The Wingham Times, 1895-05-10, Page 66 • r ; i !LAM TIMES MAY 10 R95. OPOO...0,04.....T.W.O.NFOONFOOMOIOVOONOONOOMIOPRO.4.041OCOOOloVOIOONOPOIROWOOMOOORIMOKOOO. . . , tZti4:: tiudinit , tams, ,ti„, ,,,,... rnaq., knowledge of thii For the beneilt of our farmer b te lso ood, , g,11 g o • .- a 0. q 1 1st slu s. hi character of the . work performed in SPRAYING CALENDAR. leaves with air slacyd lime. little. e,h,jeet warranted scielltille appliea- ,'Ird application. Bordeaux, 10-15 friends we give the follming timely' days after, if rot appears. FRIDAY IMAY IP, 1eu5. i ed With 141101,411 deductions, so that bushes, vegetnides, etc., from the ' 4th application. Ammoniacal cop- _ kW tests were both selentille, and. . . . per carbonate 10-15 days later. TX of swing' lila early summer. ----- "-- • - - - --------------- practical views of dairying. All tho . • - 4 ' ' . • 5. PEAOH---7R0t,laiklOW. 11i1l Character o3 the World's i members of tlw committee were They ace the results Of autual and. i . ,. — „ , ; air :Dairy Teats. careful tests bv Prof .1. li. Panton 1st application. Copper KUM= 1 threughout fair tend impartial, and . kgricultural (Jolley, Guelph. rrh before buds swell. Any one familiar with the great i were aetuated bv the sole desire to 2nd application. Bordeaux before ineTedients are easilv wocured at • Cliieago, from May 12th to Get ljrtst:lev done to all breeds. 1 .1 .i. ! ''' : ' men in tialC. 3rd application, Bordeaux whop 20th, 189:1, will bear testiMeny to! The teah were the mot prolonged, fruit has set. their therongliness, their in2partialiw,Ithe must thorough, the most fair and SOLUTION8 RECOMMENVED, 4th application. Ammoniacal car- . and the grand work thqr, was ;lc.; impartial that have ever liven held 1. Copper Sulphate Solution. bonate when fruit is nearly grow. einuplished in the interest of dairy lin the world, or aro likely to be. for Copper Sulphate setence. The test. gave to the COWS , many years to come. They cost the Water 1 pound 5th application. Repeat 4th 0-10 and breeds participating therein aniWorld's Colueibian Exp()sition $73,- To be used o' iiiy' be lllllllllllllllllllllllll days9.(14aRt:eur'..E — Mildews, etc, flea oppar:unity to demonstrate their 1000. They settled more paints in burst, and never to be applied on the beetle - not tests of a few days or a week, befure. They brought to light the tree S use 25 gallons of water instead when buds swell. Paris green for daley characteristics, They wereidairying than have ever been settled foliage, When applied to peach 1st application, Copper sulphate, flea beetle, 2nd application. Bordeaux, when leaves are 14 inches in diameter; a pounc? Paris green for beetle. 4 P°111"6 ard, application. Bordeaux, when is not keeping eg.,‘WS for what they Veer Physical. condttio 8aq-end the copper sulphate in beetle. , tion when augh advit,able, couP1- hints i'e I;110. IWPSOVViltiOil of trees, tests between the breeds held at I have the rotes carried out On(1 r' • 1 flowers open. any drip. stere and, should be pro - bat so prolonged, that they exlnbitedimerits, the strong and weak points of 20 gallons. to public scrutiny the staying quail.- • in breeds, and in doing SO demon- 2, Bordeaux Mixture.. tj4).1 'A. the cows Thisistrated that the Jersey cow is the Cuppor Sulphate r 3" tn. t tea strongly Cum- Teatest or all dair cows • mended,- as the praetical dairyman QC sl Lime (fresh) Water gallons flowers have fallen. Paris green for can accomplish in a week, on a 'Seeds attention at this time. Ir you are , f ye ga .o is 0 water. This may be 4th application. foreed diet, but rather what they are tired, weak and DervollS, it is clear that . t b(ne hg capable of doing throughout the your blood is im oil re, awl withoudoubt loy puttinit in a baof coarse days later. • tome has been too much over -work Or Material and hanging it so as to be Avhole year* under rational feeding, istraiLl CM brain and body. The .course of covered by the water. Slackthe 5th application. Bordeaux, 10-15 days later if disease still appears. If and what the "net profit" is whi i treatment for sus. li a condition is. plain they will place ta the credit of his and simple. The blood utast Hist. .e lime in about - the same quantity of further applications are necessary bank account. The ]atter element poritied so 'on t the