HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-05-24, Page 71l
Cooking Bacon.
lliosSyilcople find frying the most
handy method of serving bacon in
small quantities, It wild not do,
through, to thrust the pan on the
'stove; and leave the bacon to cook
Itself. Some care is necessary, as,
like other things, all bacon does net
behave in the same way-, and a sllce
,of lean needs to be turned over on to
a fatter part to keep it front getting
too dry,' while another rasher cooks
more quickly than the rest, so with.
out care the rashers will not cook
'evenly. In doing snirtli quantities,
it is well to put a little bacon fat in
the pan. Save it each clay when
frying, pouring it in a jar to keep it.
This plan preserves the meat from
hardening. Some of the best cooked
bacon I ever saw was served daily
among other breakfast dishes. The
- washers were cut with mathematical
precision, and laid in a large baking
tin, overlapping each other, so that
each stripo ' .
f lean was on
th(, fat of
) the rasher underneath. The tin was
- then placed in the oven, and left till
the meat was cooked. rt'he bacon
never varied in appearance, the lean
being beautifully tender, and the fat
cooked through, but not chippy;
Every stranger always asked how the
bacon was cooked, and why it never
looked done too little or too much.—
London Queen.
Suffering from Constipation.
ED 13. B. 13. MADE A PERFECT CtiRE,.
OENT.r 12%xI N, ---To say all I ought to in
favor of B. B. 13. would be impossible.
it has been agreat health restorer to me
and I do swear by it. I am a different
man now to what I was ten years ago
when it was expected 1 would be in th
asylum, brat now I mu in perfect robus
health and it was the B. 13. 13. that di
Xt. 1 suffered for five or six years from
constipation. sometimes so severely the
I went out of my mind. I tried variou
'doctors, both in the country and in th
city, and took medicines too numerou
to name, but everything failed to have
the desired effect. When I used Bur
dock Blood Bitters, however, it succeed
ed beyond all expectations, requiring
only two bottles to core toe. To snake
it stllI more ('ortaie that 13.13. B. is the
real cure tor Constipation, I•may say
'that some two years afterward I felt the
•symptoms returning and took ono bottle
more, and from that tune to this present
day (over eight years) 1 have never had
any return of the disease. 1 never knew
any medicine to work so well. It does
not seem to be a mere reliever but a sure
and certain cure, as I can certify to, for
hundreds of dollars' worth of medicine
'and advice failed to do me any good, but
three dollars' worth of 13. B. 13. made a
permanent cure that has given me years
of health and comfort.
Yours truly,
Toronto. C. L. Emmen.
A fine Scone,
Two bort; were in a tehool•roc
alone ta;:;etlicr, when some fireworlt
eontratry to the master's (sore
prohibition, exploded. The one b
denied it; the other, Pen Cads'',
would Bel thee finny or admit it, aal
was sever ly flogged for ilia obatirtrie.
When the boys gut alone tigain—
"Wl]y didn't you deny its" ask
:.i{ 'WING I LAM ' .'I � ; 'a MAY t?•
help 'Y oilrset;f.
an 1 Fight your own battles, hoe y our��
-s, ° own row, Ask no favor of anyone .
ss ' and you will sneceed a thousand
oy ; tines better" than one who is always
ie, ' beseeching someone's influence and
.(T patronage, No one will ever help
y. ;yen as you help yourself. because not
one will be so heartily interested in 1
ed your affairs, 'The first stepwill be
perhaps it long one, but carving; your ,
o; :own way up the mountain you make'
ideach one lead to iuic,ther, and stand
firmwhile you chop crit still another.Alen who have made, for tunes are not ,
(i those who have had $5,000 or t 10,— givem
000 given them to st•trt witiii, bir'i
's boys who have >tatrt.:;i rdieEk
1. a well-earned dollar Ind V )il theta e, tfercrble fret ti10 iurrss and 1 rov6oeialce p l lr• nsaoo tot any
g know who it bell ttll;N to end whotapammmoomecazoommaimmumew
Ruin, .aim.. ria 1vo+,t Adelaide Street, Toronto, ent.
s earned it.
l• the real 0Iierictftl•.
"Recallse there SYerc only we tw
land one of us inlet have tiotl,'$ ea
its � .
Then why not say I did it:?"
`•Because you said you didn't an
1 -weuld spare the liar."
The buy's heart ]pelted. Bien
molal gallantry stllir'Ilied Ilin
When school reassembled, the youn
culprit marched up to the master
desk and said:
"Please, sit', [ can't l.se.,l' to be
liar. I let off the squibs;" and b
burst into tear,;.
