HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-05-03, Page 3,e
{00XittTOTIln 1t�irt pT�wINGUTAJI Jt]t.#NCiI.l
4. /i'„rr Gad ,,n4 l limo. a;ul v rare /wand "
Well call the attention, of the mothers nail indent
to the fact, that thn Woman's Christian Temper.
antic Union meets the third Monday et ery month
at three o'elncic • harp, for ono hour, at Mrs. Belm's
residence, i',tt,ic•lc street, All ladles are made wee.
As the PAlitor hike kindly given tis part of his
space, for oar wort, we ask friends of the cause to
send items of interest on all moral questions of the
day to DOW of our members.
Senator Wilson's Courage.
After Henry~ lWijson's first (:lection
to the United States Senate, he gave
Itis friends a dinner, The table was
set with not one wineglass upon it.
"Where are the glasses ?u asked
several of the guests merrily.
"Gentlemen," said Mr. Wi iion,
"yell know my friendship fok you
and my obligations to you. „Great
as they are,' they are lift great
enough to make me forges ' do rock
whence I was hewn an F the pit
whence I was dug." S e of you
know flow the cui*so o ' intemperance
overshadowed My- u7011th, That I
'il'II.I.{a WTNGUAM T.I.MEti. MAY 3, 1695,
-..,.:,..;_:.:. ..,�,:;.�..........:.:�- ... _.. ( �.. _..._-. '.� �._-_.,.........� . -
reason fill" the continuance Of an R.
Schultz to refute tie assertion that I by licensees, that licensees do trot tis ad-
tnitted ev
liquor is necessary to men who have , rule interfere with twos New, mined and moreover realer be
military expenditions for example. liquor, and that interference with evil.
thein with met without the continuance of that
to undergo mach fatigue such as on sellers, but often supply
He points to the replies to questions {elicit selling by officers or othersis (3) That the endorsement which The undersigned in returning thanks Capital, 61,150,00. ' Reit, 51;40,000sent by the cofission to physicians infrequent and ineffective; that
the electors of different sections of for epast favors,begleave to say that they
:resident --sort:: sunt':
and life insurance'eompanies in Oan- license lays, whether the fees be high,
the Dominion have given at the hav a ery large stock of
ada as proof of the 'j iysical evils re- medium or low, do not reduce the
suiting from strong drink. Of 1,355 volume of the liquor traffic, lessen
Canadian physicians 1,068 said that the number of its victims or diminish
the general health would be improv- the miseries or desolations which it
ballot box to the principle of ti'r1i -
I Vke.rresident-A, tt. n,+ansAr.
bition whenever submitted, as well LUMBER, SHIINCLES, LATH,'. PfliMoTort,4
as many petitions, memorials and,only [Worm. Ono, Ro. wr.:rat t>m•,n al 1", A T
�y e �+ WoOA, A..ii. i.E:it (Tomato).
declarations of ehureh courts, tem-: DARNELS, Woo®, 's ( poolaier-d. LL
ed by total abstinence, Of 1,340 produces ; that high license has not
perance ni'ganizations Municipal on hand, wlaeoh will bo said at very close $aviags Bank--irnur . into s; kttttr,".,ra. >o
who gave definite answers to a ques- demonstrated its superiority to logy Councils rl8 and other reps osentlltive prieos tO meet the Ibo Bolen encs of the i. Deooaits of eland ,:perat'tts rurei,r,i z,Fni iutere
bodies,make it sufficiently clear hard times, aaowe .
tion about moderate drinking 901 license in respect to reducing the Spticlrti i�eaosits also ra,eit,•d at t'nrr,►Ht
said that the use of 'Mexican; even volume of the traffic or in lessening that a majority of the people of rates of
C Canada are in favor of the total Drafts ei, w.ieat ttrttniu +and t.in L'i,ficti States
in moderation is injurious to health the drunkenness
and the. disorders First Class Shingles, bonghtandecid
and, to an active condition of body traceable to drink, but that, on the prohibition of the liquor traffic,g f per
and mind. Of 779 physicians a contrary, there has been an lucrease (4) That it would therefore be Square
large majority said that the use of in the consumption of liquors and a right and wise for the Dominion
intoxicants increases the number of corresponding increase in. drunken -Parliament, without farther delay, Wood Lets. per Car( delivered.
