. District Meeting.
c The annual meeting of District No. 24,
° I. 0. G. T., was held at Constance, on
Tuesday last. There was a very good
attendance and much enthusiasm. The
chair was talon at 10 a. in., by J. G. Mur-
doch, District Chief Templar, of Lucknow,
and business proceeded with. The reports
from the lodges were very encouragirg,
progress all along the line being reported.
The report of the credential committee
showed that most of the lodges were re-
presented. The reports of the Secretary -
Treasurer and District Chief Templar
were quite satisfactory, and evidenced that
good work has been done in the District
during the year. The membership at the
Close, of the year is placed at 715, in 18
lodges, a gala of 40 in the year. The
finances are in a fairly healthy state. The
reports were all received and adopted.
The good work done in the District last
winter by Bro. E. Dawson, of Kincardine,
was duly recognized. The election of
officers resulted as follows. The installa-
tion ceremony was performed by Mr. Bond
LaurasonZassisted by an efficient marshal,
When the officers were installed as follows:
rt. B. Chant, D. C. T., Clinton; Sister
Annie McIntosh, D. V. T., Constance; W.
Brockenshire, 1). C., Wingham; Sister
A. Babb, 5. .T. T., Blyth; A. McGregor, D.
Sea.-Treas„ Londesboro; L. Farnham, D.
M., Constance ; A. Xnox, D. S., Manches-
ter; Sister Gertie Farnham, D. G., Con-
stance; Jos, Gray, D. Chap., Myth; Sister
Louise Guimette, D. A. S., Londesboro.
Past District Chief Templar, J. G. Ildtir-
&eh, was cleated as delegate to the Grand
Dodge. A. committee, consisting of J. G.
Tdurcloch, W. P. Brockenshire and H. D.
Chant, was appointed to draft and present
to lar. Bond Lauritsen, the retiring Dis-
trict Secretary -Treasurer, a testimonial
expressive of the esteem in, which he is
boa by the Good Ternplars of the Distriet.
It was agreed that the next District meet-
ing be held in Luckriow, in the fall, the
date to be fixed by the Bxecutive Com.
mittee. A hearty vote of thanks was
passed to the members of Constance Lodge
for their generous hospitality in entertain-
ing the delegates. Mr. J. G. Murdoch in-
trocinhA4 the subject-o"A. iodeL Good
Tankietta," in a coital address, but as time
of adjournment woo near at hand, there
was bitt Mae diadataien. During the
afternoon, Mr. W. F. Brockenshire took a
splendid photograph of the delegates, in
bout of-thl beautiful :.tiethodist church.
The village people were very
muci shocked and grieved when on
their way to church last Sabbath
morning to hear that Mrs. Robert
McPherson was dead. Not many
knew she was ill and some who did
were not aware that her condition
was dangerous. She was taken ill
on Wednesday of last week and suf-
fered great agony before her death
an Sunday morning. Mrs. Mc-
Pherson was forty-three years of age, '
a member of the Presbyterian church
and a resident of Bluevale for about
sixteen years. Tier maiden name
was Mary Jones, her father being a
Welshman. The funeral took place
on Monday afternoon and a large
number of friends gathered at it to
show their sympathy for her hus-
band and her only son, Mr. Joseph
McPherson, of Toronto, who was not
enabled to reach home while his
mother was alive. Mrs, McPherson
intended visiting her son in Toronto
about the first of June, and. death
coming so unexpectedly is very hard
indeed on those near and clear to the
deeeased lady, -Mr. Wm. Blanchard,
jr., of Turnberry, went to a bush a
short distance from his house, last
Thursday morning, and cliMbing
tree, fastened a rope to it and hang-
ed himself. The coroner examined
the body,but did not think an inquest
was necessary. Mr. Blanchard was
always of a melancholy and despon-
ding nature and is said to have been
temporarily insane when he com-
mitted suicide. Much pity is felt for
Mrs. Blanchard. -Miss Tine Sander-
son, of Toronto, formerly of this
place, is the guest of Mrs. and Misses
Diment.-Mrs. Wallwin and little
daughter, of Stratford, are visiting
friends in and around the village. -
Mr. Percy Widdows, of St. Thomas,:
and Mr. Seymour Widdows, arrived
here on Monday, but too late to
attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs.