The master's eye. glistened on the
self -accuser, stud the undeserved
punishment he had inflicted on the
other boy tInlote MS conseicnee,
Before the whole school, hand it
hand with the culprit, as if he art(
the other boy were joined in the
confession, the master waiked dowi
to where young Christie sat and said
a D. 1l. 13.
Purities, PPtM(R'104,S tu,tl menial (44 tits,
Antue a\S;t4t, thus inti,, i);t<;a,•h4:<Ir4. 10 far%it ORO rias,„ T.,. .. f1.
Constipation, 1 i,:k Ilo,•
�`ail,oln, 13ilivu.
110481 11tFttgn:tt,a a tftfrin;t' 31141 nil
diseases of true , t,-, itis:h. Ilt•Nr, ki.lat.) t; i•
stud bowels :ft ).i^',4 rme, vier all uupnrl-
tre5, Creat tile • stout f rim to c•orunuip
1,Pnip to the e.trel. sere! ulone Fore. •
avers Ointment for Itchy
1 ....,.��.....�.�<". ,...,..,. ..,y..u..,._. __ ;:saying, it Will Not Cure or
"Ben, lad. he and I beg your
pardon; we at'e both to blatllel"
The school Wes hushed and stili
as older schools are apt to be when
something true and noble is being
done; so still, they might almost have
hearer Ben's big -boy tears dropping
on his book, as he sat enjoying the
moral triumph which subdued him-
self as well as the rest. And when,
from waist of something else to say,
he gently cried, "Master foreveri"
the loud shout of the scholars tilled
the old man's eyes with solnothintn
behind his spectacles, which made
barn wipe thein before lie sat clown
e again. •
d Tour Physical condition
t Needs attention at this time, If you are
tired, weak and nervous, it is clear that,
0 your blood is- impure, and without doubt
8 there has been too uureh over -work or
btrain on brain and body, '1'he course of
treatment for eto,h ti condition is platin
and eh:li lit, The blood trust first . be
purified so that the nervous system, and
in foot all thtl rtriaau8 trill be fed upon.
pure 'flood. Iu1 'l agent people• withulaf
nurntier have te:•tititd than the beet blood
pttritier, nerve tonin and streng,h on •
-parting tnecif(stne is good's yatrsaliat'illa,
Nervousness, loss of sleep and general
debility all vanish when Hood's Sarsfipa.
rilia is persistently taken; in a word,
health and happiness fallow after tatting
Hood's Sarsaparillas.
CA.ty X 0nmekIN 11 PATENT ? For a
prom�ppt answer and an honest opinion, •write to
UNN <C,-, (10., who have lead nearlyyfifty yearn
,� experience in the patent business. Communtea,
formationtconcerning ti'atents and l'bow {to In..
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of meohaie
Mal and solentitle books sunt free.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
sBppecial nottoeinthe 5cientiliic Ainericn.n, and
thus are brought widely before the publie with-
out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper,
issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has byf i• the
largest circulation of
any soientifle work in heWilntoonplrDe10iBidigEdiininth9 $l.6ayar..Sngle
copies, 25 cents. Every number contains beau.
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of neW
houses. with plans, enabling bulldera to show the
latest designs CO and secure
'Wears an Aluminum Ear.
We have had people with glass
eyes, porcelain teeth aid artifieal
whiskers, and now along comes a
man with an alumintxtn ear. He is
years of age and was ad-
mitted into the Queen's Hospital, at
Birmingham, England, in. April,
'1894, with an epithelioma of the left.
The greater part of the diseased
'ear was eat off by the attending
'surgeon and a plaster-of-paris cast
VAS taken of the left side of the head.
'Then an artifical ear was built up in
wax to match the healthy one on the
'apposite side. This boTas ear ryas
then made in vulcanise and alum-
inum, tinted and enamelled to
' harmonize with the complexion. No.
artifical contrivance, sueli as a
spectacle frame, was made use of to
support the aluminum ear, and
adhesion to the head was effected by
,Jmeans of a saturated solution of
-mastic in absolute alcohol,
The man now can hear just as
well as ever, bat he takes ease to
sleep on his right side at night so as
not to break oft'' his new ear.
At the same time be has no fear of
slaving it frost-bitten, and be is
probably the only loan alive who
could even partly comply with the
request of Marc Antony, "Lend Ilse
Irons ear." �..—..._._.._..