the insane. The evidence is quoted ness and related evils, and, finally, to carry out the promise given, and
to show that not only many drinkers ' that as a remedy for or even a cheek give effect to the principles stated in
become insane, but that the mental Ito the evils of the liquor traffic license its several resolutions by the enact-
weakness Which under any one of laws of every kind have been a ment and thorough enforcement of a
various forms of excitement is liable ! stupendous failure. The Gothenburg law prohibiting the manufacture,
to become insanity is in a large !and Bergen systems are explained iimportation nd for le of intoxicating
degree traceable to the intemperate l and commented upon. and the can- tal and scientific purposes, int and
habits of the parents. 'The question elusion reached that Canada has `
of excessive mortality is fully cover- nothing to gain by the adoption of into the Dominion of Canada.
ed in the report, which quotes the the Gothenburg system, The ques Oriilia's Prominent Furniture Denier
llnigilt cl4apo1 X LW `;•oiii iffy early Statement. of Hon. G, i, Z'Oster in tion of 1)o0r anti light wines is taken owes Facts.
hat I am I Parliament in 1885 hitt 5,000 deaths ilp and the c p,ii'felice Of Germany Crinis Feb. 10th, I8pt, .
am indebted, wader 'God, to my per year might safely be set down to and France given and the conclusion DMANSON, BATES & Gr'o.,
temperance ' ow and my adherence liquor in Canada. Vice and ' crime !come to that the experiences of these Gentleinen.--About three or four
to it. Callwhat you want* eat, weeks ago I had an attack of Itching
and if thisv lic'eI can provide. it, it
shall be forth�'oming ; but wines and
liquors cannot cone to this table
with .my consent, because I will not
spread in the path of another the
snare from which I escaped."
Thr,,: rousing dicers showed the
bray Senator that men admire the
map who has the courage of his con-
Ile afterwards filled the office of
Vice -President of' the United States.
OTTAWA, April 25.—The minority
report presented by Rev. Dr. Mc-
Leod, one of the five commissioners
appointed to inquire into the liquor
traffic and the question of prohibition,
is an exhaustive affair. I -le says, in
discussing the effect of the liquor
traffic upon all leterests affected by
it :—“There is no room for differences
of opinion in regard to the fact that
intemperance and its inevitable train
of harmful consequences constitute
one,of the most formidable evils that
afflict society, diminish the wealth of
the country and impede the progress
of civilization. The fact is univers-
ally adiuitted, regarding it the
commission did not decni it necessary
to prosecute extensive. inquiry. in
Caifada, as in other lands, intemper-
ance is the prolific cause of pauper-
ism, disease, insanity, idiocy, exces
engendered by strong drink is also ' countries do not justify the encouage-
very fully set forth and sustained by , ment of beer andwine.
extracts from the evidence. Prom! THE QUESTION OF PROIHIBITION.
1882 to 1892 inclusive the total I Dr. McLeod expresses regret at the
number of' convictions in the Domin- l conclusions reached by the majority
ion was 883,459, Of those 133,371 of the commission. He believes that
were for drunkenness, and probably' a careful examination of all the
not one-third of those who drink to , evidence heard, and of the mass of
drunkenness ever appear in these re- I other facts collected, makes sufficient -
cords. 'ly clear the rightness of prohibition
Referring to testimony taken in ' as applied to the liquor traffic, and
Montreal Mr. Forgot, Clerk of the I that thoroughly enforced. prohibition
Recorder's Court, explained that in !would be the effective solution of a
the returns he drakes to Ottawa, and' serious problem. He quotes the ex -
which enter into the official criminal ! perience of the United States, and
statistics of the Dominion, he does., gives the statistics bearing upon the
not include all the cases which come question in several tables, and shows
before the court. Not only does ire 1 that the penitentiary convicts in all
not include offences against municf- • the license States were .75 per
pal by-laws, but, headds, "1 do not thousand of the population, and in
include offences against the license • prohibition States .39 per thousand
laws of the Province of Quebec. Of , of the population. The prisoners in
course such are criminal offences, but I the goals of all license States were
at Ottawa they say they do not want ' .37 per thousand of the population, Here Spot.
