HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-05-03, Page 6ellse impossible to- 1360 it ig the
gtv.iotuigOu 41.11111$ .ordluary burners, for they 'ili'ti tOO
.large, but this apparent revolt bee
- _ lbeen easily overcome by conetruetifig
FISIDAY MAY rt, Me, burners which admit a ainallur
. ; amount of gas.
_.... It itas-been proposed by iprometere
MU. NEW ILLIMINA,wir, of the enterprise to do away with
— gas piping through the stigma :fur
141;teruiseuts. with. 4,eetyline. and they say that lamps MI be ,made
them Results, containing the necessary themicals
by whiclt the- gas Cali be generated
consumed oii the apot. 'This
4.141.:IiIINA'PINCI 0. AS OF - GREAT method may be a solution to itlinear-
VALLT4 Fitoll AN IffiCEINOMIO POINT lighting probleaa, to which. the
'c'r viEw --- PA*8141)• aliRovoR elevated and surface fallroadatitho-
'HEATED TOWS er estimate:FA aux- rities have devoted considerable at,
2-4)14. -T` L. W11-46" Awl'oxigHING . tendon of late, Tie tcost or 'the gas
,DISCOVERY. i is dependent upoit the seostaff the eaN !
bide. It. is and by the -eouipaity ,
The astonishing asamoneeement was !which is about to place the searhide
Made at the reeett aneeting of the i on the market that if .the .substance
ociety ot Chemical Industry that a 1 is sold for e50 a too the :.gas ,can be
Asowerful illurninaming gas could be ;furnished at 50 cent ;per a ,000 feet,
„manufactured by a ineellyellseevered •
which will give lightequal-in amount
method at a r Auction of nearly •011-e- I to that given by the ovdinary illuna
third of the present ,cost of gas.. inatiug gas. Of cure, this would
Should the discovery ;Prove as prac- not represent the actual ,cost of the
40,1 as etaitned it Will revolutionize acetyline, which has not :as yet been 1
the manufactuee of gas. decided on, bat the twat is sure to be !
Factories are being erected, and it only a small pantion ,oftleteust of the ;
Ss. -expected that gas made by the ordinary gas. It :has. been found
stew process will be Ion exile lin the that when the as is .passed through
-a tube heated to redness that beezol,
the substance which is the foundation
of the aniline eelors, is produced.
Even this featune alone \would serve
to make the diseovieey ,one of great
Mr. Adam, of the Boston Gas
Company, of Boston, •says:—The
question of the gaeateetimportance to
gas manufacturers is :as to whether
acetyline can be used to nic:reuse the
power of common &taigas.
Professor Elliott, the - chemist of
the Consolidated Gas Company, and
a well-known authogity on gas, says:
—'rhe subjeetof CAS tatileimu carbide
would be of the gineatest interest to
discover a means by Whicih the gas gas manufaeturers.
a,o.uld be produced lin ssufficient The gas cannot ,ositiv be obtained
quant for practical !purposes. in the gaseous and liquified states,
Mr. Wilson discovened the ,method but,also as a solid. The litter is
'ley mere accident. Ilewas working most interesting for 'adieu .eastupon
in his laboratory with an ,eleetric the surface of liquid mammary it bad
fareace, endeavoring to form an the effect of freezing that „element to
alioy of catchall from :some of its a solid mass, and. the theemometer
compounds, when he noticed :that a placed in its midst registered a fall
taixtuee of powdered lime .and of 118 degrees below -zero (on the
antaraeite under the indasenee of the Fahrenheit scale,
electrical eurreet, fused •down ..to a
heavy se,uienetalkie mass. This Spring Timm' •
sttbstance was found not to be the
Is when nearly everyone teterlse4thtehneead.
one sought„ and it was theown nntaat Gvtieso°r(auteieg oaoudd Phealta 7,1,7rolucing4 ineith-
backet ut water. eine. The real merit of flooWs :3-a'arsti-
Tbe strange result widen owed Penile is the reason of its widespread
Is/ attracted Mr. Wilson's attentien.
, system is susceptible to the most good.
