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The Wingham Times, 1895-05-17, Page 5
rs IIA.RRISTON. years since the fire in which Mr. ;�iss Edith Hamilton has returned iic el Lennox lost his life and on the stupe *Nil Teaeswater, when: she fent a day of the month three years ergo I Dowling & Leightons furxiiture few weeps ill Miss Iliscoek'e minis- factory was burned,—()n Sunday cry store.—Mr. James .MeMtuchio, afternoon, a terrible fatality occurred B. A., Principal of the High School, at 1. Scott's ex -reeve of Minto, It was away o11 Friday of last week appears that Mr. Jas. McMerran(who attending the funeral of his brother, is nephew of Mr. Scott's andwho who lived in Clinton.----IIar1'iston lty intends celebrating the anniversary has always mutt his home there) intends Of Her Majesty's birthday in right took the bull out to drink, and as it loyal style ests year. id good clay is was something unusual for one per- loyal st l Is required , maks de evens son to undertake suet] a task, the pronounred required -Tho many animal had turned ori him and when ariends of d s cees Henry, lacy found, some two or three hours after- friends Knox College, Torose, ward, he was in a most sickening condition, having been most fearfully will be glad to heat that he has re- gored and life extinct for some time, ceived a unanimous call to the Mir. MeMorran was not missed, as he Presbyterian church in Brandon, was in the habit of attending to the Manitoba, at a stipend worth from stock and thus spent considerable fifteen hundred to two thousand time in the stable. But some young dollars. Mr. 'Henry is an exception-. men having occasion to go past the ally clever young .man. We wish farm at the time, found him as stated, him success in his ,new sphere of Mr. McMot•rau was a man about labor. --Mr. J. L. Mader, one of At- ` forty-four years of ago and . leaves wood's enterprising merchants, was behind a father, four brothers and in town this week. --The frost c€ four sisters one brother and two al considerable night did dam- sisters being at Mr. Scott's; at the age to the trees and fruits in general, time of the sad fatality, and Mrs. Ice almost half an ,inch thick formed Bntehai•t, a neighbor, the rest resid- onols ofer onthe streets.—. pools water Ing in the States. Mr. Mell:orran Tho united meeting, of the Epworth. the -deceased, is a full cousin of Mrs. Leagues and Chmistian Endeavor r Halliday, grocery merchant, of Societies of the different churches this town. The funeral, whiclt took in town takes place Friday evening, place on Tuesday, was very largely May 17th, in the Methodist church. attended.—The severe frost on —The Rev.. M. E. Cameron, of Knox Saburday and Sunday has completely church, and Rev. Mr... ugent, Mahe- ni in'ed the fruit ere dist'miuister, Palmerston, exchanged pin this section. pulpits Sunday manning last.—The, Western Dairymen's Association. Rev. Mi. Casson conducted the fa - neral services of the late Annie Nu- NOTES DY TIE SECRETARY. gent, daughter!ef Rev. Mr. Nugeait,- 'The Annual Report of the Associa in Palmerston, on Sunday evening rtiion is now out and ready to be dis- last. . tributed among the' members and On Friday afternoon about 2.30.,. those entitled to it. It is replete our town was :aroused to more than with information aeon the manage - ordinary actidty .lay the sound of the anent and care of the dairy 'cow.; fire Islatrm, when it awes discoveaed the planting and growing of fodder that tele stable 'of the Market Retell cern and the building of silos ; the was on dire. In an ,incredibly short best methods of atatinfaetaring a •tine time tae stables, hotel, livery stauble' quality of cheese; and batter, -,besides and dwelling 'aeeupicd by Mr. Annus„ :information upon .every other phase and all the other out •buildings, were, .of -successful (Inlaying. There are one seething Blass of iflamcs. Willing also included in ,hese same velum •[ ,f; hands mere soon at .work removing reports of the Eastern Dairymen's the furnatetre'from the hotel, Anstia' Assoeiation and tfheOntari© Creamer - dwelling., the eaitentaof L. Brisbin's• iies' Associatiion. J. erson seeuringa large dray goods store, Mrs. Me-, ‘copy of the these Reports wen hayse.