The Wingham Times, 1895-05-10, Page 4TE } WIN OHAM TIMES, MAY 1.0, Ma. Tar. ,T. S. 'Term -4e Dentist, Wing- 9.'IIOROLTG1Il11tl+3n O. Es WI LLiAIVIS„ lees ktNt'il sitacere the reduction 111 the department) that could properly 'be . (Th Saturday night weeryoung1 f1amarao the"basin ;market." Williams Little Dandelion D U R H AI l BULL. CHEMIST Anderson., �'�-I)Opnty- reduced would have occurred long man named Tatum, wl1O lives in t r Gco.Gruictl lau>i11t,'l'arili�crry, FOR SERVICE. ego;; as it is, the larger t11,nOullts , Kinloss, MIS arrested at his home says: There is 110I"mil Ctlaiil to Williams show the reductions to have been nerLangsiclej'Ii 1Constable Shoe- Little Daaalelion Pills," The underet ned having (=chased the noted prize. :Y!i1�' winning hall, -AND -. made in thetihitia and other depart-' bobottomanal SGStationmaster 1). l�`. ,ileeyeh.of !+last «ua;•anob li seyn: ".Clmey unigbt1.e�.y': Geis, 20%1, .t t -t lllenta in which the whole nation is :Hayes, both of 1 ielilloiv, On a airs d o trust satiaiactory Pill x have ever w.,. keep tau some for service, An itis premises, �« tired. Blum lioati dntintr the scasnu. ,D'IIU '4" 6; Iol.... interested Superannuation, the Iw-•aro ant eh leging halt with stealing+ 'il as 'Taylor, WalaJon for the most unrighteous of all votes, has a railway ticket from the Lueknow ic,in ' ' �, t T1;liJiS Grade cons.'t: Thoroughbreds, pry- "-" been increased,and while the MountedCounty et iiwan, says: I would pat use able let os gevy, xsois. station, and placed in the lack -up. any other bill," dins. Hl Gln ltsor;. i gni COPH Police have been, properly cut down ,He was brought before the anis- Chan. Proctor., 4th line or ltorrisl • ' ""' ` " t the '\telt of about "t hundred Votes ., s �Iatldtt\" but the ease was says: "I would not bo without WNilhams ir < NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC o le C. ,. f . Ifi un51i is House and fifty thousand dollars the fund reulallded for eight days, the accused . Pirtle Dandelion P lap Jas. Gaunt, Es -Wardell for County 1<r. ;,--•1i�I;7l _ Ont nigratiou Department has been de -:Murdock, for many years a resident 1 deed a wonderful Pill." giving credit to my wife, Jane Sit,ballcl, every t,Hundreds of lilcoTestimonials furnish. after this date, without my written order, erea.ed, and there is t cry sign that, of the Township of Ashfield, and the estimates have been carved by 'brother of Mr, Steele Mmaloeb, diedled ed on application. as she has left my bed and board, I will • t I eat be res .otisible for any debts con. the �7 nV_$4 • ,traded by her. , on X3,50 to o'1.a0 ; bulls, $3.2 to $4, ROBERT SIBB.ILD, piaeud at the disposal of the Int- being admitted to bail.—Mr. .lames,of Bruce, says: "I have found them in. The pubiictire herebycautioned against w .+iA. #... u de.pc•rato rtiert wvbo at the last at the residence of leis son on tl r t i q a� � 1H1Ct tnonient leave determined to ural o a ' 25tH side lint Terrien tawvnsllip FttID:IF MAY 10, 1805. EDITORIAL NOTES. reputation which the do not deserve !Friday morning last in the 59th extra export, $4, 25 ; fresh cows •Bluevale, Ont. of adrninistering the greet affairs of year f his age, The remains were steady for good, lower for others; 6lueviile, April 15th,1895. their departments fora nation instead `interred in the Kinloss cemetery on stockers and feeders strong at $3.15 �„ .311, 8 34 • of for t> party," Saturday last and the funeral was to Hogs—Receipts, .cols t+ r T �, largely attended by old neighbors through, 100 all sale, Market louver, weisonows.msrAnowe "Dox,"in Saturday \ Night, leas Yorkers, $4.70 to $4.75 ; mixed, anti friends, L1 T,-Gov1.RNon SCHI;LTZ, of 1 the following : "I may be reading! 