The Wingham Times, 1895-05-10, Page 3THE ROMANOE OF A W.IIEEL,.
vas. Tim TALE,
At last I hada wheel, and for two
years I had longed for it. I had
sighed for it by day and dreamed of
it by night, and at last one bright,
lovely July morning I gave up a hard
earned hundred dollars; then my
shiny, silent, well-behaved steed
waited for nae by the front gate
while I donned 1n3r spick-and-span
new riding suit with the stiffest of
white shirt bosoms, the most aggres-
sive of collars and the nattiest of caps,
I was prepared then to take the town
by storm, for a friend of mine had
just informed nae that in three hours
after she had mounted her •bicyele,
she could ride like an old stager. I
have never quite decided whether it
was my fault or the wheel's, but I
never reached the " old stager"
• stage.
That afternoon, on a quiet side
street where the road was as smooth
as a cement cellar bottom, and there
was not too many spectators, I hod
my first tussle with it. 0, the hor-
ror of that first afternoon! It would
balk, then it had wabbly fits, which
made nie seasick. .Somebody kId-.
vised ane to eall'on my brother for.
assistance;, but I have :no fitful in the;
steadfastness or selt-saaerifiue of a,
brother,—so somebody's brother
. came to the a e e te,; hat &IV the second
ufternosu, when I had another two
hours,, practice., my Self -constituted
trainer bad another tengaageinemt so
I had to tem to 3oiulebody 'else's
After 1 had called ,upon the service
of every anlaSenaar itnasellllahule admirer
among nay wide ,eiltcle of acquain-
tance, I laid to trutst'to' ,myself., and
at last with the •Lnost;pelrfect serenity
if felt that II eould azide :alone. When
il .say ride;, iI. wean ,that,onee on the
• wheel and 'given .a reassuring ;push,
1,could .1teel'a riding, and .aiding and
riding; 1 •U(dulid have kept, aiding till
A d00111sdaytabtaliid1 an proo-
till fnshiewi rut that, ,but :aulas1 if
er;R .once got • tits. I had to stay,ofl',wnd
wall. uiy eteed •home, for never
tcottld I matnit it .uzleided.
Never bat ;ei ce or'twiee did I ven-
ture on swamp i;ountr-v muds, :for tit'
was not so !bad in the ,pity where
.one. could always ,hall seine tpasserhy
;pnd beg for andp. I' rid snot hanketi
though to make the au 'uaintanee of
;tramps, so If :bba.yed wiithin town
ll!imits and spent 'whole. afternoons ori
any wheel, halpbp,v ,enough !but invari
alcilsy turning lap within awn hour atli
•our own front gate to tahe at ,breaths
alfa rest and be:stabnted otl'aagain. '.
But, betweena aril these ibreathingt,
*ells there vsiene other cdlaa,vs and`
• other. adventures. .As 1 ginew to have
at Ibrit more faith in nayseltf 1I would
tube longer rides and go ,farther
from •hoarse. My favorite mute, was
a. !long, smooth woad whi,dhs ,wound
anoinnnd the cet1a eery, and tone sun
to fate.. I got off the path and was
tumbling at lightning speed down tt
grassy hill, through flower beds, be-
tween trees, bound for a small pond
which lay in the hollow at the foot
-of the hill. On I went to the inevit-
able, a eold plunge bath,. But a jar
against a tree I passed en mate sent
me just a bit sidewise to make me
skirt the pond, and break impetu-
ously through a flower bees, then on
again over the smooth sward till my
wild career was eat short by a big
gravestone that loomed up in my
Path. 1 struck it squarely in the
center, then I rebounded, to fall in a
heap, breathless and faint but un-
hurt. And even more surprising, a
careful examination of my wheel and
the gravestone showed that they had
sustained no injuries.
My next, and last sizable adven-
ture cost me $1.00 and ended my
wheel. career. It happened in the
country, for I had grown bold
enough to venture into pastures new
and upon •untrodden paths. ,Just as
the sun was setting one warns, night,
I started for the cool green country
and was tempted off the broad road
by a narrow, smooth, ;sass -fringed
walk that led from the thoroughfare
through green fields to the river be-
yond. It was all serene for a little
way, then the paths dwindled and
narrowed until I found myself in a
wheelbarrow track and riding with
as muck serenity as if -I had been
footing it on a narrow •slael. wire.
