The Wingham Times, 1895-05-10, Page 8VILE WIN GIJA 'L TIMES, MAY 10,1595,
M . 1V. GT DC o water for that pnrpose,.f They rctcotnrend-1 C.LAItA T'Olila NOT GUILTY", I
ed that a well be sun�
Weare tieing the business in Dress t 1 1
on the market square�----`
I pamping purpose% -They had written the Wt10i1. MURDER.c.W. AT TOR0xT0.
' Clerk of i.xeter �1,s to the kind of wind mill ---,----
Goads :our immense assortment- , used in that rhes, and the reply was that i Toronto, May 4. ----The morning...
the wind mill had proved very satisfaetory. proceedings ht connection with the
our t1•itsGtuortlty quality -our ex- I The committee had also been consideringll Clara Ford trial wee devoted to hit
tremely low price and our benutifnl i t
styles nl'aetieall demonstrate that we an offer from Mr. Thos, Bell to supply effort on the part tit' the adepts' in
are more tllrtlt et le water, also, from the G. T...Ity. Co,. pr•Oving an alibi on behalf of the
Il 1M1r(: Geo. Fretwell addressed the Council prisoner. A number of persons wore
on,,t`lie street watering question. saying.; called to corroborate her assertion
• tWat if the Council would give him tate that site was at the Toronto Opera
number of years, and supply him with a! andthat she was in tllo habit of
The fo1lawing special bargains ni�ill tank and a few rods of hose, that he would `going there on Saturday night, yet
explain the superior advantage/ vai take charge of the street watering. Ile ; when it came to. ieta.iis they wore
offer thin week ; would pump the water from the Maitland . not able to sweat' that it was on the
river, which runs at the rear of his place particular Saturday night oe the
10 piece:; colored Henrietta worth on Viotoria street. Mr. John Pelton ad-! murder' that she was there, and the
75e. for 50c. dres,ed the Council as to the supplying of evidence, therefore, was not of great
r 8 pieces colored Henrietta worth , a wind mill. ; value. The rest of the morning was
J0c for :1t1C. •The Property Committee also rectum- devoted to taking evidence tending
$ pieces Estamier Serges, black and mended that the old wooden fence on the i to show that for several years' past
Ibhle, 75e, for 50c. south side of the park be removed. The, the prisoner has been Living --rill
3 pieces Estamicr Serges, black and committee recommended that the following I honest and respectable life. I'aster-
blue, 50e. for 35c. sums be levied for Property Committee day the prisoner was put in the box,
6 pieces Fancy' Tweed Dress Goods, purposes, viz : Wini. mill and well, 5235; I and stated that what is called her
44 suits, ;10e. for 20c. Cemetery, 100; tpwn hall, 5200. Moved confession, but which was absolutely
6 Dress Pieces, slightly damaged, by John Hanna, seconded by R. Herdsman, I false, was wrung from her by a de••
�� .that the town purchase a four or five horse : restive.
and a wind trill prroenred as power for VERDICT OF Tlrl9 JODY IN TIM WEST -
The Greatest Shopping Head
quarters for Fashionable ririiege of watering the streets,for a House on the night of the murder,
-41 00 for 40c
These Goode will be marked down t power engine and boiler for pumping water The trial ended at 10 o'clock
, 11th. � • - ._
The annual meeting of't1 a East
Bruen Teaellelce''Instfttite will' be held
Tin Tara,. on Wednesday and Thurs-
olay, May 2moil and 23rd.
Anseo-yr-1'n Wingham, on May 4th,
t'ho wife of Eelytl. Arscott; tt claughter.� �''
4'f Rinn-In rl'4rnberrv, on Kay 4th, the,
wife of Mr. Win. Reid; a daugfctor. tr'
'i MosiTooI,Tx tux-CT.sNnDZIVIN i`0 -;1t St-
t.eorge'e churt.h„ Winnipeg, on 1Ypril' 24, •
by .Rev. J. J. Rby, Miss Bella Clenden-
ning, of W ingham, Ont., to Wtlhami H.
Montgomery, of Emerson, Men.. '
Mills, at the residence of the bride, on
3t)th April, 11Tr. Ce+tsar Perdue, of
Goderloh townsfrip to Mrs.Helen'S'tewart,
of Lueknow.
MARTIN-FPnrr,rr'r:---At the residence
of the bride's mother. Seaforth, on Aprltly
`224th. by Rev. Galloway, Mr.Harry
of Blyth, to Miss Lizzie, only daught
of the late Sergeant E. E. H'alfeb1t 4 '
;'�RontauTson-In Wins;ham, on the 8th
May, Margaret Robertson, aged 79�years.
