HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-05-03, Page 4C. E. WI WA OmmIST Sa million; cost of *superannuation is . decreased by eirisko to $273,00o. There are dOcreases of .?87.5,000 hi public works, $183,000 in ailways and canals, $155,000. in N. W. ..'afouutedVoUee,„-,'80,000 in 1egsIa- tiOII, $85,000 for Indians,. i,'s293,000. in militia, $70,000 in immigration atud $30,000 iu eivil everninent. The reduction in militia is accounted for by the omission of any provision for camps of instructien or drill ot city corps, so that economy is being practised at the expense of the OM- ency of the volunteer force. Under the items .chargeable to capital $2,181,000- is for canals, of which half a million is r is I an additional $le0,000 for the Sault a re -vote, There Canal; $400,000 for the Trent Valley (of which $103,000 is a re -vete). 1.?4.c.DAV MAY s. 1895, DRUGGI 72, ACT.VLTELECMPO app.. Brunswick Nouse. Wirighara - Ont bc tni2 lin r. •" - • •. ....; um 1 THE WINORAM TIMES, MAY fit 1895, and endeavor to economize by ar- Mr. J. S. 3prouie4 Dentist, Wing - ham. says: "Williams' Little Dandelion ranging it suitable time for meeting' Fills are the best in the market.” and, by nob meeting any oftener than • is necessary. Where markets are Pupa: "There is no Pilt t rGeo. Crnie ittsn auk,. rnberry. equal o 'Yield in adjacent towns and. where- Little Dandelion Pills." railway connMr. inlay AudersoEx-Deo:Ay- Fu, connections are suitable two Reeve or East Wawaumh, says: "They markets could be held on the 58111.0 are the most satisfactory Pill I have ever day. 'The railway connections be- used." twecn Iegersoll and Woodstock are_.TIV:M1a0 Trotirr,le04„szNyinr,Atl.oeurlulnoto't tubs: such that, both these markets could „`-',.?„`"1,tY, „ ‘?r kin r PM," be held on the same afternoon with- Chas. Proctor, 4th. line of Morris, out inconvenience to the factorymen says: "I would not be without Williams' who attend. Little Dandelion. Pills." jas. Gaunt, Ex -Warden for County Experience teaches that it would of f3ruoe, save:- "I have found them in-' be in the interest of factorymen to deed a wonderful Pill." Hundreds of like Testimonials furnish. sell their eheese at the highest I of selling every two weeks as a rule there was a stiffness created by for ship.: ed 013 aPPlication. market price when ready ping, Salesmen who adopt the plan 'fare better than those who are ac- / lighter offerings and -slightly better - eustorned to bold for a higher price.i quality of the stuff 9n offer. Buying By so doing the cheese are continu-lby local dealers was fa•irly salve, so SOME SUGGESTIONS CON- ally going forward leaving the that with the demand from outside NG °BENING MARKETImarket freer for the newer goods, A ' everything was soon taken, Prices EDITORIAL NOTES. AND SELLING CHEESE. i great many salesmen hold their were ie per Ib, firmer. Seine lots .1 Ilm..yrroxs are rather strained — cheese, not so much to get a higher' of fancy butchers' cattle, weighine• price as to see how much neighbor- on an average of about 1,050 a 1 • between Russia and Japan over the BY J. W. WHEATON, SECRETARY OF Japan - China treaty. England THE WESTERN DAIRYMEN'S ASSO- ing factories aro going to sell for, 11,100 lbs, each, sold for 41,e per lb.; and then if a sixteenth more can be • medium to good butchers' cattle sold got they are delighted, and if only ; for from 3.1e e 31c per lb.; common the same price is obtained there is a cattle, Vc @, 3c per lb. Of export 4 feeling that no one can grumble, 'eattie, hardly any of the right kind I famCIATION. vors Japan's claims in the atter,' and it is bat d to say wbatt the out. — --eeme•may be. During the next fortnight the var- ions cheese markets in Western On - THOS. MoCurzvEv, who was de- / tario will meet to reorganize and to This kind. of thing is difficult M were in. Prices are nominal at Oared member of Parliament for make arrangements for the disposal overcome. But if the majority of 1 from 5c. e 51c per lb. In hogs Quebec West, on a recount, was of another season's product' The our salesmen would make up their , there was a weaker feeling, choice in- „ i Call System„ has been the one in minds to sell whenever the cheese hogs having dropped about ic per traduced to the Speaker this week, use at the various markets. It is a was ready, the trade would be bet- ;lb. Top quotations to -day for prime amid Ministerial cheers, led by a decided im h Id provement on. t e o ter regulated, better weights would 'bacon boas were from 5c E.