HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-05-03, Page 2NAresee,A.L. you TRE Bean :drinking. Yes, I drink. When I
came down to the city from Vermont,
I expected to do very differently
from what I did. I thought it would
be all pleasure and excitement. But
it wasn't. 1 found work. It was in
a dressmaker's shop. :Some of the
girls who worked there taught me to
drink. They took me to their rooms
where they had wine and other
drinks. After awhile I acquired an
Or) gay, 0 say, can you hear them,
In forest and Aoki and lane,
The starving metlings crying
Whitt tho parent birds are slain ?
Can you see the nests deserted,
And the pretty eggs :Alined o'er,
And hear ail nature's inourning
FtIc the birds that sing no more?
0 say, 0 say, can you see them,
Thesenoirde we love ta bear,
Dying let hundreds aud thousands,
Perishing year by year?
Te the guady hanuts oashion appetite for it. Last night I was
f f
We may trace their plumage gay, drinking with them again. There
But their ILJarts that throbbed with music was a strange Frenchwoman there,
Have ceased to beat for aye. and she went with me, when we
0 songsters, Leantani songsters, left, to my room. There we drank
'Ye come am; rinp, no more, more, and when I woke up there
Spring waits iu vain for the carol was a man front the dressmaker's,
That welcomed heri:emning of yore; ; .
Dut beware There islOne who made them ' asking for a costly dress which I
Our birds with their voices sweet, had taken home to finish in time for
And the criel; of His dying songsters Christmas night.
Ascend to His meity-seat I could not find it in the room.
t Frances Mauro.
—Mar" He said he must iiKc it, and that if
s:sf • - 11 did not give it t him at ones be
P; SAMARITAN. I should go to the police. He saw
that I had been drinking, and be lic-
it was Chrietnias day. The uu-1
;pawnshop. Tie eat(' I had stolen it.
1 awed me of taking the dress to a
• lortunates estewere obliged to speed
the day in the St Julien hotel real- i llut I didn't. It must have been another knock at the door. rills. Oh, he's a wretch that eomes hang -
zed it painfully. They wished they ,
; that Frenchwoman who was with , time it was a 111a17011 plain clothes, tug around here once in a while that
'could forget it, lint they could not. km. I did not know when she went Which is the ydarng woman who we have to put up with because his
Not that the St. Julien, as a hotel,,
out. But the mime will not believe came lino this lime a few moments folks come from he same place in
'was not well managed and cheerfal ,
• that. No one knew that the French- ago? he demanded. the North. He Wises the life out of
..enough iu its, ways, but who has ever I woman went to my room with me. I came in a few moments ago, said me, •
passed a Christmas at a hotel and ft' it was. late. f, They will say I eliss Fabayan. A wretch, am I? said Poets to
wished to trevnother one? I stole it myself. and they will put Inc Then you will have to go with Lee. himself, bitterly. I% show who I
••*. 'set
- .
, 1895,
going down to the office. She will Poots's. Predicament. `They call an engine `she,' says .
send up a policeman. I have it! Cleveland Press : The young man the Alanayunk Philosopher, because
Here—quitlel It may succeed!
Miss Fabayan had jumped to her Poets 'went to see his, sweetheart the her whistle makes sueh a horrible
feet again. Her eyes fiashea with other evening, and being quite at noise.—Philadelphia Record.
home with the family, • thought he
excitement. She hastily opened her would, slip into the parlor unpereeiv- Gussy : Why do you so persistent -1
trunk and pulled (nit a wrapper. ed and bide behind the sofa, just to loyn : y wearour, the hair of another woman
Here, now, take off your hat, your give her a little surprise as she came head? Beatrice: For the!
cloak, your dress! Put this on! same reason that you wear the shin
in to light the gas, for it was early - •
The young woman meehanicallY twilight. • of another calf on your feet.