A native of Scotland, near Edinburgh.
'SMITH -Drowned, in Culross, on the
5th Inst., I�.. R. Smith, aged 21. years and
$ months. s"
Hzwi2•T-Fra Walton, on April 29th,
John Hewitt, aged 72 yea,si 2 months •
and 13 days.
for into a tank on the market square -I to -night, Mr. . Johnston, the prisoners CY-11[40
BOYS' $IJIITS. I Lost. The whole question of water supply I counsel, made a plea to the jury on
35 Boys' Suits, odd lines, from size I for street watering purposes and how it � behalf of his client, his address ocent-
22 to 30, worth from $'3.50 to $4.50, I was to be secured, was dis3usse3 at length. pying nearly two and a half hours.
all fQr $2.75, at Moved by Wm. Holmes, seconded by D.I Owing to the absence of Mr. Osler,
McKinlay, that in regard to furnishing! the duty of addressing the jury de -
M. H. MdeINDOO'S. ,
-Mr. Frank Kennedy, of Toronto,
formerly of this town, has purchased a
milk business in that city and takes pos-
session on Monday next.
G. H. Irvin, the tailor, has put in an
extensive stook of tweeds, worsteds, etc.
Call and see them. Good goods, good
work, good fit guaranteed. Opposite Bank
of Hamilton.
water for watering streets, the whole! volved upon County Crown Attorney
'matter be referred bank to the Property'Curry. Chancellor Boyd then
Committee until they get replies from all I char
aed the jury for 35 minutes.
correspondence and all tnformaticn they 1In conclusion, HIS Lordship advised
can get, when they shall ask the Mavar to I the jury' that if they found the
calla special meeting to settle the salon at I risoner guiltyit was advisarble that
as early a date as possible -Carrier). rhe I p
Fire, Water and Light Committee reported , they should find also whether they
that some of the piles driven last fall to ; would be disposed to find her g ailty
protect the engine house had been taken I if the evidence as to the confession
away by the spring Hoods. The committee l
decided that it would be necessary to drive i had not been admitted. This might
some more piles to repair the damage. ; assist the court 1n arriving at a con -
The committee also recommended the puts i elusion in the reserved case as to the
cashathe se of
comone mittehyderanbteligate,eve nit
ta costwould ofbe $1a- .
. admissibility of the confession.
-This season has been a good one for great service at fires. The committee put I The jury then retired, and after
the farmers. Although there has teen in en estimate asking that 8300 be placed' being out two hours returned with a
very little rain this spring the large at their disposal. Moved by R. C. Spar)- - verdict that Clara Ford is " not
amount of snow that fell during the winter ing, seconded by R. Herdsman, that the !guilty" at the murder of Frank
filled the earth with moisture and the fall report of rho Fire and `Vater Committee be y
adopted, and the necessary funds be placed I We twood, and the prisoner was at
wheat fields look fine. The fair, dry at their disposal. D. MoKinlay, chairman once discharged from custody.
weather has been praticularly good for of the Streets Committee, gave in the
estimate of the Committee, asking that
seeding and the farmers have about finished $800 be placed at the disposal of the Com- About 3 o'clock on Monday morn-
that`part of their spring work. mitten. Moved by R. C. Sparling, second-
fire was discovered in the office
ed by Wm. Hnlmes, that $200 be Elated to
-The following are the numbers of and storehouse of J. P. Ross,gen-
candidates of the Street Committee, and g
candidates for various examinations in - that the Committee then report to the eral store, of Exeter. The building
East Huron: Council -Carried. Moved by W. Holmes, was not muck injured, but the stock
seconded by J. Neelands, that $275 be The P. S. LEAVING. was badly damaged. fir's is
Clinton 112: 35 placed to the credit of the School Board- stated to be of incendiary in.
Seaforth40 50 Carried. Mr. Thos. Irwin, caretaker of the y or g
Wingltam...... 61 cemetery, reported that he had received
for 33 burials of adults, at $2 each, $66 ; 8 Mr. Gladstone has written a letter
children, at $1.50, 812, total, 878 ; from to the Anglo -Armenian Association,
owners of plots. $4; from the town, $50, in which he says : "Apart from local
totoincreaseease his Mr.
v o $75. Ma ed bythe �R.. C. uncil facts, of �vhich�I will not speak, the
Sparling, seconded by W. Holmes, that conduct of the Saltan and the Porte
Thos. Irwin be re -appointed caretaker of in connection with this question had
Town Connnil, cemetery, at 550, and that he work day been to my mind, worse than their
of each day during the months of May, cori'drlct ill regard to Bulgaria in
June ul • Au a t and o tember- g.
