The Wingham Times, 1895-04-26, Page 44
THE l WING RAM 'I'.IMES, APRIL ?6, 1895..
lNt I 1 II it board must meet at least once a
iLLA un1 month. and as often tis they lake.
They may establish branch libraries,
and may open. "evening classes for
artisans, mechanics and workingmen,
i11 such subjects as may promote a
knowledge of the meehanieal .and
manufacturing arts." All libraries,
reading rooms and museums estab-
lished under this act shall be open to
the public free of charge. A provision
provides that contiguous municipali-
ties may "enter into an agreement
with the board of management for
the use of such library, and for such
representation ori the board as deem-
ed expedient. Teachers' Institutes
may become entitled to one represen-
tative on the board by transferring
their books to the library, and the
members of the Institute shall in that
case have equal rights with the
residents of the municipality in the
use of the library, The Government
grant will be one dollar for each
dollar sent by the board of man-
agement in the purchase of books
and papers, 'the limit being $200 for
books in cities and towns and $50.for
papers and magazines. The janitor
is to be a special constable, on the
order of the county judge. These
are the essential features of the bill.
oppe Brunswick House.
Wbi h ,m, - Ont
1L' 11 j ll Orr
FaIDAT APRIL 20, 1s95.
CoarPr: eTE returns from Haldi-
tr<nand place Dr. Montague's majority
lett 5$6.
Ma. CHARLTON has introduced a
will in the Dominion Parliament for
Che repeal of theiniquitous Franchise
Tiu debate on the Address in the
mouse of Commons was brought to a
dose on. Tuesday, the Address being
passed withouta division.
Hoar. Tilos. MCGREEVEY, of Mc-
«reevey-Connelly scandal fame, has
'been declared elected for Quebec
'West, on a. recount before a Judge.
IN a recent speech Hon. George W.
:Voss stated that it costs ;8.54 to edu-
Parliament was formally opened
on Thursday of last week. There
was a large attendance, and the
speech from the Throne was react by
the Governor-General, and was as
follows :
Honorable Gentlemen of the
Senate: Gentlemen of the House of
Commons; It is with much satisfac
tion that I again have recourse to
carte a child, $,)1.28 to keep a prisoner your advice and assistance in the ad -
in gaol, 0.28 to keep a prisoner in ministration of the affairs of the
;he Central prison. Yet some people Dominion.
'grumble over the cost of education! By the sudden and lamented death
Tiro 'Dominion Government has of the late Right 'Honorable Sir John
'been ].eclueated by the Imperial Thompson Canada has sustained a
heart -
authorities to send an agent to Lan- grievous loss. The deep and heart-
a',iant to ribes to with them the felt sym ]tithy expressed by her
1. points Most Gracious Majesty the . Queen,"
Braised in connection with the Can and• tale Aesilllfostltigl]S Ot' sorrow
4,dian copyright glieStion
‘.1.":1;11. which the distressing • intern-,
ilinE ITotr. J. M. (,ibson, Provincial gence was received throughout the
'ecretary, has informed thepro- empire, as well as tokens of esteem
liloters of the proposed Hospital for and respect everywhere paid to the
Lnsuillptf c vs,, that the Governmentmemory of the deceased statesman,
12B1 place the new llospita4 on the r have beengratefully, appreciated_ by 1
.est o alit+f?t T l? txiTlf j i'lh! € alE1. the people of Canada. j
Satisfacto1'y assurances have been
ARciiai.vioP reuidE i - "1-11-e received from her Majesty's Govern- t
;hurek will not sanction Godless ment respecting the interpretation of
.Lchonls_ eve want Catholic schools certain clauses in the treaty of cora- l
for Catholics, In a word; denomfna- lnerce with France. Ratifications.
tionat schools are what we seek. will be exehanged as soon as . neces-
1?el.gioa and scientific education must sary legislation .has been passed
a;oataani in hand. We want Catholic
iseh`ioli for Catholics, and let the Pro-
testanas have Protestant schools."
The recent action of the Imperial
Parliament, enabling the various!