obeyed. . He had been in his place of eon- Karl's Clover Root, the great Blood
Now listen, said Miss Fabayan. eealment but a few moments when Pthtiieltnres ngeilvfreshness and clearness to
are to stay here. I will go in your and a moment later his heart's de- 2ei.ets., 50
Corner Drug Store,
ate., 81. Sold at Chisholm's
aud cures Constipation,
They may send another officer. You 1 there was a ring at the outer door,
place. As soon as I am crone you light ushered another young man :
take one of my dresses from that into the darkened parlor, the young Rhoades (as he and Mrs. Rhoades
trunk, You will find a hat and a Lady not seeming to think illumine -
jacket. You will put them on, also tion necessary yet,
aro leaving eleureh)—What a re-
freshing sermon that was, wasn't it ?
a heavy veil. Here is some 'money. They sat down on the sofa together, Mrs. Rho.cde.s (sharply)—I don't
. Half an hour after I am gone you and the young lady said' know. 1 cucln,t go to sleep.—Truth,
will walk out. Co directly to the Oh, George, I nen so glad it is you! 'Km Smith—I declare this leg of
station and take the first train to When the bell rang 1 W88 almost mutton has shrunk away almost to
your home. sure it was thaedreadful bore, Poets. nothing. Willie Smith — Perhaps,
Oh, but you—,i Poets silently gritted his teeth. be- , madmitt, it eame eastae same sheer,
Never mind in. I can get out of wee the seee,
as my :flannels did.—Parson's Week- ; •
this all right. rs My dear, said the strange young ba
The two yo ng women worked map slipping his . arm around her
Mrs. Naber—your usha lid is ill,
lie?MPS. Shane —Yes; quite
ill. Mrs. Naber—De you think
he will live? Mrs. Shaller----011, yes;
he's insured.—Boston Courier-
Sh !oh 's Cure is :441 on a g uarantee.
Itcies Incipient, Conatpuptioo.. It is
the best Cough Cure Only 0 Mc cent a
dose !nuts, riuuts.„ and 61. bola at Chia-
bohn's Corner Drug titore.
Aristocratie Father—And your
ancestors ? Aspiring Youth—Oh ! I
have 'emfather
. I had a and,
mother, and so. did all their people -
before them.—Detroit 'Free Pm
hastily. In 10 minutes there eves waist, who is this yellow Poets?
Rooms No. '22 and No. 33 linithe n jail. If I could
St. Julien wereshoth occupied on this I would go back ho
particular Christmas day.- Bothe oc- take me back then
eupants were women. Both were ! drink on the far
et away now, I . I am a detective. i ani when that dhafp starts for home,
e. They would 1 will go, answ9lpd Miss Fabayan and he doubled up both fists.
. I would not calmly. .
, and I would AR that afternoon Miss. But the youngi man would not
FebaYan start for home. .
young—that is, about 20. !never come to the city again. T bate passed in a cell in a police station. He stayed and stayed, and they
In No. 12 was Miss Estelle Fabay-; it. But if I am put in NI I never She had refused her name and would kept Melling and cooing until after
au, a sonbrette ,thling an engage- I could go back to the folks again. only say that she had beea falsely midnight.
ment lt, the Empire. It MS just / They would know about it, and arrested. Tlie.police officials laugh- Poots's position leas very uncom-
moil'. Miss Fabayan bad evidently; there would be no place for me to go. ed at her. 4 ' fortable, squattinglibehied the sofa,
returned from ati after breakfast Oh, you. do not bsilieee I stole, do It was 11 o'cloelefore she .e.ihecl. and the love-makheg that was going
walk, for she was standing in the I you? Tell me you believe what I for a messenger. The message on did not add to 1i case.
