The Wingham Times, 1895-05-17, Page 3THE Wl,NG1 AM TIMES, MAY 17, irifajr),
6rYe C �M f•1/a i/llLC1`iirrifYr 1 the coActutelier shouted, Go in; you Gleanings from the Rural Cana- Gems of Thp11;13t.
can't stay there! difln• Know th if tl 1 tl if
411 �(coxnuorun nX TOM \VISCHIA1I Bowen.)
t r'.ai (herd and 1.1 unae «tad Jrni,ire Land "
w'oll call the at'rntlu:a, of the mothers 0nd Sisters
to the fort, that the Iworuan's Christian Temper -
ARM' 1T111011 meets the ithird Monday CroDV (month
att,treo e'ciorlc •herp,'•f,>rone hour, at hfx+,•Tlelm's
ros;denco, Patrick street,. All ladles are made wel-
As' Vie nhtor has kindly given us pw1 of •his
spew): for our work, W0 .11c filends of the cause to
ser ?items of interest en sit moral questions ot'tho.
daw,to anv of our nretntea•a.
'VIM WORLD'S W. 0. T. V,
l •resident ; Miss 23rances Willard.
Nice -President: Lady henry Somerset.
But what's a platform for ? called How to supply and preserve ni.•
i trogeJI in the soil, which is so neces-
sary for the completion of a plant.
whether for forage, fruit, seed or
fibre, has long been a leading study
with agricultural ehemists. It is
Settled that the pod producing flintily
of plants, peas, beans, clover, alfalfa,
etc., absorb nitrogen from the air,
and there is a fuller growth of the
cereals which follow there.
Good farmers whose interests 11
in grain and grass are rapidly learn
ing that the most profitable place fo
their manure fur grain crops is upo
a sod of the previous year, so tha
the chemistry of the soil can bette
prepare it for the grain crop, whil
the immediately available parts fee
at once the grass;
It is said that when plows are put
in the shed at the end of the season's
work, and while they are still bright,
if given a coat of' whitewash they will
need no scouring when again taken
out. Do the same with cultivators,
shovels and all other bright tools, and
you will be well repaid for your
out the old man, testily.
It's made to get in op, not to stand
on, roared the ,conductor,
`.l'emperanec people think that
party platforms often come enact
this eenduetor s definition but we
must in this ease discipline the
leaders. On ;the battlefield discipline
is defined tits that which makes it
More dangerous to go back than to
go on, This is the kind of dynamics
that Endeavorers must study !
The Rev. J. B. Silcox, of Montreal,
spoke at the recent meeting of the 0
A WORLD -A -UDE movnaIEta•s. E. Union •of :Haat city on The Modern
�� Devil, as 11e vividly terms the liquor
London, 'Eng., April:. ,7„ traffic. He made a powerful plea for
ails pan interesting fact that the temperance reform. I hate the
World Woman's Christian;Temper- traffic he remarked, and I almost
ane (Union which, will hold its ithird hate the men who deal in it. flow
biennial meeting ;in Queen's !hall, sad is the fate of the drunkard!
London, next June, -and which has
alnaatly affiliated .hecieties in almost
may, civilized nation, is only ten
yeaaas • old, Miss ,Frances Willard
collreeived the idea of uniting the
women of all nations hi a world wide
organization against intemperance
andiimpurity when on one of cher
organizing trips for the National W.