Australasian Governments to enter
into preferential trade relations with
MR. DONALD GuTHR,IL, Q. C., ex -DI. t•
he other self-governing colonies of
JP. P., Gudlph, has been appointed to the empire, affords gratifying proofs,
Om vacant of,!ee of Inspentor of Regis- that the suggestions of the Colonial
try 0 f}trey, m'iclr, vacant try the death
Conference are being favorably en-
hor. he 1 • to Hon, c, I", ion". hir tet taiaed by her Majesty's Govern-
ioma;; goathw lith, Brockville, 1110L
editor t,f the Brockville Recorder, has In conformity with a recent judg- i
s , 2'►- ted t4 the po ition of ment of the Lords of the Judicial t
rk of Tt'c) i fry, the -41Pr Rosi- Committee of the Privy Council, to
it ort which Hon. C. i"'. Fraser held. the effect that the dissident minority
OTTnw' correspondent of the of the peopke of Manitoba have a
constitutional right of appeal to the I
Condon Advertiser : Mr. Patterson Governor-General in Council against
emus 'o longer to defend himself as certain acts passed by the Legisilt.!
member for Wet Buren, He has tore of the Province Of Manitoba in 1
1 ertin the to")blies for some days, but relation to the subject of education,1
"llh:e •only. remained in the House a few
srninates,'and it is said he will soon go
err a long visit to the United States,
and afterwards become Lieut: Gover-
nor of Manitoba. Thus West Huron
praetieally disfranchised until a
general eleetion takes place.
trade depression already referred to,
I observed everywhere unmistakable
signs of that confident hopefulness in
the future, based on a thorough he -
lief' in the greatness of the resources
of Canada, whieh is one of the char-
' aeteristitis of her people, and which
' furnishes a good augury and pledge
of further development and pro-
The Government of Newfoundland
having intimated its desire to renew
negotiations looking to the admission
of that colony into. the Dominion of
Canada, a sub -committee of my ad-
visers have recently met in confer-
ence a delegation from the island
Government and discus -ed with theta
the terms of union. It will be a sub.
ject of general congratulation if the
negotiations now pending result in
the incorporation of Her Majesty's
oldest colonial possession in the Cain-
adinn Confederation.
Measures relating to bankruptcy
.ancl insolvcney and to joint stock
companies will be laid before you.
You will also be asked to consider
certain amendments to the insurance
act, to the act respecting Dominion
notes, to the Dominion lands act, to
the Indian act, to the Northwest
Territories representation act, as also
a bill respecting the land subsidy of
the Canadian Pacific Bai1way Com-
pany. . •
Gentlemen of the House of Com-
mons: I have directed that the ac-
counts of the past year shall be laid
before you. The estimates for the
ensuing year will also be presented.
They have been framed with every
regard to economy compatible with
the efficiency of the public service.
Honorable Gentlemen of the
Senate: Gentlemen of the House of
Commons: I now leave you • to the
discharge of the important duties de-
volving upon you, with an earnest
prayer that, being guided by the
spirit of wisdom and patriotism,
your deliberations may, under the
Divine blessing, conduce to the unity
and well-being of Canada.
The Deinorest medal contest came
off on Tuesday . night, Miss Ida
Riley being the successful competitor.
The judges were : R. Adams, A.
Woodman and J. D. Melville. This
is the fifth silver medal that has been
taken in this Temperance lodge. -
Miss Nettie Webb has returned home
after visiting friends this last week
baek north. --Miss Bertha Young-
blutt, of' Auburn, spent Sunday with
friends in this vicinity. -Some time
ago, Mr. Thos. Manning, of this
village, had the little finger of his
right hand cut with a sliver, while
trying to break a piece of board, and
part of the sliver went into his finger.
After attending to it for several
weeks he has had to have the finger
amputated, -Rev. R. Henderson, of
Auburn, preached in the Presbyterian
church here on Sunday last. -The
next regular quarterly meeting of
the Lonclesboro Methodist church
will be helda week from Sunday,
May 5th. -We are pleased to learn
that Mrs. Wm. Longman is beginning
to mend, after her long illness. -
Mr. John Garrett still remains very
low. No hope of his recovery is
'entertained. -Mr. J. J. Walker has
built quite a large sized house and
'is going into hen raising. He has
ate. incubator, -Mr. Herb. 13e11 has
hired for the summer with our
butcher, Mr. T. Miller. -Mires Sadie
Stewart, of Blyth, has commenced a
class in painting aind needle work.
She has her rooms over Mr. J.
