The Wingham Times, 1895-04-26, Page 6,~15051.0 tailos Been a Sueeess? hitherto 1e11 prejudiees against tbe Mysterious Disappearances. Heart Disease lielieved 1.11 30 Urs5suo, We believer e, howev, that thA e recent article by Dr. Osborne pattkoltrosimfiril ers‘%s)fe'lfalenvil'etrinO 41t,g .$;011 4, it v.r Wit or inquiries sent out to Tim WES GRAM TIMES, APRIL '26, U395. seed grata eerresptindents we asked, prejndicea ones are becoming' fewer in the Medico Legal Journal en minutes and quickly mired, lir Dr, Ag- PRIDAY Anti, 20, 1895. triet. anti with what success? Or are not being more rapidly built is appears, says the Lancet, to afford store, Wingham. ones because of lack of ready fumjs. food for thought, not only to the . t • the inost satisfactory "Have silos been used in your dis-silos "people who Drop Out of Sight" neves Care. Sold at thisbolth's Drug year by year, arid the reason constracted ?" . Now, while it is unwise to increase student but even to the proverbial $*wt s and the Press.Frm twenty-three counties and one's obligations in an uncertain "man on the street." "Tile first ease o A few days ago the Globe publish- ed the following article on the ques- 14 on of libel suits, whieh thoroughly .euthodies mix views and, we are sure, the views of every reputable publisher. We commend the article to all persons who may at any time esmsider themselves aggrieved: '"rhe point above all others that we would like to emphasize in con- ueetion with the recent libel actions is that when anyone feels himself tggrievett by an article which ap- peam in the Globe or any other reputable journal nothing is gained lby running off to a lawyer with the grievant:a before laying is before the ziewspaper. The Globe has no de- isire to publish anything that is false or malicious, or calculated to hurt Anyone's feelings, or make the battle ef life •harder for any manor woman. If anything that it publishes .affords fair ground for complaint it is ready to make reparation cheerfully and' one American) tateShave been receiv- , , home-made, with material which can and industrious, prosperous in his ea thirty-eight replies. Some report he purchased for the price of a few business and exemplary in his fluidly theta to be numerous in their vicinity; speculation yet when a silo can be mentioned is that of a man thriftv others say they are yet few, but in, bogs or a couple of cows, surely 110 relations, who left his house one one will be made bankrupt by putting Sunday afternoon to have a short creasing slowly. In the whole num- iet o 1(4 les , . • . ledge of the present state of aoTicul- he went out not to be late d' owners. Those who have had most ' ture, in the future roust corne minutes, Ile did not return, no c °ks c° it" offeroi.nferlottrove e re it P ce * .. we conclude that success 111 WhiC11 was to be readyfew to do with them speak. out most , farmingcompound. taloa no subs* f el h' 1 11 tute, or Inclose Siena 0 oentein postage In letter of them as being especially valuable production, both of discovered when bis affairs came to stamps. aataess The cooic company, mem t e est prices, an y oNver- reason. for his disappearance was in winter dairying, and also to stook- ing the cost of riassor,Canada, Oxford man : , which are materially aided by the be wound up, as they had to be in ; "Silos are quite numerous in thisSold in Winghain by G. E. Williams, Druggist. breeding, Says an Two years - judieious use of the silo,—Farmers'. the course of tlin i, f h up a good silo. From our know- walk, being reminded by his wife as ook'sCottodloot COMPOUND, recent discovery by an old physician. Suocogsfully uscd monthly by thousanas of Lactigs. Is the only poefectlyr safe and reliahle medicine d. of anything hut satisfaction. to then 0, e forinner, covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists. who di I i la f this Ask for decidedly in their favor, Many speak rom pro ucing that w ac Ian com- trace of him could be found, and no and worlsend slated, IyIreturn mailci Fullseale 1. MCU el b 1 partiqu re in n en, ope to 1d!es only. : • vicinity, and a,11 who have theni like Advocate. • them. The number of silos in- crease yearly, but not as fast as they Far •Ahead of Anything I Have ' should, or must, if winter dairying Ever Used. is to be a success." From Huron we Mr. John Ilitzer. merchant, Waterloo. given Stark'13 powders hear, "Silos are gaining ground in ItYrsi./ 1 "bre Conosteiix,etnenesssi,veIi i4c2naenTi . this district. They aro all built of kand Nruriai?giea) wood.