The Wingham Times, 1895-05-17, Page 6MOINDO0*,
We are doing the business in Dress
Gods. Our immense assortment----
our trustworthy quality ---our ex-
tremely low priee and our beautiful
styles practically demonstrate that we
are more than ever
The Greatest Shopping Head
quarters for Fashionable
The following special bargains will
xplain the superior advantage we
offer this week. :
10 pieces colored Henrietta worth
75e. for 50e.
a rileces colored Henrietta worth
50e. for :lye.
6 pieces l starrier Serges, black and
blue, 75e. lin. 50e.
3 pieces Estamier Serges, black and
blue, 50e. for 35e.
6 pieces Fancy Tweed Dress Goods,
44 suits, :30e. for 20e.
6 Dress Pieces, slightly damaged,
$1,00 for 40e.
Thee (roods will be marked down
for Saturday, 11th.
35 Boys' Suits, odd lines, from size
22 to 30, worth from $3.50 to $4.50,
allfor $2.75, at
d lOOO'S,
Words of Prelim,
The following in reference to our furni-
ture manufacturing establishments is
taken from the April issue of the Furniture
and Upholstery Journal, published in To-
- ronto
The spring line of :1 Ir. Thomas Bell, of
Wingham, has been as usual an unqualiAed
success. illr. Bell has produced many
igood lines heretofore, but in preparation
for this spring's business he has excelled
all previous efforts, and has brought out a
line of goods that should be an the floors of
all dealers in nice furniture In oak
chamber suites he is showing a very fine
assortment, and in oak sideboards a line of
which_ every one is a winner.
The Union Furniture Faotory, at Wing -
ham, is under the able rnauagetnent of Mr.
Thomas Bell enjoying an unusually good
spring business, their spring line has been
a decided success, Dealers who have
handled their goods are pleased with there
and are not backward in saying so. A
handsome low priced chamber suite in
white maple is much admired and is con-
sidered a money maker by all dealers.
Messrs. Button S: Fcssant, or Wingham,
have added to their popular lines many
new and bandeome styles in chairs and
rockers. Their factory at present is being
run to fullest capacity, which has been
more than doubled within a few years.
This increase in their business is due to
the superior quality of their goods and
their careful attention to the 'wants of the
Messrs. 1leTavish ee Co., of the Standard
Furniture Factory, Wingham, are produc-
ing a clnautity of medium and low priced
goads that are possessed of admirable
selling qualities. They have no reason to
complain of business as their spring trade
is quite up to their expectations.
Mr. John Gemmill has purchased
the celebrated Clydesdale stallion,
Dunston Boy, from Mr. H. Day. He
is a beautiful bay horse, and we con-
gratulate the people of Turnberry
on having such a fine animal. in
their midst. He wili make a route
through Turnberry and Howick
daring the season.
The Ball Family of jubilee singers
gave an entertainment in the town
hall, on Monday evening last.—The
anniversary services of Knox church
were held on Sunday last, Rev. Dr,
Cavan, D. D., conducting the services
both morning and evening. On
Monday evening,. the Rev. Dr. Cavan
lectured on his travels in. Palestine.
--Mr. John Forsyth has purchased a
business in. St. Thomas and will
shortly remove from town.
Mrs. J. Tantblyn and Mrs. T.
Crisp have :returned home after
spending a pleasant time with friends
at Dungannon and the Nile.—Mr.
C. Meyers, of Hensall, was in the
village this week.—The invitations
for Miss Lizzie Spuhl's wedding are
out, which takes place at Auburn on
-the 22nd.—Mr. and Mrs. Webb are
Visiting friends near Goderich.—
Rev. Mr. Fair is attending the District
Meeting at Wingham this week. --
Mr. Doherty has left a fine piano at
Mr. G. Brogden's for trial.
On Tuesday morning, Judge Toms,
senior judge of the County of Huron,,
died at his residence oh East Street.
Throughout the day the flag on the
square hung at half mast. The
funeral will leave for the Colborne
eemetery on Thursday.—Last week,
the Presbyterians removed their
church bell, which for many years
has continued to, be rung in the old
Kirk, and hang it hi the steeple of
Knox cliureh.— Goderieh now has a
daily paper. The Daily Signal is a
very neat business -like, little paper
and inferior to the eity dailies only
in size.—We have had two nights
of severe frost after the heavy rains.
