HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-05-24, Page 4E WILLIAMS CHEMIST DRUGGIST. ACT. G. N. W. TELEGRAPH CO opp. Brunswick House W1u ',j:#.aD1, " Ont 07 Pr inJam 1 ID.A1 MAY 24, 1895. EDITORIAL NOTES. PARLIAMENT has adjourned until Tuesday next, on account of the 24th. of May holiday. owniauvfile 1% a do not think, again and thele will not be much TEE Hyams murder trial its that the grain has suffered any in injury to the crop. dragsthis locality from frost as it was Goderich—Tho late frost has not to any extent injured fall wheat, barley, oats or peas in this seetion. BELMORE, union school section. Reserved.' frosts and farmers 10 not expect any! 1�zr. J, 8. Jerorne, Dentist, Wine- Garrow, Q. 0., for Of. R, L. Diek-'lnor•e than half a crop of oats and: i;itnl, says: "Williams' Little pnnrieli.oa insou for clefts. 1 ills are the best in the market, barley. Soave ftCI(Is of Peas itro� ,,,,r•Gea.Craxicttt�tlanit `!�'urnUerry. Irvine vs. Laidlaw et al, Action turning yellow. 1011 wheat will be , says "There is no Pill equal )to Williams' on bait bond. Action dismissed with all right if weather keeps waren. Little Dandelion ,Pills" costs. Aylesworth, Q. 0., for plfl ;1 Walkerton—The frost 11as done ` fir, Finlay An.dersoa�, FY-IDeputy- Reeve of I+a,tst I�'awanoah, says "Tiley I'rondfoot for deft. • utuelt damage to the Peas. Barley,. are the most satisfactory Pill I have ever 1 &tbougia it is badly eat by the frost, ; used.» DAMAGE TO GRAIN CRAPS. 1will reeov(ti', also oats. The fall Thomas Taylor, Warden for the From, the following information wheat is frozen down in some places, ,County of Huron, says: " would not use sent to a Toronto firm of grain deal. but not very seriously injured on the any other kill.. ers, in response to a circular sent cut 'whole- t Chs. Proctor, 4th bee of Mortis: p says: "1 would not be without Williams to their correspondents, it would ap- Port Elgin—The frost has done Littlo Dandelion kills." peal' that the damage done by frost quite a lot of damage to spring crops ofJ13 ��',, Ixha rA1 falind them in has been pretty general throughout sueli as peas, oats and barley, but deed a wonderful Pill." Western Ontario:. the fall wheat is not apparently in-, Hundreds of likeTeetimonialsfuntish. Wingham---The oats and barley l jured to any extent, ed Qn application, are cut down close; they will grow' Brussels --We think wheat has --. .... --.._-.:.� ------- again, but will be taste. Fall wheat :been somewhat . heat hurt, but as to spring resolution was unanimously adopted and peas are also cut and it seems lgrains we do not think any serious !by the board disapproving' of the doubtful if they will come to ,nater- damage has been done, especially if ity. The whole crop is damaged to 'the weather from now on should a large extent. prove favorable to growth. THOROUGHBRED URHAM B FOR SERVICE, Theundertiii 1hatingpureha• dnonotedprize- wiuning bull, sl`Ilitiiglrttie'3 a rrn, 20901, will keop the Rano for Ice, on his premises, Innovate toad, during t se >- t, TRIMS-llradecos .81; Tha,° able 1st of Januar • 1890, breds, ea, pay - CHAS. Plnl:ltsox.mm C ��+ 1u T OF' ISION. The first si, •n, of the Court for the Revision of tb •:essment Roll for the Township o` mist) • , will be held in e, on Monday, 1 o'elook JOHN BURGESS, Tp, Clerk, MoDonal . s Hall, Blue the eft. day of May,1805, branding of the month and file day p' of make on cheese. Chatham ---Frost has not damaged Ayton—Tho frost nipped the fall Live stook markets. the grain, excepting some early wheat, peas and oats pretty badly, East Buffalo, N. Y., May 20,— planted