—mostly inside the barn. Some find them to give the greatest Batista°. of those who have them were ells., tion in my family 1 can very highly nd I couraged the first year; the ensilage recommethem., They are far ahead of anything I have ever used, and 1 have I did not keep well, for some reason— tried many remedies." Sold by all drug. =grudgingly ; it would sooner err ! probably lack of skill in handling ; gists at 25c a box, 5 boxes $1. Nice to don that side than come short of doing ; but the longer they use them the take, immediate and permanent. ;justice. What we ask of persons ' better they like them." An Ontario 'who consider themselves aggrieved . correspondent says: "There are Anecdote of Hawthorne. ts to come to us first. One does not 1 several silos in this district; nearly require a lawyer to tell him whether all have been successful. One ,or his reputation is injured by a news- two parties complain somewhat. ,paper article, or whether the repara- The reason in one case was corn too Von that is offered is fair and green ; in another, too much waste of reasonable. We do not ask anyone space near top. These difficulties to abandon his legal rights. Let have, I expect, been overcome the those be kept in reserve in case the past season. Our own silo is a coin - Attempt at amicable settlement fails. Plete success." Says a Northunther- But if once the matter is thrown into land man : "There are twenty-two thp courts the chances of an amicable silos in this section, and as many ii isettlement are very much lessened. • more have a place picked out to It is an offence against legal etiquette i build one. . In faet, every farmer for the parties to come together and 1 is satisfied with them, and all, with - talk over the matter. Costs are out exception, are pleased with the incurred on both sides, and the 1 results," Our Prince Edward Co. higher they mount up the more i correspondent says: "A few silos . reluctant each party becomes to 1, were built last year. Here is what abandon what be regards as his ; one practical farmer says of his silo: rights. Law reform is urgently I 'We have used one for nine years, later, in a shop in one of the Southern States of America, a man who had — been known as an industrious, although tactiturn, workman suddenTO - ly seemed to wake up and asked where he was and how he had got there. Gradually things came back to him; he remembered leaving his house in the North on a Sunday afternoon two years before, but everything that happened subsequent- ly was as if it had not been. Nothing of his wanderings could be discovered further than that some months before he had •appeared in the town in which he came to himself and had .101.A.••••anahAnna....6•It..1•101,1. This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 ePat piece (1r a 5 cent piece of the 141%1109s T 8" brawl of pure Virginia Toone= The tin tag "T.& B". is on every ailing ipn* PUDLISIIED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET' WINGI1AX, ONTARIO. Aubserititiouprtee•at per yciar.in advance.. A0VhIRTISINO Rang: - Spacel yr. 1 b aim commit 00.00 540 00 I 020 00 0 00, LIMP " 40 00 Vo 00 12 00 4 00, Quarter " 20 00 12 00 I 700' 200 one Inch 600 8 00 2 00 1, 1,2o, oiiil 0t,,01.011.81;3 adverilbemeati, $o pllr line for lirst insertion, and 80. per thic fo each subsequent imitation. Lowil notices 10o, pc& Ulm tor first insertion, and, lcot lit ins N 1 0.dvertiseintints of Lost, Pound, Strayed; Situations, and Business Chances 11 anted, not exceeding 8 lines nenotweil, 01 per month' HOUBOS and Venus for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines... 51 Hist month, 600, per subsequent month 'these teems will be strictly adhered to Special rates for local ativertieemonts, or fot longer periods. Adyertisintiente cold local notices without specifie- directions, will on inserted till forbid and charge, eceordineiy. l'ette,e-ory advertisements must paid in atIvancl. tiliangeo for contract advertirments men be enice by Wednesday noon, in order to appee . per line tor each inibs notice will be charged lee!u than rt' •,•1010111.1.11541 wok To meet the wishes of their ctistomPrs The Geo. E. Tuckett 4.4 Son Co., Ltd„ Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of 66 11, ELLIOTT Peoruniwort AND Pumannst DR blACDONALD, CENTRE STREET. 