My heart was in my month, but I
pushed on for 20 yards, no aid in
sight, nothing on either • suite of me
but a wide tielcl of cabbage ansI in
the distance the blue groe,n of the
river between the trees. 1 was .not
a trick bicyclist, and II could not
keep my Ipe pend.iei<dar however. So
when the crash came I went head-
long among the cabbages. I realized
then that cabbage stalksnvere fragile
things, and cabbage Steads anything
but soft.
While I was picking myself up
and straightening badly<demoralized
handle tiara, :a wratli£d red -facets
market gardener appeared on the
scene, to whom I ha.d ito give up
every mat lin my slim llittle port-
monnaie. r+t was only .$1.130. which
he assuresnne indignantly did not
begin to Fay Tor eight smashed cab-
bages and the hole in theground.
Next •da<y the morning paper
'sported this ;advertisement: " For
-sale, a lady's \wheel which will be
,disposed of :at a - meFe$,y nominal
'price. It ihas only been used for
'three weelks. C. E. E„, (Chronicle
(Office.—Cts' `S iumway..
sii,inv:at'ternoon 1 was spinningllattppily
aiieiot there down 5n one street and
therm op another maid there (came the
brazen reverberation of' the dine •bell,
then :the rush and Clang of an ap-
pneeching fire, engine and dull its
trains (of (hose, ladders and fiaiamen.
I knew they stopped for - ne:thing,
that .at feminine bteyedist in (their
path Balt as fit a prem as a stray pug.
dog,' ae¢ad " rattled" (expresses any
frame of wind. The street was nar-
row and resides I had not mastbaned
the art of turning arceand. I was
far froth. ,thole and ao dismeaata
, several. meant a .walk. •of se alai: miles with
- my wheel in tow. 1 coned not face
that snorting, rushing, fiery furnace,
• so I dashed dal the first Ineins of es-
•eape, the opens gate of the cemetery.
I heard bielrcliets were forbidden 1
there but on. I specs, over narrow
srnooth paths between glowing masses
of shrubbery and a city of head-
stones. It, was quiet and pleasant
and serene until suddenly I heard a
stentorian. " Hello! Get out!" and
just ahead of me I saw a cemetery
polieeman with a raised baton in his
band and fire in his eye. I made a
wild break past him, then I realized
that he was chasing ine, with a mad
outpouring of the choicest Hibernian.
So I chose a wider path and rode as
nobly as nobody ever did since John
Gilpin went tearing through London
town. Suddenly I felt myself at the
head of a breakneck hill, and in
another breathing space I had begun
to descend, not with the delight and
presence of mind of an a experienced
chaster, but like something.tatmbling
through space. I knew that brakes
were provided for, downhillperegri-
nations, but they were useless to ole.
I made one wild grab at them,
which nearly sent my machine head-
long, their Z gave myself up entirely
Mormons People
And those wi io,are all tired4outand have
'that tired Leafing or sick headache can
the relieved rpt ,all these sJ;n ptorns by
taking Hoodln Sarsaparilla, ,Which gives
®terve, rneutul and bodily strength and
thdroughly pantiles the blood. It also
Cweates a good aappetite, cures indigos -
Mon, heartbunniand dyspepsia.
Moon's PILAW anro easy to take, easy in
action and sarte:iareffeot- 2.3c.
Served I -Tim Right.
Attu incident :dhowing the value
put n;pun Masoamhy,by a United States
judge, is related An the Freemason's
t)hrulnicic. It seems a prisoner had
been. (found guilty ,Of the crime with
whie1c he had been:charged, end the
,judge was hesitating as to what
senteiase he should pass. Thep wison-
er knew that the „judge was a Free-
mason; and being himself a member
of the (Order made .a sign to the
Court. 0, said the,yiudge, you ;clue a
l!'reemaa n, • I see. Yes, said the
prisoner, I once had ttihe honor of at-
tending line same Lodge as youraaslf,
and be hoped the recollection of tlea.t
time would impress the judge in Ids
Qh, I was Just wondering, replied
the judge, whether you drca11y appne-
elated your Itosition when. you were
attempting to commit the crime of
whieh you now stand convicted; in
fact, whether you had been properly
educated to know how muck wrong
yon were doing at the time, but your
avowal of Masonic membership has
convinced inc on that point. As a
Mason you have been taught what
was right in this direction, and you
can have no excuse for the course
you adopted. The sentence of the
court, therefore, is that you be im-
prisoned to the fullest extent allowed
by the law. ---Masonic Record.