O'Brien's tailor shop. Any wishing
to learn either or both of these
branches she will be pleased to have, -
and the terns are very reasonable. -
• R. !lana., which practically wipes
ctit ?Mechanics' Institutes b- consoli
sting then! into Public Libraries,
wets passed st elle r'(Cent t,essiOit Of
tat Ontario':alaturc. It 'aovides;•
the blard of nianarettn'tt shall
of the mayor, three persons -
]iced oy lug: council, t..rte by
pni►iie 'i_s10,' d, no InClnl,tit' '( any
citing hot?' b.)ing ellg".147e. The
THAT unfi►rtunate French treaty
llxs to be brought before Parliament
T gain. It is said that the acceptance
Cy Canada of the treaty will involve
thegranting by the Dominion of the
44;i ue concessions to Germany and
I,eigiunt that are made to the French
Republic; and in the ease of Ger-
tastily and Ilcigiuin there is to be no
-equivalent. Parliament should re -
,t the treaty, even if it is the only
thing that Sir Charles Tupper has
done fo; the thousands that lie has
tiravvit out of the i:ublic treasury as
I1igh Commissioner.
I have heard in "Council the appeal
and my decision thereon has been;
communicated to the Legislature of i
the said Province. The papers. on ,
the subject will be laid. before you,
The depression in trade which has
prevailed throughout the world for
the past few years has made itself
felt in Canada, but fortunately .to a'
less degree than in most other coun-
tries. Althoiigh this has not resulted Live Stook Markets.
in any considerable decrease in the Toronto, April 23. -In butchers' ,
volume of our 'foreign trade, yet,cattle the feeling to -day was a little
owing to low prices and recent re -'easier at the Western cattle yards, -
dactions in and removal of taxation, I Buying for export was not active for
it has been followed by a serious de- the want of the proper kind of cattle.
crease in revenue derived from eus-1 In hogs there was agood trade, but
toms and excise. In order tea pro- the feeling was only steady. Offer -
duce equilibrium between revenue i Ings of all stuff were 30 carloads, in -
and expenditure for the coining year f eluding 900 hogs,. 97 sheep and
it will be necessary to observe the' lambs, over 100 calves, and a dozen
greatest possible economy hi the ap- milch cows. Butchers' Cattle --•
proprai.tie)ns for the various branches : Everything sold before the close of
of the public serviee. I the day, but the feeling was slightly
During the period that has elapsed easier. Not many really good
since the last session of Parliament 11 butchers' cattle offered. Top price
have had an opportunity of visiting [ about 4e per pound for choice cattle,
many portions of the Dominion, iii one or two pieked Beads going a
eluding the Maritime Provinces, ; fraction higher, Common tattle, to
Manitoba, the Northwest Territories 1 to 3lc, with rather slow inquiry.
and British Columbia. Throughout i l xpert cattle slow. One batch ,ot 10
these tours I have been impressed 't attic, 1,200 pounds •average, %did :at
and gratified by 'manifestations dam tic, and a few more lots at about the
abounding loyalty and public ,spirit, same figure for good, steers, :and 4c
and, notwithstanding the phase of per ;potttnd for ;bulls, Yoga •-Vrices
Jerome Dentist,. Wing.
ham, says: 'Williams Little Dandelion
Pills are the best in the market."
saysiv."CTlheeore CirnuoicPlel ,ieqaunakl toPWunlbllearnrys,
Little Dandelion Pills."
Mr. Finlay Anderson, Es -Deputy.
Reeve of East Wawanobh, says: "They
are the most satisfactory Pill 1 have ever
Thomas Taylor, Warden for the
County of Huron, says: "I wouidnot use
any other Pill,"
Chas, Picoetor, 4th line of Morris,
says: "1 would not be without Williams'
Little Dandelion Pills."
Jas, Gaunt, Ex -Warden for County
of Bruce, saws: "1 have found than iii -
deed a wonderful Pill."
Hundreds of 11koTestimonials furnish,
ed on application.
no higher, although trade was active.
Good long, lean hogs, 5e to 5ie,
weighed off cars, mostly about 5e
per pound, Fat hogs, $4.90 to $5
per cwt. " and store about the same.
Not many sheep and lambs came in,
and the market was steady at Fri-
day's quotations. Good grain•fed
yearlings, 5c to 5e. Spring lambs
scarce and wanted; sales at about
$3.50 to $4.75 each. No inquiry for
shipping sheep. Calves ---Too many
offered; feeling decidedly weak; 4
head sold for $2.50 for the lot; top
prices, $4.50 to $5.