-The new briek livery stable on
East street is nearing completion.
Mr. Hugh McDonald, of East
Zorra, has been offered and aecepted
the Patron and Prohibition nonlina-
tlon for the Commons in North Ox-
The Ottawa branch of the National
Council Of Women: of Canada ha
decided, by a vote'of 5G to 45, in
favor of silent prayer instead of pub-.
1ie prayer at the annual convention
of; the organization, to be held shortly. -
The officer, of the N'a'tional Council
will be as follows, as there are no
other nomninations. ---President, Lady.
berdeon; Vice -Presidents, Lady
Thompson and. Madame Laurier;
Via+e-President for Ontario, Mrs. Mac.
lanald Recording Secretary, Mrs, Il'.
C..Seott, Montreal; Trerrst:eer, Mrs,
foodless, llani%lton,
Town Council.
A specie( meeting of the Town Council
was heed oa l ri.lay evening last. Present
—Mayor Drockonshire, Reeve Sperling,
Deputy -peeve Holmes and Councillors
Neelands, Herdsman, Gordon, Dore,
Godley, Reading, and McKinlay. The
noeeting was called to consider the street
watering question. The report of the
Property. Committee, setting out several
plans of obtaining a supply of water for
street watering purposes, was read. The
Committee recommended that an agree-
ment be entered into with Messrs. Button
Passant for a supply of water; through
the evrterworlcs mains, from a spring in
their engine house, at a cost of 50 cents per
(lay, the town to supply the pump. Moved
by D. M, Gordon, ,seconded by J. Gulley*
that Messrs. Button d: Fessant's proposi-
tion, aus reported by the Property Com-
mittee, to supply water for street watering
purposes, be adopted—Carried. Moved by
C. J. Reading, .seconded by J. Golley, that
the, Property Committee be and is hereby
authorized to proceed at once to complete
the contract with Messrs. Button et Fessant,
also to purchase a pump if necessary, make
necessary connections and have the whole
completed with as little delay as possible—
Carried. Council then adjourned.
Death of fey. Thomas Sinclair.
The follrwieg notice of the death of the
Rev. Thut is 'Sinclair, formerly pastor of
the W,141ittenBaptist church, we take from
the'ltidgetown Plaiudealer of the end in-
stant s Mr. Sinclair died yesterday morn-
ing t 4.'so. IIe had been i ilingfor some
months of er general debility' Helms i»as born
sixty years ago in Thurso, .. otiend. His
father was Captain Thomae Sinzslair of the
British army and his grandfather General
Ramsay Sinclair. Both hie father and
grandfather were gallant officers and did
good service for their king and country.
His mother was a daughter of Rev. Edward
Mackay, a $aptist minister. He was of
Bapti.;t ancestry on both sides, being on
his father's side a relative of Sir Wm.
Sinclair,. of Keiss, who was e, famous
$aptist preacher and also an officer in the
army. Mr. Sinclair wee married young.
Mrs. Sinolair's maiden name was Miss
Georgina Miller, of Wiek, Scotland. Mr,
Sinclair early joined the ehuroh and en-
tere, into the ministry. He ministered iu
Scotland for some years in good charges
,atfd, then came to Canada,. settling in
? 'Witighuin at first and subsequently in
Vittoria, Sehomberg,Port Burwell, Arkona,
and last of all in Eidgetown. Wherever
117r. Sinclair Was he was respected for his
kindly spirit, his religions Leal and hie
ability as a preeeher. d"o show how ao•
ceptable he was we may mention that just
'before he fell ilI he was treed to return to
Winghatn, his first charge in Canada, Itis
Popularity was always assisted by the
strong feeling of respect and good will
inspired universally by Mrs. Sinclair and
the family. Some months ago -,he began
to experienco a general break rip of hie
constitution and he thought best to resign
hie pastorate and retire altogether from
active work. Unfortunate'y he took this,
resolution toe late as the resalt showed.
The funeral took place ou ltfonday, the
interment taking place at Vittoria, Mrs.
fkitte'l +Ir and the other members of the
wily wilt have the sympathy of the
ltls of W inghaairr In their hour of bereave- {
William*, the ulreggist, sells pure :haw.
( I
nth WING IIA .M TIMES, MAY 171 1805..