I popularity.1')(3sriuo !Li: e nuttil;:ttilliedT 3.:1171318ol:
its contact with the water immediate -
..A gas was given elf whose ,chief . from a medicine like Hood's Saraaparilla
seharaeteristics seemed to be its taken at this time, and we would lay
ri!chiti:t:trtyeshaatisliit(,)h e
r ttu; tri!,:e,Ano:IyYE:
Tenetrating and disagreeable edor. •
a.hrapplyilig a light Mr. Wilson found .are hdangerous. The retnaikacitleauccess
that the, gas burned freely. with ,a ,achieved by Hood's Sarsaparilla:and ,the
Smoky but luminous flame. many words of praise it has ineeetved,
Here, gr. Wilson beeameintereated n:lake it worthy of our confident*. 'We
ask you to give this medicine a tsar itirial.
and immediately began. his itives•tiga- I
Cons. lie repeated the experiment , One for the Sheriff
and found that the substance lie had i — •
cast bay tile bucket with a subatanee feentrat SAME SHERIFF MAT ilat A
called Ca ic,ic carbide, containing ;MAN BY THE IN.7AMB OF lileICIAL ,41Ic
tarty parts by weight Of BiLleill111 tasl ;WELLINGTON. 0
tweatystniie parts by Weight of ear- —
bon, attains point Professor Venable., The Hamilton Spectator tells a
of the University of North Carolina, Igood story, at the expense of Judge
toeup tile matter, and it was them I Ferguson: In order that those not
that the easperiments lookiug to the 'acquainted with His Lordship's per-
atilizatiotauf acets line as an inn min- - sonal appearance may enjoy the
ant was lest carried out. li.;xperi- Joke, it is necessary to explain
meats soue proved that a pound of that tee stands 6 feet 6 inches and
this caleide,earbide would yield 5. 3 his -girth is prodigiods even for a
cable feet of acetyliue gas, which man of his stature. It is said, that
immediately gave it commercial heweighs nearly 300 pounds. At
value, and a einupany was formed to an assize court not far from her
thaimateture the gas on a large the sheriff is a tough old warrior,
male. ! wino doesn't like the habit some
From an economic point of view, judges have of ignoring the lunch
this gas is of great value, for it has hour, for he likes to get his fodder
been found that it can be generated regularly. On the day in question
in.a house as it is needed by a very !Judge Ferguson was busy, and, as
*Ample apparatus.. : This would un- the hour for luncheon arrived, and:
doubtedly be a boon to families liv- he still sat on, the sheriff got uneasy,
log in the country, i and from his place on the bench
Perhaps the most remarkable leaned over and, patting his hand to
quality of the gas is the fact that it his mouth, called out to His Lord -
can be liquified by pressure, and put ahip in a Hoarse whisper
hicans that eau be tapped when the I Judge, yer luntlais ready.
gas is needed. A very simple device i This lie repeated at intervals
has been arranged by which the several times, but the eourt ignored
pressure of the gas will be regulated ihitti and pretended not to hear,
-while changing from its liquified Ithough obviously annoyed at the old
condition, and the pass into the I man's persistenee. At last he re- I
various pipes. i peated his hint in such a loud tone i
Acetyline is a most powerful1 that Ms Lordship, thinking to ad.1
illuminant, It is dazzling ii its I minister a rebuke, turned to hint i
brightness and steadfastness of its land exelaimed coldly
when co
dame, tied -mpared with the 1 Don't you know , sir, that ; Ad
wonderful, the latter appearing dim ' 0—I, sir, letorted the sheriff, they
and flickering. 'there is no dark don't look like it, I
tSentre to the flame, as it is the, case I ..
with the ordinary gas. 'rhe illia aa- ."'-_,,,ea.arate. 3:4ilei "e ktell"66 111 '"
anima is somewhat peculiar, viewing --arr-7--- cams or organic or syn -
it front a. popular point• of view, in l'ilin:::,.ther idisease reiieved in ale
.oili !stay cured byIn' A.
thtitt it gives only one-half the heat- hecee Odeon. 8 d at Onisholues Drug
lig power of thestore, Whighaui. ordinary gas. It is
Xew Scripture Commentary.
Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, with
'the assistance of a eksupany -of dis-
anguished women, has been prepar-
ing a colementery -upon those
passages (.4 the Bible which relate to
*0111011. This conumutary,
has been awaitedwith interest by
many women, has begun to appear
serially in the Woman's Tribune of
Washington, and is attracting news-
paper comment far etnd 'wide. Many
of tIuse comments_ have been 'friendly,
but sonie have been 411;14tiet and even
ridiculous. Men have beewptiblishing
volammoas commentaries upon the
Bible for centuries. Why -should it
be absurd for a committee of women
to prepare a commentary upon those
passages especially relating to their
sex? The women -.associated with
Mee. Stanton are Mary AaLivermore,
Lady Henry Somerset, Frances E.
'Willard, Frames Lord, .Elarriet Stan-
ton Match, Helen (Seldom', Mrs.
Robert Ingersoll, Ellen Battelle "net -
rick, Matilde, joselreGage, Sarah A.
