The Wingham Times, 1895-05-24, Page 3'it, W1NWI M To t MP Y UY. 7R,T „tld 6Y�T Yi of spirits, three glasses. of wine, or Courtesy to Children. ° font half pints of beer or stout, It If; flays a recent writer, we deeire rtut' Teem) re ells/ tvlaotfa:rt ltn1dc11.1 i=1 your regular drinking, wfu;tbc.r our little ones to possess the grace +'r�•tJ f „rf stud F7rrrrrrrtlld .terlf, rr Land " limited or unlimited, that induces end dignity that lent to maulreo _ • disease. The proportion of disease and Ivomantsood their peculiar t Pll roll ilae atkuitinn, of the uyotgvrra rtntt ststcrs' amongabstainershae been shown, In. char/], we muse begin their teething t•'thr tar•c, i,,. thn wnntane Ghroi+tiun Temper• itiege groups of,Sold1D1 and others in early gout]., The father who s T11e esker's +t number of years Ago, the Board of Direetora of a certain b.in1e were in the habit of dining at each other's ]houses monthly hl rotation, Quc of them ryas a merchant whose success iu busiuest .was not in the least INC 4AM Sped MIL!. BANK of PATO e ,1't%'INGl: ANI. 9'111. ur,rlr•rsigrtr ti in yetutttttt,r ilt::n! :� C:tnpitti, 1,'':�0,0t10. Bait, $050,000 1'01.1441 In rtrs,beit ]pate tEt tr,s 11::P. l lee•;,• blettlat lv•ry laru0 stook of Pre...Wont—dnt;:a @Tres. a:.et r uban meets the third Aletnitq ovety month under si.tnlitir' tlllditiont", to be about touches his hitt to JHS little daliglhtel', at three o'e otik •liar fur one ]roar, nt Mrs. Holies r, Gemco, r'atriek strecr. All ladit.•erore made »e1• one totems. who. steps hack and allows her to en to es n+ 1+ittor has kindly given vs port ot hie• should not (Wink in Moderation, ter the room first because elm is a apart% for our work, we ask ftluntts of the cause to tl:iet'eftl'e, because moderate dt•iuking lads' '1nd Vel' truly send hetes of Snterest nn na moral/mentions of the _ , y i my says, (Wee day Gu env of our injurious, urious to health. much to euitivato this manner. A aannaburn, in We ought not to drink in modem- girl cannot be in the habit of re. tion because intoxicating drinks are calving and acknowledging such at- Sklorld: We Drink 111 Moderation? unnecessary and useless in health, tentirn without acquiring the gi'tce (I3v Norman 'iter;, M. D., Ike/'• Tr,,8.,, in We need, to live at all, well or ill, which we desire for Iter, and the in• "'`!he Young Man, Lindon, Euglaut;.,) fresh supplies of certain things to re- fluence of it does not stop there. The At the present time there are few ' pair the waste of .substance, heat, little girl who is treated with such more important questions ns for ayoung fluid and energy. which is constantly Consideration invariably responds man to answer aright, on :edltering going on in body and brain.- Docs with a losing serviee which must on active itfe, than the question— alcohol ]Meet any or alI of these endear her to her father's beast. Ought we to drink in moderation ? wants? It does not, neither does it What another child must be bidden On his answer may largely depend give healthy tissue, nor internal vital to do, she does spontaneously. Her his future happiness and usefulness. heat (though it makes our skin hot), feet are ready to run, and her hands I have no hesitation in replying— nor an innocent liquid, nor even are ready to work for him, so that No, force. Alcohol cannot build up a courtesy becomes what it should be, We ought •not to drink in rudder- sotthd frame, Though it makes us not merely a form, but the expression Geld/, because mo human being -can feel warm it robs us of our very life's of love itself, and it is the habit of be absolutelyrcetain that he will be heat, and if too much is withdrawn her life.. Perhaps the truest gentle - able to long remain a "moderate "; from us, it leaves us too cold to live. man I ever knew brought up his drinker. Of the niaany young men We are all practically two-thirds little daughter by the same •standard whom I have known, those who have water, which conveys the nourishing of manly honor and courage that be done well" ;as well as those who ; matter over the system, cleanses our did his son. .Did ho hear her re" have " done !badly " as the world ; bodies, and preserves our personal lating some bit of foolish gossip, goes, I have newer yet known one identity, like a livid paste or glue. " A lady never tells tales," weals] be who set out as'a •" moderate "drinker; Every addition of alcohol impairs his grave rebuke. Did she bump with any intention to become; or , this threefold beneficent capacity of her head or pinch her chubby finger, fear of. becoming, a drankard.: nature's beverage, "honest water her refuge was his arms, but his 1 every man of them began to drinkthat never left sinner i' the mire," word was, " Courage, my soldier 1" with a strop •deterluination to eon- Therefore "moderate" - drinking is And sometimes when she had re. tinue a " moderate "drinker as Zang extravagance; alike for body and for sistecl a sharp temptation, or acted as he lived. Many of " the world's purse. What we pay for our liquor, With spirit and decision in a sudden gray fathers," !likeNoah andLot, if that is intoxicating, is simply crisis, he would say, proudly, "'That) did their best torbc << moderates but wasted, wasted as if we threw the was done like a lady. Allow me tc, sadly failed in their endeavor. Yet menoy into the Thames. shake/ hands." Kisses wore for in our dey it is ;immeasurably more lie should not drink in moderation every day, She was sure of his at• difficult thi preserve strict moderation because thereby we diminishour fection, and such a training naturally than it " was In our race's early chances of long life. Superficial or developed many beautiful traits ef history. There were no brilliant unskilledobservers do notsee beneath character which, added to true ,gin.palates, no gilded public -houses, the surface. The "moderate" drinker piety, made her a charming Chris - ;nor gorgeous ketels and music halls, often looks ruddy and robust, the trait woman. 'to tempt our 'remote ancestors to teetotaler pale and shrinking, But - t assisted by ally e'ar'ly ' lvttlrtage'IS in QA 1�t p , ; •••,r11/-0" tt , } �%,� 4frmrttrrt-'tS•-:e. t.. [,m3,pAY. th(, line tJf' -education. ,,. t^ . try - u'. t",S�'i: /.r�'��fir� LA �� E ucattion. Dining tit the i a 1441 , :nfkw ;+.x•ae, ,r, Mr 3,, he re t e:i"C1C. "it#1 13, where did you get that Cloelt?" "In Parrs," • 0n hand, wiaieh will be sold lit very elt,r'av (aeau'r-.J.'.t.I..,t,i'I.L. Oil the eahlt. c.t 1111tH, ill e0u!'se of tulle? , 1. sweetie of di and tll,:•'.vr• r, t e„rrt arse/ wore. t nilotrc' , Ur. 13, gave his next' dinner to his -•••-- 1 APer,Stia Deposita 1 r'•r•,•irt" at current fellow director, when the tllercbant, i({'e; a r.rz 0v .a rosea of it ,•ass• 4 tf ;saw t # ,• vj Dram.. „re+ t 11„,..*::,n:i :., 1„0„,1 tats& seeing the clock again, ext:laiined, a is 'e •i9 � Era1 '+, 11•' 1:' t,ultghl;uttd M%tt lid S '•la., 1 thuugtit you said you bought; t�tl ife. t). ti'll.L ()X, mien that clock in karts,,' ` o I did." ou (C s. l or n E. L. DICKINSON, 1'7r)iiiiii.•r. `c Well, its very strange. I wrote -to per Cord/ e,iae'$'y��, , the fellow who made h, ordering ;id ` , -• home) of lI 1 'rice a vvey 6t'ae1i' tt } J ll.:,:flr9,f6, rr ;di list^erukq, ]ilia, Itrre, , t;,t entero::, ;!