corn. Grape and fruit trees 1 but our impression is that with Cattle ---Receipts about 98 ears, all are badly damaged. favorable weather they will pick `up sold, Market opened with a fairly B - `� active demand for nearly all kinds. Dogs --Receipts, 124 cars. Market a shade easier for light grades and Yorkers. Yorkers, light to good, x"1.60 G $4.65 ; good Inediuins, $4,70 G $4,85 ; common to good heavy ends, $4.35 ee $1.50 ; rough, $4 C $4.25 ; pigs, $4.60 n: $4,65 ; stags, $3 77 $3.75. Sheep and lambs -- Receipts, 84 cars; market fairly active ; clipped sheep, choice to ex- port 'ethers, $4.50 C $4.90; fair to good mixed, $3,60 $4.25; common to fair, $325 G' $3,60; culls, $2.25 Cf.. -1' $3.25. clipped lambs fancy ex- port, $5.50 Ca: $5.80 , good to choice, $5.50 C.; $580 ; fair to good, $4 C $4.60; spring lambs, common to choice, $3.75 C%. $5.70. Montreal, May 20,—The offerings at the east end abattoir to -day were over 500 cattle, 650 calves, 150 sheep, 50 Iambs, ,- lean hogs and weary length along, and will not . light and we had no snow, but early likely be finished this week, garden truck, such as beans and I'r i announced that Chief Justice potatoes, were considerably cut. Meredith will be knighted on the Hastings—The fall wheat, barley 44th of May, and clover have been, damaged by Mr. J. S. McKinnon, of Blyth I. CARGILL, lI. P. for East Bruce, els just now sending campaign Iiterature to his constituents. IT appears that Major-General ferbert has not resigned command of the Canadian Militia, but is on his way to Canada, after a short busi- ness trip to England. there has been any sericrns damage friends in Clinton. --Mr. H. D. Tim Dominion Government has by the late frosts beyond delay to Henderson was at Wingham on refused to grant the request of Mon- growth, though fall wheat is con. Tuesday attending the meeting of Maitland Presbytery..—Court White - he late frost, Peterboro—From all the informa- tion I have been able to gather from various farmers in different parts of this district the spring erop has un- doubtedly been damaged, more es- pecially the barley, oats and pea crops, Port Hope—We cannot say that District Deputy of District No. 31, will pay Court Tuck, No. 30, Cana- dian Order of Foresters, an offieial visit on Wednesday evening, 29th inst. Let there be a 'good atten- dance. WHITECHURCH. Mrs. Wm. Kew has been visiting tl°cal for $250,000, or a smaller sum, siderably killed in this section and towards the proposed international some is being ploughed up, So far church, No. 116, Canadian Order of exhibition to be held in that city in we think the prospects are favorable Foresters, will hold its regular meet - we 18196, on the spring crop, though much needing rain and warts weather. Tae Judicial Committee of the Lindsay—Barley has been dam - Imperial Privy Council, so a dispatch aged to some extent by the frost, says, has given Sir Oliver Mowat but I think the Ioss will not be very leave to appeal from the Supreme serious in this locality. All other Court of Canada's judgment regard - Waterloo are, I think, uninjured. ing prohibition. Waterloo — The frost seems to e Mu, DAN aro BURT', Liberal, was, this secthave ion. ne considerable Barley t nd fall whe t as last on Monday last, elected by accla- have suffered most. If weather week. Heavy horses are being illation, to fill the vacancy in the should turn favorable I think they bought right along within the range ing on Thursday evening next, 30th about 75 young pigs, The demand of Blyth, District Deputy, will pas= was equal to the. supply for every theta an official visit. A good at- tendance is requested. . attendance was good, and the tone of the market is steady. Cattle for Montreal Sora Markot, export brought from 3e C; 5c ; Montreal, May 20.