Brussels.. .... 48
Blyth ...... - 33
Wroxeter...... r 43
Fordwich 27
Total.....,.. 363 201
The regular monthly meeting of the Town , J y, g s u p Car „
vied. Moved by C. J. Reading, seconded 1876,
Council was held on Monday evening last. by J. A. McLean, that the Assessor, hay -
Present - Mayor Brookenshire, Reeve ing completed his duties, be paid his
Sparling, Deputy -Reeve Holmes, and salary, $100 -Carried. The Council then.
Councillors Herdsman, Hanna, Neelands, adjourned.
Gordon, Dore, Golley, Wilson, McLean, HARRISTON.
Reading, Dawson, and McKinlay. Minutes
,of Mast meeting were read and approved. The R. T. of T. have organized a
The Treasurer reported $372 of cash on base ball club in connection with
hand. Communication was read from their lodge. -The town band has
White Cloud Novelty Works, Michigan, been re -organized under the leader -
asking for $10,000 bonus and exemption ship of Mr. David. Livingstone, A
from taxes for twenty years, in considera- number of recruits have enlisted and
tion of their establishing a Harness'Buckle are making fair progress. We
and Heine Factory in Wingham,employing think the town does not give that
35 hands -No action. A communication support to the band they are entitled
was read from A. McGillivray, asking re- to. -Mr. J. Waddell has for a long
fund of $2 dog tax, the dog having left his time past been receiving an oceasion-
pinee a day pr two after the Assessor had al anonymous postal card from some
assessed it last year -No action. The one in town. The composition of
finance committee reported, recommending sortie of them show that the writer is
payment of the following accounts : Geo. no schoolboy, but some one who is at 1
Valentine, sawing cordwood, $2.80; W. J. least versed in the Shakesperean i
Sheffield, meals and lodgings for tramps, dramas and familiar with Artemus 1
$1:; G. N. W. T. Co., telegrams, $1.58; Ward's methods of spelling reform,
Flax Mill Deputation, expenses, $16.20; Mr. Waddell became irritated at
Jas. Plenty, printing, 55 ; A. young, some of the late productions, and so
waterworks, hall and streets supplies, sent them, together with other COI'res
$8.08; Chas. Barber, streets and bridge, pondence he had in his possession, to 1
$11.05 ; John Harburn, work on streets, a 1awyel fn Toronto who engaged an
$7.80; John Foster, bridge, $0.70 ; Wing- expert of the British Canadian Busi- , - -
Liam Tanning Co., leather for waterworks, Hess College. This expert 'says that ; pl3TO;To be Cur,
84.0; Mrs. Saint, wood for Mrs.t1el in, he has no hesitation in saying that �� my new d5•
� Trl1s8 wyR`
$1.30; W. Pattison, wood for old Mr, both were written by the same per-' .ea
Williams, $1.75 ; A. i3risbois, repairing ilre
alarms, $2 ; SVingham Electric Light Co.,
lights for April, 832.02 ; dos. Bullard, one
03 10#144 salary, 534.15; Sohn Gillespie,
rets, 50.45 S. Mitchell, acting as
tlonvity constable, $2.50, work on streets,
$1:1591 Kere onery, charity ot-ders,
'• 0, Gear ell, drawing Hosts to•'Jiz�e, good houses aro i11 course of et'ee�'
The Horne Mission Committee of
the Presbyterian church, whieh met
in Toronto a month ago, expected
that there would be it deficit of
$10,000 on the year's operations. It
is now reported that almost the entire
amount has been received, and that
missionaries are to be paid in full.
The first sittin of t Conrt for the
Revision of the A:ses= "entRoll for the
Township of Tur, h: ry, will be held in
McDonald's Hal . F. uevele, on.Motlday,
the 27th day of ay, 1805, at. 1.:6'ttlook
p. tu.
J The whole of .
-d r
s� rJ
stock of Solid, Reliable
1 Thousands of pairs of the best of
ii stock still on hand. These are a
J few of the prices:
r Ladies 54 00 Button Roots for......82 50
.4j " 376 " 226
1 " t 00 " " 2 00
};� „ 2 76 ,` „ '1 95'
226 160
i ether Goofs in proportion.
�Men's fine laced and gaiters in
black and tan at great reductions.
J Mon's plow boots in laced and
'..rj buckle.
•Y Ladies', Misses' and Children's
%� Oxfords at clearing prices.
