The Wingham Times, 1895-05-10, Page 1! •
VOL. XXIV.---NO. 1220.
Tliat A
IS thrilling this Store. But no matter
-what you may be told of enterprise
;and energy bere-of ' newer goods
;and improved ways of merchandise
-that charms and prices that tempt-
-the facts are above anything you will
believe without seeing. Takean hour,
take balf an hoar, take mimes to
look about, examine our goods,' -com-
pare prices, and we feel assured that
we shall soon count you among our
regular customers.
Is at hand, and it will -well repay
you betOre'• pniiiaa.sitig to look
through our steekof
•,-.!:`-•:•Y,1,1(Pz4•• '
He has had 20 yens practical experience, awl has
fitted more Spectaeles than any 111311 In Canada. Re
has 2,500 Oatiactian references and 10,000 Anieriesii
references. Write for his paper on the eye, all free.
Mail your broken spectacles to hlm-he can put new
glasses in them like the old ones, R he has v. pleee of
the broken glass,
Eye Specialist always in store tetra)
Prof. Chamberlain is away.
.PROV. CHAMBERLAIN visits Wingliam
twice each year,
Town and Farm Property sold on com-
mission, to the best advantage of both
buyer and seller. . No sale, no. charge.
Rents collected and property looked after.
Those desiring insurance should select
one of the following old and reliable English
stook companies:
Sun Fire Insurance Company, (estab-
lished 1710.)
Norwich Union Insurance Company,
(established 171)7.)
Alliance Fire Assurance Company, (es.
to.blished 1824.)
Lancashire Fire Insurance Company,
(established 1852.)
'Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agent,
Kent Block, Wingharo.
Stratford, Ont.
Are yell interested in a
This itient, is . -being daily
so, we want to know you. It will cost
a few cents to write us, and we
iarantee you will be well repaid. Hand-
llnate catalogue free.
P. MoINTOSH, Principal.
. Marriage Licensee
Isstied by PRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic-
toria etreet,Wingharn, Ont. No witnesses
replenished ,witll all the latest Novel- required.
*a .
ties thitr4attliciefail to please our
- , • .-1,,:.,!.• i CENTRAL 00R• YONGE AND
La,4..114t;014;',:and our MISS , MI5- - •-•- .• - GERRARD WM,
• ' .1311SINESS
SOX .Villripaie no pains to make
your visit agreeable as woll‘.
• ,
Dominion. Catalogues free.
Q,,,, & Er.dhorrPrincipals.
Largest Commercial School in the
Henn/field's Healing Balsam oures colds.
12 shoo laces for 5o., at Kerr & Conery's.
-The Wingharn s t wares are running
at their full capacity
-Cash, for good hater and eggs at.R. A.
Graham's market grocerr. .
-Possibly riding a . heel doesn't indicate
some people's natur I bent, but it shows
the way they're ineli ed for the time be-
Warreu,-Wasbing and eleaning, by the
day, by a young woman. Apply at the
Trues office.
--The installation of officers in Anchor
of Rope Lodge, I. 0. la T., will take place
on Tuesday evening that. After the in-
stallation, a social wi I bo held, which will
be open to times, receiving invitations.
Spring suite, Latest styles, fit guar-
enteed, at Dever's old stand. Will. Mo-
Sweyn, cutter and tailor.
- It is said that in --Toronto diphtheria
is much more .prevalent on streets where
cedar blook payment ; are situated than
on any other. This aeould admonish all
to remove and burn a I decaying wood or
boards about our prergases.
A. large apartment on the scoond flat of
the Macdonald block, suitable for offices or
dreesmaking rooms, to rent, Applyao,
De. Macecoomo.
-Rev. T. W. Cosei s, of Walton ; Rev.
1.V. E. Kerr, of Wro=aeter, and Rev. J. W.