Yon Dont Rave to Swear 0f
says the St. Louts Journal of A};ricutturo in en
edittlrlal about No•l'o-dins the fantods tobacco habit
care. " \t•e know of iu my case .,red by No•To.
Bae, one, a prominent St. Lonis Architect, etnotced
and ehoWed for tverit;y `ears; two uoxes cured him
se that even the moll of tobacco dunces him sick,"
No•To•dac Bold and guaranteed no cure ne pay.
Book free. Sterling raemcdy Co,, 374 St, Pdtll St.,
South Bruce Licenses..
The following among other
licenses were granted by the eoln-
missioncrs in this district : I11 Tees-
water.—Joseph II, Brick, tavern,
Commercial Hotel. Laughlin Camp-
• bell, tavern, Campbell House;
Timothy Garbett, tavern, Royal
Hotel; George La France, tavern,
Queen's Hotel, In Culross. ---Michael
Graf, tavern, Culross Hotel, For-
mesa Catharine • Mosaok, tavern,
Commercial hotel, Formosa; James
Kirby, tavern, Royal Hotel, Delmore.
In Kinloss,—William J. Sheffield,
Black Horse hotel; James Mullin,
wine and beer, Commercial Hotel;
Catherine Harrigan,. tavern, Holy -
rood Hotel,. In Lucknow.--James
Reid, tavern, Farmers Hotel; Peter
Heron, tavern, Lueknow Hotel;
Thomas F. Cain, tavern, Cain Hotel;
John McGarry, tavern, Whitely
House, Alexander McPherson, shop.
B. B. 13.
Letters like these speak stronger than
assertions and advertisements, Such
convincing testimony proves that B. B.
13. is the certain cure for indigestion or
DssroeJS. a :
GECNTLEMEN, 1 suffered everything
but death from Indigestion for four
yeaars, and tried all sorts of medicine to
dlo •effect. At Last I tried B. B. B., and
bedfore the second bottle was finished
wise as sound acrd well as could be, and
diarve been so ever since.
BENJ. S"1ruwAnT, Postmaster,
Zrionville, N. B.
Manitoba fire losses since the
Ibseginning of this year :aura more than
(half a million.
A protest has been dodged against
Mayor Kennedy, of Toronto, with
the view of unseating Km:
The revenue cutter Dolphin seised
ntwo small 'boats from Buffalo, with
'fishing outfit, near Point Albino,
Heart Disease itelieved in 30
Minutes.—All cases of organic or•sym-
:.pathetio heart disease relieved du 30
minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag-
•new's Cure. Sold at Chisholm's Drug
.store, Wingham.
The estimated cast of the new
Methodist :church in Exeter, ir.,clud-
ing the Best of the organ, be
,about $i),000.
, The Toronto civic <estimates laid
•lbefore theatity council show a Irate of
:1S mills onithe dollar,athe 'highest in
,nearly 20 gears.
P. A. IaaRiver, a '1iontreaall mer -
than t, is suing Bradstreezt's conlniercial
(:agency for $25,900 damages for al-
„leged damaagging report_ ,
W. B. Woocl, M. L. A. for North
]Brant, has lbeen appointed registrar
Ica Brant. and will resign his sent in
mise Legislature.
.Catarrh relieved in JO to,60 minutes.--
inutes.—.ane short puff of the breath through
the Blower, supplied withbeach bottle,of
'L)r. A,gnew's'Catarrhal Powder, diffuses
1 this Powder aver the surfa ie of the mnasal
!passages. Paindessand delightful to,use,
it rr'elieves instantly, and ,permanently
ceuos Catarrh, tiiay Fever, a 'olds, Head -
i aaabe. Sore Thooat, I ousilitis anti Deaf•
nears. 60 cents;. At Chisholm's Drug'
`ilhe mayor aif Hamilton threatens
the'i{_'imes and Il ev. Mr. Boville witlil
libeilsuits on a1(aeount of 'their strip•
tures regardiln • his presence at a
slugging matek an the opera house.