The official Gazette contains the 1;nTtit>irun,
superannuation of John Davis, of flyItTs•----IlAustw .t Hnrristan, cin
May 8th, by rho Rev. Mr, Gatnerou, Mr,
Windsor, chief inspector of distiller- Jahn .Harris, sr., of Wroxeter, to Mrs, J.
les. Mr. Davis has been over thirty Baker, of Ilowiok.
years in the service and retires on an DIr».
allowance of $1,1300 a year, He is Slrrc=r ant—At Ridgetown, on May lst,
58 years old. at his residence, Rev. Thomas Sinclairr,
• aged lie years.
The Stratford Beacon of the 10th •
instant says; "Three weeks front to-
day Amede Chattelle will be taken ;P MUST BE SOLD BEFORE ti
forth from his cell to expiate his i('J
'` ignominious , r
the gallows. Since sentence was:`)
-crime by an ignominious death upon JJ
The whole of
GOODpassed upon him the murderer
Jessie Keith has occupied the con- 0
deemed cell in the county jail and li BROTHERS [ia
has been under special guard, Ho ,
stock of Solid Reliable
is in the charge of two men, one of z•J .
whom guards him by day and the ,
other by night. After his first burst
of rage against the jury which found'IIs
him guilty and the judge who con-
dentned him, Chattelle settled down "J
in the indifferent state of mind ,JJ
which he displayed before the trial.
He is aware, however, of the fact
that his end is at hand. but this does
not seem to have any effect upon him.
Time is swiftly passing, but to all 'f,]
appearances the man for whom the,
31st day of May is fraught with creep 4,1
interest is not at ail sorry that the 1
lonesome days and dreary nights a
which he is now passing will soon be ;I
over ." +
Sun? . r tit
RGGEas—In Wingham, on May Rei
the wife of Mr, Ralph Roger. ; a son. i !lel
VH000—In Turnberry, on May lith,•
the wife of Mr, Robt. Hogg; a son.V
RQTIMIFORD—In Wroxeter, on May J
7th, the wife of Mr. W. A. Rutherford; a
Of•IRNnnrie—In Turnberry, on April IT
28, Mrs. Chandler; a daughter. a
RonINsoNY---In EastWewanosh, on the
6th inst., the wife of Mr. Win. Robinson; J
"%MoDrsmNEY—In 'Bast .Wawanosh, ou
the 12th inEt,; the wife of Mr. Joseph
it SO 1:1
Thousands of pairs of the best of fr
stock still on hand. These are a
few of the prices;
Ladies 53 00 Button Boots for.... ,.52 50 L
• • 3 75 " " 2 25
3o0 200 r
" 275 " " i0S ri
" 2 25 " " 150 G
Other Goods in proportion,
Men's fine laced and gaiters in
black and tan at great reductions. L
• Men's plow boots in laced and
buckle. 1j
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
$3,00 Hate for 81.25; 82.50 Hate
for 51; 81.50 Hat for 75o.; 81 Hats-. e
fur 25c. and 50o. Straw Hats very is
A lot of
Crockery, Glassware,
Preserve Jars, Stone Jugs, l
Milk Pans, Oak Churns, 1'
Wash Tubs, Flower Pots, A]
Lamps, Ste., k
For which no reasonable offer will ere
be refused. ! n
Next Halsted & Scotts Bank• ,
Oxfords at clearing prices.
McBurney; a son, leer r-0 ..r -r c7:eeeec.5r r'5, . rSeamine
No. 1 Contpa 'al Regiment of
Oanadi. nfa ry,
First Regime Huss vs,
London Fiel • Battery,
7th Fusilier:,
13th Batta ion inf retry
Dufferin ifles, •
the ce
-frier fgqt,
route march. by 2,000s
nd military sports. Gra
braced band of the 13th
on and the magnificent band
rs and the Tnfterin fifles. 'p
de with a historical battle scene,
a pyrotechnical display of nn
idlers. Grand
d concert by
Battalion of
of the 7th
e whole to.
We are offering unequaled bargains
for the Cash .Buyer in all lines of
Our stock includes every variety
and every price and the careful buyer.
will do well to call on us before going'.
Is our motto and we are certain that
to see our goods and prices is to pur-
chase from us.
Our Stock oft -
13 1_1 J -N
Is very complete, and we are offering
some great bargains in the same.
All goods delivered any distance free
of charge;
If you are in need of
or anything in our line,
Attended MT,. shortest notice and no
extra charge for long cli.stan.ces.