nerTus system, and water. Then mix the two and add was essentially the crucial one of the Bordeaux 10-15 tests, as all the decisions were based on the cows and breeds "showing the greatest net profit." The cows andbreeds were credited with their preilnets and debited with their feed. The former consisted in Test No. 1, of uheeso, the price of which was fixbd according to scoring of same (which was done by 'export appointed by chief Bric,hanan), of whey, at the rate of 8 cents per hundred rounds, and of the increase in. live weight, at 4 cents per pound; in Test No. 2, of the butter, at the price fixed by the same experts as in the cheese test, of solids rather than butter fat, at $2 per 100 lbs., and of increase in live might ; in Test No. TY, of butter alune. A. strict account was kept of' all the feed, which was charged at a schedule price fixed by Chief Buchanan, with the Consent of the representatives of the breeds, prior to the tests beginning, and could only be fed in the presence of a represen- tative of the Testing Committee. Columbian Guards were stationed in the barns day and night, to see no feed was given the cows except in Ale presence of some 'member of the 7.;.titiug. Committee. It will thus bo sem that every feature of dairying formed a factor these tests, quantity of milk in Test No. 1, through the whey and cheese, quantity of milk in Test No. 2', through the solids other than butter fat, and butter in Tests Nos. 2 and 3. A sample of the milk, of each cow and of the mixed milk of the herds AGENTS WANTED wl") d°stre 1*? b earn from Ili h M in thir1C.7a7171.1,7117 be done selliqg our hardy, guarauteed, Canadian -grown Nursery Stock. Salary or commission paid weekly. Exclusive territory. Hand- some outfit free. Write ity tit once, for terms. E. 0, CM:MAU, NurFerynin. . Toronto, Ont, ook'sCottoillioot COMPOUND. eArecent discovery by anal physician, duccossfidip used anent/ay by thousands of Ladies, Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine tib. covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who otter interior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Boot Compound, tabs no subste• tuts, or Inclose eland 6 cents in postage in Jotter and wA willsond, sealed, by return mail. Fullsealed particulars in Plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Tko Cook Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. sold 1., ‘Viinilutin by C. E. Williams, Druggist. TO SMOKERS OIWOOSOINOVJOOMO•liaMea.tooDoliabol000notat,ang000nmamuromie• titgbariiiinie —IS PUBLISHED LVERY MORNING 'IMES OFFIGE, JOSEPHINE STREET W IN GUAM, ONTARIO. Subscription prloo, $i per year,inadvance, ADVERTISING RATES: Space' I r. J b too, — 3 me. lmoL ono uotupin Sti0 00 040 00 I 020 00 0 00 — 111414selortti°14nc.otices 70o, pet lino tor first insertion, end 40 00 00 00 12 00 4 O� 20 00 12 00 i 7 00 2 00 6 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 Legal andother maim advertisements, 8o, per line for first insertion, and Sc. per line fo each subeet:tiont 50, per lino for each subsequent hisertic c, No local nonce will be charged less than 25c. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, SituatiOns. and Business Cha»ces Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, 51 per month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines 81 for lint month, 50o. per subsequent month These terms will bo strictly adhered to • Special rates for local advertisements or foe lThgorp 1 0 s, Advertisements and local notices without specific directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Transitory advertisements must bo paid in advance Changes for contract advertIvanents must be ns the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appeal that week PROPRIETOR AND PUBLISHER R. ELLIOTT The Geo. E. T"akett & Son Co.. Ltd., .To meet the wishes of their customers Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the tR MACDONALD, market oFfNTRIC STREET. use ammoniacal copper carbonate. A Co• b' ilation PI ug of WIN011A11. • • • • ONTARIO, pure blood. Intelligent people without in fact all the organs will be fed upon the remainder of the 40 gallons of number have testified that the best blood purifier, nerve tonic t streng,,h un-ueiore buds break. the copper sulphate more readily I. .0 water, Warm water will dissolve 7. RASPBERRY—Anthracnose, rust. st application. Copper sulphate Mat OLSomitOl*oktOTI oast* o.n.o.. G6 %I; vv. B. TOWLER, NOliv parting medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla. than cold water. If the lime is at 2nd application. Bordeaux if rust Nervousness, loss of sleep find general all dirty strain the lime solution. appears during summer. debility all vanish when Hood's Sarsapa- Use wooden vessels. 