7:7)99 wis,m,m, A very good storyr elat lug to - asked for and obtained work, which Nathaniel Hawthorne is being told. he had performed diligently and At one time the famous author was efficiently. He was restored to his the 'United. States consul at Liver- family, and at the time the article pool. During this period there walk- was written had resumed his former ed into his office one day a young life. Another and even more strik- man who desired assistance. He was ing case is related—that of a lawye.r, a Yankee, he said, and had left home - a well-known public man and .politi- to make a fortune in foreign fields, clan, of more than usual ability and ----- but had failed, and now, tired of the a prominent Social and professional struggle in a Strange land, and position. clay, i One ay, while in the heartily homesick as well, he wanted midst of some intricate and impor- the consul to provide him with money tant legal work, he stepped outside enough to pay his way back to for a few minutes. He also dis- America. The chief clerk, regard- ap-peared. The most vigorous and ing the lad with suspicion, and feel- thorough search failed to discover ing that his story was cooked up for him, dead or alive. Streams and the occasion', informed him that Mr. reservoirs were dragged, woods were Hawthorne could not be seen, but -searched and every means -at the dis- the boy was persistent, and finally posal of wealth and influence were required, but one excellent way to and would not do without it if we carriedP • used to discover his whereabouts. avoid the cost, delay aid anxietynf I had to build one every year. -En- to his solicitation, and went into Mr. He was known to be abstemious in o. -law suit is to keep out of it until silage is the feed for beef and dairy Hawthorne's private office. . . — his habits and happy in his home and *U Other nenettree* have failed." I cattle, pigs, and other stock. There "There's a boy out there who in- • ,,a, searching examination of his bust - i • nets affairs failed to- reveal the slight - spring Time able to the farmer.' " says he's an American, but I don't est irregularity in them. Several Is when nearly everyone feels the need 1VIATERIALS USED, AND MODE OF believe it." months passed, when at length word of some blood purifying, strength in— CONSTRUCTION.—We find that the "I'll see him," said the consul and , came through government channels ' arigoratiau and health producing meth, .. majoiity of silos are built of • wood, walking Out into the main office, he mane: The real merit of Hood's Sarsa.• that the missing man was in Australia "Janne is the reason of its vdidesprend and mostly square in form. A good- said, "Well, my lad, what do you - and was applying for means of estab- ilionniatity. Its uunlialled Success is ly number are double lined (hemlock), want ?" fishing his identity and procuring his !Ilea best recommentlat ion. The whole with tarred paper or felt between. The boy told him his story. 4isyetem is susoPptible to the most good is no other food so cheap and profit- sists upon seeing you," he said. "Be . lransportatiOn home. He was suc- from a intrlieine like Hcod's Sarsaparilla laemlock boards for the outside and "What part of America do ,oessfai in satisfying his friends of his ataken at this time, and we would lay matched tamarack for the inside have •IF•peCistl Stress upon the time and remedy, been recommended. Says a Glen - tor history bas it recorded that delays garry correipondent: "Silos mostly Notre danizerons. The remazkactle succees e e anchieved by Hood's Sarsai,trilla and the C-°11StrUted of Wood somhav tonany words or praise it has received, their lower section of stone when ataake it worthy or )otir COD tidence. We constructed inside abasement barn." teak you to give this medicine a fair trial. From Northumberland we learn that matched pine coated with coal tar AdViaa to Young Men. gives good satisfaction as a lining, Never whip your brain. All high as the tar keeps out the dampness- preseure is dangerous. Study to from the lumber. The inside boards think as quietly and as easily as next the ensilage,are usually dressed. you breathe. Never foi ce yourself One great essential is to secure tcrlearn what you have no talent for. strength in the frame, so that there Knowledge without love will remain may be no giving away, for the ,re lifeless manufacture, not a living pressure is very great. A silo should growth, Be content to be ignorant be deep, and not too large (in surface or 'ninny things 511/15 you nnty know I of ensilage) for the stock kept. one thing well. and that the thing I Rocrxn SILOS—Round silos are -which God especially endowed you coming into use in many sections, to know. It requires fire to fuse the and give satisfaction in every in- artaterials of thinkiug, 710 less than to stance. From Whitchurch town - limit the iron in the foundry. But ship, Ontario Co., we hear of round remember this, however strong you I silos being built