HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-05-24, Page 1IIE
VOL. XXIV.---NO. 12272.
tat A 4it,1: Ptlin
is thrillinOthis Store. But no matter
what yott may be told of enterprise
and energy here—of newer goods
and improved ways, of merchandise
that charms and prices that tempt—
the facts are above anything you will
believe without seeing. Take an hour,
take half an boar, take minutes to
look about examine, our good, corn
pare prices, and we feel assured that
we shall soon count you among, our
regular customers.
Is at hand, and it will well repay
you before purchasing to look
throUgh 'O'urttock of
9WETS and .
Ladies at home and children at school, coin lain
of headache, and have difficulty in seeing the black.
board work. An oye specialist should be consulted,
as it has been ascertained that over one.haff of tho
beadttehes which are so common in this ago aro tho
direct result of eye.strain. It is no w generally known
that certain ..0 called "Eye Diseases' of years gone
by aro doe to abnormal curvatures of the eye ball,
or to an irreiruloity of the refracting media. The
groan): the efforts which are made in thoinvestigl
tion of those Minding errors the more evident it
becomes how essential it M that they should bo
carefully studieu arid scientifically treated by one
who has made the subject a speelalty. It will
ccratinly be of benefit to ell those who are suffering
with ono or more of tho above symptoms to consult
him, and in CPHO classes are required, they are
i aectirat. ly fitted, and supplied at less than many
I charge for inferior goods.
Prof. Chamberlain, Eye hpeoitzeist,
Twenty Years' Experience.
67 eine Street Eliat, Toronto.
Traiiiccl Specialist always Prefont.
Paper on the Eye can bo had free.
Town and Farm Property sold on cow-
, mission, to the best advantage of both
I buyer and seller. No sale, no Omega.
Rents collected and property looked after.
Those desiring insurance should select
one of the following old and reliable English
stook companies:
Sun Fire Insurance Company, (estab-
1' "h 1 1710.)
Norwich Union Insurance Company,
(established 1707.)
Alliance ;Fire Amine -toe Company, (es-
tablished 1824.)
Lancashire Fire Insurance Company,
(established 1852.)
S. TO111311ILL, -
Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agent,
Kent Block, Wingham.
You Cflrl d� if you went to. „..Let uzetalk,
the matter overeit least. A card • to us
will do it. The trouble to us is nothing.
We are always pleased to make your
FLOOR OIL CLOTHS acquaintanee. and have something of itt-
terest to tell you.
.All•of the Latest Designs and Prices
al** down. • ...
This Department is being daily
replenished with all the latest Novel-
ties that cannot fail to.. please ' our.
Lady Patrons, and'Ottr MISS SIMP-
SON will spare no pains to make
yourt,'t,t agreeable as well as profit-
able. ;
vie are stocked with all the newest
and freshest the markets can supply.
In fact our stocks in all lines are
full. • I.
We are ahead of all competitors,
Our stock is new and well selected
and prices right,
'We are bound to sustain our reputa.
tion for stylish and well fitting gar-
ments. In proof of whielt,.we are
Ming orders for City Wear weekly.
The BEAR is bound to surpass all
tot frier efforts t please its numerous
itIMITTE 1)t)11111:,
Always The Cheapest.
entval Busmeso allege,
P. McANTOSH, Principal.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANIC PATERSON1 No 23, Vic-
toria etreet, Wingharn, Ont. No witnesses
reg =ed.
Laraest Commercial School in the
Dominion. Catalogues free.
SHAW & ELMOTT, Princia1s.
New raisins 5e. a lb , at Kerr ze Conery's.
—Troublea are pre I erved in family jarze
We are giving 10 per cent.. off for (sash on
all goods. M. H. McIenoo.
—This. (test bus ess is getting mono-
Money to loan on real estate only, at
reasonable interest. Apply to
—A.plenk sidesins'Is has been laid down
on the east side of 38,therine street, from
John to Diagonal st vet,
• lialmoni's. Engl eh White Oils cures
Chilbiaine. Rheumatism. Sprains, Bruises
and Sore Back. For sale at 25c.at
Drug Store, Wingharn.
—Witighean pu ic schools were closed
on Wednesday an Thursday, the teaching
staff being in ett ndance at the Teachers'
convention held ib Clinton.
G. H. Irvin, the tailor, has put in an
extensive° stook of tweeds, worsteds, etc.