( edema...) , , ,, wool), A. a. f r•,v:ut•,>. A. T sate/ lir', 13, Nothing lrhoi'o was said prieee to meet the referees/seete of 1110: ttvirage Itttsiic^noel•�.:,.to.,•,t,ttun"•tva,1,0 1letil (11841. duplicate, and he paid 110 attention Everything else equally low. °ente sled to me. "cI don't see how you could ; see 101 before buying, as we at ill not be write to Mlle when I had not told i uadersolcl. you hid flame." "Hie 1uuue? Can't j1ILLI;ti!\ ei• FON. II read? 't'here it is, 011 the face of (SViu;he,,n, Jane 701, isJ;t. the Meek. I wrote to limn pas Pugh, II 'Paris, France." _--- � JOB PRIRT!U , d Are you till tired out, clp leu ]lave that' YNGLUi)zN° f;ooka, raulpb1Ptl, t'oat•,rs, Hit i tired feeling or sick hraaia:,he? You ecu J1 tIa!arla, Ulrcuiars, err, clo., exo, ute'1 i she bust us relieved of a1! tnaae uy venue. Fluucl'd I title of tint art, at Moderate prte1s, al,d short :,r'4 ce. Apply ur address Sarsnparilla, il. F:f,f,IOTT, I -• Tluws entice, ;•,gham One on the Doctor. • Dr. W. 13eattte Nesbitt tells e rather good story in which the laugh ' the are easel to winnow that am• ]tonics or was against himself. During tyre. 3fugacoirs left with ns Pur iti,,,U,, , iris] hurt, enr g pronrptatrautlon, rriresfor titndtn,rio req• stJ'k hist Provincial eatrlpaig"tt he was out wlti b,tgiten on appifeation to the Tiataa otbee, stumping for the Meredith candidates 4 .empty, up after cup, nor indeed the the battle is not always to theflushed eau Don't agave to Swear Off ,strongwaters •of the distillation .of in face, I Have known "moderate' Isays the St. Lolls Journal of Agriculture in an editorial about No-To.liae the fatuous tobacco habit ;later ages, to infuse into their .veils,' people die unexpectedly and quickly, were, •• it a tgi0w o[ many cases au rad by No•''i'•. cans .immediately on ;shrinking, liquid tine, fifteen and twenty years before their ha'0' 0i , rL Hruuiiucnt St. Louis architect, snielae,T and ,bowers for twcnry years; too poxes cured hint :producing speedy .and deep 'them- average terra of life. The seeming so th.ttoven ttin cola; 01 tobaeeo iilake,, titin ,telt'• No• k tree, sold nod ttuuranrcad uo nnrc nn pug, •erasion, and so penetrate the whale mystery was revealed when their Hoose tree, mooing ltontedy Cu,, 574 St, rani Ss., being of parents :as to 'bring forth bodies were opened after death. As .1 1"4"4'• ,'children practically drunken before one, so many. He cited in twenty they Were born. In our day end minutes, after a little extra exertion.., Deceived the People, generation, precincts as we are of :the ' Though there never had been a i accumulated anleoholie heredity ;of suspicion of Ills tesnperanoe, his liver ,AND z IS z'I3 rT.\"Ir>;sTlAitr wait A centuries and living in an age ,of and heart were foam', pierced with TzeR. neavous overstt1sin, ,how treinendcsns- fatty degeneration. The irrefragablc (Wont the LoiroIt Morning Citizen.) ly more arduous tGhe.fight to remain , proof of the superior longevity - of moderate in our ;drinking! abstainers Dies in :the reeords of vel l- ' At Atlantic, Iowa, on May 7, C. M. W ought not to drink in model. -ons insur�anere societies. TJne t Ailor, Iias "Grip." Ailor, was eon- ation, therefore, because we thereby ;abstainers have .aa :higher bonus, bra vieted of deceiving the people by incur a risk of becoming intemperate, ; in fifteen cause they litrefrofitleen'to twenty, selling a worthless cog und, which We ought not to ]&rink in leader- ,or more, per (cent. longer than the , he represented to be Hoods Sarsa- ationlbecause, ever;] H,we were au. laid/ -abstainers, ;drunken lives being' ' rli1 pari] L, and was senteneed by Judge ;solutdly certain that me would never ;sof course, excktded. acl to one year at bard labor an !the Iowa State Penitentiary. Ailor's overstep the bGiadsdlstof moderation I We should not dnitnk in inodera-; methods were those 'af a