Short 3ourneys on a Lora head
Is the characteristic title of a profusely
illustrated book Containing over one
hundred pages of charmingly written
descriptions of scanner resorts in the
+country north and west of Chicago, The
reading matter is new, the illustrations
the new, and the infortnation therein
will be new to almost everyone,
A copy of "Short. ,Tourney% on a Long
Road" will he Relit free to anyone who
will enclose ten cents (to pay hostage) to
Gno. 11.11.exee mil, General Passenger
Agent Obicaell, Mf ilwaultee & St. Paul
Itaiiway, Chicago, 111,
.c1.11 Should Work.
�11 &VGgl(f
Itebing piles is an exceedingl•
y painful
and annoying affliction, found alike in
the rich and _poor, wale and female.
11'lie principal symptoms are a severe
itching, which is worse at night Wttet,
the sufferer become:: \\ arm iii toed. S,,
terrible is the fretting time frequently it
is impossible to steep, Often the suiTer-
er unconsniouely during sleep scrirtutl(,m
the parts until they :t:e :giro, uliiern nu.)
tnmore form. exec.,' re moisture its ,X -
eluded, Peallt(e,; air,+ a•'uuliani:
frr3In this cllsa'n4M. 4,01)141 u); 111,1,, 0rht.1
irritation atnti t.rutlultt 'I'll: eel •• .! ,•, • •
other symptom or 11 -sins Picea or si•r•k0n
than in any hurt :If tit i)r d a: t•:,
mediately 7til'tl4 d it, .l yru•^ii+ ,u:u1 1', �= �y� 8,� 1�
Chase's Cititelet{t tt ul: tlJ,i,tltti, al � ., - ��, o�t►a !'rll�w' .�l�r� ° rt il�►��0'�s� ei�i % k
stop itching, fiend the sores find +trige; ; t+ r a;
dry up the moisture, ; r t
y uTHR
pride, so cent•;, rot dealer::; or b • ,nasi• [ 'F } ��1�
s) ttddrtDsMstn Pie AQTtiE RS IT:S
k� r l4
„,: have CATARRH, and desire to ho
,:;:hent rise of Iotlne you” money, we will send
,'1 a G:RMIOIDlE INHALER and to d:eine for that
use without atk(ne a cent of pay le advance.
A. era fair trial at your own h •mo, and you find
it a c•onuine remedy, you can send uasato pay for
'same. if not satisfactory In every way you can
return the Inhaler at our expense, and need not
Cr pay one cent. Gould anything be more fair?
You have everythln , to gain and nothing to lose.
if the remedy is not all wo claim, we are the
losers, not you. Just thinkof being curedfor$3.
II TEsrimoNI.R Live'
r'Ont., writes iva' Your Germicide Inhalerodist Ot-
in two months radically cured my daughter of
chronic catarrh.'
Rev./ S. Norms, late Bend St. Church, To-
mato, On1, :—"Your Inhaler and MMedicine has
proven genuine in every respect,"
Mn, J. A, McNutt, Schaw, Ont,.writes ; —"The
Inhaler you sent has radically cured ire of cat-
arrh, It is worth many tions your char,;u,"
fs. ,4eet feuee�
'{,r• ..F4 t�'•A:tSgr ,4 •
r;18 GCt;MLCim.
NITItiC uc nER
AlrU AIIIfar l
70ar� a Dari,
on trial
in advance.
Dol'rr,As, Conductor, rr Ontario St.,
Toronto :----Your treatment 111 a dew weeks
cured me, ofcatarrh of long standing,"
Mr<, x'. Mies, x9 Christopher St„ Te,
ronto m—"Your Inhaler and Medicine cured
me of a case of catarrh of tor- years' stand-
This is a golden opportunity, ORDER TO -DAY. You run no risk. You can test It to
your satisfaction "without money and without price." You only pay for
the good you gct. For remedy on above liberal terms, address
USED 47 Lon' ittu',.t ht., Toronto.
pALmo TA Ft SOAP •hrrii
l'.1••pp {ill 131
f' •x:'1'4+
�':tIillt KNOW TrIAT IT t t i ,G i
or i r"
tS T E
3 � �
for ea1i the suer
k If you woos >oar
Deliear8S •ores.
Baby was troubled with sores on head and legs. ••
spina gg u i,i 11
I cried ' Palmo-Tar Soap." Lr a very short time dE 6 C 1 ; u3, tr(d y k.at
the sores disappeared, skin became smooth and
white, and the child got perfectly well.
Dias. HOLTLMAN, Crediton
Oily 26e. Big Cake.
GEORGE [HOSD11, Proprietor.