3rd application.. Bordeaux if the rilla is persistently takeir in a word, health and happiness follow after taking 3. Ammoniacal Copper Carbonate trouble appears to continue. Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 Solution. 4th application. The only remedy, He Knew His Business. Copper carbonate 1 ounce as yet, for orange rust is to cut out Ammonia sufficient to dissolve the diseased plants. In one of the interior towns of copper Carbonate. 8. CURRANT—WC/MIS and mildew. Michigan reside two lawyers who Water .. 9 gallons 1st application. Paris green or have a weakness which, manifests The copper carbonate may bo dis- hellebore for worms. itself at porl9d!ca1 intervala. It 15 solved and kept on band to dilate 2nd application. Hellebore 10 only in L. mild fm, though, sr.,, theirwhen necessary. . days later for worms; Bordeaux for friends rather take it as a job than1 4. Paris Green Mixture, mildew. a serious matter, especially as both 3rd application. Hellebore if of .them are pretty vell along in PAX'S green 1 pound necessary for worms. , ,.. years. One nightWater they happened to 200 to 300 gallonso c-100$ELIERRY — Mildew and meet on their way home, and. though Use about 200 gallons of water worms. one shied and tried so keep in the for apple trees, 250 for plum trees, 1st application. Bordeaux as soon shade, the other wouldn't have it and 800 for peach trees. When as loaves expand for mildew, helle- that way. It was evident that he used upon peach trees add one pound bore for worms. wanted something, for he tackled his of lime to the mixture. When 2nd application. Bordeaux 10-15 legal friend without ceremony._ , Paris green is added to the Bordeaux days later. Worms as before. Sav, Charlie, he said, is that you ? mixture to form a combined infecti- 3rd application. Ammoniacal Course it is, was the response.. Bide and fungicide add four ounces copper carbonate 10-15 days later. Didn't s'pose I was going around in Ito every 50 gallons of the Bordeaux 4th application. If further treat- disguisc, did you ? What. you want ? mixture. . ment is required for mildew repeat Want to know what time it is, 5. Hellebore. third 10-15 days later. ..,';;; all, I White hellebore. (fresh)... 1 ounce 10. TOMATO—Rot, blight. It Wil,8 Iwo o'clock in the morning I i Water.... 3 gallons lst application. Bordeaux as soon I and the man in the shadow of the — kerosene Emulsion. as rot or blight appears, 0. street knew it, and appreciated the 2nd application. Bordeaux, if fact. 1Iiard soap ......... 4k pound trouble continues. Well, lie said slowly, so as to make i Boiling water .... ...... f gallon 3rd application. Bordeaux if ne- the dignity of the occasion more ap-Coal oil 2 gallons cessary. parent, r decline to tell yon. You I Alter dissolving 'the soap in the 11. STRAwnEnny—Rust. ought to know better, sir, than to I water add the coal oil and stir well 1st application. Bordeaux when try to get me to answer' a question ifor 5 to 10 minutes. A syringe or first fruits are setting. that would incriminate me, and he : pump will assist .much in this. work. 2nd application. Ammoniacal passed along in the farther shadows, I Dilute with from 9 to 15 parts of copper carbonate when first fruits leaving his friend standing in the I water. are ripening. Middle of the sidewalk in a dazed 7. Pyrethrum. 3rd application. Bordeaux when was taken daily, and analyzed by a 1 . condition. —Detroit Free Press. fruit is taken off competent staff Of chemists,under the i Pyrethrum powder(fresh).. t ounces 1Water 4gallons 4th application. Bordeaux if trouble continues. 12. POTATO—Blight, beetles. 1st application. Paris green as soon as beetles appear. 2nd application. Bordeaux, when plants about six inches high. 8rd application. Bordeaux. 10-15 day e later. 