McPherson. -The Messrs. Jones, of
Walkerton, attended their sister's
funeral on Monday, also Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Scott, of Manchester. -
Miss Annie Corbett, who has been a
resident • of our village for about
fourteen years, left here on Wednes-
day morning to visit • her brother in
Fergus. Miss Corbett will be missed
by her many friends, who are sorry
to know that she does not intend livz-
ing in Bluevale in the future. --A
fine lot of cattle was shipped from
here last week by Messrs. Scott and
Jones, of Listowel. The following
are the weights of the cattle shipped
by Turnberry farmers: John Black,
5 head, weighing 6,240 lbs; Samuel
Blank, 9 -head, weighing 11,550.113s;
King brothers, 10 head, weighing
13,460 lbs.; Isaac Wright, 5 bead,
weighing 7,530 lbs., 2 of which
weighed 3,360 lbs; Chas. Forrest, of
Morris, . shipped 3 head, weighing
4,060 lbs.; Thos. Miller, also of
Morris, i head, weighing 7,550 lbs.,
2 of which weighed 3,2001bs.
rap: NV flA‘M TIMES, MAY 24, I.895.
The Marnoch bridge across the
river Maitland, which has been in a
very shaky condition during the
last three years partly fell down on
Saturday night, but as there was no
person on it at the time, the loss will
not be much. The Connell has let
the job for a new'ene. There was a
load of lumber went across it about
an hour before it went (loft and the
wonder is that it did not Pn down
with it. It is poor policy tol ,, these
old bridges stand too long, ts the
Township might easily be put in for
a large bill of damages,
We are pleased to see Mr. Maul
Lawrason, of Adelaide, in our midst. of woodland, 0,717.1.; acres swamp
--There was quite a number of the 5938; acres orchard. and garden,.,'
Good Templars from here attended 488; acres fall wheat, 1010.
the District meeting .at Kinbnrn
A Montreal judge has given judg-
ment for $100 against the trustees of
St. Henri school, because a teacher
opened a window near a pupil, eaus-
!lig the latter to contract a serious
was elected as a representative from e
North Star. Lodge to the Grand. Thjudge held that the Illness'
teacher was to blame and that the
Lodge to be held at Toron-
to on June 19th. -The Sons of Engtrustees were responsible for the act
land sermon will be preached their servant, Teachers cannot
Sunday. afternoon at 3 oiclock by be too careful of this kind of thing,
Jas. Ferguson. -Mr. J. Lasham for the little folks who are compelled
having his house repainted this
hoff, and Miss Jeanette, umnarrieci;
with three sons, Robert, William and
'Alex.; the two former being married.
Deceased was a member of the Pres-
byterian church in Blyth and for
many years was a member of its
Board of Trustees. -Assessor John
Anderson furnishes the following
partieulars concerning the Township
of East Wawanosh : Number of
acres of land, 41,735i; number of
acres cleared, 29,270; total value of
real. and personal property, 81,187,-
040; male persons from 21 to 00,
428; children between 5 and 10,
417; between 7 and 1, 238, between
10 and 21, 153; number of dogs,
229; bitches, 15; cattle, 5095; sheep,
2878; hogs, 2180; horses, 1310; acres
.Wednesday last. -'Tho Methodist
choir attended the wedding of Miss
Lizzie Spuhl at Manchester on Wed-
nesday. -Miss Addie Crisp, L. D.,
Mr. Thos. Fitzsimons, who had
been ill but a short time, died Tues-thehorrible spectacle met their gaze.
Mr. W. Agnew, of Clinton, Sun-.
clued under the parental roef.-The
brick work of Mr. John Oarephell's
new house is being pusbed rapidly
forward. -Mr. R. Leishman intends
having. a large barn raised on Wed-
nes.day.-The Misses Hall are hold-
ing' a series of evangelistic meetings
in the Methodist church and will
remain until the last of this week. -
Large quantities of grain are being
marketed here now, -It is generally
to sit in one place are very suscepti-
ble to draughts, even in the warm-
est weather.
\ ?Ns
Bnew—In Wingham, on the 20th inst.,
the wife of Mr. Wm. Beck; a daughter.