1, $4.75 to : 4.80; mediums, $4.80 to Manitoba, seems to be busying him- a something between the lines which i Isaac Brownlee has been committed 54.85 ; choice heavy, $4.90 ; roughs. self in the interests of the Dominion 1 Cannot be found in the'text, but I (fur trial on a charge of arson in $4 to $1,25 ; stags,"„ 3 to $3,75, Government, in the Manitoba School feel convinced that ?mfr. Laurier's connection with the burning of the Sheep and Lambs -- Receipts, 5 Mason House stables at Clinton, on cars through, 102 on sale. Market question. attack upon Sir Frank Smith wasMason 2nd instant. Joseph Townsend, l0c to 15c lower for lambs and full A DEsTnuorivi cyclone passed based on information received from who was asleep in the loft at the easy for sheep. Best clipped lambs, • over a portion of the state of Iowa, Lord Aberdeen. The unwonted time, was badly burned, and is lying 55.25 to $5.40; fair to good, $4.25 • on Friday evening last, doing an ,vigor and vinegar in Mr, Laurier's in a critical state. to X5.15 ; culls and common, $3.25 immense amount of damage and attach: upon our much respected --..._ to $4; wool lambs scarce and not Senator from Toronto meant more Dairy Markers, wanted, at $4.25 to $5.60; clipped - causing geart loss of life.. `than a. moment's spleen. I feel T TMay! pt3. 25, , I P Utica, � . �.., 6.—At the cheese saes mixed,5 25 to b4,..o• wethers, BORRINOT is a handy man to , positive that Mr. Laurier knew market to -day no sales were made. $4.30; wool sheep, 53.50 to $4.60. have around to give constitutional ; exactly what be was talking about,- There were - 3,500 boxes of full A later dispatch says : Cattle at the opinions when the Government gets d that b not trespassing upon h d Butter— decline w were nearly all sold closing in a close corner, He has not raised someone when be started out to dress consigned. i for all but extra heavy. Sheep and POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in zo 1..:Norco, al_o,Coated Tongue, Dian- n izzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. To stay cured and regulate the bowels. VERY N105 TO TAKE. PROS 26 CENTS Al DRUG STORES. WALL an a e was resp b cream cheese consigns u er— w < , a the confidence reposed •in flim by Creamery butter 17e. to 17 �c.; more dull. Hogs, closed weak to 5c lower himself in public estimation by his t down the ruling party, which it must Itulta letter, lambs closed dull and weak ; several be admitted has always utilized the it3rlttsh Grain Trade, cars unsold at the close. I:.; the Imperial House of Commons • Governor-General to the full extent London, May.6.—The Mark Lane 1 Toronto, Ont., May 7.—Trade was on Thursday, Mr. Herbert Gardner,of his endurance. Lord Aberdeen Express, in its weekly review of the , a little better at the western cattle has a decided tendency to do things British grain trade, says : "English "yards to -day, chiefly because of President of the Board of Agricul as lie sees fist, and with all his faultswheats have advanced a shilling, and ;lighter receipts. There were 50 car- , tare, said that he saw no present and little airs he hasthe courage and , there • has been a vigorous demand loads of stuff in, which included 91 reason for making any change in the , determination of a ' Scotchmau. 1' for American red winter and other ' sheep and lambs, 729 hogs, 76 calves, schedule against Canadian cattle. 1 do not intend to hint that he is in a i sorts. It is also said that the stocks and about a dozen milch cows. THE House of Lords at present is' cabal with Mr, Laurier, but I do i at Russian ports have been depleted. There was a good attendance of , •i - < view with him had been paraded to invade at 25s. Gd. No. 1 spring local dealers were taking pretty BLINDS Our stock is very complete, in, all the different patterns and quali- ties. Prices of \Vall Papers are away down and qualities away up. No trouble will be experienced by pnrchasere buying Wall Paper from me. We can always supply all quantities required. Ca11 and gee samples; it is a • pleasure to how them, whether you buy or not. MARKET RIEXORTt+, IyXi�olcrnl. K W�iiughaill; lXtay 9, 1896, Oorrcotctt by P. 7)esns, Produce Dealer. Flour per 7.00 lbs 14,0 to 1 7C. Fall Wheat ,..,,, 0 8•) 11890010,887363 o 0 83 Spring Wheat..... 0 80 to 0 83 Oats............ ............ 0 81 to 0 82' 13arloy 0 85 to 0 40 Peas 0 65 to 0000 5G Batter, rolls ...... •• •.0 11 to 018 3. Eggs per dozen Wood leer cord. , .. .. 1 205 to 1 50 Hay per ton . , .. , . 7 00 to 8 00. Potatoes, per bushel., ...... tl 30 to 0 35 Tallow, per ib 0 0C, to 0 05 Dried fipples, per lb 0 ,14 to 0 05 ctu'rols. Fall \\ beat ..... 