Call and see therm Good goods, good
72goi good guaranteed. Opposite Beek
---A. meeting of aitiarel Presbytery was
held in the Fresh torten elaurele Wingham,
on Tuesday. T1 re was a large attendance
of ministers and laymen, Calla were given
from 13elgrave ijnd Calvin and St. Ilelens
ohuttilies, to mi. iisters.•
A. nice, nobby, well -made, correct.fitting
suit,of either ordered or ready made
elothing, incteases a nian'a eonsfott and
adds largely to his personal appearance,
The hest place in Wingham to get such
suits, for the least money, is, we believe,
at D, It. GOItDOWS,
The Direct Itnporter.
P. S.—See our Tweed Trousers at $1.
See our M's Tweed. Vests at 'Me, Noth-
ling like them en the market.
HintthflelcVs Healing Balsam cures colcle,
--Vol. V of the Im
t yel Liquor Comis,
sion has been receiI ed.
Williams, the druggist, sells pure drugs.
--Hnron County . 5, and ruri-theanal
meeting will be holt in St. Thomas church,
Seefortle. on. May 0, th and 20th.
12 shoe laces for tie., at Kerr & Cenery's.
—Tho 24th of 4 ay celebration today
promises to be a jgraud success. The
bicycle ropes, of co rse, will be the main
—Private moneys to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
ti Jotr Nns,
—Saturday last as a web, dismal day,
rain falling nearly the who day. No
doubt the crops we 43 bene ' ed by it, after
the severe frosts.
Fou SALE. — over, Alsike and
Timothy seed also o , and mange' seed.
10c per dozen in tf e for oggs. M. Jessop
& Co., Blyth, dejlera in boots and shoes,
groceries, seeds, &e.
—Local papers are the best advertising
mediums. You can't talk to as many
preens about yo; r goods in six months as
you can in one dry in your home paper,
Good roo.ns to rent near
the Public School. Apply
to Hrs. A. W. Webstei.'..
—A simple meat s of destroying cumuli°
on plum trees is his: Procure it sheet of
sticky fly paper, rap it tightly around
the trunk of the lree, sticky side out, and
tie at toe with a ord. to hold it in place.
Flowering plants, a large ; stook just to
hand, 'consisting of Geraeluins, Fucheias,
&e., at the Star restaurant. Call and see
them. J, Mc rem.
De Sinclair, speotaliet, will •e itt the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, 1 Thursday,
June 6th, from 8 o'clo ' the forenoon
until 3 in the after . All diseases of
the Lungs, Heart, Ki. 'toys, and diseases of
women as well as private diseases, treated.
Consultation free.'
Cinerarias (lovely bloona).5 and 10 cents
per pot. Will clear them all out at the
above absurdly low price, commencing
Saturday, May 4th. '1'. C. Graham, I. B.
Green house, Lower Wingham.
—Mc. J. 111cMan , of Seaforth, took from
Wingham, on To
horses, which he
surrounding cou
were from $80 to
to Seaforbe, from
shipped to the Old
sday, twenty-one fine
ad purchased in the
ry. The prices paid
20. He shipped them
whence they will be
Country market.
Great Clearing Out Sale of Good Brothers
Big Stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats and
Caps, Groceries, Crockery, etc. The whole
stock must be sold within 60 days. Great
Bargains. Advertisement on page 4.
e.—Mr..Tas. C. Rowe of Lockport, N. Y.,
a gentleman who is thoroughly posted in
the business, has leased the Wingham Oat-
meal Mill from Mr. Wm. Clegg for a term
of years. Mr. Ross has pulled out all the
machinery and is
new mannfacturin
refitting the engin
soon have the mill
Ross comes hied
oatmeal tnifler, anc
success of the busin
nutting in a full set of
machinery, as well as
, boiler, &c., and will
running order. Mr.
recommended as an
no doubt will make a
Mrs, Leslie has returned to town and is
prepared to do Dress and Mantle Cutting
and Fitting, in the latest styles. Hats and
Benefits remodelled and trimnaed. Pat-
terns of all kinds cut in the latest styles
and on short notice Residence—Over W.
T. Yates' grocery, Wingham.
---Here's something !rem an nnicnown
exchange which is so eezir what we were
about to remark that i , is used here to save ;
the trouble of writing "Trade with the
Merchants who are ,ere to stay, those
having an interest in ,ur town. They are
tho ones who dese_ve your patronage.
Don't he deceived by an elhating bait held
out by some travelline tram., because you
will invariably get aft. Trade with the
morobant who Willhere to make things
right with you if tit goods do not happen
to be just es represe ted. Look over the
advertising column pf your home paper,
and deal with tilos you find represented
thereire They w' 1 stand by you and
every prMeise the naeke."