such offences reported." and in prohibition States .`? } per out, small terrier crawled out from
The responsibility for the traffie � thousand of the population. The under the table, wagging his tail.
and the effect in material prosperity! population of the prohibition States -
Go Go out Spot, said his master.
are discussed, and the opinions and is one -twelfth of the population of I The dog went out.
figures of the lion. G.. E. Foster, : the whole country. In regard to Now, then, said the owner, you
frequently quoted. A conservative .Maine it should be borne in mind
mago on estimate of the amount paid annually i that importation of liquors into that communication.itWe are alonede .—I �1
by the consumers of liquors in Can- State is practically free, The effect ______
ada is placed at. $40,000,000. The of the Maine law upon all classes of Short Journeys on a Long Road
cost of prisons, loss of labor and !the community and upon the com- Is the characteristic title of a profusely
misdirected efforts should, Dr. Me- metrial and moral life of the people illustrated book containini; over one
Leod thinks, be added- to the ex- is fully set forth, as well as the hundred pages of charmingly written
penditures on account of the traffic, l statistics of crime, pauperism and descriptions of summer resorts in the
country north and west of Chicago. The
and he therofere hales the following Illicit liquor selling. The Commis- reading matter is new, the illustrations
estimate tsioner cannot avoid the conviction are new. and the information therein
° 6ilsr of tent "iietesaC. that the prohibition law of 'Maine, will be new to almost everyone. T•�
t 4op 9 t5h9rt J9grpeye ou a'ddgPc
.Amount paid for liquor by deseito defects and many infractiolA Rea 3a will era sant; Me tai :liigoii8 who
consumers, 89,879,85 t ; t>atue of leas been and is a marked Siieeess. will enelost ten cents ((to pay postagei to
sive mortality Pest et'inie, with all gain, etc., destroyed, $1,889,765; The condition of affairs in Vermont, GEO. H, HrAFFoxo, Cleneral Passenger
the suffering and sorrow which cost of proportion of pauperism, dis- New Hampshire, Iowa and Kansas Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
attend those conditions." ease, insanity and crime, chargeable is exhaustively discussed, and the Railway, Chicago, Ill,
PAUPERISM AND DISEASE. to the liquor traffic, ~3,140,097 ; loss ' result of his observation in the pro- The dipping of slieep before being
'r.. McLeod. then proceeds to dis- of productive labor, $76,288,000 ; hibitory States visited by the cum- exported is now under consideration
of the Minister of Agriculture. At a
meeting of exporters at Toronto it
was decided to recommend that the
dipping should be done on the 'farms
before being sent to the port of ex-
portation. The matter will be
considered by the Department of
CANADIAN EXPERIENCE. Agriculture, a nd the necessary ar-
Canadian experience with prohibi- rangements will be• :made betore the
tory laws is presented at some length shipping commences.
Piles. I tried two or three different
remedies recommended by druggists as
"the best and only cure,” etc., etc., but
got no relief. About the time I was
beginning to despair of finding any re-
lief, with some slight misgivings I bought
a box of your pile cure, which I am
pleased to say gave me almost instant
relief and permanent cure. I consider
your Ointment a Godsend.
A Dog Story.
A very delicate compliment was
lately bestowed by a dog lover upon
the intelligence of his Skye terrier.
The owner of the dog was sitting in
his office, apparently alone, when an
acquaintance entered.