% 51c per a Cabinet Minister. They seemed glad method and as a rule has given good be obtained, the patrons of factories :lb„ weighed off' the/cars. In sheep to have him back again. satisfaction. At one or two of the would be better satisfied in getting and lambs offerings were light and AT urn meeting of the sharebold. markets last season the regulations their money regularly and less the result was that the feeling was connected with this system were dis- blame would be attached to the firmer. Good grain -fed yearlings ors of the Grand Trunk, held in regarded by some of the buyers and salesmen if they happened to make a sold at from 51e Cc- Re per lb, In London, England, on Tuesday last 7, sellers causing dissatisfaction and a /mistake in selling. ' calves this market was a little better Q.. Fenry Tyler the President of I feeling that it would be better to dol • i because of lighter offerings. Prices • l'he doiiiiiiS:, and the Board of 1 -WILY with the • system altogether I WRITECHURCH.• 7 I ranged front $2,50 e $3.75 per head. Only extra choice veals and allow ., member of tbe I held in Mr. T. Direetors,tendered their resignations, everyIA meeting was going higher. In stockers and feed - i market to sell his cheese when and Kew's harness shop, here, on Monday which were accepted. The meeting , ers not much was done. Quotations where he pleased, after - the Manner evening lag, for the purpose of ei.- adjourned till the 7th of May, ivben I f ranae rom 23c for thin stockers to of the old ” hole and corner" method.. ganizing a base ball club for the , _ their successors will likely be ber lb for half -fat feeders It is sincerely hoped that no retro- coining season. The following , p ' elected.. , grade step of this kind will be taken. officers were elected : H. D. Hender-, Montreal, April 20.—At the East WINDOW .-- A HATAFAx. dispatCh says that It would be better to have the son, President ; Frank 'Henry, Vice End Abattoir market the attendance Orange Grand Mager Kelly stated " Call System," even if the regula- Presideftt ; G. A. Found, Sec.-Treas. this morning was not as large as on BLINDS THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL FOR SERVICE. Thctuulersitmed hal hut purchased Ills winning bull. Ge 09 61, MARKET RE 11TB. Corrected by Deans, F Flour per 100 lbs, ted prise. Fall Wheat,- . ...... , 0 Spring Wheat 0 WINGIIM1 Wingbs Ilci,toy41.(2))0,71018091:. lS 77.11 ttoo 00 7788 Oats, ....... . .. . 00 53,15 ttoo 00 6862 ...... .... 0 35 to 0 40 Peas Butter, rolle ...... ..„ 0 11 to 0 11 Eggs per dozen ...... 0 CM to 0 08 Wood per cord. , 1 25 to 1 50 Hay per ..., 7 00.to 8 00 Potatoes, per bushel ..... (0) ttoo 00 0365 • Tallow, per lb— ......... 0 05 to 0 05 DricApp es, petIb Spring Wheat CLINTON. -Fall Wheat will. loop tits same for set.% Blum tile itostl, timing, the e TERMS -01100 coos, td.; otoughl;)peds,i43, pay. aide ist et January', 1830. n promises, (IRAS. RENTIRRSON. NOTICE TO TAE PUBLIC. The public are hereby ca tit toned against giving credit to my wife, Jane atter this date, without my written order, as she hes left 81)' bed and board. I will not be resposible for any debt!. COO- traoted by bor. ROBERT SIB'S ALF). Bluevale, Ont, Bluevale,, April 15th, 1895. Akaaaacircsta.s.usaatormenn. POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neurag4a in ao mmuras, o•Costed Tongue,,Dizri- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Consupation, Torpid Liver. BArl Breatb. To stay cured and regulate the bowels. IntRV )11104t TO TAKE. PRIOR 25 Colors AT Doom STORMY. WALL PAPERS - Our stook is very complete, in all the different patterns and quali- ties. Prices of Wall Papers aro away down and qualities away up. No trosible will be experienced by Nimbi -Isere buying Wall Paper flora tue. We can always supply all goon titles required. Call and see samples; it is a pleasure