—The market calves, $1,50 C, $f; each ; sheep, showed more activity this week, but $3,75 G $6.50 ; lambs, $2.50 Cr otherwise there is no new feaure. $4.25; lean hogs, from $5.50 �a $10 : Values keepabout the same small pigs, 75c a` $2.50 each, and fat hogs, 5c CI 53c per lb,, live S instant, when Mr. J. S. Mckinnon tintal•io Legislature caused by the will recover greatly. of $75 to $125, and about the sante resignation of Mr. W. B. Wood, of Petroleat--The frost hits done a range is quoted for good drivers. North . The. Conservatives great deal of damage to wheat and. The supply continues quite liberal, were unable to ;;eta candidate, oats and barley. Some parties are' and for the present is quite equal to resowing and others are waiting to the requirements. There were sev- see hove it conies along. They do eral good sized purchases made by not sow their peas here until 24th exporters at the Horse Exchange and May' or l.st June. Did more damage the shipments, including the through before His Lordship Chief Justice on low black land than on clay. stock from the Western States, Meredith, at the non -jury sittings at Denfield—The late frost did not amount to probably 400 head for Goderich, last week: damage the fail wheat, but all the the week. Slrlith&Laurie were the Brown vs. Sturgeon, was an action other grains, especially barley, oats • principal export buyers, for administering of estates of Mary, and peas, were damaged. Sturgeon and Thomas Sturgeon. Hagersville—Most farmers in this British Grain 'trade. Judgment f'or administration, with section give very glooruy' reports, London, May 20.—The ifark reference to Master at Goderieb; and we believe that unless we have Lane Express in its weekly review question of Costs and further direelain and more favorable weather of the British grain trade says; tions reserved. Champion, Q. C., very soon the damage to all kinds English wheats have risen 6d. Cal- ler plffy .; ((arrow, Q. C., for deft, of grain will be very severe. Fall ifornia cargoes sold at 26s and Alexander vs. Alexander was an wheat has suffered most on low ' Oregon, and Duluth and the best alimony suit and a claim for money ground. , Manitoba at 27s. American flour received by the deft. for plffs. use, Markdale — Fanners' statements' has been in good request, and corn .i'udg•nlent referrers The Chancery Sittings. The following are the cases tried POWDERS Curo SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 MINUTES, also Coated Tongue, Aizri- nese, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation Ttrpid Liver, Bad Breath. To stay cured and regulate the bowels. VERY NICE TO TAKE. PRICE '1$ CENTS Ar DRUQ STORES. WALL PAPERS- Our stock is very complete, in all the different patterns and quali- ties. Prices of Wall Papers are away down and qualities away up. No trouble will be experienced by purchasers buying Wall Paper from me, We can always supply all quantities required. Call and gee samples; it is a pleasure to show .them, whether you buy or not. WINDOW BLINDS,-----• We have them in all the different designs, and at prices to suit the times. BOOKS weight. The receipts at the Cana- TATiONERY, dian Pacific stock yards for the week ending May 18 were 2,600 cattle, 322 sheep and Iambs, 195 calves, 2,554 hogs, and 104 horses, nearly MARKET l :POdt'.TS. t1.1:ra1zelz. \Ving11an1, May 24 4 95. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce 1)t kra . Flour per 100 lbs 2 15 to 2 40 Fall wheat,,,.... 