•a Dowell's 'confectionery, when their:'con}plete text bonik of the 'work • of attention. was elliireeted in another 'daieying in Ontario during the past 'direction by .Haines issuing fromi;ai :year. Dairytneia Who are mot mein - stable im the rear.of -the Oddfellowa" bereeof the Acsoeiaeion 'calf 'become block, in a a•atable.at !present used $iy1 rinenlbers by 1orwarding*n t?y,cents Mr. Cline* but ownedby Mr. Meikle -s :to the Secretary, .when the .,report John. This building, together wsattth- %will be forwarded. Mr. Cliniii&s residence, mere soon one. The system of 'instruction lbain,g ;mass of litanies and Eedy's large; ;given 'by Instructor Millar.:aeeordiug ;furniture: store, Gateen Bros. tinshop,rte.,theiprogramtiie,otztlinedsameibiine 'Taylor's ;grocery store, Fulton &,ago, -15 meeting with :a liberall ge- ]Kaiser's i&aapleniee t>shed,tthe foundry„ ponset£rom the cheese .makers. end - town hall, grist n611and Dowling &le l ead .1.26 cheese makers andd ,f acto.Y ' r Leighton's 'factory were in great; ,mon have receival •instnuetiati .and •it danger fbom ' the Toying cinders.; is hoped before the ceireuit ,is ,coin- hteveral tinses was the .roof -of Fultomj tplete,upwards of'200 makers will S . Kaiser's implement :shed op fire,! ihaive received instruction. a'.t tithe but was ei itinguis",hed :by citizens' lDlma factory, near Listowel, 26 w ho at the nick of their ;lives venture cheese makers were :in attendlanee. ed .to the to eand extiegnis fed the 3iir. Millae's programme for the 'neat sperl s as they :fell its showers with fortnight is as follows.: Glencoe, 1:fi- the bucket brigade. At this June- 1116•; West Lorne, it7-9:8; Blythes- tura, it wits feared oar ;fire company wood, 21x7.21 ; Harrow, • en2-?13 vette unable to,cope niith the fiend, Leman, 27-28; Ripley, 9.30;.Iztaruiis- and assistance was ;asked from tram, :31 and June 3.st. Cheese. Paluaerston, which was readily makers in the various sections silaonlil given.. Too much cannot be said for naa]ilue;an extra effort to meet M1:.' the action of the Palmerston citizens Milllar.at some of these 'Maces. • Me.; and brigade, for in just thwenty-eight The rapictgrowth•of the past tteni minutes from the title they got the daysihas caused an abundant supply; word ;at Palmerston ahoy were , of fresh grass in mostlsf the daaitya throwing water .on the flames in distLiets. This has fneateased v.,,ry, Harriston, The distance from materially the,supply of anilk at tla,el Palmerston to Harriston wiles coveted factories, whic1i is now aaaaeh larger; in just, six minutes. The Palmerston than that received at the,euue time! brigade is a fine specimen if what:a last season. This increased) supply fire company should be anal from and the seery low price of tetlneese just their conduct when here we feel safe, now has dampelaed somewhat the in saying none superior c to bei ardour of ,many of our d,airyinen. found. In an incredibly short time! How long .these loan prices nate going every building in connection with to continue is hard to say. 'There is the hotel owtcd by Mr. F. Weiland a probability that when last year's was one heap of rules. The fire is stocks are disposed of, the price will supposed to have started from. a go up, and though eve may not see the high prices of the last few years, we are inelined to think that the market will soon brighten and re- turn at least profitable prices for dairy goods. It will not be judicious, however, for any factorymen to hold their goods, especially the earl/make, for these higher prices. April and 5lay> cheese should be sold as soon as" ready for shipping, even if the price is low. It is not made to keep, and if held for some time will quiekly go off flavor and become unsaleable. Besides, if held longer than it should . be, it will injure the sale of the later, goods. The two weeks plan of sell- ing will give better returns during the earlier part of the season. Cheese makers who have changed their addresses this season, will eon• fer a favor by notifying the Secre- tary of the Association of the fact. J spark from Dowling ii. Leihton's factory. The losers are as fullows a Mr.1Veilaud, buildings, small in- surance; Mr. Aiinis, covered by insurance ; Cliriiie, furniture, covered by insnr'anre; Mr. llcil.lejohn, loss ort property, eovere'1 with in- surance; L. 13ri>hin, on dry goods and eft rniture. ;n -lured; sirs. Mc- Dowell, dallla,re from water and smuke. Mr. Weiland intends to :start to rebuild at once and have the whole establishment, ready by the 12th of July, which will be a red .letter day in the history of Harriston. During the fire, the roof of Moore :Gros. barn, which is fully a, quar.ei' of a anile distant, caught fire, as did :also the roof of Lambert's stable, bat both were soon extinguished. No one was injured during; the Whole bustle and confusion. It Is just 12 THE WING AM TIMES, MAY 17. 1895, ULENi''ARROW, Mies Mcrrylees, of Rosedale, To- ronto, spent last week here visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Armstrong:— The Epworth League workers held a box social at the residence of Mr. Hugh Thompson, on Thursday even- ing of last week, where all were cordially welcomed by the obliging host and hostess, The evening was a most pleasant one and appeared to be thoroughly enjoyed by all. After the refreshments were partaken of, the gentlemen treated the ladies to abundance of ice cream. There were games and music, but the • young people seemed more inclined to talk, and to judge from the merry peals of laughter that rang through the house, we were convinced that they were thoroughly enjoying themselves. The proceeds amounted to $15, which is to aid. in repairing the church.—Mr. S. McBurney, of Wawanosli, spent Sunday here with his brother John.—Those three young hien who were so noisy last Sunday night ought to have a little respect for the Sabbath. None of the young men of the sixth would act so disgracefully.—Mr. and Mrs. Cassel 'were visiting friends here; last week. Ah I won't the ladies turn their head, To view that.buggy with gearing red ; i And some will wish they only could Ride iu it if Robert would. - The Christian Endeavor Literary j Society had a grand meeting last ' Friday evening. There was a large turnout of members and others. The beginning of the evening was spent in readings, recitations and singing. About 10 o'clock they all partook of an :abundance of ice cream and cake, after which addresses were given by the Rev. Mr. ;Kerr, Rev. Mr. Green and Rev. Itir, Watt, which were very interesting and edifying. The choir rendered some vers* 'choice duets and solos. We are stere all moist have felt both gratified and pleased, Silver ,collection was taken up.—One of the young ladies of the gravel, who talked herself and that young school teacher almost blind, thinks it is pretty hard that he wonit even then see her home.— Mr. Writ. Gemmill has been engaged as teacher in - schodl section No. 1, Culross, formerly supplied by Mr. N. R. Smith, the young man who was,dreiwned. WilPs many friends wish thine success. I Women, wlio seem to be all worn oat, will find in purified blood, made rich and healthy by Hood's Sursapa- 1 risk, permanent relief and strength. The following is from a well known I nurse: 'f I have suffered for years with female complaints and kidney troubles and I have had a great deal of medical advice during that time, but have received littl, 1 or no benet t.. A friend advised me to take 1 Hood's Sarsaparilla and I began to use it, together with Hood's Pills, I have real- ized more benefit from these medicines than from anything elselhaveever taken. From my personal experience I believe Hood's Sarsaparilla to be a most complete d purifier."To7iCuumberrlt., Toronto, 0. Ontari. Death of Mr. A. MoMurehie. (groin the New i, of I(,th inst.) ; Thottgh not unexpected, the death, of Mr. Alexander McMurchie, Reeve of Clinton, which atscurred Yester- day, satin cause a feeling of intense sorrow and sadness wherever this gentleman was knowia—and he was personally acquainted, with a great many.au the residents of the county, from. one' end to the other. For sone time past, in fact since 1882, he has been a•euifferer from diabetes, and knowing that the ultimate result of, , this wordld be fatal, heshascombatted the advance of disease •with an iron will, passing through .a course of self-inipssed treatment rtliat none but. a person of indomitable purposei