Pring, of Bluevale, w 11 deliver addresses
at the evening meetly ! in connection with
the Wingbam Distr ct meeting in the
Methodist churoh in t is town, on Tuesday,
14th inst. •
Salmoni's English White Oils cures
Chilblains. Rheumatism. Sprains. Bruises
and Sore Back. For sale at 25o. at Williams'
Drug Store, Wingharn. ,
- Those intereete in suchmatters will
read vvith plea,snre. he announcement of
Chas. 'Clothe, the not al designer and manu-
facturer Of surgical ; pplianoes, in another
column. life will vis five places named
iethis• district, wit a full stock of the
latest and most apprcoed appliances. His
skill and long experie cs will be of value to
an a one suffering from •upture or deformity.
Reitd. the notice ow an tther page.
Salnioni's English Mite Oils is the best
family Liniment in the world. Good for
man or beast. Price 25 oents, at Williams'
Drug Store, Winghani.
-There passed a
the residence of Mr.
Margaret Robertson,
deceased resided for
brother in Stanley to
and about eight yea
Wingliam to live. Ur
years she had resider
health necessitated I
care for her, and she 1
at Mr. Graham's. 1
native of Scotland, tic
y, on Wednesday, at
A. Graham': town,
ed 70 years. The
any years with her
whip, near Vertu",
s ago she came to
il the last ooupie of
alone, but failing
aving some one to
ad made her home
le deceased was a
. • Edinburgh, and
LOCAL NEWS. was never married. imported Teas
Melte fine are sounding
our penises all over the country. The
we are stockett*th all the newest
and freshest„;thf0Arkets can s11,01y.
In fact 'our stoel,s0a.' all lines are
full •
Wo are ahead of all competitors.
Our stock is new and well selected
and prices right.
We are bound to sustain our reputa-
tion for stylish and well fitting gar-
ments. In proof of which, we are
filling orders for City Wear weekly.
The BEAR is bound to surpass all
former efforts to pleas its numerous
New raisins 5c. a lb., at Kerr & ConerY's.
-The Wingha salt works are shipping
large quantities of alt these days,
We are giving 10 per cent. off for cash on
all goods. . M. H. Moil -moo.
VMr. W. J. She ield has moved to Black
Horse, Bruce conn y, and Mr. John David-
son has moved int the Park Rouse. at'
Money to loan on real estate only, at
reasonable interest. Apply to
Dn. Towasn.
-Mr. J. C. Watt student of the Congre-
gational College, Montreal, will preach in
the Congregational hurch next Sunday,
morning and (wenn g. .
Coughs and Colds can be cured by using
Reathfield's Healing Balsam. For sale at
.50e. at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham.
•--Thr town weig scales were sold by
aturchty afternoon last,
own to Mr. John Carr,
of $15 over the previous
pnblie auction, on
and Wets knocked
at $08, an advanc
'rterarias (lve1y bl n 5 and 10 cents
per pot. Will clear them all out at the
above absurdly low price, commencing
Saturday, May 4th. T. C. Graham, I. B.
Green house, Lower Wingbam.
-The Mt. Forest Representative give
Bro. Fleuty, of thI Palmerston Reporter,
this nice little/dm "The Palmerston Re-
porter published hunk of spring poetry
last week, but 0 used itself for so doing
liter, who is a young
The conclusion we arrive
ount for this ect of mental
e poet of our exchange, is
er's editor must be a young
because of the
11[1111111111 11311DS-:1:::jdeedrltaod:':
9 aberration on t
that the Repo,
Alyriqb- ;he Cheapest. I unmarried in
- _.--.1.011111111011DEADMIgaiiii=41/111
universal verdict ia, "nothing like them
ever offered here for the money." It is
not surprising that they are going fast. • If
you would like to get .a twenty pound
caddy of these choice Teas, at 25c per lb.,
come quick, to D. M. Gonixeds,-
- The Direct.Ireporter.
-The following pare4ra,ph, clipped from
the Arnherstburg Leaver, makes reference
in a jocular way to t soo. of Mr. Jos.
