HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-05-03, Page 1VOL. XXIV.---NO, 1219. ITZN 71.1 Tligt:, 4,Lto: 1%12 is thrilling this Store. But no matter what you, may be told of enterprise and energy here -of newer goods and yiproved ways of merchandise thai charms and prices that tempt -L the facts are above anything you will believe without seeing. Take an hour, take half an hour, take minutes to look about, examine our goods, com- pare prices, and we feel assured that we shall soon count you among our regular customers. HOUSE CLEANING Is at hand, and it will well repay you before purchasing to look through our stock of LACE CURTAINS, CARPETS and. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS of the Latest Designs and Prices away down. ERY. This Department is being daily replenished with all the latest Novel- ties that cannot fail to please our Lady Patrons, and our MISS SIMP- SON will spare no pains to make your visit agreeable as'sveil as profit- able. IN GROCERIES we are stocked with all the newest and freshest the markets can supply. In fact our stocks in all lines are full. IN BOOTS AND SHOES We are ahead of all competitors. Our sic& is new and well seleeted and prices right. IN OUR-. ORDERED CL HING We are: bitt,ul to sit4ttili Our reputa- , • ton, for Stylish and Well fitting gar - mentis, in proof of whieh, we are flilthg prders for City Wear weekly. The BEAR Is bound to stpa1i fOrmer efforts to please Its numerous, ototomers. ROMV • G *WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1895. 1/1 r4 $1 A YEAR IN ADVANC4 PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, 37 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO, ONT., EYE SPECIALIST. Ire has had 20 years practical experlenqe,, and has iltted more Spectacles than any mu in Canada. Ile has 2.500 Canadian references and 10,000 Atnerialim retWenees. Write for his paper on the eye, all free. Mail your broken spectacles to him -he can put new Oilmen in then) like the old (mos, if he has a piece of the broken glass. Eye Specialist always hi store when Prof. Chamberlain is away - Pam CRAMBERLAIN visits Wingham twice each year. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Town and Farm Property sold on com- mission, to the best advantage of both buyer. and seller. No sale, no charge. Rents collected and property looked after. FIRE INSURANCE. Those desiring insurance should select one of the following old and reliable English stook companies: San Fire Insurance Company, (estab- lished 1710.) Norwich Union Insurance Company, (established 1707.) Alliance Fire Assurance Company, (es- tablished 1824.) Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, (established 1852.) S. YOIIIIILL, Real Estate' and Fire Insurance Agent, Kent Block, Wingham. CENTRAL BUSINESS , COLLEGE, Stratford, Ont. Are you interested in a • PRACTICAL EDUCATION? If so, we want to know you. It will cost but a few . ceettisteewrite us, and we guarantee yen will beell repaid. Hand- some catalogue free. P. MoiNfrOSH, Principal. Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic- toria street,Winghatn, Ont. No witnesses required. CENTRAL - 00 R. TONGS ANO GERRARD STS•, BUSINESS COLLEGE:. ,TORONTO, • ONT Largest Commercial School in the Dotainion. Catalogues free. Suety & Erziorr, Principals. LOCAL NEW. New raisins 5o. ., at Kerr & Conery's. -The early dude ets the straw hat, -Gardening oper tinns are being pushed along rapidly just n w. We are giving 10 per cent. off for cash on all goods. • M. H. Mellow. -Regular meetin of town Council, on Monday evening neft. -The amateur 4rdner will learn later that seeds blossom uch more freely in annual catalogues th n in gardens. Money to loan on real estate only, itt reasonable interest. Apply to Dn. TOWLES. Immediate action hould be taken to have the main stree watered. The dust has been almost untie rable for some days. -Mr. D. MoKiela chairman of the Street Committee, has ad all the loose stones and rubbish rak up and carted off Main street, which g atly improved its appearance. • Coughs and Cells Pan be eta -ea T. q0ing Reathfiel:Ve Healing lielearre For sal- at 500. au Williams, Drug Store, Wingheen. Vf-s/sqiere was a goo ding held on 11 Wit Sloyele olub. n Was •Ab the *higher». 1110 allowing officers were 1. Wilbert ; 3. 