C. T. U. of Ameriea. This idea was
speedily carried out, and the first
pioneer woman missionary, wealr1111g
the bow of White Ribbon (now .the
established badge of Temperence
women everywhenel) started en a
journey around the world, with:;
courage and faith in;her cause wllich
inspired many women of diffeeen•t The Globe say: "We understand
nationalities to stint a Womari•s that Sir Oliver Mowat expects to
Christian Temperance Union in thein leave for England next month. The
country. Four women missionimies, principal ,aeeasion of his going this
have eine done' splendid wort do year is the prohibition case, which
buildaing up and organizing freeh, goes to the judicial Committee of the
Unions, so that now ;the White Iicb- Privy Council by way of appeal from
bon (movement maybe said to belt- the Supreme Court. Mr. Malelaren,
the week' in the seemed and patriotic, Q. C., who argued the Provincial
cause t clr'"Uod and Heine and Every side of the ,question in the courts
Land"' .1 here will mine the case before the
'rStE PouirGf,OT JIETITION, . tribunal of last ;resort, and is to leave
The ;polyglot petition which lha:s;i•for this purpose when the ria a for
traveled with the five White Ribbon;i the hearing tis ,determined and arscer-
missione;lties in all thelr,;journeyinge,:. tained. Some prominent English I
bas been signed by ,women in 50;,.counsel are to be associated with
different languages and representing' him, The Hon. Edward Blake is
as manyanationalities. 'This petitiolt,,jesaid to have been retained by some
which le (to be •presaanted to theh.of the other panties to the litigation.
British Government he June next;
by the representatives of the World's1 - Your .Physical Condition -
W. C. T. t;J.,, now numtness 7,500,000: Weeds atteution at this tiine. If you are
names, inetuding the endorsements. aired, Weak wadi nervous, it is clean• rube,
by men, and the attestamions of great.
blood is inlrpura,:and without �loubt
societies, such as the Pease Congress itt ere has been too unuch aver wcsl+kr 'or
held lastyear at Antwerp, ,where the retrain en bforan tach(' o, J,io cis 01:13
1 •in
�, thlaeatment for �mr•.h a (condition is plasi,n
President signed the polygilot petition gaud simple. ' Me blood must first 'be
.on behalf teethe Congress, at which, Purified so that atho nervous system., gond
-there were (dlelegates froths fourteen °i° duet all tho eu vi s will be fed (wipon
bl d I ftadUi' t 1 'tJlir
How much sadder will be the fate
of the liquor,dealer and manufacturer,
who aro solely responsible for their
drunkenness l A tramp who sleeps in
barns and by the roadside is to be
respected more than the liquor dealer.
A gambler is (less dangerous to the
country than the liquor dealer, yet
the gambler ds thrown out and the
dealer remains. The man who votes
to legalise the (traffic is almost as bad
as the dealer. It is a burning dis-
grace for -a 0ltunistlan city like Mont-
real to have as its head a man who is
a wholesale ;Liquor dealer.
T*uve oo a tgenn poop a wt gut
Eleading nations, and 40 ,different number have testiufned'Ghat the best itilood
Peace Soeleties were represented. pmtriifier, nerve !tonic ann strengnh ulad-
Who petition is addressed so rulers mating medicine is Hood's SarsapariuPla.
and representatives of the mations to Neinvousness, loss •of sleep and getierau1
deCriiity all vanislin :when diood's Sarlsalsa-
Which it will be taken, an,d ;asks for riiiaa 'is persisten,Ul•y tarsen; in a weir i,
the prohibition (of the sale stl'sticohol heaaltuh and happiness follow after taring 1
and opium it the territory over' Hoon Sarsaparilita.
wahich the gove,nement extendls. Win Sucaeoss in Life.
'The petition ants taken two .years
to ;prepare, anuli the lady will) has 13asdit complain asf the world ; ati
Made this her >1aaeia( work has ypent l mans merit is near neglected.
On an average eight hours a der on The true philosophy of life is to
her ttask.. She has alreadv mounted, sow, mad then to neap.
1,!J1yards, or ,o+rrer one mile of Don't wait for sosaxethinrg to turn
agaves. The petidlion will cams to up, but turn up something
Eneitaand and be on view in June :at'I You irsust earn a ;dollar to know I
the great Internattiionall meetings. how to nee it.
Tiuene tis still time to get more sigmaThere as no t cont•fior lazy people in
tures before the petition is presented„
and formers for this pltr•pose can be this busy age.
obtained of Miss Morgan, Bueki►ae , A pilot as not chosen for his riches, t
ham Place, Brecon. f. but for his knowledge.
The National Britt -still Women's! To stand :still is to give up hope.