could eiafaure, and he had the great; ;satisfacticin,of knowingtthat but fort I tthe hygienic course !pursued, he;' would in all probability- have long it ago passed ;a.s ay. HIe was born in Vaughan township, York, on A.zigust 1st, 181Z, and was mot, there:Wow, an old Inas;; his father ~was one of the first settlers in York. Mir. McMunehie remained on the foam until he was 24 year of age, pieking up wdaart education .and in- formation he .could. In 11859 he mored to Clinton and took a situa- tio>a .as traveller :for the lame M. Mc- Taggart, who was then engsged in the ananufaet.tre of fanning mills. In 1862, in company with the late Joseph Chidtey, he became a partner, and so .'emained until 1882, when he assumed entire control ; shortly afterwards the tient was enlarged by i the admission of Messrs. D. McCorvie and A. McKenzie, which has since 1 been known under the style oft McMurchie & Co. For nine years he has been Reeve; of the town, an office he held at the] time of his death. In this position he especially enjoyed the confidence of the public. As a member of the '•. county council, lie was shnply in- valuable, especially in regard to handl assessment. Knowing personally I almost every farts on every COMBS- ! don of the county, his valuation,when a member of the Equalization Cont- iilittce, was accepted as authentic. A menthes* also of the House of Re-' fuse Committee, his best efforts were given to this question until the matter Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Only True E39ood Purifier Promtnonti,' in the public eye today. [food's Piills easeasy y toto effebtiy , ct easy Ze. to take„ was carried to a successful issue, he realizing fully the benefits such an institution would be to the poor of the county. Mr. McMurchie has for years been a member of Willis Presbyterian Church, a trustee also, and one of the Board of Management, and so long as his strength would allow, was a regular attendant on the services of the church. Politically he was a staunch. Liberal, and a few years ago was requested to allow bis name to go before a Liberal Convention, but the positively declined. By care and -prudence he was able, to leave his family well provided for. IIe leaves a wife, one seta and two daughters— One of the latter being the wire of Dr. Robt. Agnew. Hon. Edward Blake. Montreal, Nay 15.—A cable dis- patch from the Star's special oorres- pendent in London says: "I learn on good autiioriny that it is understood in ' Nationalist circles that Mr. Edward Blake intends to retire from the British Parliament at the end of the present session. He feels nolo no hope that his presence is effica- cious towards healing the 'faction feuds of the /party. Another reason is that some Nationalists, notably Mr. Timothy Healey, who worked to secure Mr- Blake's presence, now favor his i+etirement. Mr. Blake himself says nothing, but his friends say it is possible to retain his association wutli England by making him a member of the judicial' com- mittee of the Privy Council, ,before which he • has become a tforemost advocate. Itis. Blake still talks of Canada as his ;hoose, but expresses tao desire to 'return to Ca,iiadian t ilitics." At a meeting of the Patlnnerston town council on Monday night it was decided to grant five years exremp- tion tfrotn taxation to Mr. Livingston, proprietor of the tax mill, if he would rebaaildi the mill in Palmerston. las .'�`1 �ti'� ���' .o t that wher you buy Scott's Emul- sion you are not We2ti: :t s'•cret mixture containing w<•rlliless or harmful drugs. Scott's Emulsion ratmot be sec- ret for an analysis reveals all there is in it. (..ousequetit ';; the c:w:orse- inznt of the .nodical wurid £ co AMAMI= •aK«+c..w tma . " on overcomes TY`astii,ar, promotes the making of Sold .Flesh, and gives Vital Streggl/i. It has no equal as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Woak lungs, Consumption, helr lr rnal? s s a nitlCt ildeer*. Clint,« E:oan, 8allevitie. 1.1 t.:utgi4,... 