12 shoe laces for 54 Kerr Kerr & Conery's. School bags 2o. ea , at Kerr & Conery's. : Arbor day in Olario will be on Fri- I -Thenext, one -The spring pee I la bloom, if not in -Creased trouser are g -The talented Bell Family of jubilee oing out of day, May 3rd, (to-d_,y). No, 24, I. 0. G. T. f bloomers, style. stance, on Wednes Williams, the druggist, sells pure drugs. nt -That's Venus wi, dug at you from the western sky these spri g evenings.. -Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A. Graham's market grocery, -It is reported th t some of the early sports may he broug t to justice for shoot- ing out of season. Spring suits. 14 est styles, fit gum enteed, at Dever's old stand. Will. Mo- Sweyn, cutter and tailor. -Miss MoWhinne intends giving the entertainment prod ed in the Own hall here, last week, in 0 i.rie, shortly. -Private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf :Toms NEELANDS. -It is said that 11 . E. II. Dewar, form- erly of the Arthur . nterprise, is thinking seriously of starting I a Conservative journal in Harriston. WANTED, -Washing and cleaning, by the day, by it young woman. Apply at the Truss office. -Rev. Mr. K ington, a promising young Methodist r inister, will conduct the services of the ethodist church, on Sunday next, in t e absence of e pastor. Cinerarias (love y bloom)4and 10 cents per pot. Will clear ti all out at the above absurdly low iee, commencing Saturday, May 4th P. C. Graham, L B. • Green house, Lower Vingham.•. ."--7.8.ev. Dr. Giffor has gone on a visit to bis brether, Rev. . Griffcird; at Caro, Michigan'. While t ere he will preach anniversary sermons for his brother, on Sunday, and deliver lecture on Monday evening next. Rev. r. Gifford will be remembered as eaching anniversary sermons in the Met] dist church hese, last fall. - G. T. It, trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 0.25 a. m. and 11.20 a. an., via W. G. & B.; 6.85 a. m. and ,0.25 p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- neotions by all trains. • -A large gatten=rig of ladies and gentle- men met'at the Ur on Station, Toronto, on Saturday afternoor-to say ,"God -speed" to Conductor Snider, . ete of this town, who was starting on a p eaching and lecturing tour as far as th Pacific coast. Mrs. Snider, who acconn anies him, was pre- sented with a very Landsome bouquet and the conductor with • dainty boutonniere. Greet Clearing Out Sale of Good Brothers Big Stook of Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Crockery, etc. The whole stook must be sold within 00 days. Great Bargains. Advertisement on page 8. ?/-Mr. Hugh Mo known resident of borne in Dresden, April. Mr. Maw Wingham for many residents of the tow regret to hear of hi father of Mrs. Ande at Glenanean, 0. 11. H. Irvin, the tailor, has put in an extensive stack of tweeds, worsteds, etre Call and see them. Good goods, good work, good fit guaranteed. Opposite Bank of Hamilton. wen, a former well - ie town, diedel,t his t., on the 22nd of was a resident of years, and the older , who knew him, will demise. He was the son, the postmistress Flowering plants, it large stook just to Singers will give hand, oonsisting of Geraniums, Fuchsias, Wingham Methodis &o., at the Star restaurent. Cell and see them. J. INICKELYIE. -The driving pa /-Mr, Frank Dir for Cincinnati, where tion. -Watches, clocks and jewelry prornptly repaired and fully warranted by HALSEY opp. Macdonald Block, Wingham. ley, on Monday, left plated, and the stab ss will shortly be com- ics has a, good slam,- „fleeced. condition, The f sacred concert in the church, shortly. k is now in splendid nces have been com- -The Wingham by public emotion Saturday; 4th inst., rcigh scales will bo let t the towre hall, on t 2 p. in, -For first-olass tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south of R. A. Graham's grocery store. Masters Geer Angus left on Mom where they have s McDonogh and David ey last for Brricebridge, urea employment. vs A large apartment on the second flat of the Macdonald block, suitable for offices or dressmaking rooms, to rent. Apply to, AfACDONALD. --At the meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of 'orestere, held on Fri- day night last, Mr. ). M. Gordon was ap- pointed to represe: t the Court at