Glad to find you alone, said the
visitor, because I have a confidential
communication to make to you which
no one else must hear.
Hold on a minute, cried the. other,
checking him; and then he called
cuss the evidence regarding pauper- loss through mortality caused by mission have not impressed him that
ism and sats :--"-Whatever evidence drink, $14,304,000 ; misdirected the law in any one of them is perfect,
relating to pauperism was heard in labor, $7,748,000 ; total, $143,253,- either in construction or in operation.
'the course of the commission's Eaves- 716. Other things being equal, it would
tigations in the United States. was in Against this he sets receipts from be reasonable to expect better gen-
agreement with.the foregoing state- the traffic as follows: -•-Dominion ei'al results from a law enforced
meats that nearly all of it is trace- Government, .7,101,557 ; Provincial under the Canadian political system.
able, directly or indirectly, to intem- Government, $942,652 ; municipali-
per ,nee:" . ties, $429,107 ; total, ;8,478,316,
As to disease, insanity and mortal- Net loss, $134,785,400.
Everything else equally low. Come and
see us before buying, as we will not be
Wingham, June 7th, 1993.
E. L. DICEI+SON, Solicitor.
"3A1TI-c7: _ STEAK, 100. PER LB.
Wingliam, Ont,
jesephine Street
its he says :—`'There is a diversity Many of the things which might and the working of the Scott act set
of opinion among medical experts as properly be included as chargeable out, and the following conclusions
to whether or not a moderate con- to the liquor traffic are omitted in the reached with reference to the whole
sumptiou of '.alcoholic liquors is in above statement because of the diffi- system:
every case physically injurious. A culty of putting them into dollars
majority of medical men unhesita- and cents. He could add 50 per
tingly endorse total abstinence as cent. to the balance against the
safe. Many claim that it is essential liquor traffic, and at the lowest it is hibition is the right and only effec-
to the fullest degree of physical so large that it might well engage tive remedy for the evils of intern -
health. All the evidence obtainable the attention of even those who take perance," that the house of Com -
goes to show that heavy drinking is no other view of the question than mons was right in declaring at the
universally condemned, and also the business one. On this point a same time "that this House is pre -
that there is a growing tendency quotation is given from the lion. G. pared to enaet such legislation as
among medical men to discounten- E. Foster, who said : "Surely it is soon as public opinion will sustain
ante even what is known 'as moder- the part of all good citizens to see to then in so doing, and that the
ate drinking." it that such a frightful source of House of Commons was well advised
The question, "Is total abstinence waste and destruction i§ dried up. in reiterating from time to time, as
in your opinion compatible with the Prohibition is the only effectual already set out, this declaration.
fullest degree of physical health?" cure," (2) That all the information which
was one submitted to 207 medical nrc*n AND LOW LICENSE. the commission has been able to
Wren in Toroi0o by the Secretary of The different laws adopted in var- obtain has made it clear to the
Dominion Alliance, but the commis- ions countries to regulate and control undersigned that the effeet of the
sion declined to receive the statement the traffic are extensively discussed, liquor traffic has been and is serious -
in reply. Ninety-two replies were and the question of high license vs. ly detrimental to all the moral,
reeeeved, and the question was low license threshed out. Dr. Me- social and material interests of the
answered directly in the affirmative Lood's conclusions aro that nowhere nation; that the measures employed
in 83 cases, and of the remaining 9 has there been found a license sys- to "lessen, regulate or prohibit" the
only 3 expressed it definite opinion' tem which really regulates the liquor traffic have been of value and effee-
that total abstinence was not safe for! traffic, that the restrictive features of tive only in proportion as they have
most people, and even they did so in' license laws have not produced the appro.lanated i11 then operations to
a very hesitating fashion. Itir. Me- results claimed for them, that every- the absolute prohibition of the traffic
Leod &veils on the terrible result of where the regulative and prohibitive in intoxicating beverages, and that
the habitual use of liquor, and points} features of license laws are habitual- the vomitus requirements of the
to the evidence of Lieut. -Governor 1 vc
ly .and generally flagrantly violated country should not be considered a
(1) That the House of Commons
made a right and wise declaration
when it declared : "That total pro-
ifST'ED, I
Mount Forest.
