HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-05-03, Page 5ly
\'lYIIY WI; IL1.%i&T liAD SO MAIM 1LI'3 i.H
• Now, I thi.ikt•ttho statements made
by the honorable gentleman .(Mr.
Foster) go to show that the condition
• of the country is very grave, that its.;
financial condition is imperiled. rou
have great public works and enter-
prises existing- inn the country., none
of which are r'emunerative:at this
moment, and -the largest of swatch
are not paying current expenses.
This is a serious condition of things,
which requi'es'to bo carefully <con-
sidered by this ITouse during 'this
session, or, the House will be 'dirdlict
in its duty, 'The time has ,come
when it will ,xlo longer serve the
purpose of the Government to 'give
charters for railway lines to penniless
adventurers tin order that they; may
sell the land :grants attached, and
make private:fortunes at the public
expense. There was a period in the
history of the mother country when
the Crown domain was given :away
to favorites of the Crown, and the
Crown domain • in' Canada bas for
some years been in the same way
h bestowedon the favorites not .of the
Crown, but ;of Tithe Administration.
:During last session we had a railway
charter given rto•a company composed
',of men without means or capitol,
for the construction of a road through
a section where no settlers had yet
gone and whores -tone are required
• where none ought to be for the ;next
twenty years. Lind for what putt -
i pose ? To promote the public kite -
Test ? Not at ;rill. For the purpose of
• enabling sonae:men to make a fortune
by offering the:tharter to capitalists
in New York, England, or the +eon-
tinent of Eurepe. But the time has
„gone by when that system can lounger
be practiced, and it is in the in
• terests of the people of this country
THE WINGIIA.M. Ti t1/41(
'is.rnado for any work that is not
meritorious in its ;character and
• deserving of public aid, this country
will, in an incredibly short peroid,
the in precisely the 'sante position as ,
• that to which the South American
Republic has been reduced.
Tl;1 N13E1Ii . ".
Mr. J. C. Watt, the yang roan
who supplied the pulpit of the Corn!'
gregational churclh at Uemiuill's'
corners, last summer, is expected to
preach oboe more there, on Sunday,'
May 5th, Air. 'Watt has been ap-
pointed to represent the Congrega•
tonal College of Montreal amongst
the different •.churches in 1Ve.atera
Ontario during the summer.
Miss Maeltersic; was visiting friends
near Bluevale, tlrls week.—Miss
Lennox has commenced taking vocal
lessons front Miss Higgins.—Asquarterly meeting service is to be
held at Wroxeter on Sunday, there
will be no service in the Methodist
church :here,—Mrs. B. Hennings, of
Iiarriston., visited friends here last
week.—Quite a number of our young
people attended the Kiekapoo Indians'
ooncert, at Wroxeter, last week, and
they seem to have been well amused.
---Rev. Mr. 'Watt will preach in the
Congregational church on Sunday
evening.—Mrs. Gallagher and her son
Albert visited friends in Harriston
last week.—Miss Moore, who spent
the winter here with her grandmother,
Mrs. Moore, has returned to her home
in Port Elgin.—The Bluevale cheese
factory opened this week and Will.
is again on his old beat.—Mr. W.
Bentley paid friends a flying viSit
here this week.—Mr. John hooey is
around again baying horses.—Mr.
John 'Armstrong's house had a
narrow escape from being burnt,
last week. Happily it was discovered
in time and put out. It is suppasecd
to have originated from a spark out
of the cllimmey.
The Council net on April 20th.
`Members all present. The minutes
< of former meeting were read 'anal
::approved, The Treasurer's report
fer February and Mareb showed 1
balance and receipts $512.99, ex- I
<pencliture $188.09, leaving a balance
on hand of $324,90. The account of
.the Township Solieitor for $80, two
years' fees for professional services,
.was ordered to be paid. Moved by 1
Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Medd,
that the Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and
Clerk be a committee to revise the
:by-laws of the Municipality—
Carried, Moved by Mr. Medd,-
: seconded by Mr. Gibson, that John
McLean be paid Ct.5(i, balance of
gravel account—Carried. Mr. Gibson i
,was appointed to act along with a
.representative from Ashfield Council,
;in arranging with Mr. Milligan for
a.the opening of a gravel pit on his
:farm. Tlie claim of Mr. Reid for
;compensation for damage done to
his colt, alleged to have been caused
lbyr a defective road, was laid over.