Duessesetse—I wish to inform the ladies
of Wingham that t ere prepared to do &st-
oicism work at thy home, or to tete by the
day. I guarantee satisfaction in all work
inteosted to Inc. ruseces GnAY,
Shuter St., Wingham 1
A Member et the Ontario IlOtted. of Health
have presoribed Seott's lihnulsitm in
Consumption and 0'. Sit when the digestive
powers were weak it has been followed 'by
gooa tetiolta." YEVANS, A. B,, 1lS.
e '
Awnings for dwe ig houses, a specialty.
Thos. Toylor, Kin rdine.
—There were cue a number ef Wing -
ham people in atte dance at e funeral of
Ur. Robt. McPli son, a Bluevale, on
Monday afternoon
Just Arrived itt th X X, a new and
well -assorted stock oots and Shoes,
—Mr, Albert Sec rd, who ens filled the
position of pastor of the Congregational
Church, in town, f r the past year, will
, preach his fe,rew 11 sermon on Sunday
next. ci
—Cesh for good butter and eggs at R. A.
Graham's market grocery.
—Regular tneetijg of Court Maitland,
No. 25, Canadian -irder of Foresters, on
Friday evening, .1st instant. Mr..). 5.
McMinnon. Distric • Deputy, o ilyth, will
Ipay the Comte.* • ado,' vi t that even-
; ing.
I Awnings and Tent; send for samples
and prices, Thos,' lcr, Kincardine.
—Remember it beautiful operetta
"Snow White and eke Seven Dwarfs," tied
the "May l'ole Dau to" interspersed with
instrumental muse_ will be pre ntad in
the Town Hall, umser the su r islet' of
Miss Houghton, on the eveni g of the 24th
Why do the peo; l i the North End
look so pleasant the. w ? Because they
bave the new X X Grocery, Boot and
Shoe Store.
-A.Lawn Social, jn commotion with the
Congregational chuiJh. will be held at the
residence of Mr. R slat. Currie, sr., East
Wawanosh, on Thu sday evening, the nth
inst. Ice cream nd cake, singing and
reeitations, will be he programme of the
evening. All are ile-ited to come and have
e good time,
—For first-class tailoring arid cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, one door south of
R. A. Graham's grocery store. • .;
john Corn,
town, and Miss St
sister of Mrs. Thos.
united in marriage,
in St. Paul's ohui
the rector, tied the
presence of a numb
spectators. The Ts
wedded pair long li
ftheitirre dealerrof
wart, of New York,
ornyn, of town, were
n Thursday at noon,
'h. Rev. L. G. Wood,
uptial knot, in the
of invited guests and
s wishes the newly,
and happiness. v
Coughs and Colds can be cured by using
Heatlifield's Healing Balsam. For sale at
50c. at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham.
—The June meeting of the Baron County
Council wilt be held t Goderichs commen-
cing on Tuesday, 't e 4th of June at 3
o'clock p.m. Applisation a for the positions
of inspector, manag le matron and physi-
cian of the House a- Refuge, will be re-
eeived by the Clerk tp till the 3rd June.
On the lith of Juniree, special meeting -of
the County Counci
the proposed by-tsi
the sum of 012,00
tablishing it H case
will be held fur passing
to raise by way of loan
or the purpose of es -
of Refuge.
Reathfield's Healing Balsam is the
surest and safeet cure for colds itt the
world. Price 50 cents, at Williams' Drug
Store, Wingham.
—Clinton New ra : The Mayor made a
hurried visit to Wi ighern on Monday. It
is some years sint he spent any time
there, and many evidences of growth and
improvement ate te be seen. In 1872 he
had eharge of a an all printing office there,
and at that time 'armed anything but a
favorable opinion of it, but to -day its
attractive basin -as stands, beautiful
residences, hustlire industries and general
air of advaneemo t, entitles it to considera-
tion as one of the progressive towns of the
north. Melly of •he walks are gravel, and
they are in good erder, but the Mayoe was;
informed that th people are agitatuttf fie
plonk walks fI rbey di Hot watt to
tail ttti ennuaI ex zenditu re of about $1a0,
they will retitle I. es gravel. The new town
hall is it twat, wl to brick buildiig, nearly ;
on the maim st ret., with clerk's office, ;
Council chamber, &e below, and publics
hall upstairs, huethe hall is considerzibly
narrower than tl st of Clinton. Seveiel
former Clintonie is are doing Unfitness in
that town.