.A.MRY-BARDER-At the residence of
the briclo's brother, Mr. Chas. Barber,
Listowel, ou May 22nd. by the Rev. J. F.
Durkee, Mr. Robt. Atney, to Miss Lena
.Barber, both of Listowel,
MCPSERSO'N-In Bluevale, on Sunday,
May 19th. Mary Ann,beloyed wife of Mr;
Robt. Mcpherson, aged 43 years and 0
STURDY -In West Wawanosh, on May
believed the damage by the recent 290, Mrs, Robt. Sturdy, aged 07 years.
frosts will be much lighter than
4 Toms -in Goderich, on May 14th, Isaac
first anticipated. -Mr. J. M. Hender-
son is handling large quantities of
wool this season.
We were in error last week in
saying that Mr. John Gemmill pur-
chased his celebrated Clydesdale
stallion "Dunstan Boy," from Mr. H.
Day, of Wingham. It was from Mr.
John Gentles, of Kincardine, that he
bought him. -As announced in last
issue, Mr. Wm. Blanshard, jr., of
the B. line, committed suicide on
Thursday. It appears that he arose
in the morning as usual, and did. his
chores and ate his breakfast. ,Shortly
after breakfast his wife happened to
pass the stable door, she saw the
horses were inside and unharnessed.
She caned. her hugband, but getting
no 'answer she became alarmed and
went for Mr. Yeo, a neighbor, who
was ploughing in a field close by,
and with his assistance went in
search of him, the dog following.
They had .not gone far when the dog
was seen to make quite a fuss, and
on going to the spot where he was,
day morning, aged 33 years. He
leaves a widow and one son and two
daughters. The funeral took place
to Clinton cemetery Wednesday
under the auspices of the Canadian
Order ,of Foresters, of which deceas-
ed was a, member. -Mr. James A.
Ford, who has so long and success-
fully conducted the butchering' busi-
ness in. Combe's block, has disposed
of the business to Messrs. A. Couch
and 0. Wilson and the new firm
have taken possession. -At a special
meetino-k, of the Town Council the fol-
lowing resolution was unanimously
carried :-That this council desires
to place upon record its deep sense of
the loss sustained by the community
in the removal by death of Mr.
Alexander McMurehie, for many
years Reeve of this municipality,
and to express its sincere apprecia-
tion of the many valuable services
rendered tO the town by hitn, both
as a member of the local council and
as one of the most prominent mem-
bers of the county council. To his
careful oversight and prudent
counsel is due very largely the
satisfactory eondition of the finances
of our town, and it is a melancholy
pleasure to the members of the
council to bear witness to the zeal
displayed by hint even when often
suffering severe bodily pain. A copy
of this resolution to be Sent to Mrs.
Barnum & Bailey's greatest show
on earth will visit Ontario in Tilly
Fifty-six ears come in. at
Windsor about July 15th. The
show will remain in Canada, about a
month, leaving on August 8th.
There he Ming by the neck to a tree,.
and was found to be dead. It is
thought that lie put an end to him-,
self an account of being heavily de-
pressed over the damage his crop
has sustained during the late frosts.
Dr. Smale, Coronerof Wroxeter,
was called, but an inquest was not
considered necessary. He leaves a
wife and one child to mourn his loss
who have the sympathy of the com-
munity at large.
One by one the old pioneers of this
district are being called away to
join the silent majority. The last
one to be called was Mr. George Me -
Gowan, who departed this life on
Saturday night, filth instant, at the
age of 68 years. About seven years
ago deceased received a fall from, a
barn, injuring his back at the time,
from which he never fully recovered
and whieh was the principal cause of
his death. Mr. McGowan was born
in Esquesixig township, 'Talton
county. on May 6th, 1827, and in
1850 removed to East Wawanosh,
where lie, along With his brothers,
had taken up a block of land eon-
taining 1,000 acres. At that time
East Wawanosh was mostly bush,
but the brothers set to work with a
will and soon had hewn out for
themselves the magnificent farms
that are situated in what is known
as the McGowan settlement. In
1854 deceased married Miss Janet
Moore, Of the Scotch Bloek, Italton
minty. Ile leaves four daughters,
Mrs. Jas. Hamilton, Blyth; Mrs. W.