sunlight at the window witleher hat i say! ‘:
brought the mane er of the Empire There was no kniewing how long
and street clothes on, idly tapping! Miss Fabayan as biting her down in hot haste. His astonishment the entertainment would have tasted
• her still gloved tipgers on the sill as 1 pretty hPs• hvldently she was un- at seeing his favor( ,c sonbrette in a had not the young lady's father come
she looked out mime almost deserted • decided. Just the? there was It 1 cell was great. Ile swore at the ser- down stairs in his dressing gown and
sound of quick footsteps in the hall.; geant, threatened to enter snit
slippers and abru.ptly dissolved the
In room No. 33 Miss Eleanor The sounds came neaser. !against every official within sight parliament. When they were gone
Carlysle was sitting at a table, her • .tp . PP and all was elaung. Poets tried
They are comine! They are com- and finalle- eve for the a ear- .
eeold eve glasses poised airily on her ing. sobbed the girl wildly. mice of Miss Fabav n in court. •
to creep out on tipitoe, but he stambl-
p 'I cl s Siwos in k'over
Miss Fabayan tux ed quickly to The soubrette, tifter leaving the
Hush! It' 1 cans save you, polion, dropefder alt' ofout-
some pages of manuscript. Missice stat, racket as to alarn, the house.
Carlysle had come op from Boston at you go back to the farm and stay raged and indignant innocence and
The head of the house yelled
the invitation of the young Ladies' -w. ea
there• surprised her mana er by laughin?' from the per window, •and
ed over a chair and made such a.
Oh, indeed, I illhrtily at what e calledma
&teed& Relief soelety. She was toPoets managed to et into the cellar
read an essay thee evening on "Tito
Get intothat close ridiculous mistake. Shemade him from which he escaped by crawling
Ethicof Charity2She bad been The girl ran t promise to make n fuss whatever !up through the coal ebute in the
s I
giving the finishi4 touches to the es- dosed the door just about the matter. rhe. police, when • back yard and climbing a fence. •
was given on the do they found out e io their prisoner : ,
•i the. hall. . was, were only too glad to let the af-; They call It Overwork,
sheet of the manuscript and walked you see a vouno- w Ian pass down 'That Christmas night was the 1 Business requires a clear head: ' vet
the closet and
s a sharp rap
r leading, into
Presently she put down the last Er—ah—Miss F. bayan—eee-did fair drop.
to the window. the hall ? asked the! clerk, happiest, Miss Fabayan assured her how few business m4n—with all their
. e
The soubrette and the Boston es- I did not friends, she had ever spent. sense—realize. what, is the trouble
any ; min with their heads. They call it over-
sayist, unconscious: of each other's Did . you—er—ah—is there The essay delivered by
presence were at that particular 111°- one ah— • ; Carlysle of Boston on• " The Ethics work, worry, anything but what it
ment doing preciseles the same thing. Well? demanded Miss Fabayan ' of Charity " wasdeclared by the really is—indigesti n, This stealth -
Each was Looking laruidly out of the
window, and each as tapping the shortly.
That's all. Excuse us, stammered society to be. perfecely lovely.
• 1 young ladies of the Scientific Relief
, guises' as somethin else. Wouldn't
lest of ailments u uaily comes dis-
sill with her fingers! the clerk. Then, turning to the effi- ,' Miss Fabayan hu i received an in -
Just then somethihg occurred. A cers, he said, she must have gone ' vitation to spend a month next sum- , Tabules cleared your head and
young woman who, had come and- through the other corridor.
Miss Fabayan had but closed her , says that the invitation .came from a ;
door when there 0111110 a second. rap. young woman will she met last ! I've heard your preacher half a
day und i• most peculiar i dozen times, said the boy who was
: whittling a stiek. ', You people pay
This time it was the essayist in No. Christmas
; mer on a farm up in Vermont. She
denier into view on kie opposite side
of the street from the St. Julien at-
tracted the attention of the two
young women at the hotel windows.
She was glancing nervously behind
her. As she broke into a run and
dashed across the sttieet the soubrette
pressed her pretty Mese to the pane
to see where she weht. So did the
essayist. Neither ofithem saw, for a
jutting cornice bid tile sidewalk im-
. medietely beneath.
Miss Carlysle returned to her
table and began to write a letter.