like cistern-tubs,-- anay be,. physically, to strike a blow; with two-inch planks, held together and however sharp, intelleetually, to I by iron hoops. They are said to be recognize a fact and discern a differ- 'much cheaper than other wooden trice, your success in the game of 1 structures, and appear to answer the life depends on the serious eulture ' purpose quite as well, awhieh you give to the third forma- ,./FONE SILOS — Our • Wisconsin tivk force in human character, your correspondent writes: "The Stone luoral nature, and of this element a silos, with outside of wood, and comprehensive expression is found in I plastered inside with cement, are the right simple word, love. On this 1 proving best, arid when stone and. l prophets, poets and philosophers 1 lime are plenty, are cheap ,at the end are agreed,—Prof. Blackie., of twelve t� fifteen years." From Middlesex, and elsewhere, we learn A Ilapp3rhoice. C * i of silos, having stone foundations, — 1 upon which a brick wall is built, and AFTER 25 rF1ARS. dk WISE Tiff CHOOSES TRE Iare giving' entire satisfaction. In the whole lined with cement, which ftnaionm, atro ; Brant Co. some are built of stone, alHER SOX TELLS. OF WoNDIMPUL lined with matched lumber, and are EFFECTS. ' 1 proving satisfactory, Gsa•retimitx,— In the spring of 1891 I One Peterbores eorresponderitSays: iprot a bottle of 11. 13. B. for toy mother, ,,If softie who have had success with male hint been troubled for 25 years with -- - ' ' . Sick Head•mhe. I got it from Mr. 1•1. SHOS would aplairi their methods in Paxton Baird, of Woodstock, N. B., who 'the Advocate, it would be profitable *aye me two other medicines to take her reading to many subscribers," . olitoire. Fortunately she otiose the B. B. IL. and 1 returned the other bottles, She At Bothwell,Om'' . a cement eon- UPI/14 it Mt three meeting and has had no erete silo has given splendid satie- Headache slues. We are sure it Wile B. faction. Z. H. voted her HS Ishe took no other The above testimony, coming, as it Iskedicine. does, from leading farmers, } hOttid .14*Alli AN A. Gem. ' lItirtford, X. D. 1 carry cmvier,ion to many who have teething, with perfect suecems. It soothes the ohild and is thehest remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant te the taste. Sold by Druggists in inert, part of 0'4 ed it to resume his, what we may cail 1Vorlo. Twentv•five. cents a .tottle. Its value is ordinary identity ? These are in- inetticulable. he sup rd ask for Mem, Winslow s come from ?" "United States." "What State ?" "New Ifampshire, sir," "What town ?" "Exeter." identity, money was transmitted to pay for his passage and in due time he arrived. After a short period of srest he resumed his professional work . and has since continued to be just as - he was before his sudden and. quite Hawthorne looked at the boy unaccountable disappearance. It is steadily for a moment. Thee he quite an interesting question. How said, "Exeter, eh ?" - are such cases to he accounted for ? "Yes, sir," replied the boy. The suddenness of the disappearance, "Who sold the best apples in your the absence of motive and the utter town ?" asked Hawthorne. inability of the patients to give even "Skim -milk Folsom, sir," returned the slightest account of their expert - the boy. enees during the time which elapses "He's all right," said Hawthorne, between their disappearance and with a smile to the clerk. "Give their coming to themselves, all give him his passage."—Harper's Young a certain weird character to these People. . aberrations. Are they of the nature of .post epileptic phenomena ? Are they lapses into an alter ego, and if slow, 8..oilass• Syrop has been used for over fifty another such lapse occurred would years hy panning of methers for their Oilmen whilethe patient take up the thread of this safeso the gums; allays all pain cures wind colic. second existence where he had dropp- . For Oyer Flfty Year* AN PCT;D AND WNL1..TRIUD litHAIRDY.