The Wingham Times, 1895-04-26, Page 5C IJIIOSS. The township council met at Town Hall, '1'ceswater, April 13th, 1805, as per motion of adjournment, Members all present, The Reeve in - the chair. The minutesof last meet- ing eeting of council were mead. McKay-- Reid—That cKay- .Reid—That the minutes as just react kbe amended by making motion No.. 8 read that the money for Mrs. Me- Phco be paid to Mrs. McKinnon, in- stead of We. McDonald, aaad the txtinutes as amended be adopted— Carried. Reid -•--Kuntz—Into t by- ' law No. 5, beim a by-lawfor the ap- pointment of pathrnastcrs, fence - viewers and iriounclkeepers, be now, reed a third tine, passed, signed and sealed—Carried. Johnston—McKay ' —That as the bridge on con, 10, lot 3, is in a dangea'c.•us condition, that Mr. Kuntz have It repaired as on as possible, in theway he thinks — Carried. McKay — Reid -- That the Clerk write fror an advance . copy of tl'ntario Statutes in Paper +co �, ver-LCae<rried. Kuntz—Joitnets:m —That• the Reeve and Deputy -Reeve ' 'inspect the assesstuent roll, after the assessment is completed, and report at next meeting ---Carried. Reid— Johnston—That as there is one bent .carried away from the bridge on ;28th silieroad, con. 7, that Me. Mo - Kay have it repaired as soon :tes tpos- • sible—Carried. Finsnee Report—Francis Orowe, bracing and nutting ice, Orange 4 bridge, $5; Rutherford Sons, assess- ment roll and stationery*, $8:5C. leuntz—Johnston—That the finance report as just read be adopted :and • cheques issued for the satntc—.Oar- ried. Welwoa'id — Johnston —Meet this•:eouncil do now adjourn 'to )meet again on Monday, the 27th sof Mey, 1896,••at 9 a. m., as a Court •df Re- •vision••and Appeal of the Assessment Rolland also.'for the transstetion of •ther• business—Carried. CHAS. BUTToti, ;Cleat. 'The Culross Board of Heel+th met fat Teeswater, March 16th, 11895, ,after adjoutmment of Counniil,;at .the -edit Of the chairman. Moved::by • Peter Kuntz, seconded by ;Wm. Iteitl,•that the.Seeretary to he•out a ;written -statement at each sitting of Board of ;Health of the weather of .eases of a ohifectious c.r celntagIous .diseases r'epor'ted to him from ,sitting to sitting;'also, the number c f•doatths 'and ifrom\ what cause, anti the -.sante t1;,4be•entered in the minutes—.Carried. a MavedtbylJ. Welwood, seeomdetl by 'Wm. Reid,.that this Boatel do.now :atdjournttolaneet at the Mil .of the Ua !YJ.Rrl.�l'Al7.�if rA,.:i'.+1�.AA'�i yyiYDr�h� i.f '.,(), r�►�a%, 1V.ROXI'iTEll.. Dir. dela A. narmarc, of the Ilam of nitwit & ear. narei, Uatmeal Dlinere, has conaento'1 to act as uarett for the Xmas. Wroxeter, an'd will deceive sul'Jertp. $iene, ete., for aurae. . The Kickapoo- Indians have been amusing the people hero this week.. Tied to Rev. Harry E. Marson, should Their meetings have been largely feel amply guarantees] fa life of attended,—Mr, John Munro, jewel- happiness in the truest sense of the ler, of Newton, was in town lest word ; for the stun which has lately week. •-- Robert Rao has gong to been rather stinting in his favors Chatham, where he purposes taking shone out to,rb'ty in his g cry, It a course in the Business College.