Bradwiria of this tow.. Tho joke is too
good to miss, so we giv it : "The 'bhoys'
in town are having toad laugh at the
expense of Charlie radwin, formerly
clerk in Mr. E. Berube'
felt real bad when be le
take a situation in Walk
tore bore. Charlie
here last week to
rton, not so much
because he hated to leav 1 is friends but
there was one here on wb m he had centred
his affections, so that if i his forgetfulness
he did things which to o ers might seem
ridiculous, he will have t be forgiven. On
Me way to Walkerton he ound had not
his night dress in his val e, and at the
first place he got a chat he dropped a
card to the proprietor of he Lake View
asking him to forward til
article at once to Min,
prise that night on und
find that be had neglect
night dress that morni
put his shirt on over it
Was forwarded hete
things and thus the eft'
r: I 11- L liQk
1 ....... _,,is.74,
School bogs 20, eaoh, at Kerr & CenerY'S•
-The summer gir is arranging for ber
sunnier campaign.
Williams, the dru gist, sells pure drugs.
-Chief Bullard ha the table in the
Council Chamber ni ely decorated with
flowers, at the Ceuta:ameeting, on Monday
night. The Counci ors were not slow to
appreciate the thou tfulness of the Chief.
Private moneys to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
-The High School ntrance and Public
School Leaving exaniiliations begin on the
27th of dune at 8.45 a. m. ; the High
School Primary on .1 ly 4th at 8.40 a. m. ;
the High School Jul or Leaving and Pass
Matriculation on Jul 2nd at 8,40 a, m.
G1004l remove to rent near
the Public School. Apply
to Hrs. A.. W. Webster.
-The celebrated I and popular Ball
Family of jubilee si gers will give an
entertainment in the alingham Methodist
church, this (Friday evening. Go and
bear them and enjoy , rich treat and a
pleasant evening.
Heathfield's Healing Balsam is the
surest and safest cure for colds in the
world. Price 50 cents, at Williams' Drug
Store, Wingham,
-Tho Mitchell Go
the year of, its existen
unfortunates to the 0
treatment. A. si
Wingham would, no
ties to follow in the
Id Cure Club, during
e, has sent thirteen
kville Gold Cure for
lar organization in
oubt, find opportuni-
hie of the Mitchell
Great Clearing Out Sale of Good Brothers I -Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly
Big Stock of Poets and Shoes, Bats and I repaired and fully warranted by Hat,estr
Caps, Groceries, Crockery, etc, Tbe whole Peng, opp. Macdonald Plock,
stook must be sold within 00 days. Great
Bargains. Advertisement on page 8.
-A. Gospel Temp nce meeting will be.
, held in the Temper nce Hall, on Sunday
evening next, comm ncing at 8.15 o'clock.
Rev. Dr. Gifford wi be the speaker of the
evening. Appropri te music will be fur -
imbed by a union c oir. All are cordially
Flowering plants, a large stook just to
hand, consisting of Geraniums, Puohsias,
&c., at the Star restaurant. Call and see
tpcnn. J. McKeavie.
/Z -The fire alarm w s sounded on Mon-
day a few minutes af or 12. o'clock, and the was, soon out with the hose, but
their services were n required, as the fire,
which hadhaught it the shed of the Park
House, was extingu ied by citizens with
pails. No damage of any account was
done. V
New spring goods. New Cutter, every-
thing new and up to date at Dever's old
stand. W. MoSweyn, new cutter, try him,
a Y.
'hi -Miss Emma Hart,
very necessary
dge of his aut.
ssing for bed, to
d to remove his
t at all, but had
A. second letter
once explaining
r ended."
1 Fatal Result Of Delay.
1 Sioknees generally follows in the path of
neglect. Don't be reckless/ but prudently
take a feet doses of Scctt's Emulsion itil-
Mediately following exposure to cold. It
Will snare you many painful days and sleep-
less nights.
assisted Mr. W. F.
gallery here for some
photograph gallery ir
menced business. A
artist, and the people
will no doubt give
patronage. ta,
f this town, who
eickenshire in his
ears, has leased a
ipley and coui-
B Hart is a good
f ilipley and vicinity
het a large share of
A purse containing a sum of motley,
eathug cords with mail r's erne on, &o.,
was lost: last Tuesday of a's Teeswater
road, between Mr. Bo eggett's and M.