There is -a work to be done by Lumber of all kinds,
First-class Shingles,
and Cedar Posta.
Dar Load Ortlers a ==pcciaity,
plan. It is truly better for him 1f
he does that work and it is infinite'
worse for hint if he does it not.
Wolk alone insures health, and
gives any true enjoyinent: Livy's
statement that "Labor and pleasure,
in their natures, opposite, and yet
linked together in a kind of neces-
sary connection," is as true to -day as
' was ,tS ]i'
I n e
et eri C ago.
a o.
Without occupation the whole
nature lags—it makes no progress ---
it attains no true value or dignity.
The worker feels that he is assist-
ing in carrying on the order of the
world. Without work the world
would have been a wilderness, or into
a wilderness, would speedily return.
There is no worts without its use.
No labor is labor in vain. Above all
there is the supreme • satisfaetiojl of'
knowing that in work we are ful-
filling the Iaw of God. He con-
descends to employ us as fellow
laborers with himself. He has made
work a Jaw unto himself, and He
has glade it a law unto us. The
highest title which He bestows upon
any Ivan is that of a good and faith-
ful servant,
For Over riitte 'heart
slow Seething SyruND p1, 8aIIOn been used or over.• tatty
years by millions of mothers for their ohne ran while
iorthe r010with
44)s elpelt:,cues w (o
is thobest r0utedv for Diarrhea, is pleasale to
the taste. Sold by erngglsts In mere patt of the
Work,. Twenty-fl'o cents a Dottie. Its value i8
lnealeulabla Bemire sncl ask for firs, Winslow
Soothing; rap, and take no other kind.
Advices from all points within the
peach belt of Michigan show that the
injury by frost is light, except at
points more than 80 miles from the
Catarrh relieved in 10 to 00 minutes. --
One short puff or the breath through
the 1310wer, supplied with each bottle of
Dr. Al new's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses.
this Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to use,
it relieves instantly, and permanently
cures Catarrh, hay 'Sever, Golds, head-
ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deaf.
nose. 00 cents. At Chisholm's Drug
wo01) delrver(ed to any I art of Wing -
• a'.+:rar,ieta14) mn11 rrnnlptia' attrud 1,
pus 1.23, win::hatn.out ,
HAHA( gp �txsev. "a f\ z P r
T,6 i tn:e. 'i•e 1. 31'.t9 l?'
Jos..epit+rfd 'SlffiFt • iiIi1giiilti;, dot,
,t. A. itAtst•r^u .p_.._ I U' ,i,. ,r,r 1 { r
Deposits Bo'».;ii:r2d aii•,d Interet t1
Mons.$' ,•1.civ tnoer't to i:+"ai'n:ittio and 1
Bnain•Witt Men.
made in the latest etyle, go to
opposite Bank of Hamilton,
gf ' ii E EC' ti 1 T of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body indnc-y�
L t1 iIf
ed blust d exposure e
an a ore ar constantly wr c k
p Y e kms the f rat
y r and /amen
.whup>,iness of thousands of promising young men. Some fade and wither at an early age rs�n ,
let riee blossom of manhood while others are forced to drag out a weary, fruitless null '
melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony but find no solace or comfort there. The
victims are found in all stations of life:—The farm, the office, the workshop, the pulpit,
the trades and the professions.
i RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K.& c f£, ���aaa
1 -^ -`i:�
• 4 1' 1
}- ` iI
1 t>
�" M331^OL'E Taunt:1 NT Amen T$EATIIIENT Divorced bat united again.
Sym. A. Walker of 10th Street says:—"I have suffered+%
untold agonies for my "gay life." 1 was indiecreetween
young and ignorant. As "One of the 13oys" 1 contracted&q
Syphilis end other Private diseases. I had ulcers in the
month and throat, bone pains, hair loose, eimPlea on
face, Bn6'OP nails came oft, emissions, became thea andr
despondent. Seven doctors treated mo with Idercnry, •
r� Pota•h, ete. They helped. me but could not cure me•
WIN GIi A.el la, _ Finan: afriendfndncedmetotry llrs.KennedyieKerga.i.re'
syr Th :ir A ew Method Treatment cared me in a few weeks. Their treatment is woettetrnl, lj
tee L n feel yourself gaining every day. I have never heard of their failing to cumin a s°nc ree
a (c t: rime Ferry ears:—"i owe niv life to Drs. K. d; K.