—MCD. Win Soothing Syrup, an ta e no other kind. teresting questions. Unfortunately, they are unanswerable. All that we --- Have a Hobby. can say 18 that these disappearances The man who undertakes to. culti- partake of the character of post of epileptic phenomena, and that in vate some fad like the growing plants, the raising, of fish, photogra- some,patients who have suffered phy, etomology, boating, bicycle from lapses similar to, if not so severe ing, athletic sports, microscopy, as those just described a more or loss painting, drawing, music, fishing, definite history of true fits of epilepsy ono has been obtainable. And another hunting, and a thousand and other things which may d , thing is also significant; viz., the very close resemblance that these attacks the head of personal recieation, has always something within his reach bear in their character, if not in tileir which makes him independent of the duration or severity, to sotnnam- outsidorkl. The boating — man is bulism, while the relation which this e 1,V flyover *king' his canoe or yacht bears to epilepsy, if not very definite, - — with paint or varnish and fittings of IS 6edainlIY close. Yet whatever ", his own invention. The mineral°. theory is put forward to explain such gist has an endless pleasnra ar. phenomena as those just referred to, in ranging his speeimens and in obtain- they remain striking and mysterious, ing those which are new, The hiteresting in their psychological 0yer aspect, but in their concrete form full sportsman fights his - battle of' practieal and medieo-legal difileul- again, and the fishermen attends to niece. 1,rr:KF. H., 6. •,., ...1,.... 9..NE- .5".".::. •it: . \... '1/4 IND1 t ''..,:t 10Mb ' ti :7- '1“1$1.1L;S:: '..: 4 ....,......, tlFi 0 P. 41 6.1.1V .9 1411.71,F...5,1 X . IP . FOR,/. CASE IT Wit.. NOT An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 26o., 50o.. and 81.00 per package. Samples free. CURE KO NO fiLittecTattane TM &V Dold Itt uoi her Drug Store. BRISTOL'S Sarsaparilla ,Cures Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Scrofula, Sores, and all Eruptions. BRISTOL'S . Sarsaparilla Cures Liver,Stomach and Kidney Troubes, and Cleanses the Blood of all Impurities. BRISTOL'S Sarsaparilla_ Cures Old Chronic Cases where all other remedies fail. Be sure and ask your Druggist for xnEusirords Sarsaparilla For Twenty-five :Years his tackle and invents facts tp ilius - e ties. All trate his next year'8 xp1 oi ts. harmless amusements, bat more valuable than gold,,...because. they take a man allay; from himself.7— nuainevs. DUN N'S ONTARIO.- v•Ar B. TOWLEB. Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— , Office Up•stairs next to Mr Morton's office, Wing— ham, Ont. 1 orrias OUHR.-9 to 12 a. in., 1 to p. 01 0. 1 Residence, Diagonal Street. T 0, KENIVIIDY, M. D., M. C. 0.5 0, , J. - rum.) G• Id Medalist of Western university: Late 11011DEP Surgeon in London General Menke]. Special atten• tion paid to diseases of women and children. - 0ffice—Forinerly occupied by Dr. Moldrurn,Cornea- of Centro and Patric:I streets. tt mean • Oss, DR. MoASII,, Al. B. Toronto, Member College Physicians and, Surgeons, Ontario, UELDRAVE ONTARIO VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town; and farm property bought and sold OFFICF.—Beaver Block Wisenut J. A, MORTON BARRISTER Winghani (int E. L. DICKINSON, :Barrister Etc. SOLICITOR TO am; or ItAUTLTON. EOM' TO. LOAN. Office—Dever Block, Whighani. DENTISTRY.—J. S. J &Kiln:, L. D. S.,Wisensit, TA manufaeturing first -claws sets of* ttikis-lk.x-ti teeth as cheap as they, can be trade tit!erf6'4 in 1, Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed pear tly safe. OFFICE In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Douse. ARTHUR IRWIN, D. D. 41., L, U. 84 Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania. Dental College. oFPicE, mACDONALD,s BLOCK. JOH,N. arrouiz, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WIMillAJA+ 13. DEAN'S, WiNciass, ONTARIO LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TEE COUNTY OF IIURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges BAKING Moderate. pow THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND 11P, • J'OHN CURRIE, w - INSEAM, ONT,, VI, It • ;!1114:1' LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TILE COUNTIES 515113024 AND 1113005, All ardent left at the TIMES Oleo promptly attend 00 to, Tering teasonable. LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. AMES ItgiliA118014, LIORNMED AUOTIONEER PON 00052,8,1 OMR All Darer, M1 sales attended to promptly Mid on the Shortees : OlturgeSIdoileenteatid SatieftetiOn Guaranteed. Mi neeessary arrangements can be made et th Toms' mice 17 cietiLth Ogg ' POWDERS Core 8Idif HEAtIAOHE n,l 4eorelgla in 20 MINUTES, alio Coated Tongue, Diu!. A wenian never makes up her tiovargatiZety13111,h..Vg.Tgre„nd mind to do a thing ; she does it, and regulate the towels. VERY' tittok 1"222. kes 11P her mind afterwards. • Pittot ks cmorso 131,00 StOktlie. Money to Loan on Notes, Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Stoney advatiecd ot; Mortgages at 8 pia (mar& privileca 01 paying at the and of any year, Note and AC00111153 colleeted. MoINZOO. Heaver woog wintrimal, Ont.