0 70 to 0 72 Spring Wheat.. , 0 70 to 0 72 Barley .,.,....,040to045 Oats 0 1 to 0 32 Peas 0 55 to 000 05 Potatoes, per bushel0 40 to 0 50 Butter ...,.. .... 0 10 to 0 12 Eggs, poi dozen 0 O8 to 0 09 Hay .... 7 00 to 7 50 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Wool 073 17 to 0 20 wnox'rrnit. Wroxeter, May 9, 1895, k Fall Wheat 0 73 to 0 75 , Spring Wheat.........., 0 73 to 0 75 Barley.......... 0 40 to 0 42 Oats 0 32 to 0 32 Peas 0 53 to 0 55 Potatoes, per bushel0 35 to 0 35 Butter.,.......... 0 12 to 0 12 Hay�b� per dozen 0 08 to 0 08 800to800 Wd, short 1 75 to 1 75 Wool .......... 0 18 to 0 22 Beef 4 50 to 5 50 IT PAYS TO Have you noticed by the p - •es how many of the students of THE CAN,A C. RAM, ONT., have been placed in good poeltions dmlug the past year, notn•ithstandlti the 'depression in trade? Another bas been added to the Ilat James -- —'— placed es Bookkeeper with D. McDonald, Lumber 'and Builders' supplies, Orangeville. SINESS COLLEGE, Donnelly, of Lochalsh, a trraduate, has been made up of fire Princes of the blood think that Sir Fran: Smith's inter- � Sales of N0 2 red winter have been ; buyers from outside places, and the WINDOW royal, 26 archbishops and bishops, sneh an extent that he hasbeen forced,Duluth, Manitoba and Oregon have ;freely. Supt. David Walker reports 'For catalogue, address, 48`3 peers of England, Great Britain, to explain the matter to Mr. Laurier, all sold at 26s. Gd., and California at i the total receipts for last week as We have them in all the different and the United Kingdom, 16 repre- and in an indirect way to authorize !25s. fid. Corn and flour have been follows:— Cattle, 1,620; sheep and - designs, and at prices to suitthe scntative and • 8 re resew -gene- shilling dearer, linseed six times. Scottish�' P � a disclaimer. Nor ca.n he be 1 pence Iambs, 590 hogs 0 431 • weight fees It Pays to Attend the Best. 116 A. McLAariLAN, Chatham, Ont. a s 1] ig a , 1 b LOAN higher, and cotton seed has brought 557.52. Butchers' cattle were firmer did not BOOKS ��I] tative Irish peers, in all 5377 mem.-; ;rally criticised, for he doubtless feels Iters, j that he has been utilized in an ire- 1s. Gd. to day, althoughprices t m•tnner Apart fiom the 1 To -day English flouts and English advance any. Butelleis chi expressions of 'lie Laurier, wv is i w eats are six pence cheaper. cattle were r, a We carry full stocks ]n these au interview with Sir Henry` Tyler, ` teemed unusually -bitter, the state- , Foreign flour and wheat dull. Coin per lb aceoidui to quality; medium , 1P , a q y� lines. Felly assorted stock of the retiring President of the G. T.R., meets made by the leaner of the , is irregular. Barley dull, and oats to poor, iU e C Ate per lb; common school supplies. Agent Dominion Express and C. the committee of shareholders that', demand the attention of the THE St. James' Gazette publishes Proper iefts" STATIONERY. hi c i hc i selling at from 4e �t 41e <r in which he denies the assertion of Opposition were suer: as to 'six pence dearer. cattle, 3e m 3,c per lb. One or two the Board of Directors concealed any-- country: Our politics should not bei ]3ritic9 cattle Markets, 1 of good fat butchers' cows being held I s. gots dragged somewhat, one bunch I P. R Telegraph Ca' thing concerning the affairs of the like the performance of �n ventrilo-John Swan & Sons,. Ltd., Level at 4c per Ib. In export cattle there company, quist, who, with two puppets on his Pool, in their report •say; Supplies of was quite a bit of buying to -day, knee, proceeds to entertain the fat cattle have been heavy all round ' BENSON, Methodist • ' • a�Lz BE\,o\ a li:eti st d' REV. MANIA ' . audience by putting all sorts of this week. Trade was sea y, 'at clergyman, of Toronto, has been expressions in the mouth of each. about last week's rates, fat cows receiving some well-deserved. hard, We would have very little self -res. meeting the dearest trade of the Country. Prices were steady. The top figure touched from 55.30 per cwt., the range being from 5e C. Sic" per ib. mostly. Several cattle died on the trains because of having been overdriven by the farmers. • The I A. ROSS, about 80 carloads, including some The Popular Bookstore. going through to butchers being cattle, Wingham. Montreal for shipment to the Old knocks from the press for his conduct • peet if we permitted etirselves to be season. There have been mol e in taking 51100 from the Dominion hoodwinked by a pretense. that a cattle bought to go south. American Gbvernment for delivering a few Roman Catholie .Senator had been supplies have not been quite so large, lectures in England, on Canada as a called to form a Ministry when he and they made about last week's field for emigration. 