0 90 to 0 92 Spring Wheat 0 85 to 0 87 Oats,.,......., 0 33 to 0 34 Barley 0 35 to 0 40 Pews 0 GO to 0 58 Butter, rolls., .... 0 12 to 0 12 liggs per dozen 0 08 to 0 08 Wood per coni, .. , .. , , . , , , 1 25 to 1 60 Hay per ton .......... 7 00 to 8 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 30 to 0 35 Tallow, per lb...... .,..,.,0 05 to 0 05 Dried Apples, per lb . , , 0 4, to 0 05 0,1 ( • c1 Y•J VI n lir• et. c1 ltd BOOT Ltf Thousands 0' pair rl stook still on . a • 1 few of the pric. 'r' Ladies $4 r,, 00 Butts soots tor f�{" 3 7fi �, 3 00 P " 2 78 ,' 1i 25 st� other UST BE SOLD BEFO IST JUNE, The wbole of Q D Erg 151,1 it �• BROTH"' RS g Cry.' and ' HOES of the best of , These are a k of Solid, Reli ble 82 50 200 1 95 1 50 ads hn roportion. Men's fin: laced nd gaiters in black and an at gr t reductions. Men's . ow beats in laced and buckle. L, f J Ladie: , Misses' an Children's Oxford at clearing pre =s, S ANb CAPS Flats for 81.25; ' e.50 flats ats �5c.b1.50 and 50o.1t for Straw ats . 51 very 3 ap. ,� rLr � r~� will !r� Lr Di HA d $3 for: (I1J fur 11 �1 ch• EJ 11 Lamps ,�zf� For which no reasonable off drl be refused. Next Halsted & Scott's Ba k Wiugisanu. A lot of rockery, Glassware, Preserve Jars, Stone Milk Pans, Oak Churns, AVash Tubs, Flower P Jugs, MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Mortgage at low rates of in- erest on terms of five years or over; Principal payable at end of term or annually, if desired. JOHN BURGESS, Bluevale P. O., Ont.. Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and Savings Co., London, Ont. We carry full stocks in these lines. Fully assorted stock of school supplies. Agent. Dominion Express and C. all of the latter being for the Eng- P. R. Telegraph Co's. lish markets. The most of the cattle, •x and eight carloads of the hogs came r from Manitoba, and were in the The Popular Bookstore. hands of shippers. There were Wingham, about 1;000 live hogs at both abut- - il' 0 S this morning. ' ng. The above o nl figures do not include the arrivals at t SUPPOSE the Point St. Charles stook yards DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING. MISS AGMLIA. W YN N Has decided to open a Dress and Mantle Making business at her home, No, 83, Edward street, Wingham, near Baptist church. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed, for the past week, as the clerk re- fuses to give them, "°W ENE 711 AN ALIN! AUCTION SALE J. CLEGG & 'CO —(„•.- - ed the Buil- hav ur a VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY;ne seouJclAcCline �&are Co.,aand we : are headquarters for •, o Diaster at God- are conflicting, but some fields will has sold at F,d advance, round sellin 1n the,uatrer of the estate of the lata James erielr to settle amount of alimony, have to be i•esewn,up Johnston, deoessed, thort '311 bn sold by Public at 23s and flat at 23s. Barley is Anotlon , the Land Planter, and for $350, to be paid forthwith Guelph --The damage • od and oat Garrow, Q. C. lff.1 HOTEL, --d\ T/t14— t o { l C P e by frost is oats are steady. QUEEN'S E �., S 1K ®'71` E p ver T d d' Spray PUn1pS y serious. ! To -day's s English wheats had s Beatty vs. Beatty. Action to have Oven Sound—We fear there is a another rise of 6d, and foreign and TOWN of WINGHAM, Galvanized and verbal agreement ent made between good deal of harm done, but it will' American advanced is •excepting pit% and his father respecting certain depend a good deal on the kind of California, which advanced 6d. lands in McKillop carried out, the weather we have the next