The Wingham Times, 1895-05-10, Page 7How toromote Conversation.
Rev. II. R. Ilawels, in the Young
Woman', speaking on conversation
But, Z am asked, are there no hints
to be given to facilitate common in-
tercourse? :flow aro we to make
•oursolvcs agreeable? Row are we to
Make our individualities tell in
;society? We want to fill a place, to
play our part, to contribute our mite,
if it be,but a elite -"a poor thing
but aline own."
1. Remember when you converse
that others like to hear their own
voices as well as yours.
2. Be careful, however much you
feel alloyed to talk -s -and you may
talk intich if you: have much to say
--to give others space for reply.
After exacting attention, do not for-
get to be patient and receptive in
your turn.
3. People are never happy when
labeled second best, nor will you
'ever be personally liked if you rivet
upon thein a sense of their own in-
feriority, or prevent them from shin-
ing or doing themselves justice.
4. Encourage people on what
interests them. A •woman may be
dull on all topics but one; find that
ono out and she may take you to her
heart -ay, to her heart of hearts.
You may also learn something.
5. Don't be too eager to shine. If
you can't shine without effort, better
. not shine at all; it won't be a success,
6. Don't sneer at trade or commerce
• in the presence of aelf-made men.
Don't talk of gentlefolks and gentle-
men vermueh,or brag of birth or
connection, especially in the presence
of those who have neither.
7. Don't fear or resent overmuch
people's bad opinion, but take caro
Ilot to deserve it.
8. Self -consciousness paralyzes
•spontaneity. Self-effacement con-
quers more infallibly than anything
else, and he that humbleth himself
shall be exalted.
9. In company you must take the
tone before ,you can give the tone, or
you will have no platform to work
.10. If you aro not willing to be a
pigmy among giants, you will never
be a giant among pigmies.
11. There may be a deep sym-
pathy without talk,but no good talk
without sympathy.
.Have you oyer noticed how your
system seems to Crave special assistance
in the spring ? J ash the help required is
given by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Two Deadheads.
At a recent gathering of notable
men, the after-dinner chat turned
upon personal experiences, and a
distinguished jurist related this :
After graduation he migrated to a
Western town. Months of idleness,
with no prospeot of improvement,
induced hien to seek a new home.
• Without money to pay his fare he
boarded a train for Nashville, intend-
ing to seek employment as reporter on
one of the daily newspapers, When
the conductor called for his ticket he
. said :
I am on the staff of the , of
• Nashville; I suppose you will pass
The conductor looked at him
The editor of that paper is in the
smoker ; .come with me; if he
identities you,all right.
IIe followed the conductor into the
smoker ; the situation was explained;
Mr. Editor said:
• 011, yes ; I recognize him as one of
the staff; it is all right.
Before leaving the train the lawyer
again sought the editor.
Why did you say you recognized
me ? I'In not on your paper.
I ant not the editor, either. I'm
travelling on his pass, and was scar-
ed to death lest you should give me
away. --Fashion.
Rheumatism Cared in a day. -South
Atn3rioau Rhoatnatic Cure of itheutmitism
and Stearalgia radically cures in 1 to 13 days.
' + Its action on the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
of the disease immediately disappears. The
first nose greatly benefits. 75 cents.
1Varrauteed at (lllishom'sdrug store.
An Irishman once went hunting
and saw a red bird and shot at it.
Ile ran udder the tree to get his bird
and found a frog, and saki :
'Faith, and ye was a purty bird
till I shot all the feathers off ye.'
Rev. G. 1;.. McKay, of Woodstock,
moderator o± the Presbyterian
General Assemi,h-, has jest complet-
ed for pulls''• ' .n th s story of his
missionary i' nn. the Island of
I('orinostt, an„ "1 soon be in the
bands of the i ,,.,.lshe,:s.
lilt; ;art's Ditch.
(ifalifax Dally Chronicle, April a'.)
The Tay canal, known as " llag-
gart'a ditch," does not appear to be
developing Inucll traffic. The
revenue receipts for the year ended
June 30th, 1891, amounted to the
magnificent total of $126, against
1.35.7; in the previous year. No
doubt the traffic of this important
artificial waterway has been serious-
ly affected by tho depression. The
cost of the maintenance and man-
agement last year amounted to
12,•i85, against ,$2,486 in the prey -
bus year. The minister of railways
and canals must have adopted and
enforced heroic lnollsares of economy
in order to save that dollar.