traveling ourselves, there are null:around us in. ;ition, therefore, - hoetbuse we Nvoul.d , fakir. He has been travelline life young. men anal maidens, joyous- !thereby tend to shorten oae .lives. a 'ay or timidly engag uglin the struggle' There are many good. reasons ,why' Ilowa, mal ingrough ostandsuri, ofNebraska ay or :for exustencc, wise, whether froni.;we should avoid drinking entirtely.' morin each town, and representing inebriate inhoritao e or from someI will add ode one more. Alcohol, �� r � y himself as an agent under seamy;other nervous defect ,elf ,constitution in appoeeisable quantity, reduces from 0:1. Hood. ai: Co,, and selling are totally unable (from .no misdoing i;tttuseutar Three .and lessens mental his•coneoetion at one dollar or fifty ref theirs to drink as ]moderation, isharpness. Carefully ;conducted ex- eents per bottle, giving with' each. 'Whey cau abstain Auldttley can Isedilnents have .showm this. Other sale various other worthless articles. drink to excess, but tea .drink moder- jsondlitions being ,equal, .alcohol takes Citizens of Griswold, Iowa beealnli: away is beyond their power. Such : tine :ceu edge off otu ;perceptive . ' Treasons 1trlLnse mental baVlenee is so seconds longer to see asnl,ob,leet, ;tvthile not Hood% Sarsaparilla, but merely ctali.eate and. whose resisting ]power is it ca eks as by ,eausing ;us to thank soedefective tthatt heydl are ter thea that eve have seen it :sooner. Sol Three indictments;were found againhad him st l able ©;abs n with.lehottght. Thus it is that an 1 hint, the jury convicted hit/ after the'' try to Marlow your apparently , abstainer can often .dor besiness mere aul ieiolis atnd astaertaintng from at, handicapped ones are Quist • the very ; face lines, so that we take some , druggist that Ailor's compound was e1_ safe practice of moderation., they can to his own advantage when the - only :thirty minutes deliberation, and.p he was sentenced as above. This. not eontintte moderate to the. end. Ism' with whom he is 'dealing I141— i ineif etzt.su,; gists tine wisdom ot put - We ought not to drink in seeder- takena;glass of. wine or elxirits. ..1„,1-, chasing .medicinestonIy of reputable Mien, therefore, ]because this•exaniple Cobol is a reducer, a blinder andel ; dealers whom yea know. Hood's, is unsafe for a vary large /amber of paralyzer.. up is ocher sold by tee me, poisons who eat er are +dises,sedfl Wesltc'sid not drink in anrntdet*atiau, and each offering it should be at tw drunkards, or are, by inheritance or; finally, because by so doing i1 a alae ` otherwise in darn .er of falling. ,once tilelaos^teit to the authorities, or g o hindering ;ourselves from >erljoying � to C. if. I:Ios�d t� Co,� I.owelt AiaLss. We ought not, therefore, to drink rand exerting to the full the various ' in moderation because moderation le capaeities with whieh our Heavenly ; ;moa las wurufag, wasteful, extravagant, and anew- 1 Father has 'endowed us. atomfCal, physically and financially. _ ._ i The rsotwtnen and ever -]?resent %tarn - Jas I vngf of dtidneg troul3ky, hank -acne Gros]. We ought not to drink in moder- 'laver a Great Reputation Here, 1weakness is back, are quiokly ret1eve.3 ation because this is a practice in- jT. B. Taylor, Esq, merchant, Wellandr 1 by Dr. C'Csaso s Pills. The original ,,thea jingoes to health. Alcohol IS an ir- says: "Stark's Powders have a great re- dally 2a earns KadneyLii er Pills. When ritant narcotic poison. It irritates potationabout here as an immediate, as , aid other remedies fail, they cure. andinfiatnes the st nnaeh liver, vera as a permanent euro fvr Esad ehe, : ion'l ltd sante iefinemettt whicts bei s kidneys and other vital rus�gans, : � ' t3ltsnmess. Neuralg;`sa, Isiver and Storm- l tag n` :soh Coplaints, Costiveness, 1 19uow of us Iiew pleasures, exposes us to neap' / overworks the heart, and disturbs • people wbo have been long and groat pafh.