A Workshop on 'VVItee •,;
E. Tesler, the eeleheat cutler said
grinder, from Sheffield, ngland, will be
here for it short time, p etetred to do alt !
kinds of grinding an r pairing by atealn
power. Ilan )ra, *re, tailor's, sheep
and garden shear rpened, and ell kinds,
of repairs done i e boa possible manner. i
Saws sharpened nd crosscut saws gummed
and sharpened; keives reblatied and made
tte good as new; lawn mowers sharpened,
uinbrolli'.c and Aresol ni'stly repaired and
old ones bought. Stend—Cortier of John
and Diagonal greets, Wingham.
Thos. 'Taylor, man
tents and flags, Kin
urer of aweings,
—A- union meeti of the teachers of
East n. iti West Hur n was held in Clinton,
on Wednesday and jrhursclay of this week.
We will give a full eport of the pjetreedings
in our next issue,
A. new bale of Saitin Trouserings.
&o., just arrived at the )#% X. Our prices
to suit the times,
—The railroad coltmanies are determined
to put the law in fekce in regard to cattle
mining at h,age in the vicinity of their
tracks. Farmers and other owners of
male living in the icinity of the railroads
should make a note of this if they wish to
avoid future troubl • and expense.
The Union eurnitu e Factory Falls a Prey
to the Dev uring Element,
en et UPWAEDE Or 114,000 A.ND osme $13,600
AThe most dieestro s lire thnt ever visited
Wingham occurred of Tnesday efteeneh
last, when the Unto = Furniturrfactory
was burned to the gro ind. The -tire broke
out about -3.130 o'clock ,in the dry kiln, and,
although the firemen were :promptly on
hand, it bed g tined at eh headway before it
could be reached by die firert.en with a
sufficient supply of wit etectlett but little
could he done to stay is progress. The
building, being a frame byte, without lire
wails, the fire spread w th great rapidity,
and in only a very few. omenta every part
fire, the some of those who
of it was in flames, ' o rapid was the
spread of the I
were in the second and 'bird stories bele y
escaped with their live , some of them
jumping to the ground ii tbeir mitt ment,
The fire having gat be.ond control, the
brigade directed their a ention to saving
adjacent property, a cou le of stem 15 of
water being poured upon the engine and
she/ilex loase igta. others • • the storehouses,
as well as upon the 'esidenee of Mr.
Williamson, on the east de of the factOry,
and their efforts were su cessful, ex:et t itt
the ease of Mr. Wilha son's resic'ence,
which was pretty badly gutted. When it
was renlized that the fag ory would fall a
prey to the devouring e ement, an effort
was made to sate as morsof the manufac-
tured furniture and stoc as possible; but
little was got out, the pregress of the flames
being so rapid. There seas between $8,000
and $10,000 worth of menufactored goods
in the warerooms, besid a large quantity
of stuff ie process of
the dry kiln were upwa
limber. None of t
saved, and most of th
enufectare, and in
ds of 35,000 feet*
e machinery -was
nice lost all their
toots, and some of then did not have time
to get their clothing. Some of the lumber
in the yard, at the rem of the faetory, Was
burned, but only a fe' thousand feet.
The fire spread to t te settee of Mr.D..T.
Murchison, to the ast of the factory, de-
stroying it and abo4t thirty cords of split
stove wood which i contained. Many of
the residences to th4 east and south of the
factory, were In fird from flying einders,
but were saved by the efforts of willing
citizens with vvatee. In a couple of hours
the factory was fk smouldering heap of
ruins. Tho loss of the Company is estimat-
ed at 1140,000 and the Mot...mice is only
13.6O0,plaede lollews7e-skiree.building
asci mathinery, 1,600 eaeh in the follow-
i»,g'sfaszo Compel les—Watierloo Mutual,
Gore, Itayals„Liv-•,rpool, London and Globe
and British Areieioit een Otigine house and
belle andeingine, e1,600 in the Gore, and
oniitek, 1,-$2,00eseeieWAtitetii and e2,000 itt
ese,1'h rcsiddhct r
occupied by Mr. Wm:
NVilliatimon, am
etroyed, was
He puts his los
and he had no i
The engine h
tnion Etireitu
fire company s
damaged some vhat, but are covered by
The-reprellatives- of-tivrinstrance,,
companies inteeeik d bave not arrived in
town, hilt are avec*, and no doubt the
lessee win* sp ediikeadjusted. Whether
the factory will e re,eilit or not, no doubt,
Toes in the hait4s of the t1i-tntcpityers
town. The sliar4tiolclors oA the Company
have lost heaVity, bet we a )cd to believe
they are willing t releuild in age the town
deals liberally 4ithCeheirt. ver fifty
handeso.te tbrowo out df employment by
this calm ity, n4sny of 'theni heeds of
bangles, and tb1s Tams Weald like to tot
the factory rebtillt at one, and *ow
which was partially dm
caned by Mr. T. L. Jobb.