Fabayan bad; a different
pulse. The sunlight had seemed so
inviting that she determined to take
another walk. She lied just opened
her door when someo
the hall and ahnost e
The person turnedi
o rushed along
Hided with her.
sharply and
brushed past her intct her room. Miss
Fabayan saw at a Optic° that it was
the Young woman whom she had
seen a minute befor
the street. •
Well !----bee•art Mi
running across
s Fabayan.
Oh, pleaee. don' put me out!
Please don'tl Theei'll get me if you
do, and I never did it! Please
The young womtpi had sunk on
her knees 011 the lcarpet and was
convulsively grasping Miss Fabayan's
We will eve a,bo$ that, said the
soubrette. Nov, %ifho are you, and
what is the matter? Sit down and
brightened up the business outlook?
33. circumstances, and fsho is going
I am Miss Carlyle, said the essay- accept it. toyearl Ile ain't a bit
ist. I have the neXt room.
!•bettdrhi our prealer, and all we
Come in, said Miss Fabayan. , SE9RET SOCIETIES, both of a harm' pay our'n is $90 . Yes, but our
I have heard! all, said Miss less and of a, harmful kind, are more preacher says .eyetpr and nyethor,
Carlysle after the door had been numerous in this country than most and your'n don't! replied the boy
s peee ' se his knife on his
closed. • people beheye. Some are merely • who was
Well? replied the soubrette icily. foolish, and inay be safely left alone, shoe. • ...
I simply came to ask if you intend but others are a teal danger to the Mr. Newman
earfully) : Maud,
to shield that .female from the law? community. The members of these .
To what female do you refer? I'm sure you don't love 'me as you
latter societies aro foreigners, used to. We've been married only
To the one in your closet. outlaws from their own land, the riff- two months, yet you've bolted your
Miss Fabayan walked to the closet raff of the Continent,. Now if we are dinner to hurry away to the Munici-
door and opened it. Come out, now, to enjoy a healthy national life these pal Protective League, Mrs. Now -
she said kindly. Placing one arm foreign impurities Must be cleared man: Hush, 'Willie. Your tears
around. the unfortunate young out of our social system. It stands quite unwoman ine, dear. Be a good,
woman, Miss Fabayan looked calmly to reitson that this is if, and what is brave little husband, and I'll hurry
at the essayist and said, I intend to true of the nation is 'rue of the in- home and bring Itott a lovely box of
give this young woman a chance if it dividual. Half the illness to which cigarettes, '
lies within my poever.
Carlysle stood her ieack to the Holloway's Pills these can be cleared
le the truthful. stitrilitmtitle of it book about No.To.
Willie—What's the wettest thing
just now up at your end of town?' '
Little ?fay—The mumps. What's , Certain in
the smartest thing down at your end?
Willie— A 'spanking, ---New York .
World. =on c .nCo., ill., Feb: llis U..
Mock Turtle—Weit, I guess spring br.33027f,
Books a oblige. 1 hare use
1D s—P ease send m tufa a your Homo
at deal of your
has come at last; I hoar the swallows. . Igeteee s Spawn Cure with ft
mo e e no.
YourS truly, (- AS. ELI''
a ig,plitli 01 bali
Vermicelli—Hear what? • Mock Oit SOOVIO and five bat o cured her: L
bottle on hand all the tun
Turtle—The swallows—of a man
eating soup at the next tables—New
York Tribune.
Fair Invalid : I really do nos see
bow I am going to eve through' Lent.
Comforting Friend : Nonsense, clear
It was a singular group. Miss impurities in the blood; by the USG of nont Tomcat, S-elsZs-make Your IMO
man is subject is due to the foreign
door, a haughty look on her ince. away and health restored with cer-
that inaceq up 11100511 l*ed lellinffiates the
lichtme poison. makes weak men gala strength,
;ger and manhood. Yptt run no physical or finan-
cial risk, as No-To•lbe 1,s sold under guarantee to
eure or money refutitieg. flock free. Ad. Sterling
Remedy Co., 374 St. PTI St., II/antics!.