Ffanrncial tro' teles caused the sui-1
cide of L. J. Alien, of Onedia, N. Y.,
at Sfivatford, or Saturday.. His
brother J. C. Alden, the ,Buffalo
broker, had just (riled for a quarter
of a naafuiion.
Relief Got six hours.--Jistressin Kid-
ney and Madder diseases relieved fa six
hours by tee "Great South American Kid-
ney Cure." This great remedy is a great
surprise aitd,delight to physicians on ac-
Icount of Um exceeding promptness in racy -
ling pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages in male
and female. It relieves retention of water
and pain in passing it almost immediately.
If you want quidk relief and cure this is
your remedy. Sold at Chieholm's drug •
W. W. Ball, of Dashwood, Huron
county, hanged himself in his stable
Monday. He was a carpenter by
trade, 57 years old, and had con-
ducted a cabinet leaking and under-
taking business in Dashwood for. 23
years. He was doing a good busi-
ness, and no motive can be assigned
for the suicide. He leaves a wife and
three daughters.
Shiloh's cure, the great Cough and
Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket
site contains twenty-five doses, only 25c.
Children love it. Sold at Ohisboltn s
Corner Drug Store.
One gentleman was little and the
other one was large. The large one
was very tall and very straight. tIe;
wore a suit of fine broadcloth, and
in his polished linen shirt -front a
great diamond sparkled like a star,
IIis boots were of patent leather, and
so bright that you eould almost see
your face in them. Ile had on new
brown kid gloves, and carried an
elegant silk umbrella with a silver
handle on which was engraved his
The little one was very short and
very crooked, with a hump on one
shoulder and a limp in his gait, Ilis
clothes <were threadbare; his cap was
ragged; his shoes had holes in them;
his little hands were bare and red
with cold. He held a clumsy news-
paper bundle in his arms.
,1The two stood side by side upon
trio curbstone of a crowded street
waiting for a chance to cross. The
little one looked up at the large one
with admiration. What a fine gen-
tleman ! he thought. Suddenly a
poorly clad old woman carrying a
great basket of clothes carne from
the opposite direction. As she near-
ed the sidewalk she dodged suddenly
to avoid a cart that was passing,
and stumbled against the tall gen-
tleman, her basket of clothes knock-
ing out of his grasp the umbrella
with the monogram on the silver
handle. With an angry glance and
a muttered oath he gave her a rough
shove to one side while Inc stooped to
recover the umbrella.
The little one had seen it all. He
threw down his newspaper bundle,
while with one hand he caught the
old woman and with the other kept
her basket from being overturned in
the gutter.
You're a gentleman—that you are!
she said, fervently, putting one of
her hands with tenderness on the
threadbare coat which covered the
poor, mis-shapen back.
But the tall one did not hear her.
He had. !crossed the street. And the
little one was surprised.
Short Journeys on a Long Road
Is the characteristic title of a profusely
illustrated book containing over one
hundred pages of charmingly written
descr4ptions of summer resorts in the
counsry north and west of Chicago. The
readmit' matter is new, the illustrations
are Dew. and the information 'therein
will ilee,new to almost everyone.
A •espy of "Short Tourneys au a Long
Rona" 'trill be tent free to anyone who
will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to
Geo lid. Hr.Aryonn. General Passenger
Agent eChit;ago, Milwait kee.r'LSt. Paul;
Ratioav, Chicago,111,
Cuttin?• Seed Potwtoes.
'The best method of est' ng pota-
toes to plant depends upon the con-
diiionref the soil and the Mage to be
given. There is very litttlle danger
of'gettang the land too tie/Ds or in too
time -QM. Where the lands contains;
a 'liberal amount of tfarm-yard
immure or clover plougl ed down_ last it L
frill or this spring, and wS11-worked fl HULL
up, the potatoes should ]tame the seed
end ;out off, and the rest of the tuber
cot 'into pieces containing .ease or two[
strong (eyes which ha.'ve never;;
•sprouted. The seed should always,
be Vlanted as soon as eat, and should
be placed. a good distance ;apart incl
the Tows. T. B. , Terry, ;a potato t{
':authority., •recommends two 'feet nines!
ineflrres ieadh way. This is all right
where ,every other condition is as
goods as can be. But remember that
while amuo'nf the t e sueoess
of the
The undersigned in returning thanks,
for past favors,beg leave to say that they i prgataent-J011hTUAA'l.
have a very large stock of i Vlce.i'reasdout R. f:. TtAat6AY.