The following cheeks were issued:
'Cameron, Holt & Holmes, Solicitors
tfees for 2 years, $30 ; John McLean,
;balance for gravel, $4.96 ; James
.McCluskey, half repairing road, W.
•B., $3.75; John Young, two days
;repairing road, $1.50; Robt. Brad -
lord, one day repairing road, 75c.;
Thos. Davidson, repairing road,
%Glen's hill, $1. Council adjourned to
insect -on Wednesday, May 29th, at
aten<o'clock, as a Court of Revision
:and,for general business.
R. K. ?therm; Clerk.
'The council met at the Arlington
House, Fordwich, April, 17th, 1895,
;Pursuant to -adjournment. All mem-
;hersapresent. The reeve in the chair.
• 1Viinutes -of last meeting read and
adapted, Moved by Mr. Sotheran,
eeconded by Mr. Gregg, that our
township hall, Gorrie, be' now <insur-
<ed. fer• $1200 for three years, through
Mr. Hermiston,' agent, Fordwich.—
1 Carrued. In reference to tbe• petition
of the Grange, presented by, Mr.
He,pinstall, asking this council' to
pass a prohibitory law preventing
tat running at large all stock, pigs,
horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, &c.,
moved shy Mr. Graham, seconded by
Mr. Doig,- that as the statute provides
that no horse, bull, breeehy cattle,
hogs, sheep, &c., shall -run at large
on the highway, this council further
provides that no cattle shall be'per-
mitted to run at large on the - high-
way, •exceipting miles cow or cows
coming in within three months of
her calving. and that a by-law be
passed aecardingly: --Carried. Moved
by Mr. Sotheran, seconded by 1Ir.
Gregg, that Mrs. C. Jacques be paid
the suns of $10 for cleaning and
renovating her house aftei• the death
of an indigent. --Carried. Moved
by Mr. Graham, seeondedby Mr.
Doig, that hereafter no person or
persons shall be permitted to re-
move Sand or gravel from apy., of the
roads or highways within this muni-
cipality without a written consent of
the pattunaster in charge of sueh
road. —Carried. Nine applications
were reeelved for the clerkship of
Howick, being all well and favorably
known to this couneil, which appli-
cations were duly considered. Moved.
by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr.
Doig, that Mrs. Lizzie D€tne be now
appointed clerk of this municipality
for the unexpired term of her late
husband, and that a by-law be
passed comfirtning the same.—Car-
ried. Moved by Mr. Grenry seconded
rto see that that -system is no longer
This is the farst;time we have had
:a.statement from honorable gemtile-
lren opposite of the relative condition
,of this country. For the last fifteen
%years the honoralbleagentlenlen have
<oarefully ignored ;the fact that there
-was a general ctclpression throughout
the world from ]hb i5 to 1880 ; they
shave carefully ignored the fact dar-
ting that period t>&at&Canada suffered
less than almost any other country
lin a'Christendom. 'They have care -
'fully ignored the font that real pro-
perty did not shrinlin value at- all,
:and that personal !property and
manufactured goods, :sues as textile
fabrics, shrunk in%value less in
Canada than in the United Kingdom,
.theaUnited States or Germany. But
the ilfonorable gentleman says : "Oh,
but you hada clefleit then, and your.