The ditch whose traffic and man-
agement give the above astounding
remits cost the people of Canada
84711,1.8,73, and that sum forms
part of our enormous public debt of
$315,000,000. 'rhe Tay canal is
now :111(1 never will be of any value
to anybody except John Graham
IZaggart. Tne money expended in
its construction is gone beyond recall.
It might just as well have been
thrown into Lake Superior. Would
it not . be a good idea to hand the
"Glitch" over as a free gift to Mr.
Ilaggart on condition that he boar
the cost of maintenance and manage-
ment? The people of Canada will
save $2,350 a year by the operation.
This expenditure of nearly half a
million dollars on the useless Tay
canal is one of the many swindles -
we use the term " swindle " advised-
ly --called " public works " wllielt
have swi;llowed up so many millions
of dollars that now form part of our
public debt -useless public works on
which the money was expended for
the double purpose of corruptly in-
fluencing constituencies and provid-
ing the means through trusty con-
tractors of keeping an ample supply
of boodle in the government's cor-
ruption fund. In the last sixteen
years millions of dollars have' been
uselessly and corruptly expended so
that contracts might be milked to re-
plenish the government's election
rand, and with the money drawn .
this roundabout way from the public
treasury the government have been
able to purchase the support cif" the
venial portion of the electorate and
thus overpower the honest public
sentiment of the country. The goes
ernment did so in 1887 and 1891,
and they are " laying their pipes "
to do the same thing in 1895. Will
the people of Canada submit to any
more swindling of this kind.?
Tho Cattle Boom Genuine.
Dr. McEachran said to a Montreal
reporter that, in his belief, there is a
positive scarcity of cattle in the
Western States and Territories, and
this is felt particularly at Chicago,
Kansas City and Omaha, where it is
a positive fact that there has been a
shortage of over 300,000, probably
400,000, head of cattle.. The result
is that cattle have risen in value, and
probably will continuo to do so for
the next two or three mouths. There
will however, be a check in this
when the grass fed cattle come along,
which, owing to the scarcity of corn
and feed stuffs, the cattle raisers of
the west have not been able to fatten
during the winter, but when tune
enough has elapsed to enable them
to be fattened on the green crops
there will probably be a cessation of
the rise in values. That, however,
will only be temporary, and next
,year will probably see beef higher
than ever before in the United
States, and it would not si'.trprise Dr.
McEachran if it became so scarce
and so dear as to stop, if not entirely*,
at least to a very large extent. the
exportation to European markets.
A slip of the Pen.
Mrs. S--, a widow of two years'
standing, drew a cheque for one
hundred and fifty dollars. Presenting
it for payment, she observed an
amused expression on the face of the
paying -telling, but she received her
money and departed. A month later
her book was written up and her
vouchers returned, and the amused
expression on the face of the.paying-
teiler 'teas explained.
Iter check of a month previous
"The Blank National. I3ank will
pay to Bearer One husband and
1?ifty Dollars."
The lady is thinking of suing the
batik for the balance due, for, as she
says, she ecrtainly has not collected
all that the check called fox•. -Itar-
per's Magazine.
wo GUAM TIMES, MAY 105 18:) a
Gems of Thought.
No ono is useless in this world
who lightens the burden of it for
Wo attract hearts by the qualities
we display; we retain them by the
qualities we possess.
t $50
Thes Any (Joe M,r �a° Tries ty
Chase's Ointment for Itchy
Saying, it Will Not Cure or '
Though we travel the world over Relive,
to find the beautiful, we must carry
it with us or find it not.
' Though the body may shirk labor,
the brain is not idle. If it d(1es not
grow corn it will grow thistles.
Poverty is not dishonorable in
itself, but only when it arises from
idleness, intemperance, extravagance,
and folly.
It is good discretion, not to [make
too touch of any' man at the first,
i because one cannot hold out that
` proportion.
Nothing is more destructive of
individual character than for a man
to lose all faith in his own abilities
for the prosecution of his work.
Deride not any man's deformities,
but bless God they are not yours,
Men shall answer at God's bar for
their vicious habits, but not for their
natural imperfections.