( fie 1t 3111..reed 11 bac# hr bit. At 21 Iliad all the svmptorns
a f tions el it ea •ue9N and Spermatorchma, Emissions
Caw re mein rig eend weakening; my vitality. 1 married at
r o n: family c r
t•x �
, a s e rt r+ Inwl c
e nee h c months
u lien consulted 1)rs. Ii, & IC., who restored too to manhood
1 • Maned Tin14,444, , i'e tis new life ri irong" 1
r "r t i ea again can appy. 1s Stas
1 0 r ^ ict:c years ago, Drs. li, da x(, are scientific specialists and I heartily recommen-d
tot rust •r anvice f pram I. doctor, , but it was a
I !rs D e fi i. t J rs w were (frvoired. I
a ,
8 n i't sr 1<' w lit 7'
c ad t
I 1 ]-f th '1
1ti t
p � ar4111vnerve� '4w ntnt ted r h Th' �—'I Ia
P ,
rover e Tire lies. anti cure Varicocele, Emirsioi�s, R'ervoaas De811iry, .� :sr,t '
I 1 11 rokfaess, Gi et, .Striciawre, ,S �ilis, Unnatural DisclaaxPes SNI" • J
, T 1Lr>.r..
I(-idhenvr.saa'131a!I:tiler Diseases,
but dont try to patch up alingermg ;,=a 2"d YEARS IN DEdTI OtT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK
S trying re,nediea. ; iA1te ^ 1� • '''•' '-
�` I t+ i'1 f L n C Blood
t it has 1 o yon nry ave•ri s,•
cough or cold byt •
TAre von a. viettm? ITave you lost 1te PP Aro you cants -net -tine seer e � 1
irate? I3as your Blood been d;settsec�? ...,
aln;lirt 'r'nrON7,
On long or short tint,', nn endorsed notes
and relief is certain to follow. Cnres
the most obstinate coughs, colds, sore
throats, in fact every form of throat,
lung or bronchial inflammation In-
duced by cold.
or nollaterai snolirity. Sale rotas taught Large Dottie, 13 Cents.
,11i '" Iiav
„ee . is.lcc ren men wi lie von. u cone for others it'wil1 ra 1 :•,r t
r r0arUS TATiON FR
E. No matter who has treated you 'write for an hottest prior, .
�`°otCaargo. Charges reasonable, 8001(5 FREE—"The (*olden Monitor" (il1ustr..t41),.. :.-.
• i iN aces of Mon. lrrciote postage, 2 cents. Sealed.
!t'�t'''Aii f•E. No medicine seht C 0. D. NO names on bones cr coveI
ee ones. T verytningConfidential. Question est anci cost of Trt
• tin nail, TrR..L�
^'n1 k, t" � mNos148 S E.. t�f
4 DETRil ;
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to ail •—
pant, of Canada at reasonable charges,
Bpooial Attention (•iven. to Col-
lecting Accounts and Notes.
Agente in Canada. The merchants' Basalt
of Canada
Office hours—p'rom b a. m. to B p. m.
A bhc
jefinl.Sot the lieumati (n
aril Mut5cular
1 Paia tgaigcllt
/1 :'t Whytlot
- jt(enthol Neer.
V' nywifajotIse
itiOne, il'tirr't(l
tiro made
For it 41's nick long
*ever *evenly (Tli nt 1 rm1111iI 1(t eve 14hs'411 >
wt./11;ltt, ,sty wife (.151411 at 11 e i., ilenthei
Pinter, 1 tried it anci n nv soon eeing nbont all:
thee, S C. 1Iretiut, SOeet's Caner'd'.
Price 28e.
,,'4 etR1" r..±,l Rp, t; gc 0a Y5'`3a iL�N'9 °l'W Cl"xa"�•E"¢..rf ca. mkt`'"`
Of the marvelous success of Burdock
Blood Bitters lies in its specific curative
power over every organ of the body.
The Liver, the Blood, the Bowels, the
Stomach, the X;idneys, the Skin, the
Bladder, in fact, all parts of the human
system are regulated, purified,and
restored to perfect natural action by
this medicine. Thus it CURES hi}.
diseases affecting these or other parts
of the system, Dyspepsia, Constipa-
tion, Bad ,Blood, Biliousness, Bads
ache, Iidrley and Liver Complaint,
Obstinate Humors, Old Sires, Scrofula,
Rheumatism, Nervous ori General
IC}ebi1ity, and all irregularities of the
system, caused by 13ad Blood or dis.
xordered action of the Stomach, Bowels,
Liver or'Kidneys. 'thousands of testi..
menials warrant the tit sertion that
13.13.13. is the E3EST SPRING