deflt3it happened notwutlhstanding the
fact that you did not reduce the -
taxes:" Well, Mr. Speaker, out rate
of taxation was a little auore than
half the present rate et' (laxation. if
we bad been disposed, in ;a period of
distress, to increase ta!aation on the
people of Canada we .night very
easily have made up the amount of
the deficit that then existed. Tho
honorable gentleman said.: "But 1
reducedthe rate of taxation:" How
did the honorable gentleman reduce
it ? He took the taxes off sugar. He
says he made a large concession to
people there. Well, Sir Leonard
Tilley argued in this House for three
sessions that the tax on sugar did
not increase the price, and be com-
pared the prices of •sugar in the 'New
York market with the prices of saggar
in Montreal and Halifax to show that
no increase took place as the result
of the tariff. The honorable gentle-
man, no doubt, bas obtained light
s. since that period, and so, no doubt,
A, have his colleagues and his friends
who sit behind htin, and we are glad
that he is now ready to make this
.coneession ; but the reduction of the
duty' on sugar is indeed a veru small
matter when compared with the
actual rates of taxation on almost
everything else throughout the coun-
.1 .NEI D5t) w,\R\i\n.
This country has been foe the past
ton years traveling over precisely the
same road taken by the Argentine
Republic, We know where the oX-
penditures of that republic have
landed. it. We know what its
financial position is at present, and
r' unless this rarliarnent is prepared
• vigorously to take hold of thosubject
of public expenditures unless it is
prepared to inquire into otir manage-
• rnent of public works and Undertak-
ings and to see that no appropriation
The funeral of the late Henry
Lawrence, of the 13th concession
Hullett, took place on Monday to the
little Cemetery near Cunningham's,
—And also the funeral of Wellington
Oliver, second son of James Oliver
of this place, on 'Monday afternoon
last, at the Clinton Cemetery.—The
next regular District meeting of the
I. O. G. T. Lodge will be held at
Constance, on Wednesday, May 22nd,
first session commencing at 11 o'clock
in the forenoon, and the following
subjects will be introduced for dis-
cussion : 1st. The Model Lodge.
2nd. The Model Good . Templar.
- The Good Templar Lodge here is
still continuing to prosper, there
being new members brought in every
night. Last Tuesday night was the
election of officers, The following
are the officers for the incoming
quarter: C. T., Win. Longman ; P.
C. T., Addie Crisp; V. T., Ida
• Riley ; See., Fred. Johnston ; It'. Sec.,
by Mr. Sotheran, that Ludwig Mur-
ray be pathnraster for division;
namely, sideline 15 and 16, eon. 17
and 18, taking east half of 17, con.
18.—Carried. By-law No. 2, for the
year A. D., 1895, for the appointment
of pathmasters, poundkeepers and
fenceviewers, was read the third time
and passed. By-law No. 5, for the
i year A. D. 1895, appointing Mrs.
' Lizzie Dane Township Clerk, was read
the third time and passed. Moved
by Mr. Grattan, seoonded by lair.
Doig, that the council do now adjourn
to meet at the Township Hall, Gorrie,
on the third Wednesday in May. --
1 Carried
Mns. Ltzznn I)xNs_•., Tp. Clerk.
Prairie tires have been doing
enormous damage in Boissevain
District, Manitoba.
Robt. Reid ,• Tress., Eva Moglidge
Chap... Albert McGregor ; Marshal,
]?rank Longman ; Guard. Lavina
Brigham ; Sentinel, Thomas Samp-
son ; S. J. T., Aggie Riddel ;
Organist, Aggie Scott.—Miss Hannah
Riddel was visiting friends in Seas
forth, last week. --Mr. J. H. Stevens,
of Belgrave, was in the village on
Sunday last "renewing old aequain-
tances. ,
The following :are the Pathanasters
for the township of Culross for the
year 1895: Division 1 Henry ide-
Glynn, 2 Donald McLean, 3 Robert
- Campbell, 4 Andrew McKague, 5
John Hardie, sr., ti Joseph Moir, 7
Michael Kirby, 8 John Howe, J Wan.
Copeland, 10 Thos. Allison, 11
Albert Goble, 12 Geo. Palmed, 13
Hugh Gillies, 14 Andrew Sett, 15
Wm. Javis, 10 Robert Fraser, 17
Win. Colvin, 18 Thos. Ross, 19 John
McKenzie, 20 Donald Keith, 21 Wm.
J. Mutton, 22 Joseph Buckel, 23 •
Joseph MeKague, 24 R E. Little,
25 James Whytoek, 26 Walter
Richardson, 27 Alex. McKenzie, 28 .