4th application. Repeat if neces- sary in -10-15 days. 13, CABBAGE— Pyrethrum may be applied in solution or dusted on, 1 part pyre- thrum to 6-8 parts flour. NOTES. When there .is danger of disfigur- ing fruit with the Bordeaux mixture direct control of Prof. E. H. Farring- ton Of Illinois ; and a determination or tho fat in the milk was made by the Babcock oil test ,each day, and each cow credited with her proper proportion of the products. The milk was creamed and the .cream churned. in the dairy, under the immediate and personal supervi- sion of Prof. S. M. Babcock or I. P. Roberts, two members of the Testing Committee. In scoring the butter and cheese, the.expert judges had no means of The. pompous, 'want -the -earth 6th application. Bordeaux 10-15 identifying the packages they were gentleman. from an Eastern city was , days later. examining. After marking their . stopping for a day or two on business 2. PEAR—Leaf blight, scab, cod - scores they transmitted the packages in a Michigan town which is only ling moth. to Chief Buchanan, who, after ex- large enough to maintain one hotel 1st application. Copper sulpuse ammoniacal copper carbonatehate Kidney Facts. 1. APPLE.—Scab, codling, moth In Jan. 1892, my son was talonan,l on with bud moth. Kidney disease. Though attended by three physicians, and change of clim1 ate 1st application. Copper Sulphate he grew worse and by '93 had fallen about the time buds aro from 195 pounds to 95 pounds.- In 10? 2nd application. Bordeaux, just days from starting to use Dr. Chase's before blossoms open; Paris green Kidney -Liver Pills we 1,vere able to move .htm. id 4 ,0 10(113 1)6 gained 51 lbs. for bud moth, when buds open. and was fully restored to health by the 3rd application. Bordeaux and use of this inedioine. ;filo. S. Hastings, Paris green, when blossoms • have 23 St. Paul St., Motto'''. fallen. A One -Horse Hotel. Bordeaux and Paris green. 4th application. 0-12 days after amining same removed the names of kept very nicely by a very nice when buds are swelling. the scorers and transmitted the pack- woman but of course, not up to the 2nd application, Bordeaux just solution.I aris green and Bordeaux mixture ages to the Testing Committee who metropolitan standard. The pom- before blossoms open. entered the scores, taking the aver- pous guest made himself generally 3rd application. Bordeaux and a'v be %mulled together as well as separately, and thus save time. age of the three experts. obnoxious by his constant demands Paris green, after blossoms have The Testing Committee consisted for what it was iinpossible to give fallen. Paris green is to be used for in - 0t the following professors, represent- him, and by his criticisms and com- 4thsects that chew, and kerosene eM111- application. 0-12 days after 61011 for those that suck the juices of inn* the Association of the Agrienitur- plaints of the lack of accommodation. Bordeaux and Paris green. 417 Colleges and Experimental Finally the lady herself was ealled 5th application. Bordeaux 10-15 plants. Stations Prof. M. A. Scovell, Ron. in, days later. Prepare the mixtures well, apply , tueky Experiment Station, Chair- Can't I get anything I want in this 3. PLUM—Rot, ete,, and curettlio, them at the proper thorough as possible intimethe work. and be as man; Prof. J. P, Roberts, Cornell house, madam ? he said to her. 1st application. Copper sulphate University; Prof, S. M. Ilabeock, You can get anything we have, bfore buds open. ; Dave a Great tt. eputation. Here. Wisconsin Experiment Station; Prof. but no more, Sir, she responded. 2nd application. Bordeaux and 3. D. Taylor, Esq., merchant, Welland, Armsb3r, State College, Pa;. Well, it's strange that when a Paris green as soon as blossoms says: "Stark's Powders have a great tation about here as an immediate, as re - Superintendent H. H. Ilindes, repre- man pays his good money he gets fall. puit as a permanent cure for Headache, seating the American Short -Horn nothing for it. 8rd application, 8-12, days after 1.1Pdiousness. Neuralgia, Liver and Stom- Breeders' Association; Prof. W. H. I'm sorry, but really we are doing Bordeaux and Paris green. aeh Complaints, Oostiveness. I know of Caldwell, representing the American the best we can. 4th application. . Bordeaux 10-20 people who have been long and great Guernsey Cattle Club; and V. E. Probably you •aro, he grumbled, clays later. eitifferers, who have tried almost every - Feer, representing. the American but I'm not used to stopping at a 5th applioation. Ammoniacaludcop- thing, ano8hatve bleM mired by them. We have d beuni our own rwally Jert,ey Cattle Club. Meetin&s of tho one-horse hotel. per carbonate 10-20 days later, with remarkable success." Twoj. Committee were held daily. Then her temper got 'the better of 4. Cnvituv—Bot, aphis, slug, pt.rations in each box. Sold by all The high character of the gentlemen her manners, let application. 