Take the world as yarn find itt and
wake the best of it
Temperamee Association tfaaderated to;
the Worhft' i W. C. T. 11.•,, will hold
its National, 1, Council nseeitings the
same week. Many women are ex-
pected to attend as delegates, and
the foreign aepresentatives, which
will this year Iv present wilt make
The good opinion of us abroad
begins at home.
lie is your friend who speaks well
of you behind your back.
the occasion one of great interest and hiinl5elf. no man who will not help.
significance in the progress of tem- Self'reliance, industry, and in-
perancc reform. to city are the Grand Masters of the
A special vessel has been eharted tvo •l(l.
by Dr. Lunn to tar!ug Auteriean ;,Put all things in writin g that thou
delegates. >,
y giyest out or receivest in, —Feel.
1;3: 7.
What Platforms Are For. You must go after success ; it will
not come to you.
tri 1•RANCE's i , WIt'J'Al1i), L. L. D.,
t'11E:iTDI:N'1' OF THE tvORJ,D'S, g SUCee55 rides on every hour,
�v, C. T. U.
grapple it and you may win.
• He who waits for dead men's I
Disembodied spirits and disem-
bodied principles fare aboat equally
well in this workaday world. Voters
do riot rally very strongly around
vacancy, but they rally around a
shoes may have to° go a long time'
In prosperity prepare for a change, 1
in adversity hope for one.
The current coin of life is plain
candidate; and we must incarnate
common sense.
our ideas in teaclers whom we can Don't 'robaoed Spit or Sestina 'iteur Lite
tr list, and who sten(' upon platforms Away,
that are trade neither of:slippery elm is the truthful startling title of a book about No -Vo.
Rao, the harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit euro ,
not' dogwood. that bracts up nicotinizod nerves, eliminates the 'l' eel e'altntrl'rllall, havingu1eott sock)), maks, weak men g•dn rtrongth, 1
vigor and manhood. YOu run uo phy=ical or Finan•
boarded all express train, continued sial risk, as No•Te•Rao is sold under guarantee to
staltrlin 011 5110 platform; whereu )ort cure or tuoney7 )funded, nook free, Ad. Sterling
't�' 1 , t xienuedy Co„ 3,4 St.1 slut St„ Montreal.
yte , len )e lyse
The way to speak with power is
to speak honestly,
Live as long as you may, the first
twenty years are the longest half of
your life.
If we cannot live so as to be
happy, la't ii at least live so as to
deserve hatpi,i].ess,
There are more Wren who have
missed opportunities than there are
who have lacked opportunitb s.
v The virtues made of necessity
ii alvraya appear as if the material
t could not have been very abundant.
r If wrinkles mnst be written on
our brows, let thein not be written
d upon our hearts. The spirit should
never grow old.
Neither the intellectual nor the
moral character of' any person stands
stock still; a man improve or he
A ,joyful spirit and a cheerful
countenance sited happiness all
around; while sadness and gloom
create a dismal melancholy wherever
they are.
We seldom repent of talking too
little, but very often of tailking
too much. 'Phis is a common and
trival maxim which • everybody
knows and but few practice.
German millet is a crop of quick
growth, and in many regions may be
sown as late as July, if ground for
any reason has been kept vacant, or
when wheat or oats have failed. It
makes a large amount of excellent
feed, especially for lnileh cows.
Should be cut early and cured care-
fully. It is a profitable crop for the
The hilling up of potatoes is with-
out sense or reason, and the practice
should be allowed to fall more
rapidly into disuse. Deep planting,
with level culture, has been tried in
every part of the country, and the
result has been uniformly .increased
yields, .sometimes of a higia per cent.
While all authorities agree that;
silage (cannot be excelled as a food,
yet any farmer who cannot go to the
expense, nor has no room to build a
silo, ,earl virtually 'accanaplish the
sai:ne llesult by shocking his fodder
at the proper time, placing it under
shelter and cutting it up properly as
his needs may reveille. • There is an
absolute necessity that the farmer use
his oo ra lfothier by feeding it.
Rare a'Great Reputation Here.