Underwood, )eV. slIbehe Hanaford,
Rev. Glympia Brown, Mrs. Chapman,
Celt, Clara Bewiek Colby, Frances
Ellen Burr and Lillie Devereux
Blake. It will be -seen that the com-
mittee includes women of the most
diverse religious 'views. Each
woman will be reeponeible only for
her own portion ,ofthe commentery.
near future.
The new illuminant is called
eteetyline. It has been ;known to
the chemists for years, but the diffi-
entity of its manufacture prevented
therafor utilizing it. It is the lowest
gas in the series off ihydrocarbous,
ana is usually anunufactured by
liassing a stream ,of hydrogen
though a globe when the electric
air is produced between rtwo tearbon
oints, But by this ,methetithe gas
is made in minute quantities only,
and serves merely for experimental
.purposes in the laboratory and
lecture room.
- It remained for T.. L. Willson to
B. IL B.
Letters like theseapeak stronger than
assertions and advertisements, Such
convincing testimony proves that B. B.
B. is the certain awe for Indigestion or
GEN9'tEgEN,-4 'Suffered everything
but death from Indigestion for four
years, and trted sorts of medicine to
no effect. At :last &tried B. )3. B., and
before the second ,bottle was finished
was as sound earl well ;as could be, and
have been so ever since.
BENJ. SIDRAVA111`, iPostmaster,
Zionville, N. B.
How a Wade was Won.
In 1882 Mr. Labouchere, a relative
of the present M. P. that name,
-was clerk in the banking house of
Hope, of Amsterdam.
One day be was ssent by • his
parents to Mr. Baring, the celebrated
London banker to negotiate a loan.
He displayed. in the affair so much
ability as to entirely win the esteem
and confidence of the 'banker.
"Faith," said. Labouchere one day
to Baring, "your idaughter is .a
charming creature. I wish I could
persuade you to give me her hand."
"Young man, you ate joking; for
seriously you must allow that Misg
Baring could never become the wife
of a simple clerk."
"But," said Labouchere,•"if I were
in partnership with Mr. Hope ?"
"Oh, that would be •euite a differ-
ent thing; that would. (entisely make
- up for all other defleieedes,"
Returned to Amsterdam, Labou-
chere said to his patron;
"You must take me into your
"My young friend, how ean you
think of such a thing? It is impos-
eible. You are without fortune,
"But if I become the sonitettaw of
Mr. Baring ?"
"In that Case the affair would soon
be settled, and so youhave my
Fortified with these two promises,
Labouchere returned to England,
end two months after married Miss
Baring., because Mr. Hope had pro-
misedto take him into partnership,
and he became allied to the house of
Hope on the strength of that promise
of marriage.
For Oyer Fifty 'Years
AN seta AND ' Wabt-Tallto llamauv,-AIrs. Win
slow' Snothintr Syrup. has been used or over fifty
years by minimise! mothers fOr their ehilaren while
teething, with perfect mimes& It soothes the child
sotfens the gutns, allays all pals, Claw Wind eode,
and is thbest remedy for •Dlarrhosa. Is pleasant, to
the taste. Said by *Druggists tu cry part of the
Worlu. Twenty.tive cents a uottle. Its value le
Incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow s
Soothing :wrap, and take no other kind.
Sinallvvort--Old man Gripe, the
chattel mortgage man, got a needle
in his hand and the doctors had to
cut it out. Ford—Nothing strange
in that. They would have to do the
same thing had it been a Indianapolis Journal.
Rheardattsrn Oared in a dity.-SOpth
American Itheureatic Cure of Itheareatism
and Neuralgia, radicallycures in 1 to 13 days,
Its action err thegyatirtil is remarkable and
mysterious. It ilitiltiVeit at IMMO the cause
ef the disease Immediately thsappsars, The
first dose greeter benefits. Its cents, '
NVitretrite'ediit Chislionesdrug store.
Diet, Dress and 'V eutilatlon.
The New York Charity Organize. -
tion Society takes a far-reaching
interest in the welfare of the masses
in the metropolitan elty of America.
What is termed a "Health and.
floppiness" ebart has just beeit issu•
ed. by the society for distribution
among the families coming under its
care. This chart is a piece of card.
board about nineteen inches long by
a foot wide, and is brim full of in -
•formation and advice regarding
health, and, as a corollary, happiness.
On the front of the card the first
thing that eatehes the eye is a bright -
colored centre -piece illustrating in
different hues the relative value of
staple foods. Their result in heat.
and energy is represented by red,
their proportion of water by white,
and their flesh and bone forming
!capacities by blue. In columns at
the side are given the time occupied
lin digestion the varions foods listed
and their price per pound.