- Iittitve • the brain; not mneh,.perhaps, at first, sufferers, who have tried almost every-,! but certainly in the long ruts. Of t,hitlg,a and have been cored by them.] A lie knows that it must either P , with retnttrk bte suocesa" ePwof amre hide or die when truth gots on the drunllenuess I do not speak. No „ one detends that nowadays. I Iimit Aerations iu each box. Sold by an +track.. what I have tosay so -Called moderate, medicine dealers at laic a hoe, 5 boxes $1. , Live as long as , ou neat the first steady drinking. l tedieally and l Nice to take, : twentyY y' ���� years are the lotrgest half of pathologically, the loam who gots . 1 your life. abominably drank once a month for' "Do you intend to marry again?"l a couple of days and is a strict tee- said Mr. Riverside, of New' York, to . livery magi who observes vigilant- totaler in the intervals, humanly iilr. De 01:00, of Chicago, Of ly and reselves steadfastly, grows speaking and leaving aside the ethics •course," replied Mr. De Gree. "There unscoilCiousiy into genius.-Bu1tvet•. of the question, will, other things are two ceremonies still unpunehed in When I was happy I thought 1 being equal, undermine his health the commutation marriage ticket I knew men but it was fated that I less than the malt who practices day bought of Rev. Dr. Thirdly." • should. know thein only in miser - by day such moderation as a glass Judge. tune. --Napoleon. . CEO, SHAW CUTS non THERE OF MEAT OAK. STEAK, 10C, PER LE. and other meats in low proportion. PORK SAUSAGE also on hand. and one night drifted into Clinton, Ilagglicillasimass11221rammallaaaaallia• I am prepared to pay the highest pride fowl. They must be drawn GBO, SHAW wing*ham. Oct, 10th, 1893. County. a for all ]clods of up in Huron County. As everyone. onsumptian. and well dressed.. kno We/, at meeting in aL rural i [l istuct Tita�bi, treatise and tiro bottles o1 tnedicjne tont Vie, to commences early and lasts late, And :aT 6u$eror ]lave rxnreec and rest e9tea ,ddreeo. x a the speakers have to talk it out, s.oGvnt eHE1HacA4 co, t.dr., roe nto, Onteneise- semememig This night they were very short of speakers and Dr. Nesbitt was asked ' to try and fill in time for a couple of hours. He laid himself out to do it, and at considerable length painted.; the iniquities of the Mowat Severn 1 ment in the most lurid colors. .After about an hour and a half the doctorI reached the surplus. He described' what the Mosva t Government claimed, and deelared it was all "wind." !! "Can't bo," interjected the charae-.1 ter of the town, who oecnpied a front seat. • i "Can't he 1" shouted the doctor. l "1 would like to know why ?" "Because you've got all the wind that's going," was the frank retort, Karl's Clover Rout will purify your blood, clear your conipltxiotl, regulate your Bowels and make your head clear as a belt. 25c., 5nu., and 81. Sold at Cbisholut's Corner Drag Store, The passives ere like fire, useful in a thousand ways and dangerous only in one. Mr. Gladstone has written a letter commending the movement for a reunion of the Scottish and other lesserest AMidnightWalk with a colicy baby or a colicy stomach isn't pleasant. Either can be avoide by keeping a bottle of Perry Davis' PAIN KII,IXR on the medicine shelf. It is invaluable in sudden attacks of Cramps, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and Diarrhoea. Just as valuable for all external pains. DOSE--Onetea$po0nful in a halt glass of water or milk (warm it convenient). IMMIIIMANInamilamns. m•••••••1•001•11 ♦.