Geo. laryce's. Find will please leave
the same at the Tines office or at the
owner's home and be suitably rewarded.
-Mr. Walter jtoby, who has been
brakeman on the
Bruce, with Conde
years, has resigned
d Brake
George's &bomb 1st niteit it quiet wecl-
been appointed to he run. Mr. Rally has
ding took place, be contraeting parties
engaged in fodmim , and is located near
being Air. Wm. ontgomery, of „Emerson, lmerston
Loudon, nuret, and
or Parker, for some
from the compeny's
_Ian John Morden lets
-Rumor, jr., th yaluablo horse owned
by Mr. Reba Wile() a of Seaforth, and who
is in training at Beassels, Melted his ati•
teedant in the face on Monday last, injure
ing him seriously. This horse was ritiaed
by Mr. Thos, Bell, htf this town, and sold
to Mr. Wilson, his 'resent owner. Re is a
very vioious anima
Ditesssalsoco-I wish to
of Wingharn that a
class work at my ho
lay. guarantee
intrusted to me.
1 frcir,r tbelafirlsie
t! '
or to sew by the
isfection in ail work
nexces (aide,
till uter St., Win:Jima-1s
-We take the fol owieg from the Vilinhia
peg Free Press of .be 25th of Apilt last,
Miss Clendeutting' many friends in Wing.
ham will wish her _oppiness and prosperity
in her new sphere "At the clo,e nf the
regular Wednesdiae night curvier: in St.
I -G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east Man., and Iliss
leave Wingham at 6.25 a. m. and 11.20 a. Wingham, Ont.
m., via
ClintOnBand6.305uealphn.l. Gaonodd 0301 upaarlp, r4o1c2eerB1
nections by all trains. sociable evening
-The bills are out annonncin tne 24th was attended by
of May celebration n Wingham, which
will consist of bioy'le races, foot rages,
lacrosse match, foot- fallaralch, tug of war,
shooting oontests, dec. The sports will
take place on the na Y park on the banks
of the Maitle.rd Itiv.r. The programme
has not been issued y 4, but the matter is
in the hands of an effient committee, and
there is no doubt but the celebration will
be a grand succesa.
A nice, nobby, wall -made, OOCTOOt-fittiou
BON of either ordered or ready made
clothing, increases a man's comfort and
adds largely to hie personal appearance.
The hest plaee in Wingham to get snob
suits, for the least money, ie, we believe,
atD. M. Gottoox's,
The Direct Importer.
P. S. -See our Tweed Trousers ot $1.
See our ltten's Tweed Vests at 75c. Noth-
ing like thenvon the market.
Clendenniug, and
the groom. Mr,
leave for their hot
carr ing with V
host of friends.
Bello, Clendentriag, of
After the service the
the residence of Mrs,
tyne avautte, where a
was speut. Tee bride
ier sister, Mies, Jennie
dr. Wm. 1.3nrke aesieted
aud Mrs. Montgomery
e le Etnerson to -day,
in the best wishes of a
. .
Major Kedeeheda.Pbrigh/ w3,'4 ill town nu
Wedues-ley, ott'faii 1430„!;• •
Blyth Standard Powell, of Wing -
ham, is visiting l the• reside/14.a Mr.
John Moffatt.
Mildmay Gaze: Mr. end Mrs. .7.
Batton and Mrs, r. H. Dever,of Wingh‘ona
spent Senday at .a.e.r. John Haines', "Mee
0. L. Irving has r turned to her borne in.
Wingliana.ofter. eheriding a month With
her aunt, Mrs. jtal- Haines, of Carrick.
e"Mrs. 1'. F. Taompson and daughter
Ellen, of Saginaw, are visiting at Mr. S.