The foods in the list are' lentils,
splitspea,s, beans, macaroni, oatmeal,
meat, wheat meal, Indian corn, pearl
bar1ey, g • h b d, nec, potatoos
and sago. From this list one would
gather that oatmeal is about the best
food, all things considered, since it
requires but one and a half hours to
digest, costs only three cents a pound,
and stands next to the head in heat
and. energy productions while its
proportion of water is very small,
and its flesh and bone forming ca-
pacity 'is very fair. Meat is largely
water, giving very little heat and
energy,and potatoes are still more so,
both being surpassed in flesh and
bone possibilities by lentils and split
peas, which are tied for first place on
the blue. Peas, however, afford
trifle more water and less heat and
energy than lentils. Macaroni and
beans having the call in the matter
of price, since they cost but half as
much as macaroni. This centerpiece
is flanked by bits of advice. On
one side information as to boiling
chops and steaks is given, and on
1 the other advice as to eating, with a
cheap, substantial day's diet laid out.
This is as follows:
• "Breakfast: Coffee, cocoa, or
boiled milk: bread and butter; por-
ridge; boiled eggs.
"Lunch: Rice and lentil stew;
graham bread, Indian meal or
bananas,. figs or dates.
"Dinner: Breast of mutton, potatoes
in skins; sago and apple pudding; tea.
A central column of the chart
gives "Hints for Health." Here are
some bits of wisdom from this column:
"Pure water, pure air, sunshine
and wholesome food are the chief re-
quisites for health.
"Cultivate' - cleanly habits and
make frequent use of baths.
"Impure air is poison; if you take
enough it will kill you, and if you
take any it is injurious for you.
Keep your windows open all night at
the top. Anything rather than the
close, unwholesome, poisonous atmos-
phere of shat -up bedrooms, whieb
will kill you by inches.
"Don't spare soap and water. If
there is any difficulty about your
drains, water supply or the clearing
away of rubbish, apply at once' to the
Health Department.
Under the heading of "Accidents
and Emergencies," information is
given regarding the treatment of
wounds and cuts, bruises and sprains,
and burns and scalds. Another
column is headed, "Always Remem-
ber!" and is an aerbstie formed of
apothegms. These are some of them:
"Unpleasant odor for 24 hears
may mean a fever for 24 days.
"To sit with wet feet gives a cold
in the head,
"It i essential to have eight hours'
sleep. •
"Diseases are caused by tight belts,
stays and bands.
nes. "Digestion is assisted by eheerful-
'"ro cook indifferently fills the
hospital with sick children and. the
saloon with ill -fed men."
The acrostelorMed reads: "Trust
in God and do the right." On the
reverse of the card are-reeeipes for
cheap, 'nutritious dishes, such as Irish
stew, breast of mutton, bean stew,
Indian eornnaeal, and sweet bread
2 Reglad" and the Aaiun.
l•reglect cold in the head and you will
tamely have Catarrh, Neglect nasal
eftlerril and you will surely induce
pulmonary diseases or catarrh of the
stomach with Ito disgusting attendants,
foul breath, hawking, spitting, blowing,
4fee. Stop it, all' by using Dr. Olissn'ts
Clitoral Oure,'25 MAO it box curee.
„essesaato earn from
$15 to $20 weekly. It can be done Benin
our hardy, guaranteed, Canarliim-grown
Nursery Stook. Salary or commission
paid weekly. lilsoinsive territory, iland-
SOMO outfit free, Write us at onee for
B. 0. RaITA M, Nurseryman,
Torouto, Ont
wootes rizosinacrinrck.:.
The Great English Remedy.
Sint Packages Guaranteed to
promptly, and, permanently
Cure all forms or Nervous
Weakness, Rminfona,SziorM•
atorrhoa, Xotpotortoy and an
effects of Abuse or Eroesses,
Arcata! Worry, excel:atm awe
of Toboeco, °plantar &rm.
BefUre Ctricl After. rants, which soon teacl to In.
aryaty, .r,:taantru, Consumption and on early grave.
Rae been proscribed. ever 35 years In thousands of
eases; Is the only Reliable ana rloncst.Ncatotno
knoom. Ask drugglettor Wood's Phosphodine;
he offers some worthless medicine in place a this,
inclose Flee In letter, and wo will send by return
malL Price, one PaoRage. El; iix, 85. Ono wW
Atom az Wit cure. Pamphlets free to any address,
The Wood Contemn,
Windsor, Out., Canada. •
Sold in Wingham by 0, E. Williams, Druggist.