�-r-•• tyy-.T./._...►...`r.-...-,r•.-.t..-r-.-+_.-1-.-w •--.-.*-.W-..«1--,-r-'.-Ir..-► FEATHERBONE SKIT BONE Fos Griming ST •'YY L E and SHA IDE A light, pliable, elastic bone made from chills, It is soft and yielding, it conforming readily to folds, yet giving t proper shape to Skirt or Dress. The only Skirt Bone that may be Ito wet without injury. The Cerebrated T'ttAT.EEnhtONE CORSETS are corded with this material. Ladies Dresses Presbyterian churches. Jnr sale by leading Dry Coeds Dealers. _...-._..-..-..-.... •-.0 -.-.... -. ,••••••••••50 Disease itel'.1eved' 1n 30 „_ Minutes.—All cases ot organic or sym- l -- patn etio heart disease relieve it ' to 30 A Blessing to EveryHousehold. minutes and old at cured, by Lin Ag - store, Cure. Sold at Uhiahvlln's Drug am. stc� eyghs a hand Maiden if thou d s SPILLS AND I E NT;. knowest how to use it; a mistress if i thou knowest not.—Horace.. The virtues toes made of necessity ! "bs:sr remedies have steer] the test of Any years1 amitexperyiencease., and are pronouncedthe Le$t ,edioisee fol,. always appear as if the material PIl •-r .s not .npl(1 t Shiloh's cure, the great Cough rind [' moi,.'• -': , -t Croup Core, is in great demand. Pocket Jag - • �- • size contains twenty -rive doses, only 25e. U (7aildreu love it. Sold at Ohisholtn'g Garner Drug Store. could have been very abundant. 1'v;;;�, ;lis hloo,i, correct ail disorders of the L1Vl irtt'ahnable in all coutplaents' , i b I TfID1\"L'yti A �D 1rOT1 HLS and @tt4�h tL$'teYtl3 of on ages. Minnie—"I wonder if there is any truth its theory that tobacco will kill. mierobt`w".`J" Keenie—"Of course not. Charley- Litewtyte ltas been smoking a pipe for more than a year."— Indianapolis Juaa.rnal. Captain. Sweeney, U. S. A„ San Diego, Cal., says; ""Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is tee first niedioine 1 have ever found that would ' do me any good," ?rice 50c. Sold at Chishollli'a Corner Drug Store. Positive good is the best means of curing negative evil. When we are deliberately planning to increase the (sappiness of others and to further their welfare, we are not likely to in- ettre thuut by thoughtless, actions. No inan or woman of the humblest sort eau really be strong. pure and good without the world being the better for it, without somebody being helped and cortrfol'ted by the very o is goodness. existence Io •thc t s `C-ltAib13 i'saioty' fes' 841 re soros ulcers, ��Ij1I wounds, i'OIt BRONCHITIS, SORE Titlttl tAa (,,tAl011S, C•ot.bs, (edit r, Iirstf7.LITISM, rLP itP1LAII SWILLINGS AND ALL SIi1N DIN($A?t•3' lit I4AS No EgUAb. N anufacturod only at 78, J.l Jxlord. Laic 5113, oxford Street, Lateen, and x51'9 nal• all Medicine Vendbrtt t'aroughont the world. • f �'I'archasers sbott ]poli to th 8 Label on tl ?'Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, Lonaou, they etre spurious. FOR ONE MONTH AFTER WEBSTER • WI' 11 continue to reduce the price for EASTER CO. MAKING :EN'S TWEED SUITS TO $4 .00 SPOT CAS�. If you ' save any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar on the nnakin' e of cacti suit, and get a good fit. First-class Trimmings supplied at wholes ale prices for spot cash only. f th d If Rheumatism Cared . 111 a day.---Sent11 i0,( roe want to .'buy a Suit or Overcoat you can SONO. from. ; 3.00 American i hetimatae Oure of i heumatienf , from us, and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days, On each, by purehasing Its action on the syetem is remarkable slid ��% . of mysterious, e, in removes at once the"sauce i! EB ST ER y of the disease im►riediattSiy disapresre. The first ' close greatly benefits, lir cents.. 1Varrantcerl at (`hishoin'sdrug store. ppttsitls'he DOW lttacdonald Meek, Wittghaltmt,. Mordant Tailor