to show. them, whether you buy or not. that in case thetovernment passed tions were broken. a few times, .than the old method. If, however, reason - remedial legislation the °Orangemen able regulations are adopted and the would put up candidates in every system is properly looked after, there constituency. In Nova Scotia he need be no breaking of rules. By says the same thing will be done. the " Call System " cheese are sold Printed pledges are now being cir- upon their merits to the highest bid- eulatad and signed promising to sup- der. Such a method is therefore of port no candidate who favors reme- dial legislation. Kelly says the Orangemen mean business and to be consistent they can do nothing else. THE Dominion Government is aveaching economy, and one of their ()Tans said the estimates have been cussed were, that of having the licut to the bone." At the same time cheese markets in the West controll- ed by one central organization and the, Government are proposing to' compelling' faetprymen who joined to 2,!..500R.QQ. yds the construe - a•• • • sell on the market only. Though • A committee was appointed, consist- . last day, but prices were firm, and We have them in all the different I ing of C. Henderson, J. Leitch, E. , the demand for sheep.and lambs was designs, and at prices to suit, the S. Coultes, Mr., E. S. Coultes was - very good. Owing to advices from times. appointed captain. • The club will the English market buyers here are . be open for challenges from the more careful abOut their purchases, BOOKS AND surrounding towns, after May 24th. business being reported quiter, con- sequently very little has been done The official &lire- of the ell- the past few days in export stock. 0 0 Barley., „ . . . 0 Oats Yeas 0 Potatoes, per bushel- ... Butter Eggs, per dozen , . 0 Hay ae,0 a.s4 7 Cordwood 3 Wool 70 to 0 70 to 0 40 to 0 31. to 0 55 to 0 40 to 0 10 to 0 OS to 0 00 to 7 00 to 4 17 to 0 72 72 45 32 05 50 12 09 50 00 20 whoxiamt, Wroxeter, May 2nd, 1895. 0 73 to 0 75 Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley..,. Oats Peas Potatoes, per bushel,— .... Butter.. . Eggs, per dozen Hay Wood, short Wool Beef 0 73 to 0 75 0 40 to 0 42 0 32 to 0 32 0 53 to 0 55 0 35 to 0 35 0 12 to 0 12 0 08 to 0 08 00 to 8 00 1 75 to 1 75 0 )8 to 0 22 • 4 50 to 5 50 IT PAYS TO Have you noticed by the prose how many of the, students of THE CANAA BUSINESS COLLEGE,. CHATHAM, ONT., have been placed in good positions during the past year, notwithstanding the depression in trade Two more have been added to the list: Last week we noted the placing of .1. C. McMahon with Dayton Paper Novelty Co., of Chio.nro. ThiS week Mr. Wm. Walters es Stenographer with Wm, S. Mulligan, Srd Ave. and 177th St.. New York. April and Ala' are two of the best months in the year in which to make a start. iVrite for Catalogue if interested. Address, D. MaLACHLAN, Chathatn, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN STATIONERY. ___, On Farm Mortgage at low rates of in- terest on terms ot five years or over. Principal payable at end of terra or We carry full stoeks in these if ' . annu ,,, JOHN BURGESS, Bluevale 1'. O., Ont. Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and Savings Co:, London, Ont. . benefit both to buyer and seller: .eensus show the nunaber of people in t There were over 400 butchers' cattle lines. Fully assorted stock Of Last year representatives from the New York to be 1,843,866. The in. offered to -day, many ot them being school supplies. various cheese markets .in ,Wester0 crease in population from, October, bulls and stall fed cows and heifers L . Agent. Dominion Express and C. Ontario met in the Association's: of- 1890, to .April, 1895, is 139,151. in fairly good condition. The P. R. Telegraph Co's. lice, London, to discuss the rules and market for calves is overstocked regulations governing, the selling of cheese. Two of the subjects dis- . d B. RI iiva British Cattle Markets. John Swan & Sons, limited, Edin- burgh, in their weekly report say :— .Supplies of fat cattle all over have not been quite .so large this week., The cold weather has helped to maintain prices, but the prices cur - since last market