83.00 Hats for 81.25; 82.50 Hats
it� for 81; 81.50 Hat for 75c.. 81 Hats
' fur 25c. and 50c, Straw Hats very
i, cheap,
''ri] A lot of
Crockery, Glassware,
Preserve Jars, Stone Jugs,
14 Milk Pilins, Oak Churns,
1 Wash'Tubs,ylower Pots,
1 s. Lamps, &e.,
'II0 For which no reasonable Offer will
be refused. .
Next Halsted & Scott's Bane
�� •
The 1; - ert in designing and adjusting R 0 PT
CHAS CLUTHE people will visit per
WIN3iFIAM2 unswick House
CLINTON, Rattenb ry Ho
G O D E R C H, Albion
g/of Rapt
Ice. 7+i
rers should a
c rehevcd, and o
son, and also that he would stake .his '' of brated'e►ug A
reputation or litit::laat '10 years, that Send for Buaki of bona fide Testimonial
the person vho ?Wrote the letters tif4 T Cats cin 1
We are offering unequaled bargains
for the Cash .Buyer in all.lines of
Our stock includes every variety
and every price and the careful buyer
will do well to call on us before going
Is our motto and we are certain that
to see our goods and prices is to pur-
chase from us. -
Our Stock
King Street
.,Toronto„ Ont.
Tuesday, May 14th.
Wednesday,May 15th.
Th>0.rsday, May 16th.
Friday, May 17th.
Saturday, May 18th.
e depends simply on the purchase and fitting of
and Cool; tsatiefaerion in every ease.
it and be fitted to appreciate it.
n entirelycured; by mechanical treatment as
tialet from the general public and
all over the land.
• free on application.
SAar.s Riven, N.S.
RAa itiba, Ci.cmtte :
1 fool it my duty to inform yon.
that after being away from home
thee& months, turd nn my return 1
ti,ulld a marked improvement in u y
chills feet. Ily the time you apecired
a -arc, i ecu Cure they will he peri
o.irssincerely.• fectly natural. Yours truly. ALexAhrn:a 145E.
by. n.C. AOA sial tn. A FEW fitilet STATEMettTS
Your new devise rations 111y
a1 «,• ,1 Cats. rt tit • s¢..
`wrote the e also: This is a severe . 'l•. ,!ur ii 1tt:Att sr T. t tito, Ont.
iadietment7 t i rest under, if not �. the npnitane you made for toy •
ttilty'.-•--llnilding, operations ore in . brother'. It . c gave itim immediate
fall blast in town. A numbernumber�" • relief, and u+ 1s now able to walk
, • '�y 'without • orches. The .welling is
gtxductll going down.
$14 . i. Jllacltsaell, work on bridge, 8140; tion. A little tearing down irnd
Deans, drawing hose to Are, $i, sue- trimming up of old buildings would
tioneering weigh scales, $4; J. Pelton, re- add greatly •to the" appearance of
pairingg mater tank, $4.35; 13, Lethmex, Some of the streets. -The boys in I .r7* trey, I. M. PAnet* . lyactor of the J- .% W StC 1thttr;a0s.
Rttptttrewrth carte.
t1liae4ty. order, 75 cents, .Taff. McGee, wood Nigh Sehooi)have reorganized a foot -1 tv:io•& ra:t ivas RtN trd�l ,tli �Vhrto1r, $1%hnhur phi Xtra nnty, t•ser the relief 1'mm
F ' was coat tictd • c`lred byrt1 s' a t stet re ceut,in re i rc by }•our
for )rail, ;Iii. On motion, the report of the ball slob again, with James fluff as t y Y appliance, may De new orrice. A, cart is ccrtam.
Fred. 1 e.e rid ta' Jva. i<ttesrs, Sehtingeille,
�. yNorens,, .��...�.. _ ._ ..
otsrftrnittee rotas adopted and tiro accounts captain and kiss. Stafford,Eee.•t
t�cTerdd to he paid. The Property Com. doubt the hove willgive .a good: do the success In ooereoming Rt1pTUl;la' and hi/ oEFOR'lAlt/�'S deriendy Ao much
Mitts* had been conetdering the street 1i rittOrmt of themselves and fully.
eg the Persona examination of the &see, thisis an oeportanity of toren/rind ...
* terifig gntestUon and the most detirabia t nutintain their last year's reptlta- '•cid of the !argot institution in thin line !n Canada, of 24 dears experience.
of stowing a enfifleient ettpply oi"' tiarl.
Is very complete, and we are offering
some great bargains in the same.
All goods delivered any distance free
of charge.
If you are in need of
or anything in our line,
4011111-47-4 PILINTIE)
Attended on shortest notice and no
extra charge for long distances.