'was not called in order that the prices. There leas been a sharp wvay shorted be prepared for the past advance in the price of cattle in the feeling was barely steady in hogs to - Tun Supreme Court Monday grand master of the Orangemen by States- Fat sheep have been shown day. Quotations are unchanged, at dismissed the appeal of the Dominion the so-called recommendation of the in fairly large numbers. Trade $ . $4.90 per cwt., weighed off the against the provinces of Ontario and said Roman Catholic Senator. As -a quieter and prices would fall about ears, for the best long lean hogs. Quebec. Under the judgment the rule we do not have a Roman Catholic ts of gd on an quality, continue e. t to sell lambs, it at One bunch of hogs, not quite first John the Baptist as the voice crying goodq ytquality, sold for $4.70 per cwt. sum of $600,000 is now saved to the in the wilderness for an Orangeman. high prices; seeondary cheaper. Other kinds of hogs are quiet and Provinces, representing the excess of Are we children to be hocus-pocused The best class of fat calves met a unchanged. Not many sheep and interest on debt to which the Pro- by this sort of thing? Are the men good trade; all others cheaper. lambs came in, and the market was via:ces were entitled half -Snarly for who are doing it statesmen or merely Owing to the favorable change in steady. A bunch of 64 sheep and the period between 1868 and 1873. political confidence operators who are the weather, all classes of store sheep lambs, averageing about 105 pounds THE report of the commission ap- endeavoring to obtain place by play- and cattle fust at improved demand, each, sold for 55.50 per bead. painted to investigate the affairs of ing all sorts of music and doing all the University of Toronto has been sorts of things int he names of two published. It exonerates Hon. opposite factions : To me it seems 1 nothing but queer business, and I am neither surprised nor displeased that it was exposed as Mr. Laurier ex- posed it, and I have a growing dell- findence that Lord Aberdeen, with all his little faults,is possessed of at least tht virtae of not proposing to be a cat's paw for anybody." Edward Blake absolutely from any suspicion of influence in connection with the appointment of Prof. Wrong, and generally fails to find any foundation for the charges pre- ferred by the students against pro- fessors and council. "Dox" writes as follows in the last issue of Toronto Saturday Night: "The Dominion Government has been very recently tormented by a, spasm of economy. The estimates as Cubtaitted to Parliament show a. MORRIS. Thos. Bone, jr., was laid up with the grippe for a few days lately.— John Mason, sr., was seriously indis- posed for a few days last weer. --- Mrs: Thos. Bone and Miss Alice have decrease of two million dollars as been laid up for the past week with the grippe.—Frank Patterson and compared With last years expendi- ture. daughter, of SWTinghaau, were visiting If it can be decreased this at T. Russell's last week.—Peter year it could have been decreased Oantlon and John I�e1Ty, Oth line, Gooch to choice, $G C «6.10 ; common ten years ago. A deathbed repent-' - to fair, RI C $5. Lean hogs, each, each lost a cow recently from indi- Pince is said to have but little in- gestion.---Several farmers are tat- 4 ' '� 8' *mace with the Almighty Maker of read throueh with their Sprung East Buffalo, May 6.