Her cold grey eyes; looked sternly tairity, safety and. rapidity.
through her glasses at the two young
women in the center. of the room. Hold up yer hands! sternly com-
Miss Carlysle broke the silence. mantled the footpad. I'll throw up
Very well. If '3yoit cannot see one of them, said the sour -looking
what is your duty, ti am fully alive man, suiting the asition to the word. You. never kn' w how fond you are
to mine. If you, want the othOr one up you'll a of boy until yo become engaged to
his sister.
o ts angigrv,or blisters.
ad pr s b
YOU may do as yent please, hotly, have to raise it yolirself. 1 can't.
returned Miss Fabayan. Say, do you know A anything that's She: Tell nie, ;when you were in
Miss Carlysle set her thin lips good for rheuntatism4. the army, were .iot. cool in the hour
firmly together and, left the room. /lave a Gveashivered.
teep4amon. Zero of danger ? He i Cool ? I actually'
Oh, where shall 1 gei? What a : 1
g' woman. I must get away from here. say;: '''Sta-rk's'Po:v17lers have f:, great re. Nurse—Sure,ma'am, the twines
0 ,shall I do ? sobbed the strange young
Instend of obeyhig the youn potation about here as an immediate, as have been maki g a fuss all day,
woman Melee hereetf an a sofa and They will arrest Me now. That well as a permanent cure for Headache,
cried hysterically irtJL several min- %Yemen is going after the pollee. Biliousness. Neuralgia,Aiver and Stem- ma'am. Mrs. Oho 13randh—What
er and Stay where you. ar4i. It is useless nob Complaints, Native/less. I know of ,
about ? Nurse— es because they
take. Then she ge.ew calm people who have been long and great cant have a birthday a -piece like
beeein to sielik rap141y. to try to escape, nova replied Miss eufferers ilfiV6 trietVmost every- the Dawson children next door.—
indeed I alit not so bad as Fabayan. They hearel the door of thing, Lind have been c ed by them Tid
they say I ani! did not steal! It Nee 83 dose,
was the woman met on the street. She is going nows, sobbed the perations each box. told by MI Sarsaparilla not only cures eerofula, salt,
I We have need them in on own family
pr. 3, IN.
Dear Stra-1 have uocedAl'se7e130b0e1 i of your
r. i. .1. KENDALL CO.
.Reedenifipavin Chiron with much ecess. 1
think it the best Liniment I over used. apereca
pi movedehe Curb, IMO Mood F.ipaylit an. WU
two Bone Spaying. Savo recommends t to.
Any woman ought to be able to li
through Lent. Think of your :1 77. 33. J. ICENDAZ.L COILEPAN:i
sovarator my frlend3 who are much please .1.
and keep it. Respectfully,
Per Sale by all Druggists, or address
S. IL MX, P. 0:130sil
........._' -
Easter bonnet !.
"1 bdlieve 1 should like to be ZETLAND S il..W MILL
cremated aloe 1 die," remarked Mr.
Greateets. "I always supposed."
said Mrs. Hashcroft, "that you would' GEOPIGE IIIONISON, PrOPrieMi.
Want to be stuffed." Thus it 'was
with remarkable sueeese Two pre- Acting through the blood, Hood%
It' must have been that one. But yoting woman,
you don't know---rdo you? 1 was
idl t 21e ee----. el rheum etc hut gives health and vigor
me e ne ea ers ft
that she lost a boarder.
Lumber of all kinds,
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins. Chattanooga, Fir6t-class
Tenn, says. "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'saved my
life.' 1 consider it the best remedy for a
,nd Cedar Posts
debilitated system I even used." For
Dyspepsia. Liver or Kidney trouble it
eiteels. Price 75 ets. Sold at Chisholm's
Corner Drug Store.
Car load °niers a Specialty.