day, and about 400 were brought in to -day. There were 250 sheep and 175 lambs. The Wingbam. price offered for butchers' cattle is about the same as last week, choice bringing from e 41e 5c; good, 3e e SUPPOSE ' 4c; fair, 3e @;; 31te and inferior 2c A. ROSS, The Popular Bookstore. stveral millions spent on it. Both OR t tt a tlf re WAS C911§klgrable opposition to rent in t.11$!.. south . country. markets 30 Per lb, Sheep, $3.e0 e $6 woad that Will hot be ilkedC'd fee th-.9 aeopti1ni ..yet a,preyetit inglishinen from- buying tWanty years, if then. The ' each, anklambs, $3 $4.25, calves., Vent Valley canal, is also to have piens of this kihd good many things. can be said in any extent. Fat cows and bulls from- $1.50 @, $7.a0, accoiding to these enterprises are countenanced tion could be formed or have the sheep in Edinburgh, trade for which few lean hogs offered at last we'ek's , size and condition. There were only a a, $ their favor. If a central organiza- dearer. There have been fewer markets come under the control of was barely so good. In Glasgow prices -0 G 10 each. by the GoVernment for election pur- the Western Dairymen's Association, numbers have been augmented by several times. therebo would'.. more uniformC uniformity 111 large arrivals of States sheep, which East Buffalo, N. Y., •April 29.— posespnly. The latter has done duty the methods of selling and. the rules have made about is to 2s apiece less, v :It. yt I ed—u IRI eacnedi pdraggy 7 for car; ssteer a role: THE fire insurance question may could be better enforced. A mein- money. Fat Iambs if good make tle of all kinds with buyers genet, i ft any of the markets factory prices, while pigs sold rather ally bidding 15c ® 20c lower for sell his cheese o ber of this central organization could high prices. Fat calves made sods- ' be.. said to be a burning issue in andif he could not get a satisfactory dearer. Store cattle were a small Hogs—Recelpts, 115 cars; market these kinds and the better quality. Brantford. That city expended thousands of dollars on a new fire offer on his own market could offer show in Edinburgh this week, but 15e lower on nearly Hall and new equipments, and in- on any other market under the con- opened 10e e augurated the system of a paid bri- trol of the Association without any gade. The expenditure was entail- extra charge. In this way compul- ed, in order to meet the wishes of the I gay selling en the inarkets could Underwriters' Association, and.se- cure a higher rating for the city in I be adopted without injury to anyone, id By such a co-operation the time for 8s per stone; best mutton, 8to Sd (a; i , $4,25 $4,50; pigs, $5.05 e $5•10; the insurance schedule. In this! holdink the various markets -could be per 3.25 e $4.25, Sheep and lb. I stags, $ owing to the high prices asked trade all was quiet, and a clearance could not' Satgra.des'tlia,n the closing prices of ure day; Yorkers, $5 $5.10; good be effected. Milk cows, unless good mediums, $5.15 @, $5.20; common to quality, cheaper. Best beef, 7s 6d to good heavy ends, $4.75 (1.6 $5; rough, Brantford has been fooled. All its I enterprise and its almost lavish ex -I yenditure have not resulted in one eolitary cent of insurance being say- ed.to its citizens. THE estimates were laid on the table in the 1 -louse of Commons, on Monday aftertioon. The total esti- mated expenditure for the year end- ing 30th June, 1896, is $41,244,417, as compared with $40,038,392 the year before, an increase of $1,205,- 025. The estimate on account of consolidated fund is $36.834,458, as compared with the initial estimate the previous year of $37,321,809, a reduction of less than half a million. By adding the supplementary esti- Matea of Inst year to, that year's initial estimate, this year's estimate is Made to appear as a reduction' of $1,682,000 on consolidated fund, but , this year's stipplementary estimates! bawl yet to come down, consegnentlyi the real reduction 80 far is less than !half a million on consolidated rand. The cost of the public debt—$12,- 732,000—is an increase of over half ___ lambs—Receipts, 85 cars; market arranged with more consideration I iSritish Grain Trade. for the buyer who is compelled to at- f London, April 29.