J. E. 2.1kvIior, Esq., merchant, Welland,
says: *Stark's Powders have as great re-
putatilou:asbout here, as an :immediate, as
well es;a ipermanentauarre for Headache,
Biliousness, Noura1 is. Lliaser.and Stom-
ach Ctana,pheiuts, fiostiasiaLei . I tinow oh,
people who have beeo long and great
suffereoe,atnl(o have tried ,alrnost every-
thing, and have been Ietnred by them.
We bane 'used them im •our own family
with. remarkable eu2teess"' ;Two pre-
pe.ratiome en each bas. Solar by alt
medicine. Sealers at 25c •a .box,•5 boxes *,1.
Nice to take.
How -the Saying Oragnlaat.:d.
It is :said that ripe (mpression,
"There is askeleton nn ,every closet,"
:arose frons the folloatiimg incident:
A young Italian student, ending he
was dying, fearing Ito break the
mews to his another, adopted the fol-
lowing device.: IIe informed her that
lure was ill, aaadl that tae load been
foretold that he would tamer iteeover
until 17e had sworn a shirt made by a
woman who ftad no troubles. The
widow soon (dliscovered that it was
no leasy task to find suds a person,
but at length was referred to a lady
who seemed surrounded with every
comfort and happiness andprossessiarg
a husband who ,seemed devoted to
her. Tho widow made known her
request, and for an answer was
shown a closet where a skeleton hung
suspended from a beam. -She was
told it was the remains of the lady's
former lover, who from motives of
jealously had been slain by her hus-
band, and he compelled her to visit
it every d<•ty. The widow concluded
that no one was without trouble,
that "there was a skeleton in every
Closet," and became reconciled to
the approaching loss of her son.
Relief in six hours.—Jistressingu lCid•
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American Kid-
ney Cure." This great remedy is a great
surprise and delight to physicians on ac-
count of its exceeding promptness in reliev-
ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages in male
and female. It relieves retention of water
and pain in passing it almost immediately.
If you want quick relief and pure this is
your remedy. Sold at Chislrnhn's drug
A little iron,
A °tinning curl,
A box of powder,
A. pretty. girl,
A little ram,
Away 1t goes,
A homely girl
With a freckle
It is a fair -handed noble adjust-
ment of things that, while there is
infection- i n disease and sorrow, there
1s nothing in the world so irresistibly
contagious as laughter and good
Positive good is the best means of
curing negative evil. When we are
deliberately planning to increase the
happiness of others and to 'further
their welfare, we are not likely to
injure them, by thoughtless actions.
No man or woman of the humblest
sort can really be strong, pure and
good without the world being the
better for it, without somebody being
helped and ,comforted by the very
existence ,of this goodness.
If we could only try to be pleased
with the present circumstances of
our surroundings, how much more
true happiness would flow from such
an effort than from constantly striv-
ing after changing conditions, with
problematical results.
Men el' many. words sometimes
argue for the sake of talking; men
of ready tongues frequently dispute
for the sake of' victory; men in public
life often debate for the sake of
opposing the ruling party, or from
any other motive than the love of
Those who are ever ready to stand
unselfishly ,on one side i11 order to
benefit another, will find their re-
ward not :so much in any special
compensation that may be returned,
as fan ,the satisfaction of knowing that
they have' loved their neighbor" ,ars
Thiels Concentration,
Orae pill a dose, one box 25 cents. One
pill relieves ((most potion. One berm
cures, an ordinary case. One pill taken
weekly neutralizes fortnation of •unie
acid f a tile blood and prevents Bright's
Kidney .disease and Diabetes, True only
of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
Wanted to do Right.
Some llalamrnders are provoking, some 1
are amusing, .and some are both. Of;
this kind was the performance of an
Irish hotel -waiter:•, in whom the
capacity for blundering must have
been developed to the point of genius.