WOOD delivered to any rart of Wing -
She ---1 can't help thinking I have !ull'
seen your portrait in the newspapers mail promptly attend eo
often been published. She—Then Il ree., oreerser
. Sox h.% Whigham. Ont
somewhere. He—oh, no doubt; it's
am not mistaken. What were you;
cm ed of ?—Judge.
There is one satisfaction, said thel
fin de sleek: girl, in being the recip-
ient of attentions from a titled for-
eigner. What is that? You know
that when lei proposes he means
business.—Washington Post.
fieI4 pre. ache
wit ti muFular 13/414, aqd
fia& jug pur Vial'
Ban iMer of Bacligthz:.
eeeeese- , if , ea,„ ,
A Kansas editor. pathetical's,- de- ,,t... lie ;XI'. .. IVIEN1li01. PLASr04,
.t. MetAcumat, Point OM Chene, .writes: NMI -
scribes his location as 80 miles west ing bett er for Lame Back and Lumbago than the
of a rale -belt, 90 feet from water, U. & L. Menthol
miles f • heaven ,-. A• 11. ZUCLEAN Writee (reel Willtie0e: "The Il.
yards from the devil, and 300 miles
v 1, million''
21. c. eaeh in air -light tin box.
• Ot
Ithemnatism st a great rate in this vicinity.
&, L. Menthol 1 taster is curing Sore flacks tind ,
from a satoon.—New 'York Recorder.
• •
up the books? Minister's man — Ou hffork0-.612 '1'"4"4111rul'1"
ay, I come hack for ye, and 3; e
In the vestry—Minister (who has g
unbele treUtine
Val a and bottle of medicine nen Pre to an
exchanged pulpits) to minister's man:
Do you come back to me after taking
follow me at as respectfu' distance.—
; London Punch.
I You don't know enough to stay in
when it rains, derisively said the
cane to the umbrella. Look here,
retorted the umb`rellas such bluffs
from a mere stick like. you don't go
with me. My motto is pat up or
shut tip, every time.
IFather—Pin getting tired ofehave
ing that young Willer coming here,
and want it stopped. Daughter—.
I'm sure, father, I do al1.1 can to
; discourage his visits. Father—Non-
sense. I haven't heard von sing to
'him once. --Washington Post.
Wife—Why, Charles, Nisbet do you
mean by burning our love letters?
Husband—I liavg been reading them,
my, dear, and it eccurred to me that
after I die sornetne who wished to
break my will mi,ght get hold of them
and use them to prove I was insane.
—Harlein. Life.
Chauncey Depew thinks that the
restriction of railroad passed should
apply to munstets, andtwists the
following texts to sustain his position:
"Thou shalt not leass"—Numbers etx,
18 ; "Surfer not a man to pass"—
Judges iii, 28; "$one shall ever pass"
—Isaiah xxxiv, 10; "This generation
shall not pass" ----Mark edit, 30;
"Though they roar yet they cannot
pass"—Jeremisli v, 22; "So they •
' paid their fare nd went" --Jonah
Yes, said Miss Paha itn. She is Nice te take. leo the whole body, le 3,
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
tilUNN CO., who have had nearlyaftq yeas'
experience in the patent business. corannnil�a.
tions strictly confidential. A. handbook of in.. ormation concerning Pa ten ar and how to ob.
tali thesent free. .Alio catalogue of mechan.
Mai and sciontifie books sent free.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special notice in the Scientific American, and
Hans aro brought widely before the public with-
out cost to the inventor. This splendid raper,
issued weekly, elegantly ill ustrated,bas byfar the
largest eimulation of any scientific work in the
world. $3 a year. Sample copies sent free.
Building Edition. monthly, Vas Year. Single
mmies, 94 cents. Eery lumber contains beau-
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
houses. with plans, Onablits builders to show tbo
haeet deeigneana secure Contracts. Address
MUNN & co., rmw 'road, 361 LIROADW.A15
rOFkDAI4Dfkii FF
BIG CAKta put UP
64' P I •,, • UR
coegt, n"tIn t1as WIrli hTya,1ZiggUitst"its. roe
0 -