---- was just such a dety as oste could Our famous baseball club has reor- wish otawhich to oelebrato so solemn ganired.. They expect to play` their and yet festive an event. The eere- first game of the season tats Mftdmav, f molly was performed in the Con - on May 2 th,—Thos. Gilson, M. I . , greg*ationas ci►ureh in the afternoon P,, has returned from 'Toroeto,--Mr. at 1.30 and long before that hour the Geo. Allen, C. P. R. agent at Tees- spectators and•riuests bean to as- 'w'atten, spent Sunday with friends semble,>llncl When the bridal party ltereseeThe Royal Tenniliars had a .artived the church was completely very• successful meeting en Friday filled with an audience composed evening last. Six. new members .chiefly of women. Very little at - were initiated and 'an >excellent pro- tempt was made at decoration. The gramme was rendered. The society alcove in the rear of the" pulpit was Is growing in nmethersss well as in 'decorated Wf.th evergreen and Easter 'usefulness. ' lilies, but '(tile bright colors of the '?sir. T. W. Gi.+bsan,'sf the Bureau gaster millinery wean by the ladies of'Mines, son of 11Ireles L. Gibson, of relieved airy suspie~ion of sombreness ltltis place, lead a :paper before, the anti rendered decoration quite nit - Geological and Mining section of the nee ssat'y. The seene was pretty in +Canadian Ins1a'fiarte,i oronto, on Bat- itself. Tine bride .‘wore a dress ed l• turday evening :last. The subject !heliotrope silk, triummed with peaails. 'was the vast, poetically unsettled, Thcconventional %veil was dispensed ‘With bet she %eaarried a bea rtlKeul ... ..sr..,u...,•+.�..axswy+.rrury..W,.rr SAIJFJM. If as 'tis said "happy ie the, bride whorl the sun shines on," surely Miss Lizzie Frame, daughter of Ales.. Frame, who was on Tilut•5(lrty n r - • and largely :nne;tplored portion .0 Ontario stretching from Lakes Super- ;bouquet of yellow roses.- She pro- . Huron anal •1'tlpissing, nordli to James' l3ay, and in particular that part of it wwhiets lies north Of the height of ln'td. The villgge 'council met on 'the Itbuttel'-cup trepan. She too 'carried evening of the 116th instant. Mem- 1:a bouquet of roses. As, the lbrid€a1 hers present—LT. 13. Sanders, ]Reeve, ; party -entered else church, the (organ and Councilliors'Win. Wilson, W. .A. 'pea11ed forth the bridal eh ee,,•s 'f'rorn Rutherford ;antL'•John J. A. Barnard. Lohengrin, Roger W. Robert Ipr•esid- Tho Reeve in else ebair. tliaanrctes .ef Wing -at the instrument. The grooms - last Ineetiin g ••were read and confirm- • was Stewart Campbell The ed. _ The feillowing accounts .were :.wedding cesniuony was perlformed handed ha:€and•on motion by W..A.::by'Rev. D. S. 'Hamilton, ,of Forest, Rutherford, sieeonded by A. Barnai'd, i -who was assisted by Rev. Geo. Fuller, were pa,esed'arfd debentuers *Moved tpasa.or of thesehurch. Immediately for the same, , viz : S. • Playford„! the' ceremony ' was over dee %brida l shovelling. enow, 81.68; Geo. e'astilin, l'tparty •left the•t:hur eh, while the organ du., 81.1'.22r,'R. J. Evens, de., 8'1312'x; `;presented Mendelssohn's \wedding Geo. Batrnord.l j r., ;do., $t.73:; •ITohn i mettle and repaired to the i esidence Mcleod„ doe. -81.03;'R, Thynne, ,'dor, oittk•e bride's father, 'Jiaon'wood" 80c.; D. alifelles, do., 20c.; D. igKttalke,'on 1J:ames •street, where a wed - do., 15e;- Jas. -Jones, do., -15e.; •Sim.k aroding • breakfast was seeved. Air. Willis, •-, •:vri0c.; D. McBrk e, •do., I and Mrs. Mason left oto the after - 25c.; A.. Paulin, plowing :s't'raw., '$2;'nocih train fib'. Rochester, N. Y. Henry Wtlits,''•do., '84.50; D. :i sun I The bride isr.the youngest 'daughter ders, panting, $3.50. On spot<leti lby s dfJA•lex, retinue, of the Perth ,Mutual Win. Wdiisou, seconded by .11. A. 