—The Mark :ruled fairly steady for good handy either sheep or lambs. Sheep tend all the ma rkets. ' 1Lane Express, in its weeklyreview—Choice to best wethers, $4.50 stock, e There will be, eight cheese mar- : of the British grain trade, says-._! @, kets in Western Ontario during theiFlour has risen 18 for both English it 41.r t.;cogood to choice, $4.50 e $4.95; present season, as follows:—London, I and American makes. the highest good, $4.25 0) $4.65; comMon t Ingersoll, Woodstock, Brantford, Lis- 'London price being 25s for English -,,ID2%1';' 3.25; culls, $2 @ $2.90 @; $ Stratford. This is perhaps too ninny ; dearer, even damaged wheat bring- i8.25 (!lipped sheep, fair tO best, Lambs — Fancy towel, Shelburne, Newmarket and i wheats. To -day wheats are 15 for the district represented and ing 20s, good red wheats 24s, andllsi5elysy,e51;6°$.5.60; good to choice, means that if the buyer wishes to be 1 the finest whites 25s. California I $5.60; fair t6 good, $4.90 e represented at these places—and. the ;wheats are up 9d, and No, 2 rediboice, spring lambs, common to salesmrnn. usuall3r expect it—his time I winter ls. Grinding barley is 6c1 to $13.50b0,, $9; clipped lambs, fah. to best, $4.50 @, will nearly aitoeether be taken up in I ls higher and corn,. flat and round, — attending martls. Therefore this 'has risen '6d. Beans And peas are increase in the number of markets, I beld for 6d rise. Some dealers rc. though it will benefit the factorymen near these various centres, and will 1 port a rise in flour of Is 6d. lessen the cost of selling, will on theI rave stook raaykets. other hand, cause considerable extra! Toronto, Ont., April 4—Offerings expense and loss of time to the buyer all told were lighter at the Western and shipPer. Cattle Yards today, which bad the Though it may not be possible to tendency to stiffen prices for btiteh- have the markets brought under one ere cattle. These show an advance control just at present, yet it Is of about le per lb. Other 'lees were hoped that there will be more co- stealy, except hogs, Which 'are off as to arranging time of meeting, It loads of stuff ift, inch dei 100: BE SURE AND GET Da pkw-x..00-le 9 9. operatiiin an1011,0* the varimismarkets, about ie per ib. There wei 21 ear- will pay factorymen to look a little sheep and lambs, 523 'hogs and joir \WILLIAMS' 'DRUG STORE WINGHAM ONTARIO ide outsof themsn this elves bit matter about 60 calves, In brae eft' cattlei YOU KNOW 1 DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING, MISS AGELIA. WYNN Has decided to open a Dress and Mantle Making business at her home, No, 83, Edward street, Wingham, near Baptist church. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1-11:11t VI: All AGAIN! 1 J. CLEG-G & CO., with snap shot bargains 10 have purchased the Hardware Busi- suit the times. 'nen of J. A. Cline & Co., and. we are headquarters for: Land Plaster, Spray Pumps, . Galvanized and Annealed Fence Wire, Barb Wire, Truss Cable, Barbles, 3 Plait, Wire and Cut Nails, Builders' Hardware, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, &c., Rubber Paint. STONE BLOCK—Wingham. BUSINESS CHANCE. A first-class Baking Business for doing a good trade in Bread and C Apply to Box 303,, Winghatn, Ont. WATCHES Elgin, Waltham, Rockford, Columbus, warranted for • four years. Ml 0 IR, $ 6 5 WALNUT CLOCKS, From $2.50 up. We have the largest and most complete stock of SILVERWARE,,p suLable for wedding and birthday presents, in the county. EYESIGHT TESTED FREE. or watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at lowest rates, and fully guaranteed, by sale; MUNSHAW, akes. The Optician. Winghatn, Nev. 15th, 1801. • MILEY'S CELERY" NERVE CO " WIT* DEEE, IRON ANI) WINE. The test Blood Purifier, Toni e and General Health Restorer ever offered to mankind. We do not fear comb parison l You will get more genuine permanent benefit, out -of ONE' 130TTLE of __IVIANLEY'S CELERY -NERVE COMPOUND than out of a whole dozen of any other "Compound" on the market. It contains no injurious drugs, and is based on GISCMINt instead of ALeono1., Try it ! You will then know the truth. ONE DOLLAR, PER BOTTLE, POU ND lj V