the meeting of High Co rt, to he held in Ham- ilton, commencing the third Tuesday in June next. Salmoni's English White Oils cures Chilblains. RheumatismS rains Bruises . p and Sore 13ack. For sale at 25c. at Williams' Drug Store, Winghani. -Assessor yourii has completed the and assented to i tors of agricultn town assessment al d handed in the roll to the Clerk. From • we learn that the ed hereafter to p assessment is as folows : Income, 44,700 ; ing a.nd games o personal property,71,050 ;,•real property, of the fair gro S470,458, making total of 1)555,458, an Fakirs will now increase of e10,000 -ever the assessment of the pea and Elba 1894. There were 45 births and 22 deaths !become a thing o Good 11,00111$4 to rent near the Public School. Apply tq Airs. A. W. Webster. -Mr, Jets. A. Cline has sold his fine residence on Minnie street to Mr. Geo. M - Duffield, at a good fl ;ure. Mr. Cline does not oentemplate lea ing town, though he has sold his resideree, eeff, aellev. Mr. Came -n, a student of Knox College, Toronto, w ;o so acceptably filled the pulpit during 11 e visit of Rev. D.Perriel to the Old Country last summer, is again in charge of the chit* during Mr. Perrie's absence. New spring goods. New Cutter, every- thing new and up to date at Dever's old stand. W. MoSweyn, new cutter, try him, he is a aaisy. -Quite a numbej of the disciples of Isaak Walton, of t nesday, trying the' streams. The co wn, were out on Wed - luck in the adjacent ensus of opinion among those out was tha, it was not a very good day for fishing, thaugh some good catches are reported. -By amendm Arts Act, propos t to the Agriculture and by Hon. Mr. Dryden, the Legislature, direc- t societies will bo requir- ohibit all kinds of gambl- chance within 300 yards nds during exhibitions. less troublesome and le rigger at shows will • e past. The question - !able introduction horse -racing at fall in town last year: According to the as. ! sessor's figures theta_ are 164 dogs in town. fairs was also the object of a provision in Direeter . of Agricultural socie- D. M. Gordon's goods and prices must I ties will not be flowed to bave horse be very satisfaotory to the observant public , racing, but may h .ve "trials of speed" ; this season, for we notice that trade i'sraoing, steadily increasing at the Anchor House. the old, game unc er a new name -that's Good goods and small prices please the • -These fine impeded Teas are s careful buyermuch better than any quantity of windy talk. Gordon's is with. - oat a doubt the place for such bargains. our praises all over the coin y. The iuniversal verdict is, "n thin like them -Anchor of He'oe Lodge, I. 0. G. Te I ever offered here for tl ouey." It is held a very successf d meeting on Tuesday I not surprising that th re going fast. If eveeinglast. Tb re was a very good 1 you would like to see a twenty pound attendance, and ore candidate was initiat- "44 of these choice Teas at 25c per lb., ding come quiok, to D. M. dOEGON'S, ed, The election o officers will take place The Direot Iniporter• ig next, and St good e ea -Messrs. ;Jesse Button and Fred requested. Tuesday ! 4th instant, the Seyfferd, of town, ha -e purchased from Mr. ,lace, and it will be , D. L. Taylor, of L on lou, tbe patenee, the After the installation, ' right to make, and Jo sell, the celebrated d, when refreshments . "Taylor" merebants' exhibiting and dis- playing racks. Thei territory consists of . the counties of Huro 1, Bruce and Grey, is the beet and Manitoba, Briti: h Columbia and the Good for Williams' • i Northwest Territar:es. They have also secured, the right to manufacture all the on Tuesday even turnout is urgent' evening following, stallation will take open to the public. a social will be h will be served. Salmoni's English White Oils family Liniment in the world. man or beast. Price 25 cents, at Drug'Store, 1 -About a dozen of ho Ochlfellows of town drove over to B ssels, on Sunday last, and joined their rethren of that place itt attending divine rvice. " The service was held in the Met distchuroli, Rov• 0. H. Cobblediek, the pastor, preached an elect:lent and inst restive sermon on the for his text : "Bear ye occeeion. He tool - The Delineator for May contains,one another's but dance of the nymphs, .questrian costumes, man. though