1tehing piles is an exceedingly p'tinful
and annoys ,g pfllicti,iu, 1outit1 alike to
the rico and po,r, ;tale and feaiale
'1'he prinuipal symptoms aro a tot•ore
itching, whim[ id wur'e tit night mien
the setferor beculued warm iu +;ed, 1•
terriple is the itoliii,g that, frequently it
is impossible to sleep. Often the suffer
er unconsciously ((tiring sleep rat(: ii '
the pat is until Luny are Nitre, ulcera iul,i
tLIIUOI's form, exl'tal*it'e ;moI.t lire is ex t
eluded. /.‘'entities are ['nit urly'e+sten 1
from this liisettet+, ouusiug utbearabl
irritation isms i r•,uute, J.' null ever;
other syulpunu or both'[;,[ Piles or lrrita
Lion in aray part or the b,nty nrH Iw
tuodiately alloyed and cluieltly cured ti
Chase's Aitrtr,,ut, . it will in -starlit;
stop itching, Mail the aures tied ulcers.
dry up the moisture,
Price, CO conic. of ice:tier.,; or ;; mid
by add�;r,•
BOMANSON. P,ATt•'N ,t; Oo .,
45 iaont ba ri t St.., 't'uron to,
Now what is first and. foremost
JOB Rt`sIs's 1 II?iG,
among the reasons which make a
nation strong and great? Work.
Not machine work; bat work into
which the worker:puts his pride, his
joy, his happiness.
1 NCLUDIN t gooks, 3'r•nl•hi'r,, posh„r•.,
Beans, Circulars, an., ' i , cm, •stet 14 the bee
style of the art, ut moderaw prirr „14d „„ ,i.„„.
notice. Apply ur uddn•n.
It t>1.I.iuTT,
To commit the execution of a
^Tui a, 11.11(•0• tVIl,Uhau,
to one who disapproves Of; wo&replenscl to nnn..un,•u that any Rooks or
purpose pZ Mu\;autr es tete w,th m cull Luer. oar
the plan of it, is to employ but one- ' prompt ntientimr fr 1!':::'1..11":14.. s ur lit.:dtn r iu t style
u•10 bariron ou apptic,,riii, tv th.: Teals, 011lee•
third of the man; his heart and his
head lire against you, you have j
commnecled only his hands.
The great moments of life are but
moments like the others. Your
doom is spoken in a word or two.
A single look from the eyes, a mere
pressure of the lips, though they
cannot speak.
WANTED -,U mol Truvolim Balismen
■ to h:ur•le our 11,ir 1 v Canadian
Grown Nnoun :i,•rn•h. '' a g'I ll. •,t.e satisfactior, to
representatives 0n11 (:cvranur(. , it Nurseries ars
the largest in tho i)nm1'rnn--are•• i1N1 neles, • No
Ruhatitatinil In ol•n,•,'H. I`ixuill$lve ter, Ib ry 11111
cheral terms to wuole „r part time &tents Write
(111.11 time.%)'roruurn, ant.
The only Nursery in Caa•uln hnta, gt•estint orchards.
'� e°' l
There is no benefit so large but l f•,
malignity will still lessen it -none > j J 1�
g Y .3!rdt96 0 I
6����I li
so narrow which a good interpreta-
tion will not enlarge. No man can
ever be grateful who views a benefit
on the wrong side or takes a good
office by the wrong handle.
Bell -Wats George very much cast
down when lie spoke to your father ?
Nell -Yes ; three flights of stairs.
Doctor -You cough more easily
this morning ?
Patient -1 ought to, I practiced
all night.
Itir. Percy, of Kinloss, has a mon-
strosity in the shape of a six -legged
calf. The animal was perfectly
formed in all other respects,
He -A fellow tried to roe.) me of
$10 last night, but he failed.
She -Of course he failed. You
can't take something from nothing.
'Want any mousetraps? Come,
buy one, do!'
-No, thanks; we have no mice.'
'Ash, I'll throw 'em in with plea-
sure !'
'Now, boys,' saki the captain of a
naval Militia company to his ]lien, '1
want every one of you to be on hated
in the morning, for the procession
will start on time. Coale down to
the canal at 8 sharp and fall in.'