Ambrose Dieterich, 29 Thos. Arkell,
B0 Alex. MeKague, 31 Alex. Me-
eDonald, 32 Geo. Steele, 83 John
Gronrtche, 31 'Wm. Moffatt, 35 John
Stefller, 86 Hugh Chisholm, 37 Jos.
Straus, 38' Robert Watson, 39 Alfred
Caslick, 40 John Bucking, sr., 411
James Edgar, 42 Robert Wraith, 43
Anthony l3orho, 44 John Arm-
strong, 45 W111. J. Smith, 40 Wm.
Baptist, 47 Thos. Thompson, 48 M.
S. Haldouby, 49 John Kuntz, 51)
Frank Bishop, 51 Levi Good, 52
Mathew Benninger, 53 Henry Huff-
man, 54 Wm. Rome; 55 Andrew
Wardrop, 56 Dongald Campbell, 57
John. Brown, 58 James Kirby, 53
Flemming l3allagh, 00 John Lean,
Jr., 61 Chas. Trich,02 Martin Meyers,
08 Henry Oppennan, 64 John Sheir-
hau<t, 65 .Edward I3iistein, 06 John
{ Woighter.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet-
tor than others and enjoy lifo more, with
loss expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the nods of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the puro liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling golds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It bas given satisfaction to millions and
mot with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gista in 75c. bottles, but it is manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also tho name, Syrup of Figs.
ani being well informed, you will not
Hoc ,,t any substitute if offered.
A bicycle club was formed last
week, when the following officers
were elected ; Ilan. President, T.
Fletcher; lion. Vice -President, B.
Gerry; President, A. Uousley; Viee-
Presideut, A. M. lira ny; Secretary -
Treasurer, .iaas. Fox; Captain, J. H.
Cameron; 1st Lie umain uat, R. ;11cAl-
pine; 2nd Lieutt•uunt, J. Smith.—
The school board not being able to
decide upon ra plan for the new
school. Live plans have been for-
warded to the Education Depart-
ment, Toronto, to make a choice.—
The salt well is clawed down for re-
pairs.—The watering cart. has been
doing service.
Mr. John A. Baruo;d. of the firm of Mark dt Bar
Hard, oatmeal Jitltrr.. Lot, rn, dented to • c -•l1 nL'<nt
for the Tlua+ in %% ruxuter and will reoel<e subsnrip-
8loun, ecu., for ."..r..
Our new photograph gallery was
opened un Monday, April 29th, un-
der the management of Mr. W. R.
Belden, of Wingham. Mr. Belden
intends having the gallery open only
on Monday afternoons during the
coming summer and autumn months.
—Mr. 11. C. Snell and wife, of roder-
ich, were visiting friends here on
Saturday last.—Au unusual number
of bieyeles are to be seen on our
streets this spring. Several of our
young teen have purchased new
ones.—Mr. Robt. Rae, who has been
out of town for some mouths, has re-
turned.—The Kiekapoo Indians de-
parted for rl'ee„swater on Tuesday
last. Those who attended their
meetings report an endless amount
of amusements --A. football match
was played here en Monday evening,
between the Gerrie: and house teams.
Neither team succeeded ill scoring a
goal.—Mr. Rohr,. Gibson has rented
a flour mill at Alton and intends
carrying on the business there. We
are losing in him one of our most
highly respected young uaen and his
many friends here will wish him
Weak o,{ L e
and all mothers who are nursing
babies derive great benefit from
Scott's Emulsion. This prepara-
tion serves two purposes It
gives vital strength to mothers
and also enriches their milk and
thus [Hakes their babies thrive.
Ening Sit
is a constructive food that pro-
motes the making of healthy
tissue and bone. It is a wonder-
ful remedy for Emaciation, General
Debility, Throat and Lung Complaints,
Coughs, Colds, Anaemia, Scrofula and
Wasting Diseases of Children.
SendfarPa>nphtel on Scott's tm,,!.sio,t..Free.