Capital, 01,250,000. Beat, 46ax0,800
on hand, which will be sold at very close ; savingas anlc Iinurr,1 to itSatnrdays, 10
prices to meet the requ;retxtents of the 1. Aeposits of 51 and upwards MVOS nuc' inters,
hard times, £flowed.
_ )Sp9cial Tieposits also received ut currant
rates of ir•,crest,
Drafts oa,'treat Britain and the United States
Woon, a. B. ten (Toronto).
Cashier --J. TUit;iBULL.
First Class Shingles, $1.10 per bought and sold
Square, 13. WILLSON, •Ain=
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
Wood 75cts. per Cord, delivered.
Everything else equally pow, Come and
see us before buying, as we will not be
Wingham, June 7th, 1803,
Josephine Street •
Mount Forest.
Deposits Received and Interest
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges.
Special Attention Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and Notes.
Wingham, Ont, and other meats in low proportion.
J. W. Scorn,
Agents in Canada—Tho Merchants' Basle
of Canada
Office Hours—From 0 a. m. to 6 p. m.
A en .
Vslueble treatise and two bottles or medicine sant Free to
any Sufferer. Give Express and Post Office address, T. A.
SLOCUM CHEMICAL CO., Ltd•. Toronto. Ont.
also on hand.
I am prepared to pay the highest price
for all kinds of fowl. They must be drawn
and well dressed.
Wingbam, Oct. 10th, 1803.
Send 0 cents in stamps, or 10 cents silver, and we
will send you by retnrn mail the
A neat little Book, being a perfect Guide in the art
of Lettbr Writing, It contains lettere of Lore,
Friendship and Business, etc., with valuable instrue•
Borns and advice. Every young man and woman
should have this Book. Address, •.
Ingersoll, Ont
Make a better filling for Corsets
than any other known material.
"Featherbone" Corsets are tough-
er and more elastic, than any
othar make, as they are entirely
filled with quills (Featherbone).
To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores.
A Blessing to Every Household,
These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and aro pronounced the best Medicines for
Family use.
Purify the blood,
correct alt disorders of the LIVER, STOMACII', KIDNEYS AND BOWELS dud
ta,-aluable fn all complaints incidental to females of all ages.
Is the only reliable remedy for bad egs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR BRONCHITIS, SORE
DISEASES IT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 533, Oxford Street, London,
and sold by all biediviro
Vendors throughout the world.
r3Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not
.533 Oxford Street, Laudon, they are spurious.
crop (depends upon the :seed: and;i
planting, very much also .depends 7--
w_Inpoma the soil;and cultivation..
For Ozer Fifty Years
slam•' S<.rotfiing Syrup has been used for .cn,or fifty
year* byexiltionsof mothers for theircbilaroumhilc
teething, ceith perfect,suceess. It soothes tibe,ehfld
sotfehs the a•unts, allaly all pain, cures vrbad oalic,
and Is thei,ext remedy tor Diarrhoea. Is pleasestt to
the taste Sold by Druggists in every part of the
Worlu. T,veitt,,vflt a coots a unttle. Its value Is
Incalculable. 13o sure nod ask for Mrs. aVfaslaws
Soothing syrup, and take no other kin('.
Hon, Timothy W. Anglin was It'ri-
day appointed by Sir Oliver Mowat
to the position of Clerk of the Surro-
gate Court, in succession to the late
Sir James L. Robinson, Bart., who
died in August last. The salary of
the office is $2,000.
Captain Sweeney, Il•. S. A„ San Diego,
Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is
the first medicine 1 Have ever found
that would do tee any good." pride
50c. Sold et Cbishohn's Corner Drug
At the regular meeting of the
Clinton Young Liberal Club Friday
the chief feature vas a debate on
"Woman Suffrage." The majority
favored it,
will continue to reduce the price for
$4.0o SPOT GASH.
If you have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar on
the making of each suit, and get a good fit. First-class Trimmings supplied
at wholesale prices for spot cash only.
If you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you can save from X3,00
$10.00 on each, by purchasing from us.
Opposite the new Macdonald Block, Wingham,
Merchant Tailors