Deposits Received and Interest
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at &fair valuation. Money remitted to all
parts of Canada s t reasonable charges.
Special Attention Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and Notes.
Beliet in six hours.—..)istressing Kid-
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American Kid-
ney Cure." This great remedy is a great
surprise and delight to physicians o 1 ac-
count of its exceeding promptness in rPliev-
ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages iu tattle
aha female. It relieves retention of water
and pain in passing it almost immediately.
If you want quick relief and cure this is
your remedy, Sold at Chishohn's drug
Agents in Canada- The Merchants' Bank
of Canada
Office Ileurs—From 9 n. nn, to 6 p. ni.
and other meats in low proportion.
also on hand.
I am prepared to pay the highest price'
i for all kinds of fowl. They must be drawn
and well dressed.
i Wingllam, Oct. 10th, 1893.
Send 9 cents in . • nips, or , crtita silver, and we
will send you by yeti •n ,' the
I � .11 1.tl i. I •i,I.,.i ma ul iL .,J{a .Nf .
Iable treatise and two bottles or medicine sent Fina to
any Sufferer. Clive Express. and Post Office address. T. A.
SLOCUM CHEMICAL CO.. Ltd.. Toronto, Ont.
A neat little c, yeinaa pe t Guide in the art
of Lrttbr ritijar, It cnntal letters of Love,
Friends • andBusiness, ete„ wit} •luableinotruc.
tion. nd,.advice. Every young niers • woman
s d have this Soak. Address,
Ingersoll, Ont
klere is good news for the owners
of sheep. A new process of wool
washing invented by a German
chemist and the State chemist of
Connecticut, is expected to add.
from 8 to 10 cents a pound to the
value of wool. Wool oil constitutes
20 per cent of uncleaned wool. This
is now entirely lost, but the new
process will save it. The oil is valu-
able in making ointments, soap and
other preparations, and is sold for 60
cents 8 pounce.
Catarrh relieved in 10 to CO minutes. -7.
One short puff of the breath through
the Blower, supplied w'th each bottle of
Dr, Agnew's ()simile' Powder, diffuses
this Pewde :ever the surface of the nasal
passages. :► uin <'s:Iand delightful to use,
it relieves 1 1st.}ntly, and permanently
, 1
�c er rile.
ire, to 1(1 Glu
nares Cutl r tiny
ache, Sore'1'ljrtaft, 'l'oo9ilitis and Deaf -
beset. CO ueOts, At Clnshulm's Drag
Store. .
Make a better filling for Corsets
than any other known material.
"Featherbone" Corsets are tough-
er and more elastic than any
other make, as they are entirely
filled with quills (Featherbone).
To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores.,
A Blessing to Every II®usehold
These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounecrl the best Medicines for
Family use.
Tom= PiL=,i� •
Purify tate blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, IMIONE'1S AhD 1f3\\ ELS and
invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of all ages.
Is the only reliable remedy for bad ars sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR RRONCHIIIS, SORE
AL. Manufactured
anuho t i aworlat 78, New Oxford. Late 53:3, Oxford Street, London.
visePurabasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
will continue to reduce the price f'or
$4.00 SPOT GASH.
If you have any Tweeds at hone, now is this time to save ;t doliik'te' oft
the making of each suit, and get a good fit. I' first-el:l 3 Tririotiiii s sttppite,6/4
at wholesale prices for spot cash only.
If you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat ,you can sate fieri: $3.000
$1.0.00 on each, by purchasing from us.
VVEBSTER &. 00.,
Mereh tni~;Tailollas..
Opposite the new Mactlnmtl,l Mock, 11'ialgham.