To meet the wishes of their customers
The Geo. E. Trickett & Son Co., Ltd,,
Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the
A Combination Plug of
This supplies a long felt want, giving
the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10
cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famous
"T B" brand of pure Virginia
'Toleacoo: •
Datil"T & B"is on every
25 eta.,
50 eta. and
$1.00 Bottle.
• One cant a dose.
n in Bald on a guarantee by all druggists.
It cures Inoipient Consumption and is the
best Cough and Croup Cure.
Sold at Corns' Drug Store.
Cure Biliousness, Sick Head-
ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver
and all Stomach Troubles.
Are Purely Vegetable,
elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do
not gripe or sicken.
Act gently • but promptly and
thoroughly. "The safest family
medicine." All Druggists keep
For Twenty-five Years
Cita WOO' PlEADACIMI end Neuralgia
la 20 "mouths, aka Coated Tongue, DiZal*
fleas, Biliousness, Pain In the Side. Constipation,
Torpid Liver, Bad Breath, To stay Outsd and
teemiota the bowels. Wafer itioat To Mcit..
Pietas 28 MEN?* AT DRUQ ST�P?2.
1)1 t:Oltilltit,) 111 irliall 1).S
Su13 seription, price, $3per year, in Odvnlige.
- Space 1 1 yr, 1 588. - 380, rii.714,
ttoolistpili S0000 $40 00 1 1220 06 i . 0 Co;
40 00 28 00 13 ge 4 00.
On (,c1 20 00 12 00 7 00 1, 2 00.
0 00 3 00 _..,2 00J 3. 00
Legal and ather amnia advertiseniolitc-i80,Pertillo
for first insertion, and Si.. per line fu each subsequent
Lewd notices 100. poi line for first Insertion, and,
50. per line for each subsequent insertics. No local;
notice will bo charged los than 230,
Ad vortlseme utli of Los!, Pound, St rayed, Sltuationrc.
and Business Mauves Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines
nonpareil, ti per month
Houses and lParuni for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines
51 for Alta month 60e, per subsequent month
These tins will be strictly adhered to
special rates for local aovertliioneata, or fee
longer periods,
Advertisements and local notices without spotlito.
diroutions, will be inserted till forbid and charger,
accordingly. Triuoiltory advertisements must be,
paid li advancs
Changes for eontraet adverticnnents must be lit
the office by Wednesday noon, in order to apneas
that week
Paorairmia Asa Punrainisit,
tvistn/All, '
W 13. ToWLER,
Member College Physicians and Surgeons). Olvesitis
-Coroner for County of Huron -
Office Up.stairs, next to Air Morton's °thee, Whip
ham, Ont.
Orme Hotnis.-0 to 12 a, in., 1 to 3 p. in„ or at
Residence, Diagonal Street. •
T P. KENNEDY, M. D., M. C. P.S O.
;4d Illedalf2T;:trviD. Or. J. Rouse
Surgeon in London General Hospital. special tten.
Con paid to diseases of women and children.
Office -Formerly occupied by Dr. Meldruni,Corner
of Centre and Patric! streets.
t OMAN •
B. •
Toronto, Member College Physicians and
Surgeons, Ontario.
Bataan -vs
Private %nil Conmany funds to loan at lowest rate
interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, tout
and farm propert bought and sold
Whigham, Ont.
Barrister Etc.
Office -Meyer Block, LCIAlingitarn•
DENTISTEY.-.1. S. J EROME, 1.. D. S:, iNaDAno.
Is manufacturing firstolass sets of.
teeth as cheap as they can be made,
in the Dominion. Teeth extracted:,
absolutely without pain, by hie new •
process, guaranteed perfe. tly safe.
OFFICE: ln the Beaver Block, opposite the.,
Brunswick Housi,.
ARTIltal J. IRwIN, D. D. Z., L. D. S.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery ol the Pennsylvania.
Dental College.
W menntl.
-IL •
Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges.
JOHN curtail], Nv.taaaw, oar.,
Ali orders left at the TINES office promptly attend!,
ed to. Terms reasonable.
140alOnt0 ArreTloNNER ren COUNT/DS AfURON ADD •
All salmi attended to promptly alai on the Shortest,
Charges Moderate and SatisfadtiOn Guaranteed.
Titill=esseary arrangements San be triads tit th
Wrgattnu Orit
Money to Loan
Notes Discounted
I Money advatteed n Iforthrages at ti -oaten ,
privilege of paving at the end of any year. Note
and accounts collected.
Roar. liton000.
Beaver Week Winshani, Oat,