The story as related by a returned
traveler, is found in the New York
Wnith three otherineil I we»tacross
from Dublin to a little town in Gal-
way with a view to inspecting a
deserted silver -mine which was said
to lie among the hills behind the
town. We put up for the night at a -
small hotel, and as the drive to. the
mine would be a long one, we ar-
ranged to be called at half -past six,
My room was cold, and my bed
uncomfortable, but I finally fell
asleep, and was dreaming of home
when a knock at the door awoke me.
"Who's there ?" I cried.
"Shure, it's 1110, sor," answered the
waiter. "It's Minty minutes past
foive, sor. Will I wake ye now, or
will I wait till half -past six? "
Rheumatism Cured in a day. --South
American 'thematic Cure of (rheumatism
audNcuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days.
Its action on the system is remarkable and l
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
of the disease immediately disappears, The I
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. `Opposite
lose. \Varranteed at 0hishom'sdrug store. 1
The undersigned in returning thanks
for past favors,begleave to soy that they
have a very largo stock of
BARREL-$, OOD, &c.,
on hand, which will be sold at very close
prices to meet the requirements of the
hard times,
WING I'I,f ? ,
Capital, V.:40,000. Vest, if 050„(1100
rresid nt� SIVA e Jus{ire
( 1'icu-i"rcoi•'•lit- el. t:, 1iAIIIDAY.
nous Paocrost. t , , 110.14.s. ++•t 1)111, 11 1', A. T
WOOD, A. L.I,e tIor'at,q.
Cashler--J. Tt'It"; tll'U..
t Savings Banl.—none 1 -'•r narnninye, 10
i. Depositti of al and upe, rtes els co ,slut intero.
I allowed.
Special Deposits ,.1•o „ e,•tve l at current
rates of ir.:rest.
Drafts on Great Ordain and true United State•
bought and sold
First Class Shingles, $ I.70 per,
E. L. DICICI.1SON, toiieitc•r.
Wood 75cts. per Cord, delivered. �
1). ;', ILI,SON, Aarxx
Everything else equally low. Come and.
see us before buying, as we will not be
Wingham, June 7111, 1893.
Josephine Street • - Wlighanl, tint,
J. A, HALSTRn, J. W. Scorn,
Mount Forest. Listone
Deposits Received and Interest l
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation. 1lioney remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges.
Special Attention Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and Notes.
' Agents in Canada- The i52erchants: Bach
of Canada
I "
Wee Hours—From 9 a. 0r. to 5 p. nr,
A en.
i I 1 all,l .,, YI 1
Valuabi, treatise and two bottles ma mne eon Fxea to
r SuBerer. Give Ex rose and PosE Ofaca
of di ' t
nn p address. . A,
,LOCUM CHEMICAL CO., 0td., Tomato, ent.
and other meats in low proportion.
also on hand.
I am prepared to pay the highest price
for all kinds of fowl. 'L'lacy roust be drawn
and well dressed.
Wingham, Oct. loth, 1893.
TK1:Aitt OF�A1;HG;
• LSS IN���gUpSi N G
. .. PtnsTER•
1N fog
;oLDEVI rwsfat
Can only be obtained by wearing;
No. 391 " Improved All -Feather -
bone Corsets." No side .steels to
break, hurt or rust.
Alt First-class Dry Goods louses Sell Them.
A Blessing to Every Household.
These rc ndies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronoun, r 1 rh,' best ttledlcines for
Family use,
Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACII, EIDN1:11- :,L ]'OW ELS and
invaluable In all complaints incidental to females of all ag ro.
Is the onIy reliable romedy Tot• bad ego, sores, ulcera, and old wounds. FOR finONChI1IS, SORE
DISEASES IT (IAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only et 78, New Oxford, Late 5;i:'., Oxford Street, London,
and sold by ail Medicine Vendors throughout the world,
:Purchasers should look to'the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
will continue to reduce the price for
$4.00 SPOT GASH.
Ifyou have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar on
the leaking of each suit, and get a good fit. First-class Trimmings supplied.
at Wholesale prices for spot cash only.
If yen want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you can save from $3.00
$10.00 on each, by purchasing from us,
WEBSTER 8c. 00.,
the new Macdonald i3loek, Winghant.
141'ev' chant Tailors