week or American flour rose is and English defts: - being the executors of his two, ;flour 6d. The demand for malt and father's will, There was also a Fiesherton_The frost has done barley has improved, and the prices Counter claim by defts. against solve damage to oats, peas and bar- have risen Gd. mound corn rose 9d ptff, Judgment dismiss!» Annealed Fence Wire, with snap shot bargains to suit the times. WATCHES Elgin, Waltham, Rockford Columbus, warranted for • four years. Wednesday, the i2th day ofklune :Barb Wise, 1 WALNUT CLOCKS at the hoar of 2 n`cioek in the afternoon, by Peter } Truss Cable, Deans, Anct,oueer, the following valuable property, From 52.50 up. namely : The North 50 acres of Lot Number 27 and the Larbles 3 Plait Easterly 57 acres of Lot Nu,ti,ler 2$ in the 10th Con. � s g pdff's ley, but fall wheat does not seem to 7 for clefts. be hurt ditin A suitable for wedding and birthday presents, in Lha• County. We have the lar claim and giving judgment any to speak of. i t n peas are tip 1 s. Cotton cake sot en sixes, 'w ith shout 100arres aro cleared and Builders' _ on their' eonilte. claim for $375. Gar. Mount Forest—We have 11'1(1h, a rust class state of cultivation. There aro Upon BuilderS 3ardware, � SILVERWARE cession of tee •Cownship of Tnruharry in the to ty W ,y �r gest and flat 6t1. Beans are f1i'in. (salla-) of num».. This farm consasts of mar hnndted and • Wire and Cit Nails most complete stock of dropped 2s 6d and cotton seed is 3d the prcndsestt coot( frame house loft x 20ft, with ,r rfrwv, Q. C, and I? S trays for most of the crop that was up is al -1 Dairy Markets. Robertson vs. Bone. Action to set most ruined, ` One farmer told me' Little Falls N. May20,-- aside two deeds of land as fraud- to -day that he did not expect his Cheese -3,900 boxes a Went and void as against plff., who fall wheat would be worth anything, ,all consigned, was a creditor. Judgment for set- as it was frozen in the joint. y r�i �” Butter -20 to17e; dairy butterg ttnh aside both deeds with costs. that were green befog' the frost,inbuttercreamerds sohi at 16at 17c.�12 packages Deacon vs. Brant. Action for driving past thele now you would Utica, Y., May 20.--- wagei, title by deft. to plfi Settled not think anythingbeeny :y Cheese by the parties, deft. agreeing to ver- -in thein. S had sowvn i saes today 60' boxes small at Se; diet for $600 without costs. Garrow, Brampton ---. The frost has done +C¢5 boxes small at Sic ; 3,283 boles Q. 0,, for pl 4 Capstone for deft. COtlsidcs able dams a to the onsl,,ned. Morris g barley, + 13uttP iris vs. Huron. An action byoats,3r, i sold a packages creamery! t peas�and early sown 6111 wheat butter sold at 160 to 1Gac, yt y��__�__ • the trrtt rt�liip of ;'fortis against the) in this seetion. Some fields of barley! I3 11 ' 1 , Ont., y '21.—At the m �` _'ll esagto payinitlia io.ra•o•refr the offer , N a, E S CELERY Rpilite etpcnses of1hr>►nlrl---I•ttt•Inl'1•s ar<t Cosraplain•ings ~vote 1,315 baxesof white a� � � "" building certain budges t'. � in at cl•1►t • n• s nd a tan for heft y s - o1 plff. very heavy frost. Farmers say that per ton. frame kitchen attached 14 x 20, a (rood log stable, Spades t ,des Shovels two frame barns each 30 x fi0 and in good repair a f root hems: and other out buildings, also a good fruit Rakes Hoes,$6C bearing orchard. The property is situated within half a.soils from the Ton•r, of wingha,n, and is watered by a never failing spring crack. The snit is a rich team and it is a iirst.cittss farm for either t �j n j��! �y gr„zbig ora 4' SALnratpurper a STONE BLOCK" -'-W nghani. TIsR11S