13ordeanx as the medicine dealers at 23c a box, 5 boxes 1. .... representing. the Association of Agri- I . suppose not, she retorted, and buds are breaking. If aphis appears Thee to take. cultural Colleges and Experiment I'm real sorry there isn't a one -hog kerosene emulsion. Veil, how are you this morning?' Stations, the well known ability. and hotel in town so you eould go to It 2nd applioation. Bordeaux, when i, asked the passenger. proLity, testify to the disinterested and feel 'better satisfied. fruit has set; for slugs dust the f 'Fare,' replied the conduotor. Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. - —Coroner for County of Huron— office Tip.stairs, next to Mr Morton's office Wing. h,,,, . Orman Houns.-9 to 12 A. fli., 1 to 6 p. M., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. SMOKING TOBACCO. This supplies a long felt want. giving the -consume:. one 20 coat plug. or a 10 Cent pi,3e ir a 5 Pont pieca of the famous "T & B " brand of pure Virginia, Tobacco, The tin tag & B" is on every niece. -a-- 0 FOR,NCASE• NOT CU- ' WILL. An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 25o., 500., and $1.00 per package. Samples free. 111 forThthe(a'Oval taenIPIPPeaPtrirol. :arise. 1),n tuii.. Ask your Druggist for Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER A. DAINTY FLORAL EXTRACT For Handkerchief, Toilet and Bath. For Twenty-five Years DUNN'S THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. POWDERS Cure .9 MIT NBADAttlE end Noutialgia - in .26 mfrytrrers, albo Coated Tongue, Divi- 6ess,131liousuess, Pain in tho Side, ConamahOm Torpid Liver, 13ad Ilehath. To stay need and regulate the bowels. vatic NICO ro 'mks. Pfle10a* 26 (*arts AtDollard flittneitttio - T P. KENNEDY, 15. D., M. C. P.S. O. (Sucesgor to Dr. J..4. Meldrum.) Grtfl Medalist of Western University: Late Home Surgeon in London General Hospital. Special atten. tion paid to diseases of women and children. Offied—Formerly occupied by Dr. Dieldrum,gorner of Centre end Patrici streets. %v 11(011.411 DR J. McASFI, Orir M. 13. Toronto, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. BEGGRAYIC - ONTARIO VANSTONE, R. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest tate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block Wikonnis J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, Sc., Winghear,. Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, Barrister Etc. SOLICITOR TO DANE Or HAMILTON. MONEY TO LOAN. Oftice—Meyer Block, Winghani. • ----- DENTISTRY.—J. S. JEd06111, 1,, D. S.,Wisomtm. Iosentir astifeateuaprual tilliie.sytotsbeeemats zef t in tho Dominion. Toeth extraeled absolutely without pair, by his now process, guaranteed poretly safe. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite Ble Brunswick House. ARTIIL*11, J. IRWIN, D. D. O., L. D. 5., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College. OFFICE, mACDONALD'S BLOCK. JUIN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT DEANS, JIL, WINGILVE, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE CoUNTY O' HURON. Moderate. Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charges ONTARIO JOHN CURRIE, WraonAtt, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER ron THE COUNTIES MYRON AND Munk. All orders left at the TIME office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HENDERSOA, LICKNIIRD AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTIES HURON AND Bunco, Notice. All sales attended tO promptly and on the Shorteat Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, All necessary arrangements can be made at th TIMES' °Mee WINGUAlt Oar Money to, Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE BATES Money advanced on Mortgages MarLgat t 5,11)e3 etatwli I privilege of paying at the end of any year. Not 1, and siCeOunte Collected. rstonthoz Beaver Block Machin+, Ont,