'Fir'e'Iusurelneo Co., and the -grand- Barnatel, the. Clerk was instructed to it3,aatghter aiethe late Stewart Camp - notify 'Samuel Willis that the aeoun- deal]. .'Th • bridegroom, affwrry E. cif will mhos ;be - responsible Ter Geo. Masr n, is •a ;raduate of the Oongre- Smith s board, after the Nth .ef the',tional C011ege, Montreal, ;and won present !month. On motion ;by IWne .eke golid•an sd€al at the rec 't•examin- Wilsen, :seconded by J. 11- i3anrtard, actio' -Js, taking a very high -attending. •oeeaetl'to the altar supported by Ther I:father, rby whom she was given away. '`Phe bridesmaid swas her sister, Miss Minnie E. Frame, who was attired in hairman—Carried. I the coots lltatjjourned to aneet .on the ale • has elargc of the II•ehwii+tk and The tiuirsss Board of Heath :met - at Teeswataer, April 130, lfsatesafter ;adjournment of Council. Moved by .5. 'Welwood, seconded by 'Peter euntz,•that any physician wklo•is at- ntling;a.patient in the towa•sliip of •C tilross-suffering from any oatntagious disease, -dangerous to the Ipdltalic 'health, 4hall affix or cause to be af= fixed, near -the front entrance to the ?house, a estatard to be supplied by 'the eecttetary of the local 13oard of :Health. The:placard shall be:sfflixed within twenty-four hours of the .dis• 'eovery of rthe disease, and be so Alaearded :that it can be rend.bv. mypersons,fypproaching thehouse; 'said placarding to be done wviathout okipense to ]foetal Board of Health or to Township, and being in ee ili- an:ce with t(i'�?ie., ehap. S. S. '? .of.B, 1, and said ;physician shall within twenty-four hours notify Chas. Brat- ton, Teeswatee T. 0., Ont., secretary of Cit Toss Boaud of health, of ail sueh eases; the .secretary to send eases physician practising in the Township of Culross a •eopty of this motion and forms in compliance with Publie Health Aet—•Carried. Moved by Pyter Kuntz, seconded by Wm. Reid, tl • t this board do now adjourn to Meet again on Monday, May 27th -- Carried. HENrax McKee', Chairman. SEAFOIt•TII, third Ttaesday of May,. or at the •eall Wurnberry.Congreg€ational •.churches of the Reeve. Iiin Huron c inty.—Stratfotrd llierald. J. COwAX, Clerk.-..---- • 'baary Markets. 'Montreal, *twit 22—Th'e ..outlook tfor old•cheeso•is pretty bine. Stocks EAST `WAWANOSIL- Mr. Thomas Lind's brief; ']house, on the imtllreoaicession, was tbnaanad •liere.are heavy and holders;aare:offer- to the ground one evening recently. ing ac leaver ;'Price: with little sec The fire ,commenced in the attic and .cols. .New.e-lteese is coming:forward bad made =considerable headway be_ in •small• quantities but shippers are 'fore it teas enticed, and there .being •paying it no attention whatever. I no man beleiin'the ceiling, they were Sales 01' fresh severe made at 12e to blo to e�.tirxg' 'fish the fic'e. A6Te 1Z.ie. Arrivals are only fairly large !una sbututhe, arekniore than sufficient for are pleased to :,state, however, that y everything With the exception of regrtiremen.ts. some potatoes ;in the cellar, was sav- ed. Insuraanee.$300.—We are pleas- ed to hear that Mrs. J. Wilson, of the•3rd eoneeeeion, who was the vie - fasas of a. setiota�;•ttnd what might have the demand. runs almost exeimisi•ve- proved a fatal Accident, a few days 1y on the :fresh unade article, both ago is on the arae ' 1 dairy.a regards to the pump eat.rying• ► o e ,pail of hot water•:and when about to 'step on to the platform a large por- •tion of the earth around the wen gave way carrying Mrs. Wilson 'down a distance orf ten feet where it lbr•olee through alletdecayed crib, and had she not caughlt hold of a piece of . oat she would certainly have been drowned. She was badly scalded about the face and Arms,. but further,. no serious injury was sustained.