Mr. Homestead, (rushing into his
wife's room) -Marie 1. Marie 1 Conte
quick! Nellie's got convulsions!
Mrs. 1lontestead (entering the par-
lor)-Noaseuse! The child is practic-
t ing her Delsarte lessons.
A teacher spent a long time in
making one of his boys understand
a very simple [natter, and then to
relieve his mind said :
'If it wasn't for etc you'd be the
I biggest dunce in town.'
Jones_. -have you noticed the new
styles of tan slippers?
Brown---1'es, l've noted them; bat
the style is not new. My mother
had a pair of tan slippers when I
was al; mere boy, which I warmly re-
, member.
Teacher -What are marsupials? .
Boy-.lnimals which have pouches:
in their stomachs.
Teacher -And what do they have
pouches for ?
Boy -To crawl into and conceal
themselves in when they are pursued:
'My youngest is very fond of-
pedestrialnisln,' said Mr. Lawler to
Mr. Cumso.
'I didn't know it was old enough
to walk:
• 'It isn't ; but it is old enough to
know that 1 can.'
Tf you went your
made in the lalrrt st,)te, go to
opposite }tank of Flamiltnn, .
//4/, //we
often bring coughs and coils,,
brings quick relief. Cures all in-
flammation of the bronchial
rubes, throat or chest. No on.
crrlaimy. Relieves, soothe0,
heals promptly.
A Large Bottle for 26 Cents.
1111115 a JJWHENCE 0.1 LTO,
�An Honest Offer,
If you have CATARRH, and desire to be cured
without risk of losing your money, we will send
a GERMICIDE INHALER and medicine for that
disease without asking a cent of pay in advance.
After a fair trial at your own home, and you find
It a genuine remedy, you can send us $3 to payfor
same. If not satisfactory In every way you can
return the inhaler at our expense, and need not
pay one cent. Could anything be more't5(ir 7
You have everything to Gain and nothing to
, If the remedy Is not all we claim, we are the
losers, not you. Justthink ofbeing cured for 83,.',�
REV. J. E. MAvwry, Methodist Minister, Ct,
taws,nt., writes :--" Your (iermicide Inhaler
in two months radically cured my daughter of
chronic catarrh."
Ray. 7. S. Noaars, late Bond St. Church, To-
ronto, Ont,: -"Your Inhaler and Medicine has
proven genuine in every respect."
MR. J. A, MCNAIR. Sehaw, Ont., writes :-"The
. Inhaler you sent has radically cured me of cat-
' arrh. Itis worth many times your charge."
Inhaler :
on trial
In advance,
Mn, I)otrrar.AS, Conductor, xx Ontario 5t.,
Toronto :-"Your treatment in a few weeks
cured me of catarrh of long standing."
Ma, T. MILES,Christo her St„ To-
ronto: -"Your Inhaler and Medicine curcd
me of a case of catarrh of ter, years' stand-
This is a golden opportunity. ORDER TO -DAY. You run no risk. You can test it to
your satisfaction "without money and without price." You only pay for
the good you get. For remedy on above liberal terms, address
,.�7.' .til}b"'r.'`1•�:...av:-i.^,:J:.".'�.
Ilad to "Chin and Bear It" when ho
had again, Too tett grin and ban -
I lab i1 zit once by using PaanF Davis'
;+din ' tiler‘'.
C.', .,.... ra.aal. £ 5.I la .luta l ,, .661 .•66" •"••
Sold and used everywhere, A whole medicine cheat ,�j0 ' C -!
7 by Itself. Bills every form of external or internal pain. (v e+ -
Doss -A teaspoonful in half glass of water or milk (warm convenient). -
{�'L-... -..t.ya,Y.iliY.16 i6I.I., ti Ye lc AJ l...inW 1 d 1,.,I1 44 41.I1.4.11.Lad
K 1 i P E HES
( G, p a L ' of ignnranco and folly iA youth, overexertion of mind nrd ba::;; isdnc-
{fG t'1. E E 9 a.aa ti a e:f by l ust and exposure aro constantlyy wrecking t he Jives and future b: r
unhappiness of tanurand 33! promising young men. Some faaeanllwithernt an enriy a,Ie..t""x`
""°:tilioblossomofmanhood while others are forced to drag out a weary, fruitless anti" 11
melancholy existen..e. Others roaclt matrimony but find no solace or co:nfort tho_e. Th.