not, artistie house furnial ing, commenoment himself as fully i costumes, fashionab 3 skirt -decorations, a t f th} fashionable milliner ', stylish lingerie, . ladies' fashions, missee and girls' fashions, good things of the work clone by it. ktiee 1 Mr. W. B. Hutt .as Heathfield's Healing Balsam is the; on r" friends in town surest and safe:4. cure for colas in the ! ' Mr. Robt. Tindal little folks' fashions, b ys' fashions, illus- trated miscellany, fe -ay stitches and ern- . i 50 cents at roideries, fashionable tress goods, novel- world. INT; 7ng acquaintances , Williams'Hams' Drug ties in a ash fa,brics, fa lione.ble garnitures, -Mr. Robt, Hill h purohased the pop stylish millinery, t tting (illustrated), business of Mr. G. crocheting (illustrated) ' the art of knitting ton, and took posses 1 (illustrated), around le tea -table, creeps Mr. 11111 has been anel tissue papers, Oh rlin (college sCries), Mayers and May game , the voice, modern twenty-five years, • lace -making, venetian i on work, the home, stands it. Be is a ••. , (No. III);ehome to. e well, burnt work Council, of which template resignin member foe six ye seasonable cookery, e. erienees of a train- ing Baca, life (No. LI , the social code (pari :M), grnternmen clerkships, kinder- regular mooting reeks to be made ant sold in the Dominion. 1 The racks aro very esirable articles for merchants and bush ess men who wish io display their goods t the best advarrtage, and are sold at rea enable prices. The new firm of Button e Seyffert will at once put a man on the resel to push sales, and we trust they will be euceessful in their venture. eef ens. The rev. gentle -1 - n Oddfellow, expressed i Po- somas. accord 'with the aims 0s4i.r...j.H. Dulni ea was at Brussels on society, and said many Wednesday. Ve: a of Galt, was calling on Wednesday: , of Guelph, Was renew - town, this week. it, of Ripley, spent a ends in Wingham. g am. toaftatiLle I: greanrotevial til4ioilly(rNs oTIoI.),I t e dressmaker and preservat on an nathethhntalattllate,° deboided to can itto i milliner, answers to c respondents. Pub. eetedt non• ,„,14'"5", annum. le Club, and .4 .,..,•,,,„. 1 88 Lichinond et., wes , Toronto, at $1 per 7 i lisSed by the Deline or Publishing Co., . Morton; i5Ore- .. .ery.Treasurer, U. 11. orclen. 1 Capt.; R. rata' /testi t of Relay. A. MacLeod; lst Lie,, W. H. Wallace; Sickness generally follows in, the path of '•, 2 ul tient., E. Corn, n ; Bugler, Thos, neglect. Don't be reckless] but prudently ev.ming, at the Queer s hotel, to complete li D'SddaVTIns club wil • mot this (toriclay) I take it few doses of Scott's Emulsion iin- inediitely following exposure to cold. It t tly, organization, and r other business. i will save you many painful days and deep. keatlifIeld's nealin Balsam cures cohls i less nights. Al a "s The Cheapest. Tens Wishes hi Stet The Revel Can most practical farmer to read. "hit" in sectirhi If "The Earl bound arid ha of 118 pp., pn at a lower the Rural. • Guide and on receipt I Mize Sadie Lam few day e visiting f Bartell. at Walker -1 r. Geo. Good was re - 1 S • on on Tuesday last. : newing old atquairsances in town on Tees - the pop business for daY' lid thoroughly under- Mre: .1. W. MeN -tnera, of Ripley, was number of the town visiting her bre-thee Mr. M. Lemont, this body he has been a week' rs. He does not eon - but will attend the dtring the year. The continued success. hem Roth. iati coetineet to be the aper for the all-round It has made a decided the sole right for Canada era' New Guide," a well - mutely illustrated volume dished at $2.50, and not sold e except in connection with very fernier should have the tiral. loth flout to any address f $2.25. Mr. A. E. Bradeiin, of the Blyth Sten- ' dare, was in town Saturday last; on et visit to the parent ml horde. :eae 1 Messrs. E. T. 1•erulin and Ogle Johns- ton spent Sunday ast in Britssels. They Iwheeled it over ar back, i Mr. Samuel El ity, of the Palmerston. Reporter, was vieing in town a couple of idays duringey. the eek. Ile rode over Clinton News ;ecord Mr. W. J. kers, 'Oen, the genial • roprietor of the Albion, I 1 Gobrich, was i Wingham bet Thttradity looking of th purchase of neer furnish. ; inge for the pinse of increasing bit • ready eecellent 1041 1.1400Alrn0dat1011. AM, and Mrs, Jac