Richmond, Blyth; Mrs. Arthur Stein,'
Francis Toms, senior judge of the county
of Huron, aged 54 years,'t
SREL-In Brussels, on May 100,
George Seel, aged 77 years and 1 month.
GRANT -In Tuakerernith. on May 13th,
Mary Ann, wife of James W. Grant,
.formerly of Grey township, aged 29 years,
3 months and 8 days.
Frrsnworts-In Clinton, on the 21st
inst.. Thos. Fitzsianons, aged 33 years
and 10 days.
iVIcGowarr-In East Wawanosh. on the
llth inst., Geo. MeGowan, aged 68
BraiszenAno-In Turnberry, on the
16th inst., Win. Blanchard, jr., aged 35
years, 10 months and 5 days.
Notice is hereby given, pm ant to Revised
Statutes of Ontario, UK, chap .r 119, sec. 30, that
all persons having el me agai t the estate of Mar-
garet Robertson, late the own of Wingham in
thenounty of Huron Spin er, deceased, who died
on or about the eig th d of May, A. D„ 1898, are
requested to son b post prepaid, or deliver
to the undersigne e cutors cf the Said deceased,
at %Meant P. 0 or before the eighteenth day
of June, A. D., IS 4, their names, addresses and de.
seriptions, full particulars of their claims, and the
nature of the securities, (if any) held by then, and
that after the said (lay the said executors will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased oolong
the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the
claims only of which they shall then have notice.
JOHN HAXecutOrsNNA,1 ' '
solicitor tor Executors.
Dated May 23rd, 1895.
A ,
The Court o Reof the Town of
Wingham will b- „tar in the Town Hall,
Wingham, on t4fI'.ay, May 27th. 1895,
at the hour
• t seven o'clock p.
m., for t purpose o learing appeals
agains he Assessment 1 of the said
tow All persons having usiness at
t . said Court will please gov. '0 them -
elves accordingly,
J. B. FERGUSON, Clerk.
Wingham, May 10th, 1895.
Tho Connell for the Corporation of
Huron will meet in the Court House
Goderich, on
Tuesday, tue 4th
at 3 o'el
On Thursday, the Ot da f June, at 3 o'clock p,
tn., a special meeting c ed far passing the pro.
posed by•law to rats vay of loan 812,000, for the
purpote of establis a House of Refuge.
Ilp to the first d of meeting, applicationi will be
received by the Clerk for the positions of Inspector,
'Manager, Matron and Physician for the House of
W. LANE, Co. Clerk.
Dated May 21st, 1895.
th munty of
ho Town of
y of June,
rumord Look a nit
Briokyard, have lot
the Wingham
of BRICK and
nd. It is said that
other parties ar
selling at reduced
prices, but o isunot be undersold.
and our bri and tile are as good
as any ma e in the province. We
can sell by the car load or 10,000 or
12,000 tile fully as low as eat be par-
elm/0d anywhere. We have also a great
.quantity of all kinds of lumber for sal.
Jwingham, may 16,1.45,E. 1.11/LIOTT.
We are offering unequaled bargains
for the Cash Buyer in all lines of
Om' stock includes every variety
-3-,:;nd every price and the careful buyer
will do well to call on us before going
Is our motto and we are certain that
to see our goods and prices is to pur—
chase from us.
Our Stock of/ -:-z--„,
Is very complete, and we are offering
some:great bargains in the same.
All goods delivered any distance free
of charge.
..1.19MITera. .411011,11111.111
If you are in need of
or anything in our line,
c4iPLINinas.31Eie 1LT
Attended on shortest notice and no
extra charge for long distances.
JOHN 00R4Y14,
is thrilling thisl
what you may
:and energy h
and improved
that.charms an
-the faets are ab.
;believe without
take half an ho
;look about, exa
Tare prices, an
-we shall soon c(
regular custom.
Is at hand, ai
you before
through our stc
.All of the Late
.away down.
This Depart
Teplee1 wi
ties til
Lady Patrons,
SON will Bpi
• your visit figrc
we are stocke
and freshest tl
n fact st(
We are ahea
Our stock is
and prices rig
We are boon
tion for stylie
Malts. In
fihiing orderS
rl'he BEAT
•former effort