Scott k BoiWne, Oakville. An nruggists. tOs. A St.
have conte to stay, and with them low *prices irr alt dap:trtual rtt-s of our
large and well assorted stock of Dry (food:, Groceries, slats and Caps, and
all other lines kept in a wello, r an 's no differenee what the credit
arranged establishment, and it gtip � • ft practlee may !Tay to the
trade; in every ease, the honest 111311 pays for the (lisbonc•e'•t, he also pays
more for lois own goods. heady Cash is bound to rule the ct:narnercial
world, and we are ready to show el A it's matter to convince a man when
you how it is done. It is not a g D it touches his pocket, pat us in
possession, and we will give you a pointer bow to save fi;,nr 25 tu. 31) per
cent. all round on goods bought from us. Wo buy anis edi for Cash, and
give you the benefit every time. ' ; t; '>{s have been sunle Whitt (lelaresscd
You all know that Iwi Lala during the last yearr. Yet,
our business bas been steadily Increasing beyond our most e'anguine ex-
pectations, and the secret of it all is this : Square Pealing, ilouet Goods,
and Better Values than you can get elsewhere. (give us a call. No trouble
to show goods.
You know it is not an Cistio matter to enumerate the cheap
list. There are so litany bargains we can show you, that space +will not
permit. All we want is personal inspection. Prices will do the test, We
are here to please.
HOUSE CLEANING and a general sorting up and changing' wi1I be ,the
order of the day. A great many homes will want some new Furnitue of
some kind, and as I and in that line of business and have a las g`e stock of
I would ask that anyone wanting to get the very lowest prices, and the -
latest designs 111 such articles, should call and inspect what I have to offer.
Some people think that in order to get value for their money in Furniture -
they must send to Toronto. This is a great mistake, in my opinion, for a
great deal of the Furniture that is advertised in Toronto is manufactured
j right here in Wingham, and I think you can buy just as cheap at horne:arnd
have the goods delivered and set up in your homes free of extra cost. You-
' must remember that Furniture has changed a great deal in price during the
last year or two, and for proof, note the following reductions. You can
buy now for Cash :
835 Oak Bed Room Suites for S28 00
30 " 23 CO
28 " 1800
20 Maple Suites for . 10 00
18 " 34 50
15 " " 12 50
12 Elm Suites for :) 50
10 •' • 11 800
512 ones (Solid Oak) for 810 00
10 " " 800
8 " Elm S 75
7 .4 " 500
: 550 Suites for 835
And we bave them as low as 22
for good live piece Suites.
824 and 28 Oak for r $20 and 22
Nies Oak Sideboards fur / 17 and 18
In Elm we have them as lt,w se 5 50 and 5
Courtier, spring bottome, tor 6
a Lounges •• 5
and as low as 4 50 , All away down in prate.
That used to sell at 580 and 585, we can
give you now for 550 1 _•
I have all those lines of goods in stock and when bought in quantities -
we deliver free anywhere within 12 miles of Wingham. I would like to h
have any one wanting anything in this line just to give me a call and if you €'f
don't find goods just as cheap here as in Toronto or elsewhere. don't .buy.
But be sure and satisfy yourself as to what you can get here first. We 4.
also carry a line of MOULDINGS for PICTURE and WREATH FRAM- +<•
ING• and MOULDING for putting around your rooms to hang pictures on. .
Iralso give you special prices in CARPETS. Bo sure and ask tf.
see our Carpets.
My motto is to sell goods and at prices as low as the lowest. All I ask
is that yott test ale by calling.
Furniture Dealer, &e.
'4. 1-<.X.Pgrar.
I also carry all necessaries for Funeral Furnishings and am preparett to
attend to this branch of business at any hour Night or Day, at prices just
as reasonable as any other doings legitimate business. (NOTwimHSTANDING.
REPORTS •CIRCULATED TO THE O0NTRAR1), and I wish it distinctly under
stood that I have no agents out canvassing or soliciting for orders in this,
line, as I consider such action too low for respectability.
S. GR.ACEY, Undertaker.,
From 4zcts. per yard up.
A Choice Stock of Men's and Boys'
Direct Importation.
A Call Solicited.
P� I GLIA.31r