—Cattle— the luau who has devoted his life to g. The land and weather Receipts ea ears through, 160 on sale. the devil and gives the dregs of his seehave been all that could be desired. Market dull and 10e to 20e lower, l:i tends to God. The deathbed —John Campbell, of Belgrave, was Cott the most decline on steers, repentance. of the Conservative ea'rlled to attend the funeral of his Cattle --•-Best heavy export steers, 'Government in the matter of ex- brother, Robert of 1 sgnesing town- X5•`'0 to :r0; goad to prime, 1, 00 lravagance has not proven that it h Halton l t k b to 1,300 lbs $5 to $5.25 ; Mediums, and a satisfactory clearance effected Butchers' sheep are quiet, and quot- at hardening prices. Milk cows in ed at from $3 G $G per head. Good smaller numbers, and met a better grain -fed sold at from 5?,e trade, at from 20s Ce 30s advance. i 51c per lb. and yearlingspring lambs were Best beef, 7s 9d per stone; best sold at from $3 t� $4 each. A few mutton, 8d G 8?,d per Ib. Live stock Markets. calves prices were slightly firmer, at Montreal, May 6. -rit the eastern from 84 C $$6 per head. One or two bunches of poor calves sold as low as abattoir market to -day the receipts were 300 head of cattle, 400 calves, 52 per head. Milch cows and 300 sheep, 20 spring lambs and 68 springers—Only about a dozen were 1 lean hogs. There was a fairly active offered, and all sold. Prices were demand all round, and a small steady, at from $25 @ $45 per head. number of cattle were taken over by There was quite a demand for good shippers. Following is the general feeders to -day, but prices asked were ranee of quotations :— Cattle— too high. A few good stockers are spring lambs are wanted. For MONEY Ti On i�xr�, Mortgage at Farm Mortgage low rates of in- terest on terms of five years or over. Principal payable at end of term or annually, if desired. JOHN BURGESS, BIuevale 1'. 0., Ont. Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and Savings Co., London, Ont. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING. mass AGELIA WYNN Mantle Has decided to open a Dress and an Making business at her home, No. 83, Edward street, Wingham, near Baptist church. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. vas now rr�HBRG WE fiRo AI!! J. CLEGG & CO., have purchased the Hardware Busi- ness of J. A. Cline & Co., and we are headquarters for : Land Plaster, Spray Pumps, Galvanized and Annealed Fence Wire, Barb Wire, Truss Cable, Barbles, 3 Plait, Wire and Cut Nails, Builders' Hardware, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, &c., Rubber Paint. STONE BLOCK—Wingham. with snap shot bargains to suit the times. WATCH ES Elgin, Waltham, Rockford, Columbus, warranted for four years. P•O:R $6.75_ WALNUT CLOCKS From 82.50 up. most complete stock of SILVERWARE, - suitable for wedding and birthday presents, in the county. We have the largest and EYESIGHT TESTED p'REE. 3 11Tatches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at lowest rates, and fully guaranteed, BUSINESS CHANCE. by MUNSHAW, The Optician. Wingham, Nov. 15th,1804. ' g„ Ranted. Prices may be put at from A first-class Baking Business for sale; Butchers weight,gh per pound, 4c r, 31c 4 cper lb. the latter for 4�c; live medium to fair, � � doing a good trade in Bread and Cakes. 21•c L 31c - culls he t✓ 23,e. Sheep nearly fat feeders. Apply to Box 102, Wingham, Ont. ----Comm-on to good, $4 C? $6. Lambs -- -Spring, ;2.50 ��' $4. Calves— ship, bat hada change of heart, and. I s np, a n Co., as twee 5 1,0:0 to 1,.00 lbs. $4.70 to $4.90, BE SURE .AND GET `��.�►.�"]L.�Y",!�'i �� fetar it will have but little influence' The 1,Vatsen Manufacturing Cora- light to good butchers' $3.^r 5 to $4.50; with the thoughtful reader of what pang, of Ayr, has gone into ligtuida- fat eowvsand 'heifers, 356 to € 4.50; N WILLIAMS' ' D[�U STORE � Yv I'v A�� ONTARIO. happens at Ottawa. Ilad these pee- tion. extra heifers, $4.75' to $5; fat cows,/'1t MANLEY'S CELLRY-.NERVE COMPOUND WITH. BEEF, IRON AND WINE. The 'Best Blood Purifier, Tonne and General Health Restorer ever off=ered to mankind. parison ! You will get more genuine permanent benefit out or 0NI BOTTLE of ..MANLEY'S CELERY -NERVE COMPOUND",, than out of a whole dozen of any other "Compound" on time market. It contains noeinjurious drugs, and is based on, Gv' cifi ti�''n instead of Au oltoli, Try it! You will then know the truth, 0NI; DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. We do not fear com- r,