victims,, a tountl iprn all stations of. life: -The farm, the office, tho workshop, tho pulpit,m,
''th a trades Bad t ho ofessions. SI
e Wu. A. WALKF,R. W:s. A. WALKER. MRS. CHAS. I'L• Luny, CMSS. FlariIY. o
.r r
s r1. '{Y'�"
Wm. A. Walker of 16th Street sayer -"I have susTeredn
i` t / untold agonies for my "gay life." Iwasindiscrec:ttvhen
young and ignorant. As "One of the Boys"1 contracted f
I�EMISSIONS Syphilis and other Private diseases. 1 had ulcers in the
„th C �, i.� R E mouth and throat, bone ppains, hair loose, pimples on@,
+, C'' face, finger nails came o1., emissions, became thin andtml.
��� despoudent. Seven doctors treated me with Mercnry,fils
6 CURED Part h, etc. They helped me but could not care me.
Finan r afriondinducedmetotry J)rs.itonnedy ctiIiergan. 1
Th it hew Method Treatment c irod me in a few weeks. Their treatment is wonderful. i
,p,Yon feel yourself gaining every day. I have never heard of their failing to onre in a singlet
Divorced but united again
7 L
.rt. ('has, Perry nage:-"I nwo my life to Drs. K. d; K.
1 c'
,1t 141 le, suets at brut habit. At 21 1 had all the symptoms
;r+, 1 1',int Id NI ea nes+ anal Spornlatorrhcea, Emissions
L"t!w r,, train ng and weakeningmy vitality. 1 married at
111t r2.1 under advice of my family doctor, but it was a
snd expert. nee In cightern months w,' were divorced. I
OEM lien couenlied 1rs. E..!..-.. II., who restored mo to manhood
19)ytheir .N.a1.t1Ic:01e.' Tvoi,:+e8l. Ifeltanew Iifnthrill through
e,1fmvnerves. WowIroroutetagain and aro happy. This was
;iisk yenrl ago. I)re K. & K. aro scientific epecialiists and I heartily recommend therm"- ►-
+,'s!S >, r r eat
Erg- 11 , treat and cure Varicocele, Emission:, Nervous Debility, Seminai4'a.
:411 , azNess, Gl ee, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse
a K'.: and Bladder Diseases. Z
ry! �+°^IrF,i e nu a victim? Have 3'on lost hope? Are yon contemplating mar �;
a` r0 6 : a 1... a - r ego? Sins your Blood been diseased? Have YOU any weakness? UritT
• ,Nov: ni('thndel'rentmnutwilleuaoyou. What it hasdono for others it will do for ;ontt
e.mene %iLTATION FREE. No matter who has treated you,_.write for an honest opinionxrecc::,
'.tin.•'• ('targe. Charges reasonable. ROOKS FREE --"The [}olden Monitor" (iltr strated), ou(,■isl
' Diseases of pion. Inclose postage. 2 cents. Sealed. Yx
•e Vt, w a.. No medlolne sent C. O. D. No names on boxes or onvet F��,�.
3,(stleis, 5i'verytntng confidential. Question list and cost of Treat -S:
i.rnent, FREE. ® / i N° -'"SH EL3V ST.7"a
r e l d 6�� W1j DETROIT, MICH. t'
Of the marvelous success of Burdock
Blood Bitters lies in its specific curative
power over every organ of the body.
The Liver, the Blood, the .Bowels, the
Stomach, the Kidneys, the Skin, the
Bladder, in fact, all parts of the human
system are regulated, purified, and
restored to perfect natural action by
this medicine. Thus it CURES ail
diseases affecting these or other parts
of the system, Dyspepsia, Constipa-
tion, .Bad Blood, Biliousness, Heads
ache, Kidney attd Liver Complaint,,
Obstinate Humors, Old Sores, Scrofula,
.12heurnatisin, Nervous or General
Debility, and all irregularities of the
system, caused by Bad Blood or dis-
ordered action of the Stomach, Bowels,
Liver or Kidneys. Thousands of testis
menials warrant the assertion. that
13.13.B.. is .the_ ,BEST SPRING