— Mr.. Thomas Fothergill has hired With Mr. R. Corley for the summer months. The most disastrous fire that has isited Seaforth for 4eome time, oc- curred early 1Vednesday morning of last week, when the Commercial hotel, billiard and sample rooms to the rear were completely destroyed, and the Bank of Commerce block was badly damaged by lire, smoke and water. So completely did the fire do its work that only the founda- iion of the billard room and the bare ick .walls of the hotel were left tanding.---At a meeting of the turf club, held at tho Commercial hotel on Saturday of last week, it was de- cided to hold a two days' race meet on July lst and 2nd. `The club will have six races on the programme, and purse to the amount of - 1,8.)() wilt be offered, J %i+: oi1o,.ncl. The annual meeting of the Grand Camp S. 0, S. was held at Niagara Falls are Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. The reports showed good progress a•ntl a generally healthy condition of the: fin€utee a. The (,rand Chief's report r'efer'red to the national insur€tnce features of the association, :ttivi,eating a elu nge •of the insurance system from level to graded system, printing; out the feeling for the ret•'ratian of trick benefita, alluding; to the progress the association has snare :~lute .organiza- tion in 1886, the present statue being la1 .camps. A graded assessment system was adopted. by the Grand Camp. The Grand Medical Exam - liter's report showed that out of nearly 2,000 initiations for the last two year's there IlrtNus teen only two ',deaths. The a:tai;tl. Secretary's report suggested the extension of the association to the sister Provinces, .also the adoption of -an official :journal. It was approved of. The Grand Treasurer's report showed as follows; Beneficiary Band balance on hand, 13th April, 1894, $4,189.03; receipts during year, $28,946.05 ; interest on same, $1199.85 ; total, $33,334.43, Expenses ---Checks for 33 beneficiaries, ;;26,,t;00 and 10 per cent. for i%escrve ;fund. 82,901.87 ; interest to-teseree 'fund, $197.90; total, $29,09.9..77, leaving a balance of 84,2406. '`Phe general fund shows a •cieticit 'of $585.51. The reserve heed shows to its credit 87,480. ;t., Thechange of annual to biennial meetings of Grand Camp was passed •al:ter ;a spirited discus- sion. Theeledtion of officers resulted as follows:: •Oliief, Cul. Campbell, Milton 7 .chieftain, Alex. Fraser, Toronto.; •sieretary, Capt. Robertson, Toronto ; :t reas are r, Alex. Hay, Toronto.; %Chaplain, Rev. Tiro. Binnie; medical ,examiner, Dr. Wylie, Toron- to ; marshal, .I. D. Livingstone, Forest; :standard-bearer. Dr. McFaul, Staytser; senior.guard, Bro. McLean, Oshawa.; ,Junior ga urd, Bro. Stewart, Sanwa.; 'trustees, itrus. past chiefs Wingfield, eleCrae and McLean. T URN BER1:. Y. Thetfine brick residence of Mr. W. H. Mote clot 11, conte. sion.12, was destroyed by :fire on • Monday morn- ing last, between two and three o'clock. About two o'clock, Mr. Elliott �was:a;wakened, the fire hav- ing started in a f,•ame kitchen at- tached :to the hank. He immediately gave tihe:alarm. and soon a number . of the areigttl•hurs gathered and did all they •could, but, they were un- able to suladue the flames, which spread to the house and it was soon redueed to ashes. Nearly all the contents w _re saved. Insured in the Culross Mutual for a trifle over $900 on house and contents. Mr. Elliott intends to rebuild at once. The engine of an express train consumes twelve „allots of water for ' each mile traveled. The Trade ]Bulletin says : Not the, remotest encouragement can we .give I to htli lers of •the old held over butter 1 •that Remains unsold in this market, mend. She was ging ieteamea, Y and . O 1r n hand a old dairy stock ilhere have been sailer 1 KLNTAII',, Two old residents of Ashfield passed away last week, in the persons of 11essrs. P. Austin, Sr., and E . AloDonald, who were buried the former on Tuesday and the latter on Friday.