o Ming, of Wingham, are visiting friends ti Clinton. g of District Dodges will be held at Cons ay, May 22nd, -The Wingham istrict meeting in con. motion with the MI hodist church, willbe held in Winglaarn o the kith and I5th. May, -Mr. D. Stewert s shipping liege tie Oollingwood, this w dr. The prices are good for the hogs no , and they ars nave ing rapidly. - W. R. I3elde has opened it brim:1th gallery in Wroxeter nd is doing a good business in that tow Mr. Belden is sure of a liberal patronag , owing to the class of work he turns out. A nice, nobby, we 1 -made. orrent-fittinte suit, of either Ordered r ready made , (nothing, increases a ma s enuffort antt adds largely to his per rel appearance. The hest place in lin am to get each suits, for the least m my, i, we believe, at . Gonnox's, • he Direct Importer - P. S. -See our 1 weest 1 roomers at $1. Seo our Men's Tweed Vests itt 75c. Noth- ing like them on the Rarket. - Sainnel Sifton, while working in. Mr. Thos. Bell's tqrnicure factory, last Friday, had his rigbe hand badly injured by corning in Conte= with the machine be was working at. ei -Large shipment of export •cattle are being made every. w etc now. Last week , Mr. D. Stewart shipp d t the nrder of Mr, John Scott, Galt, a I go ei nsignment of very fine stock. The Went to the Eng- lish market, via Portleed. . -Arritegemente AXE being rompleted for a grand celebration of Her d,. jest e birth- day in Wieghani, on rPriday, 24111. instant. The celebration veilt lie male.: the eassicee- and for the bens& of the Town Bend, Full perticulars in a -xt T. Parker, of town, conductor on the Lendon, Huron mel Bruce Divieien of the G. T. R., is the kiventor and patentee of a spraying pniam, which • is highly re. commended by tare ts. An effort ia being made to have it test d in this yiciuity, and Mr. Parker has age. el to furnish the primp and mixture to giv the spraying a good test, if a good oral) sd can be secured for the parposeatillie .praying of orchards le highly recommend, d by the Government Experimental Fari i authorities, and th Ontario Governracest have spraying stations in every county in •;he Province, we believe. The Huron station is in the vicinity at Clinton. We trus' the generous offer of Mr. Parker will be accepter!. The spray- ing has to be done six times during the season. -Mrs. Boomer, widow of the late Dean Boomer, has addressed an open letter te the alumni of Hur .11 College, London, the presidents and ma.ibers of parochial and ocher orgenization_ of layworkers, arid in all members of t ia Church of England in the diocese of P uron College. The bis. hop has strongly i idorsed the praiseworthy effort of Mrs. Boo aer, and in it letter to the clergy of the dio ese says "('wing to the extension of the b aiding, which involved a heavy outlay, our funds have lately become wholly inadequats,to meet otir ordinary ex- penses, I therefc a trust her appeal for i college which, nn ler the blessing of God, has accomplisher much good, will meet'. 4 with a hearty a id 'rigorous response "I shall be mach ple ',sect if you will kind'y f1.4 all in your pow.k. to help on the above, necessary work, r it only by your personal efforts, but also 11;, advocating the claims of the college before --lose who rimy be ignor- ttrit of the anxio s position in whieh 11 is now placed." --- Clathan Cet., April 27, 1895. To the Fditor of the Ti ss. Dnen yon do ns the favor to, inform the brigh , intelligent class of young men and women mining your realities, of the gre demand. there is for thoroughly comptent Stenogrepliers. We cannot secure g od material fast enough. to meet the deinan• s made upon us lately for Shorthatiders: Litet .week we were asked to supply tert lady Stenographers. for leading Detroit offices, ons at $10 pee week, but we could tot, a We had none tee send. The opport Mities are grand for those of good avera e robility, who are not afraid of work. We have no nee for drones. D. Merest: ex% Priboitiall Canada Bushels College, Chatham, Werlal 011.Mbutt Ektealition Will be of value tcl the world by illustrat- ing the improvements In the mechanical arts an,d eminent physidane tell Your that' the progreitiitt readicinti batt been of equal Ina tamest awl as al strengthening 1axate Out lapop of It feriti itavalize of al