-Mr H. Park rilturned on Monday hest Youhill's, the forrder's father. es -
from Tyrrell, eTorfQc county, whither he Mrs. McFeggan, f Montreal, and yonng
had been sumn' one- to attend the futon al son, are on a visit 110 her parents, Mr. and
of his stepfather, Mr. Z. S. Smith, % ho Mrs. Samuel Youhjll, Leopold street,
rrived from Yokel:tame,
died at his residence on the 8rd inst., in aoAiirs. Dr. Horsey
his 71st year. Mr. Smith had resided on japan, on Wednes
his farm at Tyrrell a out forty years, and twine- She has n
was highly esteemedgeed health, havi ty a very large circle malaria fever. Th
of friends and acquit ntences, for his sterl- a sixteen days' jot
ing integrity and fins -social qualities. kle his Company (the
was a Liberal in pc litics, and a staunch Company) where
member of the Mother -list church, having time. ite
-For first•class vtiloring and cheap been a class leader fo over thirty years, An Open he
gouts' furnishings, try Webster & Co. \f -The annual meeti g of the larectio,nics' The Mayor of 0
Remember the place, one door south of ing open letter to
Institue was held in t e reading room on
It. A. Graham's grocery store.
-Here is a simpl
it piece of string a
half long, saturate
solution of salt a
dry. Then attach a
cosi and hang the
wall 11Thrkivg with pencil where the jr.,
ura ; Wm., Robertson;
weight reaches to. '1 le weight rises for auditors ; Dr.
wet weather and falls ,r dry. The string J. D. Stewart, J. N
should be suspended oat doors, just try it directors. The raper
once and watch the rw It for afew days. showed that there are
1 the library, and that
barometer. Take
out a foot and a
in quite a strong
d waterand let it
fight weight on one
tring against the
Monday evenina, las There was a fair town. 11 is very
attendanoe, and ti
showed the Institn
position. The electim
as follows : A. H. Mu
A. Mortoa, secretary'
-The election of o ere in Anchor of out during the year ju
Elope lodge, I. 0. G. T was held on Tues- !
ief-The half mile tra
day evening last, and axisulted ea follow; : l
II. Park, U. T.; Rose lhapman, V. P W.the Athletic Associat on's grounds ie title Tr
Ciagms ittee and th
which are n
J. MoTavish, It. S.; . , '-'; ! of the best, if not the est, half mile rega- mainly any work
Bello, Morrison, T.; 1.11.,Vittlpe,o0Ahltpr. ;.. sA.; lation track in Ontar o. The stablee hove provement and ad
been completed, as w 11 as the feneech and and I ask you to as
geaapf in their laudabl
officers' reports' here for the benef
y, on a visit to the old
t been enjoying yery
ig bad an attack of
Dr. has gone to Java, •
ney, in the interest of
Sun Life Assurance
will remain for it short
tSr to the People,
nton writes the follow-.
the residents of that
Ppropriate, and is given
'of our citizens: The
town council is this season putting forth
to be in a good
an effort (as it hcos in other seasons) to
of officers resulted
adorn and impro• e the town, and asks for .
grove, president ; T.
aepistance of the ratepayers.
R. MoIndoo, treas- the hearty
The beautifying el. the town increases the,
nd Geo. McTavish,
value of prof erty so that efforts in thio
owler, P. Fisher,
direction bring heir own reward. The
coll, G. McIntyre,
of thS librarian I members of a tc art council are simply
citizens who grat itously devote their time
ver 2000 volumea in
to the mo,na•geme t of the town affaire,
27 had been taker
and thew work oat be materially furthered
t closed. V t by the individual efforts of the people.