—Mrs. Kncightl, of Stratford, with her family, is visiting her brother, Hev. N. J. Dixon.—Mr. D. Matheson leaves this week for Thessalon, where he has secured a situation, --There is a grand opening in our village for a harness maker, a tinsmith and a tailor, if such • tradesmen should see fit to locate here. In North Oxford all bar -rooms are to be closed at 9.30 p.m. hereafter. of -good. solid boring western at lie to 10e to jobbers in Bonseeorar:t market, with stiles of selections at 10e to Ile., the .poorer grades beteg difficult to •dispose -ef at 7c. In feet hundreds ,of packages have been of- fered at the latter figure without meeting with any response from buy- -ers.- Sales of Gild creamery have been reported at 12e. to 13c., and one dealer stated that he had, some of this deseription that be would be glad to take 12e for. Even for fresh made the market .shows a de- clining tendeney, and lie. is the top figure that can now be depended on for creamery, and 18e, to 181c. for Eastern townships. Toronto, April 22. ---The offerings of butter are large and stocks here ; continue to inereasc. ' A lot of dairy tub was offered today at Go. and not taken, and dealers say it is difficult to „et over 9e. for most of what is' offering. Large rolls are slow and'., continue to accumulate, and the or- dinary run sells tit 10e to 18e is - quoted for choice baskets. Creamery 1 is easier at 20c for rolls and lllc for tubs. I The Toronto Globe will erect a handsome structure eon the old site.1 Tjlc east is put down ata 21,000. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment .when rightly used. Tho many, -who live bot - tor than others and enjoylife more, with loss expenditure, by more promptly .adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas - mit to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lux. a,tivo ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently During constipation. It has given aatisfaotion to millions and mot with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly fete front every objectionable substance. Syrup of. Figs is for sale by all drugs gists in 75e. bottles, but it ict manus featured by the California, Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the tntime, Syrup of Figs. and .being well informed, you will aeee�at any aubititute if offered. •v jr�a i mom -ANI) '1'I11•'-._ tom. B k+.+ -vs• .c....r.,s9 Have come to stay, and with them low prices in all (laiar,nu•itt. of our large and well assorted stock of Dry (rood;, (h'ocerioa, hate and ('taps, and all other lines kept in a well ,. " },, • re ' no dlfa it'lwi• uhaat the credit arranged establishlrrent, and it An in E practice may Fav to the trade; in every case, the honest Tuan pays for the cli.'•'•'l:e't, vL'a pays. more for ]his own goods. heady Cash is hound to rale the ven uiercial world, and we are ready teshow r?" matter to eonvinee :� nen ieeen yon how it is done. It is not a �1A ay it tottrlles lks Locket, frit us in possession, and we will give yell a pointer how to save f:urn 25 to 1i() per cent. all round on goods bought from us. We buy SEM t' tied SEM {'ash, and, give you the benefit every time. t p i - to have been somewhat- depressed You all know that IMO during the last year. Yet,, Our business has been steadily increasing beyond our most saegu}nc ex- pectations, and the secret of it all is this : Square