UN S,Yr.ri•-•Ten ler ernt, of the p))rcl,use ,honey on the dal• of as►e and the balance within 20 days thereafter, when the purchaser will be entitled to a conveyance. htn•ther cnrniitions and terms of sale will t,e rondo known on the der of sale et may be had on applica- tio,t to the Auetionoer Or to 11. vtrr,Tnxi•;, Vendor's Solicitor, Dated 14th May, 1805. winitham. Rubber Paint, BUSINESS CHANCE, A first-class Baking Business for sale; EYESIGHT TESTED TREE. Jewelry rapturedatlowest rates, and fully guaranteed, . by M t NSRA , doing a good trade in Bread and Cakes, The Optician. Apply to Box 102, W,inghare, Ont, Wingbani, Nov. 15th, 1894. rcttttntc t:r compel the- a seri a nt. Dftt 2 .-.- + its proportion of a •s cheese board here to-dayy g damage c l.ia frost to the i11EilfIC'..`1r+`, IRON AN»WINE. , ,l) 0 fill wvhe•rt' Dickinson for l,lt;'. Garrow ` ^ ' ' le grown- 1,245 colored; total 2,500 boxes Q. 0, ,ling err f f l , . Sates: 110 boxes ofeolorod at 6 5.16 for defy. Judgment reserved, 11' Clifford --Elie fall wheat has been dantlr'w vs. Baker. An action, by t damage considerably, n cents, and 30 white.,May G,1.— purist y damaged consirlra ably, Darts and peas Diadoc, drat,, 21.—Twelve •gift to set aside will of the late Wtn, to a slight extent. factories boarded 745 cheese here to - Oilier on several grounds. Action i I)urlenl--4Vtreat, oats, barley and clay; {tic was bid, but no sales. than disrirr«-t•rl %Olt c 14tS..lyiesworth and peas are ail cut down with the frost. Ingersoll, Ont., Ma 21.-�Of{crlriga,on i tient '1.r 1'ft: (Jarrow, Q. C., for Same of the farmers titre resowing to -day, 2,020 boxes Cr delis. , .first half May their oats peas amain. (make. Sales: 524 at 6 1.16e 680 t nt el s:ctio,.1 vs, l i:s'khair't, Action Teeswats.----_'11)5! r.t'r)l,v Ii'i'p.,ie.r . � • - .. t are at rr There was a lar a a:�tend», t o tet •rrat`se awm d for formation of .t %'or E nitwit eiteekcd en aceonnt or the t•rnec but the market Was dolt, .c1 The Best Blood Purifier, Tonic and General Itealtlt Restorer ever offered to mankind. )11 1 YYoottt will get snore genuine permanent benefit out of ONE i3OTTL r of yam. MANLE ''S CELERY -NERVE C(ri ,PC3 FYI) out of a whole dozen of any other "'Compound" on the market. It Contains no injurious CERINx•: instead of Ar noxoL, Try it! You will then kno* the truth, QNE DOLLARdPr ' ,BOTTLE. d Stsstst AND Gm ""i:1 ,; . ` ',, 's WILLIAMS' DRUG STORE, WINGHAM, ONTARIO We do not fear corn - Pr: The, a regia May 21s appointe was a g The sync Session r attested, vited to ber. A Knoxan( was subs Conllaliss- tions. R Melville c the unite( to be $ weeks in Sessions shall . con united co of Managr tions shall agernent The Presi ),satisfactio: unanimou, eongregat union beta tion the st submitted be made 1 the afores date. In Knox ch was giv church to Knox chu applied to indebted» 71f presented East Ash of IM• .W. missioner were heal call 269, annum, 11 call was pet call. call from grave al • Wawano. 11 Hall, Lie( to this }''' $850 per manse. eongrega it was su call. T calls in tl asked f the matt which w rangeme ordinatio ."4"' . duction. Greek a in Systc History, Mr. And( to addre.. Lennan t authorise If requir Stalker, named f lege, To finance adopted. intenden ed to pr sion to 1 Divinity Presbyt from vat that 9 m are seek terian et the Pre United pal chu: Methodi of .Englh gregati( Rev. J Membei yBills an I of Trot they Ila PM. Trustee 11�_E�i'ouble '1-13allant reuses forwarf coeds o rade, o pnrpos( Messrs. pointed and en dition port at 'to ask 'button supply son re of Will of ere of the Grath was c +fer sol; idle s 1