in connection with The council mune make all the improve-
eded. On the Street
Tree Connzittee rests;
artaininga•tchaNatee.- irate -
Wells, G.; Lrnest I everything is now ix ist the members there-
nment of the teen),
that olaat he &me
efforts. Of ;course
Priebe's, ; Lottie
Blackwell, S. ; Miltor
J. W. Dodd, Repr
Lod,m, There was a
4.-Itheitt' programme
business had been tot
It. Letter
'The report having
Mrs. James Johnston
street, hi this towu,
Catholic, that Iady
readiness for trainin
' t nwr
Blackwell, (/' T.; Mr. Al. Proctor, of Aurora, an eflideat iuclependent of the IconnCir, that improves
!imitative to Grand , professional horse t miner, is expected here the appearance of he piece. In some
air t tandem ce, and to•aity (Thursday) with the following parts of the town th .1.13) aretifroietitens so
was given after the "Dick Furich," with a newel of 1 It:et/leg would
horses : adly,or of rep,ur t
laea.ler 2,15i; "Belle W.," F year old. leaord, 2.20i; good fences would 1
1"Fred. 0.," record!' 2.34. In addition to of palet; I would
:these there will be rained on the track the front fences when
tem Atr. Geo. 13. Roe's when fences do rem
'd t the ohs
een circulated that following among 0
residing on Scott ! ttaliss Garfield," r
vrote to a friend te- record, 2,41 t "Li
had been a Roman
1 "Diplomat " tsxpe
• improved by a ccat
nggest the removal -of
er pratnicable, 1/14
have thorn as neat ,
. nista/lees will perinct.
cord 2.211; "Belle Roe," A number of gangly ys_ore badly broken
nel," a 8 year old by end likely ta fall Mile culverts, if not re-
- pelted. It little time and a few looks and. .
P , 1 tl - rvi to, le nutoh
and rideed, for a den" :I of the statement., John E. Swart& "1 ord Tennyson," record better looking, istigklags lifable to accidents.
siding in the locality } nails won si make lam se c
vim she 'Cm hem year old sister of "Mint Garfield." Mr.
She received the follvatiug lettet, whioh!nae! 1251 elatidget," t year old Mare be' tlfruown"oling get- road' . rFNilesiteir rittviusits°, °wtilt311 •
I Publish at liar reques, and whichespeeke ' itnara. Leetpard,". with a record of 2.50 ; boulevards and slt& trees have a pleasant
for itself: , . ..nta 1101,,, th„,te c _. amiggeta, cart g0 in look, and can be set4•ed without much ot
an Outlay beyond htlaer. Hay and other
Ilieerstown, Ont March h,Othr 1805. 2 50. These two ft e driven double. Mr. refuse finin borne Vela ha.ppen to be.
;Airs. Johnston, for»it ay Mies Ann Rooney, 2,81 ; "Lady Van/' expected to be speedy.
lje°niclieortra;2•011iniegitil "liningIllet riboeule gliamthael:I.
up. These are a fev siiggestionst *bleb, if
acted upon, would b Ip to make Clinton
the prettiest as well .ti tlitl most progres.
sive, town in the e.....mty. The members
of the dolmen willt glad of any sugges,
tions from the rate ayers, and will, also •
render whatever ass stance they ant legit'.
mately in carrying .ita.the suggestions.
DRAB 11,11)3M, -Til z4 is te 'certify that Ed, Griffin'e "fl. Livingstone," record &Me on the street, ehold be rerdoveda! 4"
and oll
that herhberrot
eattio pree"N‘ondat" record 2•25 3
Sinori were Orange' en in good standing; •
H. & W. P. built .ge'ti "Slooder;" record
t that her lute/thee I 3bert is an Episcopal 2.2e1 ; "Sagtve,;! . fewer, by uSare.tutc,"
awned...3,0m Iv,. juitv 1), Jamieson,
ple, itneottt.el"'s.; $anIt is elilac." The track is olergymen.
Alfred Show, ./olinauen feliLaajames Shaw: fin6 la 'thtm' "t3tea that tba
Thos..). Rooney, Af )t. 13, Iderper, Arthne tt at the tree will soon be II led with
Meirriaont Gee. It. kclen. outside horses. '.
von.. Akielea.