Dealing, Honest, Goods, e and Better Values than you ran get elsewhere. Give us a call. No trouble to show goods. EA Yon know it is not an sy matter to enumerate the cheap list. There are so many bargains we can show you, that space will not permit. All we want is personal insl;ection. Prices will do the rest. We are here to please. ,i DRESS MAKING ON`�t•x Ea -CUTTING AND FITTIA SP' MACDONALD BLOCK. THE PREMISES. •CIALTY. G. McINTYRI, WIN G HAM. ® THAT SPRING HAS G . IIOUSE CLEANING and a general sorting up and changing will be the order of the day. A great many homes will want some new Furniture of some kind, and as I am in that line of business and have a large stock of ED ROOIVI SWWTES, SIDE BOARDS, EXTE 9 IO ABLER PARLOR SUITES, &y`. •" D ei a 9 I would ask that anyone wantin to - •t the very lowest prices, and the latest designs in such articles, shoul - c' and inspect what I have to offer. Some people think that in order t. g- : value for their money in Furniture l they must send to Toronto. Th'- ' a great mistake, in my opinion, for a !great deal of the Furniture tha advertised in Toronto is mauuft•ctured right here in Wingharn, and I think you can buy just as cheap at hone and • have the goods delivered and set up in your homes free of extra cost.. You must remember that Furniture has changed• a great deal in price during the last year or two, and for proof, note the following reductions. You can buy now for Cash : j -35 Oak Bed Room Suites for $28 00 $50 Suites for t S35 :30 • " 23 CO ! And we have them a' low ao ;o 1 `23 " -18 00, ,'for good tiro ,� piece Suites. 20 Maple Suites for 10 00 ; SIDEL"UARD ' 18 1450132#a'rd"8Oalcfur$20 and 221 I 15 " 12 50 i Nice Oat Sideboards for / 1 t and 16 ' 12 Elan Suites for 9 50 ' In E. r. o e have theta ns i,- as 5 50 and 6 10 • • +' 800 Uou:•:leo, sprrngbottoms, for 6 1 . IN EXTENSION SION ThBLEs. I Louaa„a a 5 $12 ones (Solid Oak) for $l.o 00 10 •• 8ll0 0 l lll�:i, CENTRE TABLES. I 8 Elm 5 i5 ! SPRING BEDS, 1.8:t'.PTP,ESSES, { 7 5 (a I B.ifs1 C tl;R.lAGEs, 1ta, �u., i and as low as 4 u0 [ All away down to price. ' ' PARLOR SUITES That used Lo sell at 880 and $85, we can I give yon now for 850 I have all those lines of goods in stock and when bought in quantities we deliver free anywhere within 12 miles of Wingharn. I would like to have any one wanting anything in this line just to give me a call anti if you don't find goods just as cheap here as in Toronto or elsewhere. don't buy. But be sure and satisfy yourself as to what you can get here first. We also carry a line of MOULDINGS for PICTURE and WREATH FRAM- ING and MOULDING for putting around your rooms to hang pictures on. I can also give you special prices in CARPETS. Be sure and ask to see our Carpets. My motto is to sell goods and at prices as low as the lowest. all I ask is that you test me by calling. . GR OEY Furniture Dealer, &c. /.T 14kg 13 T - Cat © I also carry all necessaries for ]funeral Furnishings and atm prepared to attend to this branch of business at any hour Night ur Day, at prices just n as reasonable as any other doing a legitimate business. (NOTWITHSTANDING REPORTS CIRCULATED TO THE CONTRARY), and I with it distinctly under- stood that I have no agents out canvassing or soliciting for orders in this line, as I consider such action too low for respectability.. W1NGaRA31. S. GRACIE', Undertaker. 1,000 PIECES OF FROM 5cts. PER YARD UP. NN d' 1J From 4 Sts. per yard up. A Choice Stock of Men's and Eoy';5' -HARD AND SOFT HATS,, Direct Importation. ... ....... Ar JOB LOT AT 25Cts. EACH. A Call Solicited. T. A. MILLS, WINGLI ,_ 1