at between $300 and $400,
00 and storehouses of the
e Cotnpany, which the
seceded in saving, were
t suggest that the t two make the Company'
a free get of the loan duo from them to.
the to vn, in ern ideration that they re-
build the faetory end employ as many
hands as were employed. when it wes
burned. The h ds might be given em-
ployment at the ork of rebuilding, and
thus would. not / ave to leave town to seek
work. Every r tseayer is interested int
this matter, as hat is in the tame% in-
terest is in tho interest, and prompt
action should b taken. Let a publie
meeting be calle as soon at possible and
the sense of the ople taken cm the matter,
The shar.zholdcr of the Company are e
mostly residents • the town, and shoeld
be dealt with. him Ily, if they are willing
to rebuild.
The firemen slid nobly, and worked like
Giese were brok
J. Homuth'e resist
Several firemt
ruins all Tuesday
1.eNr. John Dru
arms badly but
nozzle of the hose
n by the heat in Mr,
attched the burning
mond had one of his
1 while holding the,
, It burned through his
orate proof re et, s tirt and took the skin
off and burned tit flesh prettyeZiAlsee
One young ITIRD named Hugh flitietiltens
son of Mn'. Ha •'Iton, Lower. Viringhelle,
in jamping to the ground, caught one of his
feet in the electri light wire, and fell on
the ground on bi shoulder and erne bully
fracturing his lef , arm at the r,tka
severely injuring his beaderee*.;
„phy7ightleediefilecit sayevimeethe,',"„effe
his sttifeeitzttifteerileseArinTiel
S shool bags 2ci. each, at Kerr & Conerre:,
—There were; Aiere frosts on Sundae,
and Afoot -lay ni • es, but there does not
apeear to have een much damage done.
A tout everythijig that would freeze had
b len destroye by the he frosts of the
previous week.
'if win want to I cool, try Taylor's
awnings, Kine' me,
—The O. G. - son chair and fniii-
turn manufacturb g company, of Walkeee
ton, will be renin ed. to Woodstook shortly.
The firm has p4cbased the James Hay
Co nullbusing s tine factory. This will
tnemi the loss of quite a number of people,
to Walkerton.
—Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly
reedred and fully warranted by Hare=
Felix, opp. Macdo/nald Block, Winglmna.
—One who sits himself "A. Catholic
and Frond of it 'writes to the •Tntes,
peeing if it is stigma to be tecetholie,
having note e 1 t ie communicaticiii in the
TTAI48 of the lOte inst. The publication of
his communicat on can do only harm int
the present junt:tare, hence it is not in-
Salmoni's English White Oils'is the best
family Liniment in the world. Good for
man or beast. Price 25 cents; et Williams*
Drug Store, Wingham.
.'-Bulletins Not4s1.4'iend. 23, from the Eses
perimental Farm, Dttewtt, have been re-
ceived. The form sr treats of Beephertiee,
their &nowt's, cu livation, &o., and the
'seta of spraying for the prevention of
fungous diseases, i ijurious inseets, potato
blights, bleak knot ef the plum and cherry.
Both pamphlets ate well illustrated,
—G. T. R. trains Inc Toronto ant(lest
!owe Wingham 6
.2o a. in, and 11.20-a.
m , via W. G. & B; 0.85 a. m. and 3,25
p, in., vie Clinton and Guelph. Good son-
net:Leans by alt trains.
his is the titnejof year to look out for
black knot on plum and cherry trees. It
bit regarded as an infeettriiousdiSofea18se o00.3
fruit trees, o,nzi the Ontario
provided that it tim of $5 nor plaice than
420 may be unpoessd for every 6040 oh
neglect. A. bulled/ just issued by the
Ottawa experimen al farm authorities
says the following p lints should be °heav-
ed: 1. Cut off alt -nets five or six inches
below the affected p 'tion, and point the
wound with turpenti e or linseed. 2. Bunt
prunings and effete breeches which aro
removed, 3. 'Unite melon on the part •
Of all fruit -growers is necessary in order
to wore the best re tilts from the enforce-
ment of these reeorontendatioua.
These iiri imported Teas are sounding
oar praises all over the country, The
traversal verdict is, enothifig like theist
ever offered hero for the motley." Itt ie
not surprising that they are going east. It
you would like to get a twenty pound
caddy of theso choke Teas, at 25c, per lbe
come %tick, to D. M. Goneoe's,
The Direct Importer.
)ow Comes the lit e tummer pots,
lime tiles and ousts flits, too ; •
But woret of all t e roan who Mk*,
"Ps it hot mon t for yon"