Montreal, Q., April 22. -Notwith-
standing that the weather was un-
favorable, a cold rain having fallen
all day, the market was a very brisk
one, and the attendance of both
buyers and sellers was considered
good. There were over 400 butch-
ers' cattle, some of which were in
excellent condition, and will no doubt
be bought by shippers to fill up a
load. There were 450 calves, but,
the market appeared to be glutted
consequently prices ruled low. Sheep
and lambs were in demand, but
there were only 20 sheep and 60
spring lambs. The butchers' cattle
sold at prices varying from 3 -le 1i 5c
per ib. and some which were not in
good order were offered at even
lower prices. The cold rain and the
muddy state of the market had a
bad•effoct on the poor cattle and the
young calves. The latter were sold
as low as $1 each, and the highest
price paid was $6. Sheep brought
from $4 « $6 each, and spring Iambs
$2.75 ; $4.75. Fat hogs are in de-
mand and culling higher, 5c « 5 c
being asked. Drovers are searching
the eountry far and near for beef
cattle and sheep for shipping pur-
poses.. It is reported that shippers
have ' been offered lower rates in
New York than in this city, and Mr.
Robert Biekerdike has engaged five
steamers to load with American
cattle at 3s 6d per head.
East, Buffalo, April 22. -Cattle --
Receipts, 88 cars through ; 130 on
sale ; market very dull for steers,
with 40e to 50e decline for export
grades, and 15e to. 20e for handy
and medium weights. Fat cows and
heifers and common grades steady.
Good heavy steers, $$5.45 to $5.55 ;
extra prime export quotable at $5.70
to $5.80 ; medium weights, $5.20 to
$5.35 ; light to handy steers, $4.65
to $5.25 ; fair to prime fat heifers,
$3.75 to $4.65; fair to good fat cows,
$3.25 to $4.50 ; common, $2.50 to
$3.00 ; mixed butchers' stock, $3.50
to $4.50; fatbulls lower; butchers',
$3 to $3.50; exports, 25c lower at
$3.75 to $4.25 ; oxen, is to le lower;
fair to choice fat, smooth, $3.50 to
$4.75 •, stockers stronger ; light to.
prune, $3.25 to $3.85; veals, Le to'
is lower : fair to extra, $3.25 to
$4.60. • Closed steady for common
grades, and active for heavy steers
at 25c to 35e per Cwt decline, with
sales of good to best at $5.75 to
$5:95; and fat light weight Texans
at $4.90 to $5.00. Hogs --Receipts,
48 cars through, 115 on sale, Market
steady ; Yorkers, $5.10 to $5.15 ;
mixed packers generally $5,15 ;.
good mediums, 220 to 225 lbs. $5.10
to $5.20; good to prime heavy, $5.25
to $5.30, mostly $5.25 ; roughs,
$4.25 to $4.50 ; stags, ?a3.2(, to $4.00.
Closed barely steady, but about all
the offerings were sold. Sheep and
Lambs -Receipts, 21 ears through,
90 on sale, Market steady ; for
wools strong and for clipped stock ;
fair to good mixed wool sheep, $4 to
$4.60 ;. common, t-3.50 to $3.75;
clipped, $3,50 to $4.25 ; prime wool
lambs, $5.60 to $5.85 ; fair to good,
$3.75 to $5,60 ; clipped lambs, $4.25
to $5.30 ; good fall clipped, $5.3() to
$5,40. Market closed with prices
uuchanged, and fair clearance of
good stock. No demand for export
sheep or heavy lots at above $5,40
per cwt for heavy wethers. A good
many Heavy sheep unsold at close,
including some Canadas.
For 20 Years
i the formula for making Scott's
Emulsion has been endorsed by
physicians of the whole world. No
secret about it, This is one of its
strongest endorsements, But the
strongest endorsement possible is
in the vital strength it gives.
0 L
nourishes. It does more for w 'a'k
Babies and Growing Children than
any other kind of nourishment. it:
strengthensWeak Mothers and re-
stores health to all suffering frorn
Emaciation and General Debility.
For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron-
ohitis. Weak Lungs, Consumption, Blood
Diseases and Loss of Flesh.
Scott & Downs, Belleville. All Druggists. SOD. & $t.
AGENTS WANTED -ho trearn from
'i tatweekly. i oatire done selling
our hardy, guaranteed, Canadian -grown
Nursery Stook. Salary or commission
paid weekly. Exclusive territory. Hand-
some outfit free. Write us at once for
E. 0. GRAIIAM, Nurseryman.
Toronto, Ont.
'Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia
in 20 1,.1au7&S. at o C,>nted Tongue, Dizzi-
ness. Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation
T. -'pid Liver,,11 u1 rireata, To stay cur••d anri
ret:u.ate the bowels. VERY 1V106 TO TAKE.
The public are hereby cautioned against
giving credit to my wife, Jane Sibbald,
after this date, without my written order,
as she has left my bed and board. I will
not be rest.onsible for any debts con-
tracted by her. •
Bluevale, Ont.
Bluevale, April 15th, 1895.
YOU Kii0',.F, IT?
J. CLEGG ' & CO.,
• Elgin, Waltham, Rockford,
have purchased the Hardware Busi- Columbus, warranted for
ness of J. A. Cline & Co., and we 1 four years,
Wingham, April 3115, 1895.
Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
Flour per 100 lbs 1 40 to 1 75
EalloWheat. • 0 70 to 0 72
Spring Wheat 0 70 to 0 72
Oats 003 35t1 too 0 82
IPeasay............ ...... 0 55 to 0 50
I Butter, rolls 00 10, ... 0 12 to 0 12
Eggs per dozen 0 013 to 0 08
Wood per cord.... .. ,
107 :10'500 ttooo 081 530
PHoatyatpoeers,toenc bushel
Tallow, per lb 0 03 to 0 05
Dried Apples, per lb 0 3i to 0 95
Fall Wheat, 0 00 to 0 08
Spring Wheat0 00 to 0 08
Ba ley 0 40 to 0 45
Oats 0 32 to 0 83
Peas 0 55 to 0 05
Potatoes, per bushel0 40 to 0 50
Butter 0 11 to 0 12
Togs, per dozen 0 08 to 0 09
Hay ... , ... 7 00 to 7 50 s•
Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00
Wool ....017to020-
Wroxeter, April 25, 1895.
Fall Wheat.. , ., 0 08 to 0 70
Spring Wheat 0 05 to 0 08
Barley.. . .. 0 40 to 0 40
Oats .. .... 0 32 to 0 32.
Peas 0 55 to 0 55
Potatoes, per bushel0 35 to 0 35
Butter 0 12 to 0 12
Eggs, per dozen 0 09 to 0 09
Ilay 8 00 to 800
Wood, short 1 75 to 1 75.
Wool 0 18 to 0 18.
Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 5 00
450 to 550
Dave you noticed by the press how many of the
students of
intro been placed In mood positions during the past
year, notwithstanding the depression in trade?
Two more have been added to the List: ,
Last week wo noted the placing of J. C. McMahon
with Dayton Paper Novelty Co., of Chicago.
This week Mr. Wnt. Walters us Stenographer with
Wnt. S. 111u1 bra,,, 3rd Ave. and ]77th St., New York.
April and May are two of the best months in the
year in which to make a start.
Write for Catalogue if interacted. Address,
1). hfeLAORI,
Chatua. Ont.
A first-olass Baking Business for sale;
doing a good trade in Bread and Cakes...
Apply to Box 102, Wingham, Ont.
We are pleased to anuounco that nnv Books or
Magazines lets with us for Binding, will have our
prompt attention. Prices for Binding to any style
will be given on application tethe Timms OMHee.
Has decided to open a Dress and Mantle.
Making business at her hoine, No, 83,.
Edward street, Wingham, near Baptiste
church. Cutting and fitting a specialty..
Satisfaction guaranteed.
with snap shot bargains to
suit the times.
are headquarters for :
Land Plaster,
Spray Pumps,
Galvanized and
Annealed Fence Wire,
Barb Wire,
Truss Cable,
Barbies, 3 Plait,
Wire and Cut Nails,
Builders' Hardware,
Spades, Shovels,
Rakes, Hoes, &c.,
Rubber Paint.
OIR, $6_75_
From 02.50 up.
We have 'the largest and
most complete stock of
suitable for wedding and
birthday presents, in the
eV -matches, Clocks and
Jewelry repaired at lowest
rates, and fully guaranteed,
Winghaui, Nov. 15th, 1894.
The Optician.,
The Best Blood Purifier, Tonic and General health Restorer ever offered to mankind. We do not fear coni•
parison 1 You will get more genuine permanent benefit out of ONE BOTTLE of
than out of a whole dozen of any outer "Compound" on the market. It contains no injurious drugs, and is based
on GI:ronarn instead of ALcon:ot. Try it! You will then knew the truth, ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE,
BE SURE AND CBT dcllil. l i ` "' i► „