60e, Si $1. s) —AND THE— Have come to stay, and with them low prices in ;all clatl-.u'tln: tit:; of our large and well assorted stock of Dry Gouda, (ireeeries, Hate all(' rap, And all other lines kept in a well I Flea no difference what tin c'reege arranged establishment, amt it w k=, Q" ;, practice maty Fay tci the trade ; in every case, the honest noes ?aye for the dish(;rc'st, cunei pays store for his own goods. Ready Cash is bound tea 11111' the r; ::,1i,r.relal world, and we are ready to show Lc) rp -', matter to convince a luauwhen you how it is dune. It is not a - f+ r it tcuehc•811ia� pelt iCt t, pitt DS In possession, and we will give you a pointer how to save fton] 2.5 to SO per cent. all round on goods bought from iu'. We buy and Fall for r'asb, and give you the benefit every time. TR r' EP, have been emee what depressed You all know that tune during the last year. Yet, our business has been steadily increasing beyond our most sanguine ex- pectations, and the secret of it ell is this : Square Dealing, Honeez Goods,. and Better Values than you can get elsewhere. (live us a call. No trouble to show goods. EASY You know it is not an matter to enumerate the cheap list. There are so many bargains we can show you, that: space will not permit, All we want is personal inspection. Prices will do tate rest. We are here to please. . DRESS MAKING- inr CUTTING AND 11.71.`IN G MACDONALD BLOCK. ON THE PREMISES. A SPECIALTY, G. McINTYRE, r'INGHAM. W THAT SPRING HAS DOME HO . SE CLEANING and a general sorting up and changing will' , the order the day. A great inany homes will want some new Fur ture of . some ki d, and as I am in that line of business and have a large s .ek- of BED R Qt" SUITES SIDE BOARDS EXTENSION MIES, &C. PARLOR 5 I would ask that an latest designs in such artie Some people think that in o they must send to Toronto. great deal of the Furniture th right here in Wingham, and I have the goods delivered and set must remember that Furniture ha last year or two, and for proof, not buy now for Cash : $.35 Oak Bed Room Suites for i0 • 23 rt " 20 Maple. Suites for 18 " 15 " ,r 12 Elni Suites for 10 • " " IN EXTENSION TAB 812 ones (Solid Oak) for 10 " .r 8 "` Eiai 7 .f 4. and as low as PARLOR SU That used to sell at give you now for ie wanting to get the vei s, should call and insp er to get value for his is a great mi t is advertised ink you ca pinyo ehan tl I have all tho wed deliver free have any one w don't find goo But be sure a also carry a 1 ING and M I can see our Ca My is that y ES and 885, we can $50 $28 23 0 00 14 50 12550 9 50 800 ES. $10 00 8 00 5 75 500 4 50 S .y lowest prices, and the t what I have to offer. eir money in Furniture ake, in my opinion, for a Toronto is manufactured uy just as cheap at home and homes free of extra cost. Yon d a great deal in price during the following reductions. You can ALES' 850 Suites for nd we have them as low as r good five piece Suites.. SIDEBOARDS and 28 Oak for $20 and 22 Oak Sideboards for 17 and 18 ti we have thein as low se 5 50 and 5 es, springbottoms, for 6 5, $2 Nie In Court LOU M. -4s $35 22, CH1 S BABY C. Al , CENTRE TABLES. ING BEDS, MATTRESSES, R,RI AGES, d,a , &c., away down in price. e lines of goods in stock and wh ywhere within 12 miles of Win nting anything in this line just to gee s just as cheap here as in Toronto or e satisfy yourself as to what you can g e of MOULDINGS for PICTURE and LDING for putting around your rooms to so give you special prices in CARPETS. pets. Otto is to sell goods and at prices as low as the los test me by calling. bought in quantities am. I would like to me a call and if you ewhere, don't buy. t here first. We REATH FRAM- ang pictures on. sure and ask to est. All 1 asks 8. GRACEY, Furniture sealer, end. lso carry all necessaries for Funeral Furnishings and am pre reit to atten to this branch of business at any hour Night or Day, at pric s just as r sonable as any other doing a legitimate business. (NCTwITIESTA DING REI', RTS CIRCULATED TO THE CONTRARY), and I wish it distinctly u der - s + . that I have no agents out canvassing or soliciting for orders in his lin' as I consider such action too low for respectability. S. GRACEY, llndextak . 1,000 PIECES OF 'INGHAM. CHOICE PRIN`Y'S FROM 5cts. PER YARD UP. FL NNELETS From 41cts. per yard up. A Choice Stock of Men's and Boys' SHARD AND SOFT HATS